Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20170113 :

Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20170113

president-elect donald trump's cabinet picks general james mattis taking the stance on key issues, including russia and iran that is different from the president-elect. what it could mean for national security coming up, a police officer ambushed shot beaten a hero drive to his rescue details on this incredible story coming up, and a scare in the sky, two alaska airlines flight attendants getting sick from unknown powder onboard the latest on their condition coming up, takata to plead guilty over exploding air bags to pay broufl one billion dollars to federal justice department probe bank earnings season under way today, j.p. morgan wells fargo bank of america to report ahead of open the set the tone we've got numbers as soon as they hit the tape will drive market action futures indicating a higher opening this morning for broader averages see what bank numbers say how that changes dow jones industrial average expected up 25 points, today, check out european markets gains have to morning fractional moves cac quarante in paris up almost 1% right now, in asia overnight mixed performs nikkei average up hang seng, but shanghai composite kospi lower this morning, a target of president-elect donald trump, making a move to the nation's capitol, jeff bezos acquiring buying largest house in washington, d.c., famous neighbors we tell you who coming up all those stories this morning to talk about it fox business network dagen mcdowell former goldman sachs partner "new york times" best-selling author peter kiernan. dagen: i would say most interesting thing so far "the wall street journal" editorial page saying should ask comey to resign. >> investigating jim comey to see what went on in kaen scandal. >>dayday looking for blame loretta lynch on tarmac with president bill clinton one of the reasons he had to do what he did again, journal saying he needs to go. >> we with will talk about that big story coming up this morning fox news military analyst general jack keane with us rudy giuliani will be with us, california congressman and member of the house judiciary committee representative darrell issa, and former house journeymaning leader eric cantor with us stay with us don't miss a moment we take it up with house of representatives planning to take a first step, toward dismantling obamacare in vote today, this coming after the senate passed a budget measure on thursday that would help easy repeal paul ryan spoke ahead of the vote saying he spoke with president-elect donald trump times we are in complete sync we want to make sure we move these at the same time repeal and replace we need to show that there is a better way forward we need to show that even though this law is collapsing we can bring ourselves, to a a much much better system. the pillars that we stand upon replacing obamacare more choices, more options, lower prices, and more control over your health care. those are the things that we all believe in, we are completely in sync planning with administration how to roll this out and that is when we are doing. >> joining us ohio congressman physician brad congressman good to see you thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure good to be with you -- >> what you are expectations on timing when do you expect this to happen do you think gop is in fact in sync with president-elect trump on this. >> i think that everyone seems to be very much in sync as american public based on election we need to do something and move forward, to change the system, that americans are having to deal with today, so this will be a first step, and budget, really more as a tool for towards reconciliation so we can begin to start to make changes, as we move forward, it is very important for us to be very smart, wise about it, make sure we are reading it before we pass it, and to make changes that are going to help all americans. you know there are some people that benefited under obamacare far more that have suffered, and right now has become a program, for the wealth because of high deductibles, high co-pays, very challenging for people to work this system. of the some people got in to medicaid that was expanded that was a pranl that already has hayest mortality mored bity more people into that las access to carry they have so few people take it. >> do you have a plan, do you think that it will be easy to have of a replacement ready at the time of repeal? >> i think it would be naive to say easy but it has to be to have one we have been talking about a long time before the affordable care act was in, by those doctors especially, that were in congress, before the affordable care act became law they never had a say in the matter. so we have to we have to be very smart about what we do, make sure that we don't leave people out there hanging, put things into place that make it much easier and more affordable for people to get care we have those ideas, they have been out there a long time, and we keep hearing that we don't have a plan we do have a plan, and we're going to bring that forward in the form of law, in a nice timely fashion should work and make a nice transition for people. dagen: be specific it is dagen mcdowell, because president-elect trump has said that the repeal and placement would happen simultaneous from a standpoint nearly impossible you can sues what yun fired republican party you can use majority the repeal it you are going to need democratic support for the replacement portion of it you are going to need those 60 those 60 votes in the senate, and that is just that is just a long road to hoe so to speak. >> well, no doubt about it that part of it is very challenging, and we have to be smart to create the transition, that exists, listen i think the worst thing that could lap to the democrats that want to stick by this plan for us to do nothing the problem is that is one of the worst things we could do for all america so we have the responsibility to go out and make these changes, i hope that there is now of democrats that won't play politics with this, really dive in they have the opportunity to engage in the transition, and changes as well, and we want to have their input on this, so he hopefully that will be the case rather than party lines what we saw with affordable care act to begin with. >> congressman i want to drill down on this because you said there is a plan in place what are some key tenets of that that plan is. >> sure, one key tenet i think you heard speaker ryan talk about this last night that we've got to drive up competition, and allow people to buy thank you products they want the way the system is set up right now, basically what this law has said, is similar to saying if you life in the desert you have to buy flood assurance, that doesn't make any sense, we want people to be able to purchase the plan that they want. and to have a tax exemption to be able to go out and purchase what they want if they are in greatest need we don't want to leave anybody behind. we want we want the law to stay in place for 26 years old stay on parents. we want program for people with preexisting conditions we keep hearing time and time again from opponents to us, that we don't want those things, we absolutely want those those are part of the plan, but there are opportunities, for things like health savings accounts, et cetera, that can make care o more affordable and the key is, more about accessible having a piece of paper saying you have insurance doesn't bring access to scary hasn't solved anything. >> a quick question, health and human service secretary president-elect thom price put out at least four plans running from 250 to 300 pages, paul ryan has plan heritage foundation has a plan, i think the question you are hearing about orchestration who is pulling plans into concogent opportunity that maximizes reconciliation gets new plan going forward. >> well, i think that you are going to see running point on that, is the majority, obviously, in house of representatives, and speaker ryan in conjunction with the president, in conjunction with our doctors, and in conjunction with members, we are supposed to be here to argue and the debate and come up with a strategy, and that is our job, and that is what we're going to do but i think you will see speaker running point on that. >> we will leave it there good to see you congressman thanks very much, coming up next unknown white powder on alaska airlines flight causes crew to become ill the details there are goings plus toyota recalls additional 543,000 vehicles case takata fault air bags back on friday "mornings with maria" mornings. stay with us. ♪ incredible bladder protection in a pad this thin, i didn't... ...think it would work, but it does. it's called always discreet for bladder leaks, the super... ...absorbent core turns liquid to gel. i know i'm wearing it but no one else will. always discreet for bladder leaks. maria: . >> . >> welcome back unknown substance calls of crew of aloose ka air also flight to fall ill cheryl casone with details ahead cheryl. cheryl: good morning emergency crews and hazmat team responded to international overnight three flight attendants had fallen ill on alaska airlines flight 322 incoming from seattle the airline reports crew notified light white powder in the plane hazmat evaluation indicates deicing material caused them to get sick nontoxic one transferred to local host two others on-site, all 181 passengers onboard while cruise aassessed that situation none of the affected. >> arizona state trooper edward anderson is in stable condition, after being shot in the right shoulder and chest by unidentified man a man driving by the struggling trooper then shot the suspect to death. that saved trooper's life anderson responding to rollover wreck on i-10 he rejected killed a woman, authorities believe the man who shot anderson was driving the car that caused the crash but would not comment on the investigation, we should also say arizona had a straining of road rage incidents on freeways in recent months. >> president obama ending longstanding immigration policy allows any cubans making to u.s. soil to stay become a legal resident the wet foot dry foot policy around for decades cube abs attempt to enter uask illegally will be sent back, the cuban government has agreed to accept cubans ordered to leave united states, and another headlined this morning takata expected to plead guilty to criminal wrongdoing as part of one-billion-dollar settlement with u.s. justice department company ruptured air bags linked to 16 deaths worldwide coming as toyota facesiths air bag issues, that company recalling 543,000 vehicles, in u.s. for defective front passenger air bag inflators made by takata. maria: a lot of news. maria: coming up next president-elect donald trump war against jooed tirade against cnn may affect time warner at&t merger. >> amazon announces a plan to add 100,000 full time jobs with benefits to the workforce 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liquidity financial sectors i think could be good. >> has it gotten ahead of itself at this is points. >> if you look at broader market i would say it has looking at market expensive for 2016 expensive going into the election and gotten morex, after election obviously, so the fundamentals okay economy okay, financial conditions look okay with evaluations you can run can't hide fundamental going to be impactful at left lanes we ask clients take a look at trimming back u.s. policy, they have done well 7 and one half great year bull market trim back. dagen: markets want to see corporate tax cuts a rollbook in regulations tax reform on individual side do you worry because all of the think a all the chatter the focus in washington so far has been about -- repooelg obamacare tough slog do we need to get refocused on taxes in order for this market to keep moving higher. >> i would think clearly we need to do that there is no reason it can't be a buy o he we can do obamacare tax reform simultaneous no reason that can't happen the market anticipating very, very good moves a lot of -- almost flawless performance by congress that is preamble not going to happen so if chops pullback, washington tends to disappoint as much as it tends to -- >> steve, moore said focus on corporate tax reform do that separately done, done immediately so you basically hand something to the kin that will benefit everybody. >> i agree pu at this point after run-up since election night wooufth now a show me market we seed to see working on tax reform do you think tax reform done this year. >> i think we are going to get it done one of the things that people are looking for us specific regulatory he reform that relates to them bankevers out there looking for regulatory reform i don't think that is first second third or fifth on trump agenda, dealing with, dodd-frank, but particular pockets of the market you think have gotten ahead of themselves. >> i think for example the financial sector right now earnings will come no okay today, i think that things do look positive but we're going to be in that show-me state for financials this is u.s. centric financial rally europe has a lot of issues within their banking sector, i think energy space, is probably run hard probably appropriately so but the economic data right now that we're seeing is -- hasn't changed that much we have been in this square root shaped economically for sometime i do believe there can be marginal did he have by deregulation, dodd-frank is a very, very complex item, i don't even think that we have written all regulations, to this point. so we are trying to undo regulations, but at this point have not even been written. >> you are right. >> you are right. >> interesting, at least one sector has been left behind, which is i think some of the health care stocks, drug company stocks, comment about pricing what is your insight there is this a storm that is going to pass quickly because it affected biotech in some related. >> i add to that how about individual companies, and impacting the individual companies, how do you feel about that, too. >> this is what we saw with mrs. clinton as well mr. trump referring to specific companies within health care didn't -- >> president -- next four years. >> i think that right now we need to pull back refrain two specific sectors i don't think we really know what this new replacement is going to be i am not convinced a crystal-clear plan what is going to replace obamacare i also do look back, that the scarf olding of affordable care act, the exchanges this is a bipartisan agreement for two decades blueprint allow to refor them health care i think biotech that is going to be a volatile more than not volatile going into 2017 if we can get a reasonable assessment of what the trump administration is going to do, not only on carpet but individual tax rates repatriation foreigning earnings could be additive not only share buybacks but direct investments could be net, net very positive. >> as investor would you prefer donald trump not tweet about individual companies and sectors about -- not happening yet -- seriously. >> i will take fifth on that. >> not president yet we don't know that he is going to do that. >> i know. >> but i get your point. >> i have a feeling he is. maria: i totally get your point. >> i think this is not going to end, once inauguration -- >> i don't think so either. >> completely circumventing jooed can havels a different way to communicate, it is the analog of the fireside chat radio in 1930s, 1940s, i think that is very, very new. >> i purchased a few stocks post tweet a couple of them have come back, i would say that is -- >> working out see how -- >> we have a company coming on today, called trigger that ceo coming on, where they send you alerts basin tweets donald trump is making to say if you own this stock, you should know you know fyichti being talked about -- fyi, let me ask you the bank stocks have run up this is a affected leadership in this market reporting earnings today would you put new money to work in bank stocks and buy stocks today, do you think the market focuses on some of the issues in the fourth quarter or do they look ahead say expenses are going do i think earnings going up, in trump administration? what do you do for banks. >> in near term next week probably who will positions right now i think a lot of positions have been played a lot of move priced into the market, and really for us, more than being an industry or sector, analysis within u.s. just asking clients tiek a broader global look, usually evaluations extremely attractive economic cycle improving earnings cycle long in tooth in united states wide awayof indicators expensive by vr measurement more global more disciplined i think europe good place to begin globally diversification. >> i didn't participate last year valuations as attractive if not more so than six, nine months ago. >> there is a skin over that entire market called government change i think. >> politicians. >> major countries, major elections going on. >> so much going on in europe, even though the banking sector is discontentchy you would buy europe. >> is discontentchy. >> very active orchestration goes without saying what we have seen is political headlined risk in europe great opportunities to get into markets, even though there has been somewhat of a -- move last number years. >> thanks for insights, president-elect trump has at an to twitter want to should a with you what he is talking about turns out phony allegations against me were put together by political opponents, a failed spy afraid of being sued this coming out this morning, totally made up facts by sleazebag political operatives democrats and republicans fake news russia says nothing exists, probably released by quote in quote intelligence even knowing there is no proof and never will be my people will have a full report are on hacking within 90 day all nominees looking good doing great job i want them to be themselves express their own thoughts not mine we referring to some hearings yesterday we saw some nominees actually take a different position on certain things. with general mattis very tough talk on russia even in previous sessions, what about rex tillerson on -- he is in favor of the trans-pacific partnership he talks about climate change human activity having an impact on climate change, jeff sessions against weighter boa eer -- water board. >> trump is trying to say he sports people he picked chose them for expertise experience i think trying to get behind them on what that experience expertise is. maria: yeah what about -- cat is out of the bag they already stepped out in front of him, so he has to say what he wanted them to do. maria: yeah, whether we come back a difference of opinion president-elect nominees a stance on key issues including foreign policy but are at odds with trump's views that is what tweets were all about what it means for national security moving nation capitol jeff bezos buying largest single house in warrant we have fiemous neighbors that he will be right around as well we will tell you who back in a minute. just like the people who own them, every business is different. but every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. whether it be with customer contracts, agreements to lease a space or protecting your work. legalzoom's network of attorneys can help you, every step of the way. so you can focus on what you do and we'll handle the legal stuff that comes up along the way. legalzoom. legal help is here. and i'm just a guy who wantsants to sell him that so i used truecar. it told me what other people in the area paid for the truck i want. and because we're a truecar certified dealership, i already know the truck he wants. so we're on the same page before he even gets here. -it's fair. -and it's fast. look good? looks great. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. ♪ vote whether to grant general james mattiace waiver to serve as next second of defense president-elect pick to lead pentagon waking waves after comments how to deal with russia differed from trump's ideas. >> i think the biggest attack since world war ii, sir that is from russia, from terrorist groups, and with what china is doing in south china sea. >> trump seems okay with statement, he tweeted early this morning quote all my cabinet nominees are looking good doing a great job, i want them to be themselves, and express their own thoughts, not mine. >> well the wild weather battered west coast taking aim at heartland what you need to know as dangerous storms head to the midwest, we will tell you what is coming. plus the emotional moment all parties can get behind touching surprise from president obama had vice president joe biden in tears amazon betts big on america to help get america back to work, with triple digits job creation, speaking of work hard work paying off o for jeff bezos billionaire bought largest house in our nation's capitol, the details on his new digs coming up. markets this morning it will be about bank earnings futures edging higher looking at dow jones industrial average expected up 20 points the open, nasdaq s&p 500 also seeing a bid this morning, investors are eyeing bank earnings j.p. morgan wells fargo bank of america, all set to report their fourth quarter ahead of open the numbers as they hit the tape, steven wood from russell investments told us hold your positions. >> europe we are seeing the gains take a look at markets in europe, all the eurozone indices up cac quarante best performer, up almost 1% dax in germany adding to yesterday's gains up two-thirds of one percent insia overnight markets mixed nikkei average best many almost 1% america's strengthen in face anterior a is that he canback at blockbuster film coming up, first, trump team confirmations, secretary nominated general james mattis cruiseed through hearing yesterday confirmation hearing as the senate is looking to grant waiver, the house is voting there, on that waiver today. joining me right now retired four-star general former u.s. arm advice chief foster cares news military analyst, good to see you -- >> good to see you. >> thank you for joining us what are you expecting out of house do you think, we will get the vote to put waiver through for general mattis? >> yes, general mattis has wide support among democrats and republicans highly respected they know very confident capable look forward to working with him which we does become secretary of defense. >> how do you think he did at hearing. >> i thought he knocked it out you have the ballpark we all know he is smart tough but also very to have deliberate compassionate leader, he is steep in knowledge just going to be excellent taking care of our soldiers and families, and civilian workforce as part of president-elect trump's national security team will provide him great counsel great advice on going forward, they won't always agree he won't also a agree with the other national secity team but that in fact is good government. maria: yeah, it is nice to hear, your recommendation certainly coming from you. thank you for that. let me ask you this, because yesterday, we saw a difference of opinion mattis pompeo seems a different opinion on russia and iran than president-elect trump, i want your take on what we heard, yesterday, listen to this. >> i am ail for engagement but we also have to recognize reality. and what russia is up to there is decreasing number of areas that we could engage cooperatetively increasing areas we have to confront russia. >> what do you think it takes to deter him. >> i don't know that i can answer that comprehensively today but i can tell you it is going to require an incredibly brings american response. a response to security related response as we have to get better at defending against these and a response, that holds actors accountable who commit these kinds of actions against united states of america the forum the nature the depth. >> russia is a menace a global menace led by a man menacing, the russians you are up to no good we all know that. >> okay. so all talking about vladimir putin, general. many are saying that they are not on the same page with president-elect trump. but trump, you know took to twitter this morning doesn't seem concerned, he wrote a tweet, all of my cabinet nominees looking good doing great job i want them to be them express their thoughts not mine but does it concern you that pretty much everybody, is saying putin is a bad guy russia needs to be watched their adversaries not hearing that kind of critical commentary from trump. >> yeah i think logical explanation for that first of all i am truly encouraged by all three of these o nominees tillerson pompeo mattis obviously spoken about i think president-elect has done great job no picks, i think the congress saw that clearly, the last couple days. listen. in my view here is what is happening. president-elect trump is entering this presidency with a lack of foreign policy experience, and certain degree a lock of knowledge of foreign policy similar to obama-clinton, bush, and even ronald reagan except being george h.w. bush had vast foreign policy experience. so that being the case, it is logical, that during the campaign the knowledge of foreign policy is going to be somewhat superficial i think that is what we saw. we saw mr. trump expressing dire i want to work with russia why can't we work with them we seem to have a lousy relationship, with them i think that was more of listen i am not a political guy but i think it was more about trying to differentiate himself from obama-clinton than anything else, and why wouldn't we cooperate with russia we have cooperated with russia built here is the concern. the three nominees have expressed it i feel same way myself the obama administration, walked away from confronting russia they keep coming trampling on u.s. interests the fear we all have not stated clearly in public statements yesterday but i know for a fact it is there, is that if we don't conconfront russia we're going to wind up in conflict with russia trying to avoid we believe obama administration put us on a path towards that, that we would eventually get to a place like baltics where violation of the nato treaty, that we would have to respond to military encouragement for battle i couldn't say we would have a conflict most of us believe would be avoided i think that is what we're really talking about. maria: what if he gets into office soon into it roll backing sanctions against russia? could you see that happening let's not forget rex tillerson said he didn't think sanctions were back in the day he had done a big deal in russia then obviously russia went bioukraine u.s., instituted sanctions, he had to roll back, and take all his business out. that was a big disappointment, what is your take on sanctions against russia right now? well, first of all, sanctions had impact on the iranians they have had very dill impact on putin, he has taken considerably aggressive assertive action despite sanctions so blown them off two conclusions one sanctions don't impact putin very much, two, the sanctions are not tough enough, listen, in that testimony that tillerson provided, most of the surprise i think of the senate foreign relations committee he told them he would have confronted russia, over ukraine, by providing lethal aide and assistance to ukrainian military force in a way object administration refused to do that is a military statement, questions much further than sanctions he says. >> i see okay. so then perhaps that would have been the better move and you wouldn't be upset, you would not be disappointed if we were to see trump begin his administration, one of the first foreign policying movers to be rolled back those sanctions then. >> i don't think he will do it i don't think there is any reason to do that. i do think this maria. i think at the personal relationship between putin and trump will improve versus what it was with obama. i mean putin had obama's number let's be frank about it intimidated him, these are two strong leaders totally different values represent different kinds of people, he is running autocracy president trb running democracy, clash over values do i think they will get along at least for a while until confrontation is necessary. >> general great to have insights as always thanks so much. >> good talking to you maria. >> to you as well, coming up next possible sill veling how rain and snow may easy california's with pro a battle at box office to report take a look at newest movies fighting for top spot this long holiday ekend. back in a minute. why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary sympto of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart 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mid high ad revenue pandora higher this more than, boeing company reached massive deal with india spice jet, the company budget carrier agreed to purchase 100 new 737 aishlth from boeing deal including options for more planes as well as planes purchased, it could be worth up to 22 billion dollars, boeing shares as you see there have been trading up, over the last year. freezing rain ice causing problems across central united states cheryl casone with details on weather. cheryl: man maria quite a week for weather you've got ice storm warning for state of oklahoma governor fallon declared a state of emergency for all coins there brings services, winter storm watch issues for parts of kansas missouri texas. in chicago, passengers on commuter train stuck more than 5 hours yesterday, because ice on overhead electric lines, after a series of storms dumped heavy rain snow nearly all nor california at least out of drought conditions, so a lot of weather to watch for about you, this weekend as well, well shocking everybody, including the guest of honor president obama awarded joe biden presidential medal of freedom at white house praise on joe biden calling him best vice president america had before surprising him with nation's top civilian honor. >> i am pleased to award ouring in any cases highest civilian of honor presidential medal of freedom. [applause]. >> little choked up there, all right joe by hissen the third vice president to receive the medal. well headlines amazon going on a hiring spree retailer saying it plans to add 100,000 new jobs next 18 months that will bring the workforce in total, to 280,000, president-elect donald trump taking credit on this meeting last-minute urged tech industry to keep jobs production inside the u.s. and spokesman says the president-elect was pleased to have played a role in that decision by amazon. meanwhile,, jeff bezos is soon going to be ivanka trump's neighbor "washington post" says he bought largest house in d.c. a lot of byou have the zz in real estate world on this former textile museum made up of two blintsdz 27,000 square feet 23 million dollars in a luxurious neighborhood where president obama is going to live after he leaves white house talk about interesting neighborhood party on a friday night. back to you. maria: the most expensive, house in washington. >> -- whereivanka is living. >> we got a on bank american below expectancies earnings above estimates we talk about it a hero amid terror look at mark wahlberg's retelling boston marathon bombing holiday weekend box office is next back in a minute. we live in a pick and choose world. choose. choose. choose. but at bedtime... ...why settle for this? enter sleep number and the lowest prices of the season. sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store, right now save $600 on our best selling i8 mattress, plus 36 month special financing. learn more at know better sleep with sleep number. >> they say half a million people watched. whoa! >> terrorism. >> that was a clip from "patriots day" film depicts events of 2013 boston marathon bombing movie starring mark wahlberg released nationwide today joining us right now in fox, senior vice president of marketing, michael last weep >> shoekdz everyone knocking off "star wars" number one. >> knocking off "star wars." >> huge, 20 million dollars, oscar buzz, seven movies opening "patriots day" you loved. >> i loved it we will see -- >> they won golden globes, wide ,000 theatres. >> what about that you have got a big weekend a holiday weekend probably see attendance people will go to movies. >> yes, definitely uptick in attendance for sure. >> fox has great shows coming to tv, actually tell us about that. >> cutting edge, coverage by fox, the season four every friday night biggest drama broadcast television empire lee daniels i've got a sneak peek, check it out ♪ . >> january fox continues to deliver kiting edge story telling with two shoes first up sleepy hollow every friday. >> more fun to play the villain? >> you know in the past really loved to play villain always played the -- wrongly convicted guy. >> and did so well. of the. >> better to kind of delve in that world a lot of fun doing it. >> we have heard expression smartest guy in the room redefiance meaning tlav to dangerous extent dangerously aware of that he uses that to justify doing harmful things. >> got to be fun to be on show like this, kind of walking around some sets, like halloween every day. >> every day. >> scary. >> um-hmm. >> monster we have here -- pretty intense get them in right light, scare to you death. >> we'll -- >> things, you still think. following on success empire every wednesday lee daniels delivers star a brand new show with no holds bar, what it takes to succeed in music. >> what drew plea to endeavor is that combination of kind of real world authentic grit, really the characters from places that are not often suffering, dramatize that you humanize it in this scenario, and you balance it with this talent it creates a compelling story. >> -- she wants to match insides wants to be the woman she knows she is we have want more stories to be told and we wanted more things to be able to do related to, for to be in 1 shoes doing that just unbelievable going to do what i need to do. >> we heard atlanta has crazy music scene. >> same dream. >> trying to keep you from being hurt. >> i can't get hurt anymore, are you know exactly what i have been through! >> only on fox. >> both look good. >> stars fantastic. >> great cast. >> oh, my gosh. >> the cast good. >> we sat down in a couple weeks i will have that lee daniels knows how to put together drama. >> we know success with empire so good. >> huge. >> star also brings in glamour like empire. >> if you build it they will come, it is broadcast television is over if you do good story telling do it well people tune in. >> see you next weekend d.c. for inauguration, celebrating girl scout cookie season next trying out newest a flavor tasty details coming up back in a minute. . whether it's in health care, customer care, technology, transportation or government. we touch millions of lives every day. conduent. advancing the everyday. [vo] quickbooks introduces he teaches lessons to stanley... and that's kind of it right now. but rodney knew just what to do...he got quickbooks. it organizes all his accounts, so he knows where he stands in an instant. ahhh...that's a profit. which gave him the idea to spend a little cash on some brilliant marketing! ha, clever. wow, look at all these new students! way to grow, rodney! know where you stand instantly. visit fixodent plus adhesives. there's a denture adhesive that holds strong until evening. just one application gives you superior hold even at the end of the day fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. maria: a good friday morning everyone. thank you for being with us. your top stories right now. republicans are moving forward to dismantle president obama's signature legislation. they are vowing to fight back. it's called cut and run. they could run from it but they cannot hide from it because the cost to individual families, businesses and hospitals and providers is greater. see the much more. the house of votes today. that's coming up straight ahead. the justice department watchdog to investigate the fbi over hillary clinton's e-mail probe. the very latest allotments coming up. lawmakers getting briefed on russian related hacking. president-elect donald trump is already taking to twitter over the controversy this morning. yet, chrysler. it ended down 10%. it's getting some relief this morning as you can see there just fractional. bank earning earnings unison gets underway today. it missed expectations on revenue. it is expected to open lower this morning. on the fourth quarter report. the result over all who drive market action this morning. in europe take a look. we have the futures indicated a higher opening this morning up 25 points. the index in germany up half a%. in asia overnight. mix performances take a look. almost 1%. the other averages are mixed to lower. the chargers making a big change not just the move to los angeles. the team's new local is going viral. good to see you. i'm say nothing because we have some you have somebody incredible waiting. with a big guest coming up right now. the criticism of the handling of the e-mail scandal. the department of justice has announced a review on how clinton's case was handled. present elected donald trump tweeted about her this morning. what are her people complaining about with respect to the fbi. based on the information they have she should never have been allowed to run. they were very nice to her she lost because she campaigned in the wrong states. joining dreaming out is rudy giuliani. this is where my expertise would come from. the whole problem has been caused by hillary clinton. she have a private server which he shouldn't had have in her basement with top-secret and enormously important sensitive government information on it. she mishandled in a way in which anyone of us would now be sitting in jail. there is no question about that. zero question about that. even james comey concluded that she was that she was careless it carries a penalty of five years in jail. it's extraordinary to me that the department of justice could be now opening an investigation of james comey about what he saw and how he handled it after it was loretta lynch who actually met with bill clinton on the tarmac on a plane privately before that. >> i think he should recuse himself. it's clear that he's carrying out a political investigation how can you leave that out. there is only one reason that he have to do that. the first reason is loretta lynch compromiser cell. extremely conflicted unethical conversation with the husband bill clinton of the chief subject a secret meeting by the way one that would not had, except for the fact that it was discovered. that's the reason he was in that position. that shows you you're starting the investigation in chapter ten instead of the first nine chapters. i'm curious what the mayor thinks about this. the new attorney general should ask the director to resign for the good of the fbi and they go into things that democrats say but also the republicans. i will take a pass on that. jim worked for me for three years. honorable man. great lawyer do i agree with his decisions in the case no. she should have been prosecuted. have i been the fbi director or the attorney general i don't care if it was two days before the election. if she got caught compromising national security information on a massive scale were not talking about the people that are going to jail for one document or two documents. massive scale i would put her in jail. the journal just points out it was the process and the immunity agreements there is no doubt there is a lot of legitimate issues. very rarely do i refrain from having an opinion. he was too good of an assistant u.s. attorney. the fact that they shut up on his laptop was enough for him to say out by the way we want you to note this know this investigation is active and we had found her e-mails not there at their finding any specifics but just if you were there. and may be a fact that the american people should know that before they vote. we are about to put in the white house a person who assumes you don't agree with me that she was guilty but someone who was so careless and negligent about national security information so people should not that's the kind of person were asked to put in the white house. >> what he think this. i think he has no other choice. what can he do. the inspector general has extremely broad powers in these investigations is beyond question that this cannot possibly be a fair investigation. if it doesn't begin with how it started. first of all with her having a private server. hillary clinton did this. hillary clinton did it by doing something that i've never heard of anybody doing and that was to expose thousands and thousands of classified pieces of information to what we know now is very easy hacking. i know the trump team has announced yesterday that you will serve as the cyber security advisor and this is right in your sweet spot. but connect the dots for us. how much culpability should hillary clinton hold for all of the hacking that we are talking about. >> and so should president obama for not doing a darn thing about it for eight years. i've been on a soapbox for ten years saying our offense in terms of cyber has gotten way ahead of our defense because it makes a lot of money. it's very fascinating and interesting. we can analyze all kinds of information. the defense did not catch up at that. they just cost money. now our defense has to catch up to our offense. in the reality is everything is hack a ball. there are two types of corporations in america. the ones that have been hacked by the chinese and no and the ones that don't. and he was pretty close to right. i think of actually being able to attack other systems and countries. is that true when it comes to actually been able to infiltrate other countries and their cyber. the thing we do best is defend her defense system. defense system. of all of the things we do public and private this is not just a public permit problem we defend our defense systems probably better than we do anything else. and second our ability on offense is awesome. we don't emphasize that. we shouldn't. but people should know this is not a country without the same capabilities that other countries have and considerably more. >> if our defense is where our offense was. we have to be appointed to try to catch up. >> there has been an expansion on the battlefield. i've heard from people that the grid is a very likely target. how are you going to reach across from what is typical battlefield weapon treat into the commercial space to protect them. that's exactly why he organized this group. the whole idea is to reach out into the private sector make sure that the ceos in the people offering the solutions come into the white house meet with him and his people and integrate the response. he doesn't want the private sector left out. the republican national committee was not hacked because they have a much better defense system we did have a much better defense of the system. on a regular basis to bring people in to meet with the people in the government so that we have an overall response and when you mentioned the grade you mentioned what they said was a number one vulnerability grade. and probably our hospitals. in our financial institutions. thos -- three biggies. >> we are listening in on them as well. >> i will comment on the second part. were not talking about governments. most of them are crooks. case in which a. this money just went through his account. you can't believe what these people thought. i'd another woman a couple years ago someone has been collecting it for four years. there's also the psychological aspect. >> a ransom. the whole hospital will fill out in two minutes. we've a real problem here. we have handled bigger problems. unfortunately the obama administration didn't pay enough attention to this. it's exactly the opposite. donald trump is personally involved in this. at least from the executive point of view. >> were talking about fbi background checks. i don't mean the fbi did it. any more. i hate to see them in this position. in this investigation really, some has to go and scream. you have to start with loretta lynch. why is he in this position. except for the fact that she compromised them. we will take a short break. coming up. another automaker expected of cheating. the sweet addition to skirt girl scout cookies. back in a minute. >> welcome back. a new admission scandal may be brewing. cheryl with the headlines now. >> the epa is accusing the automaker of using soft where on ram trucks. the software is in about a hundred 4,000 vehicles. it could cost the company more than $4 billion in fines but chrysler's chief executive denies the charges in the epa has a different way of calibrating admission control devices. a new report finds that millenials are worse off than their amy -- baby boomer parents were at the same stage of life. millenials also have half the net worth of boomers. their student debt to rest sickly higher. we talked about that. disney reportedly is in talks with carrie fisher's estate about the possibility of her appearing in future star wars movies. unclear whether this is an ultimate goal. they did finish it before her death last month. >> that time of year it is girl scout cookie season time. they are celebrating a hundred years. when they published these in the magazine. but guess what of course we are looking up this morning to have some of the girl scouts here to bring you and all of the team some cookies. this is olivia and madison. point me to the right ones. they are different cookies depending on where you live. anybody have a favorite i think we should take some cookies over to maria and the rest of the crew to see what they think about this. >> let's see what they think. those are the smarts. how's it going. are you having success with the new ones. it's a chocolate covered grand cookie. this more is great. i want some more. i want to try this one. >> do you like selling the cookies. do usually get a good reaction. normally they're like oh my gosh cookie time. that was our reaction we so saw you ladies this morning. when you think of girl scouts and going camping to have a s'more cookie it's great. we've to run but let me ask you this do you think were to have a good year. i think the cookies taste delicious. good selling. thank you so much. they move to los moved to los angeles. anything but electrifying. and that apple could be going hollywood. that's next. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. make the switch and find out why 96% of our customers are satisfied with liberty mutual. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. welcome back. back with the pics for the nfl playoff games this week. jared with the story. happy friday. they picked three of the four winners last week. no points spreads just winners. in tomorrow's opener on fox they pick the falcons over the seahawks. a 73% chance to win. overwhelming selection. to beat the houston texans. they go with the hometown chiefs. interesting only one and half point favorite. to give it a 63% chance to beat the steelers. they get a slim advantage. dean spano's told nfl owners who wanted to keep his team in san diego. now move to la. but if they stayed in san diego we would not had gone to share this highly criticized local for the los angeles chargers. if we combined the logos this is what we would get. and from the official account they tweeted for the record. we are just friends. and the dallas stars tweeted this. hope this is cool. linked by it los angeles. the chargers and ellie rams both a set to announce headquarters. he just closed out the season they are replacing john possible with the redskins offense of court nader shauna mcveigh who in two weeks towards 31 years old. this past season there were 19 quarterbacks older than mcveigh. if yesterday was a throwback thursday with the chargers moving back to the original home just call today fountain of youth friday. we have justin thomas yesterday he became the youngest golfer to shoot a 59. they gave him a three shot lead. we will get that started right now. >> stay classy san diego. i consider myself san diego and. we saw baseball. you still have the weather. virginia beach. the house is set to begin a briefing today on russia's attempt to interfere with the election. the cyber security concerns. the new face of lady liberty. it's back in a minute. y with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. legal help is here. and her new mobile wedding business.tte at first, getting paid was tough... until she got quickbooks. now she sends invoices, sees when they've been viewed and ta-da, paid twice as fast! see how at quickbooks-dot-com. one of the largest business process companies in the world. whether it's in health care, customer care, technology, transportation or government. we touch millions of lives every day. conduent. advancing the everyday. >> tgif everybody. thank you so much for being with us. it's friday, january 13. the obama care battle raging on capitol hill this morning. they're set to vote on the first step in repealing president obama's signature legislation. we are in complete sink and we agree we want to make sure that we move these things concurrently at the same time repeal and replace. we need to show that there is a better way forward. we need to show that even though the law is collapsi we can bridge ourselves to a much better system. >> is coming as lawmakers are set to be briefed on the hacking concerns. the details as a new chapter is unfilled eight following the nuclear deal with iran. is it too little too late. tim cook and company set their sights on hollywood. markets this morning. take a look. as you see there. they are expected to be up about 25 points. bank of america already reported its quarter. it was mixed. as a result the shares are under some selling pressure today. that has not impacted the market averages so far. you know the stocks that have a huge run-up. in europe this morning a fractional gains. it's up almost two thirds of 1%. ek average in japan. up half of a%. we are bringing a look at the new $100 coin. it is very different. the house is set to be briefed today. we need to confront rush on this. we also had to recognize the reality. there is a decreasing number of those. they also tweeted about this this morning. both the democrats and republicans fake news russia says nothing exists. even knowing there is no approve and never will be. my people well have a full report on hacking within 90 days. thank you maria. i noticed that we are paying tribute to the loss of the san diego chargers. they will not completely make up for losof the football team. >> we appreciate that. now he is admitting that they did actually had part in the cyber attacks elated to the election. how should the new administration handle the hacking concerns from the standpoint. the cyber answer is we need to have the cyber security policy against russia, china and even some of our so-called allies who also are poking into systems. it's 36 years in just a couple of days since ronald ragan was sworn in. the statement still goes. russia is in fact a dictatorship run by others that continues to use much of the same by your own people. what worked in the 80s to change at least some of the behavior. some of that's can have to be used again. you have to have that where they are encroaching on the other sovereignty and we will have to engage diplomatically but well had to engage based on the fact that they are an empire the size of the world. economically the size of italy. would you like to see a different commentary in a different tone as it relates to this. can you feel like he's been pushed into a corner that he is always defending. i think looking at and listening to donald trump now for a couple of years i realize that he will tend to say the positive or he will tend to go was something while listening to the realities. the key advisers are giving them. i know his he's not quite to igre the keydvisers. the universally i can be telling him it's an evil empire. engage them yes. but also go toe to toe to make sure that they are not expanding. were you heartened by what you've heard in the past. as he talked about russia using the tougher tone than many people expected. and also in particular general matus yesterday where he did note there are a decreasing numbers. that is exactly the right tone. they are again trying to dominate. i do believe that the secretary of state are setting the right tone that they know russia. they've spent their careers having to deal with the realities on the ground but they know that one of the adversaries was murdered in front of the kremlin and somehow the cameras didn't work. that things happen if you don't get along with putin. in the house about today. under pressure from president-elect trump. listen to this. i want to get your reaction. we want to make sure that we move these things concurrently at the same time repeal and replace. we need to show that there is a better way forward. >> do you believe they can actually work with democrats to pass new legislation and is there everyplace after this repeal? >> we will be inclusive in this process. not the question of repealing and how we fix a broken system years ago when the democrats were doing this we try to offer things. we knew that there were programs that were already in place that we could have included we certainly agreed on a few areas certainly pre-existing conditions and portability we were locked out. and they made a commitment to make sure that it was open. at the same time it actually puts the affordable and the affordable care act. we were talking about russian hacking. that was essentially a russian cyber campaign. moving to the repeal and replace. without really giving documentation a plant that can actually go through the process a plant that can actually go through the process is further putting that divide here in the unites states united states that russia wants anyway. >> i will not give russia the credit for anything other than being that i want to be relevant evil country on the other side of the world. when it comes to how we have to do the process we are going to use reconciliation to begin the process of dismantling a system that is broken has broken that is exactly how it was created. and no apologies there. but just as the affordable care act was phased-in over a number of years we are going to be phasing out many of the parts over the number of years and i think that is the important message we are not afraid to have a take two even three years. we want to begin the process of letting you get that dr. you used to have that you want to get back again. we also want to deal with the fact that the affordable care act have no tort reform. it didn't do anything to lower the cost of healthcare. that is with the speaker ryan is pushing for as he is demanding that we have a solutions that help lower the cost and maintain the availability and were going to do that. >> one of the things i haven't heard is the two biggest providers they walked away from the business saying we don't want the opportunity anymore. what are you doing to reach out to left. it has one of the proposals that i have then and then that and then i will be presenting in the next two days is the return of the proposal that all americans have access to the very large plan. if you were to take pretty much all of the people that are not on the medicaid side of obama care and put them into that. it would just double the size of that massive program so scale is already there on an alternative where you head over 250 different plants to choose from in every state in the union. great insights from you as always. it can be brought to by apple. a stroll that is out of this world. astronauts finishing up a power upgrade on their spacewalk. back in a minute. [ beep ] but you'll be glad to see it here. fidelity -- where smarter investors will always be. if only the signs were as obvious when you trade. fidelity's active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. fidelity -- where smarter investors will always be. welcome back. i ran getting its first western belt passenger plane in decades. >> i ran welcoming the first of this. this is the country tries to upgrade the aging air fleet. other headlines this morning apple planning to build a new business and original tv shows and movies. the wall street journal is reporting the technology giant trying to become a bigger player in hollywood and offset slowing sales of iphones. we want to show you some live pictures. they are taking another spacewalk. they are installing new batteries outside the international space station. those batteries will run the solar power systems up there. everything has watched life. and you can see more of it on the web. i guess it is a mint milestone. for the first time lady liberty will be portrayed as a woman of colorn u. currency. the 100-dollar gold coin was created to mark the 225th anniversary this year. just one of a series of new diverse points in the coming years. the treasury announced it was replacing indra jackson on the 20-dollar bill. it's interesting. i love it. he was talking about all of these changes. they are going to fall under trump's leadership. >> it'll be interesting to see who he gets to sign these bills. he is the treasury secretary. your thoughts on the earning story on business today. how far and how fast these banks have at $10.99. up over hundred percent. bank of america isn't doing things so much better than they were a year ago. for really talking about price to perfection on interest rate increases in trading opportunity i think they are ahead of themselves and we will see today how they trade. i happen to like wells fargo. i think it's a wonderful franchise. it will be very interesting to see whether they continue. if it continues in december it will be a little bit of a lead. but i think it's a great franchise jamie diamond once a great bank. the issue is real. it's a long way. very far and very fast. we will see what they come out with. we are waiting on those numbers. it does not have a lot of the interest rate increases. i do get should be okay. i would expect some softening. what do you get when you cross pioneer. we will bring it to next. your insurance company won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. make the switch and find out why 96% of our customers are satisfied with liberty mutual. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. welcome back. season three of straight inheritance kicks off next friday. the host visiting 37 and different cities to uncover some of the most meeting -- amazing inheritance stories. congratulations. i can't believe all of the places that we were since i saw you last. almost a year on the road. the things that people collect. some of us might never even think of being valuable. you're fortunate because i know you are a currency collector. but some people have something in the addict and some money loves them. sometimes is a huge benefit sometimes is a big burden. and some of the things that we found this year just blew my mind everything from a favorite pair of jeans at home. we found a pair from the 1800s in pristine condition they were made before belt loops were invented. and i know you love currency. i thought you would find it interesting that we found an aluminum penny that was a priceless this family goes through quite a struggle. in order to bring that penny to market. we've seen all the stories and names we know. these are real people that live not only around our country but a collection of -- beads. it was an incredible collection. i love to collect currency because i just think it is so beautiful. you don't see that often. i have to put them in something when you're collecting something that's really important to preserve and package it safely. maybe they were found in a pillowcase and some of them were in an addict. condition is an issue. we go through valuation. i've learned so much about it. there are some surprises for viewers. you will be at 10:00 p.m. eastern. and wait until you see some of the surprises. i probably shouldn't rollerskate. the show is awesome. thank you so much. for season three. want to bring the breaking news. it looks like the earnings are better than expected but again the revenue is a little lower. there is the stock right now. it's really flat on the session so far what you make of those. fourth-quarter is traditionally a weak quarter for the banks. i wouldn't be too concerned about the revenue. they have an amazing trading business and they did very well on the trading this quarter. i think going forward the real opportunity to profit on interest spreads is happening now up to the first quarter. i think well have an okay response. this is up to 45%. people are just saying we would like a little bit more on the revenue line. we can live with the softness there. if you look to the year ahead. in a federal reserve that rates a little bit. those noise. the improvement in oil prices and there's one more thing. expenses are to come way down. i know you don't think that's priority one. they been spending so much time money and energy on regulatory matters the entire sector. small banks cannot afford their own compliance. that's how out-of-control this is. we are gonna watch the bank stocks. now were waiting on was fargo. we will take up brand-new bentley continental for a ride. perior hold even at the end of the day fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. . maria: good friday morning welcome back. i'm maria bartiromo. it is friday, 13th january 13th your top stories 8:00 on the east coast next step actuaried repealing obamacare house set to vote on procedural measure paul ryan wree assuring colleagues and american people about the transition to a new system. >> that is going to take time that is going to take a transition, we want to make sure, we are people's minds at ease not loving health care we're going to have good the recognition period while we move on all these steps to rescue us from the collapse occurring with obamacare. maria: closer look this morning, plus president-elect donald trump moved markets and specific company stocks, we have a look at app that will notify you if you own that stock, that trump is tweeting about. incredible, trigger. >> bank earns season fourth quarter now under way for earning jpmorgan better-than-expected fourth quarter profits revenue weaker than expected earlier this morning bank of america reported mix result as well all a revenue miss at bofa, wells fargo also a double just hitting tape earnings revenue below expectations at wells fargo numbers just coming out as we speak, we are watching those stocks, results setting tone for markets this morning we were expecting a higher opening, that is you what we are looking at right now we will see if bank stocks are under pressure and do take some wind out of the sails for markets dow jones industrial average expected to be up 20 points today, at the open, in europe, we are seeing gains across the board take a look fractional nonetheless prior to that time good moves cac quarante in paris up 1%, the dax in germany up two-thirds of a percent in asia overnight mixed performances take a look nikkei average up almost 1%, snapchat gears up for initially public offering why company making changes, to how app works ahead of that public offering, plus riding in style with power a look at new bent continental can go more than 200 miles per hour looks sweet would show you later it is 5:00 somewhere right jack daniels to make a move into morning couple of we have what? we've got that coming up all stories this morning joining me to talk about it fox business network dagen mcdowell former goldman sachs partner "new york times" best sending author peter kirnan and fox news correspondent lea gabrielle 5:00 somewhere. >> you can have a cup -- >> not alcoholic but makes your coffee taste like jack daniels, okay. >> true alcoholic -- >> no, just someone appreciates the fine whiskey. >> of course. >> 5:00 in the morning what i want a taste of whiskey. maria: i don't think so. right, on the money in terms of of the capital markets, that is where the strength is in bank americans this morning we got wells fargo a double miss, but jpmorgan reporting good capital markets business and bank of america as well. >> i think way too early yet r these increases in interest rates to really percolate through banks we will see how they do first quarter i feel like they just moved so fast, so far in anticipation, in a pause right here is probably in order. >> i didn't realize bofa up one hundred percent. >> one hundred percent a year two weeks from now 1099. >> talk more about that segment on bank stocks the recognition to trump continues only one week away from inauguration, now but a gallop poll shows americans not thrilled about how process is going, the poll shows 51% americans disprove of the transition falling most with independents, poll shows 44% of americans rate president's cabinet picks as subpar, joining us right now former house majority leader former virginia congressman eric cantor good to see you thanks for joining us. >> good morning. >> your thoughts how is transition going what about trump's picks. >> i think that one thing so striking about trump's picks is the difference that we see in this upcoming cabinet than that we saw 8 years ago. if you recall, 8 years ago, there was a cabinet that i think set you historical records for being the most business unfriendly business inexperienced, i think what you are seeing now is a preponderance of people had business experience very much in concert with what donald trump has been talking about laser focused on economic growth job creation. >> that is that is his plan, a growth plan, and a lot of businessmen, and women really handling that do you think this new approach having businesspeople, in charge of important agencies, in charge of policy, will work? >> absolutely maria. having been two years now outse of public seice and in private sector things get done in private sector. and, you know, for so long, now, we have had a paralyzes warrant due to obama administration inability to get things going, and to resolve problems go forward i think you are going to see bret of fresh air when it comes to next week when trump administration, is put into office, and there is going to be a lot of activity as we already are feeling, within not only the legislative branch congress but regulatory arena. dagen: it is dagen mcdowell from your home state, by the way. >> hey, how are you -- >> good do you worry that congress gets bogged down, particularly on the repeal and replace of obamacare doesn't take care or take advantage of that long hanging fruit talking about cutting corporate taxes individual tax reform regulat >> dagen as i know as all of us know it is i am pertive rid of obamacare quickly as about possible a disaster passed in inappropriate pay terrible for american people, so quickly, as we're seeing the house and senate are going to go and pass, the first step towards getting rid of that law. and i think once president trump is in office he will have access to tools levers will ease transition provide bridge to when congress can get about passing final replacement, so i don't think that there is going to be a block for doing that, and getting in the way for the tax reform measures that have been a lot of discussion around, in this town around country in fact the world i am very optimistic on this congress and new administration ability to effect some goals in a relatively quick manner. >> congressman do you have concerns at although that with republicans moving so quickly to repeal without having a firm plan, something put through legislatively, to replace obamacare that essentially is just opening the gap between republicans, and democrats cause same problem that is caused by obamacare being forced through only passed really by democrats. see the, this is a myth out there about not a replacement plan. the incoming secretary of health and human services tom price has had a plan, he had a plan when i was leader two years ago, he had one before that, so there are many plans that are out there. and the president-elect has already said as soon as tom price is sworn in, as secretary, confirmed, he will be submitting the plans to the hill i know that my former colleagues and i'm sure the secretary of health he designating in discussions what that is going to look like vice president-elect mike pence steeped in all issues surrounding replacement plan i am very confident that you are going to see a could lessens around that to get this done. >> i have a quick question picks on two picks up two themes yes we're seeing less thinly disantagonized contempt for business the rubibrick if you build it they will come where is the gainlt of business when you have a health plan where the two major providers united health care, drop out? what are you doing to bring powerhouses back in so that everybody can engage in competitively offering great service to the american people. >> there is no question that this is a concern, we have seen a near collapse if not one, in the exchange markets because these insurance companies are in able to make money and are losing a lot of money, in participating in the obamacare exchanges. as i said before, the trump administration will have the leverage of power to be able to ease that transition to ensure people are not going to lose coverage, while the congress is by these passing replace legislation a world of difference a trump administration in office than obama administration when it comes to obamacare obviously. we don't want people to lose health care they don't want to see people not having any option with return if sick i am confident again you are going to see an administration very aware of that fact a congress that wants to get a replacement in passed and i think of there is growing ingredient that there will not be years worth of gap between a repeal and replace. >> should we expect to see you back in office elected office any time soon? >> maria as i know rate now advice is very chairman excited where i have been last two years learning every day, some good where i am now i have lender you he never say never but right now very focused on providing our clients at the company with advice and judgment in times where you see a lot of business opportunities but certainly a lot of geopolitical risk out there, about those when it comes to government policy and intersection with business. >> we will watch you thank you so much for joining us congressman. >> okay. >> good to see you, coming up next getting snappy with upgrade changes the app is making as it prepares public snapchat, a twist to morning routine jack denyiels whiskey infused coffee really? straight ahead ♪ ♪ (bell chimes) ♪ nice work brother dominic. now we just need 500 more... translated into 35 languages, personalized oh and shared across the 7 continents. (other languages spoken) look abbot, i got it. it's a miracle. ♪ . maria: welcome back, snapchat getting major makeover cheryl casone with story now. cheryl: that is right maria new snapchat update makes it much years to find friends, the edition a search bar, that shows up on every screen now, quickly chat with friends individuals, and shows you people that you may be interested in following, or people you may know. snap parent company snapchat preparing for a major ipo this year. >> a crash caught on camera, at seattle space needle new year's eve video released shows a drone and if we stand by you are going to watch it happen right now. this drone ended up -- film, crashing on top of the seattle space needle workers up there setting up for the fireworks display anything the drones recording system captured whole thing nobody hurt but security found the operator at bottom of the needle holing controller had chat with him faa is investigating exactly what the guy was doing how that drone got up there that high. finally, this, who doesn't like jack daniels for breakfast? sort of iconic tennessee whiskey keenlying up with world of coffee to create jack daniels flavored coffee says it has quote authentic taste aroma, of jack daniels. jack daniels not alcohol, decaf, regular by on online store jack daniels if you really want to taste it -- in the morning when you wake up -- >> there you go. >> i don't know if i want to -- >> uh -- well -- >> k a surgeonmost bourbons mad kentucky charcoal filters in case interested. >> inside information. >> hard time seeing people drinking out of a coffee mug i don't know i think a jug would be better to have -- >> hot toddy. >> i may after the show i may -- indoctrinate you with coffee and whiskey. >> friday, it is friday dagen. >> still to come mixed earnings reports bank of america, and jpmorgan break down numbers wells fargo a miss on earnings and revenue a new force on road fastest car right here on the plaza we will take a look at bentley continental back in a minute. >> top intelligence officials in nation came to trump tower last friday briefed the president-elect and other members, of his team on the information that they had. they didn't brief him on information that they don't have perhaps, and that they can't verify cbo. >> really to differentiate whether leaks from inside community or senators members of capitol hill people have access to information who have a long tradition of these partner leaks to undermine the other side incoming president in this case. >> i was hearing donald trump wanting you treasury secretary were you suffered a job i have been quite clear i am not suited for the job never wanted to job so that i was not offered i think growth good for all americans not just for companies so i like that i think you have seen optimism in the stock pricets hopefully able to deliver some. >> the business of pricing not just current reality, but future ones. and they surge on the news that the election of president trump will result in higher growth higher inflation, why? because he made policy undoubtedlies on deregulation, on infrastructure spend corporate tax. >> the only person that elizabeth warren and whole republican party is rooting for for veterans affairs. >> i don't know one thing you could say elizabeth warren -- >> i don't know good thing elizabeth warren. >> how do you feel of about that. >> my hand up. >> how do you feel of about that? >> well the fact -- elizabeth warren support i am not sure if good or bad, but -- >> what an incredible situation, i mean, how do you respond to that you will. >> i gave a donation personally to a pack to support trump, and you know my cousin gave to obama four years ago many more times the amount i did but the point is we should have that privilege we live in america this is a free country. >> do you mind tweeting. >> i think that very effective mode of communication for our president-elect. and i respect the communications. >> have a lot of hypocrisy, going to be democrats will say you can't forget the past, when it will comes to keith ellison up for chairmanship dnc we can fget the past he changed. >> ellison has said those things senator sessions accused of saying those things by one recanted temperature after the heering a large differents i was with all due respect to former professor. >> large consensus the tax opportunism does not make companies globally competitive. >> paid familiar leave very important for a variety of events if you look at multigenerational workforce, people need different things over the life cycle of an employee. >> i think the. >> entertainment. >> i said sexiest ever a big statement why so sexy. >> just look at it i think it is absolutely gorgeous. >> wow check out you the this baby here tell me some things that are most -- >> i will say. millions of you are online right now, searching one topic. that will generate over 600 million results. and if you've been diagnosed with 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stock this morning looked fractionally better on session after huge run-up joining us qualcomm capital management thanks for joining us. >> pleasure. >> your thoughts on obtaining earnings this morning? >> you know, they are mixed they are okay. for me real story is this -- is it there is no sellers in the bank stocks even though up between 20 and 40% i think t story since trump election market really believed that thin havreally changed, and the dismantling just of dodd-frank really crushed potential for growth especially in the smaller banks, that goes away, things g big story great for the market hopefully continues. maria: sure has talking about incredible valuations jpmorgan jamie dimon joined us the business that he is seeing in the repeal banks for millennials watch this. >> we have also a invested in branches of technology -- iphones services, the millennials love i think 57% millennials don't like banks? i say -- when first paycheck they say what do i do love direct deposit. >> they attracted millennials with technology that group will have money probably loyal to jpm. >> good idea. >> good idea very interesting things in the world going directly after franchise of banks enjoy better be head of the curve if they don't play great offense going to be in trouble. dagen: curious what you think in terms of regulatory rollback on dodd-frank how quickly does that need to start happening, in order to keep that kind of bottom under these stocks? >> look, trump is you been talking about a big game quickness what here to going to do let's hope, if they just start it occupy doesn't have to be at once if they start that would be a great start, especially the one thing the smallest financial companies have been no ability to grow over last few years, it ugliest almost like the regulatory bodies have a machete every time they would cut oem off at knees if they start on the move i think good things to come. >> gary, this there is an article "the wall street journal" i was reading today market has started to dump trump market has already started to dump trump, so looking at things like defense companies took a jump when trump was first elected, infrastructure spending, do you think this is true do you ink ump rally is tickering off now? >> i think some areas. look, you had an emotional reaction in the drug companies, i had emotional reaction in defense now we get into real world reality. and people are going to the market and big money is going to start looking at numbers, and if numbers don't come through they are going to back up, and a real message to trump needs to be very careful we saw real big drubbing in biotech stops drug stocks when he mentioned pricing he may go after them, in a bad market you will get real bad reaction we are in a decent market right now i hope he is careful people like -- scaramucci, quieter. >> one thing you look to bonds as truth teller instead of stocks, stocks still way up since election the dow still has a gain more than 8%, yesterday, we had the 10 year close at lowest yield, sense december 7. so the yield backed down to 2.35 -- 2.36% actually not a bad thing. maria: yeah. >> you don't want longer term interest rates up much. >> one thing happening i agree if he starts seeing the interest rates long term over 3% going to create a dampening effect one of the things i worry about buy on rumor sell on news i am feeling in this market is buy on the election, sell on inauguration. >> i will think he has to deliver. >> i was thinking about that buy election sell inauguration, go ahead. >> just remember on interest rates fed funds half percent europe printing trillions of dollars negative rates china sooegz around the monetary policy, probably long in the tooth out there should be considered as you invest going forward. maria: what do you make about billion dollars george soros lost on election what a story george soros bet market comes apart because of trump lost a billion dollars, his former und underling made money on it. >> economics plan. >> i can sum this up quickly. as -- [laughter] >> sorry. >> sorry. >> let me give you an simple rule about george soros. never bet against him too long one of the greatest investors of the last 100 years what happened politics got in the way thought process was that -- you know, things going to get all hairy when trump won it went the or way he got caught the napping, caught very sharp i think already resolved it starting to do better, be careful about talking george soros -- the man is brilliant. >> a couple more billion where that came from, still no problem for george soros. >> yeah, mark cuban as well losing a billion dollars in what 8 weeks. >> good to see you, sir. thank you so much. >> pleasure, thank you. >> coming up keeping up with president-elect twitter feed the asset watchers, a presidential stay washington, d.c., how much executive inauguration package will set you back. ba in a minute. choose. oo. but at bedtime... ...why settlfor this? enter sleep number and the lowest prices of the season. sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store, right now save $600 on our best selling i8 mattress, plus 36 month special financing. learn more at know better sleep with sleep number. . maria: good friday morning welcome back. i'm maria bartiromo. it is friday january 13 friday 13th stop stories 8:30 east coast the difference of opinion the president-elect pick to lead the pentagon, general james mattis making waves after his comment over how to deal with russia, differed from how trump sees things. >> there -- an adversary in key areas, and while we should always engage and look for areas of cooperation and even in the worst years of the cold war, president rae second schultz were able to work with russia soviet union at that time introduced nuclear weapon so i am all for engagement but we also have to recognize reality. what russia is up to there is a increasing number of areas that we can engage cooperatively increasing number of areas going to have to confront russia. maria: trump seems okay with statement tweeting this morning, this, all of my cabinet nominees looking good doing a great job, i want them to be themselves and express their own thoughts not mine. speaking of trump tweets one company is looking to help you cash in cash out when president-elect hits the bonn new app protecting investments from 140 characters or less one week before trump sworn in as academician could commander in chief one looking to celebrate in style what it will cost you next week coming up markets this morning like this we need retail sales number out slightly lower than expected did take wind out of the sails for markets dow jones industrial average still expected to open higher about 15 points, nasdaq s&p 500 also higher, although off earlier highs, watching banks earnings this morning results microsofted jpmorgan beat on earnings and revenue bank of america above expectations revenue was below estimates wells fargo it missed on earnings, and revenue all of the stocks expected to be heavily traded and mixed today, take a look at european indices this morning gains there pretty much could have been across the board cac quarante up almost 1% dax up almost two-thirds, he. >> sales up, largely to you a o to austin in yisht mixed polls nikkei average best up almost 1% tesla how it will charge customers literally details behind super charging plan luxury at 200 miles per hour a look at powerful new bentley continental we take you inside cooling up. wh. president-elect tweets, and speaks, the market listens. >> ford has announced two weeks ago that it is moving all of its small car transportation and production, to mexico. >> totally out of control, going to be over4 billion dollars, for air force one program i think ridiculously boeing doing a number. >> at&t buying time warner, a deal we will not approve in my administration because it is too much concentration of power in the hands of too few. >> now app to help stay on top of the president-elect comments, we are joined right now by rachel ceo fo founder of trigger. >> will tell you send you -- >> notification. >> a notification when a stock that you own is talked about. >> that is right. >> how does it work. >> specifically, if donald trump tweets about a stock publicly traded that you own in your account watch we will send a real-time notification he tweeting about that. >> what i don't know going to stop tweeting, but that is i mean that can't be the only business model. >> no, that is trigger released last week, we started with real-time price triggers economic events if fed raises interest rates, looking to trigger all types of data this is just released by overwhelming from users since election because they are seeing that when he tweets markets are moving so we responded to the feedback. >> pretty incredible. >> yeah. >> how quickly will you send that note to somebody because automobile you know, markets move fast you don't want stock ahead of. >> you exactly, generally been between less than 30 seconds, we've seen the move that after he tweets generally lasts between 1 to 2 minutes if stock drops so fast enough definitely for investors to react appropriately. and they are really enjoying it just yesterday, he tweeted about cnn fake news allegations belongings to time warner there is a lift tweeting about stocks toyota, ford general motors who knows if that is going to stop after january 20. >> what triggered you to create this based on donald trump just from feedback from users. >> yes, and the app is free, we are focused on best product for users a young start-up we are establishing a brand. and looking forward we will find ways to monetize down the radioed. >> let me ask you i want to ask a question how do you monetize this you are linked with td ameritrade scott trade others would that be a source of revenue for you how are you going to monetize this. >> looking to relationships with brokers different molds from useers as well. >> have you seen evidence you have saved money because you have got that notice to them before a stock moves on donald trump's tweets. >> users are very happy fast reliable they tweet about how we are best in terms of serving them from all different types of data. >> cool we will watch tweeted about it thank you so much. >> thank you. >> looking for a hotel room in washington you don't want to miss action at inauguration adam shapiro has an option will join us live from d.c. right now over to you. reporter: good morning to you maria in george washington suite at willard hotel the premier hotel in washington hold on, a gray poupon on side thank you. >> the premier holt in washington, d.c., they have three presidential sweets and offering a package, they call stay like a president. they have sold out those three sweets this is one of them. 450,000 dollars, four nights not bad, going to show you what you get for that 450,000 dollars, you can have a private dinner prepared by one of the premier chefs of washington, d.c. . will be served here in your dining room in the suite take out this view by the way each suite a view of the parade route for inauguration you get to see them all, of course, george washington monument part of what they are doing two tomorrow tickets anywhere in united states to fly to you washington, d.c., so we were invited to show this to you this morning spoke with some hotels management i want to introduce you to jason, will explain who is looking to buy this package. >> any guest that wants to come and really kind of see the behind scenes, of washington, d.c., kind of experience the inauguration like -- a president would, but you know maybe somebody that wants to entertain a large group, maybe a business that is coming into entertain clients, but you know really anybody that wants to you know kind of do inauguration in a really big special way. >> one of the things offering i show you more of this you get lunch with larry king personally i think want lunch with charlie gasparino may be not you would have to pay 50,000 dollars more for lunch with charlie this is offered not inauguration willard intercontinental you might buy a watch from jewelry stop simultaneously monte caro rome beverly hills london, back to you. >> i need to know what time everywhere, thank you that looks really sweet adam shapiro willard this morning an exchange between dr. ben carson senator elizabeth warren did you catch it stuart varney did sounding off next. >> tesla new priechg structure for super charging stations back in a minute. meta appetite control... it helps put some distance between you and temptation. clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. from metamucil, the #1 doctor recommended brand. alternative. . maria: welcome back president-elect picks to lead housing urban development dr. ben carson butting heads with senator warren yesterday during conpopulation hearings watch. >> can you just assure us that not one dollar will go to benefit either the president-elect or his family? >> it will not be my intention to do anything to benefit any -- any american. >> i ins that. >> for all americans everything that we do. >> joining us right now host of "varney & company" stuart varney i don't know stu. >> let me tell you -- >> wow! >> look, at issue, that the superficial issue mr. trump has a 4% stake in brooklyn new york -- makes money out of that that is a federally supported program, elizabeth warren was suggesting mr. trump would make money out of federal housing programs administered by incoming hud secretary ben carson that was the superficial issue here, but what i picked up on was the bizarre nature of the elites, that would be elizabeth warren, who is enuntruthful about background owned several have a niece houses in massachusetts, going after a genuine minority dr. ben carson knows exactly what it is like to be at bottom of the pile in housing arena so here you have the elite going after a minority of issue which is germane to future government. it was bizarre! -- elizabeth warren trying to suggest that donald trump would benefit personally from this and 4% stake what a crazy world. maria: crazy world, i didn't understand allow she kept pushing him he answered the question but she -- i guess trying to grandstand. >> wants to run for thes presidency. >> there you go. >> a nice platform to occupy but with her background, i am not sure she has a good shot at making the run. maria: her and cary booker. >> okay don't get me started. maria: i know i won't i won't. see you 15 minutes stu we will be there you will have more on this "varney & company" top of the hour 9:00 a.m. mariner right after "mornings with maria" we are about 45 minutes awrai from the opening bell for freeway here is daying wen stocks on move. dagen: thank you we are watching tesla this morning, company unveiling pricing for super charging stations new customers will be charged to use these stations if they exceed annual limit, this is the auto company first attempt to monetize its chargings before it launches model 3 sedan later this year. lowe's the home improvemecuttin thousands works plans to shift back at responsibilities to customer facing ones in effort to better customer service improve service lowe's employs nearly 285,000 people. and coming up yesterday was rolls, today bentley bentley most powerful ride yet. maria goes under the hood of the new continental supersport. ♪ ♪ your insurance company won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. make the switch and find out why 96% of our customers are satisfied with liberty mutual. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ ♪ whoa whoa whoa ♪. >> welcome back coming to you from outside plaza now luxury is coming roaring into 2017, with new bentley continental supersport car top speed of 209 miles per hour one of the most powerful cars yet is in fact fastest most powerful car from bentley so far joining us bentley head he have products americas john good to see you -- >> thank you. >> gorgeous i can say that that we know but this is actually the fastest car. >> yes, that is right this is the most extreme bentley ever, fastest most powerful car ever produced, and top speed 209 miles per hour acceleration 3 -- phenomenal. >> 3.4 seconded acceleration who is buyer give me name. >> customers, they are very enthusiastic about the brand the product, very knowledgeable, little more extro vert you can see this car different to normal bentley, especially with very bold red color that we have. >> the sports supersports have been a story history for bentley dating back to 1920' legendary name first was released in 1920, then a second iteration of the car in 2009, a real loyal big following that is why released the third iteration here five days ago. >> five days ago. >> thank you for bringing it to plaza, okay. so we know bentley is known for luxury, of the car but give us some bells and whistles what is special about this baby performance alone has 700 horsepower performance phenomenal filish outside and inside sporting mixed with true british luxury. >> check out inside this looks british to me right here. >> a few different elements to support performance positioning a new tritone interior three colors, leather hide nice things. >> i guess i will get in how much does this cost. >> this is beautiful. >> this is a convertible version starts at 322,600. >> 22, 322,600 do you have enough if you have the demand? >> a highly exclusive car only bringing 250 to the north american region from launch last week dealers telling us 10% of those cars have already been taken for in terms of deposit so extremely high demand for the car very conclusive. >> coming out of a record near obviously something going well economy doing great 11,000 cars worldwide due in part from the -- the bentayga. >> we had bentayga here first true luxury performance suv that helped a lot in terms of sales, and coming we will have in markets. >> what byes better, bentayga because of suv or sports car. >> very different positioning. >> i know in a. >> bentayga lifestyle this car specifically is limited production car. and only 250 will start, bentayga core model. >> do you see americans ponying up to this are there foreigners i mean in america even foreigns are applying this what -- >> we have a really wide demographic for this car america biggest market, so we have more cars coming to america than other markets. and yeah demographics wide. >> feels beautiful. >> we use only the finest materials leather, veneer, great on this car is how so many different carolinas carbon fiber with veneer, leather hide, so many different materials coming together it is brilliant. >> -- you can't park this on street you know that you just can't do it. >> you got to get a parking spot. >> yeah. >> what are you expecting for 2017 out of the super sports car market? >> so we are expecting a really strong market in 2017 we have a really strong lineup, and two door lineup continental range popular model lineup, combined with bentayga, suv, four-door sedan car mulsanne. >> expedited. >> best of luck good to see you thank so much we will be right back with more "mornings with maria". stay with i was wondering if an electric toothbrush really cleans... ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she 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you. ♪ >> fox business will have special coverage of the inauguration next week. join us live from washington d.c. all week next week. we will take you live behind the scenes at the inauguration. yesterday, we had the rolls royce, today we've got this phenomenal sports car, bentley. send me a tweet and let me what you like best. my thanks to dagen, leah gabriel, best team in the business. see you sunday, "varney & company" begins right now, stuart, take it away. stuart: i prefer the red bentley to the white rolls royce. it's a color thing. maria: all right. stuart: see you later, have a good weekend. there's an all-out to attack and delegitimize the trump presidency. here is my question, is it working? they're making noise and the media is lapping it up. the confirmation hearings, and some issues, nominees are

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Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20170113 :

Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20170113

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president-elect donald trump's cabinet picks general james mattis taking the stance on key issues, including russia and iran that is different from the president-elect. what it could mean for national security coming up, a police officer ambushed shot beaten a hero drive to his rescue details on this incredible story coming up, and a scare in the sky, two alaska airlines flight attendants getting sick from unknown powder onboard the latest on their condition coming up, takata to plead guilty over exploding air bags to pay broufl one billion dollars to federal justice department probe bank earnings season under way today, j.p. morgan wells fargo bank of america to report ahead of open the set the tone we've got numbers as soon as they hit the tape will drive market action futures indicating a higher opening this morning for broader averages see what bank numbers say how that changes dow jones industrial average expected up 25 points, today, check out european markets gains have to morning fractional moves cac quarante in paris up almost 1% right now, in asia overnight mixed performs nikkei average up hang seng, but shanghai composite kospi lower this morning, a target of president-elect donald trump, making a move to the nation's capitol, jeff bezos acquiring buying largest house in washington, d.c., famous neighbors we tell you who coming up all those stories this morning to talk about it fox business network dagen mcdowell former goldman sachs partner "new york times" best-selling author peter kiernan. dagen: i would say most interesting thing so far "the wall street journal" editorial page saying should ask comey to resign. >> investigating jim comey to see what went on in kaen scandal. >>dayday looking for blame loretta lynch on tarmac with president bill clinton one of the reasons he had to do what he did again, journal saying he needs to go. >> we with will talk about that big story coming up this morning fox news military analyst general jack keane with us rudy giuliani will be with us, california congressman and member of the house judiciary committee representative darrell issa, and former house journeymaning leader eric cantor with us stay with us don't miss a moment we take it up with house of representatives planning to take a first step, toward dismantling obamacare in vote today, this coming after the senate passed a budget measure on thursday that would help easy repeal paul ryan spoke ahead of the vote saying he spoke with president-elect donald trump times we are in complete sync we want to make sure we move these at the same time repeal and replace we need to show that there is a better way forward we need to show that even though this law is collapsing we can bring ourselves, to a a much much better system. the pillars that we stand upon replacing obamacare more choices, more options, lower prices, and more control over your health care. those are the things that we all believe in, we are completely in sync planning with administration how to roll this out and that is when we are doing. >> joining us ohio congressman physician brad congressman good to see you thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure good to be with you -- >> what you are expectations on timing when do you expect this to happen do you think gop is in fact in sync with president-elect trump on this. >> i think that everyone seems to be very much in sync as american public based on election we need to do something and move forward, to change the system, that americans are having to deal with today, so this will be a first step, and budget, really more as a tool for towards reconciliation so we can begin to start to make changes, as we move forward, it is very important for us to be very smart, wise about it, make sure we are reading it before we pass it, and to make changes that are going to help all americans. you know there are some people that benefited under obamacare far more that have suffered, and right now has become a program, for the wealth because of high deductibles, high co-pays, very challenging for people to work this system. of the some people got in to medicaid that was expanded that was a pranl that already has hayest mortality mored bity more people into that las access to carry they have so few people take it. >> do you have a plan, do you think that it will be easy to have of a replacement ready at the time of repeal? >> i think it would be naive to say easy but it has to be to have one we have been talking about a long time before the affordable care act was in, by those doctors especially, that were in congress, before the affordable care act became law they never had a say in the matter. so we have to we have to be very smart about what we do, make sure that we don't leave people out there hanging, put things into place that make it much easier and more affordable for people to get care we have those ideas, they have been out there a long time, and we keep hearing that we don't have a plan we do have a plan, and we're going to bring that forward in the form of law, in a nice timely fashion should work and make a nice transition for people. dagen: be specific it is dagen mcdowell, because president-elect trump has said that the repeal and placement would happen simultaneous from a standpoint nearly impossible you can sues what yun fired republican party you can use majority the repeal it you are going to need democratic support for the replacement portion of it you are going to need those 60 those 60 votes in the senate, and that is just that is just a long road to hoe so to speak. >> well, no doubt about it that part of it is very challenging, and we have to be smart to create the transition, that exists, listen i think the worst thing that could lap to the democrats that want to stick by this plan for us to do nothing the problem is that is one of the worst things we could do for all america so we have the responsibility to go out and make these changes, i hope that there is now of democrats that won't play politics with this, really dive in they have the opportunity to engage in the transition, and changes as well, and we want to have their input on this, so he hopefully that will be the case rather than party lines what we saw with affordable care act to begin with. >> congressman i want to drill down on this because you said there is a plan in place what are some key tenets of that that plan is. >> sure, one key tenet i think you heard speaker ryan talk about this last night that we've got to drive up competition, and allow people to buy thank you products they want the way the system is set up right now, basically what this law has said, is similar to saying if you life in the desert you have to buy flood assurance, that doesn't make any sense, we want people to be able to purchase the plan that they want. and to have a tax exemption to be able to go out and purchase what they want if they are in greatest need we don't want to leave anybody behind. we want we want the law to stay in place for 26 years old stay on parents. we want program for people with preexisting conditions we keep hearing time and time again from opponents to us, that we don't want those things, we absolutely want those those are part of the plan, but there are opportunities, for things like health savings accounts, et cetera, that can make care o more affordable and the key is, more about accessible having a piece of paper saying you have insurance doesn't bring access to scary hasn't solved anything. >> a quick question, health and human service secretary president-elect thom price put out at least four plans running from 250 to 300 pages, paul ryan has plan heritage foundation has a plan, i think the question you are hearing about orchestration who is pulling plans into concogent opportunity that maximizes reconciliation gets new plan going forward. >> well, i think that you are going to see running point on that, is the majority, obviously, in house of representatives, and speaker ryan in conjunction with the president, in conjunction with our doctors, and in conjunction with members, we are supposed to be here to argue and the debate and come up with a strategy, and that is our job, and that is what we're going to do but i think you will see speaker running point on that. >> we will leave it there good to see you congressman thanks very much, coming up next unknown white powder on alaska airlines flight causes crew to become ill the details there are goings plus toyota recalls additional 543,000 vehicles case takata fault air bags back on friday "mornings with maria" mornings. stay with us. ♪ incredible bladder protection in a pad this thin, i didn't... ...think it would work, but it does. it's called always discreet for bladder leaks, the super... ...absorbent core turns liquid to gel. i know i'm wearing it but no one else will. always discreet for bladder leaks. maria: . >> . >> welcome back unknown substance calls of crew of aloose ka air also flight to fall ill cheryl casone with details ahead cheryl. cheryl: good morning emergency crews and hazmat team responded to international overnight three flight attendants had fallen ill on alaska airlines flight 322 incoming from seattle the airline reports crew notified light white powder in the plane hazmat evaluation indicates deicing material caused them to get sick nontoxic one transferred to local host two others on-site, all 181 passengers onboard while cruise aassessed that situation none of the affected. >> arizona state trooper edward anderson is in stable condition, after being shot in the right shoulder and chest by unidentified man a man driving by the struggling trooper then shot the suspect to death. that saved trooper's life anderson responding to rollover wreck on i-10 he rejected killed a woman, authorities believe the man who shot anderson was driving the car that caused the crash but would not comment on the investigation, we should also say arizona had a straining of road rage incidents on freeways in recent months. >> president obama ending longstanding immigration policy allows any cubans making to u.s. soil to stay become a legal resident the wet foot dry foot policy around for decades cube abs attempt to enter uask illegally will be sent back, the cuban government has agreed to accept cubans ordered to leave united states, and another headlined this morning takata expected to plead guilty to criminal wrongdoing as part of one-billion-dollar settlement with u.s. justice department company ruptured air bags linked to 16 deaths worldwide coming as toyota facesiths air bag issues, that company recalling 543,000 vehicles, in u.s. for defective front passenger air bag inflators made by takata. maria: a lot of news. maria: coming up next president-elect donald trump war against jooed tirade against cnn may affect time warner at&t merger. >> amazon announces a plan to add 100,000 full time jobs with benefits to the workforce 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plus 40,000 on demand tv shows and movies, all on the go. you can even download from your x1 dvr and watch it offline. only xfinity gives you more to stream to any screen. download the xfinity tv app today. . . maria: he top focus of incoming administration, so far, improving the business environment, for american companies, at&t ceo stephenson meeting with president-elect yesterday at trump tower one topic did not come up apparently deals to acquire time warner trump said in the past that he o poses this merger, what could this mean for m&a activity joining us russell investments chief market strategy steven good to see you thanks for joining us talk about broad markets bank earnings certainly but what do you think about this deal and m&a period for 2017. >> m&a looks to go better from 2017 repatriation of foreign earnings macroenvironment is improving business confidence multi-year high over decade high for business i think you are beginning to see stars align improving economy liquidity financial sectors i think could be good. >> has it gotten ahead of itself at this is points. >> if you look at broader market i would say it has looking at market expensive for 2016 expensive going into the election and gotten morex, after election obviously, so the fundamentals okay economy okay, financial conditions look okay with evaluations you can run can't hide fundamental going to be impactful at left lanes we ask clients take a look at trimming back u.s. policy, they have done well 7 and one half great year bull market trim back. dagen: markets want to see corporate tax cuts a rollbook in regulations tax reform on individual side do you worry because all of the think a all the chatter the focus in washington so far has been about -- repooelg obamacare tough slog do we need to get refocused on taxes in order for this market to keep moving higher. >> i would think clearly we need to do that there is no reason it can't be a buy o he we can do obamacare tax reform simultaneous no reason that can't happen the market anticipating very, very good moves a lot of -- almost flawless performance by congress that is preamble not going to happen so if chops pullback, washington tends to disappoint as much as it tends to -- >> steve, moore said focus on corporate tax reform do that separately done, done immediately so you basically hand something to the kin that will benefit everybody. >> i agree pu at this point after run-up since election night wooufth now a show me market we seed to see working on tax reform do you think tax reform done this year. >> i think we are going to get it done one of the things that people are looking for us specific regulatory he reform that relates to them bankevers out there looking for regulatory reform i don't think that is first second third or fifth on trump agenda, dealing with, dodd-frank, but particular pockets of the market you think have gotten ahead of themselves. >> i think for example the financial sector right now earnings will come no okay today, i think that things do look positive but we're going to be in that show-me state for financials this is u.s. centric financial rally europe has a lot of issues within their banking sector, i think energy space, is probably run hard probably appropriately so but the economic data right now that we're seeing is -- hasn't changed that much we have been in this square root shaped economically for sometime i do believe there can be marginal did he have by deregulation, dodd-frank is a very, very complex item, i don't even think that we have written all regulations, to this point. so we are trying to undo regulations, but at this point have not even been written. >> you are right. >> you are right. >> interesting, at least one sector has been left behind, which is i think some of the health care stocks, drug company stocks, comment about pricing what is your insight there is this a storm that is going to pass quickly because it affected biotech in some related. >> i add to that how about individual companies, and impacting the individual companies, how do you feel about that, too. >> this is what we saw with mrs. clinton as well mr. trump referring to specific companies within health care didn't -- >> president -- next four years. >> i think that right now we need to pull back refrain two specific sectors i don't think we really know what this new replacement is going to be i am not convinced a crystal-clear plan what is going to replace obamacare i also do look back, that the scarf olding of affordable care act, the exchanges this is a bipartisan agreement for two decades blueprint allow to refor them health care i think biotech that is going to be a volatile more than not volatile going into 2017 if we can get a reasonable assessment of what the trump administration is going to do, not only on carpet but individual tax rates repatriation foreigning earnings could be additive not only share buybacks but direct investments could be net, net very positive. >> as investor would you prefer donald trump not tweet about individual companies and sectors about -- not happening yet -- seriously. >> i will take fifth on that. >> not president yet we don't know that he is going to do that. >> i know. >> but i get your point. >> i have a feeling he is. maria: i totally get your point. >> i think this is not going to end, once inauguration -- >> i don't think so either. >> completely circumventing jooed can havels a different way to communicate, it is the analog of the fireside chat radio in 1930s, 1940s, i think that is very, very new. >> i purchased a few stocks post tweet a couple of them have come back, i would say that is -- >> working out see how -- >> we have a company coming on today, called trigger that ceo coming on, where they send you alerts basin tweets donald trump is making to say if you own this stock, you should know you know fyichti being talked about -- fyi, let me ask you the bank stocks have run up this is a affected leadership in this market reporting earnings today would you put new money to work in bank stocks and buy stocks today, do you think the market focuses on some of the issues in the fourth quarter or do they look ahead say expenses are going do i think earnings going up, in trump administration? what do you do for banks. >> in near term next week probably who will positions right now i think a lot of positions have been played a lot of move priced into the market, and really for us, more than being an industry or sector, analysis within u.s. just asking clients tiek a broader global look, usually evaluations extremely attractive economic cycle improving earnings cycle long in tooth in united states wide awayof indicators expensive by vr measurement more global more disciplined i think europe good place to begin globally diversification. >> i didn't participate last year valuations as attractive if not more so than six, nine months ago. >> there is a skin over that entire market called government change i think. >> politicians. >> major countries, major elections going on. >> so much going on in europe, even though the banking sector is discontentchy you would buy europe. >> is discontentchy. >> very active orchestration goes without saying what we have seen is political headlined risk in europe great opportunities to get into markets, even though there has been somewhat of a -- move last number years. >> thanks for insights, president-elect trump has at an to twitter want to should a with you what he is talking about turns out phony allegations against me were put together by political opponents, a failed spy afraid of being sued this coming out this morning, totally made up facts by sleazebag political operatives democrats and republicans fake news russia says nothing exists, probably released by quote in quote intelligence even knowing there is no proof and never will be my people will have a full report are on hacking within 90 day all nominees looking good doing great job i want them to be themselves express their own thoughts not mine we referring to some hearings yesterday we saw some nominees actually take a different position on certain things. with general mattis very tough talk on russia even in previous sessions, what about rex tillerson on -- he is in favor of the trans-pacific partnership he talks about climate change human activity having an impact on climate change, jeff sessions against weighter boa eer -- water board. >> trump is trying to say he sports people he picked chose them for expertise experience i think trying to get behind them on what that experience expertise is. maria: yeah what about -- cat is out of the bag they already stepped out in front of him, so he has to say what he wanted them to do. maria: yeah, whether we come back a difference of opinion president-elect nominees a stance on key issues including foreign policy but are at odds with trump's views that is what tweets were all about what it means for national security moving nation capitol jeff bezos buying largest single house in warrant we have fiemous neighbors that he will be right around as well we will tell you who back in a minute. just like the people who own them, every business is different. but every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. whether it be with customer contracts, agreements to lease a space or protecting your work. legalzoom's network of attorneys can help you, every step of the way. so you can focus on what you do and we'll handle the legal stuff that comes up along the way. legalzoom. legal help is here. and i'm just a guy who wantsants to sell him that so i used truecar. it told me what other people in the area paid for the truck i want. and because we're a truecar certified dealership, i already know the truck he wants. so we're on the same page before he even gets here. -it's fair. -and it's fast. look good? looks great. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. ♪ vote whether to grant general james mattiace waiver to serve as next second of defense president-elect pick to lead pentagon waking waves after comments how to deal with russia differed from trump's ideas. >> i think the biggest attack since world war ii, sir that is from russia, from terrorist groups, and with what china is doing in south china sea. >> trump seems okay with statement, he tweeted early this morning quote all my cabinet nominees are looking good doing a great job, i want them to be themselves, and express their own thoughts, not mine. >> well the wild weather battered west coast taking aim at heartland what you need to know as dangerous storms head to the midwest, we will tell you what is coming. plus the emotional moment all parties can get behind touching surprise from president obama had vice president joe biden in tears amazon betts big on america to help get america back to work, with triple digits job creation, speaking of work hard work paying off o for jeff bezos billionaire bought largest house in our nation's capitol, the details on his new digs coming up. markets this morning it will be about bank earnings futures edging higher looking at dow jones industrial average expected up 20 points the open, nasdaq s&p 500 also seeing a bid this morning, investors are eyeing bank earnings j.p. morgan wells fargo bank of america, all set to report their fourth quarter ahead of open the numbers as they hit the tape, steven wood from russell investments told us hold your positions. >> europe we are seeing the gains take a look at markets in europe, all the eurozone indices up cac quarante best performer, up almost 1% dax in germany adding to yesterday's gains up two-thirds of one percent insia overnight markets mixed nikkei average best many almost 1% america's strengthen in face anterior a is that he canback at blockbuster film coming up, first, trump team confirmations, secretary nominated general james mattis cruiseed through hearing yesterday confirmation hearing as the senate is looking to grant waiver, the house is voting there, on that waiver today. joining me right now retired four-star general former u.s. arm advice chief foster cares news military analyst, good to see you -- >> good to see you. >> thank you for joining us what are you expecting out of house do you think, we will get the vote to put waiver through for general mattis? >> yes, general mattis has wide support among democrats and republicans highly respected they know very confident capable look forward to working with him which we does become secretary of defense. >> how do you think he did at hearing. >> i thought he knocked it out you have the ballpark we all know he is smart tough but also very to have deliberate compassionate leader, he is steep in knowledge just going to be excellent taking care of our soldiers and families, and civilian workforce as part of president-elect trump's national security team will provide him great counsel great advice on going forward, they won't always agree he won't also a agree with the other national secity team but that in fact is good government. maria: yeah, it is nice to hear, your recommendation certainly coming from you. thank you for that. let me ask you this, because yesterday, we saw a difference of opinion mattis pompeo seems a different opinion on russia and iran than president-elect trump, i want your take on what we heard, yesterday, listen to this. >> i am ail for engagement but we also have to recognize reality. and what russia is up to there is decreasing number of areas that we could engage cooperatetively increasing areas we have to confront russia. >> what do you think it takes to deter him. >> i don't know that i can answer that comprehensively today but i can tell you it is going to require an incredibly brings american response. a response to security related response as we have to get better at defending against these and a response, that holds actors accountable who commit these kinds of actions against united states of america the forum the nature the depth. >> russia is a menace a global menace led by a man menacing, the russians you are up to no good we all know that. >> okay. so all talking about vladimir putin, general. many are saying that they are not on the same page with president-elect trump. but trump, you know took to twitter this morning doesn't seem concerned, he wrote a tweet, all of my cabinet nominees looking good doing great job i want them to be them express their thoughts not mine but does it concern you that pretty much everybody, is saying putin is a bad guy russia needs to be watched their adversaries not hearing that kind of critical commentary from trump. >> yeah i think logical explanation for that first of all i am truly encouraged by all three of these o nominees tillerson pompeo mattis obviously spoken about i think president-elect has done great job no picks, i think the congress saw that clearly, the last couple days. listen. in my view here is what is happening. president-elect trump is entering this presidency with a lack of foreign policy experience, and certain degree a lock of knowledge of foreign policy similar to obama-clinton, bush, and even ronald reagan except being george h.w. bush had vast foreign policy experience. so that being the case, it is logical, that during the campaign the knowledge of foreign policy is going to be somewhat superficial i think that is what we saw. we saw mr. trump expressing dire i want to work with russia why can't we work with them we seem to have a lousy relationship, with them i think that was more of listen i am not a political guy but i think it was more about trying to differentiate himself from obama-clinton than anything else, and why wouldn't we cooperate with russia we have cooperated with russia built here is the concern. the three nominees have expressed it i feel same way myself the obama administration, walked away from confronting russia they keep coming trampling on u.s. interests the fear we all have not stated clearly in public statements yesterday but i know for a fact it is there, is that if we don't conconfront russia we're going to wind up in conflict with russia trying to avoid we believe obama administration put us on a path towards that, that we would eventually get to a place like baltics where violation of the nato treaty, that we would have to respond to military encouragement for battle i couldn't say we would have a conflict most of us believe would be avoided i think that is what we're really talking about. maria: what if he gets into office soon into it roll backing sanctions against russia? could you see that happening let's not forget rex tillerson said he didn't think sanctions were back in the day he had done a big deal in russia then obviously russia went bioukraine u.s., instituted sanctions, he had to roll back, and take all his business out. that was a big disappointment, what is your take on sanctions against russia right now? well, first of all, sanctions had impact on the iranians they have had very dill impact on putin, he has taken considerably aggressive assertive action despite sanctions so blown them off two conclusions one sanctions don't impact putin very much, two, the sanctions are not tough enough, listen, in that testimony that tillerson provided, most of the surprise i think of the senate foreign relations committee he told them he would have confronted russia, over ukraine, by providing lethal aide and assistance to ukrainian military force in a way object administration refused to do that is a military statement, questions much further than sanctions he says. >> i see okay. so then perhaps that would have been the better move and you wouldn't be upset, you would not be disappointed if we were to see trump begin his administration, one of the first foreign policying movers to be rolled back those sanctions then. >> i don't think he will do it i don't think there is any reason to do that. i do think this maria. i think at the personal relationship between putin and trump will improve versus what it was with obama. i mean putin had obama's number let's be frank about it intimidated him, these are two strong leaders totally different values represent different kinds of people, he is running autocracy president trb running democracy, clash over values do i think they will get along at least for a while until confrontation is necessary. >> general great to have insights as always thanks so much. >> good talking to you maria. >> to you as well, coming up next possible sill veling how rain and snow may easy california's with pro a battle at box office to report take a look at newest movies fighting for top spot this long holiday ekend. back in a minute. why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary sympto of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart 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mid high ad revenue pandora higher this more than, boeing company reached massive deal with india spice jet, the company budget carrier agreed to purchase 100 new 737 aishlth from boeing deal including options for more planes as well as planes purchased, it could be worth up to 22 billion dollars, boeing shares as you see there have been trading up, over the last year. freezing rain ice causing problems across central united states cheryl casone with details on weather. cheryl: man maria quite a week for weather you've got ice storm warning for state of oklahoma governor fallon declared a state of emergency for all coins there brings services, winter storm watch issues for parts of kansas missouri texas. in chicago, passengers on commuter train stuck more than 5 hours yesterday, because ice on overhead electric lines, after a series of storms dumped heavy rain snow nearly all nor california at least out of drought conditions, so a lot of weather to watch for about you, this weekend as well, well shocking everybody, including the guest of honor president obama awarded joe biden presidential medal of freedom at white house praise on joe biden calling him best vice president america had before surprising him with nation's top civilian honor. >> i am pleased to award ouring in any cases highest civilian of honor presidential medal of freedom. [applause]. >> little choked up there, all right joe by hissen the third vice president to receive the medal. well headlines amazon going on a hiring spree retailer saying it plans to add 100,000 new jobs next 18 months that will bring the workforce in total, to 280,000, president-elect donald trump taking credit on this meeting last-minute urged tech industry to keep jobs production inside the u.s. and spokesman says the president-elect was pleased to have played a role in that decision by amazon. meanwhile,, jeff bezos is soon going to be ivanka trump's neighbor "washington post" says he bought largest house in d.c. a lot of byou have the zz in real estate world on this former textile museum made up of two blintsdz 27,000 square feet 23 million dollars in a luxurious neighborhood where president obama is going to live after he leaves white house talk about interesting neighborhood party on a friday night. back to you. maria: the most expensive, house in washington. >> -- whereivanka is living. >> we got a on bank american below expectancies earnings above estimates we talk about it a hero amid terror look at mark wahlberg's retelling boston marathon bombing holiday weekend box office is next back in a minute. we live in a pick and choose world. choose. choose. choose. but at bedtime... ...why settle for this? enter sleep number and the lowest prices of the season. sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store, right now save $600 on our best selling i8 mattress, plus 36 month special financing. learn more at know better sleep with sleep number. >> they say half a million people watched. whoa! >> terrorism. >> that was a clip from "patriots day" film depicts events of 2013 boston marathon bombing movie starring mark wahlberg released nationwide today joining us right now in fox, senior vice president of marketing, michael last weep >> shoekdz everyone knocking off "star wars" number one. >> knocking off "star wars." >> huge, 20 million dollars, oscar buzz, seven movies opening "patriots day" you loved. >> i loved it we will see -- >> they won golden globes, wide ,000 theatres. >> what about that you have got a big weekend a holiday weekend probably see attendance people will go to movies. >> yes, definitely uptick in attendance for sure. >> fox has great shows coming to tv, actually tell us about that. >> cutting edge, coverage by fox, the season four every friday night biggest drama broadcast television empire lee daniels i've got a sneak peek, check it out ♪ . >> january fox continues to deliver kiting edge story telling with two shoes first up sleepy hollow every friday. >> more fun to play the villain? >> you know in the past really loved to play villain always played the -- wrongly convicted guy. >> and did so well. of the. >> better to kind of delve in that world a lot of fun doing it. >> we have heard expression smartest guy in the room redefiance meaning tlav to dangerous extent dangerously aware of that he uses that to justify doing harmful things. >> got to be fun to be on show like this, kind of walking around some sets, like halloween every day. >> every day. >> scary. >> um-hmm. >> monster we have here -- pretty intense get them in right light, scare to you death. >> we'll -- >> things, you still think. following on success empire every wednesday lee daniels delivers star a brand new show with no holds bar, what it takes to succeed in music. >> what drew plea to endeavor is that combination of kind of real world authentic grit, really the characters from places that are not often suffering, dramatize that you humanize it in this scenario, and you balance it with this talent it creates a compelling story. >> -- she wants to match insides wants to be the woman she knows she is we have want more stories to be told and we wanted more things to be able to do related to, for to be in 1 shoes doing that just unbelievable going to do what i need to do. >> we heard atlanta has crazy music scene. >> same dream. >> trying to keep you from being hurt. >> i can't get hurt anymore, are you know exactly what i have been through! >> only on fox. >> both look good. >> stars fantastic. >> great cast. >> oh, my gosh. >> the cast good. >> we sat down in a couple weeks i will have that lee daniels knows how to put together drama. >> we know success with empire so good. >> huge. >> star also brings in glamour like empire. >> if you build it they will come, it is broadcast television is over if you do good story telling do it well people tune in. >> see you next weekend d.c. for inauguration, celebrating girl scout cookie season next trying out newest a flavor tasty details coming up back in a minute. . whether it's in health care, customer care, technology, transportation or government. we touch millions of lives every day. conduent. advancing the everyday. 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greater. see the much more. the house of votes today. that's coming up straight ahead. the justice department watchdog to investigate the fbi over hillary clinton's e-mail probe. the very latest allotments coming up. lawmakers getting briefed on russian related hacking. president-elect donald trump is already taking to twitter over the controversy this morning. yet, chrysler. it ended down 10%. it's getting some relief this morning as you can see there just fractional. bank earning earnings unison gets underway today. it missed expectations on revenue. it is expected to open lower this morning. on the fourth quarter report. the result over all who drive market action this morning. in europe take a look. we have the futures indicated a higher opening this morning up 25 points. the index in germany up half a%. in asia overnight. mix performances take a look. almost 1%. the other averages are mixed to lower. the chargers making a big change not just the move to los angeles. the team's new local is going viral. good to see you. i'm say nothing because we have some you have somebody incredible waiting. with a big guest coming up right now. the criticism of the handling of the e-mail scandal. the department of justice has announced a review on how clinton's case was handled. present elected donald trump tweeted about her this morning. what are her people complaining about with respect to the fbi. based on the information they have she should never have been allowed to run. they were very nice to her she lost because she campaigned in the wrong states. joining dreaming out is rudy giuliani. this is where my expertise would come from. the whole problem has been caused by hillary clinton. she have a private server which he shouldn't had have in her basement with top-secret and enormously important sensitive government information on it. she mishandled in a way in which anyone of us would now be sitting in jail. there is no question about that. zero question about that. even james comey concluded that she was that she was careless it carries a penalty of five years in jail. it's extraordinary to me that the department of justice could be now opening an investigation of james comey about what he saw and how he handled it after it was loretta lynch who actually met with bill clinton on the tarmac on a plane privately before that. >> i think he should recuse himself. it's clear that he's carrying out a political investigation how can you leave that out. there is only one reason that he have to do that. the first reason is loretta lynch compromiser cell. extremely conflicted unethical conversation with the husband bill clinton of the chief subject a secret meeting by the way one that would not had, except for the fact that it was discovered. that's the reason he was in that position. that shows you you're starting the investigation in chapter ten instead of the first nine chapters. i'm curious what the mayor thinks about this. the new attorney general should ask the director to resign for the good of the fbi and they go into things that democrats say but also the republicans. i will take a pass on that. jim worked for me for three years. honorable man. great lawyer do i agree with his decisions in the case no. she should have been prosecuted. have i been the fbi director or the attorney general i don't care if it was two days before the election. if she got caught compromising national security information on a massive scale were not talking about the people that are going to jail for one document or two documents. massive scale i would put her in jail. the journal just points out it was the process and the immunity agreements there is no doubt there is a lot of legitimate issues. very rarely do i refrain from having an opinion. he was too good of an assistant u.s. attorney. the fact that they shut up on his laptop was enough for him to say out by the way we want you to note this know this investigation is active and we had found her e-mails not there at their finding any specifics but just if you were there. and may be a fact that the american people should know that before they vote. we are about to put in the white house a person who assumes you don't agree with me that she was guilty but someone who was so careless and negligent about national security information so people should not that's the kind of person were asked to put in the white house. >> what he think this. i think he has no other choice. what can he do. the inspector general has extremely broad powers in these investigations is beyond question that this cannot possibly be a fair investigation. if it doesn't begin with how it started. first of all with her having a private server. hillary clinton did this. hillary clinton did it by doing something that i've never heard of anybody doing and that was to expose thousands and thousands of classified pieces of information to what we know now is very easy hacking. i know the trump team has announced yesterday that you will serve as the cyber security advisor and this is right in your sweet spot. but connect the dots for us. how much culpability should hillary clinton hold for all of the hacking that we are talking about. >> and so should president obama for not doing a darn thing about it for eight years. i've been on a soapbox for ten years saying our offense in terms of cyber has gotten way ahead of our defense because it makes a lot of money. it's very fascinating and interesting. we can analyze all kinds of information. the defense did not catch up at that. they just cost money. now our defense has to catch up to our offense. in the reality is everything is hack a ball. there are two types of corporations in america. the ones that have been hacked by the chinese and no and the ones that don't. and he was pretty close to right. i think of actually being able to attack other systems and countries. is that true when it comes to actually been able to infiltrate other countries and their cyber. the thing we do best is defend her defense system. defense system. of all of the things we do public and private this is not just a public permit problem we defend our defense systems probably better than we do anything else. and second our ability on offense is awesome. we don't emphasize that. we shouldn't. but people should know this is not a country without the same capabilities that other countries have and considerably more. >> if our defense is where our offense was. we have to be appointed to try to catch up. >> there has been an expansion on the battlefield. i've heard from people that the grid is a very likely target. how are you going to reach across from what is typical battlefield weapon treat into the commercial space to protect them. that's exactly why he organized this group. the whole idea is to reach out into the private sector make sure that the ceos in the people offering the solutions come into the white house meet with him and his people and integrate the response. he doesn't want the private sector left out. the republican national committee was not hacked because they have a much better defense system we did have a much better defense of the system. on a regular basis to bring people in to meet with the people in the government so that we have an overall response and when you mentioned the grade you mentioned what they said was a number one vulnerability grade. and probably our hospitals. in our financial institutions. thos -- three biggies. >> we are listening in on them as well. >> i will comment on the second part. were not talking about governments. most of them are crooks. case in which a. this money just went through his account. you can't believe what these people thought. i'd another woman a couple years ago someone has been collecting it for four years. there's also the psychological aspect. >> a ransom. the whole hospital will fill out in two minutes. we've a real problem here. we have handled bigger problems. unfortunately the obama administration didn't pay enough attention to this. it's exactly the opposite. donald trump is personally involved in this. at least from the executive point of view. >> were talking about fbi background checks. i don't mean the fbi did it. any more. i hate to see them in this position. in this investigation really, some has to go and scream. you have to start with loretta lynch. why is he in this position. except for the fact that she compromised them. we will take a short break. coming up. another automaker expected of cheating. the sweet addition to skirt girl scout cookies. back in a minute. >> welcome back. a new admission scandal may be brewing. cheryl with the headlines now. >> the epa is accusing the automaker of using soft where on ram trucks. the software is in about a hundred 4,000 vehicles. it could cost the company more than $4 billion in fines but chrysler's chief executive denies the charges in the epa has a different way of calibrating admission control devices. a new report finds that millenials are worse off than their amy -- baby boomer parents were at the same stage of life. millenials also have half the net worth of boomers. their student debt to rest sickly higher. we talked about that. disney reportedly is in talks with carrie fisher's estate about the possibility of her appearing in future star wars movies. unclear whether this is an ultimate goal. they did finish it before her death last month. >> that time of year it is girl scout cookie season time. they are celebrating a hundred years. when they published these in the magazine. but guess what of course we are looking up this morning to have some of the girl scouts here to bring you and all of the team some cookies. this is olivia and madison. point me to the right ones. they are different cookies depending on where you live. anybody have a favorite i think we should take some cookies over to maria and the rest of the crew to see what they think about this. >> let's see what they think. those are the smarts. how's it going. are you having success with the new ones. it's a chocolate covered grand cookie. this more is great. i want some more. i want to try this one. >> do you like selling the cookies. do usually get a good reaction. normally they're like oh my gosh cookie time. that was our reaction we so saw you ladies this morning. when you think of girl scouts and going camping to have a s'more cookie it's great. we've to run but let me ask you this do you think were to have a good year. i think the cookies taste delicious. good selling. thank you so much. they move to los moved to los angeles. anything but electrifying. and that apple could be going hollywood. that's next. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. make the switch and find out why 96% of our customers are satisfied with liberty mutual. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. welcome back. back with the pics for the nfl playoff games this week. jared with the story. happy friday. they picked three of the four winners last week. no points spreads just winners. in tomorrow's opener on fox they pick the falcons over the seahawks. a 73% chance to win. overwhelming selection. to beat the houston texans. they go with the hometown chiefs. interesting only one and half point favorite. to give it a 63% chance to beat the steelers. they get a slim advantage. dean spano's told nfl owners who wanted to keep his team in san diego. now move to la. but if they stayed in san diego we would not had gone to share this highly criticized local for the los angeles chargers. if we combined the logos this is what we would get. and from the official account they tweeted for the record. we are just friends. and the dallas stars tweeted this. hope this is cool. linked by it los angeles. the chargers and ellie rams both a set to announce headquarters. he just closed out the season they are replacing john possible with the redskins offense of court nader shauna mcveigh who in two weeks towards 31 years old. this past season there were 19 quarterbacks older than mcveigh. if yesterday was a throwback thursday with the chargers moving back to the original home just call today fountain of youth friday. we have justin thomas yesterday he became the youngest golfer to shoot a 59. they gave him a three shot lead. we will get that started right now. >> stay classy san diego. i consider myself san diego and. we saw baseball. you still have the weather. virginia beach. the house is set to begin a briefing today on russia's attempt to interfere with the election. the cyber security concerns. the new face of lady liberty. it's back in a minute. y with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. legal help is here. and her new mobile wedding business.tte at first, getting paid was tough... until she got quickbooks. now she sends invoices, sees when they've been viewed and ta-da, paid twice as fast! see how at quickbooks-dot-com. one of the largest business process companies in the world. whether it's in health care, customer care, technology, transportation or government. we touch millions of lives every day. conduent. advancing the everyday. >> tgif everybody. thank you so much for being with us. it's friday, january 13. the obama care battle raging on capitol hill this morning. they're set to vote on the first step in repealing president obama's signature legislation. we are in complete sink and we agree we want to make sure that we move these things concurrently at the same time repeal and replace. we need to show that there is a better way forward. we need to show that even though the law is collapsi we can bridge ourselves to a much better system. >> is coming as lawmakers are set to be briefed on the hacking concerns. the details as a new chapter is unfilled eight following the nuclear deal with iran. is it too little too late. tim cook and company set their sights on hollywood. markets this morning. take a look. as you see there. they are expected to be up about 25 points. bank of america already reported its quarter. it was mixed. as a result the shares are under some selling pressure today. that has not impacted the market averages so far. you know the stocks that have a huge run-up. in europe this morning a fractional gains. it's up almost two thirds of 1%. ek average in japan. up half of a%. we are bringing a look at the new $100 coin. it is very different. the house is set to be briefed today. we need to confront rush on this. we also had to recognize the reality. there is a decreasing number of those. they also tweeted about this this morning. both the democrats and republicans fake news russia says nothing exists. even knowing there is no approve and never will be. my people well have a full report on hacking within 90 days. thank you maria. i noticed that we are paying tribute to the loss of the san diego chargers. they will not completely make up for losof the football team. >> we appreciate that. now he is admitting that they did actually had part in the cyber attacks elated to the election. how should the new administration handle the hacking concerns from the standpoint. the cyber answer is we need to have the cyber security policy against russia, china and even some of our so-called allies who also are poking into systems. it's 36 years in just a couple of days since ronald ragan was sworn in. the statement still goes. russia is in fact a dictatorship run by others that continues to use much of the same by your own people. what worked in the 80s to change at least some of the behavior. some of that's can have to be used again. you have to have that where they are encroaching on the other sovereignty and we will have to engage diplomatically but well had to engage based on the fact that they are an empire the size of the world. economically the size of italy. would you like to see a different commentary in a different tone as it relates to this. can you feel like he's been pushed into a corner that he is always defending. i think looking at and listening to donald trump now for a couple of years i realize that he will tend to say the positive or he will tend to go was something while listening to the realities. the key advisers are giving them. i know his he's not quite to igre the keydvisers. the universally i can be telling him it's an evil empire. engage them yes. but also go toe to toe to make sure that they are not expanding. were you heartened by what you've heard in the past. as he talked about russia using the tougher tone than many people expected. and also in particular general matus yesterday where he did note there are a decreasing numbers. that is exactly the right tone. they are again trying to dominate. i do believe that the secretary of state are setting the right tone that they know russia. they've spent their careers having to deal with the realities on the ground but they know that one of the adversaries was murdered in front of the kremlin and somehow the cameras didn't work. that things happen if you don't get along with putin. in the house about today. under pressure from president-elect trump. listen to this. i want to get your reaction. we want to make sure that we move these things concurrently at the same time repeal and replace. we need to show that there is a better way forward. >> do you believe they can actually work with democrats to pass new legislation and is there everyplace after this repeal? >> we will be inclusive in this process. not the question of repealing and how we fix a broken system years ago when the democrats were doing this we try to offer things. we knew that there were programs that were already in place that we could have included we certainly agreed on a few areas certainly pre-existing conditions and portability we were locked out. and they made a commitment to make sure that it was open. at the same time it actually puts the affordable and the affordable care act. we were talking about russian hacking. that was essentially a russian cyber campaign. moving to the repeal and replace. without really giving documentation a plant that can actually go through the process a plant that can actually go through the process is further putting that divide here in the unites states united states that russia wants anyway. >> i will not give russia the credit for anything other than being that i want to be relevant evil country on the other side of the world. when it comes to how we have to do the process we are going to use reconciliation to begin the process of dismantling a system that is broken has broken that is exactly how it was created. and no apologies there. but just as the affordable care act was phased-in over a number of years we are going to be phasing out many of the parts over the number of years and i think that is the important message we are not afraid to have a take two even three years. we want to begin the process of letting you get that dr. you used to have that you want to get back again. we also want to deal with the fact that the affordable care act have no tort reform. it didn't do anything to lower the cost of healthcare. that is with the speaker ryan is pushing for as he is demanding that we have a solutions that help lower the cost and maintain the availability and were going to do that. >> one of the things i haven't heard is the two biggest providers they walked away from the business saying we don't want the opportunity anymore. what are you doing to reach out to left. it has one of the proposals that i have then and then that and then i will be presenting in the next two days is the return of the proposal that all americans have access to the very large plan. if you were to take pretty much all of the people that are not on the medicaid side of obama care and put them into that. it would just double the size of that massive program so scale is already there on an alternative where you head over 250 different plants to choose from in every state in the union. great insights from you as always. it can be brought to by apple. a stroll that is out of this world. astronauts finishing up a power upgrade on their spacewalk. back in a minute. 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it on the web. i guess it is a mint milestone. for the first time lady liberty will be portrayed as a woman of colorn u. currency. the 100-dollar gold coin was created to mark the 225th anniversary this year. just one of a series of new diverse points in the coming years. the treasury announced it was replacing indra jackson on the 20-dollar bill. it's interesting. i love it. he was talking about all of these changes. they are going to fall under trump's leadership. >> it'll be interesting to see who he gets to sign these bills. he is the treasury secretary. your thoughts on the earning story on business today. how far and how fast these banks have at $10.99. up over hundred percent. bank of america isn't doing things so much better than they were a year ago. for really talking about price to perfection on interest rate increases in trading opportunity i think they are ahead of themselves and we will see today how they trade. i happen to like wells fargo. i think it's a wonderful franchise. it will be very interesting to see whether they continue. if it continues in december it will be a little bit of a lead. but i think it's a great franchise jamie diamond once a great bank. the issue is real. it's a long way. very far and very fast. we will see what they come out with. we are waiting on those numbers. it does not have a lot of the interest rate increases. i do get should be okay. i would expect some softening. what do you get when you cross pioneer. we will bring it to next. your insurance company won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. make the switch and find out why 96% of our customers are satisfied with liberty mutual. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. welcome back. season three of straight inheritance kicks off next friday. the host visiting 37 and different cities to uncover some of the most meeting -- amazing inheritance stories. congratulations. i can't believe all of the places that we were since i saw you last. almost a year on the road. the things that people collect. some of us might never even think of being valuable. you're fortunate because i know you are a currency collector. but some people have something in the addict and some money loves them. sometimes is a huge benefit sometimes is a big burden. and some of the things that we found this year just blew my mind everything from a favorite pair of jeans at home. we found a pair from the 1800s in pristine condition they were made before belt loops were invented. and i know you love currency. i thought you would find it interesting that we found an aluminum penny that was a priceless this family goes through quite a struggle. in order to bring that penny to market. we've seen all the stories and names we know. these are real people that live not only around our country but a collection of -- beads. it was an incredible collection. i love to collect currency because i just think it is so beautiful. you don't see that often. i have to put them in something when you're collecting something that's really important to preserve and package it safely. maybe they were found in a pillowcase and some of them were in an addict. condition is an issue. we go through valuation. i've learned so much about it. there are some surprises for viewers. you will be at 10:00 p.m. eastern. and wait until you see some of the surprises. i probably shouldn't rollerskate. the show is awesome. thank you so much. for season three. want to bring the breaking news. it looks like the earnings are better than expected but again the revenue is a little lower. there is the stock right now. it's really flat on the session so far what you make of those. fourth-quarter is traditionally a weak quarter for the banks. i wouldn't be too concerned about the revenue. they have an amazing trading business and they did very well on the trading this quarter. i think going forward the real opportunity to profit on interest spreads is happening now up to the first quarter. i think well have an okay response. this is up to 45%. people are just saying we would like a little bit more on the revenue line. we can live with the softness there. if you look to the year ahead. in a federal reserve that rates a little bit. those noise. the improvement in oil prices and there's one more thing. expenses are to come way down. i know you don't think that's priority one. they been spending so much time money and energy on regulatory matters the entire sector. small banks cannot afford their own compliance. that's how out-of-control this is. we are gonna watch the bank stocks. now were waiting on was fargo. we will take up brand-new bentley continental for a ride. perior hold even at the end of the day fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. . maria: good friday morning welcome back. i'm maria bartiromo. it is friday, 13th january 13th your top stories 8:00 on the east coast next step actuaried repealing obamacare house set to vote on procedural measure paul ryan wree assuring colleagues and american people about the transition to a new system. >> that is going to take time that is going to take a transition, we want to make sure, we are people's minds at ease not loving health care we're going to have good the recognition period while we move on all these steps to rescue us from the collapse occurring with obamacare. maria: closer look this morning, plus president-elect donald trump moved markets and specific company stocks, we have a look at app that will notify you if you own that stock, that trump is tweeting about. incredible, trigger. >> bank earns season fourth quarter now under way for earning jpmorgan better-than-expected fourth quarter profits revenue weaker than expected earlier this morning bank of america reported mix result as well all a revenue miss at bofa, wells fargo also a double just hitting tape earnings revenue below expectations at wells fargo numbers just coming out as we speak, we are watching those stocks, results setting tone for markets this morning we were expecting a higher opening, that is you what we are looking at right now we will see if bank stocks are under pressure and do take some wind out of the sails for markets dow jones industrial average expected to be up 20 points today, at the open, in europe, we are seeing gains across the board take a look fractional nonetheless prior to that time good moves cac quarante in paris up 1%, the dax in germany up two-thirds of a percent in asia overnight mixed performances take a look nikkei average up almost 1%, snapchat gears up for initially public offering why company making changes, to how app works ahead of that public offering, plus riding in style with power a look at new bent continental can go more than 200 miles per hour looks sweet would show you later it is 5:00 somewhere right jack daniels to make a move into morning couple of we have what? we've got that coming up all stories this morning joining me to talk about it fox business network dagen mcdowell former goldman sachs partner "new york times" best sending author peter kirnan and fox news correspondent lea gabrielle 5:00 somewhere. >> you can have a cup -- >> not alcoholic but makes your coffee taste like jack daniels, okay. >> true alcoholic -- >> no, just someone appreciates the fine whiskey. >> of course. >> 5:00 in the morning what i want a taste of whiskey. maria: i don't think so. right, on the money in terms of of the capital markets, that is where the strength is in bank americans this morning we got wells fargo a double miss, but jpmorgan reporting good capital markets business and bank of america as well. >> i think way too early yet r these increases in interest rates to really percolate through banks we will see how they do first quarter i feel like they just moved so fast, so far in anticipation, in a pause right here is probably in order. >> i didn't realize bofa up one hundred percent. >> one hundred percent a year two weeks from now 1099. >> talk more about that segment on bank stocks the recognition to trump continues only one week away from inauguration, now but a gallop poll shows americans not thrilled about how process is going, the poll shows 51% americans disprove of the transition falling most with independents, poll shows 44% of americans rate president's cabinet picks as subpar, joining us right now former house majority leader former virginia congressman eric cantor good to see you thanks for joining us. >> good morning. >> your thoughts how is transition going what about trump's picks. >> i think that one thing so striking about trump's picks is the difference that we see in this upcoming cabinet than that we saw 8 years ago. if you recall, 8 years ago, there was a cabinet that i think set you historical records for being the most business unfriendly business inexperienced, i think what you are seeing now is a preponderance of people had business experience very much in concert with what donald trump has been talking about laser focused on economic growth job creation. >> that is that is his plan, a growth plan, and a lot of businessmen, and women really handling that do you think this new approach having businesspeople, in charge of important agencies, in charge of policy, will work? >> absolutely maria. having been two years now outse of public seice and in private sector things get done in private sector. and, you know, for so long, now, we have had a paralyzes warrant due to obama administration inability to get things going, and to resolve problems go forward i think you are going to see bret of fresh air when it comes to next week when trump administration, is put into office, and there is going to be a lot of activity as we already are feeling, within not only the legislative branch congress but regulatory arena. dagen: it is dagen mcdowell from your home state, by the way. >> hey, how are you -- >> good do you worry that congress gets bogged down, particularly on the repeal and replace of obamacare doesn't take care or take advantage of that long hanging fruit talking about cutting corporate taxes individual tax reform regulat >> dagen as i know as all of us know it is i am pertive rid of obamacare quickly as about possible a disaster passed in inappropriate pay terrible for american people, so quickly, as we're seeing the house and senate are going to go and pass, the first step towards getting rid of that law. and i think once president trump is in office he will have access to tools levers will ease transition provide bridge to when congress can get about passing final replacement, so i don't think that there is going to be a block for doing that, and getting in the way for the tax reform measures that have been a lot of discussion around, in this town around country in fact the world i am very optimistic on this congress and new administration ability to effect some goals in a relatively quick manner. >> congressman do you have concerns at although that with republicans moving so quickly to repeal without having a firm plan, something put through legislatively, to replace obamacare that essentially is just opening the gap between republicans, and democrats cause same problem that is caused by obamacare being forced through only passed really by democrats. see the, this is a myth out there about not a replacement plan. the incoming secretary of health and human services tom price has had a plan, he had a plan when i was leader two years ago, he had one before that, so there are many plans that are out there. and the president-elect has already said as soon as tom price is sworn in, as secretary, confirmed, he will be submitting the plans to the hill i know that my former colleagues and i'm sure the secretary of health he designating in discussions what that is going to look like vice president-elect mike pence steeped in all issues surrounding replacement plan i am very confident that you are going to see a could lessens around that to get this done. >> i have a quick question picks on two picks up two themes yes we're seeing less thinly disantagonized contempt for business the rubibrick if you build it they will come where is the gainlt of business when you have a health plan where the two major providers united health care, drop out? what are you doing to bring powerhouses back in so that everybody can engage in competitively offering great service to the american people. >> there is no question that this is a concern, we have seen a near collapse if not one, in the exchange markets because these insurance companies are in able to make money and are losing a lot of money, in participating in the obamacare exchanges. as i said before, the trump administration will have the leverage of power to be able to ease that transition to ensure people are not going to lose coverage, while the congress is by these passing replace legislation a world of difference a trump administration in office than obama administration when it comes to obamacare obviously. we don't want people to lose health care they don't want to see people not having any option with return if sick i am confident again you are going to see an administration very aware of that fact a congress that wants to get a replacement in passed and i think of there is growing ingredient that there will not be years worth of gap between a repeal and replace. >> should we expect to see you back in office elected office any time soon? >> maria as i know rate now advice is very chairman excited where i have been last two years learning every day, some good where i am now i have lender you he never say never but right now very focused on providing our clients at the company with advice and judgment in times where you see a lot of business opportunities but certainly a lot of geopolitical risk out there, about those when it comes to government policy and intersection with business. >> we will watch you thank you so much for joining us congressman. >> okay. >> good to see you, coming up next getting snappy with upgrade changes the app is making as it prepares public snapchat, a twist to morning routine jack denyiels whiskey infused coffee really? straight ahead ♪ ♪ (bell chimes) ♪ nice work brother dominic. now we just need 500 more... translated into 35 languages, personalized oh and shared across the 7 continents. (other languages spoken) look abbot, i got it. it's a miracle. ♪ . maria: welcome back, snapchat getting major makeover cheryl casone with story now. cheryl: that is right maria new snapchat update makes it much years to find friends, the edition a search bar, that shows up on every screen now, quickly chat with friends individuals, and shows you people that you may be interested in following, or people you may know. snap parent company snapchat preparing for a major ipo this year. >> a crash caught on camera, at seattle space needle new year's eve video released shows a drone and if we stand by you are going to watch it happen right now. this drone ended up -- film, crashing on top of the seattle space needle workers up there setting up for the fireworks display anything the drones recording system captured whole thing nobody hurt but security found the operator at bottom of the needle holing controller had chat with him faa is investigating exactly what the guy was doing how that drone got up there that high. finally, this, who doesn't like jack daniels for breakfast? sort of iconic tennessee whiskey keenlying up with world of coffee to create jack daniels flavored coffee says it has quote authentic taste aroma, of jack daniels. jack daniels not alcohol, decaf, regular by on online store jack daniels if you really want to taste it -- in the morning when you wake up -- >> there you go. >> i don't know if i want to -- >> uh -- well -- >> k a surgeonmost bourbons mad kentucky charcoal filters in case interested. >> inside information. >> hard time seeing people drinking out of a coffee mug i don't know i think a jug would be better to have -- >> hot toddy. >> i may after the show i may -- indoctrinate you with coffee and whiskey. >> friday, it is friday dagen. >> still to come mixed earnings reports bank of america, and jpmorgan break down numbers wells fargo a miss on earnings and revenue a new force on road fastest car right here on the plaza we will take a look at bentley continental back in a minute. >> top intelligence officials in nation came to trump tower last friday briefed the president-elect and other members, of his team on the information that they had. they didn't brief him on information that they don't have perhaps, and that they can't verify cbo. >> really to differentiate whether leaks from inside community or senators members of capitol hill people have access to information who have a long tradition of these partner leaks to undermine the other side incoming president in this case. >> i was hearing donald trump wanting you treasury secretary were you suffered a job i have been quite clear i am not suited for the job never wanted to job so that i was not offered i think growth good for all americans not just for companies so i like that i think you have seen optimism in the stock pricets hopefully able to deliver some. >> the business of pricing not just current reality, but future ones. and they surge on the news that the election of president trump will result in higher growth higher inflation, why? because he made policy undoubtedlies on deregulation, on infrastructure spend corporate tax. >> the only person that elizabeth warren and whole republican party is rooting for for veterans affairs. >> i don't know one thing you could say elizabeth warren -- >> i don't know good thing elizabeth warren. >> how do you feel of about that. >> my hand up. >> how do you feel of about that? >> well the fact -- elizabeth warren support i am not sure if good or bad, but -- >> what an incredible situation, i mean, how do you respond to that you will. >> i gave a donation personally to a pack to support trump, and you know my cousin gave to obama four years ago many more times the amount i did but the point is we should have that privilege we live in america this is a free country. >> do you mind tweeting. >> i think that very effective mode of communication for our president-elect. and i respect the communications. >> have a lot of hypocrisy, going to be democrats will say you can't forget the past, when it will comes to keith ellison up for chairmanship dnc we can fget the past he changed. >> ellison has said those things senator sessions accused of saying those things by one recanted temperature after the heering a large differents i was with all due respect to former professor. >> large consensus the tax opportunism does not make companies globally competitive. >> paid familiar leave very important for a variety of events if you look at multigenerational workforce, people need different things over the life cycle of an employee. >> i think the. >> entertainment. >> i said sexiest ever a big statement why so sexy. >> just look at it i think it is absolutely gorgeous. >> wow check out you the this baby here tell me some things that are most -- >> i will say. millions of you are online right now, searching one topic. that will generate over 600 million results. and if you've been diagnosed with 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stock this morning looked fractionally better on session after huge run-up joining us qualcomm capital management thanks for joining us. >> pleasure. >> your thoughts on obtaining earnings this morning? >> you know, they are mixed they are okay. for me real story is this -- is it there is no sellers in the bank stocks even though up between 20 and 40% i think t story since trump election market really believed that thin havreally changed, and the dismantling just of dodd-frank really crushed potential for growth especially in the smaller banks, that goes away, things g big story great for the market hopefully continues. maria: sure has talking about incredible valuations jpmorgan jamie dimon joined us the business that he is seeing in the repeal banks for millennials watch this. >> we have also a invested in branches of technology -- iphones services, the millennials love i think 57% millennials don't like banks? i say -- when first paycheck they say what do i do love direct deposit. >> they attracted millennials with technology that group will have money probably loyal to jpm. >> good idea. >> good idea very interesting things in the world going directly after franchise of banks enjoy better be head of the curve if they don't play great offense going to be in trouble. dagen: curious what you think in terms of regulatory rollback on dodd-frank how quickly does that need to start happening, in order to keep that kind of bottom under these stocks? >> look, trump is you been talking about a big game quickness what here to going to do let's hope, if they just start it occupy doesn't have to be at once if they start that would be a great start, especially the one thing the smallest financial companies have been no ability to grow over last few years, it ugliest almost like the regulatory bodies have a machete every time they would cut oem off at knees if they start on the move i think good things to come. >> gary, this there is an article "the wall street journal" i was reading today market has started to dump trump market has already started to dump trump, so looking at things like defense companies took a jump when trump was first elected, infrastructure spending, do you think this is true do you ink ump rally is tickering off now? >> i think some areas. look, you had an emotional reaction in the drug companies, i had emotional reaction in defense now we get into real world reality. and people are going to the market and big money is going to start looking at numbers, and if numbers don't come through they are going to back up, and a real message to trump needs to be very careful we saw real big drubbing in biotech stops drug stocks when he mentioned pricing he may go after them, in a bad market you will get real bad reaction we are in a decent market right now i hope he is careful people like -- scaramucci, quieter. >> one thing you look to bonds as truth teller instead of stocks, stocks still way up since election the dow still has a gain more than 8%, yesterday, we had the 10 year close at lowest yield, sense december 7. so the yield backed down to 2.35 -- 2.36% actually not a bad thing. maria: yeah. >> you don't want longer term interest rates up much. >> one thing happening i agree if he starts seeing the interest rates long term over 3% going to create a dampening effect one of the things i worry about buy on rumor sell on news i am feeling in this market is buy on the election, sell on inauguration. >> i will think he has to deliver. >> i was thinking about that buy election sell inauguration, go ahead. >> just remember on interest rates fed funds half percent europe printing trillions of dollars negative rates china sooegz around the monetary policy, probably long in the tooth out there should be considered as you invest going forward. maria: what do you make about billion dollars george soros lost on election what a story george soros bet market comes apart because of trump lost a billion dollars, his former und underling made money on it. >> economics plan. >> i can sum this up quickly. as -- [laughter] >> sorry. >> sorry. >> let me give you an simple rule about george soros. never bet against him too long one of the greatest investors of the last 100 years what happened politics got in the way thought process was that -- you know, things going to get all hairy when trump won it went the or way he got caught the napping, caught very sharp i think already resolved it starting to do better, be careful about talking george soros -- the man is brilliant. >> a couple more billion where that came from, still no problem for george soros. >> yeah, mark cuban as well losing a billion dollars in what 8 weeks. >> good to see you, sir. thank you so much. >> pleasure, thank you. >> coming up keeping up with president-elect twitter feed the asset watchers, a presidential stay washington, d.c., how much executive inauguration package will set you back. ba in a minute. choose. oo. but at bedtime... ...why settlfor this? enter sleep number and the lowest prices of the season. sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store, right now save $600 on our best selling i8 mattress, plus 36 month special financing. learn more at know better sleep with sleep number. . maria: good friday morning welcome back. i'm maria bartiromo. it is friday january 13 friday 13th stop stories 8:30 east coast the difference of opinion the president-elect pick to lead the pentagon, general james mattis making waves after his comment over how to deal with russia, differed from how trump sees things. >> there -- an adversary in key areas, and while we should always engage and look for areas of cooperation and even in the worst years of the cold war, president rae second schultz were able to work with russia soviet union at that time introduced nuclear weapon so i am all for engagement but we also have to recognize reality. what russia is up to there is a increasing number of areas that we can engage cooperatively increasing number of areas going to have to confront russia. maria: trump seems okay with statement tweeting this morning, this, all of my cabinet nominees looking good doing a great job, i want them to be themselves and express their own thoughts not mine. speaking of trump tweets one company is looking to help you cash in cash out when president-elect hits the bonn new app protecting investments from 140 characters or less one week before trump sworn in as academician could commander in chief one looking to celebrate in style what it will cost you next week coming up markets this morning like this we need retail sales number out slightly lower than expected did take wind out of the sails for markets dow jones industrial average still expected to open higher about 15 points, nasdaq s&p 500 also higher, although off earlier highs, watching banks earnings this morning results microsofted jpmorgan beat on earnings and revenue bank of america above expectations revenue was below estimates wells fargo it missed on earnings, and revenue all of the stocks expected to be heavily traded and mixed today, take a look at european indices this morning gains there pretty much could have been across the board cac quarante up almost 1% dax up almost two-thirds, he. >> sales up, largely to you a o to austin in yisht mixed polls nikkei average best up almost 1% tesla how it will charge customers literally details behind super charging plan luxury at 200 miles per hour a look at powerful new bentley continental we take you inside cooling up. wh. president-elect tweets, and speaks, the market listens. >> ford has announced two weeks ago that it is moving all of its small car transportation and production, to mexico. >> totally out of control, going to be over4 billion dollars, for air force one program i think ridiculously boeing doing a number. >> at&t buying time warner, a deal we will not approve in my administration because it is too much concentration of power in the hands of too few. >> now app to help stay on top of the president-elect comments, we are joined right now by rachel ceo fo founder of trigger. >> will tell you send you -- >> notification. >> a notification when a stock that you own is talked about. >> that is right. >> how does it work. >> specifically, if donald trump tweets about a stock publicly traded that you own in your account watch we will send a real-time notification he tweeting about that. >> what i don't know going to stop tweeting, but that is i mean that can't be the only business model. >> no, that is trigger released last week, we started with real-time price triggers economic events if fed raises interest rates, looking to trigger all types of data this is just released by overwhelming from users since election because they are seeing that when he tweets markets are moving so we responded to the feedback. >> pretty incredible. >> yeah. >> how quickly will you send that note to somebody because automobile you know, markets move fast you don't want stock ahead of. >> you exactly, generally been between less than 30 seconds, we've seen the move that after he tweets generally lasts between 1 to 2 minutes if stock drops so fast enough definitely for investors to react appropriately. and they are really enjoying it just yesterday, he tweeted about cnn fake news allegations belongings to time warner there is a lift tweeting about stocks toyota, ford general motors who knows if that is going to stop after january 20. >> what triggered you to create this based on donald trump just from feedback from users. >> yes, and the app is free, we are focused on best product for users a young start-up we are establishing a brand. and looking forward we will find ways to monetize down the radioed. >> let me ask you i want to ask a question how do you monetize this you are linked with td ameritrade scott trade others would that be a source of revenue for you how are you going to monetize this. >> looking to relationships with brokers different molds from useers as well. >> have you seen evidence you have saved money because you have got that notice to them before a stock moves on donald trump's tweets. >> users are very happy fast reliable they tweet about how we are best in terms of serving them from all different types of data. >> cool we will watch tweeted about it thank you so much. >> thank you. >> looking for a hotel room in washington you don't want to miss action at inauguration adam shapiro has an option will join us live from d.c. right now over to you. reporter: good morning to you maria in george washington suite at willard hotel the premier hotel in washington hold on, a gray poupon on side thank you. >> the premier holt in washington, d.c., they have three presidential sweets and offering a package, they call stay like a president. they have sold out those three sweets this is one of them. 450,000 dollars, four nights not bad, going to show you what you get for that 450,000 dollars, you can have a private dinner prepared by one of the premier chefs of washington, d.c. . will be served here in your dining room in the suite take out this view by the way each suite a view of the parade route for inauguration you get to see them all, of course, george washington monument part of what they are doing two tomorrow tickets anywhere in united states to fly to you washington, d.c., so we were invited to show this to you this morning spoke with some hotels management i want to introduce you to jason, will explain who is looking to buy this package. >> any guest that wants to come and really kind of see the behind scenes, of washington, d.c., kind of experience the inauguration like -- a president would, but you know maybe somebody that wants to entertain a large group, maybe a business that is coming into entertain clients, but you know really anybody that wants to you know kind of do inauguration in a really big special way. >> one of the things offering i show you more of this you get lunch with larry king personally i think want lunch with charlie gasparino may be not you would have to pay 50,000 dollars more for lunch with charlie this is offered not inauguration willard intercontinental you might buy a watch from jewelry stop simultaneously monte caro rome beverly hills london, back to you. >> i need to know what time everywhere, thank you that looks really sweet adam shapiro willard this morning an exchange between dr. ben carson senator elizabeth warren did you catch it stuart varney did sounding off next. >> tesla new priechg structure for super charging stations back in a minute. meta appetite control... it helps put some distance between you and temptation. clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. from metamucil, the #1 doctor recommended brand. alternative. . maria: welcome back president-elect picks to lead housing urban development dr. ben carson butting heads with senator warren yesterday during conpopulation hearings watch. >> can you just assure us that not one dollar will go to benefit either the president-elect or his family? >> it will not be my intention to do anything to benefit any -- any american. >> i ins that. >> for all americans everything that we do. >> joining us right now host of "varney & company" stuart varney i don't know stu. >> let me tell you -- >> wow! >> look, at issue, that the superficial issue mr. trump has a 4% stake in brooklyn new york -- makes money out of that that is a federally supported program, elizabeth warren was suggesting mr. trump would make money out of federal housing programs administered by incoming hud secretary ben carson that was the superficial issue here, but what i picked up on was the bizarre nature of the elites, that would be elizabeth warren, who is enuntruthful about background owned several have a niece houses in massachusetts, going after a genuine minority dr. ben carson knows exactly what it is like to be at bottom of the pile in housing arena so here you have the elite going after a minority of issue which is germane to future government. it was bizarre! -- elizabeth warren trying to suggest that donald trump would benefit personally from this and 4% stake what a crazy world. maria: crazy world, i didn't understand allow she kept pushing him he answered the question but she -- i guess trying to grandstand. >> wants to run for thes presidency. >> there you go. >> a nice platform to occupy but with her background, i am not sure she has a good shot at making the run. maria: her and cary booker. >> okay don't get me started. maria: i know i won't i won't. see you 15 minutes stu we will be there you will have more on this "varney & company" top of the hour 9:00 a.m. mariner right after "mornings with maria" we are about 45 minutes awrai from the opening bell for freeway here is daying wen stocks on move. dagen: thank you we are watching tesla this morning, company unveiling pricing for super charging stations new customers will be charged to use these stations if they exceed annual limit, this is the auto company first attempt to monetize its chargings before it launches model 3 sedan later this year. lowe's the home improvemecuttin thousands works plans to shift back at responsibilities to customer facing ones in effort to better customer service improve service lowe's employs nearly 285,000 people. and coming up yesterday was rolls, today bentley bentley most powerful ride yet. maria goes under the hood of the new continental supersport. ♪ ♪ your insurance company won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. make the switch and find out why 96% of our customers are satisfied with liberty mutual. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ ♪ whoa whoa whoa ♪. >> welcome back coming to you from outside plaza now luxury is coming roaring into 2017, with new bentley continental supersport car top speed of 209 miles per hour one of the most powerful cars yet is in fact fastest most powerful car from bentley so far joining us bentley head he have products americas john good to see you -- >> thank you. >> gorgeous i can say that that we know but this is actually the fastest car. >> yes, that is right this is the most extreme bentley ever, fastest most powerful car ever produced, and top speed 209 miles per hour acceleration 3 -- phenomenal. >> 3.4 seconded acceleration who is buyer give me name. >> customers, they are very enthusiastic about the brand the product, very knowledgeable, little more extro vert you can see this car different to normal bentley, especially with very bold red color that we have. >> the sports supersports have been a story history for bentley dating back to 1920' legendary name first was released in 1920, then a second iteration of the car in 2009, a real loyal big following that is why released the third iteration here five days ago. >> five days ago. >> thank you for bringing it to plaza, okay. so we know bentley is known for luxury, of the car but give us some bells and whistles what is special about this baby performance alone has 700 horsepower performance phenomenal filish outside and inside sporting mixed with true british luxury. >> check out inside this looks british to me right here. >> a few different elements to support performance positioning a new tritone interior three colors, leather hide nice things. >> i guess i will get in how much does this cost. >> this is beautiful. >> this is a convertible version starts at 322,600. >> 22, 322,600 do you have enough if you have the demand? >> a highly exclusive car only bringing 250 to the north american region from launch last week dealers telling us 10% of those cars have already been taken for in terms of deposit so extremely high demand for the car very conclusive. >> coming out of a record near obviously something going well economy doing great 11,000 cars worldwide due in part from the -- the bentayga. >> we had bentayga here first true luxury performance suv that helped a lot in terms of sales, and coming we will have in markets. >> what byes better, bentayga because of suv or sports car. >> very different positioning. >> i know in a. >> bentayga lifestyle this car specifically is limited production car. and only 250 will start, bentayga core model. >> do you see americans ponying up to this are there foreigners i mean in america even foreigns are applying this what -- >> we have a really wide demographic for this car america biggest market, so we have more cars coming to america than other markets. and yeah demographics wide. >> feels beautiful. >> we use only the finest materials leather, veneer, great on this car is how so many different carolinas carbon fiber with veneer, leather hide, so many different materials coming together it is brilliant. >> -- you can't park this on street you know that you just can't do it. >> you got to get a parking spot. >> yeah. >> what are you expecting for 2017 out of the super sports car market? >> so we are expecting a really strong market in 2017 we have a really strong lineup, and two door lineup continental range popular model lineup, combined with bentayga, suv, four-door sedan car mulsanne. >> expedited. >> best of luck good to see you thank so much we will be right back with more "mornings with maria". stay with i was wondering if an electric toothbrush really cleans... ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she 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you. ♪ >> fox business will have special coverage of the inauguration next week. join us live from washington d.c. all week next week. we will take you live behind the scenes at the inauguration. yesterday, we had the rolls royce, today we've got this phenomenal sports car, bentley. send me a tweet and let me what you like best. my thanks to dagen, leah gabriel, best team in the business. see you sunday, "varney & company" begins right now, stuart, take it away. stuart: i prefer the red bentley to the white rolls royce. it's a color thing. maria: all right. stuart: see you later, have a good weekend. there's an all-out to attack and delegitimize the trump presidency. here is my question, is it working? they're making noise and the media is lapping it up. the confirmation hearings, and some issues, nominees are

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