The pedi cabbies is booming despite freezing conditions. Here to explain it and braving cold because theyre all good sports, pedicab operator. We have a serendipity spokesman joe calderon. Joining us from chicago is fox business reporter, jeff flock. I have to start with you, because i have no idea why youre standing on top of a giant frozen mountain of ice. Is somebody making money off that . It beats standing underneath it i suspect. Actually, were in the pilson neighborhood of chicago. If you look, that is the polar ice company. The sign is almost covered with a pile of snow. You know what happens when you get temperatures this low, the snow doesnt go anywhere. You have to keep moving it around. This is where they moved it here. Thesesnal employees are making money moving the snow. That is one way to go in addition to the ice business which continues. They sell dry ice all yearround. Shipments go out. They still have to have ice. Who knew. Melissa why would people be buying giant blocks of ice when there is ice outside . Youre saying the business is booming there . How about dry ice . These guys supply air france. So there are shipments every day going overseas. These guys have to continue to supply that. Melissa okay. Look what theyre dealing with outside the ice house. Look what the street looks like. Melissa it is ironic. These poor people. Pretty funny. Joe calderon, let me ask you, serendipity 3 i have one of the famous frozen hot chocolates on set. People are lining up to come in, there it is, doesnt it look delicious . Theyre coming in to get frozen hot chocolates in weather like this . I dont believe you. We sell as many during the winter months as summer. During cold weather Everyone Wants comfort and what is more comforting than a frozen hot chocolate. Melissa how about a hot, hot chocolate . You led me to that. More comforting than frozen hot chocolate in cold weather . I could think of 50 things. Hot cookies, coffee, regular hot chocolate. Are they still your store is famous. Ive been down there with my kids. There is huge line in front. You wait forever to get in. Are you telling me in the arctic weather today there were still people lining up in front . Yes, there were still people lining up in front and all coming for the iconic frozen hot chocolate. Frozen. Melissa must not be from today then. Let me ask you. Yes, maam. Melissa after drinking my frozen hot chocolate the next thing i would not do is get in a pedi cab to drive around the city, that would be frozen. Did anyone get in your peddie cab today . We got a lot of customers today. After drinking hot chocolate i would say, you know, i will take customers, say you like to go dancing and get in the peddie cab. Melissa what do you do to keep them warm . This is cowell so wind down go inside. A blanket like gortex blanket. Consumes the wind coming inside. Goes, it is a little fun to do. People like to do. I mean a lot of people, i think, if somebody dont ride the pedicab in new york city, i would stay they didnt see new york so. Melissa yeah. My insides were frozen from the frozen hot chocolate and i got inside your pedicab and pedaled around the city to freeze the outside of my body, what would that cost me . I mean, you mean like how much it costs . Melissa yeah. What does it cost per minute . What will you charge me to freeze my tucus off out there . We have new regulation, in the summertime like 2 or 3 per minute the ride. But basically, we give the customers more discount in wintertime because, like you know, more want to ride. We give them more melissa did you charge less today . Is that what youre saying . Yeah, like a cab. Also pedicab is permitted ride. No additional fees. Like companies gives us receipt and we give them receipt after finishing the ride. Melissa do you mind if i ask you how much money you made today . How much people actually volunteered to get in that pedicab to go around city . Like basically, like, the because i rent from the company, so like, basically it is like half and half. Like how much every day you make half for company, half for yourself. And also including the you pay taxes also. Melissa no, i hate taxes. Dont even get me started on that one. Anyone who watches the show knows about that. Joe, let me ask you would you get in his cab and let him drive you back to serendipity 3 or too cold. Sure. Melissa i dont believe you. Beats walking, thats for sure. Why not . Melissa you guys are very good sports. Thanks so much, i will enjoy my frozen hot chocolate. Stay there, i will be done in 55 minutes. Well head uptown, okay. No problem. Okay. Melissa thank you, to jeff flock as well i think is still on top of the ice mountain out there. Thanks, guys. Youre welcome. Melissa clearly it is still freezing out there. The last thing you feel like doing is slepping your laundry through the polar vortex to the laundromat, right . If youre down to the last pair of socks, i have to be hoppest you dont have much of a choice until now we have entrepreneur putting convenience back into the cleaning Service Industry and offering pretty competitive prices. Like the uberfor laundry. He is going to be here with all the not so dirty details. Stick around for some of that coming up in spare change later in the show. Up next, it is as cool as it sounds, using google glass in a crowded parking lot to pinpoint exactly where your car is. Even unlocking and starting it with just a look on a tab. Hyundai is getting googled up and were going live to las vegas for details. U. S. Bobsled team is going for gold in a bmw. It is faster and sleeker than ever before. Were talking the brains behind it all. More money coming up. So ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts . Thats right, no hidd fees. Its just that im worried about, you know, hidden things. Ok, whys that . Well uhhh. Surprise um. Well, its true. At ally there are no hidden fees. Not one. At ally there are no hidthats nice. No hidden fees, no worries. Allyank. Your money needs an ally. One of the miller twins has a hearing problem. And shes fed up with the daily hassle of her old hearing aid. So she got a lyric in her life and everything changed. Which one . Youll never know because the lyric is in her ear. 100 invisible. U cant see it, and its the only device that works round the clock with zero daily hassle. No batteries to change. No taking off and putting on everyday. In their report, a leading newspaper said lyric appears to have overcome many of the problems associated with traditional hearing aids sod good call 1 800 350 3292 now for your risk free 30 day trial. This is the lyric. Its teeny. Its soft. Lyric fits comfortably at the sweet spot right next to your ear drum for truly natural sound quality. In fact, 95 of lyric users prefer lyric sound quality to their old hearing aid. It sounds like the hearing that i remember hearing and finally i was able to hear what people had to say and i hadnt realize id lost that much in those years. So it was terrific. The quality and clarity of sound is unlike anything ive experienced. Now the miller twin with lyric can hear and do most everything her sister does twentyfour seven. So which twin hears clearly now . Both of us call 1 800 350 3292 right now for your risk free 30 day trial and experience hearing with zero daily hassle for yourself. Lyric is effortless. It gives me complete freedom. Once theyre placed iny ear, i never think about my hearing loss again. Showering is not a problem. Traveling is not a problem. Theyre hassle free, theyre 24 7, theres no maintenance, theres nothing to do. Theres just absolutely no reason not to try it. 100 invisible hearing is wonderful. Finding one that works 24 7 with no daily hassle is just too good to pass up. So call now and ask about your risk free 30 day trial. Get a lyric in your life. Melissa the consume Electronics Show is in full swing and today were talking about an automaker partnering with google glass. Controversial . Some say yes. One san diego woman just got pulled over and ticketed for driving while wearing google glass. Auto companies and google glass arent the best of friend but one car company is standing out from all the rest in its completely embracing it. Hyundai announced its new genesis 2015 sedan interacts with the driver through google glass. Here with all details is hyundai executive director barry ratslap. Shelly palmer the tech expert next to him. Give us his take. Barry, let me start with you. Are you concerned at all . Somebody just got ticketed. A lot of people are concerned about safety pairing drivers with those wearing google glass . Yeah, you know this is a very important point. Let me start off by saying that Driver Distraction is eimportand fundamentally people should not play with their smartphones while driving. What were trying to do here is help solve the issue. Important note to note that the Google Glass App we developed is intended for use outside the car in predrive experience. Were trying to take some of things you would normally do in the car, savv some time and do them before you enter the car. Melissa can i ask you, you have them on. Are you distracted now . What are you looking at . Are they clear . Theyre clear. Im looking in camera. Theyre in the periphery of my vision so i can look up to see the screen when i need to and concentrate on task at hand without being distracted as well. Can police tell if youre on and using them or if youre just wearing them and like you are and not doing with them . I have a screen cast here. You can see exactly what im seeing in my google glass. This is the genesis app. I can enter the app and give awe flavor for kind of things we can do. Remote features. Some things like, it is a little bit of lag time here for the display. Sorry. Poi surge. We can do dealer search. This is exactly what im seeing in the screen. Melissa part of the advertisement it can help you find your car if you cant find it in a parking lot, is that right . How does it do that . Yeah. It is. Blue link has invented cellular modem. We can connect to the car remotely, the owner can. Smartphone app a glass app from a website. Locate your car. Say where you where you forefor get it in Airport Parking lot or Football Game in crowded parking lot. How many times have you wandered around trying to find the car. We provide a solution. Melissa or if you had too many drinks, that is perfect. Shelly, what do you think of this . Is this going to be hit . This is earl days. Google glass is not product, its a concept. When i look at google glass helps me look into the future. Tells me nothing about the present. Apps like this are really awesome they tell us what we can expect the future, future social logically, not technologically. These things we do now are all about how we, as human beings are going to be exo digitally enhanced. What is different, instead of looking at my smartphone which i carry with me all the time i have a heads up display. Human beings with heads up displays, that is the story. Idea using it to get into the car or out of the car, thats a real question. Distracted driving is the number one worst thing you can do in the world. Melissa right. Lets not even start to talk about it. You certainly dont need to put on a pair of google glass to find your car, whether drunk or sober. What you do need to do melissa that is joke obviously. But it is not a joke, melissa. It is the whole point the whole point what we have now we have a heads up display for people. Were tied to the phone. Outoutsourced memory and wave finding. This is how we see it better. Im faster at seeing things. I have mind on with melissa google glass and no, this is my glasses with google glass but im seeing notifications. People are texting me, hey, shelly. Your tweets, youre on fox. Thats awesome. Im seeing you and seeing that. I dont have to look at my phone to do it. I know im getting tweeted. Melissa barry, let me ask you about crossover of two products because google glass is really marketed to someone who spends a lot of money, is pretty techsavvy and relatively highend. I think of yundai buyers as being, very focused on a bargain and good deal. Im not sure there is a lot of crossover between those two markets. You know, shelly, melissa, you couldnt have given me a better setup. On monday at the Detroit Auto Show well announce the next version of our hyundai genesis. It is premium rear wheel drive sedan aimed at up market customers. Were still a value brand. You get a lot of car for your money. It is fantastic premium product and first vehicle were using to launch our generation platform which allows to do great stuff like the Google Glass App. Melissa guys, thank you so much. Send me your glasses. I need to try those out. Bmw is going for the gold. The u. S. Olympic team has not won a gold medal in the bobsled race in 78 years. Bmw is hoping to help turn that around. They designed a brand new highspeed sled for team usa this year. Will it win . We have the president and ceo of bmw of north america. Thanks for joining us. My pleasure. Melissa will it win . Sure. Theyre going for gold. Melissa what makes the bobsled special . We designed it from scratch. We can do best is build fast, dynamic vehicles except this time it doesnt have wheels. Melissa right. So we started building it as i said from scratch with carbon fiber body as it has minimum weight, we could play around with the center of gravity as we like, as we started building the sled as we need it. And we also went to put it into a wind tunnel. It is really top of the art melissa have you done this before . No, we havent but we have californiabased Company Called design works that can design basically everything. And designer that actually has done the sled used to design race cars. Melissa yeah. he was up for the challenge. Thats what it is. Melissa is that a lot of pressure if we lose i am going to blame you. Go ahead. Melissa no were really confident. Just look at the track record so far. This season weve had four gold medals, five silver, five bronze. So were knocking it out of the park. Melissa you talked about the carbon fiber body. Obviously that is technology a lot of people are fascinated with, that is new, very much stateoftheart. Has that been done before with bobsleds . No, it hasnt. We enhance our knowledgg from the bmw i brand and they are made from carbon fiber reinforced plastic. Were building cars with that material. Melissa yeah. We could actually, use our knowledge and put, go right ahead and build a body like we were. Melissa the show is called money. So i have to ask you about the dollars of all this. Did they pay you no, this is part of our support for the bmw, for the u. S. Olympic team. We supported them during the olympics in london two years ago. And now were supporting them for the winter olympics. That is part of our commitment to the u. S. Melissa so you pay for the sponsorship and also provide the bobsled. Yes. Melissa did they give you discount on sponsorship because you give them the equipment they really need . They love the bobsled. Melissa i was kind of kidding and kind of not. What is the process of designing the bobsled . How involved were the actual athletes themselves . Did they test it . Tell me about the process. Absolutely. We looked what was around so far. Then we went to the drawing board and said, what would a optimal sled look like . And, put it into the wind tunnel knew what regulations were. Had prototypes we tested. We made changes. We knew what it would be all about, what was necessary to make the thing fast. Melissa yeah. Which we know how to make things fast. Melissa youre a german company. Why are you doing this for the usa instead of germany. As our chairman said white a while ago, u. S. Is our second home and weve been committed to the u. S. For more than 40 years. That whats we do here. Melissa thanks very much. A lot of fun. Looking forward to seeing that. Coming up, are unpaid internships ruining the American Dream . More and more young people are expected to work for free and the backlash is growing. Were talking to one group taking the issue all the way to the white house. Better pack your bags and book a oneway ticket out west because that is where the jobs are. We have a list of the best cities for job growth when we get back. You will be surprised by some of them. Yeah, that one is obvious. We have surprises too. Do you ever have too much money . [ male announcer ] this is the story of the little room over the pizza place on Chestnut Street the modest first floor bedroom in tallinn, estonia and the southbound bus barreli down i95. This magic moment it is the story of where every great idea begins. And of those who believed they had thpower to do more. Dell is honored to be parof some of the worlds great stories. That began much the same way ours did in a little dorm room 2713. This magic moment smoke . Nah, im good. [ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release smartcontrolechnology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. Help prevent your cravings with nicodm cq. Open to innovation. Open to ambition. Open to boldids. Thats why n york has a new plan dozens of tax free zones all across the state. Move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years. Were new york. If theres something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses. Were open to it. Start a taxfree business at startupny. Com. Return on investment isnt the only return im looking foard to. And my parachute definitely isnt golden. [ male announcer ] for some, every dollar is rned with sweat, sacrifice, courage, which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retireme to saving for college. Our commitment to current and former litary members and their families is without equal. Start investing with as little as 50. Melissa whether you spent it fetching coffee or doing research or runninger rand, you probably remember the first internship but did it ruin the American Dream for you . Which have mike strange lynn cofounder of Fair Pay Campaign who says unpaid internships are ruining it. How so no thank you for having me. Unpaid internships are open to people who can afford to work for free. If were commit to the notion everyone that works hard are committed to get ahead, make sure all jobs include be internships pay a wage. Melissa mike, i have to stop and disagree with you. I worked two and three jobs during a semester so i could afford to do unpaid internship in this industry because i wanted to. I was hungry. You dont have to be rich. Be industry just and hungry to go do the internship. It separates out people who are focused and driven and people who wont show up unless you give them money. But people who have wealthy Family Support them, who have independent wealth, they dont have to be hungry or driven. They can just show up anyway. Melissa i think somebody who is hiring interns