Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20161017 :

Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20161017

total loss, thankfully nobody injured. we have the candidate reaction coming up. tesla big product revialed delayed how ceo elon musk is pushed back the event highly anticipated. investors around the world watching earnings this week, netflix reporting third quarter. ahead of the numbers, take a look at futures, we are expecting a lower opening for the broader averages this morning. we have weakness pretty much in asia overnight as well as futures in the u.s., we are expecting a lower opening to 50 points in the u.s. this morning, oil prices also lower. meanwhile check european market, down three quarters of a 1% in ftse. forget back to the future shows, virgin america is unveiling first-class sneakers. we will tell you about that. details all coming up on the sneakers. joining me to talk about it fox business dagen mcdowell, recon capital kevin kelly this morning and democratic strategist harlan hill. dagen: harlan supporters fired up about his appearance this morning. [laughter] maria: we have a lot coming up this morning. former u.s. embassador to united nations bolton is reacting to the activity in mosul this morning. trump campaign adviser with us, republican strategist and co-chairman of the great america pac ed rollins and judge andrew napolitano so long with former fdic chairman sheila bear so do stay with us. iraqi government launching offensive to retake mosul from isis. fox news con or powell is in jerusalem with the latest. >> this morning 4:00 a.m. prime minister said security forces have begun operations to take city from isis. security forces have began moving to the southern and eastern parts of the city. earlier this morning the u.s.-led coalition began with air strikes pounding isis in several different locations, once the sun rose this morning security forces began to take, now, there isn't a push into the larger city right now, that will take several days. what they are trying to do consolidate territory around mosul. villages have fallen to security forces. this operation is not without some controversy, there is a fear among both iraqi and fighters, the kurds and turks about what will mosul look like once the city has fallen from isis. there are concerns by the turk that is the kurds will try to take over part of it, in response turkish forces entered and that angered prime minister abadi. right now fear and anker and disagreements between groups have been put aside, the operation has begun. what will happen after ward, that's a long, long way off in terms of trying to figure out who will actually control mosul. what we do right now 80,000 or so iraqi security forces are moving on the city right now. only estimated to be about 2 or 3,000 isis fighters left in the city but, maria, more than a million civilians trapped inside that city right now so as the fighting kicks up a lot of people and a lot of danger, the un and iraqi governments are preparing for hundreds of thousands civilians to be fleeing in the next few weeks. big concern, of course, trying to limit civilian casualties as the city is retain by iraqi security forces, maria. maria: thanks very much, we will check back as news develops. joining us right now former u.s. embassador to united nations and american enterprise institute senior fellow john bolton. embassador, good to see you. >> good morning, glad to be with you. maria: give us your insight. they have been in place in mosul two years. >> largely what you're listening to now is iraqi propaganda. they are very good at announcing the start of new offensive and also very good of announcing the conclusion of an offensive but those two things are usually coin kid -- coincidentally relate today reality. they are largely suicide troops and prepared to die there and take as many iraqi forces as they can and raises the question of what the u.s. strategy is. it's certainly the case. isis has lost territory over the last year but retreated in very good order. they have cost enormous casualties and the iraqi advance, let's be clear is a equivalent to an advance by the tehran. the iraq government is a surrogate so our assistance is aiding iran. i think that one of the things that we have seen in earlier battles, the kind of classic vietnam-era statement that we had to destroy the city in order to save it as conner powell said, there's large numbers of civilians at risk in mosul. substantial risk this is a largely sunni city that the iraqi government shiite militia will create horrible atrocities. they have in prior battles where territory has been taken back and god knows what's going to be left of the structures in the city after the bombing and artillery and combat that we are toobt see unfold. dagen: embassador, is this assault on mosul, attempt to retake the city is it evidence of support for the islamic state in the region and how the people in these regions are turning against this kind of harsh rule by the terrorists? >> well, some are for sure but the people who are attacking the city of mosul today are not largely sunni arab iraqi citizens. they are under control of shiite in baghdad backed by shiites in tehran. they are not going to look forward being ruled by the shiite government in the future. that's what's part of the problem is. let's be clear as well. as i said a moment ago, the retreat from isis from territory it took two years ago in iraq has been orderly and controlled and i think what's largely happening is they contract is many of the isis fighters are simply going some where else to the country we use today call libya, to the country we used to call yemen and other places around the middle east where they are just carrying on their training and recruitment activities. kevin: embassador, it's kevin kelly. one of the main questions that i have due to wikileaks that isis is supported by saudi arabia, so one of the biggest questions that you bring up when you bring yemen, how often are we coordinating with our allies, saudi arabia when it comes to isis and what's happening in yemen as well, so are they moving from mosul in yemen and having circular conflict with ourselves? >> i think from the wikileaks releases, these were statements by hillary clinton that the government of saudi arabia were funding isis. i would be surprised if that's true. it's certainly the case that a number of the gulf kingdoms have funded radical islamist groups. some of which are in opposition to the assad regime and in opposition to isis as well. that's one of the reasons that the lack of american strategy here is -- is to problematic. this is a very complex battle space. it's not one side against another side it's about five or six sides fighting for this territory. maria: let me switch gears embassador and turn you to the election, donald trump and hillary clinton will face off in third presidential debate wednesday night moderated by fox news' chris wallace, they are going to be discussing foreign hot spots, that's one topics chris is going to focus. what exactly do you believe should be the most important priorities. what should donald trump be focused on? what should be priorities in terms of hot spot? >> the three most immediate threats to the united states worldwide are the continuing threat of international terrorism number one and number two the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, nuclear, chemical and biological and the middle east is the place where it all comes together with terrorists like isis to be sure but with iran remaining the largest funder of terrorism, the biggest state supporter of terrorism around the world and well on its way toward deliverable nuclear weapons. these are the sorts of things you need to focus on. if you want to look at the conflict now, american influence in the region has declined for eight years, russian influence increased, iranian influence has increased. there's a nuclear arms race in the middle east all because of policy. under obama hillary clinton will simply continue having helped originate many of them. this is the path to disaster for the united states and its friends like israel and frentsdz in the arab world. harlan: so we know what we are going to get with hillary clinton but i'm not really sure what we are going to get from donald trump when he's been pressed in the past on what his plan he says it's a secret. that answer is inadequate in the presidential debate and so what specifics can we expect from him at least in your mind. >> well, i don't know what he's going to say in the debate. what he has said in prior speeches he wants to rebuild america's military and that is the absolute prerequisite. the necessary foundation to try and recreate the positions of strength that america has had around the world and abandoned in the past four years. it's also not enough as hillary clinton has said to say, well, i once recommended a slightly stronger posture in syria. the most important issue, the single most important reality in the middle east today is the iran nuclear deal, which is a disaster for the united states because it gives iran open path to nuclear weapons and therefore the possibility not just of delivering them via ballistic missile but by giving them to terrorist groups. hillary clinton unequivocally supports the iran nuclear deal. that in my mind alone disqualifies her as being president. maria: how easy would be it be to reverse that deal? >> by the president, five minutes afternoon on january 20th saying we are aggregating the deal. the united states is no longer bound by it, we are going to treat iran as a state and act according toly. that's all it takes, a president can do that. a president can withdraw from a treaty that the senate has ratified. it's amaze to go me that this hasn't been made clear but the president could do that immediately on taking office. maria: all right, we will leave it there. good to see you. thank you so much. we appreciate it. embassador john bolton there. fox news will take you live to the third presidential debate moderated by chris wallace. special prime time coverage kicks off at 6:00 p.m. live from las vegas this wednesday and thursday. hope you will join us. coming up a violent turn after state after republican headquarters was burned in north carolina burned and vandalized. ongoing search for the suspect this morning. growing number of retailers are saying they will close their doors on thanksgiving day. that is next. back in a moment we ship everything you atcan imagine.n, and everything we ship has something in common. whether it's expedited overnight... ...or shipped around the globe,'s handled by od employees who know that delivering freight... ...means delivering promises. od. helping the world keep promises. maria: welcome back. this morning federal authorities are searching for the people responsible for torching the republican headquarter in orange county in north carolina. "good day charlotte" -- cheryl casone with the details. cheryl: good morning, maria. the building was faced with graffiti and nazi republicans leave town or else. the fire burned furniture and damaged part of the interior, several agencies are investigating this. as of now no arrests in the case. both candidates responded with hillary clinton tweeting out, quote, the attack on the orange county headquarter is unacceptable. donald trump slammed democrats tweeting animals representing hillary clinton and dems in north carolina fire bombed our office because we are winning. well, we are also following the fallout from the devastating flooding in north carolina. the first estimate of the state caused by hurricane matthew stands at one and a half billion dollars. one thousand homes were affected by the flooding and with some water still yet to recede the price tag could go higher. north carolina governor expected to unveil a plan on how the state is going to rebuild and how much it will cost eventually. we will give you numbers then. finally this. you may have to change shopping plans. a new report suggesting that many retailsers are not going to be open this year. big name staples, barns&noble, bj and beth, bath and beyond. this move comes as consumers do shopping online plus big retailers are seeing good pr as a result of decisions to close on turkey day, maria, and the biggest shopping day expected this year, well, it has procrastination written all over it, december 23rd. maria: will it happen, why my next guest says it needs to happen before relurking. how the former bay watch star is lending a hand to julian assange this is my retirement. retiring retired tires. and i never get tired of it. are you entirely prepared to retire? plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e*trade. i'm in vests and as a vested investor in vests i invest with e*trade, where investors can investigate and invest in vests... or not in vests. sign up at and get up to six hundred dollars. overwhelming and complicated. that's why at cancer treatment centers of america every patient gets their own care manager to coordinate every aspect of their care. the care manager is making sure everything is flowing well so the patient can continue to get their treatment. we are the link between the patient and the doctor. the care manager coordinates all of the patient's appointments, scans, chemotherapy... we can do paperwork or contact their employers or set them up with home health. that's what brings most people into nursing; you get to connect with people. that's what i love about being a care manager. meet the care managers at ctca. my name is collette... lindsey jodi stacy our nurse care managers are with you every step of the way so you can focus on your fight. cancer is a long journey and i want to do everything in my power to take the stress off of your shoulders so you can enjoy your life at home. learn more at appointments available now. 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[laughter] maria: initially. >> so many twists and turns and probably more to come. maria: over time there's an impact of more regulation, when you look at some of per policies and higher taxes. isn't that true, kevin? kevin: one of the biggest issues that could be facing is her tax policy. only 10% tax rates, business 15% and makes us competitive in underdeveloped world. you think about clinton policies, whatever is politically convenient for them at the time. she was against keystone excel pipeline and then she was for it once donations to bill clinton. when it goes to ttp who knows what she will do. what do you think when it comes to trade policy, seems like trump has a better trade policy in place that she does? >> i think ttp is pretty well dead. one of the most interesting things he said, the independent -- the trade commission makes a report on each pending trade deal. their analysis according to sandy did not include what they called the transition period, that's when everybody gets laid off because of jobs going overseas. they specifically ignored even though he requested them to deal with it. now he's a ranking democrat. if he's not going for it, she's going to have a tough time getting it through the congress. dagen: i will point out in front page in wall street journal today that some major international investors are basically changing their outlook because of the negativity towards trade and they're moving out of stocks that had been bowied by globalization and trade in three decades. they are concerned about the rhetoric from her and donald trump and really what's going around the world. >> well, it's a global thing. i think people are tired not of trade but of bad trade transaction, bad trade deals, what do you think our cumulative with méxico, one trillion dollars. that's a whole extra year's worth for the mexican economy. maria: i don't think trump can get in there and put harsh tariffs in place as much as he wants to redo deals. >> was kind of a blunted -- 3,000 item and throw up big tariffs, no negotiations, no thinking, it was in the middle of the depression that they did it. it was the worst time to do radical move. this would be much more surgical product by product. maria: before you go, i want to ask you about the british pound. there's an interview with john malone over the weekend, the plunge in the sterling is going to have takeovers in britain whereas you're going to see u.s. companies acquire uk companies. do you believe that to be true? >> i wouldn't be surprised because it's been a pretty severe cut and they haven't triggered article 50 yet. so if brexit really does occur it's going to be at least two years from now and probably a good year more than eu tens of billions of euros as a divorce payment, less likely it becomes that they are going to do it or do it in a hurry. maria: do you think they'll be deals? >> sure, because uk isn't going to zero. the economy there is actually pretty good. i was with the british embassador at the imf a week or so ago, telling me it's fine. it hasn't fell any repercussions. maria: interesting. there's so much hysteria around it. good to see you. still to come donald trump raising concerns about the fairness of this election. why he's calling the raise for the white house rigged. that is next. we will check it out. the suspension of elon musk for new tesla product after postponing reveal. what to expect? back in a minute i use what's already inside me to reach my goals. so i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it's supposed to do release its own insulin. trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. i take it once a week, and it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with 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every few of them of his imagination. he's swinging in every field some of his own imagination. the clinton campaign. the average coming up. and the remnants of the typhoon is hitting the northwest. will tell you where it stands now. elon musk has just delayed the latest launch. it was expected today. bank of america et cetera report ahead of the open today also watching whether the bank will keep up the challenge. they were all better than expected. check into broader markets were expecting a lower opening. the downtown industrial average under some selling pressure. we got about 40 points. it's declined across the board as well. we do have a meeting this week. the index also weaker my half of 1%. mixed action overnight in asia. the other majors were down almost 1%. acosta look at the airlines first-class shoe. >> at just 22 days until the election and donald trump is blaming the media. also at many polling places. he will accept the results of the election. whatever they are. we will accept the results of the election. the american people will speak in an election that will culminate on november the eighth. but the american people are tired and the obvious bias in the national media. jack kingston. thank you so much for joining us. they're getting slammed by democrats and the mainstream media by the way. do you agree that it is rigged. there is overwhelming bias against any conservative candidate but donald trump in particular. i think the media has attacked him with a vengeance. one number that caught my attention they dedicated 57 seconds to wiki links. twenty-three minutes against trump. that is typical for what we been seen. not just the present topic. but for months now. i know you have a theory about this. it is largely left-wing and liberal. they regret giving rise to donald trump. this is my theory because they gave him so much media coverage during the nominating process. and they covered him over and over again because he was incredible. and now they had regrets. i posted -- they posted on page six. and they say in this article who leaked that. also in the article it says that they have another damaging tape. and there was a part of what they said. it will never seal. i think it's important to note that the media has come out and try to defend themselves. it's complete hypocrisy. it has been from some uncovering of private information i just find it funny that that's been the excuse. it's unethical for us to report on this. >> if you look at the tax returns obtained illegally by the new york times they have no qualms published in the butt a couple years ago when that climate gate skin document in 2009 they said they would not publish or reveal that story because the information was obtained illegally. total hypocrisy by the new york times. >> can i raise one issue really quickly? trump uses the word rigged and some of his surrogates had tried to explain to the he's talking about the media but he also tweeted that he's talking about polling places. when you tell your supporters that it's a rigged, doesn't hurt voter turnout for him? he make it what we want to do is make sure that our base doesn't get discouraged by the attacks on donald trump that they do is show up. we have seen many fishy things happen over the years in some of these polling places chicago has always been picked on but in reality it happens all over the country. with cap pole rosters. it's just part of the game. we don't have the machine politics that the democrat party has. the come out of a different culture background politically and they were very good at it. we have to be on our toes. we be on our toes. people were dead and the is not out of the world. it's a real issue. what was really alarming was traveling all over the country and seeing how vulnerable our infrastructure was. donald trump was the first candidate to raise this. he was ridiculed but that we saw barack obama and nsa come out and say our infrastructure is a vulnerable and this is an issue of national security there are so many accusations and evidence that has been material to her character. she talked to open trade open borders pay to play. she coordinated with packs that were in support of her. that's illegal that's against the law. should a public and a private position because people can't handle the truth. there is so much here she set a target rich candidate. for the media to ignore it is just journalistic malpractice. i don't see how they can recover from this in the long-term. they show one of the e-mails top aides were upset that a muslim man was named as the shooter a clinton consultant sends a story on the shooting reported by msnbc to modesta he responds will better if a guy named sayed that a guy named christopher hayes. and that screams volumes of how uncomfortable they are with the work are radical and jihadists they will never say those words. that's why they're so ineffective when it comes to the war on terrorism. also in the wiki leaks it does show that hillary clinton says that terrorism is not a threat to the united states. where these people coming from there's even more than that. the treatment of catholics the naacp that turned the latino against bill richardson. two different stands on trade stance on trade policy. untaxed policy. the list goes on and on and you're right it's journalistic malpractice and in total hypocrisy but i will be quick to say this even if it was any of the other 16 candidates i think the media would still be doing this. they will rise to the threat. donald trump is a threat to the establishment into them and they're using all of those guns as they need to get him out of this race. but they would've done the same to any of the other 16 candidates we see this over and over again with the media. they are relentless. just went through all of the front pages of the new york times a word about wikileaks on any of the top stories there. congressman, good to see you. we will take you your life to the third presidential debate seeking decide for yourself. our coverage begins at 6:00 p.m. eastern on wednesday night. we hope you will join us. thousands of people in oregon and washington left in the dark after severe winds and rains swept through the region. we will be back in a minute. when they thought they should westart saving for retirement.le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can. it's going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we'll all be better prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. did yon your prescriptions? to save up to 95% introducing blink health. blink has negotiated some of the lowest prices so you can get your same medication, at your same pharmacy, for a lower price. just go to, pay for your prescription, and 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[announcer] get 30 days free at we will be back in a minute. were looking at a lower opening this morning. take a look at features of a decline. total earnings bank of america just hitting the tape. $21.6billion in revenue for the third quarter on bank of america. there is a stock this morning and has improved in the last few minutes. a couple of other names on the move this morning were watching pepsico. they cut sugar content on many of its products. its goal is to have two thirds of its drinks contain 100 calories or fewer by 2025. several more executives are slated to leave the country --dash my company this week. the president announced in august he will retire at the end of the year. his stock was up nearly 10% year-over-year. a pickup truck plunges off of the bridge a bridge killing four people in san diego. a member of the u.s. navy has been arrested after his truck fell 60 feet from the bridge for people were killed nine others injured and a festival that was happening below the bridge. the driver was taken to the hospital with major injuries we don't know his rank he was later arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. another from the los angeles area that was at the festival. thousands of homes in the pacific northwest remain without power. strong storms slammed the entire region. it brought powerful winds. you are looking at those pictures. it brought down many trees and power lines across the area luckily no injuries have been reported so far. wikileaks said that the founder that his inter- internet access has been cut off. they are saying the contingency plans are being made for him it has been held up in london for more than four years. meanwhile she paid him a visit yesterday she was torturing him with bringing him begin food. and finally this forget the back to the surface shoes. there's only one pair and it's available through ebay charity auction. a video display and even a wi-fi spot on the shoes. there's been 60 beds so far. we should also say the money is going to seoul for souls. they actually support those countries. so much to talk about. i really want to know how she got to him. >> that is such a strange story to me. these are good numbers. organ had to see if it focuses on the cost-cutting efforts. they're looking to cut $5 billion and they really cheered that. it seems if they beat them because of the cost-cutting efforts they were expected to earn 34 cents per share to say you know this quarter and actually beat as you can see doing 41 cents. last year it was 37 cents. they beat even last year's comp numbers. they've been trying to focus on that in light of trading revenues being down as well as the investment banking revenues being down. this is a good overall number. it's probably get a be one of the leadership groups on the upside this morning. hopefully they can pull it higher into the open. we were expecting a tesla review today but they're putting off the announcement for a couple more days. maria: a lot of it is a patient for elon musk in the new tesla product. he is moving the announcement to wednesday. needs a few more days of refinement. after tweeting last week that the products unveiling on the 17 unexpected by most. join us right now is lauren. what you think this big announcement is and why would he push it back? >> i don't think it's going to be a car or a motorcycle or a pickup truck he has a lot of flak just this morning were getting more news that germany is saying you cannot use that in your advertising i think he's gonna is can come up with a two-point oh version. >> the auto problems that have been reported so far and you think it's have any impact on the enthusiasm for the brand and even the vehicles i think the enthusiasm for the brand was that he have long range it was a cool looking car almost every single manufacture rolled out an electric vehicle and it will hurt him in the big picture. i can tell you the price point is less the model three which is not out. this is gonna hurt him. he needs cash flow i think there is can be some big impacts coming his way. >> i think one of the biggest questions facing investors and consumers will they ever be able to fix and ramp up their production. do you think they will be able to fix that to compete with the chevy volt. he's can have a production capacity function. his economic able to produce the numbers he would like to produce especially in the model three. they're so far behind you won't even see the car until 2018 in addition to that he's can have a lot of competition. i actually know a couple people who bought multiple vehicles. it's gonna be interesting as far as production. he his the floor models which are version he can't sell. i'm sure by the fourth quarter were neck when i can see numbers meeting expectations. thank you so much. new leaked e-mails from the clinton camp raising concerns. back in a few minutes. i am benedict arnold, the infamous traitor. and i know a thing or two about trading. so i trade with e*trade, where true traders trade on a trademarked trade platform that has all the... get off the computer traitor! i won't. 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(the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. maria: good monday morning everybody. it's monday october 17. here are your top stories. trump doubles down. the republican nominee targets the mainstream media for its bias towards hillary clinton. donald trump has kind of started to go wilder and wilder than losing the first two debates. he started to make while the claims and scorch her claims about the election being raped. i think without the unending. trump would be beating hillary by 15 points. iraqi forces have started their campaign to reclaim the city from isis. the details coming up. samsung galaxy note seven they are banning it on all flights. a recent string of bankruptcies says about the broader economy and how well that play out. bank of america just reported its fourth-quarter results moments ago. they were held by strong results. as you see there. because of better-than-expected earnings as well. the decline of about 30 points on the dow jones industrial average. the declines across the board as you will see here and a third of a% across the euro zone. your winners in japan. they're down almost 1% as was shanghai and china. a wild night and the nfl. the texans top the colts in overtime. we have some highlights. they are pushing back on the league's rules over twitter. twitter. all of the stories coming up. great show so far you guys. and i see our famous guest waiting in the wings. >> enjoyed the conversation. judge andrew napolitano is here. and sheila bair is with us. i want to get your take on what went down on wells fargo and the sales processes in general. amid new claims the mainstream media bias rigging him in the election against the campaign. without the unending one-sided assault trump would be beating hillary by 15 points. >> and the timing of these unsubstantiated claims that have come forward all of which he has categorically denied. >> i think by all accounts of losing the debates that he is making wild claims about the election being raped. maria: ed, good to see you. i want to ask about the media and whether or not donald trump is fading this up hail batter scale. -- uphill battle here. do you agree with the claims about being raped with the media ? >> the media has always have a bias towards democrats since i've been in the game. he have great advantages in the primary and obviously the media has turned on him. that's why you've other alternatives of the campaign. if your own ability to go out and communicate. what do you guys think about this. doesn't matter that they are all pushing hillary and may not be covering this fairly given that there is a new world today. he of online social media, drudge and those things. >> i feel it matters but he needs to stop complaining about it. maybe reinforces his supporters and their support of him but i don't see what it gets him in for terms of independent voters and democrats. maria: they may not really be aware. >> i think less and less people read newspapers or follow things on mainstream television but at the same time there has been a drumbeat out there and there's certainly been the love lost. we have to quit worrying about national polls they don't mean a darn thing at this point in time maria: this is important. they put out their new poll yesterday and has clinton had by 11% that's a pretty big lead but it's a completely different story in another poll and it's taken during the exact same time . it has the two candidates in a statistical dead heat. >> four points is the margin that obama have over romney last time. when you're dealing in the fox poll this is right in the middle of the two. forty-five-38. -- what you think? >> i've always had my own biases on polls it's like instruments in an and an airplane you have to have them but at the same time yet understand there's a lot of different ways of looking at it. the problem with the nbc poll is that if you basically believe that trump is only trailing women by 8% i think you have to throw that poll out. if the poll matches my gut i believe it if it doesn't i go to another one. we've enough today. i think that race is a seven or 8% race. it's state-by-state. clearly trump is behind and the electoral college today and that's it's been a matter at the end of the day. >> it looks like he's pulling out of virginia. that is wednesday night he basically has to make him look at a different way. the probability is that he will freeze it where it is today. we've had 56 elections in this country and would never miss an election. we've had wars and revolutionary wars is very important. by others talking about elections being raped i've been about politics. they're very few cases where there's ever voter fraud and it's very small. no presidential race has been lost by voter fraud. if two people have the ability to have an objection and al gore when he lost and they haven't. you can go back in history. you can't go back ever and show me in the election were someone said it was rock one by fraud. by using the word rigged even if they say that they're talking about the media they are still tweeting. does that discourage people from either going out and voting. i think it with anything in both cases is energizing democrat voters who the conspiracy theory but in the democrats could take that po and argued we have to get out and work hard. it's close. he mentioned that you kind of need to pivot want to disenfranchise his base it's not going away. they are still there. he has reinforced it. there is no evolving. they need new people. florida is obviously critical. and he said look he has been to in florida at this point. he has to win everything that romney one last time. pennsylvania started to slip away. it is very critical and some of the smaller states. they have to be in ohio. it's still a state we can win. to think pennsylvania is off the table at this point. if turnout was not what we think it's good to be maybe he still can't pull it off. i think at the end of the day what difference does it make if african americans african-americans turned out at 13% in the last two elections. they go back to 11%. the neck in a vote for trump. to your point in pennsylvania you can travel all around pennsylvania and see nothing but trump science. there's some pretty big name donors. he is investing 1.5 dollars and the trumpet campaign. they raise a hundred $54 million in september. does this put him at a disadvantage in what is your thought. >> i'm very pleased that he put money in. the other millionaires had put money into the race. at the end of the day she has at least a two-one advantage. she will have advantages. he still has the dynamic opportunity and has to do it on wednesday night. otherwise her neck in a be in it. they are not eating at the dog food bottom line. it doesn't mean she can't win the presidency. she certainly has to be favored to win the presidency. unless they can convince this. basically he can be president. and there's a different vision for the country such a big event. as far as where we are. thank you. we will take you life it to the third debate. it will kick off at 6:00 p.m. on wednesday night. join us alive. the new push to drive it out. and then fall is here. near record heat hits. we are back in a minute. what powers the digital world? communication. like centurylink's broadband network that gives 35,000 fans a cutting edge game experience. or the network that keeps a leading hotel chain's guests connected at work, and at play. or the it platform that powers millions of ecards every day for one of the largest greeting card companies. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. a combination of see products.. and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer 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behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. welcome back. the military on the move this morning. then the details now. convoys of forces could be seen moving towards a battle. this. they are lending support to forces and it will be the biggest military operation in iraq since they met left back in 2011 and if successful the strongest blow yet phthisis in particular. they are getting too fat through expansion. one recent week alone three restaurants 11 protection. new rivals offering prepared meals to go. expect more closures. that is because they were contaminated. it was produced on august 10. there has been reports with illnesses to those affected products. they recalled more than 2.5 million note sevens. they also limited to those from checked and carry-on bags. the note seven is not welcome. what is this company do at this point. we see a bunch of value investors come in here. they have such big investors. it has been a great benefit for apple. there is a huge refresh cycle. given what's happening with samsung and their continuous blunders and goes into consumer confidence. they've messes up twice its can have on knockdown effect. there 70 choices. it is a commoditized business. you can get the same features generally across the board. i set it up yesterday. it's extremely fast. i have to fix with the new ios on it. and it was just killing my belly. -- battery. it's not an incredibly new phone but you of the lightning port. it's water resistance. they're out at the end of the month. 8 miles. there's your new recommendation. >> were breaking down those numbers and telling you what it means. how much the new thriller brought in. opening we can. back in a minute. experience the thrill of the lexus is f sport. because the ultimate expression of power is control. get up to $5,000 customer cash on select 2016 models. see your lexus dealer. when a moment turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? or stop to 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away on financials. a lot of it is about bond trading for bank of america but financials in general we are looking for some good things to come from financials. we think that they will raise rates in december it will help their net interest margin also the regional banks. getting back to that the financials can be broken up into different sectors within it. we like the exchanges we see that they have a great market share their growing their consolidating its doing really well in the big banks have this over 202000 pages of recommendations. we will more focus on the regional side or would you go to the big money center banks. we like financials across the board. but we favor the regional banks and specifically the smiler regional banks. it doesn't matter who we get for president we have trump is going to reduce regulations and hillary clinton has said she was reduced regulations on the small banks. we think the regional banks have an opportunity to perform. we look at what's happening with these big banks. they continue to have some reputational risk. we think they will do better. >> what about the broader markets. we are in an environment here where we've been able to grind higher and we think we continue to do that. the concern is valuation's are stretched. it is fully valued we know valuations are not enough to set the market back. the has to be the catalyst. we could have a geopolitical event. until then we think the recipe is in place for the market. because people are anticipating that so much. it's probably not the one rate hike in december alone might be more if rate tight is celebrate significantly. our concern is policy misstep by the fed. by any stretch of the imagination. she gets afraid frankly. it seems to me what is a likelihood of having a recession in the next president's first term. only because of where we are in the economic expansion. by the time we get to the end of that term it will be the longest in history and we are operating dangerously close to recession levels now. we've seen a job growth slowing. there are some concerns there if we look over four years where we are in the economic cycle is quite likely based on historical precedent. maria: is anything that you can point to that could break us out of that. what would it be that actually triggers some economic activity and unleashes a business. >> when we look at this economic expansion we been growing very slow we talk about lower rates for longer when you're talking about were talking about the interest rates and we talk about slower growth for longer. what is growing so slow that that in itself could expand this economic cycle further we've never reached that velocity for this economy. we've never seen those repeated four and 5% quarters think were going to keep getting these fits and starts there's the risk it will be there and probably increasing. that's why think a tax tax reform is so important. there is a potential to get business unleashed. >> the only way to do it is through fiscal policy. we've thrown in unprecedented volunteer -- monetary policies. there's nothing you could do the fed governors are cemented themselves. that's why there to raise rates in december. the economy as where it's at right now if they don't do it will scare the market. you look at the ecb at the last meeting and what did he do, i'm done for now he said the country is with fiscal space they needed to do something on the fiscal side. in japan there trying to find their way and really that's what we need. we need a shift in policy for monetary to fiscal and that could be the catalyst. >> if we were to dip into a recession recession how does the fed respond. >> they can't raise interest rates they will buy more bonds. and we will just wait for traction from them. maria: growing concerns of conclusion between the fbi and hillary clinton campaign over her e-mail a scandal. the new files that hint at a quid pro between the two. highlights from the thrilling comeback in the cold to disseminate. if only the signs were as obvious when you trade. fidelity's active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. fidelity -- where smarter investors will always be. i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. 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[ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. theno one surface...out there. no one speed... no one way of driving on each and every road. but there is one car that can conquer them all, the mercedes-benz c-class. five driving modes let you customize the steering, shift points, and suspension to fit the mood you're in... and the road you're on. the 2016 c-class. lease the c300 for $369 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. this man creates software, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this vice president, this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured. >> good monday morning everybody. the top stories right now. gearing up for the final debate. hillary clinton is laying low while donald trump is headed to the battleground state of wisconsin today. the questions over quid pro quote is a campaign on edge. with all of the wikileaks about her which allows tm to bury them. it's far more relevant. i can't think of a precedent of a foreign nation trying to destabilize an american election. were taking a closer look at the race coming up. a police officer shot in alaska the suspect still on the run this morning after stealing a police cruiser. they reacted to the national anthem protest. we will bring into coming up. the shares are up. they're considering changes to the u.s. strategy that could include giving up the investment banking division. they're looking really bouncing. the financials once again the firmer spot. the client across the board. the share of the market is off to the lows of the morning. it's very much a mixed story. big weekend for the box office. the last hour john bolton told me,. >> five minutes afternoon on january the 20 dissent we are aggregating the deal the united states is no longer bound by it. that's all it takes. the president can do that. they can unilaterally withdraw from a treaty. it hasn't been made clear. it's joining me right now. judge, good to see you. if the trump is elected to move all of these polls is it possible for him to just nullify this deal upon taking office. he's been complaining he has been complaining about the deal from day one. known as an executive agreement. the agreement between the chief executive hillary clinton likes this deal a could aggregated with struggle within. this is not a treaty. a treaty is actually higher than a statute. the legal equivalent of added to the constitution and the president is bound by it. the people want to make sure that obama's legacy is intact whether it be about obama care or the iran deal. these are things that donald trump said he's just going to rip these things. >> this is just one of the things the president can do on his own. any order signed by barack obama can be extended modified or extended by any successor for any reason without involvement of the congress. >> report found that state department's out judge you've got to explain this to us is this another attempt to cover up the clinton mistakes. this is an attempt to tamper with evidence. it was offered but not done. state department fbi. if you remove if you remove or alter some of the markings on those e-mails we can find some posts overseas for fbi agents. it sounds like a bribe or an offer to commit a bribe. one of the officials again according to these e-mails if the e-mails are accurate and said forget about it were neck and to comply with it at all. that's not enough. that person who offered it ought to have been charged with offering a bribe attempting to tamper with evidence and attempting to obstruct justice. nothing happened. >> is a state department staffer says this was the request and that will give you a cushy jobs overseas. they rejected it one of the reasons we are finding these things out is that so many in the fbi i'm talking about men and women agents of the field level those who actually do the investigation not management are so furious at management for giving hillary a pass on all of this that they're beginning to leak. it's not right for them to do it but we can understand their anger in these leaks totally, completely undermined the decision to not see her indictment. maria: when we were watching the testimony life of james call me i was thinking to myself wow, he's cannot recommend charges. that he doesn't recommend charges. >> i've never seen in following this professionally the fbi director or any major law enforcement official recommend against indictment and then to give all give all the reasons why they should be. and then say by the way no prosecutor would take this. let me move on. the only player in this whole e-mail scandal to actually go behind bars he was first to reveal that clint had classified material onto private server. let's not forget this is how we found out. now in the midst of all this he sent back to romania what's going on here. >> this is a little complicated. the part-time agent for the remaining government boasted that he could hack mrs. clinton like that. they could be x did. while i know i didn't exactly hack her. i hacked sid blumenthal. her close aide who she wanted to be her assistant at the state department that is how he got mrs. clinton's classified e-mails. why did obama next him as an assistant. >> because of his experience in the 2008 election and then senator obama. they hired him at the clinton foundation and paid him twice what he would've said. and then received her e-mails. those for the e-mails of ever hacked. and this is why the public is so outraged by the story. >> always a pleasure. we will take you live to the third to be on wednesday night. moderated by our own chris wallace. we come to you live live right from the debate stage. how much of the big budget heroes. back in a minute. ♪ ♪ ♪ [aand i've never seen a rocketge ship take off like this. 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[announcer] get 30 days free at welcome back an intensive in intensive manhunt underway in alaska right now. >> the officer shot multiple times after he went to investigate a report shots fired. he drove off in the officer's patrol car after that. he was caught on his -- cam video. the car was found a few blocks away. they suffered serious injuries but he is in stable condition. the suspect is considered armed and dangerous. police the shootings are not part of a nationwide pattern. in a nation of almost 1 million sworn law enforcement officer and tens of millions of police carriers every year a small group of videos serves as proof of an epidemic. >> and the fbi is moving forward with plans for a national database to track information about police use of force. >> a dose of indian summer is coming to much of the country. it could set heat records for this time of year. the country in the and the dry conditions are not necessarily welcomed in the regions. we shall see of course. the accountant. assassins into the clientele. imagine the secrets of this guy has. the film didn't really love it either. $27.4million that was well above the expectations. what now. they're coming in fourth. and then a deep water horizons. ben affleck he's back. did anybody see it. ben affleck that's nothing compared to what matt damon does in jason bourne. they speak of the staying power. his career after she left. he came back and run -- won an academy award. super bowl to the bottom of their conference. a frustrated cam noon roxette again. another state severing the ties. those of 4 million accounts they plan to win back business. we will take a look. guess what guys, i switched to sprint. sprint? i'm hearing good things about the network. all the networks are great now. we're talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn't you love 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reportedly well have surgery today. no timetable for big ben to return. they tried to imitate himself. six questions he answered. then about recently threatened to find teams -- find teams that brag on twitter. it's like the table game that we use to play. baseball national league championship here is game two in chicago. adrian gonzalez homerun in chicago. they struggled in the late innings. here he gets heavier by us. they pitched seven innings. they will see that on fox sports one. goes to the world series. and per usual the last couple you have to win three. then you get best-of-five. i daycare here you mention the redskins. what's wrong with you. the division rival. they've won four straight. i will make you happy. i will not ask a non- redskins fan to do that. how about the mention of the skins of victory. the panthers one in five. yesterday. the ball went in town help for them. there were not that many missing pieces. one man should it make it difference. his like the biggest brat in the nfl. i don't fault him for that. there's colin and cap her neck. five and one. they tied it at madison avenue. the rookie though is getting the job done. if i'm jerry jones i probably say we're gonna keep going. you want to make a deal for tony romo. they're just there does can continue throughout the season. he is not very good as a starting quarterback yesterday. it was consistent with his previous play. that's when he started complaining. he started being a social activist. with violence against the black community and that just astonishes me. do you think is really helping at this point. he certainly not helping football. who in this room doesn't realize what's up. what's a conversation. if you can educate us all i would love to get education. they get educated by the bills yesterday. they will bring you some of the most famous. the controversial reason.s long. we will be back in a minute. rs . so when you got rear-ended and needed a tow, your insurance company told you 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october 127, we are happy you are with us top stories km on the east coast, donald trump,doubling down, he is ramping up allegations of a rigged election comes days before the final presidential debateed wednesdayh wednesday night vice presidential nominees weighing in on those preparations, and what their running mates need to do ahead of wednesday. >> i would just tell him just be himself again, donald trump won that debate last sunday going to won the debate on wednesday because he empathiesing to keep talking abouthe issues that matter, most to american people the chance that we can make a change of the fundamental direction of this country. >> i think the key he on wednesday sort of in the first two i think she was very, very knowledgeable, and she demonstrated that there was a significant gap in that way between her and donald built the other thing about it, is the de meaner i think what is what people look at. >> tensions reaching flash point north carolina gp headquarters firebombed building a total loss that have the we've got very latest on the investigation everyone is safe, chicago taking on its stie high murder rate by banning a playset outrage after amazon refuses to ship this toy to windy city. >> questions for wells fargo in plan to move past the fraud scandal, why one analyst says the company made a mistake by not adding new people to its board, and senior management the stock edging lower this morning, owner financials doing well, you are heating bill winter going up what is driving the prices coming up, and markets this morning looking -- lower but also the lows one of the tomorrow morning futures kieth a decline 16 points bank of america reported better-than-expected earnings this morning and that took the market averages off the lows, we are looking at a decline of about 15 points we have been down as many as 50 points earlier, so it certainly is seeing preyed rally right now. europe declines hydrofluorocarbon flack here too the market averages off lowe's mixed pomdz in yiesh nikkei average in japan kospi in korea up quarter of a percent others neg cover of taen magazine to arp magazine scene 90210 star luke perry latest cover modeled for retirees everywhere all those coming up this morning joining me to talk about it fox business network dagen mcdowell recon k capital cio kevin kelly, democratic strategy trump supporterer harlan hill good morning lots to comment joining the conversation algorithm fbi chaian will join us take on wells fargo situation and host of "varney & company" stooufrt stuart will we in you don't want to miss a moment do stay with us we kick off this hour with donald trump campaign, continuing to pile blame on the mainstream media claims about winning the election, team trump is vowing to accept election results win or lose come november 8 over weekend former new york city mayor rudy giuliani and senator tim kaine shared their take on the controversy. >> i remember case when i was associated attorney general 720 dead people voted in chicago in 1982 election. i remember in my own election, about 60 dead people voted, so i i can't sit here tell you that they don't cheat. >> it is very characteristic of donald trump but now he is blaming these women he is he is blaming the media blaming gp, he is saying america can't run a fair election. -- is swinging at every phantom of his own imagination because he knows he is losing. >> joining me donald trump economic policy advisor peter thank you so much for joining us. >> great to be here. >> will trump be able to stick to issues, on wednesday night? or are we going to hear more about i recognize this is an issue. that -- the are mainstream media the potential for voter proud to american people want to hear how he he is going to approach country and issues what is your take what we're going to hear wednesday night. >> let me demonstrate that, by just speaking to the issues, and i want to comment on the -- the 720 block, because this really cuts to the heart of donald trump versus hillary clinton plan 7 20u all were talking to wrote a analyst it was like gloom-and-doom how can we possibly grow, and the things that were coming out of mouths well if it keeps going this way we got to do fiscal stimulus or print more money i think about that we have had 8 years 8 years of 10 trillion dollars worth fiscal stimulus economy growing 12%, we've had four years of a federal reserve just screwing up the balance sheet greatest country in the world okay my point is simply this, there is a third way. the smart way, the trump way, which is an economic plan k not just cuts tags tax cuts a part of it we have a fundamental misalignment in trade in regulatory policy and energy policy folks watching this show if you want dow 25,000 the growth rate go from 2% to 3 1/2% like it used to do, donald trump will get you there, with a comprehensive economic plan that cuts taxes elimates trade deficit reduces regulation hillary rodham clinton will do the opposite that is what i would love to see chris wallace ask those two candidates how are you going to get us from 2% to 3 and a half, how are you going to go and do this through policies mrs. clinton are you going to keep printing money are you going to keep doing these fiscal stimuluses to nowhere or mr. trump, are you going to really cut taxes cut regulation, unleash your energy sect, do trade that is what this is about people watching are hungry for of that time i get on media, the hosts always say yaesht we talking about policy. >> talk about that have to last debate he did say he was he going to cut taxes she was but only going to benefit him going to benefit the rich, and --. >> and so when we looked at a lot of coverage post debate last time they didn't cover how he wanted to get rid of regulation, how he wanted to help out on taxes, they didn't cover it. >> that is why i asked -- what is it going to take to unleash business because we know it is a roll back of regulation and lower taxes on the corporate side is that resonating with people. >> he focused on taxes. >> -- the narrative in election to be about more than taxes, okay? it is a lot more than talking it is mostly about trade it is mostly about ohio and north carolina seeing all the jobs go to mexico, or china. it is about a regulatory environment costs this country two trillion dollars a year households 15,000 dollars a zbleer. dagen: there is not that much difference between him and her on trade anymore of her positions now. >> please, please, please, please! . >> hillary clinton was responsible for nafta in 1993 hillary and bill clinton spoibl for china into wto cost is 70,000 factors, hillary clinton signed the 2012 south korea deal negotiated that wholly deal promised us 70,000 new jobs we wound up losing 95,000 jobs, doubling our trade deficit with south korea hitting mostly auto industry if you get a candidate like hillary clinton, telling you that she is going to be to have you on trade and you believe it, please, because -- >> talking specifically about infrastructure spending were aren't. >> you. dagen: infrastructure spending. >> we will talk infrastructure we got a great -- >> sure. >> sure. >> because trump came out and said i am going to double what hillary clinton does, and if you are a conservative you don't think that infrastructure spending is end all be-all for economic growth but he is going to spend double with a she wants to spend he said that. >> back on me and wul burr will walk through a beautiful infrastructure plan uses revenue neutral tax credits basically build trillion dollars of infrastructure without burdening the taxpayer or without raising taxes and of businesses a great question, because what hillary clinton wants to do with infrastructure plans hear this she wants to raise taxes on businesses, to raise 225 billion dollars, is that pro growth? no she wants a part of that, and create an infrastructure bank, right -- which is going to leverage funds on nine to one basis as basically introducing subprime lending. to the government. i mean haven't we learned anything from fannie mae and freddie mac. i would say too every time she does not guilty like think it is ruddeled with special outrights the crony capitalist queen i can't imagine another candidate operating in benefit of heirs opposed to people you can with a look happened in haiti promised 60,000 jobs at manufacturing plant, only got 5,000 jobs, because friends of bill, we are consent seeing everything she would do, would be literallied with special interests benefit her and -- >> there was an article new yorker back when she was running, before, and obama was beating her up for nafta they called her laundry lady basically, meaning that all she does is do a bunch of lists that are -- throws things out and people grab on to it like, like she is actually going to do anything, but -- doesn't pass smell test, barack obama in 2008 when he was running as a candidate against hillary basically promised people of ohio going to get rid of nafta same time he was doing that, his economic advisor who was also hill's now sneaking into canadian consulate saying don't worry he doesn't mean it guess what he didn't mean it because 8 years later we still got nafta destroying north carolina and ohio, pennsylvania all swing states. >> there is a better way to say it we know priority right now needs to be economic growth, the question is how do you get to economic growth, do you move the needle on lowering tags rolling back regulation or do you noov the needle on economic growth another way? is trump doing a good enough job of really communicating that message that the priority right now, is economic growth, and you are not getting economic growth not getting job creation with what we have seen in the last 8 years. >> i got on set today first thing you asked me about rigged elections we spent whole segment talking economic growth the way that gets done is where people like me, and the candidate basically o he when other crap comes up you go let's talk about about what really matters to people that has to happen. dagen: his supporters and potential supporters since convention have been praying every day, that he would stay on message, and he can't do it -- >> i am telling you every day when i get on -- i talk to radio show that they will k me questions about economics, if they don't i just pivot right to it. >> -- >> beautiful. >> -- needs. >> i am not -- that is the point we've had a great discussion yes sir. >> candidate trump needs to quit making excuses he needs to quit blaming media and other do exactly what you've done rearepoint conversation to what is important if jobs and economy are important talk about jobs and xi he takes the bait time after time. >> i am here talking about economy, we've got. >> what is he going to do. maria: you are not in his shoes wednesday night peter. >> here is what interesting talk about rigged media thinking about this so far lefter holt martha raddatz anderson coordinate moderators what do they have in common they don't know anything about the details of economic policy, financial markets. of health care, they are basically, celebrities and they did not serve the american people well at all. all three of them i think worse probably anderson cooper, chris wallace has a chance to make a difference, here, i think he will. every single one of those topics are related to the policies which donald trump trumps hillary on tell me a policy where donald trump doesn't have a better policy if you look at economy yeah, you look at health care, obamacare, a mess, you look at immigration, hill wants open boards donald trump wants to have secure borders, you can go right down the list. >> and we know that we know that his message is much clearer and simple and straightforward lower taxes roll back about regs tap into energy hers not so cohe'sive we don't know how she is going to remove needle on economic growth what is her strategy take him off message take him off what he is talking about because it makes so much sense. >> we will see if he understands that. >> i hope voters have figured that out in the will have the three weeks and demand discussions about policy. maria: why he. >> thank you so much for having a great economics discussion. maria: good to see you. thank you so much he peter navarro we will be right back. d flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this vice president, this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured. a combination of see products.. and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer 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for donald trump other local republicans along with parts of that office, destroyed. the north carolina gop executive director described the attack as hate filled. >> words cannot describe the emotions you feel this is a horrific horrific act of political terrorism. >> trump reacted on twitter yesterday at first writing quote animals representing hillary clinton and dems in north carolina firebombed our of these in orange county because we are winning. he followed that up moments later adding quote all safe in orange county north carolina with you all the way, we will never forget now we have to win, proud of you all. >> hillary clinton twitter accounts gave this condemnation the attack on orange county hq, g.o.p. office horrific unacceptable very grateful everyone is safe as she mentioned there maria thankfully no one was hurt back to you. maria: incredible story sad blake thank you very much, chicago, is trying to lower murder rate banning a child's costume cheryl casone with this. cheryl: sadly true amazon is selling this pink western cowgirl set you see behind me gun holster a cowboy hat you can't get it delivered if you live in chicago. the city has a municipal law banz items that look like firearms, valuations carry 750 dollar fine six months in jail for amazon, telling chicago residents they are out of luck kids can't get the costumes, also -- target is pulling all clown about masks from stores online sites ahead of halloween, police several states are dealing with threats pranks sightings of people in creepy clown about masks fn caused mcdonald's to cut back on mcdonald's public appearances. and maria get ready for 90250, luke perry star of abc show beverly hills 90210 turned 50 the man used to grateful magazine covers, cover boy for aarp the cover story activity on social media mostly by people love that show, don't want to be reminded how old they are back to you. maria: that is funny. >> 50 why is -- >> that is -- a conversation a whole another conversation. >> confusing to me. >> we can do three hours on that alone. maria: firing -- dagen: you can't -- >> i can't even start. maria: can't even start. >> he wool get back to that you want to just -- explain. maria: self-editing. >> a crush on luke perry. dagen: never was into that show, no. >>. maria: wells fargo account scandal reputeing microscope back on big banks, former fdic chair weighs in. winter gets closer bills may heat up how staying warm could cost you big back in a minute. ♪ (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) 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>> because of the price of crude. i mean as low as 26 dollars per crude back to about 50, then probably hang around 50 for a while may be got a new -- 45 to 55 depending how much disappointment happens at opec meeting in vienna. >> seems a lot of talk, i am glad you brought up opec because seems like they just really speak a lot they don't do a lot of action and then even if they do agree to something, they -- increase their capacity anyway don't follow through we're seeing in united states counts up i think a big kroefr hanning around 50 dollar level we get to this level everybody starts pumping out more and more and more oil, because they need cash flow especiallit to service debt. >> you are absolutely right. and you know what determines price of crude is going to be determined in west z texas lagos nigeria libya in 50s, particularly in west texas, you can make about as much on my or as much profit as you did a few years ago at 80, or 90 dollars efficiency and costs have come way down, so it is really hard to come up with a scenario for let's say 60 to 70 dollar oil, in the next few years, but 45 to 55 seems about right. dagen: with you come up with scenario 30 to 40 dollar oil? >> uh you can it involves recession it involves recession, if you have a recession we will have 30 to 40 dollar oil. >> -- we're not seeing actually acceleration on side of demand. >> most projections or go 1.2 million barrels per day, per year. and that needs to have basically growing academies for that to happen if you get any kind of softness south america merging countries you are not going -- >> getting stronger isn't that going to have impact on price of oil we talked to about that so much earlier in the year, and now we're starting to see the last month dollar has risen high. >> i think it is at a seven-month high but seduced price of oil if opec really were to get together, and cut production by one million barrels day they are not but if they were you would see prices move up, and move up steadily they will be higher but at end of the decade when a lot of the projects that are ring out of steam will run out of steam and you don't have the big new megadeepwater projects so forth. >> you can't write off idea there could be recession you go back to 30, 40. >> no, and none of the projects have recession in them usually you get recession 8, 9 years of something like that a recession plashl a severe one would subdue prices 3540, dollar range. >> heating oil demand story there colder months. >> much more efficient use of it we are going to pay more this year, probably about 50 cents more than last year but not going to have 3 and 4,000 dollar bills in the northeast that some people suffered through, in 2013, 14. >> a little bit [either are. >> higher natural gas. >> thanks for joining us, up next, protecting the consumer major impact each administration could have on regulation, economy takes center stage race for white house so many are warning another financial crisis could be on the horizon. back in a moment. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn't you love more customers? i would definitely love some new customers. sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. switch your business to sprint and save 50% on most current verizon, at&t and t-mobile rates. don't let a 1% difference cost you twice as much. whoooo! for people with hearing loss, visit . maria: good monday morning welcome back i am maria bartiromo. it is monday, october 17, your top stories right now 8:30 a.m. on the east coast. campaign countdown, 22 days until election day, donald trump is a revving up allegations about election being rigged both sides addressing claims. >> without the unending one-sided assault on news media trump would be beating hill by 15 points. >> starting to make wild claims kind of scorched earth claims about election being rigged ets we have to keep putting out a message we need to call on everybody to speak out about the fact that we run elections and we run them well here, he should not be engaging in those scare tactics. >> latest coming up banks in focus bank of america latest to report third quarter earnings above expectations, wells fargo facing new questions over the fraudulently account scandal deutsche bank reportedly weighing changes to u.s. business negotiates a settlement with the justice department, broader market lower well off lows of the morning expecting dow jones industrial average open down 15 points or so nasdaq s&p 500, flat on the morning in europe declines across the board we are here too a little boy onsback from lowest ft 100 down two-thirds of one percent 43 points higher mixed overnight in asia as you see from major averages japan up a quarter of a percent kospi in korea pepsico a turn the changes company is making to its beverages has a lot to do about sugar we will bring those. >> bank of america beating street expectations third quarter earnings this morning, this coming on heels of all major average banks reporting better-than-expected results last unique fallout from wells fargo phony account scandal a cloud over results ohio severs ties with bank for one year, making it third state to take action joining me right now former chairman of fdic sheila baer with us good to see you wells fargo trying to make amendz tell me how you see what it does it need to do right now, to get people to have confidence and feel like okay, they made a mistake but moving beyond it. >> right, still trying to recover from some initially missteps very serious i think what he they are doing now is right. the board is doing an investigation, if there is addition having the to be imposed it will come out as a result of the board's investigation, there are reaching out to consumers, proactively reaching out providing resources for consumers who are concerned it can be done seems to me that they are doing and seem to ride out a lot of pain i think before all over. >> idea of aggressive sales targets not just at wells fargo, targets and this idea you want to have business, one customer having a checked account want to sell everything from mortgage to savings account to debit card will you expect an industry change is as results to be -- >> as policy result might be to review these, how they are interpreted endorsed with employees. i think you know you can do it right way you should be looking at whether providing value add edd customer if custor wants it reducing costs for customers cost selling isn't necessarily bad the focus needs to be customer benefit not just numbers driving up number of it's leads to gage abuses as well. >> we talked a lot about layings or not the regulatory environment is choking small or medium priced business what is your take on that face it the wells fargo situation was not caught by the consumer protection bureau, the "l.a. times" -- >> not like this -- overyou know regulatory environment all agencies necessarily making a difference. >> well, i think. >> or is it? >> well i think it is i think i used to say, i still say examiners should be when they show up for and am looking at press reports analyst reports i know the reporter at "l.a. times" a very good reporter did a lot of work during subprime crisis as well journalists can add value i don't necessarily think that is falling down by regulatory but resource regulatoryr should use they work well with them i think it does show value-added but you are right it wasn't, a driver here they responded buth acted appropriate i think warriors it kill a to their tonation. >> what do you want from the regulatory agencies as it applies to banks. >> yeah, well i think, common sense even handedness simplicity consistence with enforcement i think kinds of things any regulated business needs, in terms of -- being able to grow and profit in responsible way in regulatory framework but you need transparency consistencies, sometimes we get there sometimes we don't. >> isn't it true the whole idea of capital how much to hold right now is still an issue that is keeping banks -- keeping capital holding it. >> right. >> not investing it. >> it is not -- actually capital is just a way to financed your balance sheets not really holding you can fund balance sheet with equities, fund with debt, if you fund your balance sheet with equity, then you have resiliency then to have you pay back a legal obligation to pay equity holders you don't. >> a rule banks have to have so-called -- capital at certain levels not going to use that money or other things because they are going to keep it there. >> that was point i was trying to make yes, they can use that equity xa will to make loans it is just a different way of funding themselves do i think, regulators, a way you are funding risk taking activities so capital is more expensive than debt to extent that you know, it is more expensive to ray of equity capital over debt it might -- impair your ability to to take risks of a margin may be a good than any in downturn we want resilient banks to absorb losses in downturn why you need extra cushions of capital on that one actually i think rules too complex i think they lend to gage risk based rules the overly trend capital refinements for banks i think health for public. >> what is impact on deutsche bank situation facing more trouble deutsche bank now saying it is looking to shrink u.s. operations, in the face of mounting legal expenses we still don't know how much they owe, the department of justice, first it was 14 billion dollars, now talking about 6 billion dollars, could this situation ripple throughout the u.s. banking system? >> i think it certainly there has been a already i only assume regulators looking closely at database d.c. coming up with contingency plans they have liquidity there is a resolution mechanism that they didn't have before that allows some government intervention so long as unsecured creditors as well as equity holders take losses first so there are tools in the tool kit we didn't have prior to crisis i think gives germ government ability to handle that in orderly way working with other regulators if they have to at this point i don't think that happening i think they need to downsize i think probably not raefth to raise a lot of capital anything that would be reasonable -- cost the downside may be selling asset management businesses probably what they need to do overtime probably make more valuable franchise if they get shaul insincere do you this about represents potential impact to broader financial system a lot of people missed the fact we are interconnected if aicom goes down goldman sachs gets impacted, and if lehman brothers goes down, somebody else gets impacted if deutsche bank is forced to sell its derivatives portfolio, does that take more boats down with it. >> i don't think so might sell to stronter stronger counter party i don't know if that would be case cansline charlottes would be destructive we have in place to contain those relationships even if in a situation where bank failed if interconnected yes could there be losses in other wanings if they fail go into resolution yes, exactly the kinds of things banks regulators should look at exposurech mainly u.s. banks to deutsche bank preparing for the worst i don't think going to happen o but you always want contingency plans in place. >> from your standpoint what a very the framework look light donald trump and hillary clinton outlining their plans trump wants moratorium on financial regulation, hillary clinton wants to crack down on banking system what how will this play out what do you think is required. >> i think there is words apart except one thing restore glass-steagall interesting apparently both parts want to separate commercial banking from investment banking, that is something that interesting to note. you know i would just like -- simple regulation more transparent consistent regulation i think key primary form above all others do i think was to raise capital requirements to banks more resilient in downturn you look at bank like deutsche bank they have a lot of leverage a lot of short-term funding that works fine when markets going up everything good making money there ino capacity absorb losses in downturn when you have to get into public support k which is what a we want to would i i do think requirements are good cornerstone to regulatory system, want to go get rid of dodd-frank i wouldn't go that far i think many good things about dodd-frank i point out as a good conservative a principled approach based on capital for stable financial system. >> we will leave it there good to see you -- >> thank you so much, joining us there up next rising risk of recession where next big crisis could be next year or so 22 days until election day gop is already holding a victory dinner in the sunshine state, s will this positive thinking turn polls in florida around? back in a minute. . maria: donald trump getting back on campaign trail this morning, as he heads to speaker paul ryan's home state wisconsin. in midst of ongoing feud while running mate gets back up in battle grounded state of florida the latest right now in tampa, good morning. reporter: and good morning to you maria you know tampa hillsborough county, is going to be we for the republicans for mr. trump if they want to quinn state of florida i want to show you some video from over the weekend, mike pence was here, in tampa. rallying republicans, at a state gop victory dinner met with marco rubio shook hands onstage to energize folks a lot riding in florida throttle trump won 66 of 67 counties, tr super giant jeb bush marco rubio, he knocking them out the question can he convince democrats to cross party lines and vote for him, joe gruder is heading the trump campaign efforts in florida told us this. >> we are working harmoniously anybody says anything different is just not accurate, i will tell you that we together will deliver the state for donald trump. reporter: now i want to show you the latest average from realclearpolitics about what is happening with hillary clinton versus donald trump she has a slight edge 47% of the vote it would appear at least favoring her over mr. trump's 43 and one half%, but the republicans put on a really energized effort to register new voters 10 counties in florida switched from being democratic majority counties to republican majority counties and tony ledbetter who is gop chair in volusia county that is daytona daytona beach area told us this about that. >> a shadow vote out there, there is many, many, many people that polls are -- if you are just registered to vote last year, the polls can't find you new people coming onboard they don't vote for one person that is -- gonna vote for one person donald j. trump. >> is a wrap up how emotional this event to this dleks has beco election has emcee comedienne schumer had a performance asked a man supported donald trump come onstage explain why went into roughly five minute attack of donald trump people in the audience booed her some walked out. >> back to you. maria: wow, thank you, we will get book to you as that materializes further. >> another predictions of coming financial crisis joining us host of "varney & company" stuart varney, continuing people are saying that look the economy is going slow rate we could see recession next year. >> you keep on hearing these forecasts threats here it comes another big one financial crisis just coming down the pike, you are right it is almost nonstop may be because it is october, but the latest one comes from samuelson famous name in the economics business he just pointed out that global debt that includes governments household nonfinancial companies is 152 trillion dollars it was 112 trillion in '07 and 67 trillion in 02, ebt astronomically, what federal reserve going to do about this not much they can do, they are out of new tools, wrangled does that leave you? hillary clinton not going to produce that much growth in the economy, how about trump? if you want to solve debt crisis get down grow. >> businesses are sitting on cash. >> capital investment by businesses, is down. actually down, rate of growth not just slowing it is actually down, that is a very big deal. >> sure is thank you see you in 10 minutes. >> "varney & company" top of the hour 9:00 a.m. eastern after morning mornings join stuart 10 minutes' time. >> julián assange taken off-line overnight wikileaks blames for severing links to the internet, back in a minute. ♪ he has a sharp wit, a winning smile, and no chance of getting an athletic scholarship. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. approaching medicare eligibility? you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you've learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long™. call now and request this free decision guide. it's full of information on medicare and the range of aarp medicare supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients, and there are no network restrictions. unitedhealthcare insurance company has over thirty years experience and the commitment to roll along with you, keeping you on course. so call now and discover how an aarp medicare supplement plan could go long™ for you. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. remember, medicare doesn't cover everything. the rest is up to you. call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. ♪ maria: welcome back russian president vladimir putin answering questions about his potential involvement in u.s. presidential election. cheryl: this just happened a few moments ago he was holding a briefing a short time ago he said that russia has no intention influenceing the election he went on to speak highly of donald trump saying quote we welcome anyone who wants to work with us end quote. well, wikileaks says founder julian assange internet being a access cut off few details immediately available wikileaks says contingency plans are being made, assange has been holed up at ecuadorian embassy in london more than four years skipping bail to being extra dooitdz to sweden over sex crimes allegations. >> pepsico make changes to soft drinks company announcing plans to reduce sugar content on many products, that is because the goal two-thirds drink contain 100 calories fewer by the year 2025. and watching earnings for you, bank of america higher in premarket third quarter profits rising nearly 6% from year earlier, the company posting a profit 41 cents per share beat estimate that was 34 cents there is that trade right there, taking a look at netflix guys set to report earnings after the market closes today, investors are worried after years of stung growth company may have hit pause button expected to post a profit of 6 cents a share that is down, though, more than half from last year's third quarter maria obviously if you look at the stock performance netflix last year versus this year a different story, back to you. maria: a big growth story a long time how do you keep those numbers going? >> that is the biggest issue you saw the journal actually out today, about netflix, actually negative on the stock, one of the reasons account acquisition costs high why original programming a bunch of studios getting together. >> nailed it. >> i am serious because -- there are so many competitors, it is you only have so much really good content and they wind up overpaying for what is mediocre, not all this is mediocre but so many more competitors wheth competitors amazon hbo hulu, you name it. >> there is price sensitivity as well. >> and -- interesting at the missed last quarter increased costs price sensitivity is trickling through they don't have model advertisements like other people interesting show and intierment side this cycle was a supposed to be savior supposed to be ease costs guidance came out pretty bad honeywell prerelease you had dover on industrial complex side, we've seen news off the china dog down market last week along because of the stronger dollar so people should not be really excited about this earnings season, i think they need to be very tempered. maria: financials certainly doing better than expected bank of america this morning all banks last week, and they are exceeding expectations better trading. >> there is on fixed income we saw that come across on bank america people are shying away from traditional banks line wells fargo we saw what they had to do to reduce earnings last four years now in the rearview mirrorar alcoa wasn't great technology interesting netflix drove the market could take down technology sector other names may increase google, because you want to actually get valuation of a google growing supportived to caterpillar on front lines of today. >> paralyze reasonable to be risk averse heading into election you could really see that trade-off, moving -- health care space. >> we saw that last week. >> sure. >> final thoughts from all-star panel after this short break. stay with us. ♪ all nightlong, at you nightlong ♪ ♪ yeah, all nightlong ♪ ♪ this woman owns this house, with new cabinets from this shop, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured. ... i just saved thousands on my loan at in less than a minute, i found out how much home i can afford. i like how you shop for loans the same way you shop for flights online. i didn't realize that lendingtree you can save money on almost any sort of loan. i consolidated my credit card debt with a personal loan. i found a new credit card with 0% interest for 15 months. you just shop, compare, and save, and it's all free. go to lendingtree right now and start saving. ♪ >> welcome back. final thoughts from our all-star panel, harlan hill. >> i'm begging the trump team to start cutting ads. utilize these wikileaks, from needy latinos to the catholic stuff and just cut those ads and target to those groups and hammer her on it. because right now there's none of it. maria: they need money to do it though. kevin. >> i'm focused on earnings this week, justin johnson, tomorrow before the bell. there's a lot of of names out there you can own through the election and fed rate hike and i think that johnson & johnson could be one of them. they've done well, they've got a 2.75 dividend and the pharmaceutical side is growing. i'm interested to see what they come out with. dagen: many many congratulations to harlan hill who is getting married this weekend. i only have one piece of advice and nothing to do with marriage. it's get rid of your galaxy note phone. [laughter] >> if you still have before you leave on your honeymoon, harlan please do that. >> it's in his pocket, which is danger. dagen: danger man. >> on the edge. maria: kevin kelly, dagen mcdowell, harlan hill. be sure to tune in tomorrow, martha stewart in the studio. see you then. "varney & company" is up now. stuart: martha stewart did you say? do don:. maria: in the studio. stuart: i will join you. and two questions, can trump catch up? good morning, everyone, depends on the poll you look at, doesn't it. the l.a. times puts trump one point ahead. that's an outlier poll and a poll gives her four point lead narrow given it was taken during t during the uproar over trump

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