Transcripts For FBC Stossel 20140811 :

FBC Stossel August 11, 2014

Whether big brother is here, and what to do about it, that is our show tonight. Were in las vegas for a special edition of our show. I am joined by almost 2000 people, who care enough about liberty to come here to a conference called, freedom fest. Worlds largest gathering of free minds this years freedom fest topic is big brother. The phrase comes from George Orwells 1984. About the future where people are watched. Big brother is watching to scare people who might oppose the regime. Is that America Today . This group says yes, and yes say people protea party groups like matt, and jenny. But before we talk to you. Lets talk about another way some say government controls us by manipulating our money. And you say that is a form of big brother, steve forbes what do you mine . Money is measure of value. It picks winners and loser when the government regulates it, it hurts the economy. Our growth rates are falling. What do you mean manipulate, they want to keep it stable . Stable, they keep changing the value. Imagine if they did that to ti time. John they do this by printing more money, and buying bonds in other ways. It will cost a typical American Family 1000 each year. John people on the left, we have your support . Say 2 inflation is pretty good we need to have this to boost the economy, and end unemployment. That hurts the economy. John are they all stupid . They went to fancy schools. Well, they once thought the sun revolveed around the earth, some are still in the universities today. In the economic department. John data i have showed before the fed there were 9 recessions in 30 years before, 30 years after. 6 recessions. Fewer, last 30 years, 3 recessions, and maybe they are doing something right . No, john. They look back andal waugs say it iallenwastler always say a recession. We pay the price for it. John gold is just as a metal why pick it for value . Better than anything else, after years of experience, in terms of Intrinsic Value, gold keeps the Intrinsic Value better than anything else. If in private sector you counterfeit, you go to jail, if the government they call it stimulus. A lot of people here are worryed about massive inflation, i am worryed about it too. So they buy gold, how many of you have bought gold . I would say most put your hands up. How do people buy it . I have some with me. They sell things like, this is a one ounce coin. 1300 dollars, and advantage of these is what . If there is massive inflation and costs 5,000 for a loaf of bred, the baker will know the value of this . And will honor this . Goal always survive gold always survives politicians that is why it is not so much an investment but a form of insurance. Against malpractice, economic malpractice by your authorities. John some of have you bought silver like this. 200 world. Other part of the nanny state, you for tea party. You got picked on by the irs . Spyed. That certainly big brother. Held up our nonprofit status for our tax application. John because the rule is you are not supposed to be too closely aligned with politicians. The rule that has been in place since 1957, all of a sudden in 202 2010 they had troe understanding what that rule meant. John tea partys checked out at a rate 10 times more than others. Conservative groups targeted 100 , so, the Inspector General said that. John what targeted means not just so us your paperwork, it was show us this then show us that, and again, and again. Show us they asked a lot of questions. John what was on your Facebook Page . The password, every speech you gave. Gave. Speeches, not just speeches that i gave but people of speeches that came and spoke at our events, and after they, many people around the country afraid to speak out, because, they are afraid to be associated with us they may get audited. John you would answer the questions they would come back with more. And they would delay, and delay, and delay, as they were waiting to ask the questions. John you are doing something right, have you 1. 3 million facebook fans . Yes. John and matt, you wrote a book, dont hurt people, what is your points . My points is that the value of liberty you that night us are simple. It is abou what your mom taught, dont hurt people, dont take their stuff, take responsible for your own actions, this is basic rules that apply to everyone that subscribes to kwhrd oideaof liberty, differeu dont know what their agenda is, but you know they have the ability to target you, because you might hurt them, that is what is so scare bewhat is going on today, a rule of man not the rule of law, our argument is simple. We should treat everyone just like everyone else. John clear fi, that rule of man versus rule of law . A lot of people say i would like someone to make a judgment, that rule of man sounds adjust inthan rulableablethan rule of law. 2 words, lois lerner. Our letters were signed by lois lerner and a lot of americans want anonymous bureaucrats to act because some people want to kill us. So the nsa, gathers data and says it is protects us from terrorists. What is your problem with that . Lindsey graham said this is fine because he said that if you do nothing wrong, have you nothing to hide. John this is the republican senator from south carolina. Sort of a republican, yes. John if you do nothing wrong you have nothing hide, a lot woupl agree would agree. They have targeted every single americanmade a phone call since 2006, they have your data your stuff, we know that nsa is just like the irs, they are not useing it to protect us, they are iceing it to target useing it to target certain people with agendas, they have gone afternoon old girlfriends and old boyfriends, if they do it to them, why wouldnt they do it to us. John mostly old girlfriends, a name for it love hits, i just wanted to see where she was. How have they gotten us . They have not locked people up. Washington post said some attacks were prevented. It is not what they have done, it is what they can do, lois lerner has proven the points, you cannot trust anybody, nobody is good enough, stpharstart enough smart enor virtuous enough to have this power over the rights of all americans. Lets talk about big brother part, we may not agree. Steve, i add mich what have you done. You admire for what you have done, fighting for economic freedom. But on some social issues, i think you are big brother. That is what my daughters say. John you are supposed to be an authority to your kids that is different. But, you dont me to have the right to kill myself if i am old and sick . You dont think that people should have a right to assisted suicide. Doctors are supposeded to save lives not kill lives. Is that a police state too, it is my life. How about how about. John illegal drugs, my body, condition i take what i want . With the liquor have you certain ages, and certain rules. Because, certain ages you may not make the right decision. Decision. John age 21 i can have heroin . No, because heroin is one of those drugs that when you take it, it is unmerciful. Smoking, booze, you take it you can usely get over it girlfriends you usually get over them, but the heroin, is an easily addictive drug, real rules are needed. John do you agree rules against heroin . Most say no, what about you tea party . You should be free to do what you want, as long as you dont hurt people or take their stuff. [applause] john should i be able to burn a flag. If you want to burn a flag go ahead. Had gays be should gays be allowed to mary. Go ahead. All right, . Areas of agreement, but, on a lot of these issues like money they try to shroud it in comment complexity. Thank you steve, jeny and matt. What do you think . Does government go too far. Does maybe big brother keep us safer . Tell us on twitter, use that hash tag freedom tp eft. Anfest, coming up, i go after hypocrisy of some of my friends here in las vegas, more from freedom fest when we come back. [ male announcer ] if you suffer from a dry mouth then youll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. Specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene for people who suffer from dry mouth. John i notice in this big audience here add freedom first its mostly men. Yes, mostly men. And it is an older crowd. People no. John people congres come onf you are my age, for something well liberty that is more interesting to men and to us older people . Maybe. How many of you here are under 40, . Really. I am glad some young people see the importance of liberty and threat of big brother, emily, said, there will be more. So, you are taking polls now, for reasons, you conducted some polls that you say bring good news . The good news is that one, millennial support for government how many of you know that word millennial . We mean 18 to 29, 18 to 30, their support for Big Government has been overblown. John in your poll you found, people large government. How many of you want large government. You ask this young group, what do they say, most say yes. Yes. A majority of young people, only cohorts that say, they would prefer a larger government with more services, we asked another question, we asked would you rather have a larger government offering more services and high taxes . Or a Smaller Government with fewer services and low taxes, difference is we mention taxes, guess what happens . Support flipped. A majority then want a Smaller Government. John are young people stupid . They dont understand the Big Government means higher taxes . We see this cohort does not know what we mean with Big Government, not an effective phrase, they are not connecting taxs with that phrase. 123450 young people are less afill greated with democrats or or republicans. True. John i was surprised, domecrats win on budget deficit. More of these kids thought that democrats would address the budget deficit . A lot of young people became after Bush Administration overe over afterward. Republicans lost cred billow this issue. If you care about social tolerance, 62 say they are socially liberal, who do you pick . The party who you feel cares more about social toll repbs, and individual rights Neither Party will be good to spending. Young people care about social talent. True, something that really stkrbs them from older cohorts. When you asked someone fiscal issues, which is better, capitalism or socialism . Capitalism wins. 42 are for socialism. That surprises a lot of people. John dont they notice, soviet union, and cuba. No, they dont. Motor vehicles. The cold war was over. John they dont know what socialism is. It sounds like social caring . A lot of people think it is when caring for vulnerable. However when you are more specific in word you use, precise, would have you a free market economy or an economy manageed by the government, people young people favor a free market. John i should stop saying capitalism and talk about free market, and 58 said that Government Agencies abuse power. Word generally is astounding. Not on occasion, but generally, that is astounding. And 2 3 dont trust regulators . True, we found 63 say that government regulators when they write and enforce regulation, favor special interests over the public. John but they want regulations, they want environment made prestine and Global Warming stop and everything made safe. It is the dilemma of american politics. John should there be any regulations . No. John none . No. 5 years ago pew asked, when someone is run by the government is it efficient. 42 percent agreed. This year the same question. 66 . We asked this question with same wording in 2009. There is an surge in this perception that government is wasteful, now millennials reflect Older Americans on this issue, thank you emily, next more from freedomfest on big brother, and the nanny state. Yeah. I had no idea i had shingles. There was like an eruption on my skin and burning. Id lift my arm and the pain back here was excruciating. When i went to the doctor his first question was did you have chickenpox . I thought it was something that, you know, old people got. When folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Bp supports more than aca quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Free market society, we dont. People are getting put in jail in u. S. All of the time for nothing, victimless crimes, idea that government should make our choices for us, is one that a lot of people prefer. John those are clips from a new movie about the american nanny state, that will be released tomorrow, the guy who made is tim dell mast re. Your points is freedom from choice. I came up with that title i would have thought that people would like freedom of choice, whether it is i do. You would think that everyone does, but, when you look into it most people would prefer the freedom from making choices and important decisions, i thought the title. Freedom from choice was adequate. John idea that government should make our choices for us is one that a lot of people prefer . Yeah, well, if you want to be a independent sovereign person, you need to have some level of responsibility, responsibility for your own life, decisions and action that is something that is daunting for a lot of people, moment people would prefer to allow the government to make their choices for them. John because government cares about all of us, and will make sure were safe, and we dont pollute, and hur hurt others. In theory is makes sense. But what happens is power gets abused. John a couple areas you cover in the film. Finance, most americans i assume would like the government to protect their deposits. Yeah. But what happens when the government guarantees mortgages or deposits is that banks can do all kinds of things with our money, invest in speculative things on wall street, some investment leverage over 100 to 1. At the end. If they lose the money the government makes them whole, they get bailed out. John most americans support the fda, making sure all drugs are safe and effective before you take them. Yeah. John why are you groaning . I mean, in theory it makes sense to have government overseeing it. But, by ops was a antiinflammatory drug created by merck, it was left on the market for over a year it killed 60,000 people, and it was left on market for years because the fda comment approveing it. John some any greasey drug company greedy drug company be allowed to sell any pill without government approval . You in you may have noticed his, tim you for australia . My dad is from the u. S. But i live in australia now. John why are you picking on america, australia is bad. Sydney morning harley, australia the great nanny state, australia forces people to vote, you must vote, they banned rrated video games, you get a fine if you bike without a helmet. True, im not defending that australia is a nanny state it is, but i wanted to focus in u. S. , because, look john in australia you cant buy a round of drinking at the pub after midnight. That is not true, i do that all the time. John we read that somewhere. You must have to lock your car in parts in you are more than 3 meters from it, and windows must be wound down more than 5 centimeters. Centimeters. I heard that. John police state has investment preventing crimes. Right if you want to leave your car unlocked and tas take e risk that is a crime. I want to focus on u. S. Because, there are nanny state countries all over the world in history too. But, in a country like u. S. , where it was founded on principles of freedom, individual liberty, when they turn to the nanny state or moves toward a nanny say the it is worth toward making a film about that. John thank you, tim. Coming up, do you think that president obama acts like he is president or like he is a king . King john we debate the imperial presidency next. Theres a reason no one says easy like monday morning. Sundays are the warriors day to unplug and recharge. What if this feeling could last all week . With centurylink as your trusted partner, it can. Our visionary Cloud Infrastructure and Global Broadband network free you to focus on what matters. With Custom Communications solutions and dedicated support, your business can shine all week long. John were back at freedom fest in las vegas, founders of america feared Big Government too, that is why we have checks and balances, the constitution, this it is, and the declaration of independence but it limits what a president can do. Supreme court has a right to say no, that is unconstitutional if it is not in here, it is good we have this system, we should have our copys. We enjoy here. Politicians dont like these limits on their power, what congress doesnt do what president obama wants he just does it anyway, using what he calls, executive power. He did it swapping 5 call ban 5 taliban prisoners for sergeant bergdahl. And this is not right were going to stop him say tim and Christina Sande sanderer ford. How are you going to stop them . Well, you know, we are going to sue him, in fact we both have lawsuits that are challengeing various aspects of obamacare right now. [applause] the family that sues the president together sticksing it. John you just got married. But your think tank is in sacramento, and yours is in phoenix. We liveing it more often than bill and Hillary Clinton do. Oh,. John what is the worst offense against the constitution that this administration has done. If i had to name one, it would be obamacare, president s signature achievement he is proudest of is largest single assaulted on the constitution that president has overseen in particular, is because, were talking about big brother. One of the principal difference between a free society, and big brother, law prohibits you from doing things that are bad, and big brother, the law trying to force you to do thing that political leaders think is good, with things like individual mandate, obamacare crosses that line, trying to

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