Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20180103 :

Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20180103

creek to a currency to the tune of $20 million. he spoke with him that his optimism for the currency will in saudi arabia back in october. >> i do think people are a little bit, maybe under bitcoin specifically because it is like a reserved form of money, like old and it's just a store of value. do don't need to make payments. maria: with the big means coming out this morning. the tax bill pay enough for american workers. the very latest as southwest airlines and american airlines say they will give $1000 bonuses to employees. butcher block the u.s. government denied alibaba and financial proposed $1 million acquisition of global payment service money grants. the decision could have on u.s. companies trying to sell abroad. markets kicking off the new year record territory. s&p 500 and nasdaq closing at new highs yesterday. the nasdaq cracking 7000 yesterday. dow dow industrials has the second-highest close close on record up 105-point. take a look at the action could the momentum continues up better than 50 points today. nasdaq of 14 and in the s&p 500 up a quarter of a percent. across the world and europe certainly up half a percent. dax index in germany after 30%. combat by a fraction. closed for a holiday. the other majors that fractionally. weight watchers as dj callan becomes the new ambassador. baseball teams squaring off literally. the spongebob uniform taken the internet by storm. all the stories coming out the genetic talk about it, and dagen mcdowell, benchmark kevin kelly and "the wall street journal" fox news contributor barry kissell is here. dagen: good morning, maria. great to be here. maria: pack showed today. dagen: there is a deadline for the department of justice in a the editor over documents related to the dossier on now president trump. i read that this morning. >> where they're going to be in contempt of congress. what does that mean exactly? this is an important deadline and we will see if they come across because this is stonewalling this group, this committee. >> we'll see how far congress is going to go. is congress willing to put somebody in jail if they been subpoenaed or don't agree to testify. it can be a test of executive balance of power here, maria between congress and the executive. we'll see. trained to the journal today saying what if this is true. what if the dossier was used as the justification to wiretap the trump campaign. >> did the fbi dallas followed fresh and intelligent and stuff that wasn't true about the president did they take it to a judge and a judge in batch or who did that? maria: coming up during the conversation the national committee chairman newt gingrich is with us this morning. u.s. ambassador to the land and american enterprise senior fellow john bolton joining to ceo plus bill sandberg. a lot to talk about this morning. do stay with us. this top story, one of silicon valley's biggest investor make and a big bitcoin bad. paypal cofounder peter teal has amassed hundreds of millions of dollars in bitcoin. sources tell the journal has firmed by around 15 to $20 million in digital currency which it now says is worth hundreds of millions after his meteoric rise this year. here's the teal told me about the potential when i sat down with him back in october and we ought. >> one skeptical of most of them i do think people are a little bit may be underestimating sub three specifically because it is like the reserved form of money. it is like old and this shows the stored value. and if it ends up being a cyberequivalent of gold, it has a great potential. it is a very different kind of thing. people in silicon valley normally focus on companies, not algorithms or protocols, so this may be one exception. underestimated. maria: bitcoin prices spike. kevin kelly, what do you think about it it's certainly paid off for thiel so far. >> i absolutely love this. this is the validation of the asset class. you are starting to see the world's largest investors get into it after the largest futures exchange for the chicago mercantile exchange, so you have the adaptation of that, but this goes back to basically a currency that can be used should you need to get around price controls are surging inflation in prices. we've seen latin american investors and citizens using this to get away from venezuela. they are getting hyperinflation and this is a good way. better than gold because you're going to lug around expensive gold wire? you can't do that. dagen: as an instrument of pure speculation. there are literally hundreds of other crypto currencies and for now the mania and fixation is on this one. i would argue it's not like old. at least gold has a use. you can use it to make jewelry. there is no underlying use or value of this asset if you want to call it that. either way, we should remind people, peter thiel is one really rich dude and he can afford to lose $20 million taking a flyer on something like bitcoin. your average person cannot afford that. >> it is not a flyer. >> listen, we are so privileged to have a banking system we can trust and transacted we get to do that. if i am somebody in a developing nation but there is no bank or a government imposing its will and dictatorshipcome i can use and become become my own bank. tons of people have their cell phones. dagen: you can use the other crypt to currencies. that's my point. that is why this is dangerous because this is where the speculation is. my point is anybody who needs a way to transact business outside the traditional banking system and transactional not or can't choose another crypto currency at some point. it is not people but america that need to do deals with other people. its bartenders coast-to-coast speculating on this could get their shirts handed to them in their pants and shoes and socks. payback is not a replacement for the u.s. dollar. what is the u.s. dollar backed by? the u.s. government no longer the gold standard. >> people wanted to get their money back from the banks. >> of course -- dagen: the dollar didn't collapse in 2008. iraq denies a currency units now. it's a vehicle for speculators. >> look, look, think it's great that they are experimenting for leading this great experiment happening, maybe bitcoin has a certain purpose in the marketplace. media facilitate online transactions. maybe it is just a tool for criminals. i don't know how it going to end up. this is a real-life experiment going on. it's great. not going to replace the dollar. it's not gold or if let's let the market figure out how to use it. >> he could take me a couple days in italian fees had acted at the party you want to send you guys send bitcoin right now. dagen: not arguing there's a valid use for crypto current fee. that is not how it is being used today. his speed is for people to speculate. when you convince people that only bitcoin is the future. why not lay claim, ripple, one of the other myriad ur encouraging people to lose everything they own. transit will come up with southwest and american airlines giving thousand dollar bonuses to employees, basically basically celebrating the new tax plan signed into law by president trump. this is just getting better and better. at&t, wells fargo all announcing bonuses after the bill passed. do you think this continues? do you think some of this odious payout in 2017 was too obviously get it on the 17 tax as opposed to 18 because you listed actions. >> you may see money return to people another raised her head from her salary. you may see them get bigger bonuses. that's what happens when you have a growing economy. personally i would like to have a free sandwich on economy. maybe next time i fly. i'm happy for the employees, but come on. dagen: happy employees make for better flying experience. we know that because we fought american. trade was great to see them responding to the tax plan and paid out to the employees. >> good corporate servers are going to take care of this care of the stewards inquiry employees. not only on the public side, but even by persons who founded go daddy. he is a private enterprise now running his own money. you see a trickle of not only throughout the public corporations, but also private enterprise as well. maria: at the top stories as well, the global payment service money grab by alibaba financial is off after the u.s. government bought a quarter billion dollars you're coming a year to the day that alibaba founder jack ma elected donald trump in new york pledged to create 1 million american jobs. does this have implications for the chinese purchase of american companies. what is behind this? is this a national security issue? >> these transactions go through sophisticated process and the heads of agencies come together and talk about transactions and go through them. jack ma was never entirely clear. they knew that. he's very close to the chinese government. it's a section that is an entrepreneur like a warren buffet or somebody the united states. he's fundamentally different. >> i can tell you this is actually a shot across the bow to the chinese companies and one of the reasons the transparency are talking about in donald trump blocked an acquisition in september. it's supposed to be bought out by a chinese company. you seem even u.s. companies sued against acquires. the transparency isn't there. it's a national security issue. two house of representatives steny acquisition could allow for malicious act is to obtain data on u.s. military personnel who use the service of this goes back to what happened with aqua fact we are all in deep trouble. being that this is not president trump willy-nilly putting the hammer down on this deal. the center of the committee on foreign investment in the u.s. that did not pass muster. he went through the regular channels for radio of this scope and size and origin. >> this highlights back so competitive they are competing the ipo later and again bitcoin. maria: intern says the chinese acquired this company. we'll take a break. new terrorism concerns. a man posted pictures of himself outside several new york city landmarks posing with isis logos. they are act did not matter. the new nasdaq record as new nasdaq records posing about 7000 for the first time ever. 7000 with the new look at how market optimism might continue into 28 team. back right here. ♪ alerts -- wouldn't you like one from the market when it might be time to buy or sell? 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if you'd rather be home, ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. maria: supporter of rice has posted a himself in front of the match apology museum of art. cheryl casone at the details. >> berea, good morning. isis logos will pose the new york city streets. pictures coming up after the terror group called for more global style attacks. the n.y.p.d. says beware of damages. they are investigating at this time no credible threats related to the city of new york. police sources told "the new york post" they see these photos all the time. they often end up being fake. nonetheless, new york city beefing up security around times square. they've installed by traffic barriers -- expected to double a $7.5 million budget for installing concrete structures plus 50 million for new structures over the next two years. this comes two months after an uzbek national killed eight people with a rented truck got a rented truck down the bike path on halloween. in court today with 15 charges that include sexual assault and even death threats. joshua boyle, the canadian man accused of the crime were rescued in a sober with prisoners of the taliban. he and his american wife caitlin goldman were captured by the terrorists back in 2012 ball backpacking across afghanistan while their three children were all born intact entity. of course they were rescued. they been on canada but now it's got some legal troubles. maria: cheryl, thank you so much. we are watching is bad. the story is getting stranger and stranger. would you guys think about this? >> it's too hard to tell. the issue here as he put his family in jeopardy. they lost a child over there, too. it's too complex and convoluted to see what is happening but it reminds me similar to the bow all situation and that is what is happening over there where he do fact did and it's just weird. >> it's hard to know what to make, but he certainly suffered. his family suffered. wonder what they were doing in the first place. maria: weight watchers commented dj khalid and he seems to be already giving the stock rebounds. prime time with over 5 billion items around the globe last to a using the subscription prime service. we will be back with that. retail. under pressure like never before. and it's connected technology that's moving companies forward fast. e-commerce. real time inventory. virtual changing rooms. that's why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent network speed across multiple locations. every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver. maria: utah republican orrin hatch says he would not seek reelection this year. speculation that mayor brown gave a run for that seat another familiar face behind a political comeback as well. lauren simonetti with all the latest. a lot happening. >> orrin hatch is 83 or so it use the utah senator and the longest-serving republican senator. >> when the president visited utah last month he said there was a fighter. i've always been a fighter. for me, that time is soon approaching. >> who's going to replace him? a lot of chatter that it will be met romney. the former massachusetts governor from 03-07. also the republican presidential nominee back in 2012. instrumental in getting the 2002 olympics, salt lake city got them. take a look at that poll. if the 2018th senate race between background and the democrats with 72% said they vote for mitt and if you flip it over, and between orrin hatch in the democrat, only 50% said they would go for orrin hatch. president trump very fond, especially after the tax bill success. congratulations on an absolutely incredible career. a tremendous supporter and i've never forget the statements he's made. he will be greatly missed in the u.s. senate. this is not all that is going on in the u.s. senate. he also has tina smith being sworn in today, the replacement for minnesota senator paul franken after all the misconduct allegations. there is talk that michele bachmann who is congresswoman from that state could potentially run next year for that fee. and then you have an alabama jones being sworn in. there is a lot going on in congress. >> it was not to be because orrin hatch is a great supporter and the romney and they have been at odds. >> larry sabado when he announced that he wasn't going to run for reelection heat-treated hatch outcome is from the end? excellent utah source told me he would certainly run for the senate seat. far from certain romney will be so. >> orrin hatch was spared and now he's going to lose that. but we do know is that on his twitter changed it from massachusetts to utah. there's got to be a reason for it. >> he has the ability to talk businessman with businessman. particularly on the campaign trail, but with a name being tossed around? >> a three-course mail. dagen: billionaire food. >> met romney is everything then and says he's fighting against. maria: he was and her. transfer that works in its favor given away more and alabama. one thing to point out with orrin hatch as a lawmaker, you just don't see it anymore. they work with ted kennedy. a sickly open the door for generic drugs in the united states. some of the legislation worked on is really astonishing and capping it off with a tax reform. i think though that another contest. let them win and forget about utah and move on to some of the more contested races. >> who was that shared angle who ran against harry reid and sarah payloads with then kind of didn't hope the republicans in that raise in that fee. a great career orrin hatch. please sign in and then not forget about it and move on to the store interesting races. maria: at 8:00 a.m. eastern, denise said that romney out these development issues coming up this morning. dress it that special issue. captain morgan rob on snapchat after ruling by the watchdog group. we'll find out why. from under the seat onto the hardwood, find out what team will be wearing spongebob squarepants on the court. we will be back in a minute. maria: thanks so much for joining us. it's wednesday, january 3rd. top stories right now 6:30 a.m. on the east coast. record territory the momentum goes on. the nasdaq new highs yesterday with the nasdaq leading the way. the highest close on record. futures indicating a rally. futures up. nasdaq a 13.5. the market continues on the upswing. in europe come a bit of a mixed story. the cac is up half a percent this morning. markets edged higher with trading resuming tomorrow in japan. higher across the board. amazon revealing how many packages were sent via prime last year. eight deep freeze is setting in from the gold coast all the way up to maine. one louisiana putting out a warrant for weight watchers looking to capitalize on success with opera. watch. >> good morning. you ready? >> how many points do i have that day? >> the sandwich and fruit. 10 points. how many points where the whole day? >> you've got 30 points. maria: the dj posted about the freestyle program. the stock is up 3%. that was yesterday's move. $800 million up for grabs. nobody won last night they could million but the powerball is tonight. one basketball team soaking in the new year is hands just announced as the cartoon mainstay coming up this morning. but wall street is turning out the year strong indicating another rally after trading this morning after the not that composite yesterday knocked another record close for the first time ever. investigating the market rally into 18. oxo advisers managing partner ted oakley. answer joining us. >> thanks, maria. your investment advisor $105 billion. do you think this momentum continues this year? >> exit for a while. when they get expensive, and they can get more expensive than we feel like that is where we are at this point in time. i have been through as many as spending in the business right now, so they all look similar than the same way it looks now. >> expensive based on what? 17 times earnings? >> it is forward seven teen to 18 times i'm a bit if you look at prices sales, which is something you can't fool with, it's a solid number, the same way in 2000. market cap to gdp backing up to where it was in 2000. people were obviously comes extremely complacent for about 15 to 810 months. that gives you a perfect storm. it may not happen this month, but we are running 20% liquid and that is because we can't find anything to buy right now. >> one of the interesting things that happened is the nasdaq topped 17,000. one of the things i see as i'm willing to pay, you know, up for a name like microsoft i believe you all and 25 times going forward because it's growing at 20%. solid cash flows reoccurring revenues. they are doing well on the cloud. what are you looking specifically putting new capital word. he said that 20% liquid. will you deploy that capital? >> when you get late cycle, will we start to do is get more conservative. we will buy buy higher-quality bombs, treasuries, also by companies like microsoft and think they can increase dividend. if i have a dividend payer like microsoft and they can increase the dividend 10% then i know i'm going to get a component working for me the next five years even if i don't get a big capital move in the market in general and those are the kinds of companies we are looking for right now. >> interesting. i also noticed you are pretty pro-goals. you are thinking having a couple liquid positions in gold is a good way to hedge yourself potentially from inflation. >> well, one of the things you look for from the inflation standpoint, we don't happen to look at if you look at it from the cash flow multiples in 2011 on the minors, there were about three or four times higher rate now. they have pillows in the latter part of 15, release 16 and if you look at the minors lyon, which are the new bond and legal, we think they have a lot of upside over the next two to three years. if nothing else in the price of gold moving higher committees companies are working on low capital spending budgets so we think they will do well from here. maria: what are the risks? we are going on the assumption the economy continues doing well. we see the tax plan in the earnings going very strongly. 13% to 15% growth in earnings for the s&p 500 in 2018. it is hard to see the box on the consumer confidence up to 122.1 down from 128.6 back in november. where is your worry in terms of what changes the momentum here come the changes the direction of this market? where is the big risk? >> most bear markets start not necessarily with some thing you see the economy going but they start falling on their way. so many buyers since so many people would date you get to a point to where there's nothing underneath it all the sudden people will look at six to nine months and start taking money off the table. either have that or an outside event in 1887 or 2001 where you have something you did not expect incomes in the marketplace. this one will come from complacency and it sneaks up on people that say we are not going to get what you expected from the tax cut. you can't make a big move in the economy and 80 bucks a month for a family making $60,000. dagen: the housing bubble in 2007 in 2006 didn't sneak up on people. people saw it coming. it was almost mania in terms of people buying up houses. we talked about it for two years that these companies could sustain it. we didn't know what is going to end the window is knew it wasn't going to end well. >> we talk about it like we are talking about bitcoin right now. dagen: we have seen people given to mania and lose a lot of money. >> beverages is such an interesting question. what is this updraft different from the rest because the entire market has been lifted all of these asset classes by the fed for so many years. if that's what is different? >> i think what we're looking at the most and you can look at all these other things. the federal reserve is a bit off course and you've got brand-new people and you've also got three or four empty spots per year in a situation where the spread of the curve is only 55 basis points right now. one of the best indicators that are has been a yield curve for recession and we are getting closer and closer to that. you are looking at that i think you can put that on top and see it may not happen tomorrow, but it will eventually have an impact the last 10 times that of all this time as well. maria: is there anywhere to hide? should we see something like that, a significant a lot? >> it was controversial but we have a position in the 20 and 30 year treasury. one of the things we decided the 27th team was the long rates would not go up. the short rate slowed and oddly enough, everybody had in two to six year bonds which is where they've lost money this year and we've been in the 16 to 30 year paper and we've made money on the send the thing that will be the case because when you have a recession until the curve enough, that will be a good escape pop for you. maria: will be watching that. thank you so much. >> thank you, maria. maria: today we are looking at another rally. coming up, set to intensify where they found cycling patterns. it is promising to bring snow and ice even in the south where officials say they are so frozen they want to have a word with also. we'll explain. weight watchers new star, pick collaborations with beyoncé and others teams up with weight watchers. more after this. ♪ markets on the move expecting a higher opening for broader averages are down bastrop 40 points, nasdaq up 13. average company want to watch printmaker brands like captain morgan and spare not putting snap shot had after u.k. advertising watchdog say they did not take the necessary steps to make sure captain morgan at its launch on the social media site was not seen by underage users. down two thirds of a percent this morning on the market. shares of apple today acquired canadian-based startup buddy bills. puppy now boasts a developing team. shares of apple update quarter of a percent right now. amazon prime the prime choice for customers of 2017. it was a good holiday show. >> if you can get it to me in a couple hours, sure. 5 billion items were shipped through their subscription service. companies of the hot sellers. for all the cooks out there, and the instant hot is the first time in more people signed up around the world than in any other year in the company's history. shares of amazon history 55% one year ago. weight watchers has kind of unlikely ambassador. d.j. khaled getting an a for effort. >> that's what i like about the system. get some cookies ready to do. i will eat the lunch right now. d.j. khaled of documented experience in all this progress on the new freestyle program. financial terms not disclosed. former talk show host. shares rose after it cut the deal nearly quadrupling last year. the oprah effect life gas. the jackpot now restored and $418 million. all six numbers including the mega ball last night drawling. meanwhile tonight a powerball drawing. the powerball jack positing that $440 million. a monster storm to some part could see a cyclone here. meanwhile folks in the southeast aren't used to this region. they've decided to do something about that. the police department has issued an arrest warrant for queen also. the movie frozen in disney films. here's what it said. a very dangerous girl approach with caution. she is known for her power over ice and snow. this is not the first time she's been in trouble with the law. stay inside and don't go out. >> i get up in the morning. there are places in southern virginia where i grew up daca degree temperatures like nine degrees this morning at the same temperature in connecticut are in single digits throughout north carolina. so it is funny, but these police departments and fire rescue teams throughout the south have to worry about people freezing to death in their own home. these people don't have ready sources of heat very often because it doesn't get the cold. elderly people in their homes with space heaters very often have fired because they've got one little electric space heater that's 20 years that's 20 or sullivan catches on fire. >> real quick on the amazon. i asked alexa over the holidays wichita jeff bezos and no joke she said she thinks she's prime. maria: that's very funny. that's cute. spongebob squarepants and the basketball court. the cartoon character on its jerseys. back in a minute. is this a phone? 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>> i'm so excited. dagen: a fortuitous root. >> they're not doing that well especially with carson's retirement. what will happen with larry fit gerald. a bleak year for rest. senator mccain setting up that tweet yesterday. of all things going on. trade to how about that proposal. the group? >> ray lewis has some stuff off the field some folks will talk about, the next of lawrence taylor at the greatest defensive player i've ever seen. ray lewis of the baltimore ravens. villa near this town february february 3rd and goal at of finalists down to 10 players and down to five. maria: they do withhold players that charles taylor because what happened off the field. he's in the hall of fame now, but shame on them for holding them back for the number of years they did. maria: garrett, thanks. reports of fox's headlines 24/7. sirius xm radio 115. new year, neil health goals. our artificial bathroom scales are weighing in. the special scale on "mornings with maria."ff back in a minute. .. .. kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. so why go back there? if you'd rather be home, ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. i'm not really a, i thought wall street guy.ns. what's the hesitation? eh, it just feels too complicated, you know? well sure, at first, but jj can help you with that. jj, will you break it down for this gentleman? hey, ian. you know, at td ameritrade, we can walk you through your options trades step by step until you're comfortable. i could be up for that. that's taking options trading from wall st. to main st. hey guys, wanna play some pool? eh, i'm not really a pool guy. what's the hesitation? it's just complicated. step-by-step options trading support from td ameritrade welcome back good wednesday morning everyone. i think you so much for joining us. it is wednesday january 3. top the top stories right now. 7:30 a.m. several team members had met with democratic leaders on capitol hill later today. looking to strike a deal on immigration. that deadline is january 19. locked in a war of words. as they drive a hard line against that nuclear threat. we will not take any of the talks seriously if they don't do something to ban all the nuclear weapons in north korea. mounting we need a smile and take a picture. i have ever of next month's olympic games. check it eight new highs yesterday. the dow industrial is matching their second-highest clothes ever and the nasdaq really cracked 7,000. they show the momentum. there up another 12. technology driving gains across the world as well. they are higher across the board although a flat story in london at the ft 100. they also had almost one half of a%. japan is still closed for a holiday. trading date resumes tomorrow. a deep freeze same in the united states. that storm is expected to worsen on thursday. they have already offered travel waivers ahead of the storm. this, as a dizzy and universal study is shut down the water parks do to the temperatures. the company is bringing back the arch deluxe. dirty journey me to talk all about it. in the wall street journal. great to see you. a jampacked show. you mentioned earlier the deadline today. if they miss this deadline they are to be going to be in contempt of congress. if paul ryan files a complaint. the power is worthless unless you enforce it. well had to wait and see how they react next. they had been question and ask for certain documents around the hillary clinton e-mail scandal since august 24. i'm not sure they understand how just unaccountable of the executive branch is to congress. they have oversight over these people. they had classified clearances. that they had jurisdictions over them. the department of justice in the fbi has shown an incredible bias throughout this. we are going to get into it this morning. the former house speaker newt gingrich. we will talk about infrastructure as well. a big program i have. we kick it off now at this hour with his top story and that is north korea offering an olympics olive branch. the winter games. the diplomatic breakthrough coming hours after president trump issued a warning to north korea. north korean leader just stated that the nuclear button is on his desk at all times. i too have a nuclear button but it is a much bigger and more powerful one than his and my button works. america will continue its it's hard line against north korea. they might be preparing to fire another missile soon. we need to have them a stop at nuclear weapons and they need to stop it now. the u.s. is back in i can recognize it or acknowledge it until they agreed to ban the be in the nuclear weapons that they have. happy new year. thank you so much for joining us. i think what they are doing is pure propaganda. i'm not sure it has anything to do with the u.s. a u.s. pressure. has more to do with the fact that they are very close to achieving their long sought objective of being able to deliver a nuclear weapons to any target they want in the united states or worldwide. to make it look like they are somehow trying to open a channel of communication. this is classic. north korean following. not much time and that they need to get this capability. mine is bigger than yours conversation. what you think about that. is that the right tactic. what should we be doing given that he continues the threat taunting is fundamentally irrelevant. we should move more forces to guam and japan into the yellow sea in the east sea. because i don't think the military threat and the potential use and might sound paradoxical but i think the one chance we head of convincing china that they better crackdown themselves on north korea but to get china's attention is to make the military threat credible and that has not happened yet. >> so what does this president need to do? i feel like the moves that he has made has been as much to the subject as is the message to china. while there having dinner. the tough talk against north korea the fact that isis is been defeated. all of these are messages to china we are serious do not mess around get on board. what is your take on this. barack obama was no longer president. i think that has been accomplished. whether they believe more is coming is very much open to question. they still followed their script which is a piece of the americans for a little while. under current circumstances if the projections made by cia director mike pompeo and others about how close the north has gotten in the past there is not a lot of time to waste here. talking to the chinese is increasingly unlikely to produce the kind of result that we need. you're getting down a fairly quickly to a binary choice. look at military force. these are not objective attractive options but that is where we are headed. should we be looking at this new alum branch where north korea is open to discussing the olympic games with south korea. i think it means nothing. we should be happy that north korea is willing to talk. we've talked to them for 25 years. during which time they have lied virtually every day. it's a classic nuclear peripheral elation. they perfect the complex science and technology they need to create deliverable nuclear weapons and now they just need to talk. they are meeting today in the group is looking to strike a deal on immigration. the budget deadline looms. the white house would consider legislation that paves the way to citizenship for the hundreds and thousands of so-called dreamers. the white house is insisting that building the border wall is your priority. as that is all clear to me what the administration position is but i would say this. if they don't have a position they should not be speculating on what that position might turn out to be. it requires discipline within the executive branch and if you have that then i think you have a chance of achieving the presidents objective. if they're all going off in a different directions it's very sophisticated with this type of dealing. they will take advantage of it. then i want this president to execute their agenda why should they agree to anything. they tend to get blamed when there's a government shutdown. i don't think that's fair. or accurate. and he gets politically realistic. give the midterm elections coming up. they are getting feeling empowered. we want to take the house back. why should we agree to anything the president does hopefully we'll just get to 18 and get back in the majority. i think there is a reality check coming. when a number of people around the country realize that turning over control the house of representatives to the democrats means almost by definition they will impeach donald trump. and we will face two years of complete legislative gridlock. i have to say in the senate despite all of the headwinds from washington looking at races around the country. i think republicans have excellent chances to pick up six, seven maybe eight democratic seats i still think with etiquette resources republicans could have significant gains in the senate and people need to keep that in mind it's interesting because you've got a situation here where the democrats see it differently but you wonder if that is going to play badly on the american people. they are seen isis nearly defeated. these policies with this administration is working. they think nationalizing the election as going to is going to work for them. i think that is a bad bet as you say. republicans are really primed house incumbent democrats. my super pack is going to begin independent spend the church. i think it's a seat that they can flip regardless of what happens. we will leave it there. ambassador, good to see. another winter storm bearing down on the east coast. as they're called grips the country. get ready for some cold. we will have well had impacts coming up next. they are hoping to find gold by rebooting one of their costliest failures. ♪ it's time for sleep number's 'lowest prices of the season' on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? it's the lowest prices of the season on the queen c4 mattress with adjustable comfort on both sides. now only $1199, save $400. ends soon. visit for a store near you. i ...prilosec otc 7 years ago,my doctor recommended... 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning, 24 hours and zero heartburn. it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10... ...straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed. that was incredible massive pileup involving more than 75 vehicles shutting down in upstate new york yesterday. things will get worse before they get better apparently. janice dean in the weather center now. give it to us. we are probably going to see more car pileups in areas that don't typically see winter weather across the florida panhandle here. we have closures in orlando. the water parks are to be closed today. they have seen winter weather advisories. and you saw that epic car pileup just outside of buffalo. there is disney world. there is a potential for shutting down more than just the water parks. we had reports of my ten in tallahassee shutting down completely because of ice on the roadway. i'm positive we are to see video tomorrow at a florida in the southeast where southeast where we are dealing with winter weather and the as can be a problem not only for the southeast but for the mid-atlantic and the northeast. there is the past 12 hours. you can see that icy mix across northern florida. in towards the carolinas and then we had winter weather advisories sending up towards a long island. blizzard warnings in effect now. they will probably issue a blizzard warning for boston as well. i must tell you that this is a very intense powerful storm system so if we get a wobble of just 50 miles westward it could mean anywhere from a couple of inches into a foot of snow. if you live all up and down the east coast to pay attention to your forecast and really every couple of hours because it's can a change. this one is a hard one to predict. good advice. will be watching you for sure. looking for a gold gold in the arch burger. one of the most expensive failures into the new staple on its menu. in 2018 we are taking a look at the new tax code overhaul. after a surprisingly sluggish year. (siren wailing) (barry murrey) when you have a really traumatic injury, we have a short amount of time to get our patient to the hospital with good results. we call that the golden hour. evaluating patients remotely is where i think we have a potential to make a difference. (barry murrey) we would save a lot of lives if we could bring the doctor to the patient. verizon is racing to build the first and most powerful 5g network that will enable things like precision robotic surgery from thousands of miles away. as we get faster wireless connections, it'll be possible to be able to operate on a patient in a way that was just not possible before. when i move my hand, the robot on the other side will mimic the movement, with almost no delay. who knew a scalpel could work thousands of miles away? ♪ retail. under pressure like never before. and it's connected technology that's moving companies forward fast. e-commerce. real time inventory. virtual changing rooms. that's why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent network speed across multiple locations. every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver. welcome back wilbanks start lending again in 2018. the loan growth was sluggish draw throughout the last year. certainly borrowing drops at the lowest level. loans to businesses were up on eight only a tenth of a%. compared to the year earlier. as a lowest level of growth since 2011. join us right now. bruce, good to see you. thank you so much for joining us. what we saw in the second half of the year many banks many companies had artie pre- funded and have good cash position on the balance sheet. i think they also saw a lot of uncertainty in washington. what they were waiting for was a sign that washington would get things done. and they pass tax reform. it's a very positive development. i thing it's very positive from a number of respects one i think just having company's after-tax cash flow is can allow them the opportunity to do more investments. it will be very positive. we are allowed to expense capital expenditures right away. it will boost labor productivity which we've been waiting to see for a long time. i think dealing with a overseas cash and tax problem and moving to a more territorial tax system will bring more cash investment back to the u.s. it was everyone going into the financials. you guys are taxed at such a high rate. i think in december said you're gonna get a net benefit. is that still the scenario. right now we had what's called a deferred tax liability on her books. that is really positive. but we are high rate pair. we will have a benefit. and then lastly we are reflective of the economy. as the economy picks up and demands for loans go up. faster growth leads to higher interest rates. most banks have a bias towards asset sensitive positions. you have a higher net interest margin that a lot of the peers it's about catching up to peers we were behind we had been repositioning our balance sheet to be more selective about how we play and where we play. we are making some good tweaks on the balance sheet. we've a lot of regulatory easing. the number one thing is more tailoring of regulations. there is a lot of good that comes from the regulatory reform. the instruments were fairly blunt and there was a one-size-fits-all approach. a bank like us with a hundred $50 billion in assets is not the same as the money center bank. we have to do many of the same things. what we really want to see is more tailoring i think they look at that. it sounds like a disease we don't want it. they are talking about moving it to 250. the other efforts that we have. we will take those dollars and reinvest them to better serve our customers. you mention the business you're you are doing with apple. what are you doing. apple has an upgrade program for their phones. we provide the installment credits for apple's customers. we are apple's partners. they look great. i think the average one is about 755. it's a very nice program. they have very high standards. we have very limited time to make the credit decision. we've been living up to their standards. if you have to see this kind of a move from a 40% tax rate all the way down to 21% that is a big deal. are they poised to put that money into buying back stock is interesting even seen using a number of companies including ourselves a one-time cash bonus to employees. i think there will be more investment in capital expenditure. there will be more buybacks. that creates more money back to shareholders. that is a good development. chris, it's good to see you. social media giant swiped the golden globe preshow from twitter. about the administration's planned to plan to build america's roads and bridges. the day after chemo might mean a trip back to the doctor's office, just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home with neulasta onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. neulasta helps reduce infection risk by boosting your white blood cell count, which strengthens your immune system. in a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%, a 94% decrease. applied the day of chemo, neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you're allergic to neulasta or neupogen (filgrastim). ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. so why go back there? if you'd rather be home, ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. welcome back good wednesday morning everyone. it is wednesday january 32018. your top stories right now 7:30 a.m. on the east east coast. the agenda and focus. they will lead with key white house officials. the administration says it is hopeful that democrats will get on board. the specific agenda items and we hope that we can get democratic support on them include the budget also infrastructure. we need to rebuild the nation's roads and bridges and our air traffic control systems. i'm what is needed on in the structure coming up this morning. check out these numbers. they are closing and all-time highs. the nasdaq led the way. cracking 7,000 yesterday. the market is expected to open higher. a fractional move there. and they are off of the highs of the morning but about eight points higher. technology certainly driving gains not only in the u.s. but across the world. they are higher my almost one half of 1%. they are really flat on this so far. the markets edged higher. the pain is still closed for a holiday. slammed with the billion-dollar lawsuit. mcdonald's is going afresh. they are digging into the archives. and then the award goes to facebook. the ship cured rights. to the golden globe red carpet coverage. one company is using artificial intelligence to stop you stick to your resolution without telling you your weight actually. present trump back to work this morning. one of the next items on his agenda infrastructure. they will meet with gop lawmakers. to discuss plans to revamp the crumbling roads and bridges. the ceo of u.s. concrete. bill, good to see you. thank you for joining us. from your standpoint. where does he need to begin. they haven't said that we have a 1 trillion-dollar plan in place. they created the infrastructure system. the world of economic forum stated that the u.s. infrastructure on a global basis has dropped to 16th in the world from a number five. the business roundtable of the ceos said that there is only for u.s. airports in the top 50 worldwide those are compelling facts of the needs of the declining state of our infrastructure is that really from a lack of money or from all of the red tape redtape that we put around building does a roads and bridges and take some times ten years to get a project to completion. the uncertainty of a tenure planning process with limited amount of federal resources. edges leads to uncertainty into projects that get delayed it does eventually come down to money. 176 of those that were on the 2017 elections all pass. and 82% pass rate. twenty-four states have increased their gas tax at the state level. as it is a bipartisan understanding that funds have to come from somewhere in the u.s. taxpayer can see a direct result of their investment they're willing to they are willing to support the initiatives. they have already gone up at the state level. i know hasn't gone up. to be specific. in august of 1993. this is how the world has changed. we have the same level of federal gas taxes with 60 million more people in this country should we get a giant of the structure package is that it could impact the pricing. is there going to be an issue there. that's can be a very good question. labor has increased the cost of sand and gravel have all increased. there can be some inflationary pressures. invert -- interest rates are still really low. what is happening out with the regulatory reform and potentially an infrastructure is in infrastructure is can extend the cycle that has artie extended through present gdp was some inflation is there. we are talking about a 1 trillion-dollar plan the president has been confident when it comes to infrastructure and i wonder if the dems are going to get on board. listen to what the president said. infrastructure is by far the easiest. we will have tremendous support. i could have started with infrastructure. we will be having that done pretty quickly. what you think. do you need at the democratic support here. the ml on the left has been destruction. and hoping that they do not get the agenda executed. i understand that. this has to be a bipartisan effort the needs are recognized by both parties. they ran on a $1 trillion of the structure bill. it's time that real leadership is shown in washington. since 1993 we had kicked this can down the road with both republican administrations administrations that had both the senate and house and the president on their side. and we're still taking it down the road. i think the american people are about fed up with it. $523 in additional nobody talks about that. on the repair and maintenance in the cost of gas. here is what bipartisan but neither republican or democrat organ to step up and say we need to raise the national debt gas tax in this country. even the people who use the roads they don't want to pay for it they don't want to pay for the infrastructure spending even though they are paid more. they are paid more in repairs and maintenance. with 24 states both republican and democrat putting some form of gas tax through. will take care of this for a long time i did not develop overnight and it will not be fixed overnight but it is a matter of national priorities. the american people in washington do not think the infrastructure is a national priority it will be kicked down the road again. i hear you. some has to he has to pay for it. we pay an awful lot for infrastructure in this country. why not just take that money. send it to the states at the level it is now. cut the redtape. and let each state figure out what to do. we will have a lot of bridges to nowhere if we are spending a trillion dollars. president eisenhower built a national infrastructure system and the roads don't stop at state lines. there are obviously projects that can help the local population. look at amazon now. look at how many goods are being moved to this distribution center. that is a national issue. it is a combination. there is not one size fits all. they will have a say in this. budget initiatives at the local level well have some say in it but it's a combination. and second of the one-size-fits-all has to be paid for somehow. what kind of a year are you looking for. we are very optimistic about the tax reform. that is can you give us additional free tax flow. if we have some runway to go though with this economy. we will see you soon. spot if i hit with a massive lawsuit. they are suing the streaming service for over a billion dollars in damages. and we will bring in that. how mcdonald's is hoping to strike gold by bringing back one of the biggest flops. so, i needed legal advice, and i heard that my cousin's wife's sister's husband was a lawyer, so i called him. but he never called me back! if your cousin's wife's sister's husband isn't a lawyer, call legalzoom and we'll connect you with an attorney. legalzoom. where life meets legal. he gets the best deal on the perfect hotel by using. tripadvisor! that's because tripadvisor lets you start your trip on the right foot... by comparing prices from over 200 booking sites to find the right hotel for you at the lowest price. saving you up to 30%! you'll be bathing in savings! tripadvisor. check the latest reviews and lowest prices. >> welcome back spot if i hit with a one and half billion dollar lawsuit. so with some music publishing is accusing them of using thousands of songs without their permission. spot permission. -- spotify has declined to comment. the arch burger is back. mcdonald's is now testing the burger of fresh beef. of the arch deluxe that was introduced back in 1996. advertising the arch deluxe at that time. it has cheese, pickle and onion. shares of mcdonald's up more than 40%. thank you breakfast at mcdonald's. the golden globe is rolling out at the the red carpet on facebook this year. lester twitter live streamed the event. but with about 2.7 million users. they are seen little change. those are your headlines. is it that isn't that big of a deal. into the world where everyone was like we are against trump. the two movement where they are speaking out against harvey weinstein and the whole deal. the golden globes are notorious for giving away of words to people that do not deserve them. put it this way we only watched to see spends scads of money on stylus winds up being hideously dressed. i will make america great again dress. was at the golden globes that they got some lifetime achievement award. i can't remember that. that was incredible. her brand has taken a hit because of all of this. i'm not talking about the women who were harassed by harvey weinstein. i'm talking about the people you knew about this behavior for decades and it was common knowledge. they wanted money from him. don't lecture the american people until you take a good long look in the mirror. or maybe they will stop lecturing us. we will see. coming up next not giving weight watchers to the numbers. wait until you check out this scale we've got. take a look. back in a minute. ooooooh snap!! every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. yeeaaahhh boy. kind of looks like a monster coming to eat ya. holy smokes. that is awesome. strong. you got the basic, and you got the beefy. i just think it looks mean. incredible. no way. start your year off strong 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like and as you seek there is no one display. here are three things we know about this scale. it's good to stand on the scale and the morning not so much in the evening. not just because we get feedback because it reminds us that we want to be healthy. you forget about the whole thing. the other two things that have happened is the weight fluctuates a lot. one is what we call dana version. you feel terrible about yourself. doesn't make it up. in the third thing that happened is that people anticipate that their body would react very quickly. i had been on the diet for whole day. my weight should certainly go down. it can react ten days later. it is confusing and demotivating. let's separate the act of stepping on the scale. and let's get the feedback in the way that is compatible with human behavior. about how to help people lose their weight and it basically figures out what accommodations are best for which a person. would you be better off with a drink of water before it lunch or would you be better off with reorganizing your refrigerator so the things that i level are not the fatty things with healthier things. consumers have an abundant amount of choices. looking at your skill it's nicely designed. but can you talk to me about the pricing how that works. you have the ai and the things that are very complicated and convoluted. what is get a make me buy your product? first of all unlike regular scales we have a lot of data to show that we are working. we did a study for five months. as a relatively low income. and we found that with the regular scale people gained a little bit of weight every month for five months. the first thing that we had is evidence that the scale is not just the scale it's actually a tool that gets people to step on the scale and appreciate it and lose weight. in terms of the pricing is a little bit less than hundred dollars. and then it basically learns about your environment. what kind of a person are you. are you the kind of person that has kids doesn't had kids can exercise in the morning, can you walk who does the shopping. we do a lot of environmental analysis. and then we figure which accommodation would be better for you. in the yearly subscription and the thing about it is it keeps on learning all the time. when you get the scale and you step up on it. you learn something over time but as you use it longer and longer there is a feedback loop between what you do and what your weight is. it basically learns all the time about what is the best accommodations to get you to achieve that. it's more than just the number i guess. coming up southwest and american airlines are passing on the savings to employees. when i received the diagnoses, i knew at that exact moment ... i'm beating this. my main focus was to find a team of doctors. it's not just picking a surgeon, it's picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. visit maria: welcome back. good wednesday morning. thanks so much for joining us i am maria bartiromo. it is wednesday, january 3 your top stories right now 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, about securing americans borders, several key meps of president trump administration to meet with democratically leaders today on capitol hill, the group concludes omb director mulvaney looking to strike a deal on immigration ahead of the budget dwlooin january 19 details there coming up, the faction bill paying off yet again american workers the latest southwest and american airlines stay their giving 1,000 dollar checks to employees. merger block u.s. government denying alibaba ant he supposed one quarter-billion-dollar acquisition of global payment service moneygram why did u.s. stop it major impacts on other u.s. companies trying to do deals overseas. >> kicking off new year in record territory sony michel 3500 nasdaq new highs, dow industrials notched second highest close ever check out nasdaq cracking 7,000. the momentum is continuing this morning futures indicating the markets will open higher today, with a dow industrials now, at high of the morning, up 50 points that is a quarter k of a percent higher nasdaq also higher by 10 points, technology, driving the gains even across the world in fact ft 100 down by a fraction, but the cac quarante in paris dax in germany both up half a percent, in asia overnight, firm tone there markets higher japan still closed for a holiday, trading in japan resuming tomorrow others higher across the board, beth big on bitcoin bip yoil air reportedly investing millions in bitcoin, spoke with me about optimism for bitcoin in saudi arabia back in october. . >> i do think people are -- are -- are a little bit maybe underestimating bitcoin specifically because it is liking it is like a observer form of money it is like gold. and -- and don't actually to make payments -- >> more on the bet bitcoin coming up this morning, water watchers hyped the brand's newest ambassador coming up wednesday morning joining me to break it down fox business network dagen mcdowell, benchmark managing pattern kevin kelly fox use contributor mary. >> good to see you good so far. >> great a couple weeks i don't want to get lost the markets a couple weeks earnings coming out, we saw a lot of people putting money into technical yesterday because, they had a so-so december people rotating financials tax package issue we are going to see guidance from tech companies to talk about new orders they are getting especially, domestically and abroad because of riegdz global growth. >> what is the estimate of profit growth double digits i know. >> expected to grow 15%. >> because of this we even had, citizens financial ceo on talking about the trifecta that is happening, one time charge actually going down, from 30 into 20s as well as they are -- the -- increased spending from consumers. >> we had ceo u.s. concrete saying he has an enormous backlog without the tax bill, things are going well. >> you know economists always understatement benefit of the answer plans under statement reagan tax cuts i think going to underestimate compact. dagen: maybe overestimating infrastructure needs -- >> we think concrete cevidentlio maybe had a stake in the game there. >> you know -- i mean -- [laughter] >> national committee chairman with us former house speaker newt gingrich here the host of "varney & company" stuart varney weighs in big hour ahead don't miss a moment kick off right here, headed to capitol hill today, bipartisan talks with congressional leaders, ahead of a mid month decline, to aveteran a government shut down, live at the white house right now with very latest good morning. >> good morning to you maria domestic agenda front and center for trump administration you mentioned all-important meeting on capitol hill, let me show you who is going to be at in a meeting this afternoon, from administration you have aides like mark o slort legislative affairs director you have also got, mick mulvaney director management and budget going to be meeting with with mitch mcconnell, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, and paul ryan discussion, how to get some kind of consensus a bump deal to raise spending in order to keep government funded past january 19 decline one priority, one think might ask is according according to press secretary. >> a lot of meetings the president has with leadership, will help determine what the best strategy is on each of those individual areas, because there are certainly we've reform infrastructure responsible immigration reform and health care will all be top priorities for the administration this year. >> so important to remember, too that one of the big issues for democrats immigration, and daca for seven to 800,000 students brought to this country illegally apparent not part of the discussion trump out of gate running full speed, trying to get the domestic agenda on track with congress, back to you. maria: thanks very much we will follow that, at the white house, joining me right now rnc chairwoman good to see you thanks for joining us this morning. >> always great to be here happy new year. >> and to you, so let's talk about the legislative priorities this year, what are they? tell us how you see the year taking place. >> well, sarah sanders laid it out infrastructure immigration, welfare reform and health care, those are the legislative agendas the administration put forward i think infrastructure is is a good place to start where we can get bipartisan support i do think voters want to see republicans and democrats working together the president and republicans continually reach out lands to democrats, democrats, have not shown willingness to work across party lines this a time we need to do that in best interests of our country. >> are we overestimating the idea there is bipartisan support here? you know as well as all of us know, the fact is that the democrats do not want this president to execute his agenda. whether tax reform, or health care, or infrastructure, they want to get back and have the majority in the house so they can move to investigate and investigate and -- and eventually hope to impeach him of a playbook you are exactly right has been obstruct and resist, and stop this president at every turn, but the voters are going to say what did you do what is your accomplishment? during this past two yearss what the democratic about accomplishments been obstructing resisting not the accomplishments to run on it is important voters see republicans continually trying to work with democrats listen a bad population for them to be to be rooting against the tax cuts that are now showing to be helpful for our economy we are seeing more jobs higher wages bonuses given out, democrats are rooting against tax cuts that are going to help middle class i don't think that is a good place for them to we they have to have some accomplishment to run on why not work with republicans, on infrastructure. >> yeah, but i mean that brings me to the next question about what is happening in the senate i mean there is also you know, pushback, from within his own party he, if your uncle gets in orrin hatch's seat mitt romney is he against this president? >> i think mitt romney would be for the tax cuts just like jeff flake was just like bob corker was i think going to work with this administration we want that seat to be republican, and i think mitt has every interest in working with this president continuing to move forward an agenda that is helping grow our economy keep our unemployment rates low, helping build our military, and taking care of our veterans the list goes on and on republicans need to work with in president be nice if democrats would do that once in a while. >> you don't think mitt romney is a "never trump"er, i don't think that he seergz considered taking the secretary position he wants to see president trump do well our country do well and i think that is going to be the overriding issue for him, if he ends up becoming the next senator from utah. >> when chamber returns, for the new year today, we've got couple new faces to be sworn in, both democrats, doug jones of alabama tina smith minnesota taking the place of former democratically senator al franken, of course, former congresswoman michelle bachmann says she is considering running for that seat when up this november, and then you've got orrin hatch, ending the month of speculation announce retirement pervasiving the way for mitt romney how do things change a whats is your expectation in terms of changing the makeup of the congress? in this up coming year. >> with jones coming in, he won with a lot of republican support. he indicated that he is going to work with this white house going to be interesting to see if johnson smith will work with with white house and party leadership, every democrat in lockstep with schumer pelosi following party line at expense of the people they represent. president trump almost won minnesota alabama is still a red state, would it be nice to see them work with the president, and help move forward an agenda this is a going to help the people they represent. >> has mitt romney spoken with the president? >> i don't know i haven't talked to my uncle mitt that is not information i have, or that i can give you a scoop on today. >> so he -- so in terms of making the run for the senate we are all expecting it. >> yeah, i -- i have no ininside information i have called my dad tried to get the track i just don't know, you know, obviously, rnc chair i have to remain neutral primary contests but i am his niece, i love my uncle pli. itt i think would do a great job i hope he supports this president we need to support this president continue to move forward i saw firsthand, the president ability to resonate states mike michigan that he represents a different type of voter that has felt voice ignored far too long we need to continue to fight for those people, we have done that with tax cuts middle class tax cuts going to continue to do that through 2018. >> your job to keep the momentum on this republican side a third of the senate wholly house on ballot this november pb, how do you keep the majority really in place given the fact that you know that the democrats are -- especially after tax plan, even peter king from new york why he couldn't vote for tax plan his constituents are going to say you just took away our salt deduction, how do you keep the majority? >> well, the rnc raised record money we are posting highest number raised in history of the rnc preparing for midterm typically against the party that holds the white house, so with that money we are already on the ground, in 21 states, we are working with our voters, we are getting in front of them talking about the good things we're doing, and then going to take a message to them about the democrats, we will remember in november you weren't there for middle class tax cuts you weren't there when we wanted to get our economy kick starting again, and we are going to r50i78d voters are you better off than you were two years ago look at our economy, look at how much is improved under president trump i think that is going to be something that is going to resonate with voters going to be pushing that message at rnc already doing it. maria: i think really important message, that is what got donald trump in the white house pop. and that is what got the majority in congress as well, but there is another part of the story for the democrats and that is this corruption around the clinton campaign, and the fact the fbi department of justice certainly leadership there was apparentlied complicit around election, just protecting hillary clinton even if there were criminal acts there is is that going to be a major story line for the republicans come november? >> well, something that our voters are concerned on, about, and they want to see, more information come out, and understand what exactly the clinton campaign was doing if there was any type of collusion with the government, but i think come november we are going to be making the case of republicans put policies in place that made your life better unemployment down military doing better, isis on the run, everything that the president ran on, we are delivering on, and that is a path we want to continue on for this country. and that is the message the positive message i think we are going to take to voters in november i think that will resonate. >> sounds good message see you soon thanks for joining us this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> good to see you, coming up, u.d sr., officials blocking the china base financial from dividering u.s. moneygram international the reason it was rejected next, american southwest air also promising 1,000 dollar o bonuses to employees how republican tax bill played a role. that is next. back in a moment. ♪ ♪ if you feel -- ♪ happiness, is the truth. ♪ when you've got... ...nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea! nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea! here's pepto bismol! ah. nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. billionaire >> deals between u.s.-china in question after the u.s. cost two blocked alibaba affiliate ant financial from acquiring u.s. based money moneygram. >> "the wall street journal" says future for deal making looks oblique u.s. government security panel rejected ant financial 1.2-billion-dollar deal to buy money gram because of concerns about security of u.s. customer data, and ant financial owned by jack ma, journal says washington move to join the protectionist party may signal end of china bid for investors when it comes to putting money to work in the united states. shares of moneygram down sharply premarket trading that morning, as you can see on screen 7% loss there american airlines southwest airlines to promise employees tax bill bonus to 1,000 dollars, airlines join host of companies at&t boeing, and wells fargo saying they will pay bonuses or invest more in training after biggest overhaul u.s. tax bill in 30 years slashes corporate tax rate to 21%, american airlines group up more than 14% from a year ago, southwest shares jumping more than 30%. 440-million-dollar powerball drawing is tonight, this is the nine they largest prize in the game history, no one is hit the jackpot since october 25th, meanwhile, mega millions 418 million dollars. that is because nobody matched all 6 numbers including megaball last night. the next mega millions drawing maria on friday night, kind of fun to watch everybody, run the price up of big jackpots. >> i know i'm going to win. >> that are odds, one in five million? >> coming up d.c. firm reportedly betts big on about it coin the future of the cryptocurrency next d.j., following oprah's footsteps newest face of we the watchers how it is impacting the company stock this hour stay with us. ♪ i just don't think you understands ♪ ♪ and if you tell my -- my ache yiek breaky 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specifically. because it is like if it is like a reserve form of money like gold. and just a store value don't -- need to make payments. >> we argue based on the security of the math tells you that it can never be it can never be diluted by governments. it can never it can never be can't be hacked, and it is a form of money that is absolutely secure in absolute way it is actually harder to mine than gold from that that sense more constrained. >> hard to bet against guy saw took early on the currency or jamie dimon called a fraud. >> absolutely love what he is doing one of the reasons i argue against that it is a bet at all there is an ecosystem completely around bitcoin infrastructure architect you think you've got futures etfs later possibly 12 around to access to it. >> that doesn't tell me though that it is worth -- because -- >> it does because -- because -- as you go about talking about gold, right, gold you've got to mine it, only reason gold worth anything somebody else is willing to buy from you, hopefully at a later price just a shiny rock doesn't produce cash flow assets any of that. >> net does bitcoin. >> zam. dagen: why bet on it hot potato with somebody smarter richer than you are what is going on this man, this man can lose 10 million dollars, he can lose 20 million dollars, i worry about the people who are being conned into breath not knowing why they own it other than hey it is going up that is what happened -- >> every market. >> gold rationale decision for somebody complete buy bitcoin no won putting a gun to headed telling them buy if anything -- any other cryptocurrency. >> to say anybody bet on bitcoin made informed rationale decision that is -- >> no one made them do that are getting back same market we would have had 20 years ago about internet this is the internet of money who, where as he even talks about, governments can't shut down the minute china said cracking down on about it coin it tripled in value, if you want. >> but to be clear bitcoin itself is not the internet of money, cryptocurrency world might be a new internet of money not -- bitcoin is one red car on the -- the new highway it might be a pinto a ford pinto you don't know yet. >> there is fraud going on here, kevin some coin offerings -- >> that is not bitcoin. >> tens of millions of dollars. >> that has to do with ethereum whitepapers there is fraud fraud in a every signing this time do you drug dealers are having to do with gold. >> i think a great market experiment we don't know what roll bitcoin is going to play on economy let the market figure it out but let's also have -- let's have regulatory oversight by jay clayton at sec. >> i don't think -- i -- it is not regulated the way securities trading is regulated at this point. it is like there was no regulation for beanie babies i am not comparing two. >> i don't think that what is left the experiment start to play out all i am saying is allocates have a referee on the sidelines when people somehow put in, an extraordinary amount of money or you have some coin offerings they sort of disappear those are fraud cities are i think sec needs to keep an eye on. >> big bet you are making on ibm. >> listen i think this is one of the best things ibm has done over -- in years, right, they are betting on hyper ledger technology that is -- by the foundation. >> dark horse. >> the dark the horse if you look at one of the last greatest inventions out of linux foundation is android operating system that was built off linux os, and google took advantage of that global conso are sum has blockchain allergic hyper ledger transform insurance safer internet you talk about peter, you discuss with him in saudi arabia guess what arm was bottle by softbank, that was that is the technology behind a lot of chips they send internet of things knowledge the, data infrastructure to ibm it is being put on blockchain revolutionizing business going forward. dagen: the final sentence in wojts article about peteder investment, talking about his fund founder, his venture capital fund warned investors bitcoin shares one potentially perilous siment with more tradition venture capital investments could go to zero could be worth nothing, my point is -- >> there is -- such a mania around just bitcoin not all these other cryptocurrencys that everybody is talking about it, and when can i get in? oh, my god do you know how much -- the web site, and -- the sidekick is telling his audience oh going up another 10, 20,000 dollars, that wah need to remember can also go to zero. >> conflict of interest there. >> peter talking about in -- >> technology blowing so fast going to be largest users capacity in 0 data centers next year. >> by the way, ibm -- is that going to help, 21 straight quarters of slowing down. >> 20 straight quarters of -- >> of declining revenue one thing a dog in dow theory one of the dogs 11 times multiple if they get a little bit of multiple expansion from 11 to 15 going forward, it pays 3.9% dividend they have got time on their side, and cto is actually on the hyper ledger foundation board said directly, basically people are coming in buying blockchain services but leaving with a lot more services by ibm. >> later your taker on jobs number on friday big report, we are going to do our job special friday want to get your sense what the jobs numbers look like later on, but first new shopping claims hillary clinton e-mail probe reported irregularities inside fbi investigation stay with us happiest place on earth forced to close water park how disney is bracing for that cold snap a big storm coming straight ahead. ♪ ♪ strok. . good wednesday morning i am maria bartiromo, wednesday, january 3 your top stories right now 8:30 a.m. on the east coast. new questions, this morning in in the hillary clinton e-mail probe, a new report says that congressional investigators have found irregularities inside fbi chairman jason chaffetz wade in saying justice department should turn over all documents. >> no ron why department of justice circulate hold back any documents the key you need to listen for i guarantee department of justice will out to how many dominates they are turning over, the question the trey gowdy asks the right one what percentage of the documents because you want one hundred percent of truth closed case, then turn over all the documents. >> and today is that deadline to get those documents, or they -- there could be cop temperature of congress a closer look at that market off new year record territory strok 500 nasdaq closed new highs dow industrials notched seconded highest close nasdaq cracked 7,000 check out futures the markets momentum accommodates, dow industrials set to open up 50 points today, quarter of a percent higher s&p 500 and nasdaq also positive intelligent driving gains across the world in europe as well the cac quarante dax index higher one half of one percent, markets higher nikkei average average in japan closed holiday continues, in japan. trading there resuming tomorrow, back in home, the deep freeze blaifrnlting 90% cold temperatures across midwest to northeast, going to give you the latest the worst is yet to come, airlines already issuing travel waivers some them parked shutting doors the details on this coming storm, heading here tomorrow. investors eyeing record for global auto sales, topping 90 million units sold for the first time every what countries driving sales coming up television to record studio weight watcher signs on d.j. after the major success with opra weight watchers, this story, new questions over hillary clinton e-mail probe republicans on key congressional committees, reportedly uncovered fbi documents stating the sheer volume of classified information, that flowed through clinton insecure e-mails progressive of criminality according to the hill the investigators confirmed the fbi began drafting clinton's exoneration statement before agents introduced dozens, former house speaker newt gingrich mr. speaker good to see you happy new year to you. >> -- good to be with you, and all of this stuff i think going to keep coming out i think it is -- a sign of just how corrupt object justice department was how corrupt clinton state department was how corrupt frankly clinton foundation is things coming together, and i think they are going to keep coming out i think going to be a worse as people realize how hard some people worked to avoid the truth and to avoid doing their job. maria: but -- but what is going to come out? what will happen as a result of this? i mean i am as town halleded to read some of this stuff first fbi agents from bruce or.r. his wife worked at fusion dwgps created dossier peter strok wanting insurance policy in case trump won on the other side we know there is evidence right now, of actual criminality given immunity deals like for example the guy worked at e-mail company said oh, yeah i had an aha moment i actually did delete a lot of clinton e-mails, after lying to the fbi saying he didn't delete what was he given immunity, so really newt where is this going we've got evidence in our faces, and nothing is happening. >> no, i think things are happening i think congress is doing its job, i think the news media begun to realize this is a gigantic story john sullivan others have been doing an amazing job, of appeaseing it together despite resistance from media two things i think as historian we understand how close we came, to a real disaster if hillary had won if hillary won all of us -- swept floor the rug system would decay into disruptions dishonesty cronyism would continue to grow in that sense trump a disruptive figure breaking up insideer deals corruption clearly criminal behavior i think that is important to remember the second thing this goes to the heart of the american system. we have to rely on rule of law, wire very diverse country, we have enormous potential tension in our country all the time, people have to have some sense of faith that they are going to be judged equally before the law, look at general phillip's treatment and look at clinton cronies treatment. >> given immunity. >> i defy anybody in america to tell me this is currently a fair system, this is a rigged corrupt system, and it is going to have to be cleaned out. and i think whatever it takes whether it takes soeessions firing people at fbi whether the congress, going through a direct confrontation it is going to have to be done, because otherwise the american system is gradually going to decay become there is a cancer, of illegal behavior remember this is at the heart of the law enforcement community, isn't minor thing this is the very core of the american system of law enforcement that was being corrupted by obama, and by hillary clinton. >> the lawlessness out of control! and now dagen earlier you he mentioned that op-ed from fusion gps, we should mention this right now because the founders of the firm behind the dossier, that aim to paint then candidate donald trump in salacious light did op-ed said they were shocked about details revealed in the report of the commission op-ed in "new york times" founder glen simpson peter right this we hired mr. steel -- came back shocked us steele in russia not paid reported on expensive now confirmed effort by kremlin to help elect there trump president, mr. steele saw this a crime in prosecuting decided he needed to report to fbi said dossier did not tricker the fbi russian meedline wanted to expose donald trump business ties to russia what a crock, i mean seriously. [laughter] honestly, what is the evidence dagen that they didn't use this dossier, to actually justify wiretapping donald trump and his associates? dagen: we don't know, because rosenstein will not deputy head of justice would be the say anything christopher wray where are they we have to see what gets -- the house, and that is another problem, that is you one of the reasons that the president has been -- >> you got to love the language the wordsmithing we don't believe the steele dossier was trigger for fbi investigation into russian meddling they believe? well what is for sure what has christopher wray testify let's have jeff sessions instruct his people to give documents to congress. >> the rest of the medium from peter strok and misstory. >> newt's point he said a corrupt system if you remember debbie wasserman schultz enabled brothers to -- 80 congressional computers paid 5 million dollars to do it back to newt's point talking about how you this all would have been swept under the rug donald trump was elected, because hillary clinton sat up there with smug face goes did you wipe your e-mail servers goes, remember when she did that. >> voters saw right through this. dagen: i think a big question here. >> mr. speaker i would love to get your views on this, you were in congress, about several decades ago it was very different place congress had very different powers, does this congress today have the power to compel people to testify, and to produce difficulties, or has congress given up too much of its power? . >> look i think comes down to old saying no guts no glory. the united states congress has normal latent power i will give you two capitals first of all, they may well start moving to subpoena people and to turn into criminal charges, and remember rosenstein is part of this whole mess you go back look at who who were together, back in the period when for example, creating independently council to try to destroy dick cheney same people same gang, and i think -- came out all are tainted, second, very simply model, cut off the funding. say we are going to zero out the justice department, unless it does what we are requiring it to do. and simply don't include the justice department in the omnibus watch how rapidly they decide they can do what they need to do. >> is that realistic mr. speaker i am asking do these guys the political spine to throw people into prison because that is what it might take. >> the question -- >> this is a a different question first of all, the part of the irony is that if they do have a motion of contempt it is reporting to the justice department to be enforced, which is why you could never get it done under clinton i mean under obama because the obama attorney general simply won't enforce it second, i am going to the ultimately way the constitution is designed. give -- we were very tough about these things, the congress has the power to simply refuse to fund an institution which is not being obedient, in fact it is designed that way the federalist papers describe that power for that purpose. we don't want to have an executive branch which can run amok ignore elected represents of the american people i say justice department has could be trontsdz at some point with reality, the correct me if i'm wrong is not going to tolerate being kept in the dark, and being lied to -- >> quick, today is the deadline for those documents to be sent to the intel committee if they don't get all documents from fbi department of justice who is comfortab about accountable. >> i think you start with whoever they have subpoenaed, and you work your way up. but i would say sessions is accountable he is attorney general. >> right. >> he has to do his job. and sessions i mean i can't understand why sessions is not instructing his as you as you to obey if they don't ins understand why not firing them, it is not like the system is out of control, except for the absence of people willing to put it in control. you can control this system if you want to. we have had he scandals before you got to look at size of teapot dome 1920s enormous, but all people went to jail ultimately proud the documents, and i think we have to have the same attitude here i will say nunes has been courageous in procuriursuing th despite social pressures on him. >> he has trey gowdy the powers, in this, we will see where they take it newt good to see you, sir thanks so much. >> good to see you. >> newt gingrich there, bringing breaking news take a break president trump tweeting on deadly iran protests here is what he wrote such republican for people of iran try to take back corrupt government you will see great support from united states, at the appropriate time. the president just tweeting that out. we will be right back. . maria: welcome back, can he repeat oprah's success with weight watchers fpls independennicole petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange. >> good morning nurts looking up about 59 poimentsz watching weight watchers gained 8% yesterday oprah owned a 10% stake gone on tv talked about 40 pound loss, he is huge has nine million on instagram you may know minimum from rihanna, he is producer, very there he is a look at him got waste to lose joining the program, going to be documenting his journey on all of his social media waste watchers tries to get beyond middle age women find base huge people on internet keep everybody close stock up over 300%, 52 weeks freezing delta giving waivers to change your tickets, and we have seen universal park water park closing. >> thank you so much,, on floor we will watch that open which is expected to be pretty good in new york for winter blast stuart varney is back, you must be missing florida now that about now. >> normally you and i maria talk about money or politics i want to talk weather i really love doing this show i came back from florida to do it. let me give you the story, i take off from naples florida temperature 82 degrees. i land in newark new jersey with temperature at 10. i jump into my car, drive to my farm upstate new york, where with windchill is minus 22. so space of several -- 8 hours 100 degrees lower forecast to go lower still i just find this so intriguing beats out money and plitsdz folitics for second. >> i did same coming back from california cold tomorrow getting that big storm. >> so i hear temperature at my farm, this coming saturday the high itself forecast to be minus 1. and the low is minus 10. that is not including any windchill i am going back up there i am a glutton for punishment what can i say. >> a big show see you 10 minutes vaern vaern top of the hour 9:00 damn eastern after "mornings with maria," coming up a general contestant miss pro announces. >> what is gangsters paradise lost. >> our judges have revitallievad you said gangsters instead of gangstas on song by coolio. >> come on everybody knows gangsta we will be right back. well, it's earnings season once again. >>yeah. lot of tech companies are reporting today. and, how's it looking? >>i don't know. there's so many opinions out there, it's hard to make sense of it all. well, victor, do you have something for him? >>check this out. td ameritrade aggregates thousands of earnings estimates into a single data point. that way you can keep your eyes on the big picture. >>huh. feel better? >>much better. yeah, me too. wow, you really did a number on this thing. >>sorry about that. that's alright. i got a box of 'em. thousands of opinions. one estimate. the earnings tool from td ameritrade. . maria: period of time trump considering imposing dploou tariffs foreign companies ramping up, cheryl casone with details. cheryl: yeah interesting maria "the wall street journal" reporting that foreign makers of products washing machines solar panels stepping up product shipment to u.s. ahead of trump administration pending decision on establishing new trade tariffs, if imposed would be a boos to u.s. companies like whirlpool, foreign companies shipped more than double the number of solar panels household washers to u.s. ports this year compared to last year, taking a look at shares ofwhile pool stock down 8% from a year sfoog. >> whirlpool. >> war buyers more than kick tires in 2017 data shows global sales of passenger cars and trucks likely surpassed 90 million for the first time last year asian buyers main general for sales growth more than a quarter of the cars sold last year, going to chinese customers car companies are reporting december sales we should say today, we will have those numbers for you later on, talk about a bad rap a contestant on general lose thousands over pro noingsation of gangsta. >> a song by coolia from dangerous minds back in time to become a 16167 john milton classic what is arrogance sta's paradise lost. >> our judges have reevaluated one of your responses a few moments oak you said began cities are instead of of gang stas on song by coolio, so we take 3200 away from you so you are now in second place. >> so coolio saying the song to tmd would have given up the answer did play the game, about got to love alex tribeck. >> take the money. >> alex has ultimately if anybody has -- >> he's got it pro noupronounce it wrong got it. >> won. >> everything wrong from being the south. >> i thought i would drop the ending every word everything. >> i say whatever wins me the money. >> i like that bottom line. >> stay with us back in a minute final thoughts from this all-star panel. ♪ i got the movement, i you got the movement ♪ ♪ you know what they say about the early bird... he gets the best deal on the perfect hotel by using tripadvisor! that's because tripadvisor lets you start your trip on the right foot... by comparing prices from over 200 booking sites to find the right hotel for you at the lowest price. saving you up to 30%! you'll be bathing in savings! tripadvisor. check the latest reviews and lowest prices. they appear out of nowhere. my secret visitors. hallucinations and delusions. the unknown parts of living with parkinson's. what plots they unfold, but only in my mind. over 50% of people with parkinson's will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. if your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, talk to your parkinson's specialist. there are treatment options that can help. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. .. >> all right final thoughts from this all star panel. >> concerned about that last segment the idea that trump 79s to start trade wars to pose tariffs we pay taxes. >> good point. >> i like my dark or horse name ibm, obviously, one of the big ones in fore front is block with patrick on here before so i like those names. also jobless rate 180,000. >> most of the countries is chuckling at varney and to the fine people north south dakota every single year. >> over to you. [laughter] see you tomorrow everybody. thanks very much. dagen all of you that you think. good morning everyone. it is great to be back. look like 2018 is off it a pretty good start wouldn't you say? rally we saw on first trading day of the year continue this is morning half an hour from now move up some more and again it is technology that is leading the way. big meeting on capitol hill today -- the president sending two of the top officials to sit down with big four republicans mitch mcconnell paul ryan, democrats charles schumer nancy pelosi, here's the deal. the the president wants to build the wall, end chin my tbraition and end lottery now in thes want the dreamers to stay. politically, the preside

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