Transcripts For FBC Risk And Reward With Deidre Bolton 20171

Transcripts For FBC Risk And Reward With Deidre Bolton 20171122

democrat president signed it into law? and also the strange and yes ironic history behind it. this is a scandal now at the level of the famous house check scandal in the early 1990s that affected the midterms then but now what's happening also another day another hollywood big wig falls the latest charges against liberal director oliver stone, accused of purposely humiliating that famous female star, during a movie audition. find out what he is acused of doing abdomen what melissa gilbert is saying about it. next up this is the 12 year storm triple a says it is the biggest thanksgiving travel weekend in a dozen years, live on the ground monitoring the thanksgiving traffic flood, americans on the move, we've got what you and your family need to watch out for. tonight, the daily caller conservative millennial, former ice agent, david ward, with the latest on the border cop killer and dr. keith adlow at the thanksgiving dinner table all here all tonight. welcome to risk & reward i'm elizabeth macdonald. let's get to your money the dow is closing down slightly in the red down about 65 points, the nasdac is finishing in record territory, listed by biotech and healthcare stocks, take a check of the russel 2000 and small caps also hit a historic day high in the day slightly in the red and look at this americans are heading into the busiest thanksgiving travel day in a dozen years. millions of travelers now taking to the road it is america on the move. they're trying to get to their loved ones for the holiday to kickoff tonight's coverage we've got fox teams on the ground with the latest. let's take a check of car maker stocks like ford and gm, closing the day in the red toyota closing the day slightly in the green. we want to get to fox business' jeff flock look where he is. he's on the road. he's in chicago, jeff how is it going? >> jeff: you know, the president just tweeted that actually, the thanksgiving travel holiday is going very smoothly and i've got to agree with him on this one. we've been out on the roads all day in chicago even passing through o'hare airport and it actually hasn't been bad. take a look at the numbers though, 50 plus million people this year, it's the most people to travel over a thanksgiving holiday since the year 2005. the improved economy is getting credit for all of that and they're doing this travel despite the fact that gas prices have been up this year compared to last year. if you take a look at some of the most expensive gas in the country, out in california, $ 3.20. big time some of the cheapest gas down in the south places like alabama, mississippi, south carolina but i'll tell you people are willing to pay it apparently they have the money and a lot of folks have on the road this year elizabeth and you know, what can i say? that's a good thing. >> liz: jeff we hope you're having a lot of coffee while you're driving out there hitting the road all over the place. good to see you jeff flock we love having you on. >> thanks liz. >> liz: a record 28.5 million people will fly on u.s. airlines between last friday and the tuesday after thanksgiving. that's up about 69,000 passengers versus last year. the heaviest day is expected to be sunday after turkey day, this coming sunday. it's expected to be the busiest of all. look at this, nearly 3 million people taking to the skies. u.s. airlines stocks like jet blue, delta, united closing the day in the red, american slightly in the green. let's get to fox news mike tobin on the ground at o'hare airport in chicago. hi, mike how is the situation over there? >> mike: you know, i've seen it worse here at o'hare. you've got the tsa line piling up because we're just about at peak hours but not spilling out out of the street. by and large across the country the weather is cooperating. we've got bad weather out on the east coast according to flight aware and delays out of new york but the rest of the country things are clipping along. do not be surprised if you'll see extra security when you get to the airport here at o'hare. we saw swat officers with long rifles. we know at least in houston, officers are showing up at the airport with ar-15. that's not related to a specific threat. it's more related to the new normal and the random threat that there really is apart of every day. the bad news is really going to happen at those tsa checkpoints. recently the inspector general did an audit of tsa and the tsa did rather poorly, failing 70% of the time according to leaks in media reports to capture things that were sent through the tsa checkpoints like fake guns, fake explosives, things that were supposed to be caught so as a result you're going to see the tsa a little less focused on getting people through quickly, a little more focused on detecting what is in those bags don't be surprise if you've got anything larger than a cell phone and its got to come out of the bag. now, the triple a website is posting the peak hours for travel today at the bigger airports. i can give you a couple two or three of them without getting too boring. chicago here five to 6:00 p.m. is the peak hour. los angeles, 3:15-6:00 p.m. and new york city 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. with big airports there and one last note. despite the imperfections with the tsa up until the point of october, through october, agents detected some 3600 guns that people attempted to get through security in their checked baggage. probably a mistake but it's obviously a big problem that shuts down the whole line. if you were to do that you'd be very unpopular with everybody behind the line. you don't have to leave your gun at home but you can't take it with on your carryon baggage. elizabeth back to you. >> liz: have a happy thanksgiving. the average price of a traditional thanksgiving dinner is at a five year low according to the american farm bureau federation in fact if you have 10 people, it's going to cost you around $49 this year, well $ 4 per person is what this federation says. now whole foods look at this, cutting prices on thanksgiving staples like turkey, canned pumpkin and potatoes, whole foods now owned by amazon closed today up by about 1.5% to $1156 a share. for more on that story let's bring in fox business' hillary vaughn joins me from one of the stores whole foods. go ahead hillary. >> hillary: hi, liz. well we constantly hear about brick-and-mortar trying to compete with online retailers so amazon is bringing their online marketplace, their benefits they offered their members a part of the amazon prime program giving them benefits in their whole foods grocery stores, at least half of all-american households have amazon prime memberships and for thanksgiving they're cutting down on holiday staples giving people deep discounts not only are they cutting down on the prices of turkey, green beans, sweet potatoes but if you're a prime member you get more discounts off of that. their goal is to bring their customers that are already online into their stores to go shopping so they're making a few big changes leading up to the holidays. they want you to cross a few items off your grocery list stocking up on some things for thanks giving dinner. they slashed prices nationwide on holiday staples by about 20% but liz, they also want you to cross a few things off your christmas list while you're stocking up for thanksgiving dinner. i want to walk you down this aisle. here is something you don't normally see in a grocery store. you have amazon with a display with their tech devices that they're trying to push for the holiday season. these are throughout stores, across the country. another big change that you're going to see, the amazon lockers are going in whole foods stores as well. this is where you can get your amazon shipments delivered and also return things to amazon by just dropping them off at whole foods. liz this is a part of their big plan to kind of make their whole foods brick-and-mortar locations a one-stop shop for absolutely everything that you do, so while they're not necessarily the most competitive with discount big box grocery stores with the cheapest prices, they do want to become essentially the most convenient place to do your groceries store shopping and e sent shaly one stop shop for everything liz. >> liz: that was interesting thank you so much hillary hope you have a happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving. >> liz: another positive economic indicator. look at this, jobless claims have been trending at low levels not seen since 1970. the number of americans filing for jobless benefits fell last week after two straight weekly increases and initial claims for state unemployment benefits declining 13,000 so look at that the it's adjusted from 239,000. for more on what's going on on the stock market let's get to the new york stock exchange with the latest nicole. >> nicole: well a record for the nasdac and that was the big news on wall street the nasdac moved to a new high today but the dow and the s & p pulled back, all three still higher for the week on the nasdac though i will say trip advisor, bed, bath and beyond and discovery helped lead the way. also noting that while stocks are mixed the dollar was weaker and we are likely to see that rate hike in december. jobless claims came in and this was a good sign for the economy so 13, 239 last week and that was more than the 9,000 expected by economists. the 4.1% that we seen for unemployment that is the lowest that it has been since the year 2000. back to you. >> liz: thank you, nicole. hope you have a happy thanksgiving as well. now this story the u.s. government paid out $17 million to settle sexual harassment and discrimination charges against a member of congress but most congressmen when asked they had no idea about this fund. we dug into it and found out which president signed it into law. can you guess who? we'll tell you after this. >> i was surprised to hear there was a hush money fund. >> never heard of that. i never tapped into it or used it. >> i had absolutely no idea. life happens. that's why feeling safe is priceless. with adt, you can feel safe with an adt starter kit professionally installed for only $49.00. call today, and install an adt starter kit that includes security panel, keypad, key fob, entry and motion sensors and for a limited time, get a camera included and installed at no additional cost. that's a $449.00 value, installed, for just $49.00. adt has over 140 years of security experience, with our commitment to customer service, and round-the- clock professional monitoring, you have the comfort of knowing that adt is helping to protect what matters most. call today, or visit to get your adt starter kit installed for just $49.00. adt. we help keep you safe, so you can feel secure. call 1-888-337-safe or visit and get your adt starter kit for just $49.00. >> liz: it's a massive hack that ride sharing app uber purposely kept secret for a year paying $100,000 in ransom money to two hackers to cover the hack up and keep it secret. the hackers stole the personal information of 57 million uber customers and drivers a year ago at least five states, new york, illinois, missouri, connecticut, massachusetts now reportedly investigating uber over the hack on the hundred thousand dollars cover up, but it only came to light after the board hired a law firm and they discovered it. sexual harassment charges now sets the stage in washington d.c., so when asked many members of congress said they have no idea that $17 million has been paid out over the last 20 years to settle 268 sexual harassment and other discrimination charges that settlement money, your money, it came out of a secret hush fund setup in the mid 90s and guess who signed it into law president bill clinton. >> i am extremely pleased and i think the american people are extremely pleased that we are beginning the new year with a reform that requires congress to live under the laws it imposes on the american people. it will help us to do what we must do to continue to fight, to bring a reality check to washington. this bill demonstrates the common resolve of people here that those in power should not lose touch with those who sent them here. we must make this system more open, more fair, and less elitei st. >> [applause] >> liz: that's president bill clinton signed it into law and now here is the ironic history behind it. the point of the broader law that president clinton was talking about was to finally make congress follow a dozen labor laws that congress wrote for the rest of the country, but for which congress had exempted itself, but within this law, that secret slush fund was setup , letting congressional settle abusive behavior in secret in the shadows of no consequences, using your tax money. let's bring in daily caller editorial director vince collona ise. so bill clinton signed it into law. yes and can you believe it? a number of things here, one he's been accused many times himself settled some of his own cases and that notwithstanding so you call this the congressional accountability act other than the affordable care act this is like number one or two in the worst named legislation because in no way are these members of congress being held accountable. are they named here publicly? no. do they pay their own money in these settlements? no, they're using taxpayer money to do this, $17 million and the idea so many members of congress can be ignorant about how $17 million just evaporated since the congressional accountability act was passed is not that encouraging to the american people who already think washington is handling everything poorly. >> liz: yes an important point you make who knows if bill clinton knew about it, if it was slipped in at the 11th hour but vince, this is worse than the famous notorious house check scandal of the early 90s where politicians were overdrawing their expense thes and john conyers was also implicated in that but here is the thing, vince. republicans capitalized on that scandal to sweep democrats out of power and seize back control of the senate led by with help of newt gingrich. can republicans, who knows what more what other shoes that are going to drop in this secret slush fund to settle sexual harassment and discrimination charges? do you think republicans can capitalize on it to maybe keep control in the midterm? >> vince: well there's an appetite to get control of this and it's the reason donald trump became president of the united states. to drain the swamp thinking. the idea being look, there's a slush fund. currently dedicated to protecting elites from sexual harassment allegations and other harassment allegations that's being paid out by taxpayer money all of that is a very thing animated very tipped off to get them to people who will change that and right that ship and demand transparency and demand people who need to be held th ible are in a way that punishes them. >> liz: talk about draining the swamp they keep talking about yes we're transparent the voters can see and know what we're doing but we don't have secret slush funds like this, so vince i'd like your reaction to what m snbc host had to say about bill clinton. listen. >> you guys i'm sorry, but i'm not sorry actually. hillary clinton needs to stop. she needs to stop talking about this topic unless bill clinton wants to come forward and apologize for being a sexual harasser, for settling with women, for what happened he needs to apologize and he needs to apologize as quickly as al franken did, as much as he wants to. these men who were apologizing we need to deal with them but if you're not going to apologize and it's clear you've done something wrong, please, please you the politician and your wife 's a politician need to not talk about these issues. just don't. okay? unless you want to come to the table with some honesty. >> liz: what are your thoughts here vince? >> vince: i'm wondering where that lecture was last year. i'm wondering where that reaction especially on the left broadly was last year as we were plummeting into a presidential election in which bill clinton's wife was the marquise player for the democratic party. the reality is here is that bill clinton is all of a sudden facing those wheels on that bus because he's out of no political value to the democratic party. he's more useful now as a scape goat than he is as the future of the party they desperately would like to move up beyond the clintons. they see this as an opportunity to do that and they also see him as an opportunity to go after anybody especially on the right that has been accused of something like this they're going to use him as a vehicle for that. >> liz: let's get to democrat john conyers accuse accused of sexual harassment in 2017. however last month congresswoman praised john conyers and she called him a champion of women. listen. >> there is a member of congress who has been supportive of women for many many years. he is quiet, he is confident, he is powerful, but he has in peck able integrity on all of our issues. give john conyers a big round of applause. [applause] >> liz: join what's your reaction to that comment? >> maxine waters has put on a sustained performance of being detached from reality for many months now. she's called for the impeachment of the current president of the united states for no basis, she doesn't live in any proximity, she's filth it rich and in this case, she's singing the praises of a guy who has a settlement which by the way he denied when the news first broke regarding his own sexual allegations. she rarely wants to assess the facts and she of course would back john conyers in a situation like that. >> liz: do you know vince what's really striking is john conyers, the detroit free press says he's got to go because voters in michigan do not have an effective voice. their voice was in congress and it says it's basically citing the report that says the accuser was fired after she rebuffed him and that those claims were made in sworn affidavits by the alleged victims, three other former staffers and also says after she complained to the congressional office, conyers office endorsed her signing a document saying she wouldn't make any other claims. she signed it and in exchange she got 27,000 in secret taxpayer paper hush money. what do you say to that? >> vince: well it sounds like the taxpayers they're not as happy in anyway just like the rest of the american people are not going to be happy taxpayer funding is going to these settlement cases and they get to see their congressman continue on his merry way. i think the latest allegation against john conyers he had a sustained campaign of sexual harassment so numerous against the second accuser she couldn't even document how many times she felt she was sexually harassed by him. this is the type of scandal that leads in some cases to resignations. we'll see if that happens. >> liz: possibly more shoes to drop. we have been breaking news on the story we're staying on it on risk & rewards and thank you so much hope you have a happy thanksgiving. you too liz. >> liz: now to the story facebook says it will let its customers, its users know if they themselves followed russian pages of russian propaganda during last year's election. users who liked or followed any of the 290 facebook and instagram ads created by russian actors, they number in more than a hundred million but this falls short of facebook actually notifying them if you really saw the ad or not. this is a story that is going to be a big one in the midterms next year. we're staying on social media to see if they cleanup their act when it comes to propaganda on social media. another day another hollywood big wig falls, the latest allegations from a famous star melissa gilbert against liberal director oliver stone after this >> the whole scene was just my character on her hands and knees [vo] when it comes to investing, looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. it can provide what we call an unlock: a realization that often reveals a better path forward. at wells fargo, it's our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and wealth management firms in the country. discover how we can help find your unlock. >> liz: in the latest sign of a growing economy human resources officers from about 500 companies saying they do anticipate a big 66% increase in cash christmas bonuses could add to a big surge in gifts and parties from american workers this holiday season. new data saying the average christmas bonus will jump from a little over a thousand bucks last year to now about $1800. liberal cnn reporter dylan byers being slammed on social media on twitter after this tweet about the recent exodus of hollywood big wigs accused of sexual harassment and more. "beyond the pain/humiliation women have endured which is of course a paramount issue, it is worth taking stock of the incredible drain of talent for media entertainment taking place right now. never has so much talent left the industrial at once." he was then on twitter with responses like this. "i think we can find some suitable replacements. " here is another one, "what on earth will we do without the kevin spacey and harvey weinstein of the world." won't someone think of brett rat ner's contributions and another one, sure charles manson was a murderer but what about his talent as a leader? it's worth taking stock of what we lost being sarcastic there. he since deleted the tweet saying it was poorly worded but did he delete it only after a backlash? let's take a look at cnn parent company the stock closing the day in the green. joining me now fox news political analyst gianna coldwell. did he just do it because there was a backlash? >> obviously, i think that's fairly obvious, and this time where you can tweet something and possibly lose your job for it, i'm sure he saw the critical feedback and decided to change the narrative. you know, it's really interesting to me, especially when you got some of these hollywood elites who have used their power and position to have women and men succomb to whatever they want them to do and this abuse of power aren't something people are looking over any more and it's good that we have women that are speaking up about what they've experienced and clearly men have as well and i don't think this is a time for us to make light of whether it be an exodus of talent in any sense of the word in terms of this hollywood or anywhere else. that's not even a consideration. the consideration is women they have their power and they're using it, and people are suffer ing the consequences of their actions. >> liz: and women in hollywood and elsewhere are saying it would drain the hollywood swamp but here is the question. when you read dylan byer's tweet did it come across as he's really being bone deaf and it was a poorly worded comment or did he tweet say there is really a problem with taking women seriously? >> i think there's two levels to this. one it was poorly worded in the sense that this is a very sensitive situation, very serious and not something you should compare and say oh, the exodus of talent where that talent can be considered not the greatest if they are calling to harm other people. also, there has been women who just don't speak up because they're concerned about their careers, so many of us have worked very hard to get to where we are and if there's one person that's powerful that can perhaps change the trajectory of your career, i think you may be a bit concerned with speaking up, so with that being the case and this being a moment where so many people are speaking up, you can kind of understand where women are being believed and in some cases, just bringing up concerns from many many years ago. >> liz: here is the thing, more shoes could drop in hollywood and more shoes could drop in d.c. we've been staying on this story every day. more stories come forward and look at this. now actress melissa gilbert, says oliver stone personally humiliated her during an audition for the movie "the door s." >> i'd auditioned and then he said i've written a special scene for you i'd like you to do it with the actor, i want to see the chemistry with the two of you and the whole scene was just my character on her hands and knees saying do me, baby, really dirty, horrible and then he said i'd like you to stage it for me. >> wow. and it was-- >> i left, crying. >> wow and did you do the scene? >> no i left, crying. i never really talked about it all because i'd said something and embarrassed him publicly. >> wow how horrible. >> it was oliver stone. >> wow. >> and it was the doors movie. wow and you were auditioning for >> for the meg ryan role. >> liz: well here is oliver stone responding to melissa gilbert's allegations of basically harassment saying it was clear the doors was a raunch y movie. i'll tell you something. gianno, it is so scary for women , notably women in hollywood or in does c to step forward and as journalists we always have to fact check and get to the bottom of what really happened but that fact remains it is terrifying for women who face powerful men and powerful people to come forward go ahead. >> so in this particular situation i have to be fully transparent i know oliver stone 's son very well, shawn stone and i can just to preface my comment. i recognize that there are scenarios that play out where again powerful men do things and they abuse their power and in this situation, i don't know all of the details. i don't know all of the facts, but what i am concerned about with a lot of the allegations that are coming forth, if there's people whether they be men or women that make accusations because of onset reason, they may not be what it really is. it may not have been abuse of power. you're in the movie business. there's going to be scenes in which you would have to perform whether they be raunchy or not. you can choose to do them or not choose to do them and with that b the case it's your right but i'm concerned that we may see some allegations come forward that may not be 100% accurate. >> liz: i hear your point we only have 10 seconds, raunchy scene but in hollywood could slip over into something else but the broader point is quickly, hollywood lectures the rest of the world on how to live quickly? >> and that's 100% right and we see what all of the comments they made about trump they should have been looking in their own backyard in hollywood. >> liz: thank you, hope you have a happy thanksgiving. thank you. >> liz: next up former nfl player, shannon sharp now saying that the father of the ucf player who dismissed president trump's work in getting his son out of china, he's saying he's totally flat out wrong, that lavar ball should just stop talking. >> what if somebody does something for you and then you say thank you? >> somebody did something for you. say thank you. >> okay, i'll say thank you if he would have put him on his plane and took him home. >> liz: lavar ball not backing down he's the father of one of the freed ucla basketball player s arrested in china for shoplifting getting backlash for dismissing and down playing president trump's efforts to get his son's release and fellow basketball players released from china. this story has gone viral. here is the reminder of what lav ar ball said. roll tape. >> it wasn't like he was in the u.s. and said okay, there's three kids in china. i need to go over there and get them. that wasn't the thought process. >> you seem to have doubts about what the president did. >> no i don't have no doubts about what he did. i've got doubts on what he didn't do. i would say thank you if he put them on his plane and took them home. then i would have said thank you , mr. trump. there's a lot of room on that plane. i would have said thank you kindly for that. >> that's why you won't? >> did you thank the doctor for bringing you into this world? >> [laughter] >> well you better go back and find him because you're lucky. >> tell donald trump to have a great thanksgiving, because-- >> liz: fox is the host and former nfl player his name is shannon sharp he's now slamming lavar ball saying the president does deserve a thank you. >> we speak very highly of lavar but that was the dumbest thing he ever could have said. the president of the united states did not go visit his son in jail so there for he's not going to say thank you. but i can assure you president trump mentioning to the chinese president didn't hurt his situation. i see why president trump used a word ungrateful. >> liz: with me now the conservative millennial alley pastucki. shannon sharp has been critical of president trump and in this instance shannon sharpe says lav ar ball needs to stop talking and the president is worthy of gratitude. do you think critics of trump will see his point? >> i certainly hope so. he's been a critic of trump but the fact he's siding with trump on this case shows it's a situation about principles and not about politics. sharpe even said that lavar was disingenuinous in his interview with cnn monday. i'd say he's being down right juvenile and denying reality and that reality is that the president of the united states went out of his way to do something he did not have to do. he saved lavar ball' son from spending 10 years of his youth in jail for shoplifting inchon a and for whatever reason, lavar ball cannot get the strength to think him and it's absurd. >> liz: we have breaking news i'd like you to respond to the first house democrats has come out against john conyers, new york congresswoman kathleen rice saying she does believe that congressman conyers should resign. there is an ethics probe into him. here is the tweet and what she said. "i have reviewed the allegations against him and there is credible as they are repulsive what's your response? >> i commend her for doing that. even if these allegations aren't necessarily true which i agree with congresswoman rice that they are he spent $27,000 of taxpayer money paying off a woman who said she was fired because she didn't respond to his sexual advances so allegations aside, spending taxpayer money with a lack of transparency and complete dishonesty is enough to ask someone to resign. i really hope more democrats will follow suit. >> liz: good to see you come back soon we love having you on. >> you too. >> liz: this story a $20,000 reward is being offered for information about a severe attack that left a border patrol agent dead and another seriously injured. this as illegal aliens in new jersey are protected under president obama's daca program? they're staging a hunger strike for thanksgiving, saying they want for the 800,000 dreamers here, we'll bring in former ice and border agent david ward here to react, next. liberty mutual saved us almost eight hundred dollars when we switched our auto and home insurance. liberty did what? 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>> i've talked to a lot of the agents that work there and that can not be an accident. this was a sandy arroyo just off interstate 10 but this is from the bottom of the approximately 10 to 12 feet, a fall into a sandy arroyo would not have contributed to these extensive injuries both agents faced when they were found. one was kill and severely injured about his head and the other agent was also equally severely injured. >> liz: you know, so let me back up. border agents are often ambushed right? >> all the time. see, i don't think people understand the job of the border patrol agent out in the desert. they're tracking groups of drug smugglers who are armed and these agents are out in the middle of nowhere, 10-20 miles, a hundred miles away from the local sector headquarters and they're by themselves a lot working with another agent a number of distance miles away to cut the trail of these aliens to try to catch them. now of course there are situations where the agents can be ambushed by these drug smugglers. they also have technology, they have the infrared looking devices, they have encrypted all of the stuff that we have even more because they're not constrained by budgets like we are. >> liz: here is the thing the border apprehension down 24% versus last year. what's the back story here about the border apprehensions going down? >> well i don't know about the stats that you're reading but the stats are actually 37% up. now the number of units that came in did drop in the first three months of president trump 's administration but they started to turn around and started to increase to the point they are 37% higher than they were last year and the reason being is this constant in and out with the congress and the senate whether or not they're going to enforce immigration law and also secure our borders. the aliens are watching everything that we do in this country and when we have a secretary of homeland security come out and say that there's going to be no wall from sea to shining sea, although we may understand what she's talking about, foreign nationals don't. they think there's going to be no wall and they will test us coming across that border they test and try and get in as far as they can because they will exploit every avenue to get into the sanctuary cities which are the biggest draw of the illegal aliens. >> liz: david ward thank you so much for coming on have a good thanksgiving sir. you have a happy thanksgiving too. >> liz: okay from the magazine that gave colin kaepernick the citizen of the year award, gq magazine now telling readers urging them that it is their " civic duty" to ruin and wreck thanksgiving by bringing up donald trump at the dinner table we're bringing in sigh chi a just dr. keith adlow out on you should handle politics at the dinner table tomorrow after this retail. under pressure like never before. and it's connected technology that's moving companies forward fast. e-commerce. real time inventory. virtual changing rooms. that's why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent network speed across multiple locations. every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver. >> liz: gq magazine telling its readers it is their civic duty to ruin, to wreck thanksgiving by bringing up president trump at the dinner table, writing " this turkey day, consider making life hell for a few of your relatives." it's time to ruin your trump supporting family's thanksgiving for america, do it for the team. this is the same magazine however that just named colin kaepernick as 2017 citizen of the year for the national anthem football protest. let's bring in sigh chi a just dr. keith adlow to break this down. good to see you doctor. good to see you. >> liz: there's a lot of talk about what's going to happen tomorrow with political fights at the table. i'll tell you in my house, i mean, you know in every family there's somebody who would fight with the turkey if they can. what do you advice them about handling political fights at the table? >> look, i think it's best to avoid the topic. usually i'm the person as you know i'm happy to wrestle about ideas. i think that the spirit of discussion can be great but listen, unless your family is homogenous in terms of their political views, there's nothing there. you're not going to convince anybody to shift their perspectives at thanksgiving. i would say embrace, if somebody says something political, i would wink at them and say it's not for today, but you certainly bring up a contentious point and don't take the bait. somebody will say what do you mean contentious? i'd say let's just enjoy, we're going to have a good time today. >> liz: don't take the bait pass the stuffing but here is the poll many americans worried about these upcoming thanksgiving and holiday christmas discussions a new poll says nearly two-thirds of americans dread talking politics at the thanksgiving dinner table i mean what do you advise people to do to coup the peace? say listen if you're going to fight go sit at the children's table? >> [laughter] listen, i think the way to keep the peace is to proactively tell people, listen, no politics today. politics-free zone and you know, it's the host and hostess of that event who really should rule the day in that way. people may need reminders but look, you know, when you talk about gq magazine saying don't show up to thanksgiving, ruin it in some other way, you know, the truth is millions of americans should be not buying but looking at gq magazine and the ads in that magazine and writing to the sponsors, the advertisers saying we're done. we're done with you now unless you yank the adds. >> liz: you're right because it's the equivalent of putting your head in a ceiling fan listening to those political fights at the dinner table. i don't like it i don't think it's appropriate i agree just cut it out, right? >> there's nothing there. look the truth is that if god forbid one of the people at my thanksgiving gathering needed a transfusion or a kidney, i'd be there for them. are some of them completely wrong-minded in the worst almost unforgivable way about politics? yes, they are. do i still love them? yes, so let's focus on the love and not yield an inch on the political ideology because i'll tell you, if we give in, there isn't any thanksgiving. >> liz: that's true dr. keith ad low, happy thanksgiving great advice. thank you you too. >> liz: the busiest shopping day of the year is coming what to expect after this. don't go away. ♪ traders -- they're always looking for advantages. the smart ones look to fidelity to find them. we give you research and data-visualization tools to help identify potential opportunities. so, you can do it this way... or get everything you need to help capture investment ideas and make smarter trading decisions with fidelity for just $4.95 per online u.s. equity trade. fidelity. open an account today. ♪ liz: the biggest shopping day of the year will be starting bright and early 8:00 p.m. eastern time. there's a half day trading there as well. the new york stock exchange and nasdaq is going to close 1:00 p.m. eastern time. and look at this. online site called declutter, they released a report black eye friday. based on fbi crime records. those are the states most likely to see shopper chaos on black friday. they're calling again black eye friday. wyoming, illinois, arizona, mississippi, kansas are going to see trouble if you're among the shoppers there. thank you for bringing us into your homes. we hope you have a happy thanksgiving. charles payne here with making money. charles: good evening i'm charles payne, and we have several breaking stories for you tonight. but we begin with new details on sexual harassment on capital hill. the first democrat congresswoman kathleen is calling for john conyers to resign amid multiple allegations of sexual misconduct. meanwhile, her democratic colleagues are spending their time pouncing over republican candidate ben moore saying that he should drop out of the race amid sexual allegations misconduct. but, of course, when it comes to one of their own accused, rice remains the only democrat and rice so far the only one to call for the resignation of conyers. meanwhile, no democrat has publicly called for senator al franken to resign. some democrats are even going so far as toue

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