Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20170511 :

Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20170511

flights to europe. homeland security officials set to meet but airline officials to go over details today. a massive wildfire raging this morning. the pictures of the place in georgia that only 12% contained. it is still growing. with the very latest. snap shares freefall after the first earnings report is a public company. the company lost money. a closer look as investors are eyeing the ipo priced at $17 a share of the stock down 22% right now. average every six days and then a call for an overhaul after public workers say that is for six-figure payout. the cannes film festival after just one year. registered year. register the giant will not be able to compete for the festival's top prize coming out. others come at this morning. fox business network dagen mcdowell. former goldman sachs partner, peter kiernan and pollster lee carter. great to see you. good morning. >> good morning. >> so great to be with you. trade to the fallout begins with james comey. >> i think this is about as screwed up in execution of ever seeing. the book from start to finish. you should own it. he should step up, on and then quickly focus to replace. train to the execution was bad because he did it too late. he should've done it on day one. what do you mean? >> i don't think it you have to put a president they wanted to that end -- have your message were dow. decide whose decision it was and why you are doing it. don't open yourself to the continued speculation trading and retreating. there's a market and who did what to whom. dagen: the communication staff was caught completely flat-footed on this announcement. yesterday we talked about this and we would get into it and it but obey, but deputy attorney general rod rosenstein and his report on jim comey's combat inadequate and e-mail investigation was presented initially as the impetus of this firing. the narrative changed in less than 24 hours at the white house that the decision had been president trump had been thinking about this for the time he had been a lack of a depth steam in recent weeks. you have a narrative shifted 24 hours as to the reason i speculate on this program yesterday. i said we'll find out it was president trump made the call. i want to get rid shed comey we need to find a reason why now. trade to once again the messaging. >> this makes him look impulsive that i send impulsive outburst. it's a big problem they need to get it fixed fast. traded during conversation, chief of staff under a bomb and secretary of commerce under quick. bill daley is that desperate member of armed services, banking, small business south dakota senator mark brown is here. former rnc chairman, mississippi governor haley barbour joins us this morning. ceo of recharge, many bands out is here. plus for reagan budget or commit david stockman. stay with us this morning. kick it off right out the fallout thread the firing of fbi director james comey. though he's not going about it in a letter to the comics. he wrote a part of liable if a president can iron fbi director for any reason or for no reason at all. i'm not going to spend time on the decision by the way it was executed. i hope you won't either. this is "the wall street journal" is reporting comey's ouster came as investigation to collision a trump associates in the russian government was heating up. the white house and top republican lawmakers insist he was let go do it version of confluence following several missteps. >> the president ask patients and people not just this department last confidence in director comey a spell. the president was looking at them with confidence and doesn't want the apparent disarray. he wanted it up and running then the pinball. director comey became an issue himself. trade to russian president vladimir putin weighed in on this for the first time. here's what he said when he was asked i would affect relations between the u.s. and russia. >> there will be no effect. i do not >> we have nothing to do with that. president trump is back to them in accordance with this competence -- [inaudible] trend to either putin was asked about it asked about a suicide in a hockey game. the white house is dismissing the suggestion that the firing is going to affect the trump agenda. you have to believe when you've got congress pushing back and having to respond as far as why, why, why, maybe it does push back the agenda. they seem to say they are on track for a timeline this year. what do you think? dagen: i think it pushes the domestic agenda to the site is the only question now is how long is the delay? the issue of trump and russia, the trump campaign in russia. the investigation is ongoing at the fbi and any alleged collusion occurred from jim clapper that there is no evidence of that. they are to investigations as well. i was having powered but in terms of the trump administration in the back pocket of vladimir putin, that have been put to bed by the options that matters, and the strike in syria. if you put any newspaper the united states, any news website, it is trump comey. this fbi firing. and so, where are the stories about tax reform? if president trump wanted to fire jim comey kenny lay the groundwork and how you're going to deal with it. you have the light, why now in print. tina and i could not have been. >> it totally looked like nobody knew it was coming. it seemed impulsive. you could picture the president's doing can i make something without any real reason that anybody could understand. but people do when anything is left ambiguous to me that negative facts. you say i didn't see this one coming. it must be there something in the whole investigation. maria: where he think the american people around us? >> in the pulitzer for talk about, this is really bad. people think this will lead to the impeachment pity your spot that people think he's covering something up there going to find something out that nobody -- that he definitely wanted people to know, collision with russia. comey got to push back on active duty now to the firing of people in the writer must have been criticizing jim comey. he gestured a liquid in two weeks ago say i was on the road to winning. schumer the same thing. i don't think everybody thinks this is really bad is going to get impeached. i don't excel. >> chief executive, somebody said a privilege of command and i'm thankful not sophisticated. i completely agree with where you're going. you have to lay the groundwork. you cannot simply wake up one morning and say you're fired. for basic constituencies to when it happens, people say of course that makes sense. >> his supporters by the labels they have a one of them fired. he would've been fired if hillary were in in your right about that. there's a large part of the voting population saying and just questioning what's going on. maria: to your point, people wanted chad comey gone on the bright in the last. i said this yesterday. it is better to get rid of him now that matter, but it is how you communicate and handle it. everybody who i talk, just random people, family members, friends, their first question over and over again is why now? if they simply cannot inside president trump had just about he didn't like the way the preening peacock that shared comey was worried about china worried about shutting up his own image comment to got to the point last week in front of congress. tree into a noxious i had anything to do with the election. dagen: speaking of the word nausea. that means you make people sick. indeed he did, a lot of a lot of them and they lost his job. >> look at the symbolism around the firing. here is a member we are going to deliver. train to decide on tv >> so it makes it -- when i get the opportunity to resign? so many ways people up fired and dismissed. this makes it seem like there is something extreme going on and yet they still can't explain it. >> you should have done such a lay the groundwork so would not have the ongoing investigation that keeps coming up because he believed into the breech of the notion of special prosecutor. very few people on the republican side gets a good idea. if you should've set it up so he was six again to everyone. anybody who knows anybody in the fbi, this is not the same because comey is out of the way. maria: information about the communications team based on the phenomenal reporting by john roberts on the news channel. i'm not pulling it out of where the sun don't shine in some communications team members for an ice cream social for veterans including sean spicer. they got an urgent call they need to rush back because the president need to tell them something. president trump was upset initially about the response to the fact that team members, white house staff were not out there making his case. maria: the relationship with the intelligence community has been rocky from the get-go. incredible amount of leaks they were sharing information and probably musawi yates hearing didn't help with her saying i know the answer but i'm not going to tell you. dagen: apparently and this is based on other reporting from other news sources that one of the reasons president trump was upside is that there was sent a real push to investigate who leaked, who was behind the leaks. even the unmasking of the names, there wasn't a bigger push within the law enforcement community in the fbi to do something about that. maria: also, how about in a letter to comey he writes despite the fact he told me under three occasions are not under investigation. that's another thing the president was upset about because he told them he was under investigation for comey refuse to say that publicly. >> if you say not guilty from the start to sound like you protest too much. we need a leader who is not somebody senior fired at the land but is working through it i hope for the president and his team ts is a wake-up call they need some adult supervision. >> has to feel like they should've been bred comes late for the week to the fire is the would've had kernels of information we are now getting should've let up. it made sense and understand what just happened. maria: that's a great point. we would take a sharp break and continue the conversation. the shocking images of the current blazes max. that's a picture perfect after all. snap shares down 20% after a disappointing first-quarter results. we break down this number is as the company loses money. that is next. ♪ think your large cap equity fund has exposure to energy infrastructure mlps? think again. it's time to shake up your lineup. the alerian mlp etf can diversify your equity portfolio and add potential income. bring amlp into the game. before investing, consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. read the prospectus carefully at dream to have massive wildfire that the georgia border growing larger. cheryl casone at the details. >> good morning, maria. firefighters continued to battle flames. this fire is a top priority in the nation. do a video released georgia's forestry commission. the fire has been burning more than a month and is only% contained. plumes of smoke is starting to clear allowing aircraft to fight the blaze. constraints are made as rising temperatures may travel conditions worsen that enables suppliers to keep spreading. in the meantime, the death toll for protest in venice with uprising. one person dead, dozens more injured during a violent day of protests. demonstrations have been going on forever about the death toll now topping 38 in venezuela. verizon reportedly set to acquire straight at communication. the telecom try it won the bidding war against at&t with an offer of $3.1 billion. they control an array of wireless airwaves, high-frequency radio waves that some say is the forefront for next-generation network. share soaring this year as you can see the year-to-date chart. shares of comey can another story to tell you about. the stock is sinking down 22%. the parent company reported earnings for the first time since going public. it is not a pretty report last night. in that loss of $2.2 billion. revenue came in 149-point x million below analyst expectations. another big problem for investors worried about a user growth. analysts keeping an eye on the competition for snapchat. don't be faced with. remember, the youngest grad and continue to a copycat teachers. in the public just in march. shares market $17. the stock down 6%. there we go march 2nd. in referenda to tell you about. 22.98. about 50. the report was really rough. maria: it is a competitive field that i don't know how you keep up with the likes of facebook and others in terms of user growth. snapchat doesn't have the exposure and reach. >> old disclosure i'm sure of it and have been for a while. an agassi a senate investigation. had he been snapped chatting with the russians? looking on a millennial point and is it worth $25 billion? i don't think this is a quarter problem. i think the fundamental issue in you head on the watches every time they come up with an innovation cannot facebook will use that. stories has more users now been snapchat. >> good stuff. >> yesterday that people with money are older people. they are not people each teenager. maria: they haven't made any money yet. maria: it's great we have this young audience but it's to facebook's advantage of its user base is much more diverse and broad in more recent years because again it then monetize all of that so much more easily. maria: the advertisers have money to spend. >> they have to decide over the next year of a line of business that should be done by somebody bigger for a stand-alone company? right now they are not behaving like a stand-alone company. >> young users are fickle. or something else comes along they will move very, very fast. maria: an interesting interest rates. both sides make a move next month? we will talk about how that impacts your money. the grocery chain plotting big changes in an effort to boost when nonprofits. details there. back in a moment. ♪ i use what's already inside me to reach my goals. so i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it's supposed to do release its own insulin. trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. i take it once a week, and it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. trulicity is not insulin. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take trulicity if you or a family member has had medullary thyroid cancer, if you've had multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to trulicity. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms such as itching, rash, or trouble breathing; a lump or swelling in your neck; or severe pain in your stomach area. serious side effects may include pancreatitis, which can be fatal. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may make existing kidney problems worse. with trulicity, i click to activate what's within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a non-insulin option, click to activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. with a non-insulin option, click to activate your within. so we need tablets installed... with the menu app ready to roll. in 12 weeks. yeah. ♪ ♪ the world of fast food is being changed by faster networks. ♪ ♪ data, applications, customer experience. ♪ ♪ which is why comcast business delivers consistent network performance and speed across all your locations. fast connections everywhere. that's how you outmaneuver. so new touch screens... and biometrics. in 574 branches. all done by... yesterday. ♪ ♪ banks aren't just undergoing a face lift. they're undergoing a transformation. a data fueled, security driven shift in applications and customer experience. which is why comcast business delivers consistent network performance and speed across all your locations. hello, mr. deets. every branch running like headquarters. that's how you outmaneuver. maria: welcome back of the federal reserve decision to leave interest rates unchanged this month as investors speculated the hike will come next month. boston federal reserve president or rosengren suggesting there could be as many three rate hikes this year. francis insights can see a friend's stacy. good to see you. thanks for joining us. you say they can sabotage president trump's economic -- >> is touting it will cut taxes and is going to grow jobs and gdp numbers. simultaneous to that. the aggregate money supply. basically you think of taking something from 1 dollar per person speculation to 50 cents per person. prevent tax in addition to the one in december is very aggressive, reconcile and balance sheet removing money from circulation and now there is talk keeping god frank required magpie. they are reducing the money supply and i think they are perhaps going to blame john for this actually. maria: do think they will raise rates three times when you consider the fact the gdp number the other day a subset intensity%. the economy is now growing strongly. will the fed raised rates while we are gaining traction? >> according to multiple reports, they are undeterred by this gdp number. the thing is that most people don't understand about the business cycle is when you lend money, public and private money, you gross abuse to the more money per person out there. when people get into prosperity and repay bonds can do literally promotes the money for the money supply. that is that graceful over the business cycle. it's going to happen. however, the fed will, the federal precipitate and accelerate in order to control it. >> one of the things that the focus on. part of the equation is that you can take allergy to 4,000,000,000,004,000,000,000,00 or whatever it is. how important do you think steepness of the reduction is india think there's a balance sheet production this year? >> there will be a balance sheet production in what is interesting is the stimulus as far as to infrastructure spending or repatriated money from overseas. let's say you could put a trillion in infrastructure and very confidently a trillion or very optimistically a trillion from overseas repatriation if the fed reduces its balance sheet by 2.5 trillion, you are still at a negative number. that is the number they are calling. maria: bigger picture, could you see regardless of what the fed does the short-term interest rates, could use a longer-term interest rates heading higher in moving up, mortgage rates moving up because of the fact unwanted balance sheet at the same time and you're left with potentially what does the trump administration do, what does the congress do see that higher interest rates and no fiscal stimulus. >> way. serbia crisis. a market crash. i predict the first market crash of 2000 traded it. as a replication of the great depression cycle because of the size of the bubble. the algorithm guarantees that we have a w. i've been waiting for the top of the beyond what comes is a reduction in the money supply that is the precipitates. it has to can't. it's just accelerated another for banks in the fed to explore. it is in the works many years ago. >> a personal question is do you think gina gallant will make it all turned and what is going to do about the regulatory supervision, what is going to happen with the players? >> well, it is trump's i'm hesitant to get it because at first he was saying he didn't like jimmy allen and then he said he may keep her. >> you're saying he may not just fire her like that? dagen: her term is up in january. he doesn't have to wait long. scientific reason is not present in memory they are living entities. thank you see if we are on track for a rate hike and reconciliation of the balance sheet and on track for keeping reserve requirements high, with dodd-frank we don't know what trouble do with the banking regulation. i think that a major major selloff in october. maria: major selloff in october. and as thi that your on ta reform and what we knoat that point? >> it does because just the the reconciliation and balance street will turn the stimulus into a negative number. optimistically to train on the stimulus died in addition to raising the rates and depending on what they do with the reserve requirements, it takes is an circulation reallocates into the bank reserve in anticipation of this. maria: have to watch that. rent this stacy joining us. when they come back from the leave your laptop in your luggage. u.s. officials expected to expand restrictions on electronic devices to include flights from here. masochistically play out. taxpayers call for an overhaul in several states. the average coming back in just a moment. ♪ ♪ predictable. the comfort in knowing where things are headed. because as we live longer... and markets continue to rise and fall... predictable is one thing you need in retirement to help protect what you've earned and ensure it lasts. introducing brighthouse financial. a new company established by metlife to specialize in annuities & life insurance. talk to your advisor about a brighter financial future. listen up, heart disease.) you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. . . . optum. how well gets done. thithis is the new new york.e? 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>> i would prefer to kick the ball down the road or six or 12 months. i think you will see a genuine sea threat because of the two events. mosul in iraq and raqqah in syria is going to -- particularly for something that's going to be as disruptive as this, you would really want to see what the long-term threat matrix is going to look like before taking this kind of action that's going to make a lot of people angry. dagen: andrew, it's dagen mcdowell, if you get the islamic state back on its heels in iraq and syria, many people will argue that then sends a scatter into europe and even into other parts of the western world and also increases the call to action that could resolve in more terror, attempted terror attacks in the west. >> no, i think that's totally right. the more attacks that you might see are lone-wolf san bernardino attacks. to conduct high-level fairly complex attacks such as building bombs in the laptops, such as building bombs in carry-on, that takes a safe haven from which to plan and make them weapons and get them aboard plane. i don't care it's as simple as isis scatters and all that expertise goes somewhere else. i think it really helps the high-end terrorist attacks to have a safe haven from which you can organize and plan and advance weaponry. lee: why laptops? i know people don't understand what it is that makes that ban. >> they kind of look like bombs anyway. large chunks of metal, obviously getting smaller but that's an interesting point. on the way over here i was thinking this is only one step away from banning carry-ons, carry-ons with wheels, you you would easily or not easily you could potentially build a bomb in hard plastic or hard frame around carry-ons. maria: incredible. >> at some point we have to limit -- we have to calculate appropriate degree of risk here and willing what we are willing to ban from the flights. >> i think this is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. there are a million ways you sneak things in. people with free time and it's a terrible idea, your reaction? >> well, no. [laughter] >> you're not wrong. i would say that the people at dhs and the counterterrorist infrastructure in the u.s. obviously only have to be wrong once, they only have to have one disaster for everyone calling for their heads while we have a high-risk tolerance in the fact that we are unlikely god-willing get on a flight and be walk to go a terrorist attack, those people who next on the line in washington, really have to think about every single flight and their risk tolerance is extremely lower. maria: fair point. the senate intelligence committee is holding a hearing on national security threats to the u.s. among the names director of the fbi andrew mccabe, one of the first appearances since president trump fired james comey. >> i think the democrats are going to focus what you might call current events with the threat of russia and the threat of russian meddling and andrew mccabe inside into that is going to be a prime source of discussion and perhaps where the effort to push back on russia with counterintelligence investigations is going to go from here. i expect the republicans to focus on north korean issues, a place where president trump has been active and had success in creating a diplomatic coalition against pyongyang. what i personally would not to see mccabe and north korea but how china might be using our focus in north korea to build concessions for itself and perhaps pose bigger threats to the u.s. that's really the challenge the united states will have to face in the next 20 years. dagen: i i was going to point out there's issues with andrew mccabe. maria: $700,000. dagen: with the help of clinton crony. they are trying to find a success or for james comey. maria: i can tell you for sure that there are people on that list like tray and ray kelly that the president has spoken with. peter: just feels to me particularly because of the bundled holding, the way to do this is someone unimpeachable without question federal judge, someone of the stature of a ray kelly. that person. dagen: just floated condoleezza rice. maria: that was before the job of fbi director was open, you know, but i did ask her that when she came to the studio the other day. she would be a terrific pick. again, the president has spoken with a couple of people just in the last 24 hours about meeting with him, like ray kelly and tray gouty. president trump met with sergey lavrov yesterday. i want to get your reaction, andrew. >> i believe that politicians are damaging the political system of the u.s. trying to pretend that someone is controlling the u.s. from the outside. maria: where do you think u.s.-russia relations stand now, andrew? >> a lot worse than anyone thought they were going to be when president trump was elected. he took several action, wombing sirring-bombing syria and north korea, and i think that hasn't happened yet. i thought the presence of henry kissinger in the white house was particularly not worthy yesterday because kissinger even though he was the author of nixon policy, he was extremely hawkish in countering russian influence, but ultimately using that ledge to get to an agreement with the russians and i sort of see the direction that trump-russia policy is going as well. maria: kissinger at the white house to help the president with the upcoming trip to the middle east. andrew, great to have your insights. andrew peek joining us there. the technology giant announcing to invest in the silver state, the details coming up next. shake-up at whole goods, dramatic changes in an effort to turn around weakening sales. coming up. liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. whether it's connecting one of or bringing wifi to 65,000 fans. campuses. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. then you're a couple. think of all you'll share... like snoring. does your bed do that? 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dagen: transparent, an amazon television show of a current transgender man, he basically becomes a woman. anyway, he's won like more than one emmy for that role and manchester by the see casey affleck won best actor. peter: absolutely. maria: i thought it was the golden globes. regardless, the point is amazon is right there. netflix is right there. dagen: the film festival isn't that relevant anymore. it just isn't. [laughter] peter: if you start looking at where the money is being spent, amazon is going to spend 6 billion on new content this year. and netflix about 5 billion. nbc4000000000, these are the -- maria: more money than the biggies. peter: nobody is betting more than amazon and netflix. maria: i love house of cards. [laughter] maria: coming massive sick leave pay-out, we have the outrage. stay with us. lots happening this morning and we are on it. there's nothing traditional about my small business so when it comes to technology, i need someone that understands my unique needs. my dell small business advisor has gotten to know our business so well that is feels like he's a part of our team. with one phone call, he sets me up with tailored products and services. and when my advisor is focused on my tech, i can focus on my small business. ♪ ♪ maria: welcome back, municipal workers saving up on six days for six-figure pay-outs. >> calls for change in several states where retiring public workers are receiving big pay-outs, six figures for those sick-day leaves. survey of 140 counties found that 70% had no cap on the amount of sick days crew were about to recrew. that's just plain greedy and want to cap the amount. many say it's putting a stress on already local budgets. advocates say the large payments are generally limit today police and top management with most retirees receiving far more modest sums. you know, a lot of the budgets don't budget for this so when a long-time employee they are left with unexpected gap. maria: is that very different from the private sect or? >> very different. some don't even offer sick days to employees so it needs to be more balanced. lee: most don't carry them over, use them or lose them or have a limited amount because of this very reason because when people leave you can end up with excess of numbers. this is another reason how they spend money and doesn't make changes to policies. dagen: you get a window to use it. with sick days you get a window to use unused vacation. maria: you lose them. dagen: people never lose them and end uptaking them at the end of the year. no, it's like at the end of the the year, end of the december everybody is out. lee: most people have merged sick days and personal days so that you're not disclosingwhy you are out for these reasons. mideast people are allow today carry over five days in the public sector. it's a totally different ball game. maria: you mean private sector? lee: yeah. maria: what states are offering big my paydays? >> massachusetts. a professor retired in march and had over $200,000 that he got back because he had some 1200 sick days. maria: wow. >> over pan of 46-year career. maria: come on, $200,000. dagen: how did you not know that . peter: how much of this can you lay at the feet of the unions and how fight are they going to fight into this whole system? maria: they are probably fighting for it. >> of course, they want to get that money back, i'm sure. dagen: i love the idea of the personal ideas that way you're not -- there's no favoritism, you get a set number of days if you're sick, you can use them as vacation at will. maria: that's better. tracy good stuff, thank you so much. still ahead invest in relaxation, the business letting you take luxury one business at a time. next hour mornings with maria, we have a big hour next ♪ here comes the fun with sea-doo. starting at just $5,299 and get 0 percent financing. visit today. buttrust angie's list to help., [ barks ] visit today. ostriches don't really stick vitheir heads in the horns on their helmets. and a real john deere is actually real affordable. you learn something new everyday. the surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. maria: happy thursday, hearve , everybody. reforming america's health care system. aetna will pull out of all obamacare exchange. >> people are getting wined up by fear mongerrers. maria: latest from aetna coming up. we are looking at timeline for president trump's agenda. and then there's snapchat, the big story for the markets today, the stock is plunging today. it is coming close to breaking below the ipo price which was $17 a share. 18.17, investors getting update on the health of the consumers, retailers, macy's, all reporting earnings today. we will tell you what the numbers show. sharp gain making its way back. fifty dollars a battle. we are going to the cme group for a look at the trade of oil right now. stocks look like this, dow industrials expected to be down about 20 points, nasdaq about 10 points, in europe stocks are a little changed this morning, very close to flat line, ftse up just 1 point, cac quarante one point. in asia overnight gains across the board, best performer there was in korea. kospi up better than 1%. new kind of sports intersection, lacrosse with new patriotism. fox business dagen mcdowell, peter kiernan and pollster lee carter, great to see, everybody. lee: great to be here. maria: the messaging on obamacare has been clear, i think, don't you think because there's been evidence of obamacare imploding. look what happened today with aetna? peter: it's really a shock because when you go back in time aetna and humana we wanted to merge and say we cannot face the cost, let us come together. maria: they wouldn't let them. peter: humana walks away from aetna. maria: they were going to lose $200 million. peter: could we please come together and what did the government say, no. that seems to be the best indication -- lee: let's take a look at what we are seeing in headlines right now, this could be number one talking point why health care reform is necessary and we are talking about comey and russia and that's why it's such a big problem. maria: god point. dagen: fallen by the wayside in terms of what was in the headlines, trump administration, whether it was going to get tough on russia, yes, it was -- flexing its muscles in terms of dealing with the -- putin and his ilk, they should have let the investigation progressed. it was moving ahead but now back in the headlines, but to that point, one thing that the republicans do about the health care bill but they need to start messaging better is on preexisting conditions because what happened with these insurers dropping out of the exchange is the costs were so much greater than they ever anticipated, well, they are trying to fix that with preexisting condition by not embedding the cost in everyone's insurance with people that are gravely ill and instead they are going to have government money going in state pools if they see fit to ensure individuals so that tom and billy and sally who are 25 aren't covering the costs in their own insurance. maria: it's a really good way that you outline that because by taking sick people out of the pool, you're making the broader pool of people see lower costs obviously. the bank of england is leaving interest rates on change, it's just hitting the tape. and kohl's reporting earnings right now. take a look at the indices right now. no change. that was expected, peter kiernan. peter: that was expected. he was in canada, '08-'09. he knows what he is doing. that's going to mean some hawkish activity later but calm for now. dagen: quickly important story to know that the wall street journal put out, 15% unemployed are underemployed, they support the case for ongoing stimulus in the euro zone so in terms of a pull back, not so much, at least the data not supporting pullback. maria: we have a lot coming up. kohl's we've knew missing although earnings better than expected. south dakota senator mike rounds is with us and hailey barber and manny budget director david. top story obamacare on life support. aetna announced that it will completely withdraw in 2018 this as republicans are facing angry constituents, macarthur was force today defend health care last night. >> i have a wife that has breast cancer, she will always have a preexisting condition. i don't want to choose what state i live in in order to get health care for her. >> i don't want you to have to move to another state to get health care, i want everyone, every american to be able to afford and get and have continuous health care insurance. maria: joining us former chief of staff under president obama and commerce secretary of president clinton, bill, what do you make of the developments? >> it's not surprising, when you talk about health care, the american people will get very energized for two reasons, one such a large part of our economy and it's all very personal. the republican -- democrats, pardon me in '09-'10 felt the raft when bill was being argued in congress, now, it's flipped the other way. they voted 67 times or whatever it was to repeal without any replacement and now they're forced in a rather short period to come up with a replacement and as president trump realized last month, a very complicated thing called health care. so it's not surprising that you have a lot of anger, a lot of concern, a lot of angst over how to go forward and even if you look at, maria, the house action, they tried one bill and it failed, they went back in and got the freedom caucus to agree to something. nobody really read it and tossed it to the senate and senate according to most reports will start all over. we still have a long way to go. and surprise aetna will pull out in '18. a lot of companies are trying and not rightly so help built pressure to get things solved so we can have a system that can work and get the coverage that everybody wants for people and try to make it as affordable as possible. lee: everybody wants a health care system that works. it's vital for our economy and vital for our people and we see that democrats and republicans are unwilling to come together and have a conversation, we see every piece of evidence that suggesting that the health care is not working. humana already coming out, what alternative do we have than to come together and address it? >> why wouldn't -- i get the new rules in congress, it's not either side, it's both sides. you have to get your caucus and get all the votes to pass a change just in your caucus, democratic did it for obamacare and long-term it proved a mistake even though the republicans wouldn't cooperate. you cannot make such basic changes to the american people's way of life unless it is done in a bipartisan way. and any opinion, the senate right now because it's in their lap, and the president should sit down in a serious way with the democrats and say how do we change this. you're not going the make the freedom caucus happy and the far-left of the democratic party happy but unless there's a system that makes somebody some bipartisan effort that no one maybe happy with at the end as far as politicians are concned, you're going to continue this battle and people are going to suffer because of it. maria: i agree but that's not the way it was done in the first place, right? >> i said that, i said that. now, from the democratic side the republicans said we won't play, we like the system as it is, we don't want to play and the democrats who controlled the system at the time went ahead and passed the democrat-only plan. for eight years the republicans voted to repeal. never once put a replacement plan on the table, president obama even when i was there give us your ideas, how do we change this, we know we have to change this thing, never once until this spring did the republicans put a full package together on real replacement not just repeal. maria: well, they had the eight years, dagen. you said it for a long time. they should have been ready for it with repeal and replace. >> right, everybody should have been ready for it. dagen: bill, i agree with you on that. the republicans are now playing ball on a field built by the democrats and what i mean is that with obamacare that it was presented as its the government's job to make sure that everybody in this country has health insurance, it's the federal government that needs to guaranty that that happens and so the republicans have to work from that. >> well, you have a system that the government is responsible but most democrats, many, many democrats i would say would say the government should run the whole system as they do in most parts of the democratic world and not have this hybrid. president obama tried to put in basically mitt romney's plan from massachusetts which had private-sector involvement. it was an attempt to nernl two. the old system which wasn't functioning and that full government-run system which most people didn't want so it was a hybrid, that hybrid has turned out to be very difficult to support for some of the reasons you talked about and to survive but that's why i say you have to get real not just the politicians together, how about the health care industry together to say how are we going make this work and it takes real leadership from the president, it's complicated, you've got to get into the details and you can't start with well, you to get 217 house republicans to vote for something and then we will go say to the democrats, okay, what do you guys want. peter: you've been there right there as chief of staff, i get the notion that you're enthusiasm for a bipartisan effort, so i will concede that point, how do we get there from here? we basically have a bill that was rejected, now it's being repolished, how do you take it to the next step in the senate context, what would you have the president do? frankly, it sounds wonderful but i need your gps, i don't see any way to get there. >> well, it will take basically the president stopping, first of all, stop trashing the democrats who may have to be involved in this system to get a change and sit down with them. i don't know if you remember when president obama did like an eight-hour televised town hall discussion with members of congress john mccain was there shortly after the president had beat him, to have a discussion about health care. have something that is bipartisan, have ted cruz, have bernie sanders, have a whole bunch of people, bring in the industries and sit down and say, okay, we are living in this obamacare world. it's not working as we all had hoped, many of us hoped it would work, needs improvement, what -- are you just going to cater to basically try to blow it up and save one or two parts namely preexisting conditions and kids who are 26 or under can stay in their families. so i think it's at that point, if they jam through something in the senate which i think will be very hard, try to patch together a republican-only bill will be two or three years from now with the next president dealing with the same thing. i think this is too important to our economy. dagen: bill, i don't know where you're going to find these democrats who are willing to sit down with republicans. we will have to go to pluto to find them. >> no. you could say -- democrats can say the same thing about republicans a few years ago. lee: we can't play history and we can only play now. >> you can play now. that means you have to have a leader who says everything is on the table, we are not starting with needing and must have, my caucus alone to pass something, then i will go make a deal with you democrats that i can pick off. you to say this is going to have a truly bipartisan deal. okay, and maybe half of the democrats don't vote for it and half of the republicans don't vote for it but half does and gets something meaningful. maria: we all agree with that, the democrats right now are just saying resist on everything. they want to just stop president trump's agenda. do you disagree with that? you even saw that with neil gorsuch. give me a break. they had pushed back. so they're just trying to resist at any turn. >> but you can't just resist on health care because health care -- maria: you would think so, you would think not. >> but, again, the president -- the senate leader and the house leader are all republicans, they control the party, let's see what plan they can develop on their own that's going to solve the problems of the american people and avoid the town hall meetings, if they don't, your town hall meetings will be horrendous. maria: we will be right back. >> thank you maria: retail earnings on tap. we are hearing from another big retailer. cheryl casone with the details. cheryl: we are getting numbers in. kohl's just out with their latest numbers. let's show you the stock down in premarket habit half percent. also macy's is due out this morning, we are waiting for them and nordstrom will be reporting as well. so we are going to bring those numbers to you when we get them from macy's, verizon, the top bidder for straight path communications, the deal was just announced formally. verizon going to enter into agreement for 84 bucks per share, worth more than $3 billion, there's the premarket read on verizon, down three quarters of percent. straight path owns licenses to use high-frequency radio waves that would be crucial but the company never developed the technology, this was a big bidding war. verizon, we should say again is down in the premarket. another headlines this morning for you. a mother in dallas, texas has filed a lawsuit against tmobile on her son's death. was placed on hold for nearly 40 minutes after the six-month old had fall from the day bed. the lawsuit would not have died in order for the call to go through. the 911 center was jammed because of a technical issue with t mobile. ceo has responded and sent engineers down to dallas. trump official may join president obama as headline speaker in health care conference here in new york, very own charlie gasparino reported this year that the wall street firm was looking to restore political balance to the event by adding someone from the current administration. of course, the critic of wall street when he was president has come under fire for accepting 400,000 speaking fee for this gig, the white house isn't commenting, cantor would not say, we would like to thank our own liz claman for breaking the news. maria: the $400,000 that president obama received got criticized but that's what they pay him. peter: he seems to be on the mission to top hillary clinton, maybe he will. dagen: howard -- how hard can that be? he won. peter: i find the whole thing incredibly offensive for a former person, the top person in the land to kind of cash in on that with 400-dollar paydays, that should be give it away to charity, doesn't feel right to me. maria: that's not capitalist. dagen: he has every right to go out to make money. more money he makes, the more money he will give to charity. maria: you have to believe that anybody can make whatever they can make. dagen: absolutely. even jason chaffetz was trying to revive legislation that president obama vetoed that would cap his pension based on how much you eastern when -- earn when you leave office. maria: bothers you because he was critical of wall street, is that what bothers you? peter: taking his rock and throwing it back in. dagen: he might have been critical but in running for office he raised so much money from wall street as did hillary clinton. maria: that's true. oil prices increasing, crude inventory decreasing. betsy devos maria: crude oil prices jumping again this morning. joining us right now price futures group amist, phil flynn, where do you think oil goes from here, what's the action this morning with traders bidding it up? phil: you know, i think is worst for oil prices and i think oil is leading the commodity comeback across the board. you look at copper and gold. the main reason is yesterday's energy information administration report that really throwed a lot of cold water on some of the bearish argument that is we have been hearing. for example, that rising u.s. shell production would replace opec production cuts or that we saw big drop in u.s. gasoline demands signaling that drivers are showing some reluctance to higher prices but all those numbers seemed to be thrown away when we saw the big drive down in prices and refiners slowed down production. we also saw big jump in demand and showed you u.s. drivers are not parking the cars just yet. if you look at the big picture globally, some of the concerns about a dramatic drop in demand from china and asia may have been overstated a little bit and that's why one of the reasons why market is making huge comeback today. maria: peter kiernan is with us this morning. 45 to 55, peter. peter: we are in the fifth week in a row of u.s. invent other reduction in our crude position, so i think the position is better than it has been, all eyes are going to be on may 25th when opec gathers in viena, what people want, a, they will continue restraint and what they want to do if they could possibly reduce the output even further. if they do that, i think we will be comfortably above 50 bucks, i think that's likely to happen. by the way, the saudis are taking oil business public and they want to have a nice fat valuation and i don't think that's too far absent from this whole equation. maria: you have lots of ceo's in the financial service industries trying to capitalize on the president's trip actually. they all want a piece of that business. peter: when it got down to 43, low there, oversold. i feel like there's a lot of impetus. dagen: phil, even the break-even for the shell producers in the united states, we have as much, if not more control over production and global supplies than saudi arabia does because, again, they keep pumping and pumping and pumping. >> well, they do. there's no doubt about that, the u.s. shell producers, but when we saw the price get close to $43, that's their point of pain. the reason why u.s. shell producers have been able to get back, we saw prices close to $50 a barrel. they fall back 44, they will come offline. the other thing that you have to remember, shell production has a huge decline rate. you have to keep drilling and keep drilling to keep those production numbers going up. maria: we will leave it there. phil flynn with the latest there. the political fallout continues this morning after fbi director james comey was fired. the latest from capitol hill next. the college lacrosse team uses speech of president trump to the crowd, the big speech in a minue looking sharp len. who's the lucky lady? 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>> it is the timing that surprised us. and i think any of us saw it coming. i think mr. comay is correct in his analysis. he has ability to fire at well. this president knows how to do that. the firing was a surprise to you and your colleagues on the help. should you had been informed should you had had some idea that the president wasn't happy so that the president doesn't find himself on the spot. yesterday was because he to handle the e-mail skin a while. with regard to whether or not he should have advised us. think about how that would've played out. if he would've announced to the public into us that he was gonna make a determination before he went and talked to circle me. one of my guests earlier lee carter was a polling expert said this has been a bread come lead up. not that he would've told you before. we didn't know about it. and the american the american public i suspect for a while i think along the way there have been expectations that he was there to begin with. the firing in the impact. this is firing in the fact that you're now talking about it and this is the conversation of the moment this is the front page of every page today rather than the agenda. does it push the timeline back. i think some people to ask this. was the president doing this on purpose to take pressure off of healthcare discussions. i don't think that's the case. we have got the senate intelligence committee. is looking at a number of issues. the rest of us are gonna continue to focus on healthcare and tax relief. i think we will spend the last couple of days with a huge amount of time just focus on health care in the new plant coming in from the house and the changes we think should be made. long-term i think will do a good job. when you expect a bill to come out of the senate. i don't know that we had tried to set a timeline. whenever we get to 51 votes. were not there yet. i think we have a lot of things to discuss. a lot of members of the senate they recognize how serious this is. it impacts every american. we want to do this) we want to have read the bill. then we have to bring everybody up to speed in terms of just exactly what it does to medicaid. transitioning out of medicaid into regular health insurance. promotion of the group market. and making sure that there is a parity between states that actually took advantage of the obama care strengthening of the guidelines and involvement. now we have to bring all that together and fix it. i don't think we can do that. in transition in less than two years. the house overturned the obama care taxes but is my understanding that the senate feels like there needs to be some taxes in there. and i think there's been any decisions made. what we do know is that the transition is going to be very expensive and there's not much we can do about that. our hands are tied. there is a cost to that transition. we will have to pay for that one way or another. those are the facts that we have to deal with. and when we transition through that from a very expensive obama care with regard to tax relief we need to be a label to allow more dollars to circulate back and that means thirty-five to 33. and then 39 to 37 and leave the tax code alone for the first step and then allow ourselves some time to makes good decisions about how you begin the process of reducing and simple find the tax code. i know there are thousands of pages of tax code but they are pages in the take money and the ones that give money back. we don't want to take away parts of the tax code that gives them money back. is that just a negotiating point because as far as i'm hearing out of the house they're really talking about a corporate rate much closer to 20%. down from 35 percent. we have to head something to repatriate the dollars from overseas. we have to be very competitive in regard to that. the numbers i'm hearing are somewhere in that 10% rate. to make it's a good question. if i have it my way i like ron johnson's approach and pass it all the way through. zero it out. think about how competitive that makes us. that would not impact s corporations and so forth. i think there is some real merit in that proposal. coming up. charlie brown and snoopy had a new home. the media company that owns teletubbies. the details on the acquisition coming up. undergraduates could pay nearly 20% more on student loan interest. stay with us. [music] today i don't feel like doing anything. i just want to lay in my bed. i don't feel like picking up my phone, leave a message at the tone. today i swear i'm not doing anything. ♪ maria: the owner of teletubbies is acquiring the peanuts and strawberry shortcake brands. they are buying a controlling stake in peanuts and shrubbery shortcakes. $345million in cash. an 80% stake in peanuts worldwide. they are currently working together they will produce an intermediate tv series based on the classic line. thinking about a plan for college listen up. the rates on federal student loans are going to be going up. it will average about seven tenths of a percentage point. education secretary received a harsh welcome with the graduation ceremony in daytona florida yesterday. for 20 minutes they endured jeers from the graduates. then the university president had to come up and calm them down. >> it's a real honor and privilege to be with you as we celebrate the class of 2017. if this behavior continues. your degrees will be mailed to you. one college lacrosse team in new york well have very special fight music. >> we will make america strong again america strong again. and we will make make america great again. it's pretty good. this is the lacrosse team. they're not trying to make any political statements. i think they pull it off. it was a refreshing thing to see. >> i think it's time to sit up it's time to get ready to play. it's a great speech. in the build up is great. i think she handled herself with a lot of class. a lot of the things she's tried to do are to create school choice and help people that should've been a very different treatment. i just had to say bless her heart. i feel so sorry for her. i don't even think the students understand what she's trying to do. this is exactly a case of misunderstanding and going with the flow. looking to book luxury hotel rooms by the minute how this company is changing the room rental market. 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[music] take me to new york i would love to see la. ostriches don't really stick their heads in the sand. a peanut is not a nut. and a real john deere... is actually real affordable. you learn something new every day. the surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. now you can own america's tractor for just 99 dollars a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. maria: welcome back. good thursday morning. thanks so much for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo, it is thursday, may 11 top stories right now 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, fallout over firing of fbi director jim comey the with who is a house doubling down on decision and timing of the move. >> the president over the last several men and womens lost confidence in director comey, the doj lost confidence in director comey bipartisan members of congress made it clear they lost confidence in director comey. >> most importantly, the rank-and-file of the fbi had lost confidence in their director. maria: very latest including comey statement to fbi employees the impact on president trump's agenda markets lower fractional movers but down dow industrials expected to open down 40 points now, things worsened half hour in europe stocks little changed bank england kept rates unchanged expected major averages as you see lower across the board cac quarante down a quarter of a percent, as the dax index in asia overnight gains across the board, as you see there, as you will see the nikkei average average in japan up a third of a percent kospi up better than 1% another step closer to expanding flights to europe homeland security officials set to meet with firms today to go over deals a massive wildfire rages on pictures of the blaze in georgia 12% contained growing we've got the latest -- snap shares down 22% right now, company first quarter earnings report public company closer look at losses for the quarter, and report, that investors are watching the ipo price 17 as there are share ipo now very close to breaking that, keeping eye on retail this morning number of retailers reporting earnings kohl's rising, ahead of the copy proctor above expectations, sales traffic improved at kohl's stock up almost 1%, then paying the price for celebrating too early one learning the hard way throwing his arms up in victory, during a race. >> stories coming up to talk about it fox business network dagen mcdowell former goldman sachs partner keynoteer peter concernon, and great to see you -- >> thank you. >> thanks for joining the conversation. >> big day. >> sure is. >> i can't wait to hear what -- >> jim comey, this is one of those things situations where you learn so much about politics, versus one issue, the reality here is that the president obviously could do this people that are saying this is a constitutional crisis i don't know what constitution they are reading plenty of -- that comey had been politicized thoroughly politicized as actor before trump won election, so to me, this was just a question of when, it happened it would never happen at a time acceptable to trump hypocrites this won't stop any investigation that is going on, it is not going to subvert the fbi, all the things people are heartening all the mashing of teeth crying is high berbly, comey was going to go one way or the other. maria: i agree. >> trump introim a thing people talking with trump derevengement symbolism. >> people believe anything journalists run with stories 5 seconds of thought normal person would sigh no way trump or one of the top people did what you think he did if that is the story. dagen: somebody mentioned on television not this network, that they could foresee a president pence. >> i mean, i could foresee president pence too not next 4 or 8 years ago what do you mean? >> a reporter said that. >> he might run after -- >> that is not -- what he is saying. >> you could foresee eventually a president right now crazy even if trump were to step down pence is conservative liked in on the right why would that be human win for democrats. >> this investigation is going to carry on the notion getting rid of one person, sends a change also the course of the fbi i think a specious argument one thing is everybody could agree on one thing, the only thing everybody can agree on get rid of comey now democrats using it as flag of convenience to argue for special prosecutor a lot of other things. maria: we are you talking about that joining the conversation former rncchair haley barbour with us david stockman host of "varney & company" stuart varney back coming up in the program do stay with us we kick off here, fbi set to testify before intelligence committee washington continues to dleel with political fallout from admiring of jim comey blake burman live with the latest. good morning to you. reporter: good morning to you as relates to jim comey he has been you will seensed since fired by president trump tuesday afternoon however has written a letter to his colleagues, in which he defended the fbi, and comey himself took the they road in the situation comey writing to colleagues i have long believed a president can fire and fbi director for any reason or for no reason at all. i am not going to spend time on the decision or way it was executed. i hope you won't either. comey says it is done, and i will be fine although i will miss you, and the mission deeply, at the white house they have shifted the timeline in narrative a bit as to how this unfold as you know they penned it on that letter, from the deputy attorney general, rod ross enstein how he believes the end of the e-mail investigation was botched now white house is saying this was a decision president trump had been thinking about dating all the way back to election day. >> director comey made a pretty startling revelation that he had essentially taken a stick of dynamite thrown into department of justice going around chain of command. >> i think it is an erosion of confidence, i think that director comey has shown over the last several months and frankly the last year, a lot of missteps, mistakes. >> there is an explosive report out now from the "new york times," in which they say comey in days leading to up firing had sought more resourcout for russia investigation department of justice flat deans that is the case tell fox comey made request for man pour to senate intelligence committee led by richard burr and mark warner unclear what exactly burr warner might have been able to do mckay testifying on hill today will most certainly be asked about all this. maria: let me ask you this while i have you blake this investigation, started in july. what have we learned? >> as relates to -- >> trump and russia collusion. >> well, the line from anybody who has been able to go on record on this what the administration points back to, is the former director of national intelligence james clapper there is no collusion between the trump campaign, and -- and russia, however this is just one of three investigations, is that is ongoing you've got fbi, the house, and the senate. this is just in the infancy, intelligence officials will tell you, as jim comey testified these things take a long time, that is what the white house points to, but this is still very much unfolding. >> former mississippi governor rnc chairman haley barbour governor good to see you. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> by the way,, how much does something like that cost taxpayers when you have investigation going on 10 months, and still don't you don't have new information do we have any idea how it -- i am curious. >> i can't quantity but does cost presents the cost of taking fbi agentsoff other matters criminal matters, so that those things are not being done are not being done as well not getting as much attention. i don't really think that is what the american people are or should be focused on. almost unwritten unsaid and most coverage that i was glaed to hear here is that the deputy attorney general rob rosenstein, who is a career fbi -- department of justice attorney, but was appointed u.s. attorney by obama administration, he is the one that studied this, not long after he got appointed deputy attorney general, and he wrote a memo, that said comey should be fired, i assumed -- but i assumed it is because comey usurped power of the attorney general when he said that the fbi and he had decided that there would be no prosecution of hillary clinton. that is not the police's responsibility or authority the fbi doesn't have any authority to decide who ought to be prosecuted and not their job is to recommend to the attorney general. >> yeah. >> so that usurpation had to the democrats love that for a while hated it for a while but this past weekend every democrat in the country wanted comey's hide then when trump fired him it is -- it is terrible sin. >> that is what congressman ratcliffe said yesterday on this program you can't wear both hats be prosecutor as well as come up with this idea that we couldn't find a judge to take it on, there is a lot of discussion this morning, about why, why now? and during my sit-down with president trump just last month i asked him about keeping comey i think he gave us a hint, into his thinking this is in april listen to this. >> if you -- witnessing about -- scratching heads why so many obama era staffers are still here for example was it a mistake not to ask jim comey to step down from the fbi, at the outset of your presidency is it too late now to ask him to step down. >> no, it is not too late but i have confidence in him we will see what happens it is going to -- be interesting, don't forget can when jim comey came out he said hillary clinton people don't realize that he staved her life i call it comey won, the joke about it a little bit when he was reading those charges she was guilt on every charge then he said, she was essentially okay. >> so governor, he was thinking about that in april, obviously, he was unhappy with what comey had done, even though he tried to say i have confidence in him. your thoughts. >> first of all, most people would look back at this as looking at it neutral mind, and say comey should have been fired by president obama for usurping his attorney general's authority, now the fact is president obama probably liked what he did case it helped hillary clinton the other thing didn't want to embarrass his administration, because president clinton having had secret meeting with the attorney general, just before this happened, maybe they thought if she announced it they weren't going to prosecute hill headline moot blow back on them people wondered why didn't trump as you said in interview why didn't trump get rid of him before he was as soon as he became president said he was going to after -- >> day one. >> but -- i think what i thought was very credible this is not been something that happened suddenly there has been erosion that erosion apparently capped by deputy attorney general, by the way, he got toe approved by senate i think 92 to 6, more than 90 senators voted their confidence in this career justice department attorney to be deputy attorney general, i think that is kind of the straw that broke the camel's back. >> governor the only issue, the big issue that we've had this morning is just the way that the white house handled this, but the communications came with clearly caught flat-footed the narrative within first 24 hours of jim comey's firing, did change, that rob rosen stein's report on jim comey conduct and behavior, last year, it was not the reason, that he got fired but merely the -- the it wasn't the trigger it was just -- it laid out the reasoning why comey needed to go, and that did change. and so what would you tell the trump white house in managing things like this in the future. >> that everything they say is going to be judged from 15 different directions, and perspectives there is also a going to be somebody that said they changed their story, i thought when the -- when the -- the lady press secretary said this has been erosion i think that is totally accurate, very credible, she has been criticized, white house has been criticized for saying it that with a way when previously said deputy attorney general memo those two things are very consistent to the normal human being, but if you are from the liberal media elite everything that has to do with donald trump is an invitation how are we going to attack trump try to convince people he is something -- wrong with him. >> interesting in the washington post poll a week or two ago polling showed not exactly big fans of donald trump "washington post", showed that trump would beat hillary clinton by a bigger margin today than he did when he was elected last november. maria: wow. >> not because people left hillary for hillary not because people voted for him but because people voted for third-party candidates had moved to trump. that you wouldn't read that above the 40th paragraph of the story. >> make a good point good to see you, sir thanks so much for weighing in this morning. >> thank you. >> governor haley barbour coming up is snap out of it a brutal first earnings report from shareholders running we break down numbers stock down 1% right now. back in a moment. 21%. erian mlp etf can diversify your equity portfolio erian mlp etf can and add potential income. bring amlp into the game. before investing, consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. read the prospectus carefully at ♪ here comes the fun with sea-doo. ♪ ♪ sea-doo has the most affordable watercraft on the market. starting at just $5,299 and get 0 percent financing. visit today. maria: wildfire continues to burn in southeast georgia this morning cheryl casone with details, cheryl. cheryl: maria hundreds of firefighters are battling the flames, in and near the national wildlife refuge in georgia burned more than 220 square miles since april 4, two small communities remain under a mandatory evacuation, and officials say the dry, hot weather is making the fire continue to grow. drought conditions so we are going to continue to follow this out of georgia. >> you may not be able to be use a laptop on some airl in europe trump administration is probably going to expand ban on laptops to include some european currency john kelly will speak with lawmakers today about aviation security including considering that ban homeland security officials meet with aishl officials as well today homeland says no final decisions have been made on expanding the restrictions, this is the laptops also we should say, ipads as well potentially, to look at snap premarket, big fall, 22%. this is slightly above the ipo price of 17 dollars right now pointing at open of 17.93, they lost a two-billion-dollar, in first earnings report as public company last night most stock based compensation to employees at the time of the ipo but snap also came up short against the big rival back to record 166 million daily users last quarter an increase but may be not enough for investors, facebook we should say had three times as many users their first report, as a public company beginning to comparison revenue also came in well below expectations, all of of this huge ipo expenses but some people made money on that ipo, finally, imagine you think you won the most prestigious race in the bike lane you didn't -- he threw arms up in triumph the only problem about he didn't know one lap to go from first, to 140th place. in the race. >> i feel bad for the guy being crucified, in the media this morning. >> thanks. cheryl: you bet. maria: think about that. >> never celebrate early don't celebrate early. >> santa maria -- count my laps every time one more to go. >> fireworks when you think you are going to become president -- dagen: oh! you just said that. maria: it is true. dagen: you are absolutely right. maria: not good. dagen: got caught local law enforcement leaked to media then they canceled it. >> i love that you brought it up, makes me smile. maria: fighter appointments in harm's way before combat growing danger for navy and marine personnel who fly. >> what is it paul ryan shares republicans ambitious plan to overhaul the tax code, back in a moment. ♪ ♪ you always pay your insurance on time. tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? news flash: nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $509 on auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. maria: welcome back, nation heroes fighting for current but some neife f-18 pilots say they are take facing a bigger battle, now news correspondent former navy pilot lea gabrielle you were able to get inclusive interviews with several pilots. lee: that is right we are very concerned -- across the globe yet reports show plooilts fly all molds fa-18 when united states most he fiercely fighting aircraft in harm's way before they make it to combat. since 2009 department of navy has seen a rise in hazard reports regarding what are called physiological episodes f-18 hornet super hornet aircraft polites become impaired with symptoms jeopardize flight by depressurization failures in the plane, current fitch 18 pilots navy and marines wouldn't go on camera because of concerns for careers, but they each told me that they already large situation is worsening they are seeing firsthand how it is affecting mind-set of a military elite, one pilot said quote we signed up for think it is inherently risky business, you may not come back each time you take the aircraft airborne, but navy and marine corp should give you better than average chance, another pilot bluntly said when i go flying in combat, what is more likely to kill me is not getting shot down by enemy fire, it is a failure in my most basic life support system. according to congressional testimony by navy admiral the between 2015 and 2016 the rate of dangerous episodes increased in some models by 90% navy marine corp have been open net offered on camera interview both said they take it very seriously that this is complex problem engaging with aircrew listening to concerns continuing efforts to correct the issue, an official told us experts looking diligently to determine the causes we also spoke with the plane's manufacturer maria boeing, they said working with navy to try to solve this but the bottom line, f-18 pilots have to keep flying nothing will automatically detect the problem and switch to emergency oxygen. >> is this equipment in navy is so old we need upgraded new technology? >> that is -- that is what a lot of pilots are sayingisms are older navy and marine corp boeing all engineers involved are trying to work on, but you know. maria: you flew this. >> i did. >> your personal take. >> i flew f-18's in navy pilot training experienced one of they see physiological episodes they do it intentionally deprive me of oxygen you become dizzy fingers tingle might become in conscious did it to me i opponent play patty cake very dangerous situation that is happening, there is no way for pilots to detect it ahead of time i have had to handle landing emergency in aircraft 26 years old flying off about aircraft carrier i cannot imagine trying to could it essentially intoxicated. >> president trump administration foernldz ahead on tax reform why growing concern the plan is too implicated, then u.s. postal service another licking, a quarterly loss how much usps is looking to raise prices to get back in the green, back in a minute. ♪ ♪ listen up, heart disease.) you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won't rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. it is thursday, may 11 top stories 8:30 a.m. on the east coast, tax reform ready for close-up did he spite over a shadowed lawmakers preparing to tackle the issue speaker of the house paul ryan hit the road to drum up support. >> we have got a great opportunity in front of us to get this economy growing, and one of the things we need to do is to get this tax reform fixed. maria: very latest on tax reform this morning, retail earnings to drive the action on wall street today, among names reporting macy's earnings and revenue missing expectation, a sense of how much this economy needs tax reform shares down almost 12% kohl's down better than 3% earnings per share topped expectations revenue a miss a weak spot on retail that points you right to weakness in the consumer, broader markets the futures indicated a lower opening for the broader averages things worsened because of retail earnings clear first quarter continues to show slowdown, in europe stocks are searching for direction, this morning, the bank england had a meeting left interest rates unchanged that was expected, but still markets worsened after announcement dax down a third of a percent cac quarante in paris down almost one half 1% in asia overnight gains across the boarding best in korea, postal service to deliver a price hike amid losses stamp prices set to go up uncle sam mailing you the cost next. >> amazon home to help homeless details behind charitable push chipotle beefing up prices customers could be in for a shock when they bite into next burrito. >> red box, bringing dvds to several locations across country breaking down the expansion plan, dvds first we tackle tax reform right now, paul ryan visiting business leaders in ohio yesterday trying to drum up support for overhauling taxes. >> the world on average in the industrialized world people we compete with may tax businesses on average 23%. well, corporations in america like -- taxed at 35% we are taxing businesses employers jobs, more than 50% many cases. how can we compete with the likes of all the rest of the world when we tax our job creators employers at much, much higher rates than competitor taxpayers. >> budget director david stockman thanks for joining us what do you think of the proposal out of the trump administration. >> well, i think it is a one page 7.5 trillion wish list that has no chance of being enacted, and it is pretty irresponsible this late. >> wait a second how do you put 6 -- a 7 1/2 dollar price tag it hasn't been scored don't know what deductions taking how can you put a charge on it you don't know what is in it. >> i should say the corporate rate 15% taxing rate unincorporated businesses 15% will will roughly cost four trillion. >> four trillion. >> four trillion dowling the standard deduction will cost over a trillion getting rid of minimum taxing nearly a trillion. >> they said could cost from 3 to 7 trillion dollars this is four or five trillion-dollar gap nobody is putting a price tag on. >> it they say 7 1/2 trillion, i am part of it. >> 3, 3, and 7. >> i am port of that i know what they said growth -- 7 1/2 trillion may be earn a back two trillion, to loophole closings base broadening my argument is after they rule out charitable contributions which they did ruled out home mortgages at the did after congress said we won't touch health care exclusion 200 million a year, it is logical they are not going to take away your ira 405 ks employer pension preservations another 200 billion go through math there is no two billion that this congress and this republican party will even remotely be able to put together. >> putting take a break over how much it cost aside steven mnuchin gary cohn have both said clearlyed a mabtly they believe growth of pay for some this have. >> growth always helps but what they are failing to realize i learned in 1980s there is more growth built in to the baseline forecast rosy scenario, from the cbo than you are ever going to achieve in real world even with tax recollection. >> the baseline assumes 30% more nominal gdp than you had last 10 years white house, 70% more, in other words, 5 piers nominal growth rather than three we had i say, we will be lucky to get what is a there, we need to have tax reform. but we are going to have to pay for it, and we're going do have to get a majority of coalition to support it, and i don't see where that comes from. >> what about paying for part in another part of the economic policy, from the ump administra, because this debate over a border-adjustment tax most people say not going to be there, i are not getting the votes not able to raise revenue within the tax plan but maybe we will do a reciprocal tax import tax trade portion of the economic story. >> you either need a bta, a bat. >> that is not in the -- >> or vat you've got to have a major revenue source, in the tax plan, or sweeping entitlement reform i would say is the first choice but trump has taken them off the table look at numbers there are 10 trillion of deficits built in over next 10 years under current policy rosy scenario economics. now if you are going to try to weigh, 2, 4, 6 billion in tax cuts on top of that a trillion of the defense increases a trillion of infrastructure, the other things veterans, you are heading for a clamity they can't pass a 10 year budget resolution that you have to have to get reconciliation, without reconciliation there is no tax bill, and without a tax bill, wall street is strand high and dry. >> explain that david, because -- in terms of reconciliation when you only need 51 votes what is the promise you make you can't add to debt after 10 years? >> that is basically true. now. >> the other plan no additions to the debt after 10 years, swallow debt first 10 years. >> if you could pass it my point is you have to pass the resolution first, and that means, you would have to get the freedom caucus conservative republicans, study group not house to vote for 10 to 15 trillion increase in the national debt, over the next 10 years. maria: right. >> that is what they are going to try to do in june they would be the get it done. maria: the debt did double under president obama 8 years from 10 to 20 trillion dollars so that president obama for more debt democratic majority. maria: interest rates, take on bring on debt. >> this is a new world the sheriff in town is freedom caucus we learned that, on obamacare, repeal and replace i think that is wonderful they are not going to go for another doubling of the national debt from 20 -- to -- >> i think senate is the same senate moderates are also saying look we need revenue raise here we need revenue neutral. >> "the wall street journal" reporting calculating what middle class families will pay close to impalpable i want your take the president's plan was not provided details or exemptions or size of brackets they want number of impracticalities fr brackets from 7 to 3 we don't know what cutoff in terms of who is going to make 25% who is going to pay 35% -- >> -- tax cut is a mistake it is a rich man's tax not 1981 we have indexing, 6 million filers out of 150 million pay half income tax about 20% pay 75, if you take the 110 million tax filers pay less than 10% income so we are at a point today where we should be cutting what people pay that is the payroll tax, 150 million people pay that 15% employer, employee that is job killer and that is the take-home pay killer barking up the wrong tree where should to a they bark the keerpt are a it. >> corporate rate it is a tax can't be collected -- in world of mobile capital and technology, and -- you have to get rid of that you ought to put in place a consumption tax value-added tax. >> that hits everybody. >> yes. >> that is what -- >> to pay for a sweeping payroll tax instruction that would pit money in the pay envelope of the worker at indiana wisconsin, pennsylvania so forth who voted for trump. >> not going away obviously, the president came out with this idea 15%, but what i am hearing is that congress is much more around 20%, closer to 20 it could be 25%, by the way, but i suspect they agree to 22%. >> i think you might be right about that a step forward, i would support that, it is not going to -- you know fire up the economy, in some great -- >> it is way down from 35. >> yeah, but the actual effective tax, 22, 23% the for an 500 or s&p companies pay 13%, most don't pay anything. >> you got one takeaway all deductions -- >> you can't takeaway any deductions, there is not a political consensus to do that that is the problem paying for the rate instruction. >> you think we are going to have kind of fight we saw for health care over this tax -- >> i think will be worse never get off the ground, health care didn't get off the ground they passed that in the house as a or there away guessture to say they had done nothing dead before arrival never see light of day the freedom caucus says if you bring it back one common change we are voting it down the fact of life is there is going to be no obamacare repeal there is going to be no tax cut there is going to be a massive political conflagration over what happened in the last few days comey and this crazys imposition russia medley under way taking the government into complete dysfunction partner rancor. >> thank you for happy day commentary, thank you. coming up host of "varney & company" stuart varney is back we are excited to check with him has exciting news, then wholly foods cutting half board in major shake-up top of the company is that on push from activist investor how are investors reeblthing to this bold plan, back in a moment. ♪ ♪ ♪ . maria: welcome back we are 45 minutes away from the opening bell expecting markets to be down at opening of trading take a look dow industrials down 30 points right now, couple names on the move macy's having a tough morning first quarter earnings missed analysts expectancies on earnings and revenues a wide margin same-store sales at macy's down 5 and quarter percent marking 9th straight decline the stock selling off premarket down right now by 12%, a shake-up at whole foods, the company announcing it is replacing five board dreks new chairman and chief financial officer who will foods under pressure by activist investor janus partners to explore sale speed upturnaround up almost 3% on that, chipotle burrito chain raising prices 5% in new york rolled oument a similar increase, in 440 stores nationwide last month stock is flat. a familiar faces joining us right now host of "varney & company" stuart varney, we missed you -- >> oww, really. >> it is mother's milk you know why -- >> what are you thinking about. >> i thought going to ask me where i was. >> where were you my daughter's wedding, yeah. >> how great. >> -- that is a beautiful shot. >> yes, it is that is my daughter emma, married to justin married on cape cod monday afternoon monday of this week pb all went well, and as you can see, that is a nice shot brings tears to my eyes my fourth child we assembled entire clan six children nine grand dplirn all over the world on cape cod where i have been three days. >> fantastic we knew had to be important, i did not roy your daughter was getting married congratulations. >> that is important -- one of the things i would go for, i am away for that. not much else. >> what is a advice to the son-in-law. >> to son-in-law? you got me maria you really got me a fine young man i will tell you that, he is a hard worker, desent young guy known him sometime fits right in welcome digs my executive producer sitting next heckling me as i say this a fine young man, are great guy, welcome to the family. and we are all happy. >> ahh. >> beautiful, so advice keep doing what you are doing. >> basically yes no complaints from my end, i still got two daughters to go however. dagen: save up stuart, saver up. >> pushing a second mortgage on that. >> monday weddings very good idea. >> it worked the weather was fine, the place we had wedding everything worked out fine, i am very happy to be back, i have had a wonderful week, all went well but i really am happy to be back. maria: you didn't miss much, stu. [laughter] whatever you say maria whatever you say. >> i know you've got a lot on jim comey as well see you 10 minutes. >> you will thanks. >> congratulations from all of is "varney & company" begins top of the hour 9:00 a.m. right after "mornings with maria" catch stu and company next first, movie night easier than ever major expansion plans for red box, back in a minute ♪ believe in things you don't understand ♪ whoa, this thing is crazy. i just had to push one button to join. it's like i'm in the office with you, even though i'm here. it's almost like the virtual reality of business communications. no, it's reality. intuitive one touch video conferencing is a reality. and now it's included at no additional cost with vonage business. call now and see why 3,000 companies a month are switching to vonage. business grade. people friendly. won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. switch and you could save $509 on auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. . maria: the energy department says will conduct study to determine what caused collapse of a tunnel hanford nuclear in washington state. cheryl: 20-foot section collapsed tuesday waste stored 200 workers escaped injury yesterday workers began filling hole with soil energy secretary about said it deteriorated the question needs to be answered now as to why this happened. >> well, getting pricier postal service lost 562 million dollars for second quarter that was due to continuing declines in use of first class mail as well as health care obligations dealing with, forced reduction hurt second quarter legislation passed earlier this year would allow a 1 cent increase in price first-class stamp current 49 cents make it a cool 50, amazon in those building in seattle going to include a homeless shelter amazon says billed will feature a permanent space room for 60 families that will be about 220 people company will give about half six story billed to that shelter expected to open early 2020, will have own entrance and own he will elevators, red box to make renting dvd easier announced plans to add 1500 key ovksz nationwide 2017 more popping up next year there they are privately held company you probably know name they say this will where i total number to more than 41,000, companies are going to have more in u.s. than number of starbucks mcdonald's locations combined. it -- thank you still like dvd. maria: i don't know who has dvds? dagen: the kiosk are big in rural south if you don't have penetration for -- like internet access. >> dvd players you can't use laptop can't download from itunes i guess can't use old dvd players either maybe they haven't ruled on that yet. >> called a book. >> my kindle. >> final thoughts from all-star panel when we come right back. stay with us. ♪ you can make it if you try, try ♪ and markets continue to rise and fall... predictable is one thing you need in retirement to help protect what you've earned and ensure it lasts. introducing brighthouse financial. a new company established by metlife to specialize in annuities & life insurance. talk to your advisor about a brighter financial future. ♪ ♪ maria: welcome back. final thoughts from our all-star panel this morning. buck sexton, we're talking about the fallout from the firing of jim comey. the intelligence community and its relationship with trump was horrible from the get go. >> well, it was said to be horrible by a lot of people in the press, but keep in mind that, one, the intelligence community is vast, so you're going to have a whole range of opinion on the political spectrum -- maria: i'm talking about the leaks and everything. >> i know. that highlights a few senior people who are holdovers from the obama administration who don't like trump. it not surprg there woul be se people thahave access to the press your average rank and file guy doesn't speak to the press be, doesn't have access to them. so whenever you're hearing everyone's up in arms and they hate trump, you're usually dealing with somebody at the executive level and has connections in the first place. -- maria: like the james clapper, yep. >> that's not reflective of the entire community overall. i think we're going to see people are going to keep trying to make the case that donald trump did something wrong. i'm just annoyed because i wish we could spend more time on taxes, health care. aetna's pulling out of the exchanges, by the way. i think that would be the number one story in the country -- maria: this is going to take time away from the issues we care about. >> right. governor haley haley barbour sae liberal media elite are making too much about how this was handled. i do think it was badly handled by the trump administration. maria: there's a good story to tell in the first quarter even though that gdp number was horrible. >> absolutely. we are killing it this quarter not just on the earnings line, we are seeing revenue growth which is the good stuff. maria: 6% revenue growth. >> that's the real good thing. maria: pretty good. but we're not talking about that. we're talking about jim comey. that's the issue. great show today, everybody. thanks so much for joining us. we will see you tomorrow. "varney & company" begins right now. here is stuart. stuart: thanks so much, maria. good morning -- [laughter] that's so nice. good morning, everyone. great to be back. my thanks to my colleague, charles payne, for all his hard work over the past week. here we go. comey, comey, comey everywhere. despite the nonstop, over the top coverage, investors have barely blinked. we'll get to the money angle in just a moment. first of all, just look at this, please. new york times, trump is insulting our intelligence. and, again, new york times, sense of crisis deepens as trump defends fbi firing. how about the washington post? ouster lengthens the shadow

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