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Melissa president obama spoke at the United Nations summit with a stern warning to terrorists. There can be no reasoning, no negotiation with this brand of evil. The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force much. Melissa shortly after the president spoke, new reports say an isis linked group killed a hostage in retaliation for frances participation in the strikes. The president says this campaign could take years. And it could ring our entire Defense Budget dry. We have Charlie Gasparino. James freeman from the wall street journal. Rob basso, founder of advantage payroll services. Thanks for all of you three joining us. The show is called money. I want to talk about that. Some defense experts say this could cost 15 to 20 billion alone. What do you think, james . I think it will cost a lot more. The president will find over time if you want to destroy isis you have to probably put boots on the ground which i know he doesnt want to do. Unfortunately were in a war on terror. It is an extended war. Melissa and expensive. No matter how many euphemisms the president wants to use, this is war. World war ii cost a lot of money. We borrowed for that. But it was worth it. Any sane person knows to get rid of global terrorism or keep it under control. There is a point you will not change the world overnight but you may never change it but we have to protect ourselves. This is money wellspent. Melissa go ahead, rob. Were spending 7. 5 million a day. We need logistical support. We need financial sport and we dont get buyfrom other nations, cameron says i will arm the kurds. He hasnt jumped in like i want him to say so. This is shows is about money. This is how horrible the obama economy is puts us in a bind. We should not be talking about money. This economy should be growing faster. We should have money to pay for this. President obama is attacking businesses and threatening to raids taxes like ridiculous Corporate Tax inversion stuff which prevents companies from overseas. You guys had a great editorial. It prevents them from repatriating money here. Melissa one of the only economies in the world that does that. If we had a decent economy, money would not be an issue now. Melissa the second largest ipo of the year. Citizens financial shares gaining steam after debuting on new york stock exchange. It is no alibaba but still another enormous ipo. Feels very much like a top to me. I will say this. Katy roof from fox Business People should go look at the story, wrote about how ridiculous it is for investors, most investors to go in to try to buy these things particularly when they start trading. Melissa theyre still doing it. It is stupid because you either lose money or dont gain as much money as you do keeping it in a s p 500 fund. Most average investors, nearly 90 dont get the ipo price. They get it in secondary market where it starts trading. That is where youre considered dumb money. If you bottom alibaba first day at 92 or 100 youre not making money you. Said this off the bat. It is not alibaba. Theyre breaking away from rbs with a 70 billion bailout. Market is not overly excited. Even though large ipo im a founder in a bank. We have 10 branches. We struggled through the recession to keep barely profitable. People are not excited. Do we need another big bank . If youre wondering why is it not, why did it not get the price they wanted, why is it traded below value, i would say its a judgment on the future of the u. S. Economy. People are not that optimistic. Melissa back off my big gulp. Pepsico and cocacola are vowing to cut number of calories americans drink each year by promoting smaller sizes and pushing healthier options. Unfortunately for their Little Initiative soda sales are already slumping. They say say they will help americans by selling smaller cans . They will not charge that much less for it. Theyre recognizing a trend going on around them. Wasnt Mike Bloomberg behind some of this . Melissa i have no doubt. What do you think . I hope they dont destroy soda the way they devoid soup. Took all salt out of it. We learned that salt wasnt really all that bad for you. If this is basically doing consumers want, then and it is pr, great. But i dont like this war on flavor. Melissa look, we dont have soda in my house. My kids do not drink soda. I never introduced it to them. They drink water. This idea of caloric beverages i think is really out of fashion. On the other hand when you look at people on lower socioeconomic scale, they get 30 of calories potentially from sugary foods. Melissa but soda and beverages . Beverages. They get a huge amount of beverages. Melissa why are sales slipping so much . If people are buying them why are sales slumping. There are quoteunquote healthier alternatives now, right. Melissa i think that is what people are drinking and responding to that. Were owning the trend that already exists. When i was a kid, best thing sunday dinner was spaghetti meatballs and cocacola, right . To me it was like it was heaven. I dont touch the stuff now. Melissa i dont think myselfyearold ever tried soda. These companies are not being altruistic. Looking at stock prices. This is where market is going. This is the trend. Well just follow it. Theyre not leading any charge. Theyre not leading any charge, thats the point. Sir Richard Branson thinks you earned a vacation. The Virgin Group Founder lets employees take as much vacation they want. We have to get the guy in here. Melissa no questions asked. Of as much as vacation you want. Right. This is insane to me. As much vacation as you want . I mean this is like the companies that give away free soda or free food. You have to put a limit like there is value. There is monetary value on vacation, cant take as much as you want. Has to be a catch here. Melissa i dont think there is. I have a friend whose company done the same thing. They apparently experienced a marked upward spike in everything. Morale, creativity, productivity have all gone through the roof. No way that is true. No way that is true. Only 1 of the Companies Worldwide are actually doing this maybe if youre a big huge company like branson holdings you can afford to do this. But every middle American Company melissa you will have that buy who never shows up for work. We know who it is in our office. We all know who it is. You know. One guy that doesnt show up. No longer pretext to fire that person. Melissa right. If youre going to do this, what you have to have is very rigorous set of targets the person has to meet. Maybe that is good for everyone. Ive seen places, when i worked at wall street journal for example, none of us actually really took vacations. Melissa no, that is part of the point. People dont use their Vacation Time as it is. There is that. But the idea you will give it unlimited you will have the one joker youre forced to pay who never shows up for work. Fire him. Melissa not if you have unlimited vacations. If he is lousy employee you can still fire him you. Cant fire him because he is taking off. Melissa how would you know if he is lousy employee . He will never show up again. Give him some credit. We make some better employees. If theyre not, he can fire them. Melissa all right. Poor california lost teslas 5 billion gigafactory to nevada. It is not giving up without a fight. The States Congress wrote a letter to elon musk, begging him to build another factory in california. Fat chance. California is trying to prove that theyre dumber than nevada. The amount of melissa what was dumb about nevada did. Nevada gave tesla 1. 3 billion in tax breaks on theory, on theory melissa i will stop you right there. That tesla would double size of nevadas economy. Melissa i will stop you right there. They gave him tax breaks. Stealing less of tesla shareholders hardearned money. Theyre not giving them anything. Theyre taxing them at lower rate which is what all governments should be doing anyway. Okay. No, no, no. Melissa no. This is the obama program. Well find companies who should not pay tax. Melissa all taxable all at lower rate. Theyre stealing less of elons money. Should be stealing less of everyones money. Charlie, you disagree with me . No. This targeted tax cut nonsense is ridiculous. Terrible. Melissa give everybody a tax cut. That is another state. California is not listening. Theyre listening to president obama where they pick winners and losers. I would love to see elon musk be really pushed what his stock price might be if he didnt get any subsidies . What would his stock price be . Were fighting over were fighting over 6500 jobs. That is what theyre fighting over of the fact it might be targeted benefit you know melissa got to go. Another round of strikes. How hitting targets in syria is driving people toward the assad regime and could be increasing the threat of lone wolf attacks. Plus the costliest city in the world . How you will need money to burn and live and work in this city. Can you guess who got the number one spot this year . Gigantic piles of money coming up. Patented Sonic Technology with up to 27 more brush movements get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. Philips sonicare discover the brush thats perfect for you. Hi, are we still on for tomorrow . Tomorrow. Quick look at the weather. Nice day, beautiful tomorrow. Tomorrow is full of promise. We can come back tomorrrow. And we promise to keep it that way. Driven to preserve the environment, csx moves a ton of freight nearly 450 miles on one gallon of fuel. What a day. Cant wait til tomorrow. You cant get any thbetter than that. Trains. Siemens trains are not your grandparents technology. Theyre something thats gonna change the cities we live in today. I find it so fascinating how many people ride this and go to work every single day. Im one of the lucky guys. I get to play with trains. People say, wow, we still build that in the United States . And we say, yeah, we do whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts thats when expertise happens. Mfs. Because there is no expertise without collaboration. Melissa dangerous game of revenge playing out in the middle east today. In realtation for frances involvement in airstrikes in syria a isislinked group killed a french hostage. The news comes as another round of airstrikes pounds areas of syria and iraq today. We move forward in our attack against terrorists. Arent we paving the way for the assad regime to regain its strong hold . Retired fourstar general jack keane joins us. Thanks for joining us today. Glad to be here. Melissa we mentioned a lot of questions in that introduction. Lets start with the idea what do you think of the approach so far, of our strategy . Well, i think the stated strategy is fine, which is to defeat and destroy isis and we have to do that in iraq and in syria to accomplish that. We need a very strong air campaign and in both countries to take the initiative away from isis and their freedom of movement. We havent done that yet but were just beginning. And then we also need a Ground Campaign to actually destroy isis and move them out of the territory they have taken. That is the weakness of the strategy, melissa. Because the fact is weve got a weak hand in the Ground Campaign in syria with the free syrian army. We have to arm them, quip them, and train them and also the iraqi army was collapsed and unproven peshmerga. This is a challenge for us and that is the weakness of the strategy. Melissa you are joining a chorus of generals and military experts who are saying we absolutely must have troops on the ground. Do you think that the president will get over the hump and agree to that . I dont know for sure but this is the reality that he is facing. The fact of the matter is, he will not be able to accomplish his stated objective without having air ground controllers with forward fighting units, advisors, without having our jsoc direct action Operations Forces going after isis leaders, eventually bringing in apache helicopters and a c130 gunships and having u. S. Combat brigades at least as contingency to take over in the effect the ground force in iraq gets stalled. I think he will be pushed to do that incrementally over time. Melissa there are sort of twoways to look at the president s strategy so far. There are critics who say were doing this save the day military attack. Were coming, were coming, long before we show up. Others say it is thoughtful, its strategic, its calm. That we are, were being thoughtful about it. Which of those two do you think is more accurate . Well, this is what i do know. I mean to win a war, you have to have certainty about accomplishing your mission. You have to be resolute about it. You have to have a sense of urgency bit. And Everybody Needs to know that you have the conviction to see it through. The problem we have, because the president in the past, while making decisions has held back resources from being able to accomplish those decisions that he has made. And there is a pattern of behavior here from 2009 to the present. The fact is that our allies in the region have doubts and reservations about the president s sticktoitiveness to see the mission through to completion and that in fact holds back some of their participation i believe. And it also creates skepticism among those who are participating. Melissa at the same time, as we mentioned when we came to you, were now seeing more retaliation. This time against a french citizen. Americans are worried about what this could mean at home in terms of, inspiring a lone wolf attack here at home. Yesterday neil cavallerid neil cavuto asked Rudy Giuliani about this. Listen to what he had to say and i will ask your reaction on the other side. This is very difficult to attain or success. This selfjihadist attacks they are very hard to track because they dont follow a pattern. This is the worst kind of nightmare for the police department, for the fbi, for Homeland Security people. This is something we have to take very, very seriously. Melissa what does that mean, general . How do we take that very seriously at home . What do we do to protect ourself . First of all, i agree with that. They do motivate people inside of the United States who are citizens here to take action against the american people. And they also clearly have people who are returning here from the region that could do the very same thing. So that, that, there is intent there and there is means there. The fact of the matter is our Intelligence Services to include local Police Departments like one in new york citys and the one here in washington, d. C. , are extraordinary working together to pick up any signs of that taking place. We need to have intelligence in also some of our communities where muslims reside. We do get cooperation from people in these communities who recognize that people may be moving in the direction of radicals. That is very important. Melissa before we run out of time i want to ask you about this video that has gone viral on the internet today and it is about the president coming off marine one here and coming out, i think we have the video. He salutes the marines at the bottom, with his coffee cup in his hand. And, a lot has been made how disrespectful this is. As someone who made a career of laying your life on the line for all of our freedom, do you find this disrespectful. Is it not that big of a deal . Well look it, i dont for a minute think this is intentional. It was a lapse his mind is on something else. He is president of the United States. He gets saluted all the time. Clearly what we do in circumstance like that if something in our right hand, we natural switch it to our left hand. That is what he should have done. He didnt do it. And it was a mistake on his part. I think we should get over it. Melissa general, thank you for joining us. We always appreciate it. Thank you. Good talking to you, melissa. Melissa come for the low prices, leave for, leave with a check account. It is walmart versus wall street as the retailer delves into banking. Plus, seven feet of pure heaven. Were sending Charlie Gasparino to this relaxation pod . Look at that where the haters on twitter cant even find him. A run for your money coming right up. Guys youre not gonna believe this watch this. Sam always gives you the good news in person, bad news in email. Good news fedex has flat rate shipping. 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A new investing and Banking Experience with personalized guidance and online tools. Visit a branch, call or go online today. Melissa from the u. S. To every corner of the globe money flying around the world today, starting in germany. Where berlin apple store has been robbed by guntoting thieves. A masked gang put up in front of a line of customers waiting for new iphone 6. They jumped line, can you believe it. Threaten ad Security Guard and stole a whole day worth of earnings. The getaway car was found two miles away in the woods. Wow. In japan where starbucks is taking full ownership of all of its stores. The coffee giant is spending nearly a billion dollars to buy out a japanese partner that they have been working with since the 90s. Starbucks has more than a thousand locations throughout the country. That doesnt sound like that many. London is once again the costliest place in the world. Skyhigh rents and stronger pound made the city the most expensive to live and work in. Hong kong previously had the top spot but not anymore. London may be the costliest city to live in but new york city condo is breaking the bank. The new construction apartment on manhattan es Upper East Side will be listed at 130 million. That makes new york citys most expensive apartment listed ever and most expensive condo im sure. The best part. It wont be ready to move into until 2017. Back with us our very own Charlie Gasparino and wall street journal james freeman. Another sign of the top. Another 130 million condo. 60th and park. Next to my church. Im old enough to remember back to the 70s in new york. How disgusting this place was. I was born here. Grew up in westchester county. In new york, there is almost never really a top. Melissa no . This is dynamic city in the sense a lot of people want to live here. Melissa a top in these assets and in the economy that the fed has fired up for the wealthy and left the middle class behind in. Go ahead. There are no middle class here anymore. Fed money printing manifesting itself. I asked a commercial real estate player in the city why did prices not correct after mayor bill because because got elected . The answer is william bratton. The police chief in new york city. People still feel comfortable. Doing an amazing job. Bratton is Community Activist you will see prices drop. Melissa okay. Not a city of middle class people. Melissa no, not at all. Not even close. Move avoid, marriott and hilton. A New Invention is changing the way you are going on vacation, introducing the pod. A futuristic approach to napping. This tube is set to fit your tv tablet or anything inside to help you rest up. The pods have been popping up around the globe. Now some employers are even using them as perks for workers. Joining me are pod cofounders, paul and john gray. Thanks to both of you for joining us. These things are expensive a front entry one with blinds is 1995. It is about 2500 for a front entry. 2795 for side entry. How many have you sold . Hi, melissa. Well weve sold around 300 pods so far and this is internationally. So were u. K. Based business based in southwest london where we manufacture the units. But about 70 of our business is exports. And in particular to the u. S. So roundabout 300 mark now after trading just over two years. Melissa charlie gas is not known on our show for being a particularly good sport but in this case we set him outside to go crawl into one of pods. Will be interesting to see if he actually will do it. He is out there supposed to be getting in. I know facebook has bought all inner of these onsite. Charlie is reluctant. I would describe him as reluctant. Almost got in. Almost did it. Melissa get in come on charlie, get in there tell us what it is like. Get in there shut the door on him. Melissa were all facebook employees and crawl in there have a nap. What do i do . Sit here . Melissa what is it like in there . It needs a bar. Melissa it needs a bar. Okay. Thats fair. You could that can be done. Put in whatever you like. Who designed this thing . Melissa well the guys, be careful is the guy there . Melissa charlie, do you have a question for them . They are there. They can hear you. Why do you exist, pal. Melissa they exist because this makes sense at an airport. Why is he trying to he will this ridiculous thing to us . Melissa its a fantastic product. I have no doubt. Please dont insult our guests. I got one more question. Melissa no, no. One more question. Are there any bedbugs in this thing . Melissa that is, no bedbugs. Should we slain . Melissa please explain. Let me explain the concept of the pod. Melissa yes, please. Can i get out of here now . Melissa i use i used to work as charlie is climbing out, i used to work in the city for ubs and Merrill Lynch. A lot of people Walking Around overtired in this day and age where it is never offline. So Time Magazine had a cover that said, never offline on the front. And this is because everybody is constantly staring at a tablet or their phone all day. And so it is not necessarily to sleep. And likes of facebook, london stock exchange, glaxosmithkline, who bought them so their employees can get a 15 or 20minute offline time, to sort of gather their thoughts and decompress and go back to work and be more productive. Melissa . This is concept and this is the idea. Melissa . Melissa charlie i hope you Say Something nice. Did he say he worked at Merrill Lynch and ubs . Melissa yes. That explains a lot. Melissa no compliments. I know youre looking putting these in airports as well which makes a lot of sense. Thanks so much for joining us. Charlie, thanks i think for being somewhat after good sport. He got in there but a little insulting. What will you do. More people are employed but are they working the right kind of job . For once the west is bracing for wet weather as the drought drones on. They could be breathing a sigh of relief. Piles of money im breathing a sigh of relief that segment is over. I was worried about charlie out there. Werent you . Piles of money coming up. [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. Some come here to build something stronger. Others come to build something faster. Something safer. Something greener. Something the whole world can share. People come to boeing to do many different things. But its always about the very thing we do best. I have 40,ney do you have in your pocket right now . But its always about the very thing we do best. 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. And now telcos using hp Big Data Solutions are feeling the love, too. By offering things like onthespot data upgrades an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98 . No matter how fast your Business Needs to adapt, if hp Big Data Solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. Make it matter. Imagine what they can do for yours. Hi can i help you . Im looking for a phone plan. It has to be a great one, and i dont compromise. Ok, how about 10 gigs of data to are, unlimited talk and text, and you can choose from 2 to 10 lines. Wow, sounds like a great deal. So im getting exactly what i want, then . Appears so. Now, um, im not too sure what to do with my arms right now cause this is when i usually start throwing things. Oh, thats terrifying at ts bestever pricing. 210 lines, 10 gigs of truly shareable data, unlimited talk and text, starting at 130 a month. Melissa take a look at this. Markets rocketing higher look at that. The dow is up 144 points. Almost. 9 of a percent. Because chicago fed president Charles Evans signaled patience on a rate hike. It may come later rather than sooner. Investors certainly liking that news. Lets go to Nicole Petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange. Bulls in control here, nicole. That could be the last leg of this little pop here. That certainly is for all the folks who love quantitative easing, drinking the koolaid, et cetera, low Interest Rate environment has been certainly very beneficial to the stock market. Right now the dow is sitting right near session highs at 17,205. Up 145 points. So for the bulls out there they are loving this kind of day. They say bring it on. They want this kind of day every day. Were seeing consumer stocks doing very well. Health care stocks. Energy though has been weak. Were seeing people buying stocks beaten down recently as well. Back to you. Melissa nicole, thanks so much. Walmart going tokes dream lengths to win back foot traffic, luring in customers offering checking accounts to really almost anyone who walks in. The details have got to make traditional banks a little bit nervous. Walmart promising no fees for overdraft or even bounced checks. Here to discuss it all, our very own charles payne. Host of making money. Steve moore, of the heritage foundation. Also a fox news contributor. Charles, what is your reaction . Im absolutely thrilled. Theyre doing this with Company Called green dot. Already had relationship with them. Full disclosure, my subscribers own green dot. I had feeling ultimately this would be done. 68 million americans are not banked or underbanked not just poor people. 60 of the millenials dont have credit card. Everybody talking about apple pay. This is amazing stroke for walmart. I think it is great news. Melissa steve moore, it is very closer because there are a lot of people who use that, payday checking who go and cash their paychecks to get money and get an advance on that ahead of time and really very, i mean it is almost criminal, the fees that are charged there. Is walmart come on, i love the payday industry. How else will people get cash . Melissa by going to walmart and opening a bank account. Look. This has been a long time in coming. You know this debate over walmart wanting to create a bank, it goes back to around 2007 and 8. I think that walmart should have been permitted to create a bank back then. The Banking Industry obviously lobbied ferociously against it. It would, just like hardware stores, not wanting a walmart in their area. But you know, charles is right. The people who are going to benefit the most from this, melissa, are low income people who dont have access to checking accounts. The idea that you dont have to pay all the exorbitant fees of the banks. Melissa yeah. This is great news for consumers. It is great news for the poor. Melissa gets them into walmart which is what walmart, reason why theyre doing it. Melissa, ill bet you, all these liberal groups, hate walmart they will come out against this even though charles is right, it helps poor and minorities and everything they stand for. Melissa that is great point. Stinging new numbers on the state state of the job market. More than 25 of u. S. Jobs are considered low paying. That is more than any other developed nation. On average, 16 of jobs in oec countries are considering low paying. 25 of jobs here in the u. S. Are defined as earning less than 2 3 of the countrys median income. Charles, how depressing is that. It is depressing. It reflects a couple things. Bifurcated nation, income inequality thing. What we need to focus on this sort of information that steve will definitely echo this, be manipulated into the notion, hey we can solve this, clinton alluded to this yesterday. Here is how you solve it. Higher minimum wage. Fix the job mix. Take money from corporate balance sheets. Melissa still lowpaying. Minimum wage is still minimum wage. We also have education crisis here. If you think this number is bad now, 10, 20 years ago, will be knowledgebased economy, global economist. This is wakeup call, clarion call. Get our act together. Melissa steve, doesnt it say all the middle jobs have gone away. Thats what this stat tells you. The good jobs in the mid did i, those have disappeared no . M entirely different. This is most ridiculous study i ever seen. We have a lot of low pay jobs in this country. It is true, europe doesnt have them. Because they dont allow lowpaying jobs. They have people unemployed. We have low paying jobs, starter jobs. Retail jobs, burger flipper jobs. They raised minimum wage in those countries so high they dont have the jobs. Liberals would rather have no job at all than low paying jobs. One thing we know low paying jobs, people are competent and go to work on time, you know what . They move up the economic ladder. So the whole idea this means we should raise the minimum wage, that is not going to make People Better off. It will mean those jobs will not exist. Melissa more robots. But, steve, it will be used to argue a higher minimum wage. Oh, theyre already doing that, charles. Youre right. That is melissa animated. Gets so fired up about this. Because it is ridiculous they really believe that no job is better than a 10 an hour job. Melissa dont forget, catch charles every night at 6 00 p. M. On making money with charles payne. Getting a square deal. Blackberry launching a smart new smartphone and the world stifle as yawn. High speed jet for the next trip across the pond. If you dont have a magic carpet this could be the next best thing. At end of the day this would be all about speedy travel. [bell rings] time and sales data. Splitsecond stats. 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Melissa airbus has been embarking on concorde round 2 with plans to build a supersonic business jet that will take you from washington to paris in five hours. Comcast is firing back at critics of a 45 billion proposed merger with time warner cable. They say Companies Including netflix as taking the chance to extract concessions for their own benefit. That is all latest from the Fox Business Network giving you the power to press for. Health can change in a minute. So cvs health is changing healthcare. Making it more accessible and affordable, with over 900 locations for walkin medical care. And more on the way. Minuteclinic. Another innovation from cvs health. Because health is everything. Melissa blackberry going back to square one, unveiling a smart phone in hopes of i phone hysteria rage, blackberry doesnt seem worried insisting this phone, it was the business crowd. These guys could never be square. Plans from matchable, what do you think of this . I cant get over is the shape. Is the size of a real passport. That is not a joke. It is the same shape, it doesnt speak smart phone to you. It is almost an offputting design but it has a great giant physical keyboard which is also a touch keyboard and has a virtual keys. It works and look some like any smart phone i have seen, maybe ever. I dont know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Melissa one of the signs of a calculated used to make elaborate spreadsheets. What do you think of this . This shows blackberry is coming to grips with reality. The few remaining blackberry users, the last time they rolled out new phones, there was a stick to their loyal users, of the stock has been up, traded down a little bit from 2 but melissa who will buy this . They had to scream at this time. I was a blackberry users and i loved the keyboard. This is a giant keyboard. The fewest keys i have ever seen, put other things on screen. It is good to see them make a big batch and a big phone. Melissa do you think it is a loser . It is too early to say. It helped stop the bleeding. I dont think someone will choose this over and i phone or anything else. It is too odds. The wake of by phones massive debut. Galaxy through stones, and it knocked on samsung, the plastic casing looked really cheap compared to the iphone. It is getting good reviews, looks smoother, but it is not going to make people leave the iphone. Iphone people will upgrade to iphone 6 but it may prevent some people from switching and joy melissa what do you think . 4. 7 inches are the same size and it goes backwards on samsung because they are imitating apple again, direct imitation. Which i never think is a good thing. Melissa thanks so much. Was it really that thrilled about climbing into the pod . James thought was a great idea. He volunteered to run out there and get into the pod. What do you think . I like it. Besides being a good place when you need to put charlie into time out is very relaxing. Melissa i didnt think of that. We could have closed it until he had a better attitude about everything. I dont know we have a pod for that long. We have to return at some point. Feel like taking a nap . Feel like i am about to get an mri. Mrs. Freeman dreamed of opening a chain of hotels, looks like these guys have taken that vision and run with it. Melissa the you feel claustrophobic . No. Melissa would you be grows out of the new someone was lying in it before you . I was assured by these guys they change the sheets after charlie was in here. Melissa you of the best. Joining me, liz claman who is here to preview what is coming up in her hour of the show. Is it hot for your show . Liz that is amazing. James and charlie have a discussion about the federal reserves. Melissa what a great idea. That is coming up at the end of the show. Liz and amazing rally on our hands and i say amazing because there were massive percentage numbers but nearly 150 points, a lot of good crosscurrents happening in the mortgage, we are watching markets every step of the way. Much of it came this morning when we got new home sales, these numbers for stocks so up perfect time to bring in in a fox business exclusive, the ceo and president of douglas element. Just a day ago we got existing home sales which looked dismal. Which one do we believe when we are trying to extrapolate the truth of the Housing Market . She will do that and we will talk about housing stock. If you want to know how well the economy is doing dont look housing sales, the diamond sales, sparkling in an unbelievable way. Stocking up, consumers diamond sales hit a record high. Billions of sales in diamonds at the forefront, you know they had acquired sales as well so they are the mid market. Look at this stock, up 50 over the past year. Michael barn, signature and ceo and a fox business exclusive and what he expects the rest of the year. Melissa i was blinded by the diamond and didnt hear a word you said. I was staring at the jewelry. Crowd funding your education, how students and getting money from strangers to get a shot at graduation. Nothing is spare from that sickeningly sweet flavor for fall. You can never have too much money. Patented Sonic Technology with up to 27 more brush movements get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. Philips sonicare discover the brush thats perfect for you. Your studied day and night for her drivers test. Secretly inside, you hoped she wouldnt pass. The thought of your baby girl driving around all by herself was. You just werent ready. But she did pass. cause shes your baby girl. And now youre proud. A bundle of nerves proud. But proud. Get a discount when you add a newlylicensed teen to your Liberty Mutual insurance policy. 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Time for , one Student Giving a new moneymaking technique, the old college try, turning to crowd funding to pay for University Bill and joining me now, kianki. You set up a crowd funding profile on the site go fund me hoping to raise 2,000. Why did you decide to crowd fund this money as opposed to getting a job . I did have a job. I worked all summer and fall throughout high school. Unfortunately it was not enough. I had saved up throughout that time as well. I came to a situation where i was still short and i actually contacted a french who came up with the idea, set up a profile for me and threw that we were able to raise melissa my hat is off to you. It is very industriously your goal is 2,000, you had 2,100 as of yesterday. 14 separate people made donations. Largest gift was 500 and it was from somebody was totally anonymous. Did they send you a message . Why would a stranger give you 500 do you think . I am not sure if it was a stranger or someone i knew. Regardless, i dont know. They sent a little note about good luck and have god bless me so i think it was something they felt called to do. Melissa do you get a check at the end . Do they make sure you spend the money way you said you were going to . From what i understand it is like a direct transfer so the money from that account is transferred over into my account so i dont know if they necessarily check up but as far as i am concerned, that is where the money is going. I dont think they check up. Melissa congratulations to you and good luck. Was very industrious and clever of you. We salute you. Wet weather moving towards the west could finally bring relief to the dried out coast. Could be the e hello. You can go ahead and put your bag right here. Have a nice flight. Music plays music plays traveling can feel like one big mystery. Youre never quite sure what is coming your way. 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Joining me is meteorologist rick. What can you tell me about the storm. A strong one, what you see this time of year is get the weather pattern across the west where you get rain coming in here, this is the first one. Biggest strongest winds are likely across british columbia, well see 60, 70mileanhour winds, coastal areas along oregon and washington, seeing very strong winds through friday, and certainly the very heavy rain coming in as well. How is it going to help the drought ridden parts of the north. You can see it across Northern California and the rain is coming, part of that area. We need so much rain here. We need rainfall totals. Liz good afternoon,y begin with breaking news, listen to this. Apple Just Announced it is pulling the update of its ios mobile software. The operating software for ipads and iphones including the new one. Apple had to pull it after users reported major problems by downloading the update on iphones and ipads. As we look at the stock. The high of the session today was 102. 16. We are right now at 101. 57. The stock down about a percent. What was happening . There were reports it wasnt enabling people to make phone calls. Kicking them out of that abilit

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