Transcripts For FBC MONEY With Melissa Francis 20141027 : co

FBC MONEY With Melissa Francis October 27, 2014

Dierdre opting melissa released from the quarantine after showing no signs of the ebola virus. This nurse worked with ebola patients in sierra leone before flying into new york and was an outspoken critic of the quarantine calling it quote, inhumane calling it legal action. Christies reversal odest in comparison to new york governor andrew cuomos. He started a weekend touting mandatory quarantine as a common sense solution. Voluntary uarantine, no. Almost an ooymoron to me. This is a very serious situation. Melissa oh, but by sunday, reportedly after pressure from the obama administration, cuomo was singing a, kind of a different tune. Listen. From a safety point of view the preferred option is to ask them toostay at home. The hilt care worker will come to the house twice a day. They can have their family, whoever is normally there. Not that theyre stopping their life. They have their full life. Melissa hmmm. Here to discuss it, veronica daguerre from the wall street journal. We have dan shaffer from shaffer asset management. Kinn of an aboutface there, veronica . Kind of. This is moving target. Were looking at guidelines from the cdc very soon. Melissa the cdc said not to take public transportation, yeah. So i think governors, people in charge are trying to sort this out, trying to make the best decisions, giving information they have. Seems like there is a lot of Political Forces getting into the Public Health issue. Doesnt seem like a political situation. Melissa trying to make the best decisions politically. This is currently a political decision process where it should be a medical process. People should be protected. Rules or whatever regulations they want to put in now should be to protect us from getting and spreading this. My concern is that it is going to get to the children. Once it hits childrens level that could spread rapidly. All this bandaid, going back and forth with cuomo this weekend, bottom line if youre a worker in this area you should have a social responsibility to take care of yourself and not afffct others. Melissa right. Meanwhile the joint chiefs of staff reportedly recommending a 21day mandatory quarantine for all troops returning from africa. If youre keeping track at home, that is the same policy the administration is fighting on a state level. Look who is here, Charlie Gasparino like out of thin air. I was actually doing my job. Melissa breaking news. Before we get to your breaking news, tell me what you think about this one. The quarantine the joint chiefs is saying military should do it but president dont wasnt anyone. All very confusing, charlie. Listen, my brother is a doctor. he works in a Trauma Center in new york in one of major hospitals. I know a little too much about this. Melissa oh. The possibilities are so scary of this disease, if it gets out into the general population melissa okay. That is the worstcase scenario. The problem you have to prevent the worstcase scenario. Theyre doing everything, everything, not to prevent the worstcase scenario. Melissa he want to get to your breaking news. That is why you were tardy at top of the show which is fine. We have a breaking story about a firm that got crushed in the markets last couple weeks. At least a fund. One of the things bounced around some major fund had liquidate or series of minor funds. What we understand a fund runee by prologue capital definitely liquidated last week. This returned money back to ininvestors. It managed mortgagebacked securities. This was just started a year ago. Why do you throw in the towel for a year ago . Not a great environment for mortgage barked securities. Melissa hasnt changed during that period of time. Basically liquidated this week. This is not a huge fund, meaning the fund itself. I think they seeded it with 25 million. Never got off the ground. But does Say Something about, prologue capital is very big, you know the company. Fund company. Such a small amount to move the market with liquidity issue on top of that. My point this didnt move the market. My point there were series of this. They were one . Melissa why we saw dramatic fluctuations. Bouncing around the market. Youre right, its a macro fund. My point were going to find out, this is just one. Melissa this is the tip of the iceberg . Well get a lot more in next couple weeks because a a lot of Interest Rates, right . And short the treasury. And this is one of the companies i believe that did it. Now, theyre sending their money back to investors. Throwing in the towel ayear is g story. Well get the exact details. They will tell you it is market, tough to settle fund. A lot of that is baloney. They got hit. They got hit like everybody else. Well find about eight of these. Usually when market is like we had in the last couple weeks, one big fund that blew up. We still havent seen the one big fund. Not like am ma rent. Remember that. Of course. My guess subsidiary funds of a lot of companies. They are located in greenwich. They are located in london. Well find a lot more of these. That trade, that short treasurys, long Interest Rates, right, just the opposite happened. We talked about before. There are long Interest Rates and also long oil. Melissa i was going to say oil is the other part. A lot of folks are surprised by that. Unwinding at the same time. Excuse me, long oil, short treasurys was the trade that unwounded last week. And paulson got caught up in it. He is not liquidating. I lost 1. 5 billion i understand. He lost. This got caught in it. Melissa todays session pretty quiet. Could a market calm before a storm . Stocks coming off the best week of the year. With the fed expected to end the bondbuying program on wednesday, markets could be in for another wild ridee what about this idea . Is one of the reasons weve seen such volatility and seen the correction we saw recently because everyone is anticipating the end of all this or . You remember jamie dimon coming out when they were talking about ending qe about a year ago, he said it will be a nasty correction. This is jamie dimon who is usually plugged in. Melissa right. I think there has to be some correction here. When you get off the heroin that the drug dealer, janet yellen and ben bernanke have been pushing on the market. Melissa is there more to come do you think . Dan what do you think. Depends what youre talking about. I think Interest Rates will go lower. I think fed lost control of Interest Rate market. As far as equity market is concerned you. Think the treasury will trade up . The treasury bond will trade up. Yields will go low and junk side will get out of control. Because theyre on that side of the trade too. With the equities markets we have hedge funds with major managers are selling into the fouryear rally. The fed is coming in to try to hold it up. That is why were getting 2, 300 point swings. That is not normal. Melissa that was my point when i started, what weve been see, wild moves, a lot of people got caught unchartered territory and market doesnt know how to react to that. Anytime you change Monetary Policy in some way, amarynth happened. But theyre not trading changing Monetary Policy. Market thinks they are. They have it wrong for 20 years. They have it wrong. Were going into deflationary environment. The fed did not factor, when theyysit in the war room, at the ppt, president s point protection team. They never factored in crude oil at 08. What if it goes lower. They dont have thattfaatored into the algorithm. Melissa dont tug on super nans cape or tim cooks. Cvs is not using apple pay, looking at rival system headed by walmart. Not about apple doing anything wrong. This is a war against the one payment system, current. Walmart, cvs, best buy, walmart they have been working on their own mobile payment versus apple pay. What theyre going after is very valuable. Thats right. They want data of customers so they can adjust their promotions. They want to cut out the credit Card Companies, right . They have to pay a fee every time there is transaction. Melissa apple for now is not. Apple keeps big players in. They have been happy to go along with apple. Currency, with a lot of retailers doesnt include credit Card Companies. Credit Card Companies will not get whatever the 2 transaction fee. Melissa 3 , 4 in case of american express. Its a big number. A big number. That goes back into retailers pocket. Melissa you never bet against apple, dan. It is weird they stopped this abruptly. There is more behind the iceberg we dont know about. Melissa more behind the iceberg, you think there is something wrong with apple pay or i think this other thing might be accelerated now hey saw how apple pay worked through their systems and probably working well. Melissa i have to say. Im surprised. I went out, saw it bunch of different places as i was checking out. You want to pay with apple pay. Charlie, im sure youre all over it. You dont own a single apple product and you never will. I could care less about apple. Melissa when you buy apple will you find me . That is when i know the world is coming to the end. The apocalypse is upon us and locusts are on the way. Does this affect their stock . Melissa apple . Apple pay, moved up because of apple pay . Melissa i think over time, potentially it is huge for them. Theyre gathering all the information that everybody wants about where youre going, what youre spending it on. Right. Melissa they could track you all the time by virtue of paying. Even if they dont make money off the transaction which theyre making a tiny fraction that is so valuable to see where youre shopping all the time. If it serves valuable, why is amazon not doing better . That is different model. Thats what they do. They gather all this information. If, facebook the same thing. Shouldnt Facebook Melissa totally shouldnt facebook be running the world if that is the case . Melissa i try not to go on facebook. Thanks, guys. Major political heavy hitter might throw his hat into the 2016 race. Will another bush make a run for the white house . Outrage over ebola and brewing legal fight about to take center stage. More money coming up. I dont know if you guys remember, but the obamacare website had some pretty Serious Problems too. In fact, if you look at all the stuff that happened my second term, this whole ebola thing, probably one of my greatest accomplishments. Its monday, a brinfrtrture,. 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How can in chinansumption pact wool exports fromnew , xtile produc in sp and the use of medic technolo in the s. . At t. Rowerice, we understand ththe connections of a complexglal economy. Its just one reason over 70 of our mutual funds beat their 10year er average. Rowe price. Invest with nfidence. Request a prospectr summary prospectus with invement information, risksfees and expenses to read and consider cafully before invti melissa check out the price of oil right now. Wow, crude breaking below 80 bucks a barrel. Just above that now. Cutting losses. Were still weighing on talks. Lets go to Nicole Petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange. Nicole . So much going on with oil. It has been something we followed so closely. Down about 25 in the last five months. As you noted below the 80 mark here and sitting at 28month lows today at one point. Right now at 80. 86. Were watching energy names that go along with it. On this day Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank cuuout looks for 2015. Breaking down the Goldman Sachs call in particular where they see west texas at 75, rather than 90. That was their previous assessment. Taking down price targets on some of the names as well. While they still have buy ratings on eog and range resources, they put some sell ratings out there particularly on laredo and parsley and downgrading names like anadarko and continental but the big picture here everything that weve seen moving, oil including, Global Demand story that has been weakening. Also the fact that were producing it right here at home, strong dollar, alllof this is really factored in. This group is the Weakest Group and has been the second half of the year in particular. Back to you. Melissa nicole, thank you so much. Hillary clinton is backtracking today after fiery comments on friday when she said businesses do not create jobs. Clinton said she was referring to Corporate Tax breaks. Dont know how that works but anyway. Capital strategy. Cheri jacobus is here with charlie and veronica is back. Dont let anyone tell you, you know, that it is corporations and businesses create jobs. Baffling. Political misstep on her part. She said this in the peoples republic of massachusetts. almost afraid if she will have somebody on primary far left melissa afraid . Elizabeth warren. Trying to outleft Elizabeth Warren at the same time. How can you even Say Something like that out loud and literally doesnt make sense . It was clunky. It is going to cause her problems. Actually didnt know the cameras were in he room. Melissa creating jobs. Everything is for a reason. She didnt, the headline maybe attention brought to her. President obama once said you melissa you did not build. That in 2012, he was talking about small business. I think we have that. Can we play that . Right. If you got a business, that, you didnt build that. Somebody else maybe made that happen . Melissa really . Telling a guy on the corner who open ad bodega that somebody else did that to him . Far left of Democratic Party believes government bestows on Business People their ideas. Al gore once said, that he created the internet. Things of that nature. Melissa doesnt it seem like the mafia, were in the baakground making everything happen. Without us you cant do it. Think politically. You would know this better than i would, i think this shows you why a lot of democrats are worried about Hillary Clinton as a candidate. She is is, she is not as smooth as her husband. She is not very good point. Not as smooth as president obama. Remember why she lost to there were technical factors. They crude up the way they ran the campaign. She ceded some of those early primaries to him. We she also was lousy on the campaign trail, particularly bad. This statement was clunky, very unprofessional. Democrats might be concerned about the candidacy and not as smooth as her husband. Maybe she lost her shine. Melissa jeb bushs son, let me say what he said. I think it is more than likely he is giving this serious thought on moving forward. Talk about a hedge. More than likely giving it serious thought . Melissa did say more than likely heewill run which is a lot of people are interpreting it. 3 i want to go to what he actually said. One good thing reporting out of new york you get to speak tt a lot of wall street guys that raise money particularly for republicans and they tell you, that the whisper is he is going to run and theyre talking about raising money for him. Melissa yeah. From what i understand, we havent got this confirmed from ken langone, big supporter of chris christie, actually mentioned jeb bush in some conversations. Ken raises a lot of money. I havent gotten that confirmed. I heard this secondhand but speaks to what is going on. Melissa you got, george p. Bush wouldnt go on acb abc on sunday morning and wouldnt hint at it. This is serious trial alloon to see feedback and buzz and how people respond to it. If people say yeah, that is a great idea. Melissa what do you think about the response is . I think people would welcome him throwing his hat into the ring. The circle things some people are concerned about a jeb bush canada sir, one of the things, gee, do we need another bush . How can you have a clinton running for president and not a bush. Barbara bush said if we cant find more than two or three families to run for office there are great governors and eligible people out there. That is not good enough reason to run. Got good experience as a governor. If Hillary Clinton is running then, it is fine. I think a lost donors are aking wait and see approach. They will see if he does run. They may not support anyone else until he makes this decision. I dont think well find out anything until after the november midterm elections. Well wait and see mode for a while. You know, heres the thinn. Fit is preposterous for Hillary Clinton to run for president , i think it is, given her husband being in the white house. I agree. Can you imagine, him as, turning him loose in the white house . Or whatever. As someone looking for ladies. Melissa oh, no. Whoa, whoa. Clinton, forget how insane the Clinton Presidency really was, particularly at the end and some of her missteps witt benghazi. Jeb bush may seem normal. Melissa after that comment i have to scrub myself from this segment. What did i say that was so pad . Did you read the starr report . That was pretty pornographic. Melissa in wrong hands, new intelligence that isis gained control of surfacetoair missiles. Setting new records. 3 how one google exec made his own sonic boom with this daredevil space dive. Do you ever have too much money .

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