Up, u. S. Confirming a plan of attack using b1 bombers and north korea has detailed a plan to lob missiles within miles of guam by mid august, i am liz mack donald, president receiving a top security briefing after reports say that north korea is considering firing 4 missiles at guam, home of 6,000 u. S. Servicemember, reports are that they could end up near waters near guam. Rex tillerson is returning to washington from his trip to asia after a stop off in guam yesterday. August is historically month that u. S. And south korea engage in major joint military exercises that usually sets north korea on edge. August and september historically are a rocky period for the stock markets, guam governor saidin saiding he wanta strong u. S. President. For our administration and people of guam, there is concern, and worry, there is no panic. As far as i am concerned as an american citizen, i want a president that says, that if any nation such as north korea, attacks guam, attacks honolulu, attacks the west coast, that they will be met with hell and fury. Liz first lets check out what happen wod triple digit decline on the dow today, get to nicole on the floor of new york stock exchange. Reporter there is nervousness on the market, we saw a 70 point loss in last two days, today 204 on the dow jones average, 1 loss. Selloff we saw for the dow, nasdaq and s p was most since may 17, and we saw everyone flocking to save haven of gold. Gold jumped 1280 today that is a new high for highest in two months, after gaining more than 16 dollars yesterday. So those were safe havens, we got earnings about after the bell, News Corp Parent of New York Post and wall street journal coming in with bc bettr than expected earnings, revenue just a slight miss. Liz thank you, nicole, on north korea, calling President Trumps threat to meet belligerents with fire and fury, a load of nonsense, president doubling down, saying his fury threat quote was not tough enough. And saying force is only way to deal with u. S. This as u. S. Defense secretary james mattis warning north korea, that reinforcing the president s strong words saying that democratic peoples republic of korea should cease any considering of act that would lead too end of its regime and the destruction of its people. Joining us retired fourstar general jack keane. The threats are escalating. Do you think that North Koreans will fire off missiles in waters near guam. It does not make sense to me they would take that provocation. Clearly the United States will respond militarily. You know what the north korean their calculation is sound. This is what i mean. They believe that only way to stop the United States from taking down the regime in north korea is not just to have Nuclear Weapon pointing at the south. It is hold American People at risk. That is their calculation, they believe we would accept that, as we have Nuclear Weapons in north korea. So if you believe that, that is their calculation, di i do belie that, they are trying to prevent is the end of their regime, that means they are not going to fire weapons at guam. Which would require an incredible response by United States, tbawm i guam is an allye military basis and hundreds of thousands of american citizens. Well not tolerate that, i dont think they would do it, i think it is sabre rattling and face saving within their north korea elite, they understand what is happening. Liz if they did shoot missiles near guam, what would u. S. Response be . I think that United States, im not convinced they would let them shoot the missiles to begin with. That is another calculation that our military has capability too deal with, they may take the missiles out before they are launched, why would we permit them on launch them, and endanger the lives of people there. Option two, once launched we would shoot them down, and there would be a military response. The scale of which is president s decision. General, you know north korea is threatening the region, japan, china, south korea and he is brutalized his own people, trump is getting criticized for his rhetoric, feinstein, and schumer they dont like it saying this is reckless rhetoric. I dont think i would have chosen quite those words myself, but he is the president , he chose them, here is what i think the words are about he wants china, and north korean leadership to clearly understand that the policy of appeasement and accommodation his breadth ses breadt predecessor exer d with north korea, is over, we will not tolerate the dangerous path they are on. That why Strong Language exists. That is the message he wants to get, it is reinforced by secretary of state tillerson, and secretary of defense mattis. I clearly, were on the same page here in United States, on National Security team from commander in chief down, were not were not going to tolerate military provocation die nortbynorth korea against af United States interests. John f kennedys real fear was an Accidental Nuclear war because of miscommunication, here is the president commenting on past president s. They have been negotiating for 25 years, look at clinton, he folded on negotiations, we was weak and ineffective, you look at bush and obama, obama didnt even want to talk about it. I talk. It is about time somebody has to do it. Liz your thoughts here . I think he is absolutely right. We have had 25 years of coddling the North Koreans, because of their bellicose language, and because of their intensity. And now we have a president that is not going to tolerate circumstance he is trying to comm tolerate it, he is trying to documen cute communicd get in their head i am serious. Liz is there a chance of miscommunication . Always that possibility, but you go back to premise of North Koreans and why do they want Nuclear Weapons and why do they want icbms to preserve the regime yesterdaregime, would t . I doubt it. Because, while language coming out of north korea is bombastic and bellicose and et cetera, their strategy is rational from their National Interest perspective. President also responding to a question about a possible preemptive strike on north korea. Mr. President , consider a preemptive strike . Wo we dont talk about that,i never do. I am not like the there was administration that said were going to mosul in 4 months, well see what happens. Liz to your point, is north korea Nuclear Weapon program a negotiating tool a way to inflate its own importance. What do they want . More diplomatic recognition . Well, step number one is he wants to have real military capability to preserve his regime, and separate United States and south korea. China plays at this as well. So that the u. S. Troops go home from south korea. And number three, north korea and china bowl would like to unite that peninsula, not under the rule of south korea but under the rule of north korea, that is a stretch to be sure. But nonetheless, those of their goals. Liz to isis, wall street journal reporting that isis can now airmail bomb parts to terror cells in world, and lone wolves can get plastic explosives and components for bomb and on internet bomb instruction, here is what happened in australia. Authorities there stop an isis plan to blow up a commercial jet out of sydney last month, with bomb ingredient shipped by aint ai byan air flight to from tuo australia. The fact that it was shipped from turkey to australia is a new chapter. But the radical islamists have been playing around with plastic explosives for some time now. Remember the bomber the airplane . And he had a problem with it. They have been trying to work this thing because, plastic explosives, they likely is not going to be detected unless it is kind of shaped like a gun or something. It would not be. So, that is the reality of this thing. They are trying to beat our security profile we have at airports, they have never given up on the Strategic Value of bringing dunan airliner ever since Osama Bin Laden had the kind of tactical success he had on 9 11. They have been preoccupied with that as a major event that would galvanize support for them, you know throughout the world, if they are able to pull Something Like that off, that is why they or this, isis is on it. Remember in ye yemen, that entie al qaeda, afilliated group, they have been on this for years, they have wanted to put it in peoples stomach, they are not giving up on this technology. Liz general jack keane, thank you for coming on, we appreciate and you your service. Good talking to you, liz. Liz dow dipping over 200, many defense stocks hitting all tilee high, including lockheedmartin, and raytheon, and northrop grumman, it hit a record high intraday but ended low, l3 closed in the green, next up, President Trump not happy about comments made by senator Mitch Mcconnell, tweeting out that Republican Senate majority leader ought to get back to work. Can the two and can the president and administration continue to Work Together with congress . Karl rove is here, he will weigh in, do not touch that dial, stay right there, karl rove is next. Poor mouth breather. Allergies . Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Take that. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. 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With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Our new president has not been in this line of work before, and i think had excessive expectations about how quickly things happen. President trump not happy with Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnells comments, excessive expectations . That is what he is angry about. Senator appeared to school the president on what it takes to get legislation passed in dc this afternoon President Trump said this in respond to a reporter who asked if senator mcconnell should be fired. If he doesnt get repeal and replace done, and if he does not get taxes done, meaning cuts and reform, and if he does not get infrastructure, he does not get that done, you can ask me that question then. Today President Trump blasted senator mcconnell in tweets could saying mitch, get back to work. Put repeal and place tax reform, cuts and a great infrastructure bill on my desk for signing, you can do it. Former speaker of house Newt Gingrich disagrees with President Trump. A collective failure, both troublTrump Administration and Republican Senate failed. But to get involved shooting at each other with 16 democrats voting no for every single republican voting no is goofy. Liz joining me now is karl rove. You shouldnt shoot at each other under the same teng tent. Who do you agree with . I agree with speaker Newt Gingrichs o observation. I think that Mitch Mcconnell he said well get a fact cut tal and replacement of obamacare, he said a big infrastructure bill. Were 200 days into administration, this week. President trump is appointing his infrastructure committee, there is no bill, no outline, no piece of legislation that administration has proposed. This is a cur of i a that she expanded. He should have maybe called mcconnell, say i did not appreciate that. Mcconnell was giving him sound advice, since then has turned into a food fight, that serves nobody purpose except for schumer and pelosi. Liz now they are going back to their hometown, talk to their constituents, voters do not like the dcswamp, and trump voter does not like fact that republicans have nothing to show 7 months in. Can they Work Together . What is going with tax cuts . There is no doubt that they can and should Work Together. Mcconnell has been around town a long time, he has seen people come and go out of the white house, he needs to have president working with him, not against him, president taking pot shots at members of senate does not help. And similarly it does o not help for president to take pot shot at republicans in the congress. Mitch mcconnell came within wononevote of getting done what president wanted, the focus should be how can we get that one vote more. I feel better about tax reform, there have been regular meetings between chairman of house ways and means committee, and Senate FinanceCommittee Chairman and administration and mcconnell and ryan, and then secretary of treasure mnuchin. And gare cohen that is very important to have them knit up. We had no similar sets of ongoing cooperation conseeings conversations between the healthcare and it shows. Liz according to his team he has a fraught relationship with g. O. P. Lawmakers it is like they are joined in a shotgun marriage. We keep congressmen saying this is not personal, were for the American People, you know voter out there is is not believing that, they feel like, personal, there is a grudge match going on, what do you think . You know, there is in some instances, when you question the patriotism of john mccain, mccain maybe as not fully gotten over that, i dont know. But i do know that trump came into office with not normal strengths that republican president ial candidate would come in, he his nat bee not beea republican for a long time. He didnt do a fundraiser for so and so running for u. S. Senate. And show when he came in he shod have recognize to have that unity and support, that he needed to go out of his way to cultivate and encourage it. You get more with honey than vinivinegar. He has tremendous skills. He needs to make certainly has strong good personal relationship with as many of the leaders as possible, you dont get that by tweeting about them, and blowing it up. President has to be adult in the room, if he wants to get his agenda done, look, 2018 it will be Republican House members and republican senators that suffer, but in 2020 it will be the president if he runs for reelection, he is the leader if he cant lead and get his party to get the agenda done, he cant shoveeshovel that blame to othe. Liz karl rove thank you. Thank you. Liz you know that disappearing message app, snapchat, trump earned worse than expected earnings a few moments ago after the ipo, this stock, shot to 29, snap down 44 since the ipo, down to 11 bucks and announced 7 million new users down from 8 million new users last quarter, stoke did tick slightly up it is currently down 14 in afterhours trading. Next up a gym opener in Atlanta Georgia refusing to let police and members of military join, one Police Officer is fighting back, he will join us. Liz a blow against a crackdown on sanctuary cities in texas, a federal judge trying to stop Texas Governor crackdown on sanctuary cities, will Trump Administration be able to keep its promise to stop what is going on with sanctuary cities that story coming up, dont go away. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement™, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Liz Trump Administration invited 20 democrat house members to white house it discuss tax cuts, can they Work Together. We take it to the power panel, jesjessica should republicans gt tax cuts done, getting the economy going out of the rut, and if the economy grows voters would not have to listen to carping from Big Government socialists. Well, i dont want to listen to Bernie Sanders any more. News flash for you. And i do think they should get tax cuts done, a plan that has been laid out, i dont think they will f