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This whole tax cut is geeferred toward benefiting the winners in their can society. The reason i crossed the word reform. This is not tax reform. When been donald trump said Hedge Fund Managers were getting away with murder . This is the murder. Liz the media getting everyone worried about donald trump tax cuts. Even though they were largely okay with the debt doubling to 20 trillion under obama more than any other all the other president s combined. This bill can have no impact on the deficit which is an almost impossible needle to thread. Thats a big increase if you are worried about a 21 trillion debt. Liz the media harping on a decades old complaint. They are sing the administrations new tax plan is helping the rich. Total radio silence from the media and democrats on how this helps Small Business and will spree pay the jobs. They will hand out massive give aways to corporations in the top 1 . Tax overhaul would help the wealthiest. Donald trump says private hedge fund and he can when it managers are getting away with murder. This is the murder. Liz the top fifth of earners pay nearly tall 84 of income fax revenues. Only in media and democrat bubble land could the top 1 be accused of not paying their fair share. This as the cbo says 2 3 of u. S. Households get northerly in government benefits than they pay out in taxes. The page counts of the tax plan has them apoplectic. The tax code is 74,000 pages. This baby is one page. One thoarpt page here. Its one page. This tax wish list is one page. Liz we know the tax system is a tangle barbed wire mess. Lets bring in congressman are paul. The media not mentioning way just said. Are they focusing on the right things . They never team to do that from my viewpoints there they talk a lot about taxes and who pays the most. And i always think you should lower taxes. But what is accent from this is anybody seriously talking about cutting anything. The top bracket pays a lot of taxes. Others are getting a lot of benefits. . There is something deeply wrong with the system because it is true, the rich get richer, the middle class is getting wiped out. To my point of view it has to do with Monetary Policy that always affects the middle class. The people have responsibility, too, because they dont get thrown out of office for not voting benefits. When republicans are in they dont do as well as promised. But i remember so clearly the fed always complained the problems we face is because Congress Spends too much money. So its a blame game. Liz the media making an issue about word semantics. Lets call the whole thing off if you listen to the media. The reason i crossed out the word reform. This is not tax reform. Will it be just real tax reform or just tax cuts it not reform, its a number of cuts. Liz complete incompetence in the coverage. Where are the questions about the democrats plan to create jobs. This is about helping Small Businesses. Thats what helps the middle class. Lowering those taxes will help. But everyone is locked in on this revenue neutral stuff. I have never voted against lowering taxes. Also i recognized spending immediately becomes a tax. Even though you might not collect the income tax. But it borrow, pass it on, then you get the fed to print it its sort of a distraction from the real problem. That is the problem. Its not very popular to say im for cutting stuff. Really, it will happen not by common sense, but it will happen because we are not going to be able to tea forward it fan well go bankrupt and the doll par will lose its value. It will end. But for now the spending will continue and there will be brief forms and they will use all these recordsr words to get passed these words to get passed on. Liz the media not covering the dirty little secret that it looks like they get most in tax cuts because they pay the most in taxes. The journalists are misleading people right and left. We have to move on to obamacare repeal. Republican leaders pulled the plug on reform florida month. This bill that may be voted on this weekend doesnt repeal obamacare, but it at least gives the states the option to get that waive to get rid of those regulations that drive up costs. Well continue to work for full repeal of obamacare. Liz the democrats are mad at the gop plan because it will allow insurers to charge more because of a persons health. And they are really mad because congressman paul ryan wont Fund Obamacare exchanges. They could collapse. They are so mad, they are threatening a Government Shutdown at the stroke of midnight tomorrow night. How serious is this threat of a Government Shutdown . Probably not as much as they pretend. I have been up there in washington when we had shutdowns. Its all a gimmick. The unessential workers will go home. They close count parks and big fanfare, and its used to put pressure on the members of congress. This weekend they may couple with a continuing resolution. But its all a strategy that they go through. So it is serious. It represents a serious problem of too much spending. But when it comes to fingering around with obamacare, that wont solve it. We should do everything we can to help reduce the regulations and let the market work. But unfortunately now even with obamacare in the short period of time they have been in existence, they love it and have a lot of votes. So its going to be hard to do it to cut back on anything. And they will find a way to finance it. There is always a way to finance it, and they will finger around. But i dont think there will be any serious move toward market medicine. If we could pass a law that says if you and i decide we want to take care of our own medical care, well pay cash and go to the doctor and negotiate, which you can do. If we dock that and write off everything you spend, you could write that bill in one page. And just let people take care of themselves. Return a little bit of choice to the people and we wouldnt have to go through this struggle of which regulation you are going to change and it wouldnt do much good. Liz more media bias against the administration. President trump announcing hes renegotiating the nafta trade deal. The president repeatedly slapped nafta on the campaign trail as a raw deal for america workers. But in phone calls to canadas Prime Minister and mexicos Prime Minister said he wanted to improve nafta and not scrap it. This is a complete violation of what he promised on the campaign trail. Liz the president did say he would do just what he now is saying he would do. What he said on the campaign trail. He said hes going to do it now. A Trump Administration will renegotiate nafta. A Trump Administration will renegotiate nafta. The Trump Administration will renegotiate nafta, believe me. We have the greatest negotiators in the world. Well use you are great negotiators. Liz dr. Paul, it seems the media continues to follow the narrative of whoever says it first without exact checking with the president actually said. Thats a lot of work. You wouldnt expect them to do any work. I can think of this from my viewpoint. Liked out that they were getting rid of it. I dont want regulations and tariffs and negotiations and wtos and all this business. I think we should just have free market and stay out of this managed care. Trump was right about coming up short. But im not so sure well all of a sudden renegotiate and come out on top. Thats just the way the system works. Its always worth the effort. But i dont think we should be naive and think we are going to negotiate and we are going to win all these battles. Liz whats happening with the media is their attitude is you shouldnt touch nafta. They act like you cant renegotiate nafta like its been set in stones. Its been around for 25 years. I think it will be a good start, and maybe they will find we dont need much of it. We were aloud after five years of wto being in existence, it was only for five years and we could bring it back up. Of course, we did, but by that time it was locked in place. The internationalists, they would have no part of that because we learned to adapt to that. The little guy doesnt learn how to adapt. If you want protection on trade, wto generally doesnt worry about the little guy. They worry about big corporations. And there is a lot of regulations. There are a lot of regulations on International Trade right now. And of course free market person doesnt like those kind of regulations. Liz the parent of google reporting stocks closing in record territory. Alphabet beat expectations. Stock is up after hours hitting a new alltime high. And amazon jumping after hours. Another Airline Controversy in the not so friendly skies. I purchased a ticket. Liz a passenger kicked off a plane parked on the tarmac base has to be excused to the bathroom. Who is right and who is wrong in this one. Say carl, we have a question about your brokerage fees. Fees . What did you have in mind . I dont know. 4. 95 per trade . Uhhh. And i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee . Guarantee . Where we can get our fees and commissions back if were not happy. So can you offer me what schwab is offering . Whats with all the questions . Ask your broker if theyre offering 4. 95 online equity trades and a satisfaction guarantee. If you dont like their answer, ask again at schwab. Bp developed new, industryleading software to monitor Drilling Operations in realtime, so our engineers can solve problems with the most precise data at their fingertips. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Try new flonase sensimistgies. Instead of allergy pills. It delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only block one. New flonase sensimist. I purchased a ticket. I have to pee. I tried to hold it the first time. Liz a delta passenger kicked off the plane that sat on the runway for two hours. All passengers had to exit the plane and reboard another. And that passenger had to pay triple his original ticket price to get a southwest flight home. Lets bring in our expert at home. I think this is appallingly a lack of judgment. You are suppose to avoid unnecessary confrontations. Why they made such a big fuss. The plane had been sitting on the tarmac for two hours and they imposed this artificial yes, you dont want passengers Walking Around in takeoff mode. But this situation demanded flexibility. He had to go. He asked, he begged. Finally he got and did we had to do. Nobody was disrupted. The plane did not move. Then the Flight Attendant confronts them. The plane has to go back to the gate. All of the passengers are inconvenienced is an appalling lack of judgment. For delta to follow the united pattern saying they defend the employee. Pour rules say during this critical flight moments takeoff and landing. Liz delta said the flight crews are trained. The passengers have to comply with the crew it sounds like they are unapologetic. You are saying its scene overreaction. What happened to human reasonableness. What happened to the ability to improvise. What fit was an 8yearold and the 8yearold, mommy, mommy, i have got to go. If you get up we are going to get thrown off the plane. What are you going to do, pee in your pants. Liz there is a government rule that says if you sit on the tar mark for three hours you have to make it bathroom available. The flight crews now are so stressed. They are as stressed as the airlines are. You get charged for check your luggage. You dont check your luggage. You put it in the overhead. So everybody takes longer to get on board. American Airline Situation where the mom with the oversized stroller, she wants to get home, she brought the stroller on board. And the flight attend damage wrestled it out of her hand and almost got into a fistfight. Now we have dr. Dao, the infamous united passenger, the announcement was made he settled with United Airlines its probably a 7figure settlement, a hefty multi Million Dollar payoff to this poor guy who was assaulted. I think that was criminal conduct. The Chicago Airlines cop all suspended on leave of absence. They may have been allowed back in now. Liz i want to get back to the woman with the twin babies with the stroller. You made the pint got flight crew being stressed out. That guy seemed really stressed out. He wrestles the stroller out of her hands. And hes point at another passenger. How dare you physically confront this woman in a way that scares the hell out of this mom with babies. Flying used to be a wonderful experience. Now you have tsa, you get all felt up. I was searched going to San Francisco last week in a way i thought the guy was going to propose marriage to me. Im a frequent passenger, tsa precheck. Global clearance. Im not a terrorist. And be reasonable. Be reasonable with the mom with the two babies with the guy who has to pee on the tarmac for two hours. It should be a lesson to all these airlines. They have got to get back to the courtesy and professionalism. Liz im sorry that happened to you. Here is the next story it was supposed to happen tonight. Conservati saker ann couer ultimately canceled her berkeley speech for fear this would stands down in the face of violence. The attorney representing the college republicans. And it sounds like they have a strong free speech case. We have that story for you after this. You are blaming the victim here because people are deliberately provocative. Can you hear yourself . E everything in it. Liberty did what . Liberty mutual paid to replace all of our property that was damaged. And we didnt have to touch our savings. Yeah, our insurance wont do that. Well, there goes my boat. You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty stands with you™ Liberty Mutual insurance this is not about tonight organizers. This is about the university and their unwillingness the make sure conservatives have a platform and a place to express themselves at u. C. Berkeley. Anarchists are aloud on campus and make threats against our events forcing us to cancel. Liz the aclu, the American Civil Liberties union has come out in support of ann coulters right to speak at a Public University campus. I think whats going on with berkeley. It shows how radical the universities are generally. They want to destroy and squelch conservative speech. But there is a separate issue with the universities. When you have bernie sanders, elizabeth warren, bill maher, joy berks har saying get over yourselves, berkeley. People have a right to free speech. Liz have the protesters won . No, we are not going to let them win. We are going to court to stop them with a lawsuit that is not about tan coulters event, but a series of events where the Berkeley College republicans have been barred from bringing their con rrm speakers to campus where they are need more than any other place in the country. I would like your thoughts on this. Fox news Tucker Carlson took on a college prove fessor who says he thinks we should have quote standards for speakers. Lets take a listen. The issue is that conservative groups on campus have intelligently discerned a strategy whereby they invite speakers who are deliberately provocative, not interested in debating ideas, and fulfilling an Educational Mission in their visits to an institution. Tucker you are blaming the victim because people are quote deliberately provocative. Can you hear yourself . Liz he says hes a free speech advocate but thinks we should have zan standards guardrails of what people say. Its demagoguery and hes a censorrer. The free speech standards are ahmadinejad is allowed to speak. Vincente fox was allowed to speak there. They had Supreme Court justices speak there. This is censorship and it doesnt stand under the first amendment. Liz you have chris rock, larry the cable guy saying we dont want to perform on college campuses, they are too politically correct. What have you been told from berkel authorities . Protrump central are you organizer rich black says politicians are behind this bush to stop free speech. What do you think . In the case of berkeley there will be was coordination between the city of berkeley and its mayor who is very, very liberal and the berkeley chancellors toofs and california is very liberal and and lot of democrat politicians have served on the regentle. There was a on the regents. On the Berkeley Campus its 100 conservative speakers. Im even couraged as a constitutional lawyer that virtually the entire spectrum of lawyers in the country, particularly those who believe in the constitution are saying berkeley is wrong and no amount of defense or waving around their concerns for the snowflakes or security rights will overcome the first amendment. Liz where does your lawsuit go from here . We just filed fit monday. We got a summons yesterday. We are serving the various individuals who were served at the university. Then well engage in a process of discovery and finds out all the details of how they came up with this policy. Who was consulted. Then well seek relief from the court to order berkeley stop discriminating against people who want to speak on their campus or students who want to invite speakers on the basis of their viewpoints. The principle we are trying vindicate is not about conservative or liberal itments about a market place of ideas on campus. And it equally applies to other campuses as well. Liz after an Obama Administration crackdown on the cops after freddie grays death. Baltimore says they need help because murders are skyrocketing. We have a Police Officer who saw this all coming. He speaks out next. This is the new new york. We are building new airports all across the state. New roads and bridges. New mass transit. New business friendly environment. New lower taxes. And new University Partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. Learn more at esd. Ny. Gov you may sometimes suffer from a dry mouth. Thats why theres biotene. And biotene also comes in a handy spray. 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