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Sandra today mark it is final day of 2016 primary season. Voters heading to the poll in washington, d. C. And we could see Bernie Sanders formerly drop his bid for the white house. A scary moment caught on camera. This video showing a car crash that rolled over a pickup truck. People blame security lines for missing flights, well, one person is doing a look at legal fight and battle coming up. I guess a few f us thought about doing that sometimes. The social media giant wants you to download the new app. Turning to markets this morning. Global economic fear persist in upcoming british to leave the euro zone. Nikkei and hang seng and kospi all to the downside. Latest polling showing the lead side is in the lead. But the big story for markets there bonds, the yield on the tenyear german boone deeply in negative territory for the First Time Ever. And here in the u. S. Looking at lower markets as well. U. S. Stock market futures are down right now pointing to a lower open. A few hours from now. Nasdaq futures downside, three tenths of one percent. Here with me this morning fm, wall street journal Jon Hilsenrath and fox news correspondent lea gabriel is here as well. Thanks for joining us. We have a. Forbes media chairman steve forbes, former president ial candidate cain and Mike Huckabee will be joining us and breaking bad michael cazeda. Turning to stop story this morning, new developments in the terror attack that left 49 people dead and dozens more people injured in deadliest mass shooting. Jeff flock is live in orlando for us. Jeff sandra, i think its fair to say that a more complicated picture of omar mateen is emerging. That with word that multiple goers to the nightclub back in the darkness behind me, omar mateen was a frequent visitor to the club in addition to report from the Los Angeles Times indicating that he was also a frequent user of a gay dating app as well. With this perhaps an elaborate attempt to case the nightclub or did it suggest Something Else . At this point i guess its fair to say that we dont know but difficult for fbi agents to combat these sorts of things, jim comey making that clear in remarks to reporters. Our work is very challenging, we are looking for needles in a nationwide hay stack but we are also called upon to figure which pieces of hay might become needles. Thats hard work. If we can find a way to do that better, we will. Jeff also be noted that a report has also emerged that mr. Mateen also cased disney world as a potential target for terror as well. Authorities today will continue to look at his devices, sandra, that is to say his phone and computers, they say theyre making progress in terms of all of that in terms of making contacts that he might have had. President obama will be in orlando to stand in solidarity to stand with these people on thursday, sandra. Sandra jeff flock, thank you. Joining us now former fbi assistant. Larry, i will start with you first. What does the investigation look like, we are now 48 after the fact. What does this look like right now . Jeff reported that theyre going through the killers electronic devices, what more likely are we to learn today . We would like to learn whether in fact, he did have contact with any group of isis or other people in the country that hes worked with that might be willing to carry out some of these same type of his or horrendous attacks. We want to understand what drove him to do this probable thing so we can preefnt them in the future. Sand and as we heard the fbi director james comey, he doesnt believe that theres anything that the fbi could have done differently to prevented this man from obtaining those weapons and going into the nightclub and killing 49 innocent people, he was investigated twice by the fbi. Well, he was but after the last investigation they decided they had no evidence to continue it and took him off the terrorist watch list which allowed him to purchase the gun. Unfortunately the militarystyle gun that he use today kill innocent people, and i think secretary clinton put it very well, you know, you cant go after everyone because they happen to have a particular religion. We are a country of over 300 Million People and you cant buy perfect security but you try to min minimize it. You have extensive experience working Cyber Operations for the fbi, we know that this man, i dont want to say his name but he used the cell phone during attack. In previous years wouldnt the fbi would have been able to look at the phone number and use meta Data Collection to immediately ies so who immediately access. The fbi were there at the time of the incident while it was ongoing incident would be going back to the selfservice provider and trying to get maximum information about recent use, locality information, cell tower information to tell them as much as possible that might predict a future attack, might predict a coordinated attack, might give them some insight into what his network looked like. In the past under the patriot act, that collection of data was not controlled by the telephone companies, that was actually controlled within the government. Wouldnt that allow faster access to that information when these attacks are happening, theyre realtime and Law Enforcement officials are trying to immediately assess if this could be a coordinated attack. Right, you want to get this information as quickly as possible. There are project call obstacles to that even in an emergency situation. It is getting contact inside the providers whether thats an Internet Service provider or a cell provider. There are practical limitations to it but there are provisions to act on an emergency basis and get information very quickly. Sandra all right, larry, lets talk about political response, presumptive candidates on both sides have made speeches following this horrific tragedy i should say. Donald trump has used it as a reason to reiterate his policy on immigration. What do you make of the responses we heard so far . Well, i think both candidates play to their strengths, i mean, secretary clinton, if you remember the debates with senator sanders were very big on gun control and she can use this to say, see, we have to get better controls, so to prevent these type of weapons from falling into the wrong hands, obviously mr. Trump has said the problem is letting these muslims into the country, so if we can stop them from coming in, that would be less of them who might do this, leaving aside the fact that sandy hook and the killing in the church in South Carolina were not, you know, people of the muslim faith, and i think president obama too, you know, he would not use the term radical islam trying to say we are not at war with a particular religion and we dont want to use that term because it would in his view create more people willing to carry out these horrendous attacks. Sandra all right, we are likely to learn much more in the coming hours and days about these attacks. Thank you for joining us this morning. Thank you for having me. Sandra vigils were held around the world and continue to be as we mourn those killed in the orlando terror attacks. None may be as poynant than the memorial held in orlando where one church bell rang for each of the innocent lives lost. Closing the stage this afternoon for auditions . Whats on that piece of paper . Oh, miss maroney, your forehead should not be doing anything. I just had botox. I know exactly whats happening ah whoa this is a bad streaming experience. The girlie show is a real fun lady show. vo dont let bad streaming ruin a good show. Dont look at me vo only verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network. Can your network say that . Switch now, buy two samsung phones and get a free tv, plus up to 650 back. Only on americas best network. Intenselyflavored. Colorfullydiverse. Beautifullymisshapen. Cultivated for generations, its the unexpected hero of any dish. When you cook with incredible ingredients. You make incredible meals. Fresh ingredients. Stepbysteprecipes. Delivered to your door. Get your first two meals free blueapron. Com cook. Sandra france is facing a high threat from terrorism after isis claimed responsibility for a double murder last night outside of paris. Cheryl casone has the latest on the story and other headlines that we are watching for you this morning. Cheryl good morning, sandra, good morning, everyone. While this incident happened in a suburb 30 miles west of paris around 8 30 p. M. Last night. A 42yearold chief was stabbed nine times in the stomach in the front of his house before the killer went inside and took his wife and threeyearold son hostage. She was later found dead after special forces raided the home and they killed the attacker and the swat team standoff. Frenchman with past terrorist conviction. France president francois hollande, calling terrorist attack and also said france is not the only country concerned with regards to terrorism. , of of course, we have all seen with the events in orlando florida. Bernie sanders set to meet privately with Hillary Clinton in washington tonight. This is washington, d. C. Holds the last primary of the democratic race with clinton already being called the presumptive nominee. Questions continue to circle as to when sanders will drop out of the race. Now, another headline this morning, this is something out, dash cam footage from a rollover crash. Look at this, this is all unfolding on this video. It show it is dramatic moment when a toyota makes contact tauses the truck to turn over. The driver of the truck suffering might minor injuries. The driver of the pt cruiser not injured in this. Facebook threatening to delete all photos if they do not install photo sharing application called moment before july 7th. The social network discontinued support for automatic sinking from the facebook back in january, that forced users app if they want to automatically up load photos from the phone. If you use moment, it helps you automatically tag friends using facial recognition but many angry that they download yet another app to use facebook. Sandra, back to you. Sandra to be clear its a free app. This is not a new strategy by facebook, right . They did this with the messenger. Dagen facebook is making money off of your most personal information. Sandra correct. Dagen personal information. You always notice on facebook they always want you to fill out more profile data, more you know, explain yourself in a sentence. The more information they get on you, the more valuable you are that information is and the more they can target ads to you. That is actually twitters central problem, is they dont target ads very well. They dont understand who their users are. Maybe your behavior on twitter isnt really indicate the behavior but this is facebooks bread and butter. Jon its going after instagram. Dagen facebook is instagram. Jon there you go. Sandra this is a threat that those pictures are going to go bye, bye, you wont have access to them unless you download. Of course, its not just facebook that does this. So many apps require you to provide information when you try to download them. Some of the basic ads want access to your location when they dont really need it. Dagen all my Location Tags is on. Thats good but if you dont theyre going to get access at their pictures. Sandra exactly where they are, where theyre having dinner. Its good until its dangerous. Dagen update your user profile information. Im only like half full. Theres so much more information that they want me to provide to them and im like sandra all right, germany tenyear bond, lending falling before zero for the First Time Ever, what does that mean . Weve got somebody here who can tell us exactly what the implications are of that and we dive further into the implications of england leaving the eu next. Then orlando pulling together after the horrendous terror over the weekend that left 49 people dead. We will speak with the mayor of miami beach coming up, stay tune in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. 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Td ameritrade. By switching to xfinity x1. Rio Olympic Games show me gymnastics. X1 lets you search by sport, watch nbcs highlights and catch every live event on your tv with nbc sports live extra. Im getting ready. Are you . X1 will change the way you experience nbcuniversals coverage of the rio Olympic Games. Call or go online today to switch to x1. Sandra the yield on europes benchmark bond the tenyear german bond went negative for the First Time Ever today as investors await britains vote whether it will remain in the European Union. All right, i asked jon, i made him promise that you were going to tell us exactly what this means to us if were a sophisticated trader or average investor, how does this apply . Jon theres a couple of things going on here. One is investors are flock to go lowrisk assets because theres uncertain any the markets about whats going to happen with this british vote, so they go to german and u. S. Treasury. U. S. Treasury yields have fallen in tenyear notes to 1. 6 , lowest level in a couple of years. So theres this specific uncertainty but theres a longterm issue at hand here which is that the market is coming around to the view that this economy is not going to get going. That inflation is going to remain very low for a long time, i mean, you dont get negative yields on longterm bonds unless people are convinced theres going to be no inflation and this leads us to the fed meeting which is coming up tomorrow. The fed is of the view that its going to be able to raise Interest Rates over the next two to three years. Sandra what is leading them toable that this is a good time to raise Interest Rates . Jon theyre not going to raise Interest Rates but they have a view that the economy is somehow go back to the way it was, we are going to reach sandra you sound like you dont believe that. Jon all you have to do is look at the bond yields. The fed says by the end of 2018 shortterm Interest Rates near 3 . Overnight Interest Rates over 3 . The fed is wrong on this, the market is saying that the fed is wrong on this. They bring down estimates and, you know, as tends to happen when the fed gives us bad news about the economy the market rallies. Sandra where do you fall on that . Jon theres been disconnect with polls and markets. The markets seem sob comfortable that it wasnt going to happen but now we are seeing stock prices fall, bond yields fall. Thats a sign that investors are starting to wake up to the possibility that it could actually happen. Dagen you would see a snapback, complete reversal if they vote to stay in the European Union . Sandra the polling this morning has everybodys attention, the poll from the times of london shows 46 prefer to leave while 39 want to remain. I mean, thats thats a change in tune. Jon these polls have tended to change, for instance, in the scottish vote very late in the game, so its hard to know how this is going to play out, but, you know, this is why we are seeing downward pressure on stocks right now. Sandra all right, market volatility probably going to increase on the face of uncertainty. Jon absolutely. Dagen was shot up yesterday at isnt it true that analysts believe that bond yields are expected to drop even further in the summer . Jon well, they could. Its going to be depend in part of what the fed does f we see sign that is job growth has turned around, the fed starts raising rates. We could see bond yields turn around again. Right now the expectation that they keep moving down because we are see nothing signs of inflation. The other thing that the fed has been looking at, if you look at inflation expectations, where people expect inflation to be, thats falling too. We are going to have a dubbish meeting out of the fed tomorrow. Dagen highest since february. Sandra there you go. All right, so its going to be a busy week. Up next clinton blaming guns on the attack of orlando this weekend. We will talk to one of the biggest supporters. France on high terror alert after the murder of a policeman and his wife in paris overnight. We will head to london with the very latest on that, coming up. Welcome back, everyone. I am sandra smith. Your stories at 630 amenities posted searching for for clues to investigators learn more about the orlando terrorist killer. Witnesses told police he regularly visits poles nightclub. Republican nominee donald trump and democratic nominee Hillary Clinton all weighed in on the devastating attack and the root cause of it. As president i will make it that the site and stopping lone wolves a priority. We cannot continue to allow thousands upon thousands of people pour into our country, many of whom had the same thought process as the savage killer. Many of the principles of radical islam are incompatible with western values. Sandra today marks the final day of the 2016 primary season. Polls open in 30 minutes in washington d. C. For the democratic primary. We could see Bernie Sanders formally drop out of this race. He is said to me with Hillary Clinton later today. People blame long security lines for missing flights. One person is suing the tsa over it. A tsa over it. A look at his political battle come into. Looking at asia overnight. See the shanghai up and markets mostly lower as Global Economic fears the upcoming british vote to lift the eurozone continued to weigh on investor sentiment. The latest poll showed the live site is the late now. European stocks down more than 1 as the insurgency continues with the exception that the dax in germany at three quarters of a percent. In the u. S. Looking at a lower open future right now are down. Dow futures up 35 points. S p futures up five, nasdaq features leading the way for the downside on a percentage based at 12. 3 quarter . Oil prices weighed on the broader markets this morning. Crude oil roughly lower by 1. 3 trading at 48. 24 a gallon. Orlando, florida reeling in the aftermath of the terror attack at the pulse nightclub saturday night. Citizens hold a vigil to remember as hundreds rate in line to donate blood to those injured. Mayor of miami beach, philip levine. Thank you for joining us. Thank you on the sandra. A lot still going on. A lot we dont know. What do you make at this point in the investigation in orlando . Well, it is a horrible, terrible tragedy. The people of miami and miami beach hearts are broken. We had a vigil to honor the victims of orlando. It comes down to assault weapons. Secretary clinton said it very clearly. We must ban assault weapons and make sure people buying guns have stronger background checks. Trinity of major support very clear. Lets get to her making that point in her speech yesterday. We have to make it harder for people who should not have those weapons of war. And that may not stop every shooting or every terrorist attack, but it will stop some and it will save lives and that will protect our First Responders. Sandra theres a lot of criticism about the timing of taking that circumstance when we very well know it is not guns that kill people, it is people that kill people, especially in this particular circumstance. Let me ask you a question. If u. S. Police, s. W. A. T teams, First Responders do they want people to have assault weapons, they will tell you absolutely not. They couldve got in the building sooner if the gentleman did not have an assault weapon. Sandra lets go back to the fbi conference james khamenei, the head of the fbi said he believes it appears that this man was inspired by isis, the terrorist group. The conversation is going to guns rather than the root cause of the attack. Listen, we all know we have a fanatic situation. We have an islamic fundamentalist situation. It is a threat to the safety of our residents. Lets make sure people cant get assault weapons. We need better background checks. Thats a clear difference between secretary clinton. Donald trump with the nra doesnt want to do anything. What donald trump as saying basically that honor goes to clubs and bars should carry their assault weapon with them. Thats not a way for america to live. We must do something proactively. He knows the threat and the horror of what these assault weapons brain. I want to bring in one of our fox news correspondent. Im sure youll be the first to point out that we cant make a comparison to any other mass shooting. This was the biggest in history. It was inspired by a terrorist group. The thing i wanted to jump on as he said First Responders, Law Enforcement dont want people to carry these weapons. Thats a pretty sweeping generalization. A number of people in line for us in on these weapons on their own and very much believe in the Second Amendment. Sandra you are a Police Officer and you want someone who has an assault weapon. Thats not the question and thats not the point you made. Given the sweeping generalization Police Officers do not want this to happen. You know its totally different. Sandra please continue. Theres been a big argument over the militarization of police and military equipment, things that bearcat. In this particular case pharmacies and stopping this attack. What is your stance on military equipment being used to protect themselves . Im not sure whether its military equipment or whatever it may be, we must make sure First Responders have all the proper cap like to stop an attack. But you dont want the crazy fanatic person to have an assault weapon. We want to make sure they dont and thats what we need to do and what secretary clinton is saying. Lets ban assault weapons and make sure checks are stronger. But mayor, lets talk about the fact that this man was also investigated multiple times by the fbi and continued on with this. Theres a much bigger problem but we not been identified by the white house, by Hillary Clinton and that is these extremists that are inspiring these types of attacks in this country right now. What do we do about that . The first thing is make sure we have someone like secretary clinton as president committed to banning assault weapons. Donald trump is okay with assault weapons. Secretary clinton as the knowledge to go after these hunters to attack where they are. Whether its trump university, he lies every day. Dagen mayor, he says for fighting radical islamic terrorism. Is that what is teleprompter said yesterday . Dagen shell make a push to the right and conceded she would willingly refer to it like that yesterday because shes not running against Bernie Sanders anymore and feels a little more comfortable in the middle somewhere. He has no experience, no knowledge of his alienated the world. Are you politicizing the tragedy by continuing to take it back . Absolutely not. If the assault weapons. That the issue. What youre doing is bringing it up as a political item. It is something miami beach residents and citizens who now is a horrible tragedy and we stand together with the people of orlando. This is a question ms. Clinton has had for quite some time and seem to change her tune yesterday by labeling the animate. Who do you believe is the enemy were fighting right now . The enemy we know. It is a jihadist islam like throughout that is coming from all over the world and they must make sure we secure our country. Secretary clinton has a plan to do so. Sandra without demanding with Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders today. Both Brittany Sanders dropped out of the race . Bernie sanders has said he wants to continue through the washington primary. He has every right to do so. The convention is not until the end of july. Senator sanders has brought a lot to the mission and were expected tremendous unity coming together. Sandra mayor philip levine, one more thing you want to get in, leah . To Hillary Clintons credit she does have a lot of experience and National Security. To bring a political point that gun control, people Second Amendment rights so quickly into a horrible tragedy seems to be quick and that is something we see every time the mass casualties happened, every time horrible events happen it becomes political so quickly. Sandra last word, mayor. What he think we should do . 10,000pound gorilla in the room. Dagen, too bad the only thing in this teleprompter is your name, mr. Mayor. That essay. Sandra france facing an extremely high terror threat. The details of the threat coming up in foster week at a new life on the Fox Business Network airing fridays at 8 00 p. M. Eastern time. Saturday and sunday morning hosted by our very own. I am honestly by the way. Catch it right here. Dagen know youre not. Sandra yes, i am. When they thought they should westart saving for retirement. Le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. Its a ent. Just start as early as you can. Its going to pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Sandra nations are pouring in to support victims of your vendor shooting massacre at Cheryl Casone has the latest headlines. Cheryl good morning. Pouring the moment by moment, 3 million has been raised so far this morning on the go find me site since it was created hours after the rampage sunday morning. More than 68,000 people have donated money for the victims so far. Twentyfive dollars, 100 that they raised over 2 million in one day. This is not the largest and Fastest Growing campaign in the websites history. They also which several days for this site by the way the company did. Adam levine has offered to pay for the funeral expense is for his singer Christina Graham a shot in killed after a concert in orlando last week. Levine meant toward grammy when finished third on nbcs voice two years ago. A motive for the shooting hasnt been determined that the gunmen fatally shot himself after being tackled by his brother. She had no connection to the shooter we should say. And then im a bit of a larger note, a minnesota man is suing the transportation security frustration in the minneapolisst. Paul airport after he missed his flight in march because he was not waiting to get through security. The man claims he arrived two hours ahead of his flight scheduled departure but so missed it after standing a security line for more than one and a half hours. He is suing for about 507 in change to cover the cost of a new flight and other transportation needs. Alaska may have to file the lawsuit which cost a small fee. Not a lot, but good for him. No response from tsa. Sandra if that is worth his time. Ive often left the airport and going to do something about this event can get the better of me. She went to cases and militants of the rest of us do this could be a costly event. I dont think the rest of us will be willing to do the time, after to do this. Sandra i say stop about the lines. The tsa thought up in how they were managing the traffic for the lines, but the primary job of security and keeping the airports safe. They made the move because they were worried about people through tsa precheck. When they put people through lines has great. When you see an efficiency is theres issue there. We spent some morning talking about the threat of terror. Sandra thats my point. It took them a few months to get their act together. So be it. The government runs it and not the way it is right now. If somebody wants in a different effect to congress to privatize it. It is private before 9 11. This dude needs to take it up with the airline. Was he really out the money is the question . Did he suffer Financial Hardship . Did the airline rebook them . The circumstance was he watching tsa employees, what were they doing. Is this just a typical person whos angry about having to wait in line . Dagen want me to digress . If you show up less than an hour in advance and you dont have your boarding pass, the airlines will give your seat away. Youve got to have your boarding pass. Its oftentimes just as long as the other line. Dagen thats the true. Sandra the world mourns with orlando. The vigils are happening here and around the globe. We will have all of that next. Sandra people around the world coming together to stand in support with orlando. Thousands of people gathered in london for the pride flag flying at half past one to the hall. Joining me, daniel hannan, member of the european parliament. Good morning to you, sir. Good morning. Sandra ats london stands with their vendor. A touching tribute we are seeing overseas. What are you seeing from there . How is a terrorist attack received there . Well, the same way everywhere. A monstrous attack on civilian people. Sandra theres obviously been a political response here in the United States. Obviously in an election year. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton, both parties have been very outspoken. Both gave speeches yesterday. Tackling immigration and gun control. It is obviously become a political issue here. The one time when you shouldnt rush to conclusions about gun control or migration is in the immediate aftermath of an atrocity when feelings are running high. They are perfectly legitimate issues, but they need to be debated coolly, calm and rationally. But people the way they feel now in the u. S. And globally, now would be the one time not to legislate. Sandra i want to get to this, because the french president warned that france faces a high threat for terrorism after the stabbing of a Police Officer and his wife. I was leaving the European Union corporate against terrorist attacks . It would mean we could do poor people if we think that they are a threat to our security, even if they are e. U. Nationals. It is possible that its very difficult. For example, there was a hate preacher who was notorious. We try to deport his daughterinlaw after she had served a criminal conviction and we were told that is impossible by the European Court even though she was not a British National, but because she had a son who was a British National and therefore an e. U. Citizen. The taxpayer was the sole provider and therefore she was allowed to remain in this country. They must be safer to take back control. We were also looking at this morning. They seem to be gaining traction. The polling earlier thread putting the camp in a sevenpoint lead now and publications coming out in support of the fears of bread are shaking Global Markets. Weve seen a lot of volatility in recent days leading up to this. What did they have on Global Markets in your view . Markets hate uncertainty. They hate elections. You can set your watch by it. The runup to any election or or any changed and they always recover the day after, regardless of the outcome. It is important to understand that we are not permit those of us who want to leave the union are not talking about walking away from the markets and pulling at the drawbridge. Witness the Company Issued friends and allies in every continent. This is about taking back control of who makes laws in this country and doing it in a way that is reflective of public concerns around europe. A lot of other countries where people feel that their politicians have pushed ahead with the project without popular consent. I hope we will quickly move to an agreed settlement where we remain in a Single Market outside the political union. Do you worry about destabilizing Financial Markets if there is a vote to leave the European Union and taking an Economic Situation in the present which is pretty does well and making it even worse by creating more uncertainty in europe. Europe has created that nice. The obsession with keeping it together regardless of the cost of the people that is created mess in the first place. The eurozone is the only bit of planet that have been experienced growth at all. Britains stepping back from that exhausted declining collapsing eurozone and reforaging are links with more ocular markets overseas, not least englishspeaking commonlaw countries to which we are a we are tied bad language and law, habit in history. That is surely in the longterm interest of our economy creates a space at the democratic renewal and other countries to follow suit. You are clearly mlb skin. How confident are you due you were going to win this so . On the worst predict or at elections either. I know in america youre only supposed to say youre winning and if he does say that its a terrible act. Ive never really got that convention. The polls have been 50 50. Either side could win. If we do win, it wont be a radical change. It will be a gradual divergence. Britain will begin to pursue a different trajectory curse the rest of the road away from the worlds only failing trade. It will be in agreement with friends and allies. It poured in after the process that we remain on good terms with the countries which are immediate neighbors. Use tax about the longTerm Economic stability. But about the short Term Economic stability . Prime minister kamen has said its dangerous for Peoples Pensions that there could be a squeeze on defense spending, others have raised that issue. The insurgency while negotiating trade agreements. How do you square with those arguments . Is also said it will cause a war. The European Council said its the end of western civilization. It will mean famine and plague of locusts and frogs. A safe, gradual repatriation of lawmaking powers and the ability to find a road just to countries outside europe. How is that such a big deal . I know that politicians in markets like stability. I know they hate change. Stability at the moment is stagnancy, zero growth in europe, stability of the basically undemocratic record which sues the corporatist and the big megabanks and multinationals that doesnt suit the economy as a whole. Its bad for innovation in startups. We can do better and all this talk will evaporate when people reconcile themselves to the new reality. The average person at home but have to think about their pension and financial security, if they hang on for the ride ultimately will be a better deal. Absolutely. Im a member of the european parliament. And then a wellpaid job with large taxfree expenses. If we vote to leave i will be looking for work so i wouldnt be urging people to fire me. If i werent convinced the economy as a whole will prosper as a result of our leaving and therefore i hope there will be some job openings for newly unemployed members of the european parliament. Sandra fair enough. Daniel hannan, thank you for that conversation and your perspective on that. John hilsenrath, thank you are joining us for the hour. More mornings with maria coming up. Stay with us. Attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. And in syracuse, where imagination is in production. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov sandra good morning, everyone. I am sandra smith and for Maria Bartiromo. It is tuesday, june team. Searching for clues. Investigators learn more about the terrorist, omar mateen. He regularly visited the pulse nightclub. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton addressing the attack and how to combat terror in speeches yesterday. Wn im elected i will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, europe or allies. Until we understand how to add these threads. Inflammatory antimuslim rhetoric and threatening to ban their families and friends of Muslim Americans as well as millions of muslim Business People and tourists from entering our Country First the vast majority of muslims who love freedom and hate terror. Sandra today marks the 2016th primary season. Polls open in a halfhour in washington d. C. For the democratic primaries. Bernie sanders from the drop in his bid for the white house set to meet with clinton later today. General motors taken steps to prevent heat deaths of children sing cars. But the automaker is doing to help children of parrot drivers. We will tell you how much it costs. The Golden State Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers paying tribute to the terms of your land terrorist attack for last nights game. Just ahead. In markets this morning continued volatility over asia overnight. Stocks mostly lower in the upcoming british vote to be the year of sound. The latest polls that we have been no show the lead site is in the lead. European stocks down within 1 across the board. Big story for markets fair, bonds. The yields briefly dipping into negative territory for the First Time Ever. Here in the u. S. Looking at stock Index Futures pointing to a lower open on wall street. About two and a half hours south, nasdaq features leading off a quarter of a percent, a loss of 11 points in the nasdaq s p down five. Dow futures currently have 30 points. Heres me this morning, diversified financial Dominic Duval and fox news correspondent lee gabriel. Almost like somebody had to wake up. Dagen weve been up for five or six hours in this room. Sandra and is not my normal schedule though i will tell you. Good morning, everybody. You can assign up including forbes media chairman steve forbes is here. Breaking bad Steve Michael quezada. You do not want to miss that. We do have new developments in the olindo terror attack delta 49 people dead and dozens more injured in the biggest this country is ever seen. Jeff flock has the very latest. Two broad questions this morning. Could it have been worse encoded as authorities and better . Could it have been worse if this tip place at disney world . Authorities havent determined that omar mateen did case disney world as a potential target for terror. This emerging from an interview with his wife and also perhaps fred event tronic gathering of evidence from phone and computer. The question could authorities have done better, thats going to the question of whether authorities waited too long before they stormed the nightclub on early sunday morning and the question is did the fbi, could it have done better given the fact it had contact with omar mateen in 2013 and determined him not to be a terrorist threat. Jim comey, the director of the fbi addressing concerns yesterday. The night see if theres something we should have done differently. The honest answer is i dont think so. I dont see anything and reviewing our work better regions should have done differently. We will look at it in an open and honest way and be transparent about it. Reporter in addition, a merging this morning pictures from inside the club via social media that i think paint the picture that we probably all have in our minds eye but perhaps we get to see the pictures, the sides as well as even more powerfully this sounds as morning. This video was posted to snapchat, which quite clearly depicts the sound of automatic cinematic gunfire inside the club. Lastly go into motivation. Terror, or something more complex report this morning that omar mateen was a frequent visitor to the pulse nightclub, a wellknown gay at nightclub in olindo as well as a frequent user of the gay at dating app known as jack. Whether he was elaborately casing this location for a target for there was a more complex explanation for that. At this point we dont know. Perhaps when authorities people have a better sense. Sandra jeff flock, thanks for that. We are still learning a lot. Forbes media chairman and republican president ial candidate steve forbes this year. Good morning to you. Would you make of the latest we are learning about this attack, about the killer in his inspiration to carry out a gruesome attack . Put aside their sandra psychoanalysts the guy. The guy is a terrorist. How did they get a job at the Security Firm number one. What can the fbi learned . They interviewed the guy twice. Clearly a lot of signs there especially from the work place but this guy was a not job. More fundamentally and that is focusing on what we can do better here, we should discuss what we do over there to wipe out a space and similar groups. What should be the military strategy, logical strategy, allies in iraq and elsewhere. That should be discussion among candidates. Sandra both of them speaking yesterday, Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Donald trump called for a temporary ban on immigration from areas with a proven history of terrorism during the address in New Hampshire yesterday. The third. I would use this power to protect the american people. When i am in fact did, i will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, europe or allies. Until we fully understand how to land these threats. We will develop a responsible immigration policy that serves the interests and values of america. Sandra what do you make of that . That is one step at the question is what do we do over there . What do we do about the people already here . How do we sharpen our intelligence services. In new york city, people have been waging war against the great intelligence of the new York City Police department. So i think they have to do a serious briefing. The question should go especially to secretary clinton. What have you learnt in the last eight years that led to this disaster today . Clearly, if this is not on the ropes. Where did it go wrong . Sandra intelligence expert lee gabriel is here and can comment on that. The question of overdue over there is the question everybody has that i havent heard a very serious answer from anyone in politics right now. Part of the problem is everyone is afraid to send u. S. Troops to go and take care of isis . Do we send them to live their lives, limbs, combat tbi or do we get the other countries more involved in policing their own environment which is that the last administration has been trying to do. For a combination of both. To be blunt the rest of the world will not do much without a strong u. S. Way. We are not going to bug out as he did in 2011 and i vacuum up the place disintegrating again after we pacified and after a lot of loss of life and treasure. Those questions need to be answered. Egypt is in a death row struggle against the forces. Sandra something mentioned last night, these terror networks, they will grow their ranks, as long as we look like we are to charge, that we arent playing offense, that we arent aggressive and dont set them back on their heels. They will grow and thrive because that is how they recruit people. And what do we do about iran . Thats the biggest source of terror in the world. How do we prevent iran being the dominant power. These deserve serious beaches that people feel will not go from crisis to crisis. You really base out so we now what the candidates mean when they say they would take care of isis. You recently treated about president obama socalled internet surrender. The internet is essentially the next frontier of terrorism. Its how people are radicalized in the u. S. Director comey has worked for a long time when people are being radicalized in the basement of the campaign from the internet, how do you tie and the socalled internet surrender. You would not have a 5000 page book for every contingency. Something here is not right. What do we do to follow up and away get us in trouble with the pressure groups. But these are proven ways to find out something might go wrong and there will be people brought in who are just not cases mouthing off, but better to be safe than sorry. The Political Landscape could change drastically. Hillary clinton meeting with Bernie Sanders, last day of the primary season. What happened on the democrat side in this race . We will see. He loves this and is probably of a frame of mind where hes going to want more than simply not racist in the path arm he can say i put that in there. Who is going to be her Vice President ial nominee . Its not going to be him. He may insist on somebody like elizabethwarren. She may be of a mind knowing how she is on National Security issues got to conclude may or may not get the whole burning wing. Sandra what do you make of that . Is this country ready for an allfemale ticket . Absolutely. Its not the gender. So you put on the table in terms of dealing with the economy and what we do about the disasters. Polar opposite. She did not select war as her Vice President ial candidate because of pressure to far to the dagen again, the argument is more argument is more in argument is warren is that hillary can move to the right which is what she did yesterday conceding she can actually say the word. She used for good mourns yesterday. That is a sign she is trying to move to the middle so shes got to pick somebody. Sandra is being thrown around that shes picked more of a business mind going against donald trump. Shes got to show she can do something about the economy. You have had eight years. Dont blame it on george bush. When a new manager takes over the team is fond right after he cares. You can say four more days. Sandra her husband is going to fix it. Or joe biden. Sandra are you suggesting something there . In this political season, nothing is impossible. Sandra up next, a bloody massacre shaking america to its core. Chickfila responding to the horrific attack that took the lives of 49 people in her window. While local businesses are doing to help the victims family. Plus gm wants to give a helping hand to while the parent drivers out there. But the automaker is doing to make sure no one is left behind in its cars. We will have all of that in just a minute. Stay tuned. Sandra jetblue is offering to help the families of the terms of the land of terror attack. Cheryl casone has the latest on this story and other headlines. Cheryl that is right, sandra. They really didnt actively advertise this, but word of the author has spread to jetblue will provide free seeds to and from orlando for immediate family and domestic partners of the dems killed or injured in sundays mass shooting. The carrier briefing to use for customers who wish to change travel plans in general following sundays horrific attack. Another business getting involved. A chickfila restaurant in our land that delivers free sandwiches in icet sunday to a blood drive supporting the terms of the massacre. More than 50 people were sent to hospitals. Chickfila is normally closed on sundays nationwide. They opened their doors. In business this morning, for the First Time Ever, apple iphone users will be able to delete apps that come with the phone if you dont want it. Apps will be available in the app store. This change starting with the update coming out, i away stand. Messages, photos in camera can be debated, possibly because they are tied to deeply to the system to be on call. This is a big move to offer this to customers. Find a disc of the General Motors out with a new feature that could take the lives of many children and pat. The new rear seat reminder is now being included in the 2017 gm acadia. It operates like a seatbelt reminder, a warning tone sounds in the reminder comes, look in the rear seat. That will appear in the center of this pedometer. The feature uses the same sensors that tell you a doors open. What is so interesting about this is so far this year 12 children have died in hot cars because they were last inside. Just as here in 2016. Finally, Car Companies are responding but it is. Sandra is a really serious issue that affected a lot of families, blood of children in the debate going on whether its there was once ability of the Car Companies to implement change whether a law should be put into place or just on the parents to have self accountability for their actions. We can look at this thing and think how silly it is. How can a parent forget their child. We are all parents on the live at the everyday life. If one child is safe because of this, god bless, why not. Dagen and its happening without government regulation, which is always nice to see. We shouldnt pass another law . Dagen companies do the responsible thing. They want to help them make their products better and in this instance saves lives via sandra its amazing how the free market works. They do it on their own. Such a good point. Responsibility of parents to keep track of kids and where their kids are i dont think you cant speak highly enough to that. Sandra all fair points. Before we had to break him a quick check on the markets. Futures point to it lower open after investors feel uncertainty as the Federal Reserve meeting kicks off today. Weighing on investors come at the upcoming british vote to leave the year of sound as the yield of the tenure bond briefly dipped into negative territory for the First Time Ever. An historical move there. Still the calm, the highly contested gun control debate. We had one this morning on warnings with maria. Taking a look at the impact of terrorism on gun sales had been the habit it for you coming up. The heirloom tomato. When you cook with incredible ingredients. You make incredible meals. Fresh ingredients, stepbystep recipies, delivered to your door for less than nine dollars a meal. Get your first two meals free at blueapron. Com cook. By switching to xfinity x1. Rio Olympic Games show me gymnastics. X1 lets you search by sport, watch nbcs highlights and catch every live event on your tv with nbc sports live extra. Im getting ready. Are you . X1 will change the way you experience nbcuniversals coverage of the rio Olympic Games. Call or go online today to switch to x1. Sandra from newtown juror were a pilot to San Bernardino to paris. I think im sales and background check did Hillary Clinton and donald trump or unit on access to guns in their speeches yesterday. Listen. Guncontrol folks say that obama doesnt want to talk about terrorist. If you talk about terrorism, people say why are you looking at issues of gun control. Some will say assault weapons and background checks are totally separate issues. And are they end out in San Bernardino, terrorists used assault weapons. We have to make it harder for those who should not have those weapons. Her plan is to disarm lawabiding americans, abolishing the Second Amendment in the genome that the bad guys and terrorists with guns. Tragic joining us now is jim morgan, progun advocate and sales. Off the roof through the roof. And im believable rise. To what do you attribute that . Of course they are on a ride cymbal continuing to reduce the demand this country. People are afraid. They do not trust the administration to protect them. What kind of government is more concerned about appeasing islamic terrorist than the Constitutional Rights of the american citizens. Sandra do you have evidence of someone whos looking at this horrific attack in hearing politicians talking about enacting more gun control, more gun laws and that is the mindset. I am fearing that my rates may be taken away from me so they go buy a gun. Is that happening . Not just fear of losing that i appeared. General of terrorism and not being able to defend their lives. The Largest Group of people buying guns right now in america is winning. Ive trained over 8000 people across the United States in the past year and the majority of those people taking classes or women and interestingly enough seeking concealed handgun permits. They dont just want a gun to have in the hall. They want a permit to carry a guide to protect them in public. Sandra do advise that for a new gun owner to get a carry permit . Someone your new land strip down a handgun . You know, a lot of that depends on the insert there. Every person is different. Some people grasp firearms handling a lot quicker than others. The older, sometimes the harder it is to learn something new. Every person has to decide upon a point when they are tactically prepared and mentally prepared for the responsibility. Its a huge responsibility. Sandra Lea Gabrielle wants to jump in. The largest number of people purchasing guns or women. Are those the ones buying them from license dealers . According to a you see davis study, he says perhaps 40 of firearm acquisitions and 80 of those with criminal and are made from private parties for there is no identification shown, note that project conducted. The gun show loophole extends beyond good shows. Hillary clinton said we need to make it harder for people to acquire weapons. Is she wrong . Of course she is absolutely wrong. The answer to eliminating mass murder in this country and defending my faith not less guns. It is more gun. Of course the majority of lawabiding citizens want to buy guns from registered federal fire licensed facilities because they know everything you said is legal. And those guns are guaranteed to something is wrong, they dont have to track down. Trade to 40 of firearm acquisitions are made from private parties outside of the law. Isnt there any that have more who is buying firearms . You have to understand outside of the law. In america you dont have to buy a gun from a dealer for it to be legal. Pride in handtohand sales and i dont think those should be registered because most people who studied history note that registration is to confiscation. Thats not what we are in america and thats not where were going. Sandra weve got to leave it there. Significant jobs not just in recent trading, but over president obamas two terms in office in the gun manufacturers announced that ammunition makers. Jim morgan, thank you for joining us. Still to come, trump traveled to North Carolina in the wake of his comments on immigration. What it means for his president ial campaign, not. Coming up. Its more than a network. Its how you stay connected. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you get an industry leading Broadband Network and cloud and hosting services. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. He has a sharp wit. A winning smile. And no chance of getting an athletic scholarship. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Smith. Sandra woman back i am sandra smith tuesday, june 14 flag day your top stories at 7 30 a. M. On the east coast. Searching for clues investigators learning about loorndz terrorist omar mateen, witnesses reportedly told police he regularly visited pulse nightclub, presumptive president ial nominees donald trump and Hillary Clinton addressing that brutal attack yesterday. The orlando terrorist maybe dead but the virus that poisoned his mind remains very much o alive. And we must attack it. This is a very dark moment, in americas history. A radical islamic terrorist targeted the nightclub not only because he wanted to kill americans, but in order to execute gay and lesbian citizens. Because of their sexual orientation. Today marks final day of 2016 primary season, polls are now open, in washington, d. C. For the xa democratic primary we could see Bernie Sanders drop out of the race to meet with Hillary Clinton later today. Major defeat for Jesse Ventura in american sniper case we tell you how much the Court Decision will cost him. The would goen state warriors cleveland cavs, paying tribute to the victims of the orlando terror attack before last nights game more ahead, securing a contract extension getting the most guaranteed money for any nonquarterback, we will tell you how much cash he is getting coming up. Turning the markets to marnths ahead of the open in u. S. Innaire we saw somewhat mixed action stocks he lower as global if economic fears upcoming british stroet leave eurozone continues to weigh on investors the latest polling, showing leave side in the lead european stocks lower by roughly 12 across the board. Here in u. S. Were looking at lower open but would off the worst levels of the session, futures, right now, indicating a lower open dow futures up 28 points off lows of the at a, s p 500 off 4, nasdaq futures off 11. Opening bell a couple hours from now. Oil prices also weighing on the brooshad sh markets line to 1 4824 a barrel this morning orlando terror attack in focus on campaign trail, that is for sure, donald trump, tearing into Hillary Clinton yesterday, warning americans her policies will only lead to more of the about about horrific attacks like the one over weekend folks news john bertsch in greensboro North Carolina where trump is expected to address thousands at a rally today. Good morning to you on occasion of donald trump 70th birthday in greensboro North Carolina a state he leads Hillary Clinton by a single pointed in the polls expected to go after her again today, manchester hampers Saint Anselm College that appeared to do little to win donald trump critics they thought the streech right toent toll tartarian the question how does a great middle of america independent voters per saidble democrats seeing the terror attacks over and over again feel about what donald trump said yesterday, in that speech he pledged his president he would put an end to a detailed ignorance he believes gripped this can you please when it comes to terrorism saying that he would attack terrorism in the countrys where it greedz that he would strengthen the Intelligence Community and enact a temporary ban on immigration from countries, where terrorism thrives here he is. Hillary clintons catastrophic immigration plan will bring vastly more radical islamic immigration into this country,threatening not only our society, but our entire way of life. As so far in this Campaign Donald trump continues to rewrite the rules. Political discourse typically after attack like this, politicians would rerefrain from partisan attacks you saw him being attacking Hillary Clinton doubling down on his idea we need to ban entry to this country, people who are coming from countries, where there is terrorism, where people cant be properly vetted here is what trump said about that. The only reason the killer was a in america, if the first place was because we allowed his family to come here. We have a dysfunctional immigration system when does not permit us to know who we let into our country, if i get in there it is going to change it isgoing change quickly we are going from totally incompetent to just the opposite. Watch for donald trump to talk more about that tonight, sandra 7 00, here in greensboro North Carolina, back to you. Thank you. Presumptive republican nominee donald trump sharpening attacks on president obama for lack of action against radical islamic terror last night trump joined bill oreilly questioned the president s response, to the terror attack in orlando. Nobody knows what is going on nobody nose why he doesnt have more anger, why he doesnt have more competitive zeel he is a competitive person why doesnt he have more competitive zeal to being no them out look what is going on, look what is happening, this Orlando Attack was just absolutely horrendous yet he still doesnt even use the word of radical islamic terror. Bring in former president ial candidate and Fox News Contributor hermain cain good morning to you good morning thank you. What do you make of the response we have seen particular that one of donald trump, in the wake of this horrific attack. I think the response is absolutely right on. President obama made the same milquetoast response after San Bernardino boston bombing all the other attacks on our soil he is absolutely right. You have to declare war on the enemy , before you can defeat the enemy, this president in this administration, they have not done that, they will not do that. And that is what donald trump continues to harp on you. Clearly fall in the cavern that is necessary to name the enemy, and call this what it is radical islamic terror, Hillary Clinton seems to be kind of moving that way. Do you agree . I dont think she is moving that way, she is just trying to reduce some of the criticism for not saying radical islamic terrorism, and what donald trump talks about strengthening our Intelligence Community here is how you do that sandra take a the gloves off allow them to do their job. We have coming from the top of this administration president obama, a electoraling per missive passive attitude about this enemy that is all donald trump is saying when he says weve got to get tougher know what is going often that is exactly with a he is saying take the orlando situation, that young man that committed those heinous murders had been interviewed by fbi three times. Now, in order to get a weapon, you have to get through three hurdles that needs to be a fourth hurdle possibly, red flag. It is Dagen Mcdowell great to see you par gravy the wall street journal editorial page today when talking about radical islamic terrorism the words matter but battle plans matter even more than that, against a terrorist enemy, in the journal found they want to hear more out of donald trump, in terms of how he would take on those enemies, overseas, and very specifically. Dagen i believe he is already been specific about that. He was specific be would go to those isis strongholds that we know about, and take them out, he wouldnt be afraid to do that. He wouldnt take a half anchovy aapproach to trying to fight ten mi specific about that. I want to get one last word in from lea sitting next to me. So you are saying donald trump has been very specific about what he would do, so what did he say about number of troops how many u. S. Troops are dedicated to this effort, what countries would be sent to for how long, i dont think we have heard specifics you just said allow them to take gloves off do their job, i think it is time for us to hear from president ial candidates, specifically what that means, are we going to involve u. S. Troops are we going to send people visa yev seize over seas. Donald trump said he needs the information from the generals right answer talk to people closest, to the problem they will tell you how many give you battle plan. Sandra good to have you this morning thank you. Have thank you. Sandra a plagiarize defeat for Jesse Ventura in american sniper case we will tell you how much more thnday he lost following surprise Court Decision. As we head to break latenight host piggyback tribute to being hovk attack in orlando they opened with brief marks with massacres are that took lives of those 49 people on sunday. Nat natural we we ask what can you potbly say in face of horror sadly you realize you know what to say said too many times before pb, it is as if there is a natural script that we have learned. This country was built on the idea that we do not all agree on everything. We need to support each others differences and worry less about our own opinions. Abd. Pierson. Overseas. Sandra president obama has plans to visit orlando after horrific shooting massacre, Cheryl Casone has the latest on that. And other headlines we are watching this morning. Cheryl that is right sandra the white house hays president obama will travel to orlando on thursday, to pay tribute to the victims canceled First Campaign event with Hillary Clinton the scheduled for tomorrow mrs. Clinton is going on the senate is going to get a briefing on the orlando terror attack tomorrow, comes as Many Democrats pushed to pass new gun control legislation wuf been talking about it on the show republicans want to hear more about president obamas strategy, to combat isis. And then also, this, a somber vigil in orlando last night, listen. So you are listening to one church bell ring for each 49 victims killed a in the gay nightclub last weekend thousands gathered in downtown orlando in honor of the victims survivors, of the pulse nightclub mass shooting, this vigil held on lawn of a dr. Phillips intercept where people have been leaviflairgs canned oels notes for victims. The man known as the stouk borrower to the stars died at the age of 53. You may remember him dana. Pleaded guilty to securities fraud in 2001 reportedly found dead by his roommate in Upper West Side new york apartment on sunday morning. One time he hung out with Leonardo Dicaprio did business with cameron diaz, even actor mcgwire very wellknown, sources say death followed a weekend of very heavy partying, and Appeals Court has thrown out 1. 8milliondollar damage award to jesse inventory at your ae former minnesota governor claimed that he was defamed by late authorize chris kyle in bestselling book, american sniper the defamation part was sent back to the district court, for new trial. Those are headlines. This morning, back to you. Sandra all right, cheryl thank you, still to come gold ken state warriors couldnt get it done at home last night, the highlights as will he proton names Cleveland Cavaliers forced nba finals to game 6 as we head to break take a look at this video legendary Rivera Hotel Casino in las vegas imploding the destruction made famous by mob connections celebrities like Barbra Streisand frank sin s ata, we will be right back after the break. Closing the stage this afternoon for auditions . Whats on that piece of paper . Oh, miss maroney, your forehead should not be doing anything. I just had botox. I know exactly whats happening ah whoa this is a bad streaming experience. The girlie show is a real fun lady show. vo dont let bad streaming ruin a good show. Dont look at me vo only verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network. Can your network say that . Switch now, buy two samsung phones and get a free tv, plus up to 650 back. Only on americas best network. Sandra nba before the final game before the game headlines around the world, of course, we are joined by fox news headlined 247 Sports Reporter jared max. Good morning, moment of you will see ensobserved last night before the start of the nba finals, game five in Oakland California grant hill former member Orlando Magic addressed the crowd. In orlando yesterday please serve a moment of silence for those who lost their lives. And nba observing moment of silence warriors one win away from second straight nba championship 3 games to one hope to beat game five, First Quarter gold withen state 3u7 lebron james hittings 3point shot lebron scored 25 first half highest total airfare 3i8 finals games Klay Thompson 26 points first half third where lebron batty popping 3point shots golden state scored 36 points, into the second half altogether. They were outscored by nine in the Third Quarter lebron james, hit for 41 points last night, kyrie irving hit for 41 last night, 3223 third the difference the cavaliers win 112 to 97, now not only did warriors lose the game last night but also lost bigman andrew went down with apparent sprained knee to locker room did not return for out forth quarter we dont know statues for game 6 thursday, in cleveland what do you mean, we did not beat truman really . On gold ev Golden State Warriors check out adidas presenting championship gear for warriors game 6 on thursday look what happened with adidas proponentsed Golden State Warriors with championship, happens sometimes in sports paper puts out congratulations, they lost the super bowl. No harm no foul no flagrant foul at least draymond green, 63, Million Dollars, guaranteed take that deal . That is Philadelphia Eagles tackle cox agreed to 6 years 103 Million Dollars, and 26milliondollar signing bonus. Wow. 63 million guaranteed that is most ever in nfl for a player low is not a quarterback congratulations to netsch fletcher cox the all time leader 4256 hits, suddenly one player within one hit of tying pete rose sort of but not really. 3 more hits last night, 2977 hits in major leagues, 1278 in professional Baseball League japan has 4255, pete rose tells usa today sports that it sounds like in japan trying to make me the hit queen, so not trying to take anything away from ichiro he had hall of fame career next thing counting high school hits. Wow . In all fairness, if we koupts count minor league hits pete rose had in career not apples and pass comparing to japan. Dont bust pete rose not in hall of fame leave the man alone right. Nba finals, green suspension very controversial, very controversial, where should have been suspended at all difference maker last night, huge difference maker i dont know what it is about green he kicked adams in groin a couple times in trouble for one this time punched lebron in the groin. Can we talk about seth curry what have hoke is going on with shoulder. Ice on it after practice the star of the twotime league mvp back to back unanimously selection suddenly something seems off i wonder because shoulder issue, there is also his knee and ankle as well, and fatigue of the season scored 38 the other night so i wonder if is it an excuse i dont know he doesnt seem himself. The number for fletcher cox how much did he sign for. 63 million issue guaranteed, 103 Million Dollars is the full length of the deal. 25 years old not the quarterback of the contaminate you point out typically wins. Where big money is. I like pay packages, so nor nonquarterbacks in professional football, because it is such a brutal sport because your playing career every kid grows up i want to be quarterback i want to be the star then a society of people who think they are the star, i mean, like you wind up tim tebow mark san hesitate best looking ones really dont play that well i dont know does everybody want to be quarterback is that the way it works . When you are out in backyard playing football you are announcing the calls are you saying, you are put your name you say so and so lines up athe line scrimmage i threw touchdown. A lot of people difference makers we saw in a defensive man that won super bowl. Contact with things are cheapening. I am willing to be chief icon every day. I love that. I want to be i couldnt host that to save my life. You know, vibratingings quarterback. I know who he is. Explaining football to me . The scram blr. We got a to leave there it thank you good to have you next hour from Silver Screen to campaign trail best known for breaking bad. Actor now trying his hand at politics we are going to have him coming up. Thank you. Ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. I order b14. I get b14. No surprises. Buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster White Knuckle thrill ride. Youre promised one speed. But do you consistently get it . You do with comcast business. Its reliable. Just like kung pao fish. Thank you, ping. Reliably fast internet starts at 59. 95 a month. Comcast business. Built for business. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in rochester, with worldclass botox. And in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov sandra good morning. Im sandra smith Maria Bartiromo will be back tomorrow it is tuesday, june 14 your top stories, at 8 00 on the east coast. Searching for clues investigators learning more about the orlando terrorist, witnessesroll told police he regularly visited the pulse nightclub. President obama, presumptive nominees donald trump Hillary Clinton weighing in on the devastating attack the root cause of it. As far as we can tell, right now, about this is certainly an example of the kind of homegrown extremism that all of us have been so concerned about, for a very long time. So to say that we have to start special surveillance on our fellow americans because of their religion. That is wrong, it is also dangerous. It plays right into the terrorists hands. This Orlando Attack was just absolutely who are endous yet he still doesnt use the word of radical islamic terror. Today marks the final day of the 2016 primary season, polls open in washington, d. C. , democratic primary. We could see Bernie Sanders, exit the race set to meet with Hillary Clinton later on. New developments on the zika virus in u. S. Mosquitoes can carry the virus, in nearly every u. S. State. Now. The price of the top gasoline prices on rise as summer driving season gets into high gear the markets we are looking at asia mostly lower overnight nikkei hang seng kospi lower shanghai composite slightly up stocks mostly lower Global Economic fears coming bring itish vote to leave eurozone weighs on vests sentiment latest polls showing the leave side is in the lead. Union stocks down more than 1 across the board this morning, dax germ any down three quarters of one percent the story for markets there bonds yield on 10 year german bund into negative territory for the first time in history. Here in u. S. We are looking at lower on futures now, about those off 41 points, a loss of a quarter per cent nasdaq futures leading the way lower ahead of the opening bell down 13 points or 3 10 of 1 with us this morning Fox Business Network Dagen Mcdowell, Dominique Davila fox krrnt lont cant mislineup, are former sashing saw governor president ial candidate mike hub bee here host of varney and complaen Stuart Varney himself breaking bad actor turned politician Steven Michael quezada do not miss this developments in orlando terror attack left 49 dead dozens more injured in dead lee evident mass shooting mass history the very latest os the investigation continues, good morning. Hello to you still no potential connection between omar mateen and any foreign activist organization and more implicated picture of mr. Mateen, emerging this morning in orlando specifically with respect to his visits to this club, the pulse nightclub in orlando multiple occasions prior to shooting his use of gay dating app something called jack apparently, so terrorists homophobor one perhaps concerned and afflicted about his sexuality at this point, we dont know. The claim of his exwife that he has somehow was somehow mentally ill, perhaps being confirmed by one of the accounts from one of the survivors listen to what he said about what went on inside. He never smoked from when i was there. He laughed. When he was shooting. Inside the stall he was like one like like a laugh like satisfaction, like i am i getting done what i came here to do and it is and imprinted in my head forever. A snapchat posted more details emerge about what went on posted by amanda alvar on nap shot posted to social media by a friend not knowing whether she was dead or alive the sounds on that posting of the gunfire inside the club chilling her friend later found out she in fact was one of the 49 victims, one final note for you, sandra this morning, that is security has been heightened, at wallwalt di world in orlando authorities determined mr. Mateen cased Walt Disney World as potential target before the pulse shootings disney world saying they have upped all sorts of security visible and nonvisible folks saying jeff flock, thank you live for us on the ground in orlando joining us former arkansas governor former president ial candidate Mike Huckabee joins us governor good to have you you this morning your latest take on what were learning about killer his behavior his motive leading up to this the political response that were seeing in the wake of this about horrific attack . Well the one thing sandra that becomes very clear there is a very different approach, to dealing with this, that you hear from donald trump, or from Hillary Clinton or president obama. In one case, donald trump is willing to o fenced muslims in order to protect americans it appears Hillary Clinton, barack obama are not willing to o fend muzzlelines at expense of protecting americans i know that sounds harissue, but look when we have people who are claiming to engage in mass murder, in the name of religion and do it celebrating their connection to isis, and celebrating their connection to radical islam, either were going to be honest and say it is a problem, or we are going to continue to see a lot of americans innocent americans murdered in cold blood it is just i think time for it to stop. Governor, and a lot of what you are referring to, i as i understand it, is the lack of the left to label this radical islamic terrorism, donald trump clearly doing that in his speech yesterday, but Hillary Clinton did change her tune just a little bit, but we do have both frontrunners of boat parties going after each other over this war on terror here is sound from that i want to get your response on the other side. Inflammatory and rhetoric threatening to ban the families and friends of Muslim Americans as well as millions of muslim businesspeople and toughests fr tourists from entering our country hurts vast jourt of muslims love freedom. She has no clue in my mine with a rallied islam is wont speak honestly about it if she does in fact know, she is in total denial, and her continuing reluctance to every name the enemy, broadcast weakness brouhahas the entire world, true weakness. As we kno Hillary Clinton saying yesterday she is not afraid to say radical islam is she changing her tune a bit. She certainly changing it because in interview with George Stephanopoulos several months ago she exis mr. I have thely refused to say a connection to islam i think that that shows that there is this reluctance. I am in tel aviv right now four people were murdered in a cafe a we can oak two thinek ag very different for israeli and the way americans do they dont mind calling out who did it they very careful not to in any way elevate the identities of people to make them heroes look like some kind of celebrities, they are very careful simply to talk about what they were not necessarily who they were and show faces, but second thing israelis go right book to business as if to put middle finger in the airatrists saying you are not going to stop us, there were people in that Restaurant Hours after murders had taken place, there. I think we do the right thing in america when we do have our time to grieve, but we need to say to the terrorists we are coming after you we are going to annihilate you you are not going to be able to stop us from living our lives in freedom. Governor lea is here. You make a very good point terrorists want to terrorize to stop us from living our normal lives, fbi director comey made that very point when he spoke yesterday, he also made the point about how the difference really between clinton, and trump is in how they feel essentially about offending muslims you know we heard so much about whether or not it is necessary to identify this as radical islamic extremism fbi director comey i personally have a lot of respect for done a wonderful job continues to do the job very reinspectble man doesnt really do that i wshd is issue getting intelligence analysts, getting Law Enforcement professionals the ability to do their job better, and what would you say needs to be done, you know you look at privacy virus security in country cant we do a better job of giving those intelligence professionals Law Enforcement professionals the ability to find out who we really need to consider a threat . Well lea one of the disturbing things about this particular case was that this guy had cleared every become check working for a Security Company that does business with every level of Government Agency including the cia, fbi had a file on him they interviewed him twice then left they decided that he wasnt a threat so they through his file away meant when he went to buy those weapons, nothing tripped up to say may be this guy out to be looked at again i agree with you i think james commie is a very honorable man but he is dealing with being hamstrung by an administration that is so careful by purnldz fb purging mans of any message might be offensive to islam not all muslims are terrorists but every time we have act of terror in america almost ineverbly one stands up says accu akbar in name of isis or alqaida dont say jesus saves when they start doing that we say religion doesnt matter but it does matter in this case we have a common denominator people doing this to advance radical islam to destroy civilization as we know it civilization whether it is christian or whoever. Governor good to see you dominique, how come conversation focusing on whether muslim or immigration not last 8 years of the administration, and Foreign Policy, i dont think we have had worst relationship with israel that i can remember, saudi arabia that i can remember, the weak response in libya, i mean this administration is weak Foreign Policy, that really has brought us to this point, why isnt that the focus of why this is going on . Well i think the immediate focus is the impact that that bad relationship has for americans. But you are right. I have asked many of my liberal and hardcore democratic friends obama supporters believe it or not, i actually have some here is what i asked them name one country on this planet with whom we have a better relationship now than we did 8 years ago, not one of his statenchest supporters can name a kidown some say iran not joking i say we have been played chumps for iran over er country on this earth we dont have better republiclationship they dont respect us i believe that makes america for vulnerable not more safe. Governor huckabee thanks for joining us this morning good to have you you, safe travels back home. Thank you. Still to come officials struggling to contain zika threat mosquitoes that carry the virus have been funny in all 50 States Donald trump celebrating 70th birthday forget cake it is a general election win in this state, he really wants for his birthday. Honey, we do . We need to talk. I took the trash out. I know. And thank you so much for that. I think we should get a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Right now . [ male announcer ] whether youre new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. Its up to you to pay the difference. So think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay and could really save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call now. With a Medicare Supplement plan, youll be able to stay with your doctor. Oh, you know, i love that guy. Mmhmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. And there are no networks. You do your pushups today . Prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] dont wait. Call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan to go the distance with you. Go long. Sandra isis is claiming responsibility for brutal murder of a French Police captain and his partner, Cheryl Casone a has the latest for us this morning, another headlined good morning. Cheryl good morning sandra, well, the couple threeyearold son was held hostage by the attacker and saved after a s. W. A. T. Standoff last night, the assailant stand a man outside his home near paris, within hours isis claimed responsibility for the attack. Now, the attacker a 24yearold frenchman had a past terrorist conviction he was killed by police in all of this, two other people have now been detained this morning, in relation to the investigation Authorities Say the man also recorded the attack he posted live on facebook, that forfeit has been taken down. Also i want to show you this is a breaking live pictures coming out of paris right now, labour protesters filling streets clashes could be really escalating last few moments, remember protesters going on about two weeks or so in france, labour union bosses in france do not want lobby our reforms to go through would with change work hour requirements overtime today things like Health Benefits for layer borers in france. At home for the first time u. S. Military has used a i apache colt gunships in war against unifiers choppers used in Northern Iraq one fired a hellfire missile at isis marmored vehicle with explosives a Senior Defense told fox news one took the shot there is no word on how many fighters were killed in the u. S. Strike officials said recently u. S. Apache gunships would be used in mosul operation against isis but not elsewhere as of yet. Also this headlined this morning, new cdc maps show that mosquitoes that triment sti transmit zika virus found in the country two breeds yellow fever asian tiger mosquito can be founded in michigan minnesota New Hampshire, there have been 690 confirmed zika cases in u. S. Nonlocal mosquito borne but that story continues to change we will keep you updated, and, finally, this, gas prices, averaging 2. 38 per gallon as of yesterday, this is the highest number that weve seen, so far, in 2016, aaa says most expensive average gas price since september 2015 cost of oil as you know higher past few weeks after disruptions that happened in canada nigeria, of course, in venezuela where there is a humanitarian crisis under way, california we should say has most expensive gas 2. 86 a began remember sandra, just two years ago it was over 5 bucks a gallon in california shows you what dime and oil prices can do. To the retail. How little savings for consumer spent somewhere else, right, cheryl thank you very much. Coming up as he prepared for a tough general election donald trump putting a huge emphasis on one state, the place has become the apple of his eye next. Plus Silver Screen to main stage being breaking bad actor Steven Michael quezada on transition to politics keep it right here. Heros comi hes coming. If legalzoom has your back. S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Freshly made in the tokyojapanese tradition, each batch is small. Special. Unique. Every bowl blurring the line between food. And art. When you cook with incredible ingredients. You make incredible meals. Fresh ingredients. Stepbysteprecipes. Delivered to your door. Get your first two meals free blueapron. Com cook. Donald trump Hillary Clinton looking to win big in empire state in november election, the real clear politics average poll showing clinton beating trump in new york by a little over 20 points, still the Presumptive Republican nominee adamant to take home state a new poverty decades inclusively to new york to help capture a republican victory in what has traditionally been a blue state what does trump need to do to come out victorious joining me john. What does he need to do the turn the state red. Think about what is happening right now republicans had a shot, at winning new york back in 2003 into 2004 elections bush almost 60 about favorable rating after 9 11 grateful for what he did had convention there decided they wanted him to pursue it donald trump died he doesnt want to be first winning president ial candidate since james polk to lose his home state pursuing it, in new york what is going to drive a win for donald trump, if it does happen is it going to be about the economy . Because we know that is number one concern of the american voter. Two issues jobs security i worked for people like congressman pete king, strong congressman long island known for Homeland Security views on Foreign Policy as wep as upstate Richard Hannah about creating jobses two issues are Donald Trumps issues he has come to new york has been here, he created jobs here, Hillary Clinton came here, visits certain makes that case often, it is also the demographics, though, bush won 44 of the hispanic vote latino vote nationwide in 2004. Not in new york, but i want to know can can donald trump without a broader outreach to some of these groups could he do it does he need his tannic vote. Does a certain amount, and the hispanic vote in new york is different a lot of Puerto Ricans to midominicans what youn do tlevent been that many published polls in published polls close to Romney Romney was comafd here even in wake of hundred are sandy, he skipped us, new yorkers do not like that what else are you seeing first of all, i want to talk about other states as well not just new york, that he is trying to turn red what other states are key here that he could possibly turn. I think the big one that push wanting to turn in 2004 he spent most time money there was pennsylvania,in 2004 went after pennsylvania night before election jack oliver, we are going to win i said, florida 6 points going to win ohio he said pennsylvania we spent most there visits the most, and i said no you are going to lose suburbs trump is different this time, Hillary Clinton was down close to pennsylvania saying, coal miners jobs were going to be gone western pennsylvania more republican more conservative. A to have you point in campaign for sure, so as you advised trump as you look at s have known donald trump for a long time, you actually worked with him on putting together a possible about 2012 campaign what percent are you finding what is sticking out to you, in order to help him win this state. Message in terms of draw contrast k Hillary Clinton on policy tragic of orlando right now has brought again to the forefront things that he was talking about the immigration system is broken, fbi just like boston bombings they have guys in sights this guy was interviewed twice by fbi got let go we need to find out why, we need to find out did the fbi share information with local police did they know that . Was this guy being surveilled by local police as well as fbi things he talked about, make a lot of sense to a lot of voters. Talk midwest ground game looking at a map of states that trump would turn red talk wisconsin, michigan, what does he need to do there. It is workingclass voters four years sooing we did focus groups workingclass voters pitsing burring cleveland plenty in wisconsin and michigan you have workingclass voters who left the electorate in 2012 fewer voters voted in 2012 than 2008 you know how many shl eligible didnt vote. 90 million. I was in event, surrounded by half a dozen Blue Collar Union new yorkers,these are democratic blue guys i have ever met in entire life every one said voting for trump jobs number one issue going to create jobs for us going to keep us working. Totally right a guy a billionaire, speaking out for them that they see him as he tells it like it is, to point so brash hurts sometimes, but the thing is, the workingclass voters are relating to it they dont see anyone standing up for them their jobs he is rearngsdz the Republican Coalition democrats looking at obama model we are about to see a new Coalition Come about where you have these casual voters come back into the process, and feel somebody is in there speaking out for them whether it is jobs, whether it is you know, their health care has gone up, you know, premiums copays not getting the same thing or losing the Health Insurance because of obamacare, so he speaks for them. All right you set the stage, and how often do you meet with him. Whenever he calls so that tell him happen birthday. Thank you. Good to have you you Orlando Attacks reigniteing the debate over radical islam threat including Donald Trumps call to ban muslims from entering the country we talk with members of the community that staffer his stan that support his stance on this after the break. [woodworker] i live in the fine details. Thats why i run on quickbooks. I use the payments app to accept credit cards. And everything autosyncs. Those sales prove my sustainable designs are better for the environment and my bottom line. Thats how i own it. Welcome back. Im sandra smith. Your stories at 8 30 on the east coast. Searching for clues, investigators learning more about the orlando terroristsment witnesses reportedly told police he regularly visited the pulse nightclub. Presumptive nominees, donald trump and Hillary Clinton weighed in on the cause of it. As president i will make identifying and stopping lone wolves a top priority. We cannot allow thousands and thousands of people to pour into our country many of whom have the same thought processes as this savage killer. Many of the principles of radical islam are incompatible with western values. Sandra today marks the final day of the 2016 primary season, polls are open in the washington d. C. Democratic primary and we could see Bernie Sanders formally drop out of the race. Hes going to be meeting with Hillary Clinton, his opponent, a bit later today. From the Silver Screen to the oval office. Winning with primary in his home state in new mexico, why hes seeking office. Turning to the markets, asia mixed action, and Global Economic fears and the upcoming british vote and leading euro zone. And in europe, a possible exit happening. European markets are down across the board. The cac quarante in france off more than 1 . The dax in germany down 8 10 of 1 . And in europe, continuing to weigh on markets there. At home, we see markets also down pointing to a lower opening just an hour from now. Dow futures a loss of a quarter . Nasdaq futures down on the percentage bases down 15 points. The latest read on retail sales raisi rising 1 2 of 1 . That number did come in, and were back near the lows of the Early Morning session. Oil prices, were also watching those, theyre on the move this morning and possibly weighing on the broader markets. Crude oil up 1 at 48 a barrel. Firefighters are working to contain this massive fire that youre seeing in an industrial building. We know this is happening right now in maywood, california. The images from kttv in maywood outside of los angeles. Crews were seen at 2 30 pacific time, a three alarm fire. You can see the blaze. It continues. We were going to bring you details on this as we see it on this breaking news, an industrial building on fire in california. All right. President obama responding to the terrorists and calling it an example of homegrown extremism. Peter barnes has that. The white house has announced the president will go to orlando on thursday. As for today, he will meet again with his National Security team. He met with that team yesterday and revealed in you details into the investigation of the orlando shooter. As far as we could tell right now, this is certainly an example of the kind of homegrown extremism that all of us have been so concerned about for a very long time. And it also appears that he was able to obtain these weapons legally because he does not have a criminal record. Well, the president will give another update on the investigation after he meets with his National Security team today and we expect those remarks around the lunch hour. Sandra, back to you. All right, peter barnes, thank you. The deadliest mass shooting in u. S. History prompted presumptive nominee donald trump to discuss his proposed immigration ban at length. Listen. When i am elected, i will suspend immigration from areas of the world where theres a proven history of terrorism against the United States, europe, or our allies. Until we fully understand how to end these threats. After a full [applause] and by the way, we have no choice. Lets bring in saba ahmed republicans Muslim Coalition and from the american muslims for trump. And i want to go to you first, do you agree with Donald Trumps position that hes making . First of all, i would like to urge that Muslim Americans stand in solidarity and condemn the orlando tragedies, it was completely horrific crime against humanity. We are very much shocked by the acts of this individual, but i dont think blaming an entire religion and 1. 7 billion muslims for the acts of a single criminal is fair. I think we need to look at carefully who is coming into the country, but as we know, this person was born and raised in the United States so i think theres much more to this discussion than blaming an entire faith. Sandra do you feel that thats what donald trump is doing with his statement . I think that donald trump is just kind of targeting radical islam, which is absurd because i dont think blaming an entire faith is the right approach. I think donald trump is very strong on National Security, which is good, but we definitely need to be much more cautious about not alienating all of the muslim world. Sandra so, you take a completely different stance on this . Yes, first of all, good morning for having me, and thank you for having me. I wanted to add a few things. Im a muslim american, i was born and raised muslim and i love this country more than my life. Im an american and we have lost 50 americans and my heart is bleeding today and they are a part of my prayers. And i strongly condemn and i reject the ideology of radical views, that is growing all over. Sandra do you support Donald Trumps ban on muslim . I support that this is let me tell you. This is what he has said. We have to stop refugees from the watchable areas and this orlando shooter. He was an immigrant not an immigrant, a refugee from afghanistan. Hes absolutely right we have to stop and revisit and rethink about the people bringing from different part of the world where the trouble is coming from. Sandra okay. So, saba. Whats your response to that . I agree. I think Donald Trumps speech yesterday was great because he talked about partnership with Muslim Americans and wants to be a president for all americans, which includes muslims. I think, you know, donald trump is the right candidate right now, but i do think that, you know, we definitely need to work with the Muslim Community who are on the front lines battling extremism every day. I think its an ideological battle that can never be won with the military. It has to come from the Muslim Americans countering that and providing counter narrative. And i think we need to scrutinize the refugees and be careful who comes into this country and every person has to be scrutinized. Sandra and thats a difficult task. What role should Muslim Americans have in identifying citizens who have been radicalized or becoming radicalized and we know that many are doing this and enabling themselves to recruit using social media and other forms. Here, frankly speaking the parents of the orlando shooter, they have failed and now it is the responsibility of the california shooter, he was home grown, he was born and raised here in america. This gentleman in orlando was born and raised here. I request the Islamic Community and Muslim Community to be more vigilant. To see where the trouble is coming from, especially parents dont know the first you know, people they come and having issues they they need to come up and report to either the hospitals or to the authorities, the police authorities, this is our responsibility in america i have a client pakistani muslim immigrated to this country over decade here. Hes voted republican every year he has the opportunity to do so. He swore he will never vote republican again after hearing Donald Trumps remarks. Do you think it will be an effect on the election . He has rejected the Political Correctness and brought this on the table. This is an issue. Look what happened this morning, how are we going to deal with it if we dont identify it. We have to look and come up with a solution. Of course we will make some mistakes, but this is part of the process. We have to work through it. We dont wan this country to become another europe. Yes, donald trump, he has explained that we will make sure that we stop immigration happening from the troubled parts of the world. Thats the solution. We have big steps and words are not enough. Now the time has come up and some strong action is needed, required. And i definitely agree with donald trump. There is no other candidate who weve got to leave it there. Thank you for joining us and giving your thoughts. Thank you so much, thanks. Sandra coming up, is a trillion dollar revenue out of the question . Jack mas lofty new goals for alibaba next. Hollywood reacts to the devastating events in orlando. And breaking bad actor is here to weigh in. Welcome back. Were about 45 minutes away from the opening bell. Take a look at some stocks on the move this morning. Alibaba shares looking to open higher. The Company Looking to update its financials for the first time. Its the annual revenues rising 48 for the year. That coming in above analysts expectations and expected to nearly double transaction volumes by 2020. The stock up a couple of dollars in the premarket. Kellogg announcing a recall of certain snack foods, including keebler cookies and contain traces of peanuts that could cause allergic reactions. The stock is up 6 so far this year. Its pretty much flatlining in the pre market session. The yield on the 10year german bund going negative for the First Time Ever. And voting on june 23rd whether it will remain in the European Union. Jing me now the host of Varney Company, hes got thoughts on this. Stuart good morning, sandra. Sandra what do you think . [laughter] im shot. Sandra the exit . Whats going to happen . I am shocked that germany, the most powerful and biggest economy in europe now has the confiscation of money, maybe im not technically accurate, negative Interest Rates, you lend money to the German Government, you dont go all back. They keep a piece of your money, confiscate a piece of your money. Who would have thought that this would happen in our lifetimes in germany . I find it, sandra, absolutely incredible that this is happening right now. Have you ever seen anything like this before . No. Stuart how does this happened. Dagen weve seen the crazy people paying their rent with butter during the republic when there was run away inflation. Never underestimate the craziness of the Economic Society in germany. Stuart, this speaks to the fear trade. This is the fear of not getting your money back so youre willing to give it to the German Government for the idea that youll get most of it back. Any other instrument out there is at risk. If the eu falls apart, it could be significantly at risk. Stuart i guess youre right. I guess its a fear trade. I guess it is. Im just simply shocked. You know, i cant work out the implications. For example, if you take the other side of the coin, if i get a loan in germany, i dont have to pay it all back. Thats the other side of the coin. You lend money to the government, you dont get it all back. You borrow money from the government and you dont have to pay it all back. I cant work out the implications of this. I cant work out where were going. It seems weve had the most expensive war in history to create growth and it simply hasnt worked. I dont know where were going with this. Sandra Stuart Varney a big political day, Hillary Clinton meeting with Bernie Sanders later today. Could it go down to one on the democratic side . Of course it is, it will be Hillary Clinton. But always in the background is the possibility of this fbi investigation leading to indictment. Its always a possibility. Always within the realm of possibility. I was intrigued yesterday when hillary said that she cant imagine how somebody whos being looked at by the fbi can get a gun. She was referring to the terrorist in orlando. And certainly she sees the poignancy on that. Sandra ill let you have the final word that. Your show begins in 15 minutes, Varney Company 9 a. M. Eastern. Best known for his role in breaking bad, actor Michael Quezada is looking for his next role, a politician. Hes next. Approaching medicare eligibility . You may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. Thats where aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company come in. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesnt, saving you in outofpocket medical costs. Youve learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. Thats what it means to go longâ„¢. 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More celebrities trying their hand at politics. Thats how hollywood actors get involved in the upcoming president ial election. My next guest is coming off a big primary win in the race for a county commissioner seat in new mexico. Joining me now a breaking bad actor Steven Michael quezada. Good morning, sir. Good morning. Sandra first things first. We continue to cover the investigation following this horrific terror attack in orlando. Your thoughts on that this morning, sir . Well, you know, you look at things like that and its a big tragedy. Thats one of the reasons why im running for office here in new mexico because i also believe that a big piece that were not looking at is the Behavioral Health piece. If anybody is listening today from new mexico, they know weve been struggling with the Behavioral Health piece. Were not providing services for our citizens and a lot of people are falling through the cracks. When youre born in america and this is how you end up being, that means that, you know, as you grew up, we didnt provide services for you. Those are the things that im looking at. Sandra so the fbi held a press conference yesterday and say they concluded this man was inspired by isis and carrying out an act of terror, to be clear. That being said, you are running for office, and who is it that you support as your president ial candidate . Well, we are going to support our democratic president because we want to continue to keep doing the great things that obama has been doing here in this country, and it looks like right now it will be Hillary Clinton. Sandra steve, what will his legacy be . Youre obviously complimentary of president obamas performance in his two terms in office. What was his greatest achievement . Theres tons of achievements, you know, i think that health care is a big issue for this country. And me, as being an artist, i wasnt always this big giant actor from breaking bad. I was always just a regular struggling artist like we have in this country and we were never having the opportunity to have health care or anything like that. So those things are big for people like me. Sandra and Donald Trumps immigration policy, are you a fan of it or not . Well, look, we want to keep everybody safe in this country, right . And i think we have to look at who is coming into this country, but when were looking at mexico, were looking at that, at those immigrants, i think theres other ways, besides building a wall. I think we should be building bridges and not walls and figure out how to resolve this issue without having to try to get people to go back to mexico. But make them citizens of the United States, make them taxpayers, use that money, thats important to a state like new mexico, where we need to build our tax base, this is a great opportunity for us to do that. Sandra steven, youre not a dea agent, but we saw you play one on tv. Not to be cute there, but the drug trade goes hand in hand with illegal immigration, people from central america, south america. You say that you want citizens to be safe, but that theres possible way to come to an agreement with some imagination on the border debate. What specifically do you mean by na . Well, you know, i think not everybody is a drug dealer. A lot of people are coming and running from drug dealers. The cartels are powerful. If you visit mexico, most of the mexicans arent drug users. Most of the drug users and buying drugs are american citizens and this isnt something thats new, but not all of those people coming across the border are those types of people, but we do need to keep fighting against that. Sandra all right. Weve got to leave it there. Steven Michael Quezada, and good luck to your endeavors as a politician. Thank you, i appreciate it. Sandra final thoughts from our allstar panel after the break. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in rochester, with worldclass botox. And in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov it was always just a hobby. Something you did for fun. Until the day it became something much more. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Td ameritrade. Honey, we do . We need to talk. I took the trash out. I know. And thank you so much for that. I think we should get a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Right now . [ male announcer ] whether youre new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. Its up to you to pay the difference. 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Sandra leah. This last attack was not a coordinated attack, and jeff flock asked could it have been worse . It could have been a heck of a lot worse. Between the privacy and security. The privacy hawks wants to take away the Intelligence Community and Law Enforcement to do what they can do to stop coordinated attacks. Sandra dagen. Dagen radical islamic terrorism, you fail if you dont acknowledge the homophoba in that kind of thinking, you cannot separate the two. Islamic extremism equals homophoba. Thats whats going on in orlando. Sandra and the meeting between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton coming up later today. And time for Stuart Varney, Varney Company is next, please take it away. Stuart thank you very much. Terror at home, more terror abroad and wait until you see whats happening to your money. Terror headlines first. In france this morning, an a Police Officer and his wife stabbed to death in front of their threeyearold son. Isis claims responsibility. And in the aftermath of orlando president obama would not make the link between islam and terror and the terrorist mateen was able to buy guns while he was on the terror watch list. What is with that . The money headlines in germany, lend to the government there and you dont get all your money back. Thats called negative Interest Rates. In germany of all places. Ri

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