Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20180129 :

Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20180129

the european union has been very, very unfair to the united states. it will turn out to be very bad. >> the president will address the trade debate assaults the u.s. economic boom during the trade address tuesday night. that will be of course live and we'll take it for you. the address comes to the record double began on friday. friday's performance at 223 points on the dow fell almost 1%. a new record there. s&p 500 and chartered territory. the nasdaq as well. pull back from those numbers are creatures indicating a lower open down 25 points down the date the nasdaq. we are watching the yield on the benchmark treasury. it is rising and broke to .7% for the first time since early 2014 of friday's game after the gdp came out off to .6%. yields on the rise, stocks lower. look at the indices as we watch rates moving higher. ft 100 up a fraction. the cac in the dax arvo wernick had. asia overnight stocks mostly lower the exception of korea. shanghai composite down 1%. terror strikes a military school in afghanistan. details on the attack that left 11 dead, over a dozen injured. is technology putting troops in danger? the concern over if it is not being used on devices like fit that better tracking our military. intel's warning of her critical security flaws after first find the issue to several chinese businesses including alibaba. the u.s. government put a chip on its shoulder over intel. hillary clinton using the grammy stage to mount president trump. leaving many feeling fired theory on their own. although stories coming out. fox business network dagen mcdowell. mitch rochelle and pollster in rochelle and post-renaissance kim parker president lee carter. great to see you. >> amazing work. maria: really good trip. i can't wait to get back here and talk about all the issues of the day we talk about every morning. dagen: everything we are fired up about. train to you saw everything out close and personal. >> yeah, i was rolling my eyes. maria: i don't know why they do that or they make an assumption everybody agrees that the good >> the crowd there definitely did based upon a response. i was actually assuming. [inaudible] denied that the group point. obama wasn't there. dagen: he can't run again. maria: reading right from the book. but they met at the grammys. former senior adviser to the clinton. president and managing partner mike penn. mike huckabee is here to trump for president senior adviser larry trump making -- joy below is that the grammys last night. chung campaign advisory word number making a splash. we'll talk with her about it is the ceo of lamborghini america is joining us this morning. somehow those. don't miss a moment of it. the top story this hour's trade or in mexico and canada rejected a proposal by the in the nation to rework the arbitration system. a key part of the north american free trade agreement also known as nafta is the president himself is picking out an unfair trade practices with the european union hitting retaliation there. >> i have a lot of problems with the european union. not a question of doing business, but i will tell you representing the united states. it is a very unfair situation. we cannot get her product in. it's very, very tough. no taxes, very little taxes. very unfair. i have a lot of problems with european union and it may morph into something very big from a trade standpoint. the european union has treated the united gets very unfairly when it came to trade. maria: the president's state of the union address with infrastructure that baker had my name is not going to withdraw from nafta in his speech. what are you expecting from the state of the union? dagen: third proposal which is on which is one of the lynch pins of the renegotiation of nafta about how you handle corporate arbitration. we would preferred these disputes go through domestic courts, but again, this is one huge stumbling block. i would say that trade in any follow-up with trade with other nations around the world is one of the three biggest risk of the market in our economy in the next year. you have the 11 remaining countries in the trent pacific partnership, which we withdrew from cutting a deal last week will be signed in march. the european union and japan, the end of last year making in china trade deal that will reduce inscribe duties on cars coming in from japan and europe, scott duties on cheese and wine being imported into japan. one of the great risk we start cutting ourselves off from the world. president trump talks about bad trade deals, but how about some trade deals. we need to deal with nafta and also to trade deal with south korea before we can move ahead with any other bilateral deals with nations around the world. maria: which is why there was some worry that there will be some more tariffs on solar panels and tariffs on washing machines. maybe illuminative dealer and ask them little by little creates a real trade issue. >> the gdp numbers that came out last week there would've been a whole percentage point higher. obviously the president is very focused on trade talents in the campaign on matters is pushing forward to try to make things more fair. dagen: at the ballots. the tone of the president's state of the union will be one of bipartisanship. one very forward-looking in terms of his agenda. how much of that includes these issues over trade? >> i think lucy a lot about trade, immigration. he will talk about infrastructure, jobs and the economy and what is most comfortable with. notably absent from his speech, health care. that is a really partisan issue right now and i think you can see the administration is making a lot of progress in other negotiations with democrats on immigration. his interview last of the chuck schumer where he was to talk to the president about these things. they get upset when the terms change, but it's really going to focus on the issues that are first and foremost in people's fines right now. interesting he will not talk about health care. maria: you think of the structure was along party lines than i would be a positive but they are debating the cause. according to a political morning consult, the majority want to hear the president talk about health care and the economy. you don't think that is front and center. isn't there a lot to talk about in this rupture? >> we've been talking about it since the election. interest rupture should be a bipartisan issue everyone can get behind. i don't think anything is bipartisan anymore. maria: was supposed to be trillion dollar. the federal money is 200 billion. the number is largely expect to private and public partnerships. we'll see. dagen: it remains to be seen how those work out because of it rather partnerships work with a toll road with the revenue generation from that project. in terms of just throwing money, i think that you have two points 7% and higher on the 10 year yield. that is related, so watch tariffs driving up costs. watch talk about the weakening dollar combo with inflation into this country. the trump administration and this is a warning to them. they need to be careful of anything in terms of driving up inflation in the united states borrowing costs at this point and also how much more money you a bar or we doubled the debtor the last administration. those are very big concerns because president trump was talking about the stock market. the one thing doubled throw cold water on it is much higher borrowing costs in two points added without be a warning. maria: we already saw it come back from south korea. lg comes out and says we are going to raise prices. that was as a result of the terrorist. dagen: i want to say really quickly one day. these are companies like samsung that have jobs in the united states. they have a new appliance plant in south carolina. part of these tariffs on imported part above a certain level. if you try to import parts into this country and assemble washing machines and create jobs in the nation, the republican governor south carolinas very concerned about these. maria: what is the cost because you can't keep putting in tariffs every time it crosses the border. same issue with autos because the parts coming from different places so you come up with one tariffs and not have overly done tariffs. more to come on that. terrorism strikes to military school enough to dan. details on the attack that left 11 people dead. dangerous discovery putting our soldiers at risk. a newer port shows the fitness devices are exposing dangerous fitness locations. the former presidential candidate's latest jab at the commander-in-chief. that is all ahead. back in a minute. ♪ the day after chemo might mean a trip back to the doctor's office, just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home with neulasta onpro? 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"washington post" report that workout and some spy i'll post. this is part of the gps gathering available on smartphones and yes connected bits, which a lot of soldiers sawyer. more fallout today from security paid "the wall street journal" reporting until sold some companies about the problems are not the u.s. government. security experts say they may have given the chinese government to knock down. hackers access personal data and researchers say there's no sign the information was severed voted. shares of intel lowered the free market more than half a percent. apple cutting its iphone 10 production in half in the first quarter due to disappointing holiday sales in europe, the u.s. and china. japan's nikkei reporting that apple is slowing production targets to 20 million units. heart of the problem could be the price tag that starts at $1000. took a hit last week as well. almost half a percent reporting earnings later on. typically all about the music, listen to this. this mac >> hip-hop, real talk. that is love, baby. >> tonight in this room full of dreamers, we remember this is held by dreamers, for dreamers chasing the american dream and the kids can't be forgotten and are worth fighting for. >> he had a long-time fear of being poisoned. one reason he liked beating the donald's. maria: u.s. ambassador to the u.n. company key hayley. the fire and fury but killed it. now, back to the music. bruno morris earned the top three for album of the year for 2014 magic anyone six grammys total. make america great again last year coming up later on in the show to talk about what she wore last night. a lot of buzz about her latest outfit. maria: her dress was another extension of that. you were at the grammys. tell us about it. >> it was awesome. her number is as incredible. the highlight for me was elton john. everybody from my generation was saving up for elton john. maria: and he did a duo with miley cyrus. right before that then i turned her off. that's it, you're done. did you watch it? >> this is what we expect in politics. a lot of these musicians over the last 50 years to come in their music has been filled with political statements. if he hadn't done what he did and people have been disappointed. his music is the political. dagen: it's when a singer got up there and started making political statements. outside of care for. but you too, can their entire career has been hinged at making political statements. maria: -- >> its interest in the newly ferried grammys -- come the music entertainment and they're completely out of touch with the american public and it continues. dagen: were they able to rally votes hillary would've won. maria: that's right. they didn't come out. the dow, nasdaq and the s&p 500 record has good instructional pullback this morning. what if anything slowed things down. we will look at that, the risks. stay with us. ♪ take off for mexico with expedia. ♪ one click gives you access to discounts on thousands of hotels, cars 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military story behind it to what an honor to pay tribute to torture us by telling this story, but not little tidbit missing is an authentication issue. >> it's a great story. so fascinating. the second episode airing at 9:30 eastern time. >> i love my job. and the two homeowner because my collection cost me more than maintaining my house. >> charlotte can only afford to keep one. >> i just thought there's no way i would inherit a collection of this for no reason. >> i made the decision i'd rather sell my house than my collection. >> think about that. >> next, it cost her her husband. now they cost her her house. maria: >> that's the amazing thing. her godmother was a quaker. the last fashion a study you would imagine cup $25 from her parent in the nose out of control. 3000 dresses that were left to charlotte matt was an antique owner in australia and has one of the most significant and historic fashion connections and she's made a career. not just a collection, a calling. the collection is priceless here in new york and wait until you see what she's done with it, but a quaker very unlikely, but a great story of her and also the first gentleman who inherited the corvette wanted to do the right thing. twists and turns to night, maria. if you watch one night a "strange inheritance" this season, tonight is it. maria: i'll be watching. >> great to see you. don't forget that money collection you have, the coins and dollar. call me. maria: thank you so much. jamie colby there. check out "strange inheritance" tonight. last week if you missed it come here's the top moments are our program live from the world economic forum last week live in switzerland. >> welcome to the panel. >> the united is trying to make itself a bit more competitive. that changes that will reverberate a little bit in the world. there is an attitude about the administration about fair trade, but have to settle back to real question which is how the balance is straightened out. >> we worry about trade recently because it grew more slowly than gdp, which is very worrying. but i remain optimistic. trained to use at that there have always been trade wars. where you expect in the u.s. is engaging in a trade were? >> what they meant is this. every time someone violates trade rules, that to me is that war. things are trading. they know we are not going to be anymore. >> companies outside the united states are now recognizing the u.s. competitive posture has changed quite dramatically and we are going to be seeing unanticipated foreign investment into the united states because we will be the best developed market in the world. maria: were you surprised at all this focus in question hammered about your comment that a week ago were super trade? >> i am a big surprise because the comments for the dollar has been completely consistent going back for a number of years are the treasury secretary has just commented on strong dollar, strong dollar, strong dollar. my perspective is there is a free market. where it is in the short-term is not a concern of ours. >> the transformative nature and technology is very exciting, but it also cautions us to address issues about the feet, security, accessibility and also privacy. maria: how soon before we see driverless cars on the road is the norm? the market will come not as fast as some people say, but sooner than many expect. >> augmented intelligence. it will really propel the world forward. this is really important inflection point in time for companies, but for the tech industry, society at-large. it is our job to stuart in these new technologies and guide them safely into the world. maria: we've got to get your take on the employment situation right now. >> eve of the country and immigrants. we are very lucky country were lots of highly energetic and talented people want to come to our country. i certainly believe that we should all want them to stay and contribute. we could get the dreamers and we could get the dreamers and not one of us has the ability to do this along. we need to partner with private sector and partner with allies. >> america being great again it comes from america engaging with the rest of the world and sharing its -- the principles that it represents. i'm looking forward to seeing thousand united states will continue to set the -- to be the moral authority and leader in the world. >> you have to understand what america first means to the president and the administration and it's really pretty simple from my perspective. this is about america being comptive around the world when folks are thinking about where you want to buy your synergy from, where you want the next to come from, we want you to think ooooooh snap!! every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. yeeaaahhh boy. kind of looks like a monster coming to eat ya. holy smokes. that is awesome. strong. you got the basic, and you got the beefy. i just think it looks mean. incredible. no way. start your year off strong 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on friday, we have the fomc meeting and, of course, the state of the union, yes, it is a busy week for markets. we are watching yields and rates move higher in top 10-year treasury. major indices closed at record highs on friday due to strong corporate earnings. dow industrials at 26,616. nasdaq at 7505. in europe mixed performances. ftse up a quarter of a percent. dax in germany lower by a fraction. in asia overnight, markets closedlyst mostly lower with the exception of korea. up almost 1%. closer look this morning, a third of the dow and more than s&p 500 companies will report this week, lockheed martin, we will bring you the numbers as soon as they hit the tape. the defense contractors have been soaring in the last week and there's a chart in the last three months of lockheed martin. top story this half an hour, red-hot start of 2018, markets are gained momentum through january, the dow industrials has seen 11 record closes, the nasdaq 13 record closes and the s&p 500 has seen its biggest gains in more than 30 years with these markets up from the start of trading, not the mention since the election. joining us right now skybridge capital troy, troy, good to see you. >> good to see you, maria. maria: what takes the market off track? >> rates backing up, you know, our opinion would be the rate move so far as confirmation of better economic growth, better earnings, rotation out of bonds and equities but you start seeing the ten-year approach, 2.8, 2.9, that will decelerate and make cause a longer consolidation period. maria: dagen, what's the magic number? i can get a better deal if i put money in treasuries because interest rates are at this level, i'm going the take the risk out and take the money out of stocks? do you have a magic number? >> since financial crisis it's been close to the yield that we see right now that when you get a sustain move above 2 and a half, this is the highest, 2.7% in the yield in four years, again, this was in a slow-growth environment where the u.s. economy never grew in any one calendar year 3 -- even 3% since 2005, i think. so it's more than a decade. there's -- i think that when you start to get closer to 3% that that is danger zone at least in the short run. >> it should cause a pause again. think about the gains since the election last year and in the last six weeks they have been historic, one of the justifications for the strength of bull market has been how low rates and alternative but you have rates backing up, again, 3 or above, that's when you could have at least a mild correction, several percent, not 6, 7 or 8. >> troy, one of the things i worry about depressing the value of the dollars, it's good for profits, may not be good, what do you think about the cheap dollar strategy? >> but also to keep equities trending higher. we are talking about comments that mnuchin made, those comments only weaken the dollar but a percent, percent and a half. don't forget the dollar had tremendous gains in 2013, 14 and early 15, since then it's been weakness, the dollar is actual weaker now than the fed hike in 2015. so we don't want to get in a trade war. we don't want to see the dollar decline 5 or 6, 7% from here because that would set off concerns about inflation. in the meanwhile it's trading weaker in a relatively sustained range so we don't see it as a huge threat right now. maria: you know what, i want to get your take on whether or not to put money into the market or to take money out, first, let's give context because black rock chairman and ceo steve told us about the next fundraising cycle for black stone group, listen to what he had to say in the future of his business. >> we started out just doing the highest return-type of investing, in real estate it's called opportunity fund investing, in private equity it's like normal private equity and those returns sort of have ended up close being to 20% after fees. maria: every year. >> which is every year and, of course, pretty amazing, and what happened is that we've done that and now we discovered interesting things, that there are investors who don't necessarily want those types of returns, they are much more comfortable and are looking for returns in 11, 12, 13-type of area for different types of things, some private equity that compounds over the long-term, you don't sell it four or five years, you can hold it for 10 or 20, and some in the real estate area. there are also security that is can get you in that type of area. so what's happening is we are now developing products and aggressively expanding in that 11 to 13 to 14 range. now, there's a lot more to do there because it's easier to have lower returns if you're used to manufacturing very high returns. so we continue to do the high-return business but all of a sudden, we've got a much bigger potential market in these other lower returns and still there are people in the lower-rate environment who are quite happy making 7, 8, 9, because they are exceeding what they need for pension funds and other pools of capital and if you can do that in a secure way, that market is even bigger. so what's happening is we used to just be at the top and now we are addressing a pyramid and it keeps getting bigger as we go down and we develop those products and then we take them around the world, soblackstone is going to be experiencing, i believe a period of very substantial growth for a very long time. maria: they are about to go on a fundraising move, they are going to raise $200 billion. [laughter] maria: incredible. >> remarkable. remarkable firm. well, back to the question that you were going to ask, one of the challenges for investors right now is equities have done fantastically well, there's nervousness creeping in and volatility has been exceptionally low. everybody knows that the economic boom won't continue forever or they'll be a correction, where else would they put capital? back to the point on bonds, minus 1, minus 2 to up 1. so part of the growth firms like blackstones or alternatives in general, how do you make return that's at least competitive with equities but far less downside in the event of ultimate bear market. we are seeing money start to peel off money from equities. for the last years investors have been peeling money out of bonds. maria: would you put money to work in stocks? >> $600 billion has to go somewhere, continue to follow asset allocation, i don't think you want to be hyper right now. right now we are advocating clients, take money off the table and allocate to alternatives. maria: i have to tell you there's feeling of complacency, worries ant inflation at some point, i could not find one person to say take money out of the market in 2018. >> yeah. maria: they think the tax plan will have legs for this year, that we are still going to see another good market. i don't know what that means and if it's contrary indicater. >> yes, some of those people would say that if trump got elected, the market would collapse. maria: great to see you. we will be right back. oh good, you're awake! finally. you're still here? come on, denise. we're voya! we stay with you to and through retirement... ...with solutions to help provide income throughout. i get that voya is with me through retirement, i'm just surprised it means in my kitchen. oh. 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emerging market business and creating product that is have a lot of pull, so customers need the products. we are not trying to push something on somebody that you don't need. you have 2.5 billion people in emerging market, simply providing them a way into banking or into loans, into the financial systems, empowers them and allows us to actually sell and cross sell more services. take, for example, we just launched in pakistan a mobile financial services. the uptick of what we were supposed to be -- do in six months we did that in one month. lack of focus in big players, the cost of acquisition of customers to bring them to banking sector is very high. we do it via technology, via data. maria: tell me about that, how do you connect the dots? >> basically for more than 25 years since gsm is out there, a huge amount of data gathered by the telcos, it was dumped onto service and never ever used, they have to understand the customers. in a country where you have no data on the consumer, the only way you can reach them is via behavior and usage of their mobile phones and the amount of data you can actually get from that almost exceeds what you got on twitter, for example, and therefore taking the data, making sense out of it, scoring these customers and then, say, we are going to provide loans, services, we are going to provide content, digital content that you've never had access to, we do, for example, big services today is we provide loans for customers to go from a simple feature form into a smartphone. can you imagine what that brings to them? it brings the whole world in countries where you don't have electricity watching videos and getting onto youtube and social media via your phone and enable you to do that any time anywhere is a proposition? maria: what kind of growth are you expecting? >> this year 60%. maria: wow. 60%. >> 60% growth in business. we closed the year with about 400 million people interacting with our platform this year. we honestly believe we will finish more than 620 million people interacting with our platform by tend of this year and it's already inside, we can already see it happening the way we are growing. so we are probably going to hit probably a billion in the next two years, users in platforms. geopolitical events don't affect us as much as i was saying earlier, even though economies are affected, we are not even affected as much. i think the biggest concern for us is the lack of regulation and what we are doing today and perhaps maybe too much regulation which would slow down what we are doing because it's a gray area, sits between banking, regulators and so, area that we are watching, working closely with regulators on the ground, trying to put laws actually in places, in bangladesh, for example, no laws for data usage, we met government officials, we need to understand this a bit more and how it works and what it means for us, passing laws for us is a big issue, we can't grow in the market because, you know, not sure what's going to happen. maria: my thanks to bassim haidir for joining, we will be right back. how do you win at business? stay at la quinta. where we're changing with stylish make-overs. then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. bravo, tall meeting man. start winning today. book now at i'm the one clocking in when you're clocking out. sensing and automatically adjusting to your every move. does your bed do that? i'm the new sleep number 360 smart bed. let's meet at a sleep number store. maria: music's big night last night, grammy's, going into into the show i was able to meet with will iam in davos last week where we spoke about ai to new music. last time we talked you were lifting the neighborhood you grew up. how that's going? >> it's going great, that's the reason i started iam plus, if i am going to inner cities that they should apply in path of science, mathematics and i go off, go on stage, they're going to look at me, will, i want to do music like you, so i'm like, no, you want to do tech like me, like this is the way not out of the ghetto but change the ghetto forever. since then, the company that i have, we went from when i acquired a company out of india after we sold beats to apple, we were 40 employees, now we are 300 employees across six different locations around the world. we raised $117 million, our ai, voice operating system is being used by telecom to improve customer service, working along side customer service agents so they have ai to augment and enhance experience. that's really exciting. maria: what's the next big thing? i know you're working a lot on artificial intelligence, where is that leading you? >> ai is the next big frontier. right now your iphone is the internet phone and there's a bunch of internet devices, ai devices are around the corner, we are about to deploy ours shortly, this year and really excited for our launch. maria: do you worry that ai and all the machine learning that we are talking about is leading to loss of jobs, we are really going to high-tech. >> imagine it's 1918 and your family are candle stick makers and they have been making forever and lanterns and then liquid fluid with lights, imagine the fear of how many jobs it's going to replace but just look at how many jobs it created, imagine you were horse and buggy and you made buggies and you made equipment for the part. look how many jobs it created. the same is going to happen with artificial intelligence, we can't imagine the jobs yet and the jobs are going to come from folks that have been left behind when you encourage kids and educate them around these skill sets, they will create jobs. maria: a lot of conversation in davos about france. would 2018 be the year of france, the u.s., europe, asia? what do you think? >> my eye is on 2030. maria: okay, why? >> because that's when my kids will be old enough to create jobs, the ones that i'm focused on right now, 9-year-olds, right, so 2030 -- i'm looking further. i'm committed further. maria: are you going to go to the grammy's this year? >> i'm committed further. maria: you don't want to talk about the grammy's? >> that was the past. maria: you can do what you want. >> people are going to get up there and thank everybody and their mom and ignore edison who is responsible for the gramaphone which is our grammy award. we forget the sciences, we forget the innovators and the inventors, we thank everybody god except for the folks that are responsible for the innovation and bringing it to life. maria: william, thank you so much, more mornings with maria, stay with us. .. .. the day after chemo might mean a trip back to the doctor's office, just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home, with neulasta onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection, which could lead to hospitalizations. in a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%, a 94% decrease. applied the day of chemo, neulasta onpro 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points on the nasdaq. futures this morning a bit of a pullback. take a look at the tone been set. the dow industrials are down 27 points. the nasdaq down to 15 points. we are watching interest rates and the yield on the benchmark. rep of of up to .7 percent. building on fridays to gain after the fourth quarter gdp was up. and it showed growth of 2.6 percent. the major indices are mixed. higher across the board actually. they are fractionally moving this morning. in asia overnight a close mostly lower with the exception of korea. atms are under attack. the secret service is warning of a new hat that has let criminals hit the jackpot plus the grammys taken anti- trump tune. tune. that's the one, you think so. the outrage as a former democratic nominee uses the stage to attack her election rival president trump. then the super bowl shuffle begins as the patriots and the eagles get ready to clash. the very latest on the matchup. eli musk lighting up twitter with the new business venture. not so boring i guess. all of the stories coming up. great to see everybody. missed you. we've a lot to talk about with a c of the city of the union tomorrow night. there are some big headlights. i really think this state of the union address is any indication of his tone and has mood i think it's good to be a great one. he will be focused on the american people i think a lot of people are expecting that. i'm here to fight for you. >> i thought it was very optimistic and davos. it gave me that sense of optimism. it was about the big beautiful waterfall of the bonus checks. but they did not anticipate. it went over his head. i thought about that all weekend long. there jobs are not relevant. with a big show this morning coming up the former arkansas governor mike huckabee is with us. plus the coo of lamborghini america. don't miss a moment of it. let's kick it off right here. president trump's inaugural address is expected to focus on the economy infrastructure trade and national security. nancy pelosi has already dismissed the commander-in-chief. as a way to make america white again. that plan is a campaign to make america white again. i come down this. the president has laid out a template and work and look at that template and bring to work with it. mark penn good to see. you've worked on six a state of state of the union speech is what do you want to hear what you expect to hear from president trump tomorrow night. the state of the union speech is sort of the super bowl of american politics. you 45 to 60 million people who tune in. it's a chance to not enforce the base but the president really has to reach out to those people he has favorable personal approval ratings yes or reach out to the next six or 10% of people with the speech otherwise it's not can adduce his presidency any good at all. he has to reach out with those people that don't like him to show that he's not as reckless as spec reckless as they think. those are the goals. and then he has to go and not kill his message with tweets or talk anything about investigations. i know you're saying the point is to reach across aisle and get more people on board with his message. we see that public opinion does not change on the state of the union address. >> with a tremendous impact. rain down a marker. most of them don't have much effect because they are consistent with everything that they have done. they are looking to see after the year and the presidency has he matured in a way or is it the trump the people don't really like. and no matter how good the economy is if it doesn't overcome being reckless and divisive he can get their support. as the present actually helped by his negativity from some of that democratic leaders. the tsk tsk tsk talking about these bonuses as pathetic crumbs for the little people. i think that really plays into the president's hands because it shows a complete disconnect and as you pointed out the democrats keep talking down the economy rather than trying to lift it up. i thought it was fascinating that actually took pelosi on i don't think the democratic comments are neither here nor there. i think they have successfully challenged him on healthcare and questioned his legitimacy as a president. he is to really give his response here that he is working on behalf of people. that's at the what the battle is all about. don't you think that there is can be some fall back here. but we are actually seen the impact of it. nec company after company give out thousand dollar bonus checks. we will cut prices and invest in our business. at some point will the american people want answers to the fact that nancy pelosi did not vote for the tax plan. and they shut the government down. do you think people are gonna say we want answers going and. attitudes are towards economy and optimism about it moves up about 5% in the last month. only about a third were for it. we've seen a lot of movement in that. i think he will have an opportunity to try to push that further. they should've voted for the tax measure and they will play likely to the advantage of the republicans. if you sell the problem the american public and doesn't look back at they look forward. healthcare is the number one issue. it will be interesting to see what's more important. we have to ask you about the grammys what did you think of what happened last night getting political again. he have a longtime fear in the food was safely premade. more controversy because hillary clinton as facing some backlash of this morning after posting a video which thanked feminism for the activists of worrying in them that the following video contains graphic language. >> let me just say let's go. what did you think of that. the crowd loved hillary there and i think that she has been consistent in apposition and that she has expressed in the belief that the election was unfair. i suggest that i'm really at a loss to understand why the networks let their award shows devolve into political shows. at the american public likes political combat there is no problem seeing trump and hillary go at it. but the question is where. it's not just that. you are a message person. and you know how things resonate. i don't think it's going to do anything. most of them go to what --dash might go away. neither are the american people who voted for her. hanging onto relevance. the ection was unfair what was unfr. she wrote an entire book on that. she's not running for anything. i think she feels freedom from having to go out and get votes. i think she was right to take an opportunity like that. my question to you is if you think that these kind of award shows by artist had any sway on public opinion and support of democrats and i really think they do. a lot of people question hollywood after all weinstein was hollywood's leader. they're almost somewhat public --dash make puzzled by it. they basically covered up for for almost 40 years. mark, good to see you sir. thanks so much. why the attacks could get worse in the united states. now is selling flame thrillers --dash make. welcome back at the united states secret service targeting a new type of bank robbery. it is called jack potting. they can wire into an atm using a medical school. the upload this. warning the banks about these in the malware back in 2013. it was very sophisticated. the u.s. commodity futures has fined three major european banks they were reporting that the lenders they were accused of spoofing. a buy or sell order is put on the futures contract. after a multi agency investigation plan. we should say that ubs self purported the manipulation they found. about 24 percent. there can have to wait a little bit longer. it's not sure where to list. prefers the new york stock exchange but a buyer ones that could have that with lawsuits. maria spoke to the crown prince. many of the other sectors use we believe that the demand it will decrease dramatically for the future. 20302040. it will not immediately collapsed. meanwhile shares of the holding are bouncing back this morning. as part of the government crackdown. the stock has written since 15%. he and several other people were held here. he sounded good i spoke with him on saturday. he said he wasn't missed treated. he was never moved to a high security prison. and he said that there were no charges this is pretty extraordinary given the fact that we've seen other royals having to give up of their fortune. in no uncertain words there is absolutely no charges and there is no money being paid and he will keep control of kingdom holdings. he agrees with the crown prince and what he's doing. he has been in prison since early november and said that it was never a high security prison and he's fine. in his sweet at the four seasons in riyadh hit the meals that he wanted, he was not missed treated what else is he gonna say. there was no money charge. he did not had to give up any money or any power. i was taxied on the plane when i knew he was actually home. i can confirm that he's home and he's been home for two hours. but that i sent the follow-up e-mail. he sort of the face of the mid east mideast as it relates to the west. and he has made so much money. my is he still in prison. no doubt it was a little pressure on the crown prince. wait until you see this. going to the big game. taking a starring role in the company's latest super bowl ad. mvo: we had support from the interfaith groups, the synagogue, the churches. ♪ when disaster strikes to one, we all get together and support each other. that's the nature of humanity. ♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ and i'll never desert you. ♪ i'll stand by you. (daniel jacob) for every hour that you're idling in your car, you're sending about half a gallon of gasoline up in the air. that amounts to about 10 pounds of carbon dioxide every week. (malo hutson) growth is good, but when it starts impacting our quality of air and quality of life, that's a problem. so forward-thinking cities like sacramento are investing in streets that are smarter and greener. the solution was right under our feet. asphalt. or to be more precise, intelligent asphalt. by embedding sensors into the pavement, as well as installing cameras on traffic lights, we will be able to analyze the flow of traffic. then that data runs across our network, and we use it to optimize the timing of lights, so that travel times are shorter. who knew asphalt could help save the environment? ♪ ythen you turn 40 ande everything goes. tell me about it. you know, it's made me think, i'm closer to my retirement days than i am my college days. hm. i'm thinking... will i have enough? should i change something? well, you're asking the right questions. i just want to know, am i gonna be okay? i know people who specialize in "am i going to be okay." i like that. you may need glasses though. yeah. schedule a complimentary goal planning session today with td ameritrade. welcome back the super bowl less than a week away. jared max with the story. the eagles glanced today. they've been underdogs this entire postseason. the eagles have a lead-in in the patriots will land today. they one final practice. twelve stitches removed from tom brady's hand. the patriots are going to hold a rally today and then fly to minneapolis. what is this tom brady statute doing on this. somebody did the same thing with the vikings jersey. here is a sneak peek at amazon eco spot. amazon elects not lost alexa lost her voice this morning. to say the word. hey alexa did you see what tiger woods had to contend with. it's a golf tournament. it misses the pot. the first time since august 2013. alex norton and jason date will finish the longest playoff ever at the history of this tournament. instead of publicly criticizing his basketball coach for the lakers lamar ball coached his other two sons yesterday and in lithuania. the exhibition series and they combined for 71 points and the team won by 31. i'm fascinated to see the ads. i'm not a big fan of them releasing them in advance. they have enough money that they should. they should discuss it there. by the two teams. can we be disgusted by both. in you to be cold at the same time. how about rhonda rousey officially signed with the wwe. a full-time contract. full-time. she will take part in wrestlemania. this woman does not get enough of press coverage. she is the face of women sports. the straw weight champions. and she is unbelievably amazing and composed. i love her. jared, thank you. a pivotal moment in the privacy debate. the house intelligence committee. on releasing the memo that contains a proof of surveillance abuses. drafted by chairman devon new mess. how much it will cost you to get your hand on these hot -- hot new gadgets. hold together. a little to the left. 1, 2, 3, push! easy! easy! easy! (horn honking) alright! alright! we've all got places to go! we've all got places to go! washington crossing the delaware turnpike? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money sean saved by switching to geico. big man with a horn. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. good monday morning welcome back everybody. i maria bartiromo. 7:30 a.m. on the east coast. the battle over the secret pfizer memo may come to an end today. they could vote this afternoon over whether to release the shocking memo that alleges fbi surveillance abuses. controversy is swirling over the investigation amid a report to the present trump considers firing robert mueller for the summer. see mac he mackey should continue his investigation but has to be done with propriety. and there are a lot of questions that are not answered at this point. meanwhile futures worsening right now. it's down to 60 points. a third of a%. the stock is up to a half percent. in the to watch. they are topping 2.7 percent for the first time 2014 that is one of the reasons that markets are having trouble. they led the market then. as with the nasdaq up one and a quarter percent. ninety-five points higher. ft 100 up to 15. but the dax index in germany down a fraction 18 points lower. with the exception of korea. earnings and focus this morning. lockheed market --dash mike martin kicked things off. the stock is up almost 4% right here. that's after a great year right here. also up 25% as you can see. hillary clinton made a surprise appearance at the grammys last night. they make waves of their own on the red carpet again. her dress gets political. she's get a join us later to explain that dress and what she was trying to do. elon musk does it again. we have this in breaking news. that's why we showed you dr pepper shares. they are merging. this shareholders will receive 103 .7 dollars a year. they had 13% and dr pepper snapple shares are jumping on the news. meanwhile the house intelligence committee will meet at 5:00 p.m. eastern today and could potentially vote on releasing the pfizer memo. and whether the memo should be made available to the public. whether or not they were used at court proceedings. if you are interested in who paid for the dossier and christopher steele's relationship and the democrat national committee then you will want the memo to come out. >> interesting questions there. i basically do agree. it is basically a four four-page summary of hundreds of hundreds of pages of a raw intelligence data. last week at this time i was furious because we learned that the house intelligence committee was aware of this for months and sat on it during the debate. not just the 22 on the house intelligence committee. should be aware that the nsa and the fbi. congress should have been aware of this at the time it voted. can they committee and release it on its own. no because it is based on top-secret and secret materials. only the president on his own can declassify. so after they devote they'd vote and they probably well. he artie said he wants doubt there that will provoke another memo written by the democrats on the committee based on the same documentation that well had two competing memos that will cause me to say let me see the data on with both memos is based. and have the right to see these documents. with another memo. if they indicate that they use the dossier as justification to wiretap donald trump and his entire campaign american people should know it. if the memo shows that any of the 60,000 domestic frats -- spies that work for the nsa or the hundreds and hundreds of fbi agents that work in the intelligence division of the fbi abused the authority of the government has given them we need to know who abuse the authority we need to know who knows about it. if we can't trust the fbi to be impartial and does do their job and i just want to say a lot of people are great people and they have no knowledge of any of this. in the public has the right to know it. this really has very little to do it. something else. i'm wondering how much of this they are looking at. these texts are not my mandate. but the text between the two fbi agents are so damning. i read recently i think it was last thursday or friday the charge that he has. the language in it is so vague. it would allow them almost anywhere. that way he could indict paul manafort. are there to be can be accountability do you think. there are more texts to come. i don't think they've committed a crime. is that a crime. it's not a crime to use those words and is not a crime to meet outside the justice department and say we love hillary we don't like donald trump it would be a crime to hide evidence it would be a crime to exonerate somebody you know there is evidence of guilt. that might very will be another area. we just kept finding treasure trends of areas but new -- and no no real evidence of any collusion. right now he's interested in obstruction of justice. they have two different areas that he's now examining it looks like there may soon be a third. how republicans and democrats can interpret the same data differently. that's why we should be able to see the new data. to do what senator feinstein did with the torture report that the senate intelligence committee voted not to reveal. we all learned what happened. we have the right to know the intelligence and data on which these two different interpretations are base because you can be harmed for what you do. they should testify over these they could of protected that. they weighed in with me yesterday on sunday morning futures. there are tens of thousands of great men and women every day who keep us safe and prevent terrorist attacks and solve crimes but they are being besmirched by several people in the leadership of the fbi that have a shocking contrast in the way they took that investigation and the one they've taken to the trump administration. you just saw the chairs of two of them. they want to know what's going on. absolutely proper. on top of that jeff sessions the attorney general can and should re-examine the evidence against her and assign it to a fresh team of fbi agents. and decide whether or not it should be presented to a grand jury. it appears to be more and more corrupt. and what is a secret society after donald trump wins. having go and the law enforcement community. i'm familiar with their gallows humor. and sometimes i participated in it myself. if it isn't we have to know about it. judge andrew napolitano. thank you. we will be right back. hillary clinton makes a surprise appearance on the grammys. and then space travel. then they get into the flame throwing business. the dangerous new products from the underground billing company. how do you win at business? stay at la quinta. where we're changing with stylish make-overs. then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. bravo, tall meeting man. start winning today. book now at today, the new new york is sparking innovation. you see it in the southern tier with companies that are developing powerful batteries that make everything from cell phones to rail cars more efficient. which helps improve every aspect of advanced rail technology. all with support from a highly-educated workforce and vocational job training. across new york state, we're building the new new york. to grow your business with us in new york state, visit elon musk is now adding flame throwing salesman to his resume. lauren, good morning. remember the scarface line. here you go. with his instagram. and that he cashes it. i want to be clear that a flame thrower is it super terrible idea. deftly don't buy one. 7,000 people like fun. by selling preorders. at the 500-dollar flame throwers. to raise money for another one of his companies which is literally called the boring company. as you guys know. flying cars will be how about taking transportation. from new york under half an hour by bringing this underground red way of tunnels. to do so in a cheaper manner. another way they funded this company. there you have it. we are talking about this company. he also has space x as you know. and next week they are launching five years in the making the falcon heavy racket. this is the most powerful rocket in the entire world. during the lunch they will launch a tesla car. incredible. music's biggest nights. look at political last. my name's dustin. hey, dustin. grab a seat. woman: okay. moderator: nice to meet you. have you ever had car trouble in a place like this? (roaring of truck) yes and it was like the worst experience of my life. seven lanes of traffic and i was in the second lane. when i get into my car, i want to know that it's going to get me from point a to point b. well, then i have some good news. chevy is the only brand to receive j.d. power dependability awards for cars, trucks and suvs two years in a row. woman: wait! (laughing) i definitely feel like i'm in a dependable vehicle right now. woman 2: i want a chevy now. woman 3: i know! we use so why do we pay touters thave a phone connected. when we're already paying for internet? shouldn't it all just be one thing? that's why xfinity mobile comes with your internet. you can get 5 lines of talk and text included at no extra cost. so all you pay for is data. choose by the gig or unlimited. and now, get a $200 prepaid card when you buy an iphone. it's a new kind of network designed to save you money. call, visit, or go to he a long time fear of being poisoned. one reason why he liked to eat at mcdonald's. no one knew he was coming and the food was safely premade. >> that was hillary clinton making a cameo. the ultra politicized were show was just that. i have always loved the grammys. they do not ruin did not ruin great music with trash. some of us love great music without the politics and thrown in it. there is a different kind of backlash. it ruffled some feathers. what happened last at the grammys. it showed a picture of the fetus and the painting i painted on my dress. i re-created it on my dress. i chose to represent a pro-life message. what kind of reaction did you get. a lot of love, a lot of hate. a lot of people hating on me right now. i'd a lot of people tell me it was beautiful. that's why am pro-life. and something very personal to you. this is why i chose to wear it. this is something that meant a lot to me. i was asking you how you got that topic and that dress. one of the things i'm always curious about. you get a lot of hate on that. the grammys and general were two political, and how how do you feel about using the platform for politics. and something that they hate. hillary clinton reading by in theory. use your platform to do something positive. instead of just talking about it. a lot of self obsessed a lot of self obsessed do you think that in general has just gone over the edge in terms of how political it has become. absolutely. it may have been better than mine. i was not on the red carpet. people are mad. it will show us the fee and a seat. and something that is meant to be a relief from politics. it takes us away from something that should be a relief. and they are using and a really negative way. there's nothing positive about what they keep doing. i'm getting this hate now. let me set up. it makes me keep going. when you tell me stop, go away i want to do it even more. this is a message that needs to get out. there are a lot of young girls out there that adoption is an option. personally pro-life and i think that needs to be represented in an area that is frankly hostile towards it. we will be touching. enjoy ray to see. still to come more fears over a fitness tracker. ts about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today. monday morning. thanks for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo monday, january 29 top toirz 8:00 a.m. east coast tough on trade president trump america first message already being tested as mexico and canada have rejected a proposal by the white house to rework a key part of the north american free trade agreement as achieve targets europe this morning signaling possible about pay back over what he calls unfair trade policies with european union. >> i have had a lot of problems with european union it made more for -- very big from that standpoint, european union has treated united states very unfairly when it came to trade, european union has been very, very unfair to the united states, and i think it will turn out to be very much to their -- >> the president will address debate as well as. s bike boom first state of the union since taking office takes place tomorrow we will have it for you are live 9:00 pm eastern on fox business network, the address comes as major indices closed record level to look at momentum, dow industrials up almost 1%, 2233 points higher, s&p 3500 nasdaq up better than 1%, on friday, this morning, pullback from record high levels take a look dow industrials expected down 55 points opening of traith a quarter of a percent lower s&p 3500 did you know almost a third of a percent nasdaq weaker in points one-third of one percent dr. pepper snapple keurig green mountain plans to merge will receive 103.57 share in special cash dividend retain 13% of combined company check out movement of stock dr. pepper snapple shares up 35% right now, investors eyeing oranges from key names this is one of the busiest weeks so far, fourth quarter lockheed martin earnings and revenue topped expenses, and the stock this morning is up 3 and quarter% defense contract soaring last year markets like this ft 100 up a quarter pastor 16 points higher cac quarante up a fraction dax income tax down fraction in asia overnight stocks mostly lower with exception of korea, up, 1%, apple may take bite out of iphone new report that claims the giant may cut iphone comi. prosecutrix in half first quarter, not doing as well as thought technology putting troops in danger the new concern over a fitness app on fitbit indicating where troopdz are in me me, hillary clinton uses the grammy stage to mock president trump appearance leaving many feeling "fire and fury" this morning coming up monday morning to break it down dagen mcdowell, mrochelle pollster, lee carter good to see you now great to be here lots to talk about the state of the union. >> busy week. >> whoo-hoo. >> -- state of the union. >> we got state of the union fomc on wednesday, no interest rate increases expected huge amount of earnings, the jobs numbers on friday, so, yeah, a by these week. >> right. >> we keep an eye on the 10 year treasurer yield again, it is -- this is why trade policy and interest rate policy inflation all of it wraps up, to create some concerns for the market. from here, talk down the dollar you he heard that from treasury secretary last week, again, lower dollar means we are importing inflation that means what does federal reserve do means we could have higher interest rates this country cannot afford significantly higher interest rates given levels of debt that we are riding and therein lies the problem because washington won't do anything about these looming problems in termsch national diet facing a tsunami. >> won't do anything in a election year forget fw that i know that you don't want the treasury take talking down or up anything i mentioned op-ed in journal don't you think that some ways, steven mnuchin was saying obvious what every administration feels from beginning of time that yeah, a weaker dollar is brerlt for -- brerlt for trade they don't say. >> it you can say it if not treasury secretary you can think i it if treasury secretary united states dollar dear greenback say we support a strong dollar policy. >> every administration said but don't do things to indicate that is how they feel what i am saying i feel they all this can it he said it. >> by the way, president trump can say whatever he wants, but maybe his cabinet members need to rethink that strategy. >> you don't think anybody believed walkback do you. >> not at all. >> former presidential candidate arkansas governor mike huckabee joining is, president trump's daughter in law, laura trump is here coo lamborghini america is joining us as well host of "varney & company" stuart varney as well here weighing in don't miss a moment, first now, let's kick off with the top stories this hour trump administration trading agenda canada members rejecting a proposal from white house to rework a key part of nafta, president trump is hinting at retaliation against eu, for what he says is very unfair trade practices. blake burman live white house very latest. reporter: so much for niceties out of davos, president trump giving interview to piers morgan during world economic forum ired for the first time why i had in it the president saying that he has a lot of problems with european union saying trade standpoint we can't get product in products come in very low taxable about rate saying this could quote morph into something very big from a trade standpoint. >> the european union treated united states very unfairly when it came to trade they are not the only ones, by the way, i could make many countries and places that -- do, but european union has been very, very unfair to the united states, and i think it will turn out to be very much to their detriment. >> "the wall street journal" reporting mexico, canada rejected proposal from u.s. to change the corporate arbitration system that is wrapped into nafta called the investor state dispute settlement deals with arbitration claims from companies within all three countries when he spoke to commerce secretary ross in davos last week said things are just beginning from the negotiating standpoint as relates to nafta. >> blake thanks very much we will follow that joining us right now former presidential ked are former arkansas governor fox news contributoror mike huckabee thanks for joining us. >> great to be with you. >> reaction here, as we know the canada and mexico are rejecting this proposal to rework the arbitration part of the nafta agreements. >> well i am sure they would but i think they have to understand that donald trump is elected large measure because he said he would renegotiate the trade deals, make it more fair for the united states, any one of these came from mount sinai they with not on two it be let's of stone all have the provision they are made to be changed, and to be updated as the economy changes as conditions change, and i think this president should be commended for saying i know what? our job is to protect america american jobs american economy we are going to do that we want to trade, that is all an important part of -- growth. but its got to be where reciprocal and fair, bravo to president doing what is he said something not used to seeing politicians often do. >> i have a question for you there is so much talk about how these trade policies the we don't get a deal might harm u.s. what about other countries if they don't do a deal with us is it going to hurt them as well? >> of course it works and i think that is something that maybe needs to be said a whole lot more i don't hear a lot of people saying what you just said thank you for saying it because, some countries they have got a whole lot more to lose than we do. because they are utterly dependent upon our dollars buying their products, and if we decide look you he guys anticipatory playing fair so you know we will look elsewhere, it is going to put them in a world of hurt it is really a position of strength that the president looks at. this is not a presidencys america as weak, a country we have to apologize for, even our economic strength is not a weakness, it is something that we should be proud of and we got there by cap lizzism capitalism is a good thing it captures a people it helps poor people, to become not so poor people, and without it we end up like venezuela. i think we have got a great model to say to the rest of the world you want to be better off? be capitalist it works. >> governor it is dagen mcdowell some of these policies that the world doesn't exist in a vacuum when tar ifrz on solar cells washing machines does impact jobs in the united states the jobs created by companies like samsung, and the very red state of south carolina you have higher prices, on washing machines heard that from lg electronics so, again, this actually is done poorly, and this is kind of a willy-nilly side thing with small tariffs not it is not the sky is falling. but, again, it can hurt americans if -- if executed i am properly poorly. >> short term may be true learning a trade deal playing with same rules like super bowl everyone plays within same rules if one team gets special treatment, and the other team doesn't, that is not a fair game you don't know who champion is, short term there may be some you know pain. but the long term the prices more reallistically reflecting the what it comforts to make something, americans need to make things we always have to be able to do some things that if we don't we can't be free. provide our energy, make our own food, be able to feed yourselves, and to be able to fight for ourselves, means we manufacturer our weaponry items of it was manufacturing is a critical part not just of our economy. >> right. >> quite frankly without it we can't be free. >> we saw lg get back say we are going to raise prices obviously if they are tariffs on products companies going to raise prices a negative for consumers, having said that, there is real impact from tax plan that very positive. and yet house minority leader nancy pelosi continues to creative criticize it criticism from her party dismissing president's immigration plan now calling it make america white again he proposal listen to this. >> -- that is a again to make america white again. >> we don't need that type of rhetoric either side. from nancy or anybody else, and i come down to this the president laid out a template, we are going to look at that template going to work with it. >> you know governor before we get reaction i got to get panel reaction. she is not doing anything that is showing progress for her party are. >> no. >> she keeps -- making america white crumbs like you said armageddon. dagen: armageddon pathetic little crumbs 1,000 dollars is pathetic crumbs to her a little piecing of cheese. i think that she is doubling down if she sounds -- moronic, and doubling down on comments i don't understand what universe should he thinks the resonates with american people 12,000 dollars is more than 20 tanks of gas 1,000 dollars can feed a family of four in this country nearly a month, and she lives in a bubble that is san francisco. >> absolutely true, governor jump? here. >> i tell you nancy pelosi is making marie antoinette look like mary pop tiniest say the things she says so condescending insulting to working class people. that is a group of people nancy pelosi doesn't relate to doesn't understand, because she lives above them, but as dagen was pointing out i think so very gravel complooe 1,000 dollars to a family has 50,000 dollar annual income that is a huge amount of money, and for most families, that is significant, that is a vacation, that is being able doing to the dentist a lot of things. >> republicans have problems of her own distancinging themselves after steve wynn allegations story is in the journal wynn allegations ripple republicans seek distancing in wake of "the wall street journal" report from former employees there was constant or decadeslong patterns of sexual misconduct what say you about that. >> it is a horrible thing, i am glad that at a things come to lights servicerans between wynn and republican party if they had known about it widely known, then they continue the relationship, that would be scandalous the fact that they weren't aware of it became aware of it they cut ties, i am not sure what the scandal for the republicans is as much as it is a scandal for steve wynn and the tragedy of the people that he abused so that we point out the republicans have raised a lot of money this year, much more than on the democratic side. but, of course, he really was a kingpin in terms of raising money, governor good to see you. thank you so much stay with us tomorrow we are going to be live in washington state of the union speaking with former dnc chair donna brazil, about michael mccaul linda mahon form white house chief of staff bolton with us big show live from d.c. preview the state of the union, back in a moment right here. tariffs. . . maria: welcome back explosion gunfire rocking a military base in afghanistan killing nearly a dozen soldiers if latest in wave of terrorist attacks across the country cheryl casone with details. cheryl: that is right maria at least 11 soldiers have been killed 16 wound in early morning assault on military compound in kabul, this comes only two days after more than 100 people were killed in a suicide attack in afghan capital this month alone more than 200 people killed hundreds wounded in series of attacks unleashed by taliban, and rival isis, a fitness app revealing top secret information about location of u.s. military bases. "the washington post" is reporting the app called strava pin points workouts newer military base even spyout posts, information is now out there, part of the gps gathering that is available on smartphones the fitbit a lot soldiers wear. >> the beverage industry dr. pepper snapple keurig green mountain teaming up combined revenue 11 billion dollars, dr. pepper snapple share holders a dividend nearly 104 dollars per share 1% stake in the newly formed -- 13% stake, on market up nearly 38% right now huge stock to watch -- i guess dr. pepper out of your machine i made that up. >> -- joke on. >> all right, finally this pen prosecute you can say in half in first quarter following disappointing sales in europe, china, reduces the production down to 20 million units, publications says part of the problem could be price tag starts at about 1,000 shares of apple down more than 3% last week on concerns about the iphone sales that stock remember the company reporting earnings later this week, japan -- coin check announced going to refund customers about four hundred million dollars, that was ston by hackers, about 260,000 people loss holding, this is the world's tenth biggest cryptocurrency last week, from u.s. credit card companies restriking purchase in general. >> is this citigroup bank of america capital one deciding it will not allow customers to use credit cards to buy digital currency, one bit coin worth 11,000 dollars right now never know what next will bring. >> down from 20 now a week ago. >> coming up the grammys get political controversy after hillary clinton makes a cameo patterns bashes president trump made in usa how a luxury iware company is changing the industry manufacturing domestically back in a moment. ♪ yeah ♪ my name's dustinhey, dustin. grab a seat. woman: okay. moderator: nice to meet you. have you ever had car trouble in a place like this? 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made. >> what do you get manufacturing in the united states we are here all day having a conversation about trade about tariffs tell us how economically important for you. >> there is a lot of pride with making products here, in united states, we get to put americans back to work there is about 50 craftsmen working in our factory today what wouldn't have jobs if we were outsourcing overseas, but i think much more importantly for our brand, is it really connects the patients or customers with the craft of make thating eye wear we say intact over 70 steps one pair of glasses over 50% has upon done by hand in our industry, there is a lot of there is -- a large misconception about what a pair of glasses should be worth what really goes into making high quality eye ware making it in united states gives the opportunity to tell that story to really get people in touch with that craft. >> scott one of the things that we say all the same curious your perspective finding talent you said 50 in chicago is finding talent a challenge for your business. >> very, very difficult, so i think, what we don't talk about a lot talk bringing manufacturing about a too back to united states lack of infrastructure in the u.s. to make things particularly like eye wear, it is a skilled it is very skilled labor, and so every one of those 50 craftsmen we train in our factory have to be trained from step one none have any experience doing that, generally six months to get one up and running before they do the job on their own. >> most high end eye wear in same league as glasses made in japan and mentioned earlier, in italy. these retail the ones on for about 400 dollars, but is your profit margin slimmer than those manufacturers overseas because your labor costs are more expensive here. >> great question. first and foremost i should say that most of the product that -- a lot of product made in italy made in japan is in fact made in china vast majority of product made in china a lot of ways to get around that kin of origin, but the product genuinely in italy japan workforce well paid as well those workers also get paid a similar wage, to workers in the united states so our profit margins are not significantly worse than thinkers, in fact, there is a lot of benefits conveniences that we benefit from by making frames here in the united states a lot of -- a lot of advances offset. >> difference. >> where do people get glasses in over 1100 retail locations currently, all independent, eye care providers you mentioned you have optometrist across the street might carry product only independent offices. >> great scott great to have you on the show. thank you so much. >> we love your glasses beautiful. >> thank you. >> coming up president trump first state of the union daughter-in-law and trump for president sr., advisory laura trump weigh in on what to expect lockheed martin reports fourth-quarter results beating revenue expectations stock up by 3% right now back in a moment. ♪ ♪ got to do with it? what's love second hand emotion what's love has to do with it ♪ what? i switched to geico and got more. more savings on car insurance? a-ha. and an award-winning mobile app. that is more. oh, there's more. mobile id cards, emergency roadside service... more technology. i can even add a new driver... ...right from her phone! geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. maria: welcome back. good monday morning. thanks for joining us this monday it is monday, january 29 i am maria bartiromo. your top stories 8:30 a.m. on the east coast, president trump, gears up for first state of the union address tomorrow night expected to tout booming u.s. economy infrastructure, and trade. we are taking the show live the washington, d.c. for full coverage tomorrow and wednesday joining us live from d.c. as we preview analyze the president's first state of the union. plus hillary clinton making a surprise disappearance at grammy awards last night taking an opportunity to slam the president. >> he had a long time fear of being poisoned. one reason why he liked to liked to eat at macdonald nobody knew he was coming the food was safely premade. >> reaction from trump family, coming up straight ahead, plus futures pointing to a weaker opening for the broader averages today as we kick off new week on wall street after another record-setter last week personal income spending hit wires, measures riefgz 4/10 of a percent in december big week for markets markets are looking lower, but they have got a lot to react to this week, including fomc meeting on wednesday, the state of the union tuesday night, about apple earnings as well as amazon earnings thursday job number friday, this all after the major indices closed another record high friday due to strong corporate earnings take a look at that market dow industrials up 223 points, nasdaq up 95 points, global markets this morning, mixed take a look european indices edging higher in london and paris, but dax in germany is fractionally lower, in asia overnight, markets closed the mostly lower with exception of korea off one percent, earnings in focus on wall street again this is a busiest week so far fourth quarter earnings lockheed martin economiced off busiest week fourth quarter beat on earnings in revenue, stock up 3 and quarter puerto rico surging upbeat outlook for 201 in chip giant intel kelling chinese companies about a security flaw before closing it to u.s. government. >> making a legendary sports car friendly family as well new ride from lamborghini as i speak with coo will take us inside hot wheels coming up first topping news this half an hour, hillary clinton's grammy jab former presidential candidate makes a surprise appearance at awards show to mock the president and read from the book "fire and fury." >> he had a long time fear of being poisoned. one reason why he liked to eat at macked mcdonald's nobody knew he was coming the food was safely premade. >> joining me right now is trump for president sr., advisory president daughter-in-law laura trump great to see you. thank you so much your brother-in-law don trump, jr., tweeting this more hill goes on television more american people realize how awesome it is to have donald trump in office. >> true. >> did you watch the grammys. >> you know what i stopped watching all these shows a long time ago for this exact reason, and i think the american public as a whole probably feels the same way i thought it was despicable you disgusting sad hillary clinton obviously needs to validate herself in some way if so keen reading things maybe could read her 33,000 missing e-mails would i like to hear those it is disrespectful sad this is point. >> from business standpoint not very smart making the assumption everybody agrees with you. >> obviously, the country does not agree because donald trump is our president, they chose him november 8, 2016 look where this cup has come in a year that he has been in office. you know the economy is booming people are back to work, unemployment is at you know record lows, right now, and we have so much to look forward to, from this president i think even people that didn't vote are starting to get onboard. >> you make a lot of good points case the president does have a great story to tell. >> yeah. >> for state of the union tomorrow night preparing for first state of the union remember tomorrow night obviously the economy is going to be positive story that is going to be one thing to talk about also foreign policy. >> how much are you expecting him to get into things like, isis being defeated. >> i think he should talk about it nobody does we went from 44,000 isis fighters just about a year ago to under 1,000 right now, and really under reported but that is huge people in this country as of even a year ago, were very scared about how we were going to defeat isis is it possible i am sure going to hear about that hear about the fact on the world stage, the united states, has reclaimed its place as leader, you know sue see my father-in-law travel to different countries respect given welcome that he is given in different kinds, it is so great, that we have our kin back. >> that is what he said when he was in davos also talking about the economic strength jobs unemployment rate where it is also the regulatory framework rolled back, feels like there is a big runway to this because a number of sectors have not bening factored from regulatory rollback expecting good times better in 2018, and '19 continued economic growth. >> regulatory free from huge people next week see paychecks higher thanks to donald trump he is right this is super charged the economy i think 2018, 2019 each, there is opportunity for a lot of more growth in this country. >> do we have it right, then economic issues in the state of the union, perhaps an infrastructure plan? going to talk about that as well. >> i am excited as you are, to hear what he is going to talk about i am sure immigration will be on there as well that is a huge taubl feel like one-yard line almost there, something so needed, and necessary in this country. >> will you be in the hall. >> we are hoping to be there yeah i think so. >> let me ask you this because, some bad news as well for the republicans this morning that is las vegas real estate asks a mogul steve wynn resigning finance chair for rnc after reports of years he sexual misconduct denied wrong did not want to be a distraction he said for republican party what is your take on this, shares of wynn reports down sharply will form ak to investigate allegations, laura. >> i don't know too much about it to be honest with you he i know he resigned one of the chair women rnc amazing accepted his resignation is going to do what is best for the party, and you know we're sad o see him go a great supporter of the president, at the same time the republican party raising a lot of money much more than democrats, is to as you see that getting bigger must tell you business and big donors out there are seeing more opportunity on the side. >> not just big donors the majority of the money we raised is small dollars that means that the average person in the country, is supporting what the president is doing they want to see him in office again, for another four years, and 2020, and i think that speaks volumes. >> what are plans when you talk with him sort of off-line not official capacity but as his daughter in law what does he want to get established for the next three years. >> i mean what you heard on campaign trail, he is delivering on, the economy was so big to him obviously as a businessman that was something that was target from the very beginning, let's reboot the economy get it moving, you see where we are now the dow all-time highs. >> doing it as a businessman, look, get stuff done on time, get it under budget. >> yeah. >> good lessons. >> so true, i mean you look at i always talk about the rink the story there, that the city had for so long couldn't get an ice skating precinct in central park donald trump came in head of schedule under budget we are seeing it happens. >> i was talking about regulation 1 years to build a bridge in bayonne, infrastructure plan in alaska rollback in regulations has unleashed animal spirits. >> cte through red tape get it done country deserves it to be -- tractors there how is president dealing with the media backlash, the backlash on left when you see nancy pelosi calling 1,000 dollar checks crumbs. >> that is just that is plain sad ridiculous a lot of people would be thrilled to have 1,000 dollars sad she thinks crumbs they proved themselves wrong every single day they lied about tax cuts that people are going to see next week, that it is true the majority of people in the crunch 91% people going to make more money, and i think every single day those people on the left, that have been so harsh on donald trump on our president, every day they did credit themselves prove themselves wrong a little bit more. >> what are you doing in terms of 2020 pain at this point do we have a sense who will be running against your father-in-law. >> i think we ruled out oprah we thought that was a week ago, you know i don't know i love to mother who it is going to be i think we are just we are raising money as you said, you know, and i think the president is going to be able to reason i on you know, the great job that he is doing for this country, his track record is going to i think he alsoly another for you easier. >> the resist pushing back. >> they have no message they are no lowered they have no agenda, other than resist, it is very obviously very transparent to people i think. >> great to see you before you go updates on -- baby. >> we had him in pool in mar-a-lago trying to get him swimming. >> so good. >> ares the first haircut in florida, too. >> first hair cut congratulations, laura eric trump. >> thanks so much concerns over intel computer chip flaws company reported warned chinese companies before telling u.s. gst about you vulnerability. >> lamborghini newest on plaza i talk with coo of the company back in a moment. ♪ ♪ kiss me baby one more time ♪ ♪ 6facebook google microsoft apple amazon set to report numbers this week, joining us now host of "varney & company" stuart varney to look ahead, good morning to you. >> good morning, maria. . >> i got two words. may be three. don't disappoint. because if any of these big five wednesday and thursday when we get big fooifr results if they really disappoint i think could put a crack in the market all, not all, backtrack again, a lot of the money going into the market has gone into the five big tech stocks on expectation of stolar performances each and every quarter if any of them falters i think you will see market overall falter you know i think there is another kind of test coming here as well. what are the big tech companies going to do with money bringing back to america the money that they are going to get extra from the tax cuts, i suspect that a good chunk of it will go to stock buybacks, and/or dividend increases i think lift will go nuts about that, that will be truly crumbs for the workers, crumbs for america, and everything goes to the rich stockholders i don't agree where that the point of view i think that is what they are going to see. >> i think i agree not at a lot of room for error stocks up big time my worry on technology is regulatory part of things as donald trump rolling back regulation for this economy i think there is a new approach to technology, because these companies are more powerful than we have ever known, today, and their probably going to see higher regulation you are seeing in europe i think here in u.s. >> i want to know what kind of regulation. very hard to break up say amazon on antitrust grounds basically what they are doing is helping the every day consumer and lowering prices it is to america's benefit that this company exists. so i am not sure of what framework they would use to regulate them and rainy them in heavy pressure to do that. >> information on us may help person we are giving something up in process that is privacy, all data so much is that data worth, to government that is overseeing all of this that is what i am saying i i think regulatory environment is in known for these companies. >> why don't i get a piece of the action if they know everything about me that information somebody else albeit announce names plea where do i come in has to be bad to do that more on "varney & company," top of the hour right after "mornings with maria" join stuart first lockheed martin beats on fourth quarter revenue expects rise in earnings this year, good guidance has stock up 3%, nicole petallides on floor of the new york stock exchange watching lockheed broader market. >> good morning you are absolutely right taking a look at lockheed martin to the upside came but fourth quarter revenue beat street up almost 3%, 2.79, 345 and change so well on higher sales f-35 fighter jet program raising guidance for 2018, don't forget president trump's administration defense department to fork out spend 391 billion dollars, over 15 years to develop and buy more than 2400 sierp sonic warplanes a winner here, for lockheed martin going forward, also upside possibly then intel this is ongoing story about security, critical the question is why china's government may known more about it before even u.s. government seems that they actually let notified a small group of customers including chinese technology customers because china's government monitors those types of conversations, in fact chinese government may have known before the usa left out usa government to let them know about security flaws, stock is looking down about a half 1%, but up almost 32% last 52 weeks so has been a great performer like many tech stocks, and coming up, the great i move it because i will definitely into this a lom br gianni for your whole lom lamborghini for your family newest luxury suv, lamborghini with maria next. ♪ ♪ so, i needed legal advice, and i heard that my cousin's wife's sister's husband was a lawyer, so i called him. but he never called me back! if your cousin's wife's sister's husband isn't a lawyer, call legalzoom and we'll connect you with an attorney. legalzoom. where life meets legal. i'm the one clocking in when you're clocking out. sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. i can also help with this. does your bed do that? oh. i don't actually talk. though i'm smart enough to. i'm the new sleep number 360 smart bed. let's meet at a sleep number store. stay at la quinta. where we're changing with stylish make-overs. then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. bravo, tall meeting man. start winning today. book now at start winning today. retail. under pressure like never before. and its connected technology that's 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about it. >> super sports car has all feature of a super 650 horsepower. >> and, has all the technology to support the performance and agility of a purer lamborghini also in terms of design you super -- this is considered -- suv has -- agility. >> you are in the market, you said earlier this can hold golfbags what was so important why so important for lamborghini to be in the suv market. >> it is that the suv segment expanding every year -- before we believed that not having anything in the super part of segment in the suv environment we believe this was first -- also families, our clients, a different way of the lamborghini every day, during the holidays with a friend because can have people space three golf bags i mean the first combination. >> let me ask you alessandro i know you reported globe sales in double digits here is a car detroit auto show how much does this cost. >> 200,000 dollars. >> 200,000 dollars. >> how does that fit in overall pricing of lamborghini. >> this is let's say almost in line with our -- a position right level let me me say offer a different product not just super sports car but more. >> feels like super sports car as well as big family it is very family friendly this is gorgeous tell us about interior. >> here i can see that you have -- >> now i feel like in a lamborghini. >> -- immediately. >> -- so the seats, sporty you have in m middle of the command like -- aircraft. >> ipad right here. >> two touchscreens. >> two ipads yeah, yeah, yeah. >> screen so you can do -- in system infor containment system, a lever select driving mode you can drive in comfortable way have a sporty way, race, way but also this is -- >> almost like autonomous not exactly you can't stop -- >> plaza the driver the center we speak about motion, driving lamborghini is key all of our clients want to drive their lamborghini, and -- the driver also provide technology to have the driver, we had a full advance driver assistant that driving off crash we talked autos technology all the cars, this is beautiful, the moment i stepped in car could tell you i am in a lamborghini absolutely gorgeous, the order, and alessandro fa farmeschi thanks for joining us, stay with us we will be right back. ♪ ♪ all i want was the car ♪ if you. pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that in severe cases can lead to hospitalization. it may hit quickly, without warning, causing you to miss out on the things you enjoy most. prevnar 13® is not a treatment for pneumococcal pneumonia... it's a vaccine you can get to help protect against it. prevnar 13® is approved for adults to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. don mac -- after a day like this, most people would just order delivery. 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the reasons interest rates are on the rise. to plan 70% on the treasury. that is the benchmark which have now risen

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