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Is always about money. Cheryl you all know about snapchat. At least your kids probably know about snapchat. They dont want you to know about it. We go from campus craze to 10 billiondollar business. Smart app that makes photo messages disappear is worth more than some long time favorites. You tell me if it makes sense. Topping household names in valuation, foot locker, staples, avon. All this is big Money Valuation despite the fact that snapchat is bringing almost no revenue, zero revenue. Bring in somebody who is big revenue. Charlie gasparino. Wall street journals James Freeman with me as well. Dominic tavella of diversified financial. They dont make money. What is going on . That was the problem in 1998 and 1999. That was before the nasdaq blew up in march of 2000, went from five to one in the index. I dont know what it is now. Some firms had no revenues during those insane times actually made it. They came back. Theyre profitable first right now. A lot of them like pets. Com didnt. Cheryl good times. Remember the sock puppet . This is role of the dice. The street is much more discriminating bringing companies to public that have zero chance. I think snapchat is actually a Great Technology if youre an insider trader, right . Because your necessariages go. Cheryl if youre a kid you dont want your parents to see. If me as a parent need to monitor what theyre doing. The valuation is a little excessive over the whatsapp sale. What is different from the dotcom era, now there is really a way to monetize in the phrase of that era, lots of visitors. Mobile advertizing market and web Advertising Market is much bigger. Cheryl youre shaking your head. Tell me. I remember the bio. Com eras, whether 80s or 90s. Cheryl e toys. Pets. Com. Where did that end up . Theyre making bets. Some will work like charlie says, some will not. 9 of the Companies Wont be in existence five or 10 years from now. Musical chairs. Cheryl to your point, 100 million users fine but if you cant monetize 100 million users doesnt matter how many people use snapchat or cheryls. Com. Silicon valley is focused on 100 on Real Companies not green tech alternative energy stuff they were pouring money into. The valuations are insane though. Cheryl charlie, but i remember, but i remember charlie does, the dotcom, we were all reporting on these huge each pose and a lot of people spent a lot of money. Biotech era in the 80s . Remember this, charlie . Stock went through the roof. Two years later they were bankrupt. They were gone. Cheryl you could have been very keptal about the ability of google and facebook to grow advertising revenue the way they have. The ability of facebook to get so big into mobile so quickly. I would just say this. I kind of agree with both of you in this sense. Were in the different era than the 80s or late 90s. This is much more discriminating era and yes, these technologies are much more efficient. Still the evaluation of these things just way off their charts. Cheryl you have an exclusive ii want to get to. I want to let our viewers know one of snapchats original investors, a lot of questions for this guy, on after the bell at 4 00 p. M. You dont want to miss of the he will explain that 10 billion valuation. He will be asked about that by adam and deirdre actually. Cheryl one of the face of the financial crisis could contemplate a move to the new york stock exchange. Charlie has exclusive story. This is fannie mae. Give background on fannie mae. Mortgage lender was placed in conservatorship in 2008. Bailed out along with freddie mac. One of the biggest bailouts. Maybe biggest. Combined 118 billion bailouts. They have been delisted. Stocks of these companies, remember they were quasigovernment, backed up by the government and backed up an insured mortgages but they were public companies. They have been delisted ever since. Now here is the interesting thing. A job posting listed out there for a corporate lawyer, asked for, from fannie mae was to provide advice and counsel on Corporate Governance and secures laws matters including federal Housing Finance agency 34 act and nyse listing requirements. Now what does that mean if they got back on the nyse . Well that means, fannie and freddie, despite what people like me and james would say, lets get rid of them finally. Cheryl it aint going to happen. Not going to happen. They will be in index funds. Almost impossible thing to unravel. We put a call into fannie mae. They said they have quote, unquote, no plans to do this. Cheryl get your reaction. This is the worst news the taxpayer has gotten this week. They are preparing to go pack to the old model of private profits and socialized risks. Right. They gamble on housing and we pay the tab when it goes wrong. This is terrible news. It is preliminary. What if we get a compromise. These are two companies. One paid 3. 7 billion dividend to the federal government. Freddie mac paid 1. 9 billion. All those profits are, because the government backing. Why cant we spin them off. Go ahead. Spin them off. No more taxpayer backup or taxpayer bailout. Youre on your own. Cheryl you will buy shares of fannie mae . Hell no. Somebody will buying these stocks. Theyre actually making money. Here is the problem. They are making money. They did pay back the federal government, but, they are making money because they can borrow cheaply because theyre part of the federal government. I like to see them as private companies. I agree with you. Private companies. But this is, listen, my view is i think they will be relisted at some point. Possibly theyre doing it, planning a spinoff without government aid but looks like they want the old model. Cheryl if youre mad bit, probably not getting a gun to deal with it that way. Talk about smith wesson really quick. The company is firing blanks at a report. Didnt look good. The stock is falling. Last couple years sales expectations second time they have done this in two months. Is this a bigger societal issue what is happening with gun ownership or is this just a change in hobbies . You had a big spike after tragedies. People thought there might be limits on gun and ammunition sales. They went out and bought. Theyre in the hangover. Watching these images out of ferguson this month, chaos in the streets i would be surprised if you didnt see a bump up in purchases of in this category in coming months. Cheryl you might have a point. Dominic, long rifles im a gun owner. Two years ago, three years ago, you used to walk into a gun store you couldnt find ammo on shelves. You couldnt buy a gun. They were selling them as fast as they get into the store. Today you buy all the ammo and guns you want. There is no yet. Get fear back, sales could spike. If we dont get fear back, can only own some guns. Take my word for it. Ammo on the shelf. It is not limited as some fear had it. Cheryl it is not handgun sales but the long rifle. Semiautos, literally gun owners, couldnt sell the stuff, stores. Cheryl i have something for Charlie Gasparino i have to get in here. Charlie, this is for you. Thank you. Cheryl Atlanta Falcons trying out a different kind of pyramid scheme, the kind that voss, well, cheerleaders. Season ticketholders i always loved cheerleaders. Cheryl i know you do. They want to order cheerleaders to come to the seats during the game. Fans can order up cheerleaders to come up during the Football Game and hang out with them. Hanging out cheryl good idea . They will come to the stands and hang out. They dont want people to where . What seats . In the boxes and . Cheryl anywhere. It is, phil and bob and all their buddies hanging out. You know, i think that if they, listen, i just, someone who goes to a lot of Football Games, if they do anything but the corporate box seats for the cheerleaders, theyre asking for massive trouble. One of the reasons why i dont jets games. Im telling you,. Hello. Ive been to dallas stadium, texas stadium. The level of what goes on in the stand right now is not, is not even what, not even what i grew up with. It is very rowdy in those stands. Im almost embarrassed for some of the people that show up. People get drunk and they do this theyre asking for trouble. Unless they do it cheryl they will have security. They will be escorted. Gun sales will go up. As tv game gotten so good, you have to keep adding adon. Cheryl well take a quick break. When we come back, coming up the iwatch county down. We have new reports right now that the device could be wrapped around your wrist sooner than you think. Plus the 80s called are giving a radioshack giving them a huge signal boost. Are we back to 1985 . Back with more money. Cheryl go ahead make his day. Jetblue ceo firing back at critics calling him too passenger friendly. You want to make my track record to bankruptcies. Is david barger in trouble at jetblue. Wall street is putting pressure on him. They are pressuring him. They want him to raise fees and really stick to it the customer more if they can because other airlines are doing it and seemingly getting away with it. From that standpoint, yes. From the passenger side, jetblue has a great loyal following. The question, do you want to jeopardize loyalty for wall street . Cheryl i dont know. To his point, weve had bankruptcies and mergers and i mean, maybe the board will look differently at this. You would be doing something if he can stick this out, that wall street generally does not like and most companies dont do. It is play that long game. And you know, maybe that is his plan. I kind of hope it is. I mean im, it is kind of odd that a, that a airline cant build up. This isnt the Oldest Airline around. It cant build up cheryl it is pretty new. Pretty new and cant build up customer loyal base and at some point screwing the passengers for shareholder. Cheryl what do you think . I like his style. Ive been a passenger more than investor. If i was equity holder would i be a little more disappointed. I would also be more confident in him if he had been the founder, if he built this model. Talking about the track record. Track record is not that long where he has been in charge. How long has he been in charge this guy . A few years. Couple years . Neeleman founded it. The Airline Industry is always tough. Been losing money since kitty hawk. I would have not messed with the model. Cheryl look down the scene though, orbitz is no longer doing very well, especially with american. American pulled all their flights from the travel website. Theyre saying it is too high in cost to deal with orbitz. But you use, i will say you understand this business better than we do. Cheryl i was a flight attendant, yes. But im saying, doesnt Customer Loyalty mean something at some point . Cheryl used to. Southwest Still Believes in it. Southwest believes in it. And theyre successful . Cheryl very successful. Jetblue has loyal following. When it comes to orbitz, comes down to the airlines, us air and american, biggest carrier. It has been consolidation. 58 of the domestic market controlled by four major carriers. Theyre dictating to orbitz well not pay fees through booking channel. Give us a better deal. Everyone else is standing back whoa, they will pull out. Cheryl i think they have a point, im sorry i do. I think american has a point on this one. Talking about some of these web business. What is their premise, what is their edge . For some of these travel sites you do wonder, if you dont, if you dont own any of the properties, if you dont own the airline, how do you make your money. Remember the internet initially disintermediated humans. Cheryl come on. Looks like it is disintermediating itself. Cheryl orbitz was created by airlines as booking tool to bypass traditional travel agencies. Cheryl 20 years ago. I want to talk to you guys really quick about spirit. We all fly a lot. We know this one. Airline ceo stopped by opening bell. He talked about the knee defender that caused that flight to divert. Another airline you might recall that spirit seats do not recline. Listen. Generally the media is giving us a hard time about that but i think you see in yesterdays begin with this other airline that there is a lot of emotion around this one of the advantages of a seat not reclining no one reclines on to your space either. Everyones knees are defended on spirit. Cheryl it was united flight. Are you kidding me . So basically well make your seat uncomfortable so it wont recline that is Good Customer Service thing . That is about jamming as many people in. People go with the price discount carrier. They dont care about the comfort. Get point a to point b at cheapest price. Cheryl fight on the flight. Even the creation of knee defender, kind after sad commentary, isnt it . People wont turn around and i will recline the s now. I think we all need to get along, charlie when were on a flight. As long as there is full disclosure, you know what youre paying for, you accept cheryl i will not get leg room. My ticket price reflects that. Cheryl correct. Would like that to be part of the equation. Cheryl mark, thank you. How much can you pay for . Cheryl thank you for coming in by the way. Love the travel stuff of course. Coming up, well lets say this, hot digty dog. Iphone 6 release a week from now. Well have sneakpeek from the latest leak that looks like that. New app getting users hot and bothered. Thermal images. Stop laughing at the hot dog video. Do you have too much money . Them meese. You make a great te. Its been that way sincthe day you met. But your erectile dysfunction it could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. Do not take alis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may causan unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, seek immiate medical hp for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. 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I definitely think the stock will continue on that momentum, especially considering how heavily short the name is. Cheryl 31. 41 that is a pretty decent number for best buy. They put circuit city out of business. Still questions about the viability of the company. Right, absolutely. We know theyre putting in programs that help them compete with online businesses. While, sales traffic and foot traffic to stores is going down, conversions are going higher. So it was a very mixed report. They beat on top and bottom lines but guidance was a little bit shaky here. Being depressed as stock has been this year, this could be a good buying opportunity. Cheryl james, thank you very much. Appreciate your thoughts on that one. Get all your thoughts on this one. New accessory for your smartphone. It runs hot and cold. Newest product from flir systems, flir 1, putting thermal imaging within reach of every day consumer and getting people very fired up. Joining me the president and ceo of flir systems, andy teich. Thanks for being here. You always sold the technology to military. Now youre selling this to consumers. Is there a big demand for this out in america do you think . We think there is. The interesting thing about are thermal imaging you allows you to see things in different light. You can see in complete darkness and see and measure temperatures which we think is something of interest. Cheryl firefighters always used technology, correct . They always paided 1,000. We should let the viewers know it wraps around the iphone. 349 you pay for i think a black cover. We show images. Point it at the wall in my home. Thank you very much. You have one i point it at wall of my home and tell me water leak, air leak, things like that correct . Yes. As you mentioned firefighters used it for years, because with thermal imaging you can see through smoke. Because you can see temperature, you also have the ability to see things that are happening around the home, like moisture which typically appears colder or insulation missing in your home or electrical circuits that are overloaded which appear warmer. Cheryl youre the First Company going to launch this there is Company Called seek thermal. They want to do the same thing this fall. Do you have any patents in place to protect you from the competition or are you just first to market or that is it . Flir has been in business, technology dating all the way back to 1965. We have a very rich patent portfolio. So the product itself that is sign i had of the flir 1 is thermal imaging core which has over 100 unique patents on it. Cheryl certainly, andy, interesting to see how consumers do use it. Just the apple store. Only for the iphone . Today it is only for the iphone 5 and 5 s. Thats correct. Cheryl samsung, yes, no, coming, maybe . Droid . In the future it is likely, yes. Cheryl let everybody know because not everybody has iphone. Thank you, andy. Appreciate it. Flir technology. Andy teich. My pleasure. Cheryl uber and lift, are taking corporate rivalry to entirely new, kind of dirty level. Listen to the nasty tactics they use to trick each others drivers. Things are about to get a lot faster around here. Facebook is getting its cool back by speeding up your social media experience. Lets hope you dont get motion sickness. Piles of money coming right up. [ male announcer ] its one of the most Amazing Things we build and it doesnt even fly. We build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrows innovators. We build it raising roofs, preserving habitats and serving americas veterans. Every day, thousands of boeing volunteers help make their communities the best they can be. Building Something Better for all of us. We have the old i phone 5s and also this years new iphone 6. It is brand new material, it feels different to the touch. The new one is thicker than the old. Lets tear it down and see what is inside. Looks like this is a new a 61 processor. I think it looks cool with the phone inside of it. Melissa the assumption Technology People and he . That is funny. New leaked video for all the tech junkies waiting with every bated breath they can even breeze to see the new iphone vi it could be less and two 6 weeks away and also a small watch the debut at the september 9th event, that report is coming from rico. Lets bring somebody to talk about it, jo lin kent is with me, Jonathan Honig and cement the murphy. I want to talk to you, we have been talking about the iphone 6, we are part of the deep snout. Do we think the i phone 6 will be that at the end the day . We dont know what is it an. That is big news especially when it comes to appealing to different markets all around the world. We are looking very closely at the smart wifi report coming up that is no longer october but instead going to be september so tim cook, the ceo has the huge day and a 12. 9 inch diagonal i had, has been down the last two quarters just slightly so lot of pressure to do something more innovative and different and we see the lou team. Melissa go ahead and start laughing but the new ipad measures 12. 9 inches, so for people that own shares of apple, i you excited . Is it too late . The stock is not far from an alltime high. Investors are excited about it. It is everyone. Apple doesnt just create products. They create cultural events. Something that inspires people to make videos anticipating what is going to look like and they do it in categories that didnt exist ten years ago. There wasnt an ipad, there wasnt a smart watch so apple innovating once again and that is why this is at an alltime high. Melissa how we overblowing the excitement for the ipad . We dont know what to expect. Why would anybody want a larger i had to begin with, we are piecing together what we might expect. The i watch makes sense, and we a two weeks away. Melissa i want to get your take on the next story. They have been fighting it out and as these documents expose the, quote, operation slog which outlined stepbystep directions for drivers to recruit lift employees to their cars. San francisco companies on the same story, has this gone too far or is this Good Business . This is in the news already about tactics uber has taken but this is blowing up and lot of people are surprised by it. And uber certainly has put some market share, and it is the right way to go about doing business. Dierdre youll love this. This is an interesting one. I use uber more than left but what theyre trying to do here is sabotage the fundamental of the business which is recruiting drivers. This is the ultimate problem here because if uber is able to do this and if they are not telling the complete truth to their investors or if they are, that has to be considered by the board and the customers out there, this is a consumer decision. Dierdre i want to ask about this next system, i got the apps this morning and some say it is an amazing apps, instagram introducing the new apps that lets users make their own time lapse videos from their phones. It is simple but the videos look pretty cool, our very own julie hayes went out and grab these shot earlier today. Look at this. This is fascinating. You got to say i am behind this one. It is tremendous. This is technology, forget the amigo 25 years ago. This is technology that tv stations were paying hundreds of thousands of dollars just a couple years ago. Instagram didnt exist. It is another example how todays Technology Companies without Government Intervention or stimulus i creating miracles the changees lives. Dierdre that two new features come out, i can send a photo to you and Instagram Video but this is the first revolutionary outside the play by instagram. The ceo is very particular how he stranded sizes for the next thing. It seems to be so far a home run. Melissa are you excited about it . Definitely. It eliminates the need for expensive hardware. It can cost 15,000 of is really eliminating that and welcoming into an era when you are using alongside instagram. Dierdre we will see how it goes. Good stuff. Still to come, all by himself president obama may be going it alone on Climate Change. Plus cut cakes are so yesterday. The latest craze is taking the cake. And an end of the day it is all about money and it is all about cakes. Cheryl i am Cheryl Casone with your fox business brief. Amazons new smart phone failed to catch fire. Analysts estimated device sold 35,000 units in its first month, just one for every four of amazons employees. Risk and reward anchor Dierdre Bolton has a behindthescenes look at luxury brands, she talked to usa president about investing in those watches. Stock market and financial friends would probably agree you can never sell these as an investment and we never would try to because the after market depends on what people are looking for and it will fluctuate. Melissa cheryl you can watch risk and reward for that interview and that is the latest from the Fox Business Network giving you the power to prosper. Money will be back after a quick commercial break. 3rd and 3. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about . Foreign markets. Asian debt that recognizes the shift in the Global Economy. You know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. If you convert 4quarter p e of the s p 500, its yield is doing a lot better. If youve had to become your own investment expert, maybe its time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager. And black swans are unpredictable. And american turned terrorist fighter president obama calling on a coalition of several allied nations, the growing threat of a racist. The United States is urging countries including turkey, saudi arabia and jordan to join an increasing assault on the jihadists in iraq and syria covering everything from air strikes, intelligence gathering, Financial Assistance and even tightening turkeys border. The president and the Obama Administration working with Global Leaders on a new Climate Change patch that would bypass congressional approval according to a report in the New York Times, fox businesss rich edson is standing by at lighthouse. Probably the issue is the fact that you are going around the u. S. Senate, the possibility that according to the New York Times if you enter a treaty of the administration had to be ratified by the u. S. Senate and the New York Times is reporting perhaps the administration is looking to go around congress in any Climate Change agreement internationally. They havent even written the agreement, they say, quote, the goal is to have a successful Global Climate agreement that could help address this pressing challenge. Anything that is eventually negotiated that should go to the senate will go to the senate. We will continue to salt would consult with congress on this issue. Republicans are already criticizing the administration. What it is going to do is empower him or emboldened him in trying to hold america to a standard of emissions that the rest of the world is not willing to stick to. Mitch mcconnell says this is another example of the Obama Administration trying to ignore the elected representatives of the people when they dont agree. Appreciate your reporting. Lets bring in steve more and James Freeman for more reaction. The president , what do you make of where he is right now . We shouldnt be surprised. We have seen him do this domestically with new epa anti Carbon Initiative that has a major impact on the economy and has not been approved by congress and that has caused a controversy. This is the International Version of that. My civics classes i learned when there was a treaty with other nations that must be ratified by the United States senate. That is in the constitution. I would also add one other thing. There is no way these countries like china and india and mexico and indonesia and other countries that are developing are going to go along with these anti Carbon Initiatives. This is unilateral economic disarmament by the United States and will cost us jobs but nobody else. Melissa we are talking about the president , executive action, executive orders, he just doesnt care if congress is on his side or not. We will see. If he is trying to bind the United States to something without congress, that is a constitutional violation. If not then you wonder what is this other than that pr exercise. If this is a nonbinding agreement among a bunch of governments but the concern is even if he goes the constitutional will obviously the epa has a lot of latitude to the lot of costs on the u. S. Business and i think the story in our paper about the terrible cost to germany, 1 trillion mistake going for alternative energy. I would hope would be a cautionary tale for the white house. Melissa i have to say real quick. James is right. The world is moving away from green energy. China is building coal plants every week. They are not reducing their combinations, their increasing them. Melissa when he is doing with the epa, the epa has become his puppet. I want to talk about Something Else the president is doing about labor day, friday, to purchase new york, very wealthy summer in new york city, he will be hobnobbing with a lot of wall street folks, 32,000 you can sit with the president. It is called labor day barbecue being held at the former ceo robert willss house, you know him very well. Come on, really . Everything going on in the world use the fundraising . I am confused by the store because i have been told all the millionaires and billionaires are republicans that i guess they are obama supporters, some of them. Some happy liberals up front and back around the bar a bunch of guys saying a. Client told me i have to be. Can get another. Melissa i dont think they care. It is who is going to be the winner for the democrat come 2016. If they think hillary is going to be at that is to they will shoes with a. Hillary has done well with wall street. Not as well as any democrat since bill clinton but the big news is Warren Buffett is a republican. Melissa thank you very much. Lets look at stocks, tiffany is looking good on wall street. Nicole petallides on the floor of the nyse. Brand that wont quit. They came out with their numbers, stock is up 1. 3 and 102. 09. Lets talk about sales numbers. It posted strong sales growth in the americas in two years in two years. Not only did it do well at home, but the asiapacific area doesnt come as a surprise that particular area was strong because that has been an area that was strong and during a tough Global Economy to see tiffany continue to survive, retailers that have been struggling. It is even outpacing the s p 500 over the year or so as it raises profit forecasts Going Forward the analysts are jumping on board and supporting this retailer and seeing this store on fifth avenue, and shoppers from abroad in china and europe, up and americans at home. Melissa chatham shapiro, what is coming up . Adam two things, first i will pick up where you left off talking about term limits in. We have a competitor, we will talk with Robert Becker about why people should be looking at this technology and how simple it will be when it comes your smart phone. You have started that discussion, i am having a tough time talking today. Too much scotch for lunch. We will continue the discussion with mr. Acker, and turn our attention to the 10 billion question everyone is asking, snap chat, is it worth it . We will discuss that with colleen tenure and send in 32,000 and got the cash for a barbecue. Melissa have not met . You dont know my name anymore . I talked to you everyday. What is her name . I know what kind of wine you like. Melissa i know more about you than i should know. Adam shapiro. Coming up, it aint no Mountain High enough. You can never have too much money. Never before has this kind of passion, this kind of innovation, engineering, design and performance. Been available. For this kind of price. The 2014 cla from mercedesbenz. See your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. Melissa whether on wall street or mean streak here is who is making money today. Anyone with a piece of express, soaring today by the most in two months after it announced the upbeat results of a costcutting plan that allowed it to significantly increase the profit outlook. Investors are pleased. The stock is around 15 . There is the stock on your screen. Some extra cash before handing over the reins next year, got nearly 3 million shares meaning he has just made 6. 5 million since this morning. Making interesting comments is ceo David Feldman who told an audience his annual pay of 15 million was a, quote, ludicrous amount and the often struggled with it but he kept it. He did go on notice to say he didnt make as much as other executives and nowhere near as much as other retail ceos. If you are hoping or protein cravings will make use some extra money, are these, steaks and making a huge mountain of meat if you ask for it. For 10 bucks you get a big pile of bacon, chicken, turkey and corn beef and after that a few starters next. Save room for dessert. I say let them eat cake in a jar. One bakery is offering that. It is the next frontier in baked goods. Here is the genius behind it, the founder and ceo of cake love, warren brown. Are you the first guy ever to the cake in a jar . I dont think so. Not the first guy the we are happy to do it because people love it. It is really good. I am happy to have the mack home. Maria how much are the cakes . 3. 99 for these small jars, four ounce jar and 9. 99 for a larger one. Melissa do you have a storefront in d. C. . Yes. I got a store. Been in business since 2002 and making cakes and cupcakes and other thing this, and customers asked for cream cheese icing and wanted to buy as that and we kept talking about what they wanted and what they needed and they told us and share with us the cupcakes are difficult to handle and carry, this has been a solution and they are taking to. Melissa do you worry about the fact we had a big book that of cupcakes, do you worried that this could be a fad and it could go away . You always wary because things could always change on a dime but the jar actually helps solve problems for various people in the whole chain of who we had dealing with because i want to go for this as a wholesale item. We have been doing retail for a long time and i wanted different set of problems to solve. Is good because people dont have to have the will jar at one time and a lot of our customers say i dont want to eat a whole cup cake. Melissa they are lying. They want to eat the whole cupcake. I know that. Melissa a great idea, appreciate it. The final shaq attack radio shack as its next bid for survival all planned out and may be the last chance it is ever going to get. Of the day it is about money. Radioshack shares are soari soaring. The stock up 20 , topping the astronomical figure of 1. It is 1. 04. This is the first jump we have seen since june. Jonathan hoenig back with me. Radioshack, 1 . They are still in business . Radioshack the same as it was in the 1970s. This is a combat did not innovate, did not keep up with the times, and if it wasnt for the investment of one hedge fund, would probably be out of business as we speak so this is a troubled company on the last legs if not for the money of private investors, it would be gone. Cheryl what do you say of radioshack . Obviously see a bargain, things look pretty bleak but thetohave a brand people recogn, they can create any retail model that works, who knows. Cheryl what does radioshack do . You can get everything on amaz amazon, why bother going into radioshack . Even best buy and home depot, the service, radioshack never really did that. The perception of consumers is the product line is outdated, expensive for what it is. Thankfully putting their money on the line like they did with mortgages in 2008 and for tech stocks in 2000, that private enterprise and hope for the future. Giving a little handholding, new technology is probably the way to go. Cheryl you and i looking at this earlier, lets look at this one more time. You made me lose my cool a little bit because you are laughing like a fiveyearold. What is so funny about this to you, and keep it clean. Dont get me fired. That is a tough one. That was a video describing the new iphone. My sources tell me that is not the new iphone. Cheryl, could any other company instill this kind of honor . Cheryl i am Cheryl Casone, whats his name is up right now. The market is taking a breather after the s p 500 closing above 2000 for the first time. Investors looking ahead to alibaba massive ipo. The ecommerce giant adjusting profit. How should they play this . Bubble trouble . 10 billion is how much of disappearing messaging app snap chat is worth even though it has virtually no revenue. The same value as burger king

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