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Happen. is iran abiding by if the Nuclear Agreement in your view . We have different opinions but they are not abiding by the spirit of the agreement. The spirit of the agreement, iran is not abiding by absolutely. Do you have the right generals in place now for the fight in afghanistan. Well make a determination in a short period of time with afghanistan its our longest war in history, 17 years, thats unacceptable. We are looking at that closely. We talked about that today, and we talked about venezuela today. Venezuela is a mess, a dangerous mess and sad situation. But we talked about venezuela also. We are a couple weeks into general john kellys time as your chief of staff. What has he done to change the way you act orr or your white house acts . General kelly has done a fantastic job. Hes respected by everybody, and i think probably, i have gone through this a lot. I think very few president s have done what we have done in a 6month period whether its optimism in business, the stock market or picking up 4 trillion in value with companies and equity, including a Supreme Court justice, regulations being cut massively. I think its 48 bills passed legislature, not just executive orders. Few have done anywhere near what we have done. And well work now on tax reform cuts. Well never stop work on healthcare. Thats also working. And we are working on other things, including infrastructure. Well have a big infrastructure bill. Nobody has done very rarely could i say anybody has done. Im not sure anybody has done what we have done in a 6no period. General kelly has brought a tremendous, put Something Special to the office. I call him chief. Hes a respected man. Hes a fourstar from the marines. And hes my friend which is important. A lot of republican senators have come to the defense of senator mcconnell. What do you make of that. I dont make anything of it. He should have gotten healthcare approved. He should have gone should have known he would lose a couple votes. What happened last week was unacceptable. People have been talking to repeal and replace for 7 years long before i decided to do what im doing. And it didnt happen. It not only didnt happen, it was a surprise and it was a horrible surprise and very unfair to the Republican Party and unfair to the people of this country. So i was not impressed. Now, can he do good . I think so. I think we can do good on taxes, cuts, reform, infrastructure, and things will happen with respect to healthcare. I think things will happen outside of needing congress. There are things i can do as president that will have a huge impact on healthcare. Have you spoken to the governor guam and what did you tell him . No, i have not. But they will be very safe. If anything happens to guam, there will be big, big trouble in north korea. What about our military readiness. I dont talk about that and you know that. Im not one who says we are attacking mosul in four months. You are interrupting your trip here to return to washington monday. This isnt for me a trip. I stayed out of manhattan because its so disruptive to go to manhattan. I have meetings monday and tuesday going to manhattan. Its so disruptive. All of my adult life as i grow up in queens, not manhattan. But during time i lived in manhattan, whenever a president came tonight was very disruptive. I think im probably more disruptive than any of them. So when they have to close fifth avenue and 56th street and many other streets, im here for that reason. We are doing a tremendous amount of work. We are having large numbers of meetings and im on the phone a lot. I would love to go to my home in trump tower. But its very, very disruptive. We have an important Conference Monday and well have a big press Conference Monday. Secretary tillerson has spoken about diplomacy and you talk about military options. Are you on the same page . Totally. I think it takes a combined message for everyone to get Effective Movement out of the regime in north korea. The president made it clear he prefers a diplomatic solution. He responded to that a moment ago. Hes trying to support our efforts by assuring north korea knows what the stakes are. These recent acoustic attacks regarding american diplomats in cuba. Who is to blame for that . We have not been able to determine who is to blame. We hold the cuban authorities responsible for the safety and security of our country. So we hope cuban authorities are responsible for who is carrying out these Health Attacks on not just our diplomats but other diplomats as well. What do you make of theirs awful situation where they are losing their hearing. Use it many awful, you describes it very well. Thats why we are bringing people out. Ways on the table with venezuela . There are many options with venezuela. And im not going to rule out a military option. This our neighbor and we are all over the world. We have troops all over the world in places very, very far away. Venezuela is not very far away and the people are suffering and they are dying. We have many options for venezuela including a possible military option if necessary. A sovietled military operation . We dont talk about it, but a military option is something we could pursue. We heard from the north koreans saying we consider the u. S. No more than a monk we can beat to a jelly. When you say that it dont know what you are referring to and who is making the statement. Let me hear kim jongun saying it. He hasnt been saying much for the last three days. You let me hear him say it. Do you support regime change in north korea or venezuela . I dont want to comment. They are very different places. But i support peace. I support safety, and i support having to get tough if we have to to protect the American People and to protect our allies. Do you think your Vice President will be a candidate for president in 2020. I dont think so at all. Hes a good guy. Hes left for colombia and various other places. Hes been terrific. Hes been a great ally and friend of mine. Are you pursuing further economic sanctions against north korea. Yes, we are considering additional sanctions at a high level, and probably you could say as strong as they get. Thank you very much. Everybody. Thank you. Reporter that was President Trump speaking after his meeting with secretary of state Rex Tillerson and ambassador nikki haley. Lets go to blake berman. A lot coming out of that from the president in new jersey. Obviously many of the questions, most of of them dealing with north korea. The president saying he wants a peaceful solution. By also uttered a phrase i believe will get a lot of play in which he said we also could have a bad solution. He was asked by a reporter a tollup question a followup question if the United States could go to war and he said i think you know the answer to that. The president says he will not discuss his military posture and plans and his thinking. Potentially that is what he was talking about in that instance. He was asked about whether he wants regime change within north korea and President Trump said he didnt want to comment on that. That he supports peace. Pass for additional sanctions he said sanctions at a quote very high level are being looked at as strong as they can get. Out of north korea. The chest thumping, the warnings, the Strong Language continue. Their media said they consider the u. S. No more than a lump we can beat to a jelly at any time. President trump was asked about that statement and issued a challenge to kim jongun. He said he didnt know where that statement was coming from. But he didnt hear the dictator kim jongun talk about it. The deescalation and any talks of deescalation is not happening publicly. Both side continue to issue strong warnings with President Trump saying he want peace and we could have a quote bad solution. Reporter we are heading into a weekend. Hopefully we can see a deescalation. After he was asked about that statement from north korea tv, President Trump said kim jongun didnt say that to me. In fact he hasnt said much in the fast three days. Maybe he thinks north korea could be backing down. Lets bring in the panel for more. Fred fleitz, and jason beardly, a former special operations counter operations. Blake gave us the bullet points. He said in north korea hopefully it will all work out. It would have been a lot easier to solve this years ago. Here we are. What do you expect to happen between now and monday morning. I think we had an interesting week. We had sanctions passed last weekend. Whenever the sanctions pass, everybody congratulates themselves. North korea cheats on them and china cheats on them. China seems to be motivated to take some action. There was a wall street journal article today, the headline was beijing struggles to avert north korea conflict. I dont know that thats a game change. But im encouraged instead of cheating on these sanctions that china will take steps it long refused to take because it knows how seriously President Trump take this conflict. Reporter a lot of people are saying this rhetoric is escalating. Its a message, theater for beijing to strong arm them to compel them to do more. He even just said they are considering additional sanctions on north korea. Those sanctions would be quote as strong as they get. What could they still do . There is a lot they can do. There is a misnomer that people think north korea is the most of sanctioned country in the world, they are not. When it comes to the iranstyle sanctions there is a lot more that can be done. China is the problem. Chinese banks, companies and individual are the ones sanctioning north koreas sanction evasion. I hope the president is talking about sanctions against china. Reporter if you look at what donald trump has common the six months he has been in office. First he met nicely with the chinese president in florida. Then he saw them get support for these sanctions. Then he hosted india in the white house. That suggests the president is going after china. But when is the president going to play ball . Dont forget they also opened up a dialogue on the back channel through new york to make sure there is talk going on behind the scenes. There is a lot of manufacturing competition in south korea. They dont want to come face to face with that. Russia is involved, too. Oh they dont want their shipping lanes interrupted. This involves all three players in the region. As you point out and your two guests point out, there is a lot of theater. But these people are talking on the back side looking for a middle ground resolution. Reporter yesterday the president extended somewhat of an olive bran top of china saying maybe we can talk about trade and other stuff if you help us with north korea. Thank you so much for your time. We have to take a quick break b but well be right back. Cant sleep . Take that. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. You totanobodys hurt, new car. But there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. 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Trust this birds words. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. Reporter President Trump just finishing speak with reporters addressing the north korea threat and specifically the threat toward guam. William lin lajeunesse is joinis from guam, how they are preparing and handling these threats. William, good to see you. Reporter to be in guam today, unless you are watching the news, you would never know this is ground zero for this international crisis. The flights are full and the tourists keep coming. I want to show you a document that was put out by the Governors Office on Homeland Security on how to prepare for a missile threat. Dont look at the flash in the sky. Shower as soon as possible after. And dispose of clothing that may be exposed to radiation. They are only going to get a 14minute warning from launch to impact that the north korean rocket is on it way. If we are going to get nuked, there is nothing i can say or do that will change anything. Reporter how do you feel . Was that a consideration for you . A little bit. But if the two side get together hopefully they wont do anything stupid. Reporter guam is a u. S. Territory. Those born here are u. S. Military. The landbased thaad system within the mobile launchers are designed to take out the type of middlerange missile, the one promised by kim jongun hes promising to unleash on guam. I dont sense people being scared. I think people know our nation has defenses that can take care of us. We shouldnt panic ourselves. If that were to occur you will look at something catastrophic for guam and the world. Reporter the military is not saying whether they brought in additional bombers and assets. They see planes cycle in and out every day at the Anderson Air Force base. Reporter well be right back. Flonase sensimist allergy relief helps block 6 key inflammatory substances with a gentle mist. Most allergy pills only block one. And 6 is greater than one. Flonase sensimist. Lauren its friday, 6 25 in the news is coming in fast and furious President Trump turning up the heat and Mitch Mcconnell comments. The president going as far as to retweet this fox and friends linked earlier today that slammed mcconnell. Senator john cornyn among the republicans coming to mcconnells defense tweeting this. Passing the presence legislative agenda requires a team effort paid no one is more qualified than Mitch Mcconnell. He will lead this in an effort to chief of staff senator Ted Christian parenti and the communicator happy friday. Thank you. I want to start with you. He is among many other senators who have backed mcconnell yet mcconnell highly praised at what he does he fails to get the votes to repeal obamacare. Why couldnt he put pressure on mccain who voted no and how does he not know he wasnt going to get the votes . While lara and i think the president is channeling the frustration and anger of the American People that sent him into office. For seven years republicans have been campaigning to fully repeal obama carried throughout the entirety of this new administration in this new congress there has literally been not one single vote on full repeal of obamacare the full repeal of obamacare pagli that is a series of votes for partial repeal and what we saw was the combination two weeks ago of the frustration American People see by a failure to get a bill that by most accounts that by most accounts that some accessible for the American People were facing double premiums and 40 of american counties dont have access to more than one or zero insurance providers. Lorde the president kept the pressure on saying we are dealing with health care. We have to get something done. You think youll end up working with democrats to get legislation passed or to improve a repeal obamacare . Im not sure well it will get that far beauty of Mitch Mcconnell still winning here because you you you have senators rallied around republican senators rally around Mitch Mcconnell but you also have Donald Trumps just endorsed in alabama special election the establishment candidate and when you get into the fight over the debt ceiling in the budget youre going to see republicans in the senate are going to be a much tougher fight than he seems to understand. He is very proved he doesnt understand how washington works. He was out there saying hes going to save money on payroll and thats why he praised putin for kicking out american diplomats predict going to cost americans more to have to move the 700 people back and forth, their families. They are not coming off the payroll so he just doesnt get how things work but politically he might be positioning himself to push republicans to do more than he wants. Lorde thats part of the lure of donald trump and one of the reasons he was elected because hes different. Ship you are the former chief of staff for senator cruz a popular senator who has not weighed in on Mitch Mcconnell but the two of them a connell and cruz have had a very tangled past relationship. How do you think ted cruz thinks . I would want to speak for senator cruz. He works with senator mcconnell and works with senator cornyn his home state senator in the real issue here is senator mcconnell has the opportunity to get, put forward a bill to repeal obamacare and they are not doing it. At the end of the day we are going to be facing a debt ceiling crisis in september and the American People are looking at 20 trillion in debt and 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities in wondering when someone is going to lead that what the president is doing is trying to fill the void by declaring we need to actually get this done and that starts with a repeal though that appeals obamacare. Thats what we are looking out and that is what senator cruz is for. Some megadeath a lot of chaos and uncertainty. The reality is you have a president who is challenging his own party in a way where he seems to be trying to shore up his base after a week in which polls show hes losing support even among those who support in the most so this is the weekend in which he attacked president obama blamed him for north korea attacked Hillary Clinton of course, praise Vladimir Putin par for the course for the commanderinchief but it wont help them bring republicans together. Lorde it was a working vacation. We have got to go. Have a great weekend. Coming up when we come back the north korea showdown sending shockwaves around the globe as other powerful leaders are weighing in. We will be right back. Especially for my precious new grandchild. Its whooping cough. Every family member, including those around new babies, should talk to their doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. 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To discuss this the director of the center for National Interests of pen studies the director of programs and education at the Aspen Institute and a policy adviser to president george w. Bush and dean chang and asia expert at the heritage. We are seeing the key players take sides. Are you surprised by their decision, what they are saying . No, not at all. First of the supposed rhetoric from Vice President trump i dont think his rhetoric was than all that hard. I think its unfair for beijing or moscow to be calling him. We have a little bit of a Historical Perspective here. 1983 Ronald Reagan was calling the soviet union the evil empire and two years later hes meeting with gorbachev. I think we have to understand these situations while they dont show they can turn around. We have to also keep in mind to the president is in setting policy at 140 characters on twitter so the chinese and the russians had simmered down on their rhetoric. Lauren china made it clear they want the political pattern on the Korean Peninsula to change. Why not . Well from their perspective they have a situation where korea which has been a strategic vulnerability throughout most of their history is now divided with at least half of it in the hands of the government backed antichina. South korea on the other hand is allied with the United States and putting enormous pressure on them to stop the deployment and say to the South Koreans you should value chinas worries more than your own. Lauren yeah. Paul what gets me when we look at the missiles that north korea has it caught a lot of us by surprise. How did they advance the technology so quickly . You know, it seems like there are chinese and chinese cooking equipment showing up in the north korean inventory. How did they get it so fast . They have advanced so far because the previous three administrations did not do what they should have done to prevent it particularly the last administration. The Obama Administration especially did not do enough to make him talk offline as well the way President Trump and secretary mattis has done and what the consequences are they didnt do enough to make sure china understood we will not tolerate this. We know you enjoy the torture of us with north korea behaving the way it does but its not acceptable to us and their lovers for us to pull. We will make you regret making us insecure regarding north korea. The president is trying to do at the last minute to get it done but doing the right thing i think. Lorde he certainly is putting the pressure on escalating the rhetoric. He also did something else, with regards to venezuela i wont rule out the military option. Are we facing potential wars on many fronts hear . No, think if you look at the president , the president laid out his America First agenda. Hes a pragmatist and i dont take if you take his rhetoric and match it to the policy you are always going to get a perfect fit. For the president his main focus now is north korea and thats why think hes been signaling so much with his fire and fury commented what he is saying basically if you nuke the United States we are going to nuke you back and thats the focus of this administration. Lauren d and i have 10 seconds. We have the weekend upon us. You think things will quiet down . I dont think so. I think we are looking at the potential of the next several weeks. Lorde wall street is certainly watching this. Thank you for your time. We saw the major indices ending slightly higher but not quite enough for the second worst week in the entire year. We will break you down what the investment sang about north korea and everything else, up next whatever you want to do. Is alright with me. Ooo baby lets. Lets stay together. ch baby crying eat fly me to the moon and let me play jet engine white noise airline ding bell mnemonic lauren breaking news in the sports World Running back Ezekiel Elliott suspended six games by the nfl for violating personal conduct policies. He is expected to lauren the major averages napping three Straight Days of losses. On the week ending 1 of the week. Joining me now the president of wealth management. Its good to see you, steve. Good to see you. Lauren im encouraged after 205. Selloff we did not have another selloff today. Are you . Heres the moral of the story. We are not going to war with north korea. The only thing the korean government cares about is staying in power. They attack us its a sure fire way they will get taken out of power. We are not going to attack them. The 11th biggest economy in the world, gone and millions of people die. This is two leaders dating each other and calling each other names that this is an opportunity. From a viewer standpoint that markets up and down the last two days because of the uncertainty. The markets go down because of that uncertainty on the chance of a war. We take advantage of that. The markets go down and viewers have cash sitting on the sidelines, now you buy into looking for opportunities to sell those gains now see time to take advantage. Take advantage of it and buy into those tips. Lauren its a were rare dip. A lot of people waiting for this death and people by better in the sense that stocks would get cheaper. The north korea worries on wall street taking a backseat that the fed took center stage. We doubt that cpi report essentially a noshow. A four in 10 chance that the fed hikes by december . Its more than that. At the end of the day theyve been telegraphing over and over again theres another hike coming at the end of year and a couple hikes coming next year. Thats a good thing. Shows our economy continues to rebound rate unemployment is lower than it has been forever. Interest rates havent spiked that much yet. Even wages are starting to come up a little bit. It helps our economy law. People are buying and Consumer Sentiment has been up to these are good times and they point to the fed wanting to raise rates a little bit more which ends up helping the consumers bottom line. Lauren the president took credit for all of this when he was addressing reporters at the top of the show basically saying he mentioned the stock market right away. The dow was up 19 at best that that nasdaq up 20 . Kind of unbelievable. How much cash is sitting on the sidelines now ready to go to work . How much cash are we looking at . There isnt a lot of cash sitting on the sidelines for a long time. You have interestrate in bonds historically low so people arent buying into that for growth. International markets have been good and we been promoting it since january but the u. S. Market is still the most stable thing to buy and use it when you see these tips and see the opportunity people are buying the u. S. Market and that maybe more so than the president focus propping up the market a little bit more on that end. A lot of people believe the republican agenda will eventually get lower taxes and better Regulatory Environment for businesses and probably have a little more to do with this than someone whos in charge of the country. Lauren . Thank you and have a beautiful weekend. Coming up the owner of the gym in atlanta who doesnt want the police or the military to use his facility. Up next the founder of new york citys chapter and did land a Police Officer who is challenging the owner of that gym to a boxing match. Can they match. Can they duke it out . We will be right back. Rethink your allergy pills. Flonase sensimist allergy relief uses unique Mistpro Technology and helps block 6 key inflammatory substances with a gentle mist. 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Tommy you are challenging this gym honor to a boxing match because you say look its not about raking his nose but its about bridging this gap that we clearly have in the community. What are you trying to do here and is he going to fight you . Hey thanks for having me. Its good to be here. That is the goal. We have extended a hand, a charitable hand if you will to jim chambers and we are finding hes not so open to the challenge unfortunately. I guess what i want to say today as i really feel that this is a great example of what we are up against today with policing in this country. We extend a hand in response and get pushed away so really think about that. Write right down the street from his gym and down the street from his home where i patrol, ive patrolled in that part of the city and apache knows about the neighborhood. He knows about Thomasville Heights and he knows that mechanicsville. Although places that every Police Officer knows is a pretty bad area and kids sleeping on floors one set of clothing to their name, very limited supervision. These are the kids we are trying to protect and jim thinks we are oppressing and thinks where modern day catchers. We all understand jim is antipolice but what i would like to see more from him is what he stands for. Lauren lets bring in joe. Here in new york city one of the toughest cities to police and the entire country with a sheer population. I know crime is going down but you guys risk your lives every single day to protect all of us and the treatment you are getting . Officer familia months ago holder and maher it just doesnt stop. When somebody does Something Like that and doesnt let us go to the gym it doesnt make sense and its horrible. Lauren the hatred has reached a new level. I see Police Officers now and im used to walking right by but now with all the stories to show my appreciation i say hi how are you insert some sort of conversation because im appreciating the more. Something like that goes a long way. Hanging out with the kids and doing the charity work. They want the stories out and they have to be careful what it says because it does make an impact. Lauren speaking of charity work thinking about the communities you are working in. Im not familiar with how it this on the ground in atlanta where you work but are you with the community and are you trying to make friends reaching out to the kids of a feel comfortable and maybe as an idol someone they can look up to . So, my last year with the Atlanta Police department, im now in the metro area metro area atlanta. The same city just with a different name kind of deal going on there. My last year i was a School Resource officer and we had a great relationship with kids there. My partner would do pushups as the everyday with these kids and what started as one or two kids turned into 10. You know what that thing is about this, you have got kids looking at the 10 kids who would do pushups with us saying you are just trying to get on the good side of the police. Jim is trying to paint this idea of these groups of people in general Broad Strokes that there all antipolice and thats not what we have got at jackson high school. Its not what they get on the streets on a daytoday basis and its not what we get at the gym. Lauren we have got to leave it there. Enjoy the weekend. Tommy and joe thanked you to both of you. We will be right back. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Well work on tax reform cuts. Well never stop work on as you know, healthcare, and we are work on other things including infrastructure. Well have a big infrastructure bill. Reporter the clock is ticking and the president returns to the White House Monday to get things done. Hes trying to shift if the focus back to his domestic agenda as tensions with north korea escalate. Gabby, ron, nice to see both of you. Ron, we were talking in the break. We have 11, 12 days left until Congress Returns to get things done. I think well get it done but it will be difficult. A lot of conservatives dont want to raise the debt kreeling unless they get a concession to reduce the amount of debt we have. With only 12 days left for them, we can get it done, but it will be tough lifting. Lauren do you think inparty fighting will prevent things like tax reform . Others going for broader tax reform . I dont know that it will prevent them from accomplishing something on tax reform. I mean, as you mentioned earlier, they have to decide whether to have a debt limit boost. And they have to pass a stop gap measure to fund the government until the end of the fiscal year, and they have to reform and simplify the tax code. Thats a lot on their plate as they are trying to deal with whats going on with north korea. Im sceptical they will be able to do that in 12 days. Lauren this Infrastructure Spending bill as the president keeps promising, you would think everybody would agree on that. Will that work . No, we have seen what happens when you have said you get shovelready jobs. We saw that in the previous administration. I think the conservatives and the more heartland states will put us up to it. Lauren we have north korea and a military option for venezuela and the domestic agenda here at home. Lou dobbs is next right here on fox business. [ ] david good evening, im david asman for lou dobbs who is on vacation. President trump issuing new warnings to north korea telling reporters his administration is considering leveling additional sanctions against north korea. He hopes for a peaceful resolution but will not hesitate to protect america and itsal life. We have been working closely with china and other countries. Nobody has dont job they are supposed to be doing and thats why we are

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