Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20170821 :

Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20170821

diplomatic efforts coming out. now showing a negative vote then. the dow, s&p and not fractionally lower this morning. we will talk about it. plus m&a on wall street. bigger deals including energy sector. details on the move to acquirer encore. as you can see, markets also opening under pressure. part of that is the global tensions and central bank discussions. taking a look at asia, mixed action there. as you can see the nikkei down by 4%. hang seng in shanghai composite. kospi down fractionally. here at home, rethinking the war in afghanistan. president trump set to address the nation tonight on the future of our military presence in that country. tune into fox business for special coverage of the speech 9:00 p.m. eastern time tonight. eclipse day is finally here. millions across the u.s.a. to take in the event and it's costing corporate america big time. it has to cost its productivity. that is coming up. big game for little league. other parts and cardinals had the featured the sports what it's all about. coming up as well. all the stories and a lot more. generally this morning, president lee carter. good morning to her. michael bloch is here and her -- and are pink. happy eclipse to all of you. a lot of news to go through this morning. >> air so much. we've got the presidency said they'll be interesting to watch. i'm glad you are here from the president. through all of the news. former nato supreme allied commander. he is here. rnc chair, former speaker dos command newt gingrich is going to be here. so much talking about eclipse today. former apollo 16 astronaut you don't want to miss the hour of our show. they began with some breaking news. five more have been injured after the uss john s. mccain collides with the merchant vessel near singapore. the media missile destroyer including funding the multiple compartments made it to singapore. they reacted to the news, two evening cindy and i are keeping american sailors aboard the uss john mccain in our prayers tonight. we appreciate the worker search and rescue crews. president trump reacted treating thoughts and prayers are with her u.s. navy sailors aboard the uss john mccain for search and rescue efforts are under way. obviously this is the second destroyer accident we've had in just two months for the navy. is there concern about the safety of our sailors? >> i would be if i were in charge of the navy. a slightly different situation because the fitzgerald was hit from the right side. the way it traditionally has the right-of-way, so that would indicate it was definitely should've given way. this was on the left side. that indicates to me it felt the right-of-way in the merchant ship should've held at. i know human era will be quite this severe. >> from a political standpoint, obviously president trump has been out and about saying they want more money in the u.s. military. this will help the president's argument in that regard. cheryl: i certainly would think so. i think this really says we need to invest in our military not just a not just that we can have our military action, this weekend keep them safe what they're doing. we look to maybe fix some of our ships and some of our aircraft. it's time to get our military have been running. >> we haven't heard a lot about the debt ceiling. markets have given us recent years. there could be increased scrutiny on not. talking about the need for increased defense spending including entitlements. it will be a bit of a battle here with everything else going on. try and do we need to keep our nation safe. the buses about the situation with north korea. kicking off new wargame drills. the north calling bistros reckless. this could trigger a nuclear war. the north is using this to turn up against us again. >> absolutely. the holy grail for the north and what they want is us out of asia and middle east provocations by the north as an excuse to get us to sever the military relationship with south korea. if we can stop doing that, if we can refuse to stop him back in south korea, they will be on the north in the future. >> obviously this is part of the story with regard to the administration. we will get that in a moment. at least for now, markets have been react and. obviously now the south koreans are going to be at least on our side for now with these drills. >> i think it's really important. what i find really disappointed and not just what happened and that's a whole other story and we need to talk about the focus hasn't been as much a north korea. we haven't celebrated the fact that is more contained. that is something we should all feel reassured about in light of the other things going on right now. cheryl: looking at features right now. dow, s&p and nasdaq are in the red. suffering because of jitters with north korea. today it's going to be a little bit fascinating for investors to watch as the drills begin. >> we are well into august here. i don't like to say we are floating around on a nebula here. people taking vacations, not here. tensions going down should've rallied markets more. and then you had the added attraction if you will live in the white house on friday, which a lot of pro-market people say will be good news. they kind of fizzled out in the afternoon. i could point to any number of reasons for that. with these exercises going on with south korea, is that going to bring up the rhetoric again. thinking about afghanistan, will he go off course a little bit and start talking about north korea again. i can unsettle markets yet again. looking at the clips they are taking vacations. cheryl: well, i think everyone is afraid to take a vacation because there's so much news happening. >> i send out e-mails every day. i have to tell you the tumbleweeds floating through the system right now. not a lot going on. there's a lot of people saying okay, we are fine. >> could it be they are not fed. good news out of north korea. other good news at the same time. looking at charlottesville, people across the country right now free saying what is this thing about our country and people out there talking about could there be a civil war coming within our own country. could that not be some of the offset here? >> i've said this before. i'll say it again. a lot of emotions in the market right now. investors not supposed to be emotional. since november i've seen people claim that their dislike of president trump. he's going to bring back things. people are upset about charlottesville. there is sunlight that in making people not like the market. they keep telling clients and investors can take the emotion out. we can say we don't like this or this is bad. don't let it guide your investment. cheryl: before we go, i do want to ask about the president's speech today. addressing the nation about the war in afghanistan. but he expecting to hear and what do you want to hear from president trump tonight? >> what i like to see how america gets on a footing towards a stable situation, one that doesn't involve us putting troops in there the next decade. i would suspect that there would be a modest increase to the afghan unit that the brigade level. something about the commander on the ground general mickelson and madison and others like h.r. mcmaster have wanted a longtime. however, i would like to see some operation on that. i think there's a way to give the generals what they want in terms of increasing their power in the country and special operations recovery without spending more marines back to helmand province for not particularly important areas. >> a lot of a lot of analysts echoing this this morning. obviously stay tuned to fox business. we are going to have special coverage of president trump speech at 9:00 p.m. eastern time tonight. he is expected to make an announcement about the administration's strategy in afghanistan. we have a lot more coming up including the energy beating out warren buffett in a battle to acquire encore. details on the $4.5 billion bid. plus, it is history in the making. americans will see a total solar eclipse for the first time in maybe 10 years. former nasa astronaut mike fireman about the big event. you are watching "mornings with maria." we will be right back. 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>> i did. i only saw partially, so this'll be my first totality. as we know, totality is pretty cool. cheryl: at totality is the word of the day, jeff. all day for fox business, live reports through the solar eclipse. houston, texas, former nasa astronaut and retired u.s. captain mike. good morning. >> good morning, cheryl. thanks for the early wake-up call. cheryl: thank you for getting up so early. would you make make of all the frenzy behind the solar eclipse? are you as excited as the rest of us are? >> definitely. i'm sitting here thinking i wish i was in carbondale with jeff to see the total eclipse to be pretty amazing. we are going to experience 70% in houston and that will be pretty cool and see the total eclipse. >> what kind of information are they going to be looking for today? interesting from a science perspective what we will learn, right? >> i think it's going to be great. they have cameras all across the united states that are pointed at the sun in the pictures during the total eclipse. i'm also thinking about the astronauts on the space station. they will have a great view and get some great science fair, too. that is pretty cool. i wish i was up there with jeff and randy and peggy. cheryl: that's a great point. the carter has a question for you. >> this is something in our lifetime i've never seen across the united days. there are a lot of people who are afraid to look and afraid that their classes aren't necessarily the right approved classes and they're talking about a look at it through my cell phone in reverse, how would you advise people to look at it safely? >> i would probably say don't look at it. i have my nasa approved classes right here that i'm going to use. don't look at it if you're not sure you have approved classes on trade glasses or number 12, though i'm sure you don't do any damage to your retina. i remember as a kid experiencing an eclipse in making one of those boxes with a pinhole in the end and watching the eclipse on the back of that box. another way to look at. cheryl: i remember that as well. andrew peek as a question. >> before the show, one of was making animals act funky. any behavior to the eclipse? >> definitely. i think it is just a fact the sun is going down essentially in animals that birds will stop chirping and bill got quiet just as it was sunset and for a few minutes i'll be confused in the sun will come back up and michael go on. cheryl: i doubt they will look any different than any other day. before you let you know, the first solar clips in nearly a century. why are these so rare? >> well, i really don't think solar eclipses are very rare. i was perusing the national website eclipse in all my friends in nasa will be glad that i got that in. apparently i am learning and i'm an aerospace engineer, so i don't know what -- so i know everybody thinks they are astronomers, they beat amateur astronomers at best. there are a lot of solar eclipses that happen around the earth. a lot of them have been in the middle of the ocean somewhere where no one will get to see them. 99 years is passed from west coast east coast. cheryl: it's so exciting. >> it's very cool. and then to think the next one is just a few years away, 2024. trade to thank you for getting up early for us. we really appreciate it. >> led to be here. cheryl: a lot more on that another stories as well including keeping our city safe. 44 people shot within 24 hours in chicago over the weekend. looking to curb the violence coming up next. by embarrassed oil for nearly 5 billion. the outlook on the oil industry, not. i needed something more to help control my type 2 diabetes. my a1c wasn't were it needed to be. so i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it's suppose to do, release its own insulin. i take it once a week, and it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. trulicity is not insulin. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take trulicity if you or a family member has had medullary thyroid cancer, if you've had multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to trulicity. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe pain in your stomach, or symptoms such as itching, rash, or trouble breathing. serious side effects may include pancreatitis, which can be fatal. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin, increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may make existing kidney problems worse. once-weekly trulicity may help me reach my blood sugar goals. with trulicity, i click to activate what's within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar, activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. but the cheryl: well, the city of chicago coming off one of the most violent weekends of the year. lauren simonetti has the details you >> good morning. incredibly violent 24 hours in chicago. "chicago tribune" reporting 6:30 p.m. saturday through 6:30 p.m. sunday, at least 44 people shot, seven of them fatally. chicago's gun violence has drawn national attention. whether 760 homicides last year. more than new york and los angeles combined. berkshire hathaway. about $9.5 billion last month. a deal to buy $9 billion would not raise the offer despite opposition. taking a look you up almost 60% in 2017. the french oil giant for a four-point $95 billion in the oil and gas industry following the slump in the price of oil. also assume $2.5 billion. shares are down about 1% so far this year. >> you mention the word consolidation and that is a great word because with oil prices continuing to send around 49, 50 bucks, there may be more deals. >> total is in the business of producing oil and gas. these assets, didn't you realize that traditional home market. what's the long-term ability. this feels like a stretch to me. i'm a little skeptical. i have to obviously look into a little more. it was obviously the battle for these utility assets. warren buffett doesn't get involved in these dogfights that he will send out. ask yourself what is next for berkshire hathaway. now there's talk about other issues like energy and others that could be in play here. a lot of money chasing them. we will see where that all goes. we can see people bearish on oil and gas here. it stretches for companies to find growth any way they can get it. >> does a bidding war. he's not someone used to losing. >> i think it's going to be okay though. my point is the oracle of omaha. cheryl: you're right right. he is the oracle. the search is continuing this morning for the driver involved in the deadly terror attack in barcelona. authorities believe he may have gone. that story next. plus, another hacked headache for sony. a new concern for the company. we will bring it to you. ♪ today, we're out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? 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that it's time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters. cheryl: welcome back i'm cheryl casone in for maria bartiromo this morning. it is monday august 21st, top stories at 6:30 a.m. eastern time. terror strikes spain. a massive manhunt underway right now for the moroccan man believed to be the driver in the barcelona terror attack that killed at least 13 people and injured over 100 more last week. search comes amid growing calls for strategy to prevent similar strikes here at home. >> what the trump administration needs to do is articulate a strategy that uses all the tools in our military and diplomatic tool box, working with our allies and not just shrink isis and related goods but stop exporting of terrorism in europe and beyond. cheryl: we will have the latest from that investigation coming up. meanwhile terror intentions with north korea weighing on markets last week. this morning again futures are showing some pressure but we should say things have actually improved in the last half hour or so for your u.s. market. in europe, though, those markets did open to the downside, again global tensions, ecb movements expected later this week. all in negative territory. fractionally. mixed bag for asia overnight. hang seng and shanghai marginally up but nikkei up down .4%. hackers pushing sony's buttons again. social media accounts and what that means for play station owners and eclipse day, it is here and companies are over the moon, how businesses are cashing in on the eclipse excitement? good game, good game, good game, the cardinals, the pirates put on a big show of sportsmanship for the little league. you're going to love that story. that's all coming up. but our top story this half hour, a massive manhunt for the suspect of the barcelona terror attack. spanish police believe that yunis rammed a van into a crowed killing 14 people. he's managed to allude police despite check points throughout the region. officials say he may have fled to france. it's only a matter of time before police catch him. >> you know, spanish police are very good, law enforcement and intelligence people are very good. odds are they are going to get him. cheryl: meanwhile barcelona police discovered a body in a car yesterday and say that it could be a 15th victim linked to terror attacks. joining us this former former deputy assistant for fbi terror division, good morning. >> good morning, cheryl. cheryl: authorities are cast a pretty wide to catch suspect, it's becoming western. is this going to be a need until the hay stack situation? >> not really. i think that when somebody becomes a fugitive, you're going usually catch them and i think they are pulling out all of the stop. i think they'll have access to all these places where they have been searching, they've gotten information and i think they will find him, what's most disturbing about all of this, if you think back over the last few years, we have been told repeatedly that isis doesn't have the capability or probably even the intent to pull off big large-scale attacks and this was a tragedy but could have been far worse, you're talking about 12 people, seven or eight locations we already know about and think about what would have happened had they been able to do some of the things we are learning about. i'm really surprised that something this large could have gone on for so long and there was this nothing in the wind about it. it's very disturbing. >> that jumped to my mind as well, a highly complexed attack, a lot of operational moving pieces an yet there was no real human intelligence that filtered up such spanish authorities were able to stop it, how do you think we do a better job in the future? how do you think they do a better job in the future in terms of infiltrating these cells? >> a couple of questions you raised, how they do a better job and how we do a better job? hopefully we will all learn together. every time something like this happens, we obviously learn quite a bit, but i think the structural problem here and i'm not advocating returning to a strategy of the 60's or 70's, but keep in mind that back following the weather underground days and all of the days of watergate we dismantled ability to collect intelligence, they assessed the balance and decided we are not going to do this anymore. all these years later we are paying the price, paying the price in not being able to catch these groups as they're starting to get together and formulate and plan. it's -- it's difficult for the police and local vicinities and everything to work with us because they can't collect domestic intelligence either. so we are really confined to the idea that we get called and we get a tip and we've seen what happens with that and, you know, we could do as much as we can, if no crime is committed, not much can be done and this doesn't get us to the idea of the lone wolf. cheryl: terry, i have michael block and wants to ask you a question as well. >> hey, terry, seems like the folks keep renting vans, it seems easy to rent a van without leaving a trace or trail. is that something that maybe the legislation needs to take care of here and other countries? also seems like putting some barriers to get rid of vehicle traffic, is that something that would work well in an area like las ramblas which is a pedestrian-kind of place. >> i think you hit the nail on the head, legislation and maybe doing something on rentals, maybe that would help. the public can kind of be alert and kind of hopefully be instinctive about things and no matter where you work, if you work in rental agency, if you work in a hotel, renting out a house, be be alert to the kind of people that you're attracting because this is always repetitive, every time this happens, people have to rent vans, they have to have transportation, they have to have places to build bombs, going all the way back, for example, to the attack on the uss cole, a year earlier, a group of terrorists, the same people had tried to commit -- same crime against another u.s. destroyer and it was through that that was learned during the neighborhood investigation when uss cole was attacked that we were able to put together the pieces and figure out who had been responsible of that. it was very important. cheryl: this is now global story. i mean, it's not just europe, it's not just the u.s., we are talking about terror attacks happening around the world. and it seems that many countries are trying to do whatever they can, look at what's happening in the uk, government officials are ordering a cracktown on car and rental services exactly what you were just talking with to michael. you know, they want driver data to be shared, but here is the problem, then you have privacy concerns that are going to come up and popping up with that, where do we draw the line, what's the effective way from preventing this from happening? >> one of the most difficult things in dealing with terrorism is that problem, where do you draw the line between going overboard and affecting civil liberties and ultimately, cheryl, we are going to have the let people decide how far they are going to give us, how much rope they are going to give us to do more things now. let's face it, a lot of work is being done to identify people after an attack is occurred and also to prevent attacks an a great deal have been prevented. but when you deal with terrorism, that's constantly the issue, how do you figure out where you slow down and where you're broaching someone's civil liberties. that's why it makes it so complicated and upsetting. cheryl: real quick to lee carter. lee: it was reactive, a shoe bomber, we have to take shoe bombs and now let's look at rental cars more carefully. how do we look at this more systematic rather than just reacting to one situation after another? >> well, we all know that we live in a world where this is not going to stop and it doesn't appear for a while. the answer to your question and this is what i always say and i think it's a great compromise between civil liberties and dealing with terrorism, it's the public, we have to continue getting the message out that we are all part of this. it's a lot easier to have a set -- 300 million pairs of eyes in america, for example, looking at things and calling someone if they see something that bothers them and it works. we prevented countless terrorist acts by the police or by the public picking up the phone and calling, we caught fugitives because the public sees something and they get engaged. that's really the best way to do this with the tools we have right now. cheryl: we hope so, certainly, we are following developments there and we are always trying to be safe here at home. great perspective from you this morning. thank you for getting up so early. [laughter] >> thank you, cheryl. cheryl: as he comes out from san francisco. you want to stay tune from fox business, we will have special coverage of president trump's speech tonight that's 9:00 p.m. eastern time. he's expected to make an announcement about the administration strategy in afghanistan, he may talked about global terror as well. of course, that's going to be tonight with neil cavuto. coming up, the cardinals and the pirates actually played nice. the sportsmen like way the two mbl teams ended the little league classic. plus, solar eclipse day, a monumental solar eclipse is bringing stelar deals, special discounts and previews you get today only, it's coming up next where should you start when you're told you have cancer? start with a specialist. start where you'll find advanced technology, precision treatment options and truly compassionate care. start here with a team of experts who treat only cancer. every stage. every day. it's not one thing we do. it's the only thing we do. start at cancer treatment centers of america. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. cheryl: welcome back, so futures are actually changing direction on this monday. it's got to be the solar eclipse. dow is actually pointing higher by 3 points, s&p fractionally higher, nasdaq is still in the red but we have seen reversal in the futures maybe in the last 30, 45 minutes or so. of course, we will be watching that and a few stocks on the move for you. watching apple this morning, sales of the apple watch reportedly expected to jump by 33% in 2018, that's according to sources in the supply chain. company also ready to launch third-generation apple watch, shipments project today rise 4.7 million units, shares of up up slightly. sony has been reportedly been hit by another hack. hacker group sabotaged, sony did regain control of the accounts and removed tweets related to the hack but this does follow 2011 play station hack that left ps3 owners without service. stock to watch is sony. all right, finally here, the day is here, millions of americans are going to witness the first total eclipse of the sun in nearly a century today. a very own tracee carrasco outside of planetarian. tracee: there's going to be huge viewing event later here this afternoon, now this is going to be huge across the country. a lot of areas in the path of totality, they are seeing a huge bump in tourism. according to aaa the state of oregon which is going to be the first places to see the eclipse, they're expecting a million people to come into the state, now gas prices have gone up 6 cents to 2.75 just in the last week, now for those of us stuck at work maybe we are not going to be able to watch the eclipse, employers, now they are estimating they will lose about $694 million in loss productivity, employers -- employees going outside maybe to check out the eclipse, take about 20 minutes out of their workday and some places are even shutting down for the day. some of those businesses in the path of totality, but we've got deals for you to celebrate the eclipse kind of all day long. dairy queen, they're going to be offering 99 cents, buy one, get one free blizzards, denny's is going to have moon cakes, $4 all you can eat all day long and frigid air 30% blackout sale. if you still want to get some of those glasses, a few places mcdonalds, but i've got my glasses here. i'm ready, i've also got -- look at this, a sun head band, so i'm ready for the solar eclipse. cheryl, we will send it back to you. cheryl: tracee, you're wearing that really well. tracee: i am. all day long. cheryl: really quick before i let you go, what is your favorite deal? you know mine is the doughnut. what's your favorite? >> you know, sprinkles cupcakes, they have a blackout black velvet cupcake limited edition, i'm going for that one. cheryl: sugar and sugar lee carter? >> i could go to frigid air blackout as well. cheryl: with the fridge. the fridge is all years? >> dq for the win. cheryl: andrew. >> the other stores are cleverly specials. we ran out of the money. i'm going to go for that one. i appreciate the straightforwardness. lee: i want the headband. [laughter] >> i'm looking forward company guidance, our quarter was a little light, there was an eclipse. our business is fine otherwise. cheryl: that's a great excuse which they will probable write will use, that's right. junior league world series player makes a catch-his -- catch of his life. how this little outfielder became an internet sense sayings, that's coming up next liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. hold on dad... liberty did what? yeah, liberty mutual 24-hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. ♪ track your pack. set a curfew, or two. make dinner-time device free. [ music stops ] [ music plays again ] a smarter way to wifi is awesome. introducing xfinity xfi. amazing speed, coverage and control. change the way you wifi. xfinity. the future of awesome. cheryl: all right, major league baseball meets little league baseball at one of the oldest minor league stadiums in america. jared max with honestly a great story. jared: good morning, cheryl. last year major league baseball spoke of direct correlation between participation in youth baseball and interest in major league baseball. well, the future of america's past time looks bright. inaugural little league classic last night. major league spent $1.5 million to renovate stadium, a crowd of 2600 to see the pirates play the cardinals and check out this. at the end of the game, players just like in little league they shake hands, pittsburgh pirates and st. louis cardinals bring back an old classic, they even had a relay set up for the first pitch this game. 6-3 the pirates last night beat the st. louis cardinals. fun night for major league baseball. check out for big league catch, jack from pennsylvania. >> he's at the warning, he goes over the fence. he make it is play. jared: flips over the center field wall, makes the catch, pennsylvania lost the championship game to chinese tepei. kansas city has no baseball, looking forward so see whatever he might see this afternoon. i'm not in the path of totality, i'm 7 miles out of it so i will get 97% eclipse. i do have the glasses to watch it and app on and i'm interested to see it, while the manager of the royals is excited, the head coach of alabama clemsen tide not so moved by what he will see. >> it's not something that i'm really focused on right now. you know, i watched the weather channel every day, they're saying what it's going to look like in every city in america, so what's going to be significant? watch the weather channel, you see what it's going to be like in portland, oregon. jared: watch the weather channel. [laughter] >> come on, this is an event. jared: why do i need to go to hershey, pennsylvania, i can watch it on video. >> i've seen a baby before. [laughter] cheryl: he's raining on the parade, meanwhile, the nfl teaming up with chinese company ten cent, they're going to have live on demand nfl games, 3-year deal, i think this is really interesting, kind of odd partnership. jared: 2017, 2018 and 2019 where fans in china are going to be able to watch basically nfl package that we would love to have here because they are going to be showing almost all the game, preseason games, regular games, streaming as well. they've also done a deal with the nba, two years ago they announced a five-year package where the nba got $7 million out of this and nba is huge in china, nfl trying to expand their as well. of course, if you're an american football fan and you make your way over to china, you can watch the games. cheryl: i didn't realize that they were such football fans in china. >> i was wonder what part of nfl's effort to expand in china be to offset decline in viewership in this country in the last year? jared: i don't think there's a connection, long in place before we had anything about protests or that type of stuff. i would be curious to see what happens in response to last year, it's not an election year, we could certainly use sunday afternoons to just kind of watch this. cheryl: yeah. no more. last season, just be done with it. thank you, jared. good stuff. jared: happy sola day. is there a secret stash of glasses. [laughter] >> somewhere in any -- my glasses. cheryl: catch jared max fox 24/7 or siriusxm 115. search for uber's new ceo is continuing, why former general electric jeff immelt is emerging as front runner next hours on mornings with maria. (microphone feedback) listen up, heart disease. you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won't rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. cheryl: good morning, i'm cheryl casone in for maria bartiromo today. it is monday august 21st, your top stories at 7:00 a.m. eastern time. a devastating accident at sea. the uss john s. mccain collides with oil tanker near singapore. at least ten sailers are missing, another five injured. we will have the latest on the research. rising tensions with north korea. the united states and south korea launching military drills amid the threat from kim jong un. how this could affect diplomatic efforts? that is coming up. all of that as affecting markets in the last couple of days, futures slightly lower the the premarket. we were higher, dow lower by 4, s&p fractionally downside in the furniture's -- future's market. european markets opening to the downside as well. in asia we had mixed action there, nikkei lost .4% and shanghai edging up just slightly. well, rethinking the war in afghanistan, president trump set to address the nation tonight on the future of our military presence in that country. secretary of defense james mattis weighed in on the plan. >> we -- he delegate today me, we did not delegate strategic decision, progress was rigorous and involved all members of the cabinet, of the national security staff and i would say, attorney general and homeland security, trying to protect america. cheryl: fox business will have special coverage of president trump's speech, that's tonight 9:00 p.m. eastern time. neil cavuto is going to be leading our coverage this evening. but today it is eclipse day, it's finally here, millions across the u.s. have taken the event and it's costing corporate america some big bucks, the amount of productivity in this country. that's coming up. plus immelt, said to be the front runner to take the top job at uber. the clock strikes midnight for big bend, why the world will not hear a sound from the famous cloud for years to come. all of that's coming up. with me this morning maslansky + partners lee carter is here onset with me this morning, chief strategists michael block and former army intelligence officer andrew peek. it is solar eclipse day. it's very chiet -- exciting day in the calendar. >> tourism and a lot of exciting things to do. lee: you can get a deal on doughnuts. cheryl: a lot of deals to talk about this morning and we have a lot of great guests that will be joining us, former nato supreme ally commander admiral james is going to be here, romney mcdaniel is going to be joining us, former speaker of the house newt gringrich and apolo 16 astronaut charlie duke. now, to top story this hour, big business of the solar eclipse, the americans 50 states will have view of the event with path of totality expanding over parts of 14 different states, gas stations in the past experiencing shortages as tourists are traveling the country even causing gridlock in some areas. american employers are going to see estimated $694 million in loss productivity. that's according to outplacement company, business owners, though, aren't taking advantage of the tourism both as they should be, joining me now some of those owners from st. claire, missouri, budget lodging hotel owner is with us. also with me tennessee major and marketing mayor amanda, good morning to all of you, guys. >> good morning, cheryl. >> good morning. cheryl: so much to talk about, jason, i want to start with you, your family is on the budget hotel for three generations, this is big business for you, when did you start seeing customers take an interest in the eclipse and when did you start getting busy? >> well, we started getting busy about a year ago but the people that are really involved in the following these kinds of events, we started hearing from about three years ago but there was -- we did have one customer that called 6 and a half years ago and booked his room with us, so that was definitely the earliest reservation i've ever taken. cheryl: yeah, i think most hotel owners would agree with that. amazing. that's incredible. mayor, for you you're hosting a huge viewing party in park for the eclipse tonight so i'm assuming you're expecting a huge crowd to show up tonight? >> yes, ma'am, we have an incredible park. i've lived in knox my whole life. i'm sure it's going to be a big crowd. it's the first eclipse we've had in 38 years like this. >> obviously this is going to be a big crowd, people are going to be out spending money. i'm sure they're getting recognition, how are you taking advantage of the eclipse? >> oh, very much so, with us being open less than a year as far as the property wide goes, we've had a very exciting summer and our roof top actually sold for the viewing about a month ago and we are expecting kind of property capacity for today so we are definitely taking advantage of it and looking forward to a great turnout with several other events to make sure our guests have the full chicken n pickle experience. cheryl: we love the name. leets bring in lee carter. we were talking about you before you came on the air this morning. lee: everybody is coming in today, it's a really big day, what about your whole season, has this had impact on the days leading up or big events following, what are you expecting to happen now? >> you know, throughout the weekend we actually saw a lot of traffic come in through kansas city from alabama and florida so we definitely saw an increase in tourism visiting kansas city days prior to today and now that we have received the media and everything else, we expect just keep on doing what we plan behind our concept and continuing to grow as people kind of fall in love with our property and see what we are really about, so -- cheryl: jason, i want to ask you, we love your name, jason alexander which i'm sure you get that all of the time. >> i do. cheryl: how big of an event is this for your company, have you ever experienced anything like this as a business owner? >> no, it's really exciting. i mean, of course, we sold out before, that's not a new thing but the excitement and the getting reservations as far out in advance as we did this time is certainly unprecedented and it's exciting and to have people from all over the worldcoming in to stay at our hotel that just, you know, happens to be right on the line of total totality, it's so exciting and have a hotel full of people that are there for the whole reason and to see the same thing and they don't have to go anywhere to enjoy the event, we have a beautiful property with lots of room and they'll get to enjoy the events from the hotel and that's exciting. cheryl: okay, mayor, let's talk about not just the issue of safety obviously with all of the crowds that are going to be coming out today and probably staying out until tonight but also we have been hearing that there's gas shortages as well, some gas stations are running out as people are going everywhere kind of catch a glimpse of this thing. >> we haven't experienced any of that here in knoxville, entire state, we are in totality around 2:23 excuse me, a minute and a half of that and we haven't experienced any of that. i suspect they wouldn't let that happen in his own states. we are pretty fortunate. our biggest problem that we will have tennessee being allow-tax state people coming here and visit and they ending up wanting to stay. so that's a pretty good problem that we have. they love us, they love coming down here. cheryl: that's pretty good. really quick, mayor, before i let you go, traffic jams, i'm assuming there's going to be a lot of bad traffic today. >> i'm sure there will. we are east tennessee, we are pretty easy going. that's what y'all do when you come down here. you enjoy it so much and you end up staying and you like our slower pace. we are pretty proud of that. our sheriff's department and police department are very much aware that they will have a lot of people being out of town and very patient. cheryl: you better hope that new york drivers don't descend on your town. >> we know how to handle them, they talk a little fast but we can handle them. cheryl: you guys all of you have a great time today, really enjoy yourselves. >> thank you. >> planning on it. my daughter has been talking about this for a year. cheryl: i bet. i remember being a kid and watching the eclipse, thanks, guys. americans, of course, are looking into the sky for a sneak peek at the solar eclipse and in greenville, south carolina with possibly the best t-shirt i've seen and her glasses, good morning. janice: here we go. totality awesome. we were talking about the path of totality from the northwest to southeast. first time that we will get coast to coast totality in close to a hundred years. you can see the forecast and cloud cover, that's the one thing that might eclipse your view. if you live across the central u.s. portions of the upper midwest and south of greenville, south carolina the whole country will experience at the least partial and that means we will see darkness over the entire u.s. and so those collides might eclipse your view unfortunately but for greenville, south carolina the forecast is looking amazing and i was talking to someone who is in charge of tourists, tourists here and he was telling me that people are going to move north ward to come to greenville because the weather doesn't look as good south of this. that's the forecast. i al want to make mention because i'm such a shameless promoter, i have a new book coming out. freddie the forecaster, same day as the eclipse, we will be talking about that as well. here is the doughnut that we were talking about krispy kreme, so good and then we have the local company, southern press juicery. this is their black sun lemonade, here is the lemonade and here is the eclipse part of it. turns black. is that not amazing and the juice is fantastic. so a lot of local businesses are taking advantage of the total solar eclipse. happening today, history in the making, my friend. back to you. cheryl: all right, you know that i love doughnuts, i'm very jealous, congratulations on the book today. congratulations. >> thank you, my friend, so exciting, two for the price of one. [laughter] cheryl: you have the love the deals that they're doing today. businesses are getting involved. >> you have to love the deals and i have to give a shout-out to greenville, carolina, that's where i went to college. cheryl: they are trying to keep the new yorkers. the president is prepare to go address the nation about the path forward in afghanistan, we will have a review of potential strategy coming up next. plus jeff immelt is emerging as a front runner, we will be righk ♪ it's time for the biggest sale of the year with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. and snoring.... does your bed do that? the new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. and right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. cheryl: one other accident at ship, lauren simonetti has the details, good morning, lauren. lauren: hey, cheryl, the u.s. navy is confirming that ten american sailers are missing after the uss john mccain, a guided missile destroyer collided with the tanker east of singapore, the navy ship sustained heavy damages as you can see in the pictures. five sailers. president trump tweeting this, thoughts an prayers are with our u.s. navy sailers aboard the uss in john s mccain where search and rescue efforts are underway, the ship is named after senator john mccain's father and grandfather. the senator tweeting, appreciate the work of search and rescue crews. this is the second crash involving a u.s. navy ship in the u.s. navy pacific region in just two months. seven sailers when the uss fitzgerald hit a merchant ship in june off of japan. the next ceo of uber, could it be former general electric jeff immelt? he might be next in line. sources say he is the front runner. cofounder travis has been hit. [bell] lauren: london big ben sounding the hour for the last time today before a long repair work, sot british lawmakers gathered with head bowed. work to be done in 2021, longest period of silence since it went out in 1859. i'm, sure, cheryl a lot of tourists will be disappointed. cheryl: i think the brits are more disappointed than the tourists. huge story in london. >> revenue in one go. why are we going there. lee: it is a huge symbol, to go there and hear it is so iconic, so i understand why people need to let it go. cheryl: we will miss you for four years. we have a lot more to talk about. the rnc has made a record hall in fundraising, how this could impact the president's agenda, we are going to talk about that next, plus, a rare ashton martin goes up in the auction block, the jaw-dropping price tag for this car, it's pretty, was it worth it? we will be right back. potsch: you each drive a ford pickup, right? (in unison) russ, leland, gary: yes. gary: i have a ford f-150. michael: i've always been a ford guy. potsch: then i have a real treat for you today. michael: awesome. potsch: i'm going to show you a next generation pickup. michael: let's do this. potsch: this new truck now has a cornerstep built right into the bumper. gary: super cool. potsch: the bed is made of high-strength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. jim: aluminum is great for a lot of things, but maybe not the bed of a truck. potsch: and best of all, this new truck is actually- gary: (all laughing) oh my... potsch: the current chevy silverado. gary: i'm speechless. gary: this puts my ford truck to shame. james: i'll tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. (laughing) your insurance on time. tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? news flash: nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. cheryl: this is an interesting movement in the markets this morning. i want to show you first u.s. futures because earlier on you had pretty big red numbers for dow, s&p and nasdaq as far as monday morning open. now that kind of pulled back off of that. a couple of things that we have been watching obviously is the continuing stress between north korea and the u.s. remember that the united states and south korea are actually doing joint drills right now and there are your markets since, of course, the election, the dow, s&p and the nasdaq actually have all been on quite its hair and you have to say that president trump's moving to the white house has been a big boost for market participants. the president is going to be heading to virginia today, he's set to unveil strategy for the war in afghanistan and the nation's longest war. the white house released a statement reading in part the president will provide update in the path forward for america's engagement in afghanistan and south asia, excuse me, defense secretary james mattis, he weighed in on the much anticipated announcement yesterday. >> i was not willing to make significant until we knew what was the strategy and what was the commitment going in. in that regard, the president has made a decision. cheryl: all right, let's bring in rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel. >> good morning. cheryl: let's start with this speech to the nation from president trump, what are you looking for the president and more importantly what do you strategy and to we engage long-term afghanistan for the best interest of the united states of america and i think that's something that's been missing under president obama as we haven't had a strategy and so it's a signal that president trump is somebody who listens to his generals. cheryl: obviously the white house has had a lot of turmoil and a lot of resignations and staffing changes. do you think that this address to the nation tonight is maybe the president's chance to kind of reconnect and get his agenda back on track because with all of the noise and all of the afghanistan strategy, he he is expect today unveil in july, now it's august, i think this has been a long time in the planning, the president has always been laser-focused on the american people and what's best deterred the president from focusing what's in the best interest of the country . cheryl: who do you think is in place to advise the president? do you think it's ivanka, the it jared, general kelly?president e ultimate decision-maker. listen. >> the way he was operating in the white house, he was undermining the president by giving interview where he was undercutting the president and obviously he was behind the leaks in recent weeks. >> steve bannon is going to be much more effective outside the white house, outside the walls of government than he was inside the walls of government. cheryl: you know, ronna, your reaction, also within bannon has said so and the president has said so and steve bannon returning to breitbart will be a good thing because wed coverage. cheryl: dnc hitting the worst july fundraising in a decade, they raised $3.8 million in july, according to the hill but the gop outraised the dems with $10.2 million. now while the gop has no debt the dnc added to its debt in july. they're now sitting at into their weak fundraising numbers. cheryl: all right, ronna romney mcdaniel, thanks for your perspective. good to have you on the show this morning. >> thanks for having me. cheryl: u.s. and south korea kicking off military exercises today as north korean intentions are rising, how the two nations are working together, we will talk about that, plus, all eyes in the sky for the solar eclipse, it's a moment of a lifetime but what exactly are we going to see? our nasa expert telling us coming up .. .. .. maria: good morning it is monday august 21. your top stories at 7:30 a.m. eastern time. tragedy at sea. at least ten navy sailors are missing after the uss john s mccain collided overnight. when sending a strong message to north korea. the u.s. and south korea launched warnings in the face of the nuclear threat from the kim jung un regime. he spoke about the importance of the military drills last night. this right now is an exercise with our allies. in because of the civic circumstance meanwhile markets are on edge with the north north korea back and focus today. a slightly lower open at this moment. european markets actually opened to the downside. in asia we had mixed action as well there as a came down .4 percent. rethinking the afghanistan strategy. president trump will address the nation tonight on the future of our military presence in that country. you will you'll want to tune into foxbusiness. and the eclipse excitement is skyhigh today. have been --dash macau businesses are cash in on the lunar event of a lifetime. this is what they can expect this afternoon. it was fit for james bond. the most expensive british car of all time. we begin with a breaking news. tennis sailors are missing after the destroyer uss john mccain collided with an oil tanker off the coast of singapore. there is reportedly severe damage to the hall hall of the massive navy ship. he tweeted about it saying that thoughts and prayers are with our u.s. navy sailors above the u.s. search and rescue efforts are now underway. he is dean and also the author of seapower. good morning sir. what is your reaction to this latest collision at seat which is the second collision in about two months for the navy. as everyone said thoughts and prayers are for the families of these tennis sailors. very tragic. secondly it's worth knowing that the place where the collision occurred is literally the business -- busiest shipping channel and the world. the traffic density is what you might see on a freeway but these are big ships. it's a very dangerous. and as you point out it is shocking to me as an admiral is a sailor who has commanded a similar ship to this dozens of times. it's shocking to see two of these events within 60 days. i can't recall a time of real a tragedy tragedy for the navy like this. it will require the navy to look hard at what were doing and to do a safety c and down as we were talking about that there were seven dead there in japan. with this accident overnight. do we really need to focus and refocus our efforts to put more money into the military to make sure that our ships and aircraft and vehicles are safe for our troops. as always. the readiness of the fleet is comprised of three things. that cost money. it is the capability of the ships in the technology is the chain of command and the ability of a sailors to ensure that everyone who goes to see is ready to go to see. and that requires resources. i think the president is on the right note with this idea of expanding the size of the fleet because these ships are overuse and sailors get tired at sea. reading this is a big part of it. i think if to look at that as part of this investigation. at the end of the day isn't this a command issue though. when you think about a watch that he runs with at sea. maybe one or two people trying to stay awake at the home. how is this not like that. how is this not just on the captain at the end of the day. the command -- command master chief. the first stop in the investigation is the immediate command on the ship in the navy just announced the results of the fitzgerald investigation. you are exactly right. all three of those individuals were relieved for cost. i did gets highlight like that you will see the same thing here. the issue of north korea has certainly had those markets. between our different nations. you wrote the new book. any attack on north korea would have to come from the sea. is that why you think these drills are important there is no question that these drills are crucial. they were both defending south korea and ultimately the united states. but also crucial to our ability to train and practice if we need to to conduct offense of operations against kim jung un's nuclear program both are key. you are seen almost a hundred thousand u.s. south koreans involved in this. he goes on for 11 days. the most senior officers in the u.s. military are on the peninsula including in the pacific command. what is really the end came here with north korea. is it really regime change. what is really the best case plausible scenario for our relationship with north korea. i think we had three options and none of them are particularly good. the first one is that we learned to live with this. that we simply impose significant deterrence things like this exercise. a better option is we commence china to use this economic leverage. we launch a strike and take out his program. the problem with the military strike is that hundreds of thousands dead if not millions. thus far china has not pushed on that sufficiently. we need to convince them to do so. i do and don't ask you about tonight's address. as at the right strategy in your opinion. i think it is for two reasons. we should look at afghanistan through the filter of iraq when we pulled completely out of iraq. that led to the rise of the islamic state. these are not massive amounts of troops. when i commanded the afghan operation as the nato commander and have responsibility for. i have hundred 50,000 allied troops there. we reduced that 90% dental 15,000. we are going to be hearing for him tonight. coming up hollywood is mourning the loss of jerry lewis. we will take a look at the comedian and movie icon in his life. plus big screen movie beheaded to your home less than a month after they are released. [music] [brother] any last words? [boy] karma, danny... ...karma! [vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you, now that the summer of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event. it's time for the biggest sale of the year with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. and snoring.... does your bed do that? the new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. and right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. the entertainment world is mourning the passing of legend jerry lewis. he was known for his comedy in his humanitarian work. he died yesterday from natural causes at the age of 91 he announced back in 2011 that he was retiring as host of the muscular dystrophy association telethon. he helped to raise reported to an half billion dollars in his time there. but he first gained fame as part of a comedy theme. his manager said he died peacefully at his home. now to the box office. clean up is required. the action comedy topped expectations over the weekend earning more than $21 million despite a 39% approval rating. that was a 56% drop in the second week. logan at lucky with $8 million. the race to bring movies home for consumers is certainly heated up. apple and comcast are the latest couples negotiate with the city is to offer rentals only 70 days after the theatrical release. the price would have been dropped to $30 if you're willing to wait four to six weeks. they are vowing to fight it. talk about some hot wheels. the sports car sold for me than $22.6 million. if it looks familiar to you and may be because james bond drove it or something similar to it in several of his movies. i guess the price is just too good. the way that we are changing distribution of films. are we even can have movie theaters left in 20 years from now. this would just accelerate it. there will be competition. who will make the best deal. we're on it for you here at mornings with maria. you've your glasses i hope. and your ideal spot to watch in your use to dig work what can we expect for the solar eclipse today. where to get in... where to get out. if only the signs were as obvious when you trade. fidelity's active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. fidelity -- where smarter investors will always be. 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from oregon to south carolina will fall in the path of the total eclipse. they ask what people in the path can expect today. in the path you will see this huge change in the light and temperature. as a giant shadow. and everyone will experience this partial phase. when the moon completely blocked out the sun in the path of totality all of the sudden the sun's outer atmosphere will be revealed something that you can only see invisible light. even animals well respond to thinking that it's nighttime. how will animals respond. we've even seen examples of cows going back to their barns acting just like it was nighttime. and only to the brief moment. how long will the area go dark. you will see this happen anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes before we actually get to totality as a shadow is moving overhead. the hue of the sky itself will change. the temperature will start to drop will see changes in the wins and then all the sudden very suddenly as the moon moves over there will be a complete blot. that is when the full totality hits. that will last for about two and half minutes depend where you are. what do they expect to see. they will still see the southern change in light. a decrease almost like a big thunderstorm rolling in. they will look around and things like trees and will will cast these little tiny images. not only is there an change in light and temperature around you. but all of that shadows and images around you have the strange curvatures it is pretty cool what is the best way for them to experience this event. can you look right at the moon and the sun. just like not looking the sun normally. the only time you can look at that. the rest of the time you are still needing to use safe solar viewing classes these are designed especially for looking at the sun there are hundreds of thousands of times more powerful than normal sunglasses which you cannot use. if you don't have these you can use indirect methods. make a hole and and actually makes a projection of the sun down on the ground in fact you can even use your hands to cross them to make your own little pinholes. there are a lot of indirect methods to look at the sun. you can still find them. you can go to places like community centers i even know some retailers like lowe's and people like that are selling ones that are certified. you want to make sure that they are certified and to check on that you you go to eclipse 2017 .-dot to find reputable safety. it's in our list of certified and verified manufacturers. obviously we are hooked up. thank you maria for getting us all ready for today's solar eclipse. i am assuming that i do this. i'm good to go. they were looking for glasses. but thank you for hooking us up with glasses. we have a lot more coming up in the next hour. we are going to talk about some other big stories including this elon musk versus the robots. today, we're out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? yes. so let me ask you 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allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so now that you know all that, what do you think? that it's time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters. mccain. i am cheryl casone for maria bartiromo, today, and it is monday august 21 top 8:00 a.m. eastern devastation at sea uss john s. mccain "chig"ed with oil tanker near singapore at least 20 sailors are missing five injured, we are going to have latest on the chech this morning, rising tensions about north korea united states, south korea launching military drills in threat from kim jong-un how this could affect the diplomatic efforts, obviously the situation with north korea has had impact on investors right now in futures markets dow slightly lower s&p slightly higher nasdaq lower investors watching, what is happening overseas, and here on wroot a lot of m&a at a tow truck about big deals including in energy sect, details on sempra energy move to acquire oncor coming up, europe opened downside but the ftse in london taking a gain of 6 points right now, and in asia, it was a mixed bag for asia nikkei japan up 4% shanghai composite shanghai composite up slightly kospi down fractionally. >> rethinking the war in afghanistan president trump to address the facing tonight on future of our military presence in that country. rnc chairman weighed in on what to expect. >> putting forward a strategy and how do we engage, long term afghanistan for the best interests of the united states of america, i think that is something that has been missing, under president obama, as we a haven't had a strategy, so it is a signal that president trump is somebody who listens to generals going to put forward something that is best for the american people in the long run. >> fox business will have special coverage of president trump's speech 9:00 a.m. eastern time special edition of cavuto coast to coast clips day here a traveling for big event you could be in for a shock. from gridlock to glasses, what you need to know about solar eclipse ahead. and, stocks -- john conner, comes to future of artificial intelligence with me lee carter here trading have a concerns michael bloc former army intelligence officer andrew peek. >> as long as nobody see that is photo again. >> found realize you cannot see anything, don't try to watch or drive or do anything with those on. >> looking at the sun. >> i mean, you really are if you got glasses get ready not going to be able to see initially, also joining the conversation with us, we've got former apollo 16 astronaut charlie duke cannot wait for that former speaker of the house newt gingrich also going to be talking about stuart varney. you know. because -- always talk about stuart varney don't miss any of that stuart if you are watching a joke, total solar eclipse once in a lifetime event going to have people looking up at the sky, safely we hope, the best show is going to be in something called, the path of totality just watch in illinois right in that path, the eclipse big business going to be a big day there, correct? >> yeah because we are right at the totality the total totality the sun came up over the stadium in carbondale southern illinois university stadium if you take glasses look at the sun, for the first time i can see something through these glasses, you see the sun you see it as an orange ball. the other thing that you are going to see in addition if you safely look at eclipse is the shadow of the eclipse move across the country, and it will sweep past the folks that are in the stadium here, southern illinois, university stadium it will be going 1800 miles an hour, so that is pretty crazy. in terms of of the -- folks, this stadium will be packed. 15,000 people have bought tickets to this doubling the population of this town carbondale university on how tosleep at times not today a carnival atmosphere here, now eclipse. the glasses. where to buy glasses, obviously there have been stories about these the fake ones, you don't want those, here is kind of a cheat sheet where you can buy safely eclipse glasses still because, you really need to take this seriously, places like 7-eleven best buy kroger lowe's selling them, mcdonald's locations in oregon, walmart, they all have glasses, that you can count on and trust, ones that you bought on amazon sometimes, they may or may not have been legit you don't want to look at the sun through a nonlegit pair of glasses i put it these on ones they hand to folks here at southern illinois, if i look through there, i am seeing the sun is an orange ball, and presumably these are safe glasses if not -- well i guess i have to see you next hour. -- >> that will be the end of your broadcasting career, you know i am glad you brought up the stores because on saturday i went to toys "r" us to walmart and super target all of them were out of glasses, now luckily i was able to shop at super target fun but i couldn't find anything anywhere. reporter: they gave away 70,000 of these glasses here at the university alone, there has been i don't know where making these things probably china i am guessing? made in china. >> decline of manufacturing. >> jeff flock thank you very much bring in from columbia south carolina great do you have you here. >> thank you very much happy to be with you. >> i am a fan i have to say, you are going to be participating in an eclipse event today, at the south carolina state museum tell us what you are going to be doing. we look forward to that a short talk before the eclipse, and there will be a lot of people here, in columbia, and we are excited about it, last night i did a -- a dinner with some friends here in columbia, and had a lot of kids, and they were so excited about it, i think this is a great event, really to encourage young people about importance of science technology get them motivated for school and all. >> talking about different of specials, krispy kreme businesses cashing in what do you make about frenzy surrounding eclipse. >> exciting, actually, we flew in from texas, yesterday afternoon, and we went by krispy kreme store, and the line was around the block almost. so people are really excited about it, here in columbia, and looks like we are going to be having a great day glad to be back in home state the state much is doing a great job helping accommodate all these people. >> charlie from our perspective, business network all things that are happening with the economy, you've got special flights southwest airlines other airlines today, you've got amtrak special routes gas shortages hearing stories of books through roof for holtz fascinating how america was come together, from an economic standpoint, on this. >> it is really exciting isn't it. yes weaponize we have a lot going on here in columbia as a matter of fact couldn't even get a car to the to the studio this morning, and a friend came by picked me up, so here we are. and -- go ahead. >> i have a question for you talking about shortages things shortage of glasses, cheryl talking about she can't get them a lot of us can't get them what can we do if we don't have glasses to get a good look besides watch on tv? is there anything. >> yes one way you do it, punch a hole in a piece of cardboard and then, hold that up, and then that the sun will come through and you have another piece behind it a white piece, or not white piece but a piece behind it then the he reflection look at reflection you can see the -- the eclipse on that piece of paper. >> quick for before we let you go i have to ask about astronauts onboard international space station what are they going to see? >> well, it depends -- they will go under the -- under the orbit, of course, if orbit will probably pass through now whether they pass through during the -- i don't know. so i haven't looked at the -- the track of this space station relative to the eclipse it is hard to say for me i have to do studying on that, but if they do see it will be spectacular, don't worry about clouds up there. cheryl: charlie you are one of a few astronauts throughout entire world great to have you on the show you the. >> thank you. >> gough events all of us obviously going to be enjoying events around the country, coming up we've got a lot more to talk about also, this is the question now are we going to rethink the war in snaufgs what can we expect from president trump's address to the nation on a new strategy in that country, fighting for the future elon muck warning world leaders to prevent rise of killer robots before it is too late. ♪ this is not a cloud. this is a tomato tracked from farm to table on a blockchain, helping keep shoppers safe. this is a financial transaction secure from hacks and threats others can't see. this is a skyscraper whose elevators use iot data and ai to help thousands get to work safely and efficiently. this is not the cloud you know. this is the ibm cloud. the ibm cloud is the cloud for enterprise. yours. cheryl: president trump returning to white house to address the nation tonight, on his new afghanistan strategy. this will be his first prime time broadcast on specific policy issues blake burman at the white house with the latest, blake. reporter: i hope he can hear me make? can you hear me? . reporter: i got you now you'd here at the white house, happy monday morning cheryl how about this for introduction. so, yes, there is a -- a big announcement coming from president later today in washington, he as you know has been a big skeptic of the war in afghanistan at least in his prepolitical days for what he called for a speedy withdrawal and said we should get out of afghanistan, but tonight, the president will address the nation and talk about the way forward and one of the real possibilities on the table for the president is increasing troop lvrlz there are 8400 troops inside afghanistan one possibility is increasing that by 4,000 or so the decision comes after a long review somewhere harshly critical of the president for how long this has tan culminating at camp david president surrounded by top advisories jim mattis called that rigorous. >> very comfortable that strategic process was sufficiently vigorous, and did not go in with a preset condition in terms of what questions to be asked or what decisions would be made. reporter: cheryl mission not defining as afghanistan strategy rather instead calling this a south asia strategy pressuring pakistan to get rid of many safe havens could be on table as well from the president 9:00 tonight here in washington area, as he will address troops. cheryl: be with troops more importantly i'll have coverage of that blake burman live at the white house thank you very much lets bring in speaker speaker of the house author of the number one -- best-seller "new york times" understanding trump newt gingrich. >> mr. speaker good morning. >> good morning. cheryl: for instance -- >> exciting day with eclipse. >> it really is, but there is so much else going on, in particular this speech tonight -- curious what you think that we should be expecting to hear from president trump, tonight, you know, friday was bannon departure charlottesville now talking afghanistan i think timing interesting -- >> i think if you look at barcelona the terrorist acts around the world i think the president will probably say is that we cannot create a vacuum not have taliban take control al-qaida isis take control use afghanistan once again as launching point, i suspect he is going to have two big changes from the recent past, one will be, a very, very strong emphasis on training, the afghan army afghan police moving towards ultimately to run country on their one without us the other will be dramatically greater pressure on pakistan, much of the taliban survival has been a function in al-qaida survival has been a function of going into northwest pakistan to be able to hide from us, on occasion we have crossed that board border with drones, hellfire you missiles special forces to bill bin laden jinl we respected that border now i think you will see great deal of pressure brought to bear on pakastanis to begin to clean up northwest frontier -- the -- eliminate surveyors sanctuarys. >> how strong does he need to come out. >> per for the president to connect dots, you can't talk about your concern about terrorism, and then create a gigantic sanctuary terrorists can plot when we know they have in the past. at the same time, we don't want a massive american involvement, we don't want the americans trying to run afghanistan. so i think prudent step they need a couple thousand more people to do kind of training, that people like general mattis think will make a difference do i think for most americans the general mattis general kelly general mcmaster at least have the idea president trump has pretty good professional advice making these decisions. >> i would agree with that certainly i do want to turn to what is happening with north korea escalating tensions continuing we've got u.s. and south korea kicking off war game drills this morning, the north is -- they say this could trigger uncontrollable phase of a numeric war are we doing enough to combat north korea? >>. >> well i would be more comfortable with we had a dramatic increase in our own civil defense effort dramatic increase building a layer antimissile defense when we don't have today but i think that in the short run north korea is a limited threat in the long run five 10 years from now very different articulate not likeable to go to war with them, because the danger is seoul 25 million people enormous on border, casualties first few hours, so i think we are trying frankly to pressure them chinese joined us in increasing the pressure, my personal hunch in tend that won't work we have to find a way to defeat their missile systems because they are not going to want to preemactively start a war. cheryl: gosh, before i let you go i have to ask you -- in the news. >> oh, gosh is it? -- a pretty good it is a dangerous world out there you need to be honest about it. >> frightening that was my response i -- i do want to ask you about your wife to become u.s. ambassador to -- preparation -- spouse tool what that is. >> first of all, she is waiting in confirmation from the senate, the state department runs a four day course for spouses, and because, you have a very significant role in the representation of the united states, probably biggs change for somebody like me remember she will be the ambassador i will not be ambassador, so she will be the principle i will be trailing spouse. but it was a lot of information i must say, the longest four days spent in class in a long time when of its teacher a student a tiring experience, really poured a lot of information in, and realize how serious it was. >> vatican very exciting for her, and -- newt gingrich great to have you on show good to see you. >> thank you. cheryl: you all want to stay tuned we have special coverage 9:00 pm eastern time tonight an announcement about the administration strategy in afghanistan. we will be right back you are watching "mornings with maria". got you outnumbered. the dinosaurs' extinction... don't listen to them. not appropriate. now i'm mashing these potatoes with my stick of butter... why don't you sit over here. find your awesome with the xfinity stream app. included with xfinity tv. more to stream to every screen. cheryl: accident at sea involving u.s. navy ship lauren simonetti has details good morning. >> good morning cheryl u.s. navy is confirming this morning that 10 american sailors are missing after uss john mccain a guides missile destroyer collided with an oil and chemical tanker east of singapore the navy ship as you can see right there, sustained heavy damage five sailors hurt four evacuated by helicopter to a singapore hospital to be treated, president trump responding tweeting thoughts and prayers with u.s. navy sailors aborrowed us;, john s. mccain stench and rescue under way named after senator john mccain's father and grandfather he tweeted cindy and i copying sairz aborrowed mccain in our prayers. >> this is second crash in asia pacific region two months seven died when uss fitzgerald hit a merchant ship in june off japan. >> state senator apologizing to president trump after she skaid son facebook that she quote i hope trump is assassinated. >> president trump i apologize to you, and your family. . >> i made a mistake. i am owning up to it, i am not ever going to make a mistake like that again. >> she also said she has no plans to resign, as a number of top republicans democrats in missouri have insisted she do, opening round talks to redo north american free trade agreement wrapped up yesterday "the wall street journal" reporting issues between three nations u.s.-mexico canada include a proposition by trump administration to require a substantial portion of autos, audito parts, produce under nafta be made in united states reabout negotiates this have deal one of president trump's campaign promises saw it a raw deal for american workers round two in talks set for next month, and robts that can kill you tesla ceo elon musk latest executive to describe killer robots as biggest risk we face as civilization he and 1150 artificial intelligence experts calling for ban, including drones tanks machine guns call these autonomous weapons morally wrong ask robots be added to u.n. list cheryl of banned weapons. >> he has his opinion. >> he has his opinions for sure thank you very much. coming up another merge monday on wall street, sempra energy sweeping in to acquire oncor beating out berkshire's bid the massive price tag on that deal ahead don't let the event of a lifetime do a lifetime's worth of damage how to protect your eyes during the solar eclipse that is next. ♪ where will you go, ohave. h, i want to know, ooh, where do you go? ♪ ♪ what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. searching one topic. that will generate over 600 million results. and if you've been diagnosed with cancer, searching for answers like where to treat, can feel even more overwhelming. so start your search with a specialist at cancer treatment centers of america. start with teams of cancer treatment experts under one roof. start where specialists use 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will be revealed something you can only see in visible light from the ground during a total solar eclipse. >> business of the totality eclipse ahead markets futures markets going to open negative this morning, the dow s&p, nasdaq lower we are up early but now we have pared losses, europe opened lower ftse barely eking out a gain mixed bag for europe. in asia mix overnight as you can see japan nikkei down .4% hang seng shanghai composite both fractionally up. and merge monday on wall street, big deals this morning including the energy secretary of state, sempra energy's move to acquire oncor coming up, is jeep going off load sains chrysler iconic brand may be on the move, and treasury secretary mnuchin backing the president how he stood up to krits we are goito critics. >> there is problem for obamacare. -- from oregon, to south carolina total solar eclipse to darken skies today for the first time in 99 years, fox correspondent is covering dh from one of the first places to see eclipse, good morning. reporter: good morning charlotte you know, eclipse watchers veterans of these will tell you that there is a huge difference between a total solar eclipse and even a 99% eclipse they get in portland, oregon why so many people are flocking to this path of totality, where i am in oregon identified as being a premier spot to view this eclipse because of the high blue skies right in the center 70 mile wide path of darkness tens of thousands of people either flew in, private planes flew here, here from los angeles new york well beyond, we even caught up with a guy from dublin ireland about to see his fourth total eclipse describes crowd reaction when day turns to night. >> everyone moves just -- shouts with joy, wonder experience the phenomena may be 2000 years ago we were terrified of. >> many people brought high powered tell scopes kraechlz nasa believes this will be the most studied eclipse of all time because 200 million people can get to the path of totality, in one day. henry monday morning 15 hundred scientists uploading for google thousands volunteered to help collect data from plant life to animal sounds. >> i am pretty excited this is a top might have bucket list from a -- astronomy type event i have seen number of things northern lites this is the top. >> total darkness will last two minutes and two seconds, here, slightly depending where you are in the path of totality, the shadows going to race across united states, starting in -- on oregon coast done 93 minutes later off south carolina coast 5,000 miles per hour at times amazing, the way this solar clockwork will all happen back to you. >> really is fascinating you are going to have a great view obviously from oregon today i know going to cover it for both networks as well, dan springer thank you. >> yep. >> i want to bring in optometrist owner of advanced visioncare doctor good morning. >> good morning thanks for having me. >> i was reading article the weekend about the concerns by optometrists with regards to eye damage they are worried that er visits are going to jump today or tonight because people are not going to be doing the right thing the safe thing to watch the solar eclipse. so tell us what we need to do correctly so we don't damage our eyes. >> obviously, you guys know you need to have pair of certified eclipse glasses, they need to be worn at all times whileing watching the eclipse it is important to know difference between these and regular pair of sun glasses these are 100,000 times depreciating than regular pair of sunglasses these need to be on all types put them on, not looking directly at the sun then you can look at the sun, then look away from the sun, and then you can take them off again also not safe to use the devices as cameras, tell scopes, or other things without a protective constituting or lens -- coating lens. >> careful about phones, o can you explain. >> not necessarily phones regular cameras tell scopes binoculars you do not want to point directly at sun it can cause damage to the phones as well. cheryl: so many people using devices obviously let's -- talk about eye damage how serious could eye damage be to someone, if they are not wearing glasses don't follow safety procedures what can happen to the eye? >> i mean we are talking within a matter of seconds is all it takes because permanent damage to your eyes, this is something you need to definitely take pretty seriously. condition called solar retinopathy by layers, the center part of vision the macul.a. can cause a reaction causes permanent damage to these areas, we are talking about a blind spot could possibly be there for at rest of your life, and again, we are not talking about for minutes talking about seconds could lead to this permanent vision loss. >> um 00 i was reagan article about a man watched -- the eclipse had permanent eye damage since kind of warning you are giving us what about kids so many kids are excited to get out there, and a lot getting out of school to watch do they need different glasses, do we need to be more concerned about our kids, versus ourselves after today? >> this is probably one of the most common questions i received over thank you know last few weeks concerned parents kids issue going to be in school today, all schools taking different approaches some called off school some planning big events, some going to have children watch inside you know on tv instead, but this is definitely a little bit of a concern to me, for a few reasons, one is you know these glasses that we are all wearing, these are same glasses more than likely kids will weared my for adults not fit perfectly for smaller children, a couple other things you noticed earlier everything is black while you have these on taking these children outside buildings they can't have glasses don you can't walk navigating with glasses on going to walk to viewing areas without glasses tell children don't look up in the sky, of course, first thing going to look up, once you have them on, since total blackness except for sun going to want to take them off peek around glasses so -- i mean definitely need to be supervised at all times, there is scary but at the same time a great educational opportunity something that doesn't want to be missed either. >> doctor you know there has kind of been a run on glasses tough to get we have to give these back in the studio right now. [laughter] >> which is you know, i am trying to figure out. >> i am trying to figure out how to get around that my question is, is there a way we can make sort of jury rigged at home, homemade glasses if we can't get. mcdonald's or somewhere? >> absolutely not i don't want to be -- i don't want to be busy tomorrow looking at people with homemade glasses for sure, only again, the only safe approved ices are iso approved no type of sunglasses dark enough to use the other method is indirect method that we are talking about earlier on your show using pinholes other things if you want to directly look at sun, you need to use iso certified pair of glasses only time safe if you are within that path of talt you can move it for a few minutes a total eclipse but once that sun comes back from behind the moon need to be put back on immediately. >> frightening how careful you have to be look, what about our pets there has been discussion about dogs, people worried about dogs looking up cats looking up towards the sun. we are should we be worried about pets. >> recommendation keep all pets inside not only because they may look up at the sun, they don't have cool glasses i guess you could probably try and find a way to put them on them the other thing, when it becomes night don't know what is going on all of a sudden daylight then becomes night, and they are going to be confused and going to be a little on edge the way it is so recommendation keep pets indoors as well. >> i think that is emotional behavior is interesting, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> as pointed out it is black you are not able to see to warn you so walk outside, be prepared. and give you those back. >> coming up we are going to talk about the administration agenda how treasury secretary mnuchin is standing up for president trump, coming up next. plus talking about it all hour, a how businesses are cashing in on the excitement. ♪ ♪ nothing i could do -- the eclipse of the heart ♪ fidelity's active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. fidelity -- where smarter investors will always be. cheryl: warren buffett getting beat out on a big deal nicole petallides details good morning. >> good morning, cheryl, monday we are going to talk about a merge on this one but warren buffett's company 100 billion dollars cash position want to find all kinds of companies to scoop up and berkshire hathaway energy division actually made a bid for oncor, the deal was moving forward nine-billion-dollar bid due to meet a judge on monday, delaware, but then you had sempra step in sempra energy comes in offers 9.3 billion raised to 9.54 billion, buffett known not to get into bidding wars, the parent company of oncor basically they have debts to pay going with that most likely we watch for developments, of course, rig lateors have to approve that. >> great wall mortar company aiming to acquire jeep we are chaerg from fiat chrysler they have not been approached by company this is the spokesperson said could not confirm whether they submitted bid preparing bid we know they want companies to get bigger have partners we will see what happens back to you. >> nicole petallides, thank you, and michael block futures pared losses from earlier i wonder if this is better for investors. >> he we will see -- personally i am bullish i think too much negative sentiment i talked earlier about emotions dictate people don't like what is going on politically going to vote with feet not worked past year and a half didn't work on brexit not last november not now people are saying big one i am not holding my breath here this, in august anything could happen, one note on that, on great wall, jeep story let's remember that we have a president here, who has trade rep looking into, china stealing at this time from u.s. companies nafta going on this will be a hard deal to get done if real, hard to see this administration, allowing that to go through scot-free. >> you got that perspective, a lot of details on m&a usually good this next story might actually be good he we will see a big deal, in oil, making news lauren simonetti has details on that side of the story good morning. >> merge monday for a reason french oil giant big for latest sign of deciding tos in oil and gas call it what it is an slump in oil prices lasted three years total will assume 2 1/2 billion dollars, as well as taking a look at shares here total fractionally, 50 dollars and 48 cents. one of the chief architects of obamacare out of a job, vermont paper reporting state attorney general has settled the state's claims of fraud against jonathan gruber, served as technical consultant for president obama, and now, under this segment wittlement n longer a consultant for vrm health care system attorney general announcing this after investigators wrapped up into the billing practices, and treasury secretary mnuchin refusing calls to step down in wake of president trump's comments on violence in charlottesville, virginia, they have pressured him to resign in protest instead he issued a statement will continue to focus on tax reform economic growth in fact, mnuchin is due to discuss tax reform with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell later today. >> interesting lauren thank you -- the mnuchin mcconnell pairing we have not talked about that could be a -- >> a fascinate thing i am glad to hear mnuchin's statement i thought very, very well done executed i think important that we do focus on these issues that are most important to the american people tax reform, and i want to see wise going to happen now let's move forward, i do think there is time for healing in this country i think there is really, a lot of need for strong statements, events in charlottesville, boston is also important time to put agenda first get money back into economy things going. >> i think we are all ready for that ready for the agenda to become -- things that actually matter get rid of all the frankly chaos. >> absolutely i think even internationally you know despite war threats from north korea seem kind of du riguer, i think once things settle down a rebound, kind of -- maybe we saw last week. >> want to see investment, certainly tax reform that is one thing rhetoric has been crying about. >> a good way. >> -- could be the tailwind gets markets to highs we are ready for it white house gets to be focused on it, talking to you guys, go, get it done, you are up. >> well republicans come together biggest question, got to have democrats. >> not looking coulded the rhetoric dnc republican party as racist party i think hard for any democrats to say i am willing to stand with republicans right now. so the republicans have a real messaging crisis need to separate themselves from propriety supremaciswhite supremacists make it very, very clear. >> leader of a lifetime companies seeing green businesses across the country are cashing in, on the eclipse, today. ♪ ♪ where's jack? he's on holiday. what do you need? i need the temperature for pipe five. ask the new guy. the new guy? jack trained him. jack's guidance would be to maintain the temperature at negative 160 degrees celsius. that doesn't sound like jack. actually, jack would say, hey mate, just cool it to minus 160 and we're set. good on ya. oh yeah. that's jack. going on arrived millions are going to witness first total eclipse of the sun nearly a century. tracee carrasco live outside new york's museum natural history how could it affect the businesses big and small. reporter: moved inside, and now going to have a huge vying party out here ten on terrace later this afternoon many are traveling to areas that are in the path of totality, oregon one of the first places where the eclipse will be seen they reported, one million visitors coming into town, gas prices there, up 6 cents, 2.75 a gallon -- here in new york city, 1.23 right in the middle of the -- workday estimates show that american businesses will lose about 694 million dollars today in lost productivity you can count on people stepping outside 20 minutes to check out eclipse some businesses are even shutting down for the day, calling it a loss those businesses in the paths of totality, but if you want to keep the celebration going on, all day long there are businesses cashing in, now krispy kreme you have doughnuts on set they are offering a chocolate glazed doughnut for eclipse crystal fast-food restaurant 99 cent, a food deliver service giving away free black and white cookies from 2:00 to 4:00, as far as glasses you might want to pick some up downtowning go -- go to mcdonald's as museum glasses first-come, first-served i've got mine i am ready. >> i think mcdonald's is in oregon, the doughnuts are here so excited i can't even stand it. >> save me one please. >> of course, i will maybe i don't know i am hungry, i am going to eat this i guess -- >> i have to read this -- then after that eating the doughnut final thoughts from panel, right now. >> cheers. >> cheers. ♪ ♪ ♪ all done by... yesterday. ♪ ♪ banks aren't just undergoing a face lift. they're undergoing a transformation. a data fueled, security driven shift in applications and customer experience. which is why comcast business delivers consistent network performance and speed across all your locations. hello, mr. deets. every branch running like headquarters. that's how you outmaneuver. cheryl: huge thank you to lee, andrew, michael. final thoughts from everybody. >> if we leave right now, we could probably get to the totality belt. [laughter] we've got like five hours. >> i just am all about the deals. doughnuts are great, 21% off at pottery barn. >> don't forget friday, janet yellen speaking at jackson hole. be there. cheryl: that's it for us. ashley webster is in for stuart varney. it's all about the doughnuts. ashley: good morning, everyone. stuart is back tomorrow, i promise, but here is today's big story for you. twelve hours from right now, president trump will be addressing the nation about the war in afghanistan. two questions. will he send more troops, and why is he doing this now? we're going to be asking our military experts those questions. today will be the first day of the trump administration without steve bannon as chief strategist, we'll see what his role back at breitbart will mean for the president members of congress. all of that weighing on the markets as investors look for

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Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20170821 :

Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20170821

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diplomatic efforts coming out. now showing a negative vote then. the dow, s&p and not fractionally lower this morning. we will talk about it. plus m&a on wall street. bigger deals including energy sector. details on the move to acquirer encore. as you can see, markets also opening under pressure. part of that is the global tensions and central bank discussions. taking a look at asia, mixed action there. as you can see the nikkei down by 4%. hang seng in shanghai composite. kospi down fractionally. here at home, rethinking the war in afghanistan. president trump set to address the nation tonight on the future of our military presence in that country. tune into fox business for special coverage of the speech 9:00 p.m. eastern time tonight. eclipse day is finally here. millions across the u.s.a. to take in the event and it's costing corporate america big time. it has to cost its productivity. that is coming up. big game for little league. other parts and cardinals had the featured the sports what it's all about. coming up as well. all the stories and a lot more. generally this morning, president lee carter. good morning to her. michael bloch is here and her -- and are pink. happy eclipse to all of you. a lot of news to go through this morning. >> air so much. we've got the presidency said they'll be interesting to watch. i'm glad you are here from the president. through all of the news. former nato supreme allied commander. he is here. rnc chair, former speaker dos command newt gingrich is going to be here. so much talking about eclipse today. former apollo 16 astronaut you don't want to miss the hour of our show. they began with some breaking news. five more have been injured after the uss john s. mccain collides with the merchant vessel near singapore. the media missile destroyer including funding the multiple compartments made it to singapore. they reacted to the news, two evening cindy and i are keeping american sailors aboard the uss john mccain in our prayers tonight. we appreciate the worker search and rescue crews. president trump reacted treating thoughts and prayers are with her u.s. navy sailors aboard the uss john mccain for search and rescue efforts are under way. obviously this is the second destroyer accident we've had in just two months for the navy. is there concern about the safety of our sailors? >> i would be if i were in charge of the navy. a slightly different situation because the fitzgerald was hit from the right side. the way it traditionally has the right-of-way, so that would indicate it was definitely should've given way. this was on the left side. that indicates to me it felt the right-of-way in the merchant ship should've held at. i know human era will be quite this severe. >> from a political standpoint, obviously president trump has been out and about saying they want more money in the u.s. military. this will help the president's argument in that regard. cheryl: i certainly would think so. i think this really says we need to invest in our military not just a not just that we can have our military action, this weekend keep them safe what they're doing. we look to maybe fix some of our ships and some of our aircraft. it's time to get our military have been running. >> we haven't heard a lot about the debt ceiling. markets have given us recent years. there could be increased scrutiny on not. talking about the need for increased defense spending including entitlements. it will be a bit of a battle here with everything else going on. try and do we need to keep our nation safe. the buses about the situation with north korea. kicking off new wargame drills. the north calling bistros reckless. this could trigger a nuclear war. the north is using this to turn up against us again. >> absolutely. the holy grail for the north and what they want is us out of asia and middle east provocations by the north as an excuse to get us to sever the military relationship with south korea. if we can stop doing that, if we can refuse to stop him back in south korea, they will be on the north in the future. >> obviously this is part of the story with regard to the administration. we will get that in a moment. at least for now, markets have been react and. obviously now the south koreans are going to be at least on our side for now with these drills. >> i think it's really important. what i find really disappointed and not just what happened and that's a whole other story and we need to talk about the focus hasn't been as much a north korea. we haven't celebrated the fact that is more contained. that is something we should all feel reassured about in light of the other things going on right now. cheryl: looking at features right now. dow, s&p and nasdaq are in the red. suffering because of jitters with north korea. today it's going to be a little bit fascinating for investors to watch as the drills begin. >> we are well into august here. i don't like to say we are floating around on a nebula here. people taking vacations, not here. tensions going down should've rallied markets more. and then you had the added attraction if you will live in the white house on friday, which a lot of pro-market people say will be good news. they kind of fizzled out in the afternoon. i could point to any number of reasons for that. with these exercises going on with south korea, is that going to bring up the rhetoric again. thinking about afghanistan, will he go off course a little bit and start talking about north korea again. i can unsettle markets yet again. looking at the clips they are taking vacations. cheryl: well, i think everyone is afraid to take a vacation because there's so much news happening. >> i send out e-mails every day. i have to tell you the tumbleweeds floating through the system right now. not a lot going on. there's a lot of people saying okay, we are fine. >> could it be they are not fed. good news out of north korea. other good news at the same time. looking at charlottesville, people across the country right now free saying what is this thing about our country and people out there talking about could there be a civil war coming within our own country. could that not be some of the offset here? >> i've said this before. i'll say it again. a lot of emotions in the market right now. investors not supposed to be emotional. since november i've seen people claim that their dislike of president trump. he's going to bring back things. people are upset about charlottesville. there is sunlight that in making people not like the market. they keep telling clients and investors can take the emotion out. we can say we don't like this or this is bad. don't let it guide your investment. cheryl: before we go, i do want to ask about the president's speech today. addressing the nation about the war in afghanistan. but he expecting to hear and what do you want to hear from president trump tonight? >> what i like to see how america gets on a footing towards a stable situation, one that doesn't involve us putting troops in there the next decade. i would suspect that there would be a modest increase to the afghan unit that the brigade level. something about the commander on the ground general mickelson and madison and others like h.r. mcmaster have wanted a longtime. however, i would like to see some operation on that. i think there's a way to give the generals what they want in terms of increasing their power in the country and special operations recovery without spending more marines back to helmand province for not particularly important areas. >> a lot of a lot of analysts echoing this this morning. obviously stay tuned to fox business. we are going to have special coverage of president trump speech at 9:00 p.m. eastern time tonight. he is expected to make an announcement about the administration's strategy in afghanistan. we have a lot more coming up including the energy beating out warren buffett in a battle to acquire encore. details on the $4.5 billion bid. plus, it is history in the making. americans will see a total solar eclipse for the first time in maybe 10 years. former nasa astronaut mike fireman about the big event. you are watching "mornings with maria." we will be right back. (con artists...) they'll try anything to get your medicare card number. so they can steal your identity, commit medicare fraud. what can you do? guard your card? guard your card? just like your credit card. nobody gets my number, unless i know they should have it. to protect your identity, new medicare cards without social security numbers will be mailed next year. visit stay sharp people! one laugh, and hello sensitring a bell? then you have to try always discreet. i didn't think protection this thin could work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. for incredible protection... snap! so it's out of sight... ...and out of mind. always discreet. for bladder leaks. i've discovered incredible bladder leak underwear that hugs every curve. can't tell i'm wearing it, can you? always discreet underwear. for bladder leaks. with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses and automatically adjusts on both sides. the new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. and right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. cheryl: okay, the biggest event in north america today. the first visible total solar eclipse from coast-to-coast and 99 years. jeff flock live in carbondale, illinois and the pats awarded the day, totality for the solar eclipse. >> i just love this. with all the news in the last however since the presidential election, i just love nature is making its headlines today. i miss the booty stadium, which is actually eclipse central. 15 dozen people will be packing this evening i'm. they've all bought tickets. it's an incredible event. on the field there will be people launching weather balloons, presentations, a big video board. it is crazy because this doesn't happen that often. take a look at a map where it's happening when. the key on this one is this is we believe the first time that's ever been in eclipse available only in the u.s. in u.s. history. on the coast 99 years in here in carbondale, which is where the stadium is located, we will have totality we believe that 1:20 central, 2:20 eastern time and it will last for two minutes and 35 seconds, which is about the longest it will last anywhere across the country. you've got a shadow as the moon moves across. that shadow is the moon comes into the position of total totality as they call it. the shadow will move at 1800 miles per hour. you can imagine how fast the shadow is going to the past the stadium. one person described it as the hand of god slapping you in the face. can't wait to see it because this is probably my only chance. >> didn't you see the eclipse in 1979? >> i did. i only saw partially, so this'll be my first totality. as we know, totality is pretty cool. cheryl: at totality is the word of the day, jeff. all day for fox business, live reports through the solar eclipse. houston, texas, former nasa astronaut and retired u.s. captain mike. good morning. >> good morning, cheryl. thanks for the early wake-up call. cheryl: thank you for getting up so early. would you make make of all the frenzy behind the solar eclipse? are you as excited as the rest of us are? >> definitely. i'm sitting here thinking i wish i was in carbondale with jeff to see the total eclipse to be pretty amazing. we are going to experience 70% in houston and that will be pretty cool and see the total eclipse. >> what kind of information are they going to be looking for today? interesting from a science perspective what we will learn, right? >> i think it's going to be great. they have cameras all across the united states that are pointed at the sun in the pictures during the total eclipse. i'm also thinking about the astronauts on the space station. they will have a great view and get some great science fair, too. that is pretty cool. i wish i was up there with jeff and randy and peggy. cheryl: that's a great point. the carter has a question for you. >> this is something in our lifetime i've never seen across the united days. there are a lot of people who are afraid to look and afraid that their classes aren't necessarily the right approved classes and they're talking about a look at it through my cell phone in reverse, how would you advise people to look at it safely? >> i would probably say don't look at it. i have my nasa approved classes right here that i'm going to use. don't look at it if you're not sure you have approved classes on trade glasses or number 12, though i'm sure you don't do any damage to your retina. i remember as a kid experiencing an eclipse in making one of those boxes with a pinhole in the end and watching the eclipse on the back of that box. another way to look at. cheryl: i remember that as well. andrew peek as a question. >> before the show, one of was making animals act funky. any behavior to the eclipse? >> definitely. i think it is just a fact the sun is going down essentially in animals that birds will stop chirping and bill got quiet just as it was sunset and for a few minutes i'll be confused in the sun will come back up and michael go on. cheryl: i doubt they will look any different than any other day. before you let you know, the first solar clips in nearly a century. why are these so rare? >> well, i really don't think solar eclipses are very rare. i was perusing the national website eclipse in all my friends in nasa will be glad that i got that in. apparently i am learning and i'm an aerospace engineer, so i don't know what -- so i know everybody thinks they are astronomers, they beat amateur astronomers at best. there are a lot of solar eclipses that happen around the earth. a lot of them have been in the middle of the ocean somewhere where no one will get to see them. 99 years is passed from west coast east coast. cheryl: it's so exciting. >> it's very cool. and then to think the next one is just a few years away, 2024. trade to thank you for getting up early for us. we really appreciate it. >> led to be here. cheryl: a lot more on that another stories as well including keeping our city safe. 44 people shot within 24 hours in chicago over the weekend. looking to curb the violence coming up next. by embarrassed oil for nearly 5 billion. the outlook on the oil industry, not. i needed something more to help control my type 2 diabetes. my a1c wasn't were it needed to be. so i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it's suppose to do, release its own insulin. i take it once a week, and it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. trulicity is not insulin. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take trulicity if you or a family member has had medullary thyroid cancer, if you've had multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to trulicity. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe pain in your stomach, or symptoms such as itching, rash, or trouble breathing. serious side effects may include pancreatitis, which can be fatal. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin, increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may make existing kidney problems worse. once-weekly trulicity may help me reach my blood sugar goals. with trulicity, i click to activate what's within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar, activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. but the cheryl: well, the city of chicago coming off one of the most violent weekends of the year. lauren simonetti has the details you >> good morning. incredibly violent 24 hours in chicago. "chicago tribune" reporting 6:30 p.m. saturday through 6:30 p.m. sunday, at least 44 people shot, seven of them fatally. chicago's gun violence has drawn national attention. whether 760 homicides last year. more than new york and los angeles combined. berkshire hathaway. about $9.5 billion last month. a deal to buy $9 billion would not raise the offer despite opposition. taking a look you up almost 60% in 2017. the french oil giant for a four-point $95 billion in the oil and gas industry following the slump in the price of oil. also assume $2.5 billion. shares are down about 1% so far this year. >> you mention the word consolidation and that is a great word because with oil prices continuing to send around 49, 50 bucks, there may be more deals. >> total is in the business of producing oil and gas. these assets, didn't you realize that traditional home market. what's the long-term ability. this feels like a stretch to me. i'm a little skeptical. i have to obviously look into a little more. it was obviously the battle for these utility assets. warren buffett doesn't get involved in these dogfights that he will send out. ask yourself what is next for berkshire hathaway. now there's talk about other issues like energy and others that could be in play here. a lot of money chasing them. we will see where that all goes. we can see people bearish on oil and gas here. it stretches for companies to find growth any way they can get it. >> does a bidding war. he's not someone used to losing. >> i think it's going to be okay though. my point is the oracle of omaha. cheryl: you're right right. he is the oracle. the search is continuing this morning for the driver involved in the deadly terror attack in barcelona. authorities believe he may have gone. that story next. plus, another hacked headache for sony. a new concern for the company. we will bring it to you. ♪ today, we're out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? 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that it's time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters. cheryl: welcome back i'm cheryl casone in for maria bartiromo this morning. it is monday august 21st, top stories at 6:30 a.m. eastern time. terror strikes spain. a massive manhunt underway right now for the moroccan man believed to be the driver in the barcelona terror attack that killed at least 13 people and injured over 100 more last week. search comes amid growing calls for strategy to prevent similar strikes here at home. >> what the trump administration needs to do is articulate a strategy that uses all the tools in our military and diplomatic tool box, working with our allies and not just shrink isis and related goods but stop exporting of terrorism in europe and beyond. cheryl: we will have the latest from that investigation coming up. meanwhile terror intentions with north korea weighing on markets last week. this morning again futures are showing some pressure but we should say things have actually improved in the last half hour or so for your u.s. market. in europe, though, those markets did open to the downside, again global tensions, ecb movements expected later this week. all in negative territory. fractionally. mixed bag for asia overnight. hang seng and shanghai marginally up but nikkei up down .4%. hackers pushing sony's buttons again. social media accounts and what that means for play station owners and eclipse day, it is here and companies are over the moon, how businesses are cashing in on the eclipse excitement? good game, good game, good game, the cardinals, the pirates put on a big show of sportsmanship for the little league. you're going to love that story. that's all coming up. but our top story this half hour, a massive manhunt for the suspect of the barcelona terror attack. spanish police believe that yunis rammed a van into a crowed killing 14 people. he's managed to allude police despite check points throughout the region. officials say he may have fled to france. it's only a matter of time before police catch him. >> you know, spanish police are very good, law enforcement and intelligence people are very good. odds are they are going to get him. cheryl: meanwhile barcelona police discovered a body in a car yesterday and say that it could be a 15th victim linked to terror attacks. joining us this former former deputy assistant for fbi terror division, good morning. >> good morning, cheryl. cheryl: authorities are cast a pretty wide to catch suspect, it's becoming western. is this going to be a need until the hay stack situation? >> not really. i think that when somebody becomes a fugitive, you're going usually catch them and i think they are pulling out all of the stop. i think they'll have access to all these places where they have been searching, they've gotten information and i think they will find him, what's most disturbing about all of this, if you think back over the last few years, we have been told repeatedly that isis doesn't have the capability or probably even the intent to pull off big large-scale attacks and this was a tragedy but could have been far worse, you're talking about 12 people, seven or eight locations we already know about and think about what would have happened had they been able to do some of the things we are learning about. i'm really surprised that something this large could have gone on for so long and there was this nothing in the wind about it. it's very disturbing. >> that jumped to my mind as well, a highly complexed attack, a lot of operational moving pieces an yet there was no real human intelligence that filtered up such spanish authorities were able to stop it, how do you think we do a better job in the future? how do you think they do a better job in the future in terms of infiltrating these cells? >> a couple of questions you raised, how they do a better job and how we do a better job? hopefully we will all learn together. every time something like this happens, we obviously learn quite a bit, but i think the structural problem here and i'm not advocating returning to a strategy of the 60's or 70's, but keep in mind that back following the weather underground days and all of the days of watergate we dismantled ability to collect intelligence, they assessed the balance and decided we are not going to do this anymore. all these years later we are paying the price, paying the price in not being able to catch these groups as they're starting to get together and formulate and plan. it's -- it's difficult for the police and local vicinities and everything to work with us because they can't collect domestic intelligence either. so we are really confined to the idea that we get called and we get a tip and we've seen what happens with that and, you know, we could do as much as we can, if no crime is committed, not much can be done and this doesn't get us to the idea of the lone wolf. cheryl: terry, i have michael block and wants to ask you a question as well. >> hey, terry, seems like the folks keep renting vans, it seems easy to rent a van without leaving a trace or trail. is that something that maybe the legislation needs to take care of here and other countries? also seems like putting some barriers to get rid of vehicle traffic, is that something that would work well in an area like las ramblas which is a pedestrian-kind of place. >> i think you hit the nail on the head, legislation and maybe doing something on rentals, maybe that would help. the public can kind of be alert and kind of hopefully be instinctive about things and no matter where you work, if you work in rental agency, if you work in a hotel, renting out a house, be be alert to the kind of people that you're attracting because this is always repetitive, every time this happens, people have to rent vans, they have to have transportation, they have to have places to build bombs, going all the way back, for example, to the attack on the uss cole, a year earlier, a group of terrorists, the same people had tried to commit -- same crime against another u.s. destroyer and it was through that that was learned during the neighborhood investigation when uss cole was attacked that we were able to put together the pieces and figure out who had been responsible of that. it was very important. cheryl: this is now global story. i mean, it's not just europe, it's not just the u.s., we are talking about terror attacks happening around the world. and it seems that many countries are trying to do whatever they can, look at what's happening in the uk, government officials are ordering a cracktown on car and rental services exactly what you were just talking with to michael. you know, they want driver data to be shared, but here is the problem, then you have privacy concerns that are going to come up and popping up with that, where do we draw the line, what's the effective way from preventing this from happening? >> one of the most difficult things in dealing with terrorism is that problem, where do you draw the line between going overboard and affecting civil liberties and ultimately, cheryl, we are going to have the let people decide how far they are going to give us, how much rope they are going to give us to do more things now. let's face it, a lot of work is being done to identify people after an attack is occurred and also to prevent attacks an a great deal have been prevented. but when you deal with terrorism, that's constantly the issue, how do you figure out where you slow down and where you're broaching someone's civil liberties. that's why it makes it so complicated and upsetting. cheryl: real quick to lee carter. lee: it was reactive, a shoe bomber, we have to take shoe bombs and now let's look at rental cars more carefully. how do we look at this more systematic rather than just reacting to one situation after another? >> well, we all know that we live in a world where this is not going to stop and it doesn't appear for a while. the answer to your question and this is what i always say and i think it's a great compromise between civil liberties and dealing with terrorism, it's the public, we have to continue getting the message out that we are all part of this. it's a lot easier to have a set -- 300 million pairs of eyes in america, for example, looking at things and calling someone if they see something that bothers them and it works. we prevented countless terrorist acts by the police or by the public picking up the phone and calling, we caught fugitives because the public sees something and they get engaged. that's really the best way to do this with the tools we have right now. cheryl: we hope so, certainly, we are following developments there and we are always trying to be safe here at home. great perspective from you this morning. thank you for getting up so early. [laughter] >> thank you, cheryl. cheryl: as he comes out from san francisco. you want to stay tune from fox business, we will have special coverage of president trump's speech tonight that's 9:00 p.m. eastern time. he's expected to make an announcement about the administration strategy in afghanistan, he may talked about global terror as well. of course, that's going to be tonight with neil cavuto. coming up, the cardinals and the pirates actually played nice. the sportsmen like way the two mbl teams ended the little league classic. plus, solar eclipse day, a monumental solar eclipse is bringing stelar deals, special discounts and previews you get today only, it's coming up next where should you start when you're told you have cancer? start with a specialist. start where you'll find advanced technology, precision treatment options and truly compassionate care. start here with a team of experts who treat only cancer. every stage. every day. it's not one thing we do. it's the only thing we do. start at cancer treatment centers of america. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. cheryl: welcome back, so futures are actually changing direction on this monday. it's got to be the solar eclipse. dow is actually pointing higher by 3 points, s&p fractionally higher, nasdaq is still in the red but we have seen reversal in the futures maybe in the last 30, 45 minutes or so. of course, we will be watching that and a few stocks on the move for you. watching apple this morning, sales of the apple watch reportedly expected to jump by 33% in 2018, that's according to sources in the supply chain. company also ready to launch third-generation apple watch, shipments project today rise 4.7 million units, shares of up up slightly. sony has been reportedly been hit by another hack. hacker group sabotaged, sony did regain control of the accounts and removed tweets related to the hack but this does follow 2011 play station hack that left ps3 owners without service. stock to watch is sony. all right, finally here, the day is here, millions of americans are going to witness the first total eclipse of the sun in nearly a century today. a very own tracee carrasco outside of planetarian. tracee: there's going to be huge viewing event later here this afternoon, now this is going to be huge across the country. a lot of areas in the path of totality, they are seeing a huge bump in tourism. according to aaa the state of oregon which is going to be the first places to see the eclipse, they're expecting a million people to come into the state, now gas prices have gone up 6 cents to 2.75 just in the last week, now for those of us stuck at work maybe we are not going to be able to watch the eclipse, employers, now they are estimating they will lose about $694 million in loss productivity, employers -- employees going outside maybe to check out the eclipse, take about 20 minutes out of their workday and some places are even shutting down for the day. some of those businesses in the path of totality, but we've got deals for you to celebrate the eclipse kind of all day long. dairy queen, they're going to be offering 99 cents, buy one, get one free blizzards, denny's is going to have moon cakes, $4 all you can eat all day long and frigid air 30% blackout sale. if you still want to get some of those glasses, a few places mcdonalds, but i've got my glasses here. i'm ready, i've also got -- look at this, a sun head band, so i'm ready for the solar eclipse. cheryl, we will send it back to you. cheryl: tracee, you're wearing that really well. tracee: i am. all day long. cheryl: really quick before i let you go, what is your favorite deal? you know mine is the doughnut. what's your favorite? >> you know, sprinkles cupcakes, they have a blackout black velvet cupcake limited edition, i'm going for that one. cheryl: sugar and sugar lee carter? >> i could go to frigid air blackout as well. cheryl: with the fridge. the fridge is all years? >> dq for the win. cheryl: andrew. >> the other stores are cleverly specials. we ran out of the money. i'm going to go for that one. i appreciate the straightforwardness. lee: i want the headband. [laughter] >> i'm looking forward company guidance, our quarter was a little light, there was an eclipse. our business is fine otherwise. cheryl: that's a great excuse which they will probable write will use, that's right. junior league world series player makes a catch-his -- catch of his life. how this little outfielder became an internet sense sayings, that's coming up next liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. hold on dad... liberty did what? yeah, liberty mutual 24-hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. ♪ track your pack. set a curfew, or two. make dinner-time device free. [ music stops ] [ music plays again ] a smarter way to wifi is awesome. introducing xfinity xfi. amazing speed, coverage and control. change the way you wifi. xfinity. the future of awesome. cheryl: all right, major league baseball meets little league baseball at one of the oldest minor league stadiums in america. jared max with honestly a great story. jared: good morning, cheryl. last year major league baseball spoke of direct correlation between participation in youth baseball and interest in major league baseball. well, the future of america's past time looks bright. inaugural little league classic last night. major league spent $1.5 million to renovate stadium, a crowd of 2600 to see the pirates play the cardinals and check out this. at the end of the game, players just like in little league they shake hands, pittsburgh pirates and st. louis cardinals bring back an old classic, they even had a relay set up for the first pitch this game. 6-3 the pirates last night beat the st. louis cardinals. fun night for major league baseball. check out for big league catch, jack from pennsylvania. >> he's at the warning, he goes over the fence. he make it is play. jared: flips over the center field wall, makes the catch, pennsylvania lost the championship game to chinese tepei. kansas city has no baseball, looking forward so see whatever he might see this afternoon. i'm not in the path of totality, i'm 7 miles out of it so i will get 97% eclipse. i do have the glasses to watch it and app on and i'm interested to see it, while the manager of the royals is excited, the head coach of alabama clemsen tide not so moved by what he will see. >> it's not something that i'm really focused on right now. you know, i watched the weather channel every day, they're saying what it's going to look like in every city in america, so what's going to be significant? watch the weather channel, you see what it's going to be like in portland, oregon. jared: watch the weather channel. [laughter] >> come on, this is an event. jared: why do i need to go to hershey, pennsylvania, i can watch it on video. >> i've seen a baby before. [laughter] cheryl: he's raining on the parade, meanwhile, the nfl teaming up with chinese company ten cent, they're going to have live on demand nfl games, 3-year deal, i think this is really interesting, kind of odd partnership. jared: 2017, 2018 and 2019 where fans in china are going to be able to watch basically nfl package that we would love to have here because they are going to be showing almost all the game, preseason games, regular games, streaming as well. they've also done a deal with the nba, two years ago they announced a five-year package where the nba got $7 million out of this and nba is huge in china, nfl trying to expand their as well. of course, if you're an american football fan and you make your way over to china, you can watch the games. cheryl: i didn't realize that they were such football fans in china. >> i was wonder what part of nfl's effort to expand in china be to offset decline in viewership in this country in the last year? jared: i don't think there's a connection, long in place before we had anything about protests or that type of stuff. i would be curious to see what happens in response to last year, it's not an election year, we could certainly use sunday afternoons to just kind of watch this. cheryl: yeah. no more. last season, just be done with it. thank you, jared. good stuff. jared: happy sola day. is there a secret stash of glasses. [laughter] >> somewhere in any -- my glasses. cheryl: catch jared max fox 24/7 or siriusxm 115. search for uber's new ceo is continuing, why former general electric jeff immelt is emerging as front runner next hours on mornings with maria. (microphone feedback) listen up, heart disease. you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won't rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. cheryl: good morning, i'm cheryl casone in for maria bartiromo today. it is monday august 21st, your top stories at 7:00 a.m. eastern time. a devastating accident at sea. the uss john s. mccain collides with oil tanker near singapore. at least ten sailers are missing, another five injured. we will have the latest on the research. rising tensions with north korea. the united states and south korea launching military drills amid the threat from kim jong un. how this could affect diplomatic efforts? that is coming up. all of that as affecting markets in the last couple of days, futures slightly lower the the premarket. we were higher, dow lower by 4, s&p fractionally downside in the furniture's -- future's market. european markets opening to the downside as well. in asia we had mixed action there, nikkei lost .4% and shanghai edging up just slightly. well, rethinking the war in afghanistan, president trump set to address the nation tonight on the future of our military presence in that country. secretary of defense james mattis weighed in on the plan. >> we -- he delegate today me, we did not delegate strategic decision, progress was rigorous and involved all members of the cabinet, of the national security staff and i would say, attorney general and homeland security, trying to protect america. cheryl: fox business will have special coverage of president trump's speech, that's tonight 9:00 p.m. eastern time. neil cavuto is going to be leading our coverage this evening. but today it is eclipse day, it's finally here, millions across the u.s. have taken the event and it's costing corporate america some big bucks, the amount of productivity in this country. that's coming up. plus immelt, said to be the front runner to take the top job at uber. the clock strikes midnight for big bend, why the world will not hear a sound from the famous cloud for years to come. all of that's coming up. with me this morning maslansky + partners lee carter is here onset with me this morning, chief strategists michael block and former army intelligence officer andrew peek. it is solar eclipse day. it's very chiet -- exciting day in the calendar. >> tourism and a lot of exciting things to do. lee: you can get a deal on doughnuts. cheryl: a lot of deals to talk about this morning and we have a lot of great guests that will be joining us, former nato supreme ally commander admiral james is going to be here, romney mcdaniel is going to be joining us, former speaker of the house newt gringrich and apolo 16 astronaut charlie duke. now, to top story this hour, big business of the solar eclipse, the americans 50 states will have view of the event with path of totality expanding over parts of 14 different states, gas stations in the past experiencing shortages as tourists are traveling the country even causing gridlock in some areas. american employers are going to see estimated $694 million in loss productivity. that's according to outplacement company, business owners, though, aren't taking advantage of the tourism both as they should be, joining me now some of those owners from st. claire, missouri, budget lodging hotel owner is with us. also with me tennessee major and marketing mayor amanda, good morning to all of you, guys. >> good morning, cheryl. >> good morning. cheryl: so much to talk about, jason, i want to start with you, your family is on the budget hotel for three generations, this is big business for you, when did you start seeing customers take an interest in the eclipse and when did you start getting busy? >> well, we started getting busy about a year ago but the people that are really involved in the following these kinds of events, we started hearing from about three years ago but there was -- we did have one customer that called 6 and a half years ago and booked his room with us, so that was definitely the earliest reservation i've ever taken. cheryl: yeah, i think most hotel owners would agree with that. amazing. that's incredible. mayor, for you you're hosting a huge viewing party in park for the eclipse tonight so i'm assuming you're expecting a huge crowd to show up tonight? >> yes, ma'am, we have an incredible park. i've lived in knox my whole life. i'm sure it's going to be a big crowd. it's the first eclipse we've had in 38 years like this. >> obviously this is going to be a big crowd, people are going to be out spending money. i'm sure they're getting recognition, how are you taking advantage of the eclipse? >> oh, very much so, with us being open less than a year as far as the property wide goes, we've had a very exciting summer and our roof top actually sold for the viewing about a month ago and we are expecting kind of property capacity for today so we are definitely taking advantage of it and looking forward to a great turnout with several other events to make sure our guests have the full chicken n pickle experience. cheryl: we love the name. leets bring in lee carter. we were talking about you before you came on the air this morning. lee: everybody is coming in today, it's a really big day, what about your whole season, has this had impact on the days leading up or big events following, what are you expecting to happen now? >> you know, throughout the weekend we actually saw a lot of traffic come in through kansas city from alabama and florida so we definitely saw an increase in tourism visiting kansas city days prior to today and now that we have received the media and everything else, we expect just keep on doing what we plan behind our concept and continuing to grow as people kind of fall in love with our property and see what we are really about, so -- cheryl: jason, i want to ask you, we love your name, jason alexander which i'm sure you get that all of the time. >> i do. cheryl: how big of an event is this for your company, have you ever experienced anything like this as a business owner? >> no, it's really exciting. i mean, of course, we sold out before, that's not a new thing but the excitement and the getting reservations as far out in advance as we did this time is certainly unprecedented and it's exciting and to have people from all over the worldcoming in to stay at our hotel that just, you know, happens to be right on the line of total totality, it's so exciting and have a hotel full of people that are there for the whole reason and to see the same thing and they don't have to go anywhere to enjoy the event, we have a beautiful property with lots of room and they'll get to enjoy the events from the hotel and that's exciting. cheryl: okay, mayor, let's talk about not just the issue of safety obviously with all of the crowds that are going to be coming out today and probably staying out until tonight but also we have been hearing that there's gas shortages as well, some gas stations are running out as people are going everywhere kind of catch a glimpse of this thing. >> we haven't experienced any of that here in knoxville, entire state, we are in totality around 2:23 excuse me, a minute and a half of that and we haven't experienced any of that. i suspect they wouldn't let that happen in his own states. we are pretty fortunate. our biggest problem that we will have tennessee being allow-tax state people coming here and visit and they ending up wanting to stay. so that's a pretty good problem that we have. they love us, they love coming down here. cheryl: that's pretty good. really quick, mayor, before i let you go, traffic jams, i'm assuming there's going to be a lot of bad traffic today. >> i'm sure there will. we are east tennessee, we are pretty easy going. that's what y'all do when you come down here. you enjoy it so much and you end up staying and you like our slower pace. we are pretty proud of that. our sheriff's department and police department are very much aware that they will have a lot of people being out of town and very patient. cheryl: you better hope that new york drivers don't descend on your town. >> we know how to handle them, they talk a little fast but we can handle them. cheryl: you guys all of you have a great time today, really enjoy yourselves. >> thank you. >> planning on it. my daughter has been talking about this for a year. cheryl: i bet. i remember being a kid and watching the eclipse, thanks, guys. americans, of course, are looking into the sky for a sneak peek at the solar eclipse and in greenville, south carolina with possibly the best t-shirt i've seen and her glasses, good morning. janice: here we go. totality awesome. we were talking about the path of totality from the northwest to southeast. first time that we will get coast to coast totality in close to a hundred years. you can see the forecast and cloud cover, that's the one thing that might eclipse your view. if you live across the central u.s. portions of the upper midwest and south of greenville, south carolina the whole country will experience at the least partial and that means we will see darkness over the entire u.s. and so those collides might eclipse your view unfortunately but for greenville, south carolina the forecast is looking amazing and i was talking to someone who is in charge of tourists, tourists here and he was telling me that people are going to move north ward to come to greenville because the weather doesn't look as good south of this. that's the forecast. i al want to make mention because i'm such a shameless promoter, i have a new book coming out. freddie the forecaster, same day as the eclipse, we will be talking about that as well. here is the doughnut that we were talking about krispy kreme, so good and then we have the local company, southern press juicery. this is their black sun lemonade, here is the lemonade and here is the eclipse part of it. turns black. is that not amazing and the juice is fantastic. so a lot of local businesses are taking advantage of the total solar eclipse. happening today, history in the making, my friend. back to you. cheryl: all right, you know that i love doughnuts, i'm very jealous, congratulations on the book today. congratulations. >> thank you, my friend, so exciting, two for the price of one. [laughter] cheryl: you have the love the deals that they're doing today. businesses are getting involved. >> you have to love the deals and i have to give a shout-out to greenville, carolina, that's where i went to college. cheryl: they are trying to keep the new yorkers. the president is prepare to go address the nation about the path forward in afghanistan, we will have a review of potential strategy coming up next. plus jeff immelt is emerging as a front runner, we will be righk ♪ it's time for the biggest sale of the year with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. and snoring.... does your bed do that? the new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. and right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. cheryl: one other accident at ship, lauren simonetti has the details, good morning, lauren. lauren: hey, cheryl, the u.s. navy is confirming that ten american sailers are missing after the uss john mccain, a guided missile destroyer collided with the tanker east of singapore, the navy ship sustained heavy damages as you can see in the pictures. five sailers. president trump tweeting this, thoughts an prayers are with our u.s. navy sailers aboard the uss in john s mccain where search and rescue efforts are underway, the ship is named after senator john mccain's father and grandfather. the senator tweeting, appreciate the work of search and rescue crews. this is the second crash involving a u.s. navy ship in the u.s. navy pacific region in just two months. seven sailers when the uss fitzgerald hit a merchant ship in june off of japan. the next ceo of uber, could it be former general electric jeff immelt? he might be next in line. sources say he is the front runner. cofounder travis has been hit. [bell] lauren: london big ben sounding the hour for the last time today before a long repair work, sot british lawmakers gathered with head bowed. work to be done in 2021, longest period of silence since it went out in 1859. i'm, sure, cheryl a lot of tourists will be disappointed. cheryl: i think the brits are more disappointed than the tourists. huge story in london. >> revenue in one go. why are we going there. lee: it is a huge symbol, to go there and hear it is so iconic, so i understand why people need to let it go. cheryl: we will miss you for four years. we have a lot more to talk about. the rnc has made a record hall in fundraising, how this could impact the president's agenda, we are going to talk about that next, plus, a rare ashton martin goes up in the auction block, the jaw-dropping price tag for this car, it's pretty, was it worth it? we will be right back. potsch: you each drive a ford pickup, right? (in unison) russ, leland, gary: yes. gary: i have a ford f-150. michael: i've always been a ford guy. potsch: then i have a real treat for you today. michael: awesome. potsch: i'm going to show you a next generation pickup. michael: let's do this. potsch: this new truck now has a cornerstep built right into the bumper. gary: super cool. potsch: the bed is made of high-strength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. jim: aluminum is great for a lot of things, but maybe not the bed of a truck. potsch: and best of all, this new truck is actually- gary: (all laughing) oh my... potsch: the current chevy silverado. gary: i'm speechless. gary: this puts my ford truck to shame. james: i'll tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. (laughing) your insurance on time. tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? news flash: nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. cheryl: this is an interesting movement in the markets this morning. i want to show you first u.s. futures because earlier on you had pretty big red numbers for dow, s&p and nasdaq as far as monday morning open. now that kind of pulled back off of that. a couple of things that we have been watching obviously is the continuing stress between north korea and the u.s. remember that the united states and south korea are actually doing joint drills right now and there are your markets since, of course, the election, the dow, s&p and the nasdaq actually have all been on quite its hair and you have to say that president trump's moving to the white house has been a big boost for market participants. the president is going to be heading to virginia today, he's set to unveil strategy for the war in afghanistan and the nation's longest war. the white house released a statement reading in part the president will provide update in the path forward for america's engagement in afghanistan and south asia, excuse me, defense secretary james mattis, he weighed in on the much anticipated announcement yesterday. >> i was not willing to make significant until we knew what was the strategy and what was the commitment going in. in that regard, the president has made a decision. cheryl: all right, let's bring in rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel. >> good morning. cheryl: let's start with this speech to the nation from president trump, what are you looking for the president and more importantly what do you strategy and to we engage long-term afghanistan for the best interest of the united states of america and i think that's something that's been missing under president obama as we haven't had a strategy and so it's a signal that president trump is somebody who listens to his generals. cheryl: obviously the white house has had a lot of turmoil and a lot of resignations and staffing changes. do you think that this address to the nation tonight is maybe the president's chance to kind of reconnect and get his agenda back on track because with all of the noise and all of the afghanistan strategy, he he is expect today unveil in july, now it's august, i think this has been a long time in the planning, the president has always been laser-focused on the american people and what's best deterred the president from focusing what's in the best interest of the country . cheryl: who do you think is in place to advise the president? do you think it's ivanka, the it jared, general kelly?president e ultimate decision-maker. listen. >> the way he was operating in the white house, he was undermining the president by giving interview where he was undercutting the president and obviously he was behind the leaks in recent weeks. >> steve bannon is going to be much more effective outside the white house, outside the walls of government than he was inside the walls of government. cheryl: you know, ronna, your reaction, also within bannon has said so and the president has said so and steve bannon returning to breitbart will be a good thing because wed coverage. cheryl: dnc hitting the worst july fundraising in a decade, they raised $3.8 million in july, according to the hill but the gop outraised the dems with $10.2 million. now while the gop has no debt the dnc added to its debt in july. they're now sitting at into their weak fundraising numbers. cheryl: all right, ronna romney mcdaniel, thanks for your perspective. good to have you on the show this morning. >> thanks for having me. cheryl: u.s. and south korea kicking off military exercises today as north korean intentions are rising, how the two nations are working together, we will talk about that, plus, all eyes in the sky for the solar eclipse, it's a moment of a lifetime but what exactly are we going to see? our nasa expert telling us coming up .. .. .. maria: good morning it is monday august 21. your top stories at 7:30 a.m. eastern time. tragedy at sea. at least ten navy sailors are missing after the uss john s mccain collided overnight. when sending a strong message to north korea. the u.s. and south korea launched warnings in the face of the nuclear threat from the kim jung un regime. he spoke about the importance of the military drills last night. this right now is an exercise with our allies. in because of the civic circumstance meanwhile markets are on edge with the north north korea back and focus today. a slightly lower open at this moment. european markets actually opened to the downside. in asia we had mixed action as well there as a came down .4 percent. rethinking the afghanistan strategy. president trump will address the nation tonight on the future of our military presence in that country. you will you'll want to tune into foxbusiness. and the eclipse excitement is skyhigh today. have been --dash macau businesses are cash in on the lunar event of a lifetime. this is what they can expect this afternoon. it was fit for james bond. the most expensive british car of all time. we begin with a breaking news. tennis sailors are missing after the destroyer uss john mccain collided with an oil tanker off the coast of singapore. there is reportedly severe damage to the hall hall of the massive navy ship. he tweeted about it saying that thoughts and prayers are with our u.s. navy sailors above the u.s. search and rescue efforts are now underway. he is dean and also the author of seapower. good morning sir. what is your reaction to this latest collision at seat which is the second collision in about two months for the navy. as everyone said thoughts and prayers are for the families of these tennis sailors. very tragic. secondly it's worth knowing that the place where the collision occurred is literally the business -- busiest shipping channel and the world. the traffic density is what you might see on a freeway but these are big ships. it's a very dangerous. and as you point out it is shocking to me as an admiral is a sailor who has commanded a similar ship to this dozens of times. it's shocking to see two of these events within 60 days. i can't recall a time of real a tragedy tragedy for the navy like this. it will require the navy to look hard at what were doing and to do a safety c and down as we were talking about that there were seven dead there in japan. with this accident overnight. do we really need to focus and refocus our efforts to put more money into the military to make sure that our ships and aircraft and vehicles are safe for our troops. as always. the readiness of the fleet is comprised of three things. that cost money. it is the capability of the ships in the technology is the chain of command and the ability of a sailors to ensure that everyone who goes to see is ready to go to see. and that requires resources. i think the president is on the right note with this idea of expanding the size of the fleet because these ships are overuse and sailors get tired at sea. reading this is a big part of it. i think if to look at that as part of this investigation. at the end of the day isn't this a command issue though. when you think about a watch that he runs with at sea. maybe one or two people trying to stay awake at the home. how is this not like that. how is this not just on the captain at the end of the day. the command -- command master chief. the first stop in the investigation is the immediate command on the ship in the navy just announced the results of the fitzgerald investigation. you are exactly right. all three of those individuals were relieved for cost. i did gets highlight like that you will see the same thing here. the issue of north korea has certainly had those markets. between our different nations. you wrote the new book. any attack on north korea would have to come from the sea. is that why you think these drills are important there is no question that these drills are crucial. they were both defending south korea and ultimately the united states. but also crucial to our ability to train and practice if we need to to conduct offense of operations against kim jung un's nuclear program both are key. you are seen almost a hundred thousand u.s. south koreans involved in this. he goes on for 11 days. the most senior officers in the u.s. military are on the peninsula including in the pacific command. what is really the end came here with north korea. is it really regime change. what is really the best case plausible scenario for our relationship with north korea. i think we had three options and none of them are particularly good. the first one is that we learned to live with this. that we simply impose significant deterrence things like this exercise. a better option is we commence china to use this economic leverage. we launch a strike and take out his program. the problem with the military strike is that hundreds of thousands dead if not millions. thus far china has not pushed on that sufficiently. we need to convince them to do so. i do and don't ask you about tonight's address. as at the right strategy in your opinion. i think it is for two reasons. we should look at afghanistan through the filter of iraq when we pulled completely out of iraq. that led to the rise of the islamic state. these are not massive amounts of troops. when i commanded the afghan operation as the nato commander and have responsibility for. i have hundred 50,000 allied troops there. we reduced that 90% dental 15,000. we are going to be hearing for him tonight. coming up hollywood is mourning the loss of jerry lewis. we will take a look at the comedian and movie icon in his life. plus big screen movie beheaded to your home less than a month after they are released. [music] [brother] any last words? [boy] karma, danny... ...karma! [vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you, now that the summer of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event. it's time for the biggest sale of the year with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. and snoring.... does your bed do that? the new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. and right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. the entertainment world is mourning the passing of legend jerry lewis. he was known for his comedy in his humanitarian work. he died yesterday from natural causes at the age of 91 he announced back in 2011 that he was retiring as host of the muscular dystrophy association telethon. he helped to raise reported to an half billion dollars in his time there. but he first gained fame as part of a comedy theme. his manager said he died peacefully at his home. now to the box office. clean up is required. the action comedy topped expectations over the weekend earning more than $21 million despite a 39% approval rating. that was a 56% drop in the second week. logan at lucky with $8 million. the race to bring movies home for consumers is certainly heated up. apple and comcast are the latest couples negotiate with the city is to offer rentals only 70 days after the theatrical release. the price would have been dropped to $30 if you're willing to wait four to six weeks. they are vowing to fight it. talk about some hot wheels. the sports car sold for me than $22.6 million. if it looks familiar to you and may be because james bond drove it or something similar to it in several of his movies. i guess the price is just too good. the way that we are changing distribution of films. are we even can have movie theaters left in 20 years from now. this would just accelerate it. there will be competition. who will make the best deal. we're on it for you here at mornings with maria. you've your glasses i hope. and your ideal spot to watch in your use to dig work what can we expect for the solar eclipse today. where to get in... where to get out. if only the signs were as obvious when you trade. fidelity's active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. fidelity -- where smarter investors will always be. 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from oregon to south carolina will fall in the path of the total eclipse. they ask what people in the path can expect today. in the path you will see this huge change in the light and temperature. as a giant shadow. and everyone will experience this partial phase. when the moon completely blocked out the sun in the path of totality all of the sudden the sun's outer atmosphere will be revealed something that you can only see invisible light. even animals well respond to thinking that it's nighttime. how will animals respond. we've even seen examples of cows going back to their barns acting just like it was nighttime. and only to the brief moment. how long will the area go dark. you will see this happen anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes before we actually get to totality as a shadow is moving overhead. the hue of the sky itself will change. the temperature will start to drop will see changes in the wins and then all the sudden very suddenly as the moon moves over there will be a complete blot. that is when the full totality hits. that will last for about two and half minutes depend where you are. what do they expect to see. they will still see the southern change in light. a decrease almost like a big thunderstorm rolling in. they will look around and things like trees and will will cast these little tiny images. not only is there an change in light and temperature around you. but all of that shadows and images around you have the strange curvatures it is pretty cool what is the best way for them to experience this event. can you look right at the moon and the sun. just like not looking the sun normally. the only time you can look at that. the rest of the time you are still needing to use safe solar viewing classes these are designed especially for looking at the sun there are hundreds of thousands of times more powerful than normal sunglasses which you cannot use. if you don't have these you can use indirect methods. make a hole and and actually makes a projection of the sun down on the ground in fact you can even use your hands to cross them to make your own little pinholes. there are a lot of indirect methods to look at the sun. you can still find them. you can go to places like community centers i even know some retailers like lowe's and people like that are selling ones that are certified. you want to make sure that they are certified and to check on that you you go to eclipse 2017 .-dot to find reputable safety. it's in our list of certified and verified manufacturers. obviously we are hooked up. thank you maria for getting us all ready for today's solar eclipse. i am assuming that i do this. i'm good to go. they were looking for glasses. but thank you for hooking us up with glasses. we have a lot more coming up in the next hour. we are going to talk about some other big stories including this elon musk versus the robots. today, we're out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? yes. so let me ask you 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allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so now that you know all that, what do you think? that it's time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters. mccain. i am cheryl casone for maria bartiromo, today, and it is monday august 21 top 8:00 a.m. eastern devastation at sea uss john s. mccain "chig"ed with oil tanker near singapore at least 20 sailors are missing five injured, we are going to have latest on the chech this morning, rising tensions about north korea united states, south korea launching military drills in threat from kim jong-un how this could affect the diplomatic efforts, obviously the situation with north korea has had impact on investors right now in futures markets dow slightly lower s&p slightly higher nasdaq lower investors watching, what is happening overseas, and here on wroot a lot of m&a at a tow truck about big deals including in energy sect, details on sempra energy move to acquire oncor coming up, europe opened downside but the ftse in london taking a gain of 6 points right now, and in asia, it was a mixed bag for asia nikkei japan up 4% shanghai composite shanghai composite up slightly kospi down fractionally. >> rethinking the war in afghanistan president trump to address the facing tonight on future of our military presence in that country. rnc chairman weighed in on what to expect. >> putting forward a strategy and how do we engage, long term afghanistan for the best interests of the united states of america, i think that is something that has been missing, under president obama, as we a haven't had a strategy, so it is a signal that president trump is somebody who listens to generals going to put forward something that is best for the american people in the long run. >> fox business will have special coverage of president trump's speech 9:00 a.m. eastern time special edition of cavuto coast to coast clips day here a traveling for big event you could be in for a shock. from gridlock to glasses, what you need to know about solar eclipse ahead. and, stocks -- john conner, comes to future of artificial intelligence with me lee carter here trading have a concerns michael bloc former army intelligence officer andrew peek. >> as long as nobody see that is photo again. >> found realize you cannot see anything, don't try to watch or drive or do anything with those on. >> looking at the sun. >> i mean, you really are if you got glasses get ready not going to be able to see initially, also joining the conversation with us, we've got former apollo 16 astronaut charlie duke cannot wait for that former speaker of the house newt gingrich also going to be talking about stuart varney. you know. because -- always talk about stuart varney don't miss any of that stuart if you are watching a joke, total solar eclipse once in a lifetime event going to have people looking up at the sky, safely we hope, the best show is going to be in something called, the path of totality just watch in illinois right in that path, the eclipse big business going to be a big day there, correct? >> yeah because we are right at the totality the total totality the sun came up over the stadium in carbondale southern illinois university stadium if you take glasses look at the sun, for the first time i can see something through these glasses, you see the sun you see it as an orange ball. the other thing that you are going to see in addition if you safely look at eclipse is the shadow of the eclipse move across the country, and it will sweep past the folks that are in the stadium here, southern illinois, university stadium it will be going 1800 miles an hour, so that is pretty crazy. in terms of of the -- folks, this stadium will be packed. 15,000 people have bought tickets to this doubling the population of this town carbondale university on how tosleep at times not today a carnival atmosphere here, now eclipse. the glasses. where to buy glasses, obviously there have been stories about these the fake ones, you don't want those, here is kind of a cheat sheet where you can buy safely eclipse glasses still because, you really need to take this seriously, places like 7-eleven best buy kroger lowe's selling them, mcdonald's locations in oregon, walmart, they all have glasses, that you can count on and trust, ones that you bought on amazon sometimes, they may or may not have been legit you don't want to look at the sun through a nonlegit pair of glasses i put it these on ones they hand to folks here at southern illinois, if i look through there, i am seeing the sun is an orange ball, and presumably these are safe glasses if not -- well i guess i have to see you next hour. -- >> that will be the end of your broadcasting career, you know i am glad you brought up the stores because on saturday i went to toys "r" us to walmart and super target all of them were out of glasses, now luckily i was able to shop at super target fun but i couldn't find anything anywhere. reporter: they gave away 70,000 of these glasses here at the university alone, there has been i don't know where making these things probably china i am guessing? made in china. >> decline of manufacturing. >> jeff flock thank you very much bring in from columbia south carolina great do you have you here. >> thank you very much happy to be with you. >> i am a fan i have to say, you are going to be participating in an eclipse event today, at the south carolina state museum tell us what you are going to be doing. we look forward to that a short talk before the eclipse, and there will be a lot of people here, in columbia, and we are excited about it, last night i did a -- a dinner with some friends here in columbia, and had a lot of kids, and they were so excited about it, i think this is a great event, really to encourage young people about importance of science technology get them motivated for school and all. >> talking about different of specials, krispy kreme businesses cashing in what do you make about frenzy surrounding eclipse. >> exciting, actually, we flew in from texas, yesterday afternoon, and we went by krispy kreme store, and the line was around the block almost. so people are really excited about it, here in columbia, and looks like we are going to be having a great day glad to be back in home state the state much is doing a great job helping accommodate all these people. >> charlie from our perspective, business network all things that are happening with the economy, you've got special flights southwest airlines other airlines today, you've got amtrak special routes gas shortages hearing stories of books through roof for holtz fascinating how america was come together, from an economic standpoint, on this. >> it is really exciting isn't it. yes weaponize we have a lot going on here in columbia as a matter of fact couldn't even get a car to the to the studio this morning, and a friend came by picked me up, so here we are. and -- go ahead. >> i have a question for you talking about shortages things shortage of glasses, cheryl talking about she can't get them a lot of us can't get them what can we do if we don't have glasses to get a good look besides watch on tv? is there anything. >> yes one way you do it, punch a hole in a piece of cardboard and then, hold that up, and then that the sun will come through and you have another piece behind it a white piece, or not white piece but a piece behind it then the he reflection look at reflection you can see the -- the eclipse on that piece of paper. >> quick for before we let you go i have to ask about astronauts onboard international space station what are they going to see? >> well, it depends -- they will go under the -- under the orbit, of course, if orbit will probably pass through now whether they pass through during the -- i don't know. so i haven't looked at the -- the track of this space station relative to the eclipse it is hard to say for me i have to do studying on that, but if they do see it will be spectacular, don't worry about clouds up there. cheryl: charlie you are one of a few astronauts throughout entire world great to have you on the show you the. >> thank you. >> gough events all of us obviously going to be enjoying events around the country, coming up we've got a lot more to talk about also, this is the question now are we going to rethink the war in snaufgs what can we expect from president trump's address to the nation on a new strategy in that country, fighting for the future elon muck warning world leaders to prevent rise of killer robots before it is too late. ♪ this is not a cloud. this is a tomato tracked from farm to table on a blockchain, helping keep shoppers safe. this is a financial transaction secure from hacks and threats others can't see. this is a skyscraper whose elevators use iot data and ai to help thousands get to work safely and efficiently. this is not the cloud you know. this is the ibm cloud. the ibm cloud is the cloud for enterprise. yours. cheryl: president trump returning to white house to address the nation tonight, on his new afghanistan strategy. this will be his first prime time broadcast on specific policy issues blake burman at the white house with the latest, blake. reporter: i hope he can hear me make? can you hear me? . reporter: i got you now you'd here at the white house, happy monday morning cheryl how about this for introduction. so, yes, there is a -- a big announcement coming from president later today in washington, he as you know has been a big skeptic of the war in afghanistan at least in his prepolitical days for what he called for a speedy withdrawal and said we should get out of afghanistan, but tonight, the president will address the nation and talk about the way forward and one of the real possibilities on the table for the president is increasing troop lvrlz there are 8400 troops inside afghanistan one possibility is increasing that by 4,000 or so the decision comes after a long review somewhere harshly critical of the president for how long this has tan culminating at camp david president surrounded by top advisories jim mattis called that rigorous. >> very comfortable that strategic process was sufficiently vigorous, and did not go in with a preset condition in terms of what questions to be asked or what decisions would be made. reporter: cheryl mission not defining as afghanistan strategy rather instead calling this a south asia strategy pressuring pakistan to get rid of many safe havens could be on table as well from the president 9:00 tonight here in washington area, as he will address troops. cheryl: be with troops more importantly i'll have coverage of that blake burman live at the white house thank you very much lets bring in speaker speaker of the house author of the number one -- best-seller "new york times" understanding trump newt gingrich. >> mr. speaker good morning. >> good morning. cheryl: for instance -- >> exciting day with eclipse. >> it really is, but there is so much else going on, in particular this speech tonight -- curious what you think that we should be expecting to hear from president trump, tonight, you know, friday was bannon departure charlottesville now talking afghanistan i think timing interesting -- >> i think if you look at barcelona the terrorist acts around the world i think the president will probably say is that we cannot create a vacuum not have taliban take control al-qaida isis take control use afghanistan once again as launching point, i suspect he is going to have two big changes from the recent past, one will be, a very, very strong emphasis on training, the afghan army afghan police moving towards ultimately to run country on their one without us the other will be dramatically greater pressure on pakistan, much of the taliban survival has been a function in al-qaida survival has been a function of going into northwest pakistan to be able to hide from us, on occasion we have crossed that board border with drones, hellfire you missiles special forces to bill bin laden jinl we respected that border now i think you will see great deal of pressure brought to bear on pakastanis to begin to clean up northwest frontier -- the -- eliminate surveyors sanctuarys. >> how strong does he need to come out. >> per for the president to connect dots, you can't talk about your concern about terrorism, and then create a gigantic sanctuary terrorists can plot when we know they have in the past. at the same time, we don't want a massive american involvement, we don't want the americans trying to run afghanistan. so i think prudent step they need a couple thousand more people to do kind of training, that people like general mattis think will make a difference do i think for most americans the general mattis general kelly general mcmaster at least have the idea president trump has pretty good professional advice making these decisions. >> i would agree with that certainly i do want to turn to what is happening with north korea escalating tensions continuing we've got u.s. and south korea kicking off war game drills this morning, the north is -- they say this could trigger uncontrollable phase of a numeric war are we doing enough to combat north korea? >>. >> well i would be more comfortable with we had a dramatic increase in our own civil defense effort dramatic increase building a layer antimissile defense when we don't have today but i think that in the short run north korea is a limited threat in the long run five 10 years from now very different articulate not likeable to go to war with them, because the danger is seoul 25 million people enormous on border, casualties first few hours, so i think we are trying frankly to pressure them chinese joined us in increasing the pressure, my personal hunch in tend that won't work we have to find a way to defeat their missile systems because they are not going to want to preemactively start a war. cheryl: gosh, before i let you go i have to ask you -- in the news. >> oh, gosh is it? -- a pretty good it is a dangerous world out there you need to be honest about it. >> frightening that was my response i -- i do want to ask you about your wife to become u.s. ambassador to -- preparation -- spouse tool what that is. >> first of all, she is waiting in confirmation from the senate, the state department runs a four day course for spouses, and because, you have a very significant role in the representation of the united states, probably biggs change for somebody like me remember she will be the ambassador i will not be ambassador, so she will be the principle i will be trailing spouse. but it was a lot of information i must say, the longest four days spent in class in a long time when of its teacher a student a tiring experience, really poured a lot of information in, and realize how serious it was. >> vatican very exciting for her, and -- newt gingrich great to have you on show good to see you. >> thank you. cheryl: you all want to stay tuned we have special coverage 9:00 pm eastern time tonight an announcement about the administration strategy in afghanistan. we will be right back you are watching "mornings with maria". got you outnumbered. the dinosaurs' extinction... don't listen to them. not appropriate. now i'm mashing these potatoes with my stick of butter... why don't you sit over here. find your awesome with the xfinity stream app. included with xfinity tv. more to stream to every screen. cheryl: accident at sea involving u.s. navy ship lauren simonetti has details good morning. >> good morning cheryl u.s. navy is confirming this morning that 10 american sailors are missing after uss john mccain a guides missile destroyer collided with an oil and chemical tanker east of singapore the navy ship as you can see right there, sustained heavy damage five sailors hurt four evacuated by helicopter to a singapore hospital to be treated, president trump responding tweeting thoughts and prayers with u.s. navy sailors aborrowed us;, john s. mccain stench and rescue under way named after senator john mccain's father and grandfather he tweeted cindy and i copying sairz aborrowed mccain in our prayers. >> this is second crash in asia pacific region two months seven died when uss fitzgerald hit a merchant ship in june off japan. >> state senator apologizing to president trump after she skaid son facebook that she quote i hope trump is assassinated. >> president trump i apologize to you, and your family. . >> i made a mistake. i am owning up to it, i am not ever going to make a mistake like that again. >> she also said she has no plans to resign, as a number of top republicans democrats in missouri have insisted she do, opening round talks to redo north american free trade agreement wrapped up yesterday "the wall street journal" reporting issues between three nations u.s.-mexico canada include a proposition by trump administration to require a substantial portion of autos, audito parts, produce under nafta be made in united states reabout negotiates this have deal one of president trump's campaign promises saw it a raw deal for american workers round two in talks set for next month, and robts that can kill you tesla ceo elon musk latest executive to describe killer robots as biggest risk we face as civilization he and 1150 artificial intelligence experts calling for ban, including drones tanks machine guns call these autonomous weapons morally wrong ask robots be added to u.n. list cheryl of banned weapons. >> he has his opinion. >> he has his opinions for sure thank you very much. coming up another merge monday on wall street, sempra energy sweeping in to acquire oncor beating out berkshire's bid the massive price tag on that deal ahead don't let the event of a lifetime do a lifetime's worth of damage how to protect your eyes during the solar eclipse that is next. ♪ where will you go, ohave. h, i want to know, ooh, where do you go? ♪ ♪ what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. searching one topic. that will generate over 600 million results. and if you've been diagnosed with cancer, searching for answers like where to treat, can feel even more overwhelming. so start your search with a specialist at cancer treatment centers of america. start with teams of cancer treatment experts under one roof. start where specialists use 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will be revealed something you can only see in visible light from the ground during a total solar eclipse. >> business of the totality eclipse ahead markets futures markets going to open negative this morning, the dow s&p, nasdaq lower we are up early but now we have pared losses, europe opened lower ftse barely eking out a gain mixed bag for europe. in asia mix overnight as you can see japan nikkei down .4% hang seng shanghai composite both fractionally up. and merge monday on wall street, big deals this morning including the energy secretary of state, sempra energy's move to acquire oncor coming up, is jeep going off load sains chrysler iconic brand may be on the move, and treasury secretary mnuchin backing the president how he stood up to krits we are goito critics. >> there is problem for obamacare. -- from oregon, to south carolina total solar eclipse to darken skies today for the first time in 99 years, fox correspondent is covering dh from one of the first places to see eclipse, good morning. reporter: good morning charlotte you know, eclipse watchers veterans of these will tell you that there is a huge difference between a total solar eclipse and even a 99% eclipse they get in portland, oregon why so many people are flocking to this path of totality, where i am in oregon identified as being a premier spot to view this eclipse because of the high blue skies right in the center 70 mile wide path of darkness tens of thousands of people either flew in, private planes flew here, here from los angeles new york well beyond, we even caught up with a guy from dublin ireland about to see his fourth total eclipse describes crowd reaction when day turns to night. >> everyone moves just -- shouts with joy, wonder experience the phenomena may be 2000 years ago we were terrified of. >> many people brought high powered tell scopes kraechlz nasa believes this will be the most studied eclipse of all time because 200 million people can get to the path of totality, in one day. henry monday morning 15 hundred scientists uploading for google thousands volunteered to help collect data from plant life to animal sounds. >> i am pretty excited this is a top might have bucket list from a -- astronomy type event i have seen number of things northern lites this is the top. >> total darkness will last two minutes and two seconds, here, slightly depending where you are in the path of totality, the shadows going to race across united states, starting in -- on oregon coast done 93 minutes later off south carolina coast 5,000 miles per hour at times amazing, the way this solar clockwork will all happen back to you. >> really is fascinating you are going to have a great view obviously from oregon today i know going to cover it for both networks as well, dan springer thank you. >> yep. >> i want to bring in optometrist owner of advanced visioncare doctor good morning. >> good morning thanks for having me. >> i was reading article the weekend about the concerns by optometrists with regards to eye damage they are worried that er visits are going to jump today or tonight because people are not going to be doing the right thing the safe thing to watch the solar eclipse. so tell us what we need to do correctly so we don't damage our eyes. >> obviously, you guys know you need to have pair of certified eclipse glasses, they need to be worn at all times whileing watching the eclipse it is important to know difference between these and regular pair of sun glasses these are 100,000 times depreciating than regular pair of sunglasses these need to be on all types put them on, not looking directly at the sun then you can look at the sun, then look away from the sun, and then you can take them off again also not safe to use the devices as cameras, tell scopes, or other things without a protective constituting or lens -- coating lens. >> careful about phones, o can you explain. >> not necessarily phones regular cameras tell scopes binoculars you do not want to point directly at sun it can cause damage to the phones as well. cheryl: so many people using devices obviously let's -- talk about eye damage how serious could eye damage be to someone, if they are not wearing glasses don't follow safety procedures what can happen to the eye? >> i mean we are talking within a matter of seconds is all it takes because permanent damage to your eyes, this is something you need to definitely take pretty seriously. condition called solar retinopathy by layers, the center part of vision the macul.a. can cause a reaction causes permanent damage to these areas, we are talking about a blind spot could possibly be there for at rest of your life, and again, we are not talking about for minutes talking about seconds could lead to this permanent vision loss. >> um 00 i was reagan article about a man watched -- the eclipse had permanent eye damage since kind of warning you are giving us what about kids so many kids are excited to get out there, and a lot getting out of school to watch do they need different glasses, do we need to be more concerned about our kids, versus ourselves after today? >> this is probably one of the most common questions i received over thank you know last few weeks concerned parents kids issue going to be in school today, all schools taking different approaches some called off school some planning big events, some going to have children watch inside you know on tv instead, but this is definitely a little bit of a concern to me, for a few reasons, one is you know these glasses that we are all wearing, these are same glasses more than likely kids will weared my for adults not fit perfectly for smaller children, a couple other things you noticed earlier everything is black while you have these on taking these children outside buildings they can't have glasses don you can't walk navigating with glasses on going to walk to viewing areas without glasses tell children don't look up in the sky, of course, first thing going to look up, once you have them on, since total blackness except for sun going to want to take them off peek around glasses so -- i mean definitely need to be supervised at all times, there is scary but at the same time a great educational opportunity something that doesn't want to be missed either. >> doctor you know there has kind of been a run on glasses tough to get we have to give these back in the studio right now. [laughter] >> which is you know, i am trying to figure out. >> i am trying to figure out how to get around that my question is, is there a way we can make sort of jury rigged at home, homemade glasses if we can't get. mcdonald's or somewhere? >> absolutely not i don't want to be -- i don't want to be busy tomorrow looking at people with homemade glasses for sure, only again, the only safe approved ices are iso approved no type of sunglasses dark enough to use the other method is indirect method that we are talking about earlier on your show using pinholes other things if you want to directly look at sun, you need to use iso certified pair of glasses only time safe if you are within that path of talt you can move it for a few minutes a total eclipse but once that sun comes back from behind the moon need to be put back on immediately. >> frightening how careful you have to be look, what about our pets there has been discussion about dogs, people worried about dogs looking up cats looking up towards the sun. we are should we be worried about pets. >> recommendation keep all pets inside not only because they may look up at the sun, they don't have cool glasses i guess you could probably try and find a way to put them on them the other thing, when it becomes night don't know what is going on all of a sudden daylight then becomes night, and they are going to be confused and going to be a little on edge the way it is so recommendation keep pets indoors as well. >> i think that is emotional behavior is interesting, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> as pointed out it is black you are not able to see to warn you so walk outside, be prepared. and give you those back. >> coming up we are going to talk about the administration agenda how treasury secretary mnuchin is standing up for president trump, coming up next. plus talking about it all hour, a how businesses are cashing in on the excitement. ♪ ♪ nothing i could do -- the eclipse of the heart ♪ fidelity's active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. fidelity -- where smarter investors will always be. cheryl: warren buffett getting beat out on a big deal nicole petallides details good morning. >> good morning, cheryl, monday we are going to talk about a merge on this one but warren buffett's company 100 billion dollars cash position want to find all kinds of companies to scoop up and berkshire hathaway energy division actually made a bid for oncor, the deal was moving forward nine-billion-dollar bid due to meet a judge on monday, delaware, but then you had sempra step in sempra energy comes in offers 9.3 billion raised to 9.54 billion, buffett known not to get into bidding wars, the parent company of oncor basically they have debts to pay going with that most likely we watch for developments, of course, rig lateors have to approve that. >> great wall mortar company aiming to acquire jeep we are chaerg from fiat chrysler they have not been approached by company this is the spokesperson said could not confirm whether they submitted bid preparing bid we know they want companies to get bigger have partners we will see what happens back to you. >> nicole petallides, thank you, and michael block futures pared losses from earlier i wonder if this is better for investors. >> he we will see -- personally i am bullish i think too much negative sentiment i talked earlier about emotions dictate people don't like what is going on politically going to vote with feet not worked past year and a half didn't work on brexit not last november not now people are saying big one i am not holding my breath here this, in august anything could happen, one note on that, on great wall, jeep story let's remember that we have a president here, who has trade rep looking into, china stealing at this time from u.s. companies nafta going on this will be a hard deal to get done if real, hard to see this administration, allowing that to go through scot-free. >> you got that perspective, a lot of details on m&a usually good this next story might actually be good he we will see a big deal, in oil, making news lauren simonetti has details on that side of the story good morning. >> merge monday for a reason french oil giant big for latest sign of deciding tos in oil and gas call it what it is an slump in oil prices lasted three years total will assume 2 1/2 billion dollars, as well as taking a look at shares here total fractionally, 50 dollars and 48 cents. one of the chief architects of obamacare out of a job, vermont paper reporting state attorney general has settled the state's claims of fraud against jonathan gruber, served as technical consultant for president obama, and now, under this segment wittlement n longer a consultant for vrm health care system attorney general announcing this after investigators wrapped up into the billing practices, and treasury secretary mnuchin refusing calls to step down in wake of president trump's comments on violence in charlottesville, virginia, they have pressured him to resign in protest instead he issued a statement will continue to focus on tax reform economic growth in fact, mnuchin is due to discuss tax reform with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell later today. >> interesting lauren thank you -- the mnuchin mcconnell pairing we have not talked about that could be a -- >> a fascinate thing i am glad to hear mnuchin's statement i thought very, very well done executed i think important that we do focus on these issues that are most important to the american people tax reform, and i want to see wise going to happen now let's move forward, i do think there is time for healing in this country i think there is really, a lot of need for strong statements, events in charlottesville, boston is also important time to put agenda first get money back into economy things going. >> i think we are all ready for that ready for the agenda to become -- things that actually matter get rid of all the frankly chaos. >> absolutely i think even internationally you know despite war threats from north korea seem kind of du riguer, i think once things settle down a rebound, kind of -- maybe we saw last week. >> want to see investment, certainly tax reform that is one thing rhetoric has been crying about. >> a good way. >> -- could be the tailwind gets markets to highs we are ready for it white house gets to be focused on it, talking to you guys, go, get it done, you are up. >> well republicans come together biggest question, got to have democrats. >> not looking coulded the rhetoric dnc republican party as racist party i think hard for any democrats to say i am willing to stand with republicans right now. so the republicans have a real messaging crisis need to separate themselves from propriety supremaciswhite supremacists make it very, very clear. >> leader of a lifetime companies seeing green businesses across the country are cashing in, on the eclipse, today. ♪ ♪ where's jack? he's on holiday. what do you need? i need the temperature for pipe five. ask the new guy. the new guy? jack trained him. jack's guidance would be to maintain the temperature at negative 160 degrees celsius. that doesn't sound like jack. actually, jack would say, hey mate, just cool it to minus 160 and we're set. good on ya. oh yeah. that's jack. going on arrived millions are going to witness first total eclipse of the sun nearly a century. tracee carrasco live outside new york's museum natural history how could it affect the businesses big and small. reporter: moved inside, and now going to have a huge vying party out here ten on terrace later this afternoon many are traveling to areas that are in the path of totality, oregon one of the first places where the eclipse will be seen they reported, one million visitors coming into town, gas prices there, up 6 cents, 2.75 a gallon -- here in new york city, 1.23 right in the middle of the -- workday estimates show that american businesses will lose about 694 million dollars today in lost productivity you can count on people stepping outside 20 minutes to check out eclipse some businesses are even shutting down for the day, calling it a loss those businesses in the paths of totality, but if you want to keep the celebration going on, all day long there are businesses cashing in, now krispy kreme you have doughnuts on set they are offering a chocolate glazed doughnut for eclipse crystal fast-food restaurant 99 cent, a food deliver service giving away free black and white cookies from 2:00 to 4:00, as far as glasses you might want to pick some up downtowning go -- go to mcdonald's as museum glasses first-come, first-served i've got mine i am ready. >> i think mcdonald's is in oregon, the doughnuts are here so excited i can't even stand it. >> save me one please. >> of course, i will maybe i don't know i am hungry, i am going to eat this i guess -- >> i have to read this -- then after that eating the doughnut final thoughts from panel, right now. >> cheers. >> cheers. ♪ ♪ ♪ all done by... yesterday. ♪ ♪ banks aren't just undergoing a face lift. they're undergoing a transformation. a data fueled, security driven shift in applications and customer experience. which is why comcast business delivers consistent network performance and speed across all your locations. hello, mr. deets. every branch running like headquarters. that's how you outmaneuver. cheryl: huge thank you to lee, andrew, michael. final thoughts from everybody. >> if we leave right now, we could probably get to the totality belt. [laughter] we've got like five hours. >> i just am all about the deals. doughnuts are great, 21% off at pottery barn. >> don't forget friday, janet yellen speaking at jackson hole. be there. cheryl: that's it for us. ashley webster is in for stuart varney. it's all about the doughnuts. ashley: good morning, everyone. stuart is back tomorrow, i promise, but here is today's big story for you. twelve hours from right now, president trump will be addressing the nation about the war in afghanistan. two questions. will he send more troops, and why is he doing this now? we're going to be asking our military experts those questions. today will be the first day of the trump administration without steve bannon as chief strategist, we'll see what his role back at breitbart will mean for the president members of congress. all of that weighing on the markets as investors look for

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