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Bill to be deficit neutral. But the cbo score also determined the senate bill will increase the number of people who are uninsured by 22 million by 2026. Thats 1 million fewer than the 23 million who would be uninsured under the house healthcare bill. Under current law 28 Million People will Lack Health Insurance by 2026. According to the cbo under if the senate bill 39 Million People will lack insurance. That may prove trouble for republican snars, including the senator from nevada. The senate bill removed the individual mandate to buy insurance which is a contributing factor in the increase of uninsured americans. It reduces medicaid spending 772 billion over 10 years. It reduces taxes to pay for obamacare over 10 years as well. And next year there will be 15 million fewer uninsured compared with the current law. Charles thank you very much. Now to the other blockbuster news of the day. The Supreme Court allowing the president s travel order. You are saying the constitution won and the activist judges and lawyers won. The consequence sphiewtion won, National Security won and President Trump won, his policies won. It was a massive indication for him. Essentially the travel ban is back in force. There are exceptions, there are individual litigants the court has said are not subject to the reinstatement. They might be able to get in. But virtually everyone else, the individuals in the affected countries that are out of control and the inability to check who is coming in and out. What was interesting. Most interesting, the lower courts, the liberal antitrump activists on those lower courts threw out the ban in its entirety. Couldnt get one justice on the Supreme Court, not sotomayor, ginsburg or briar to agree with their widespread or massive injunction of the president s actions. Charles would you say this an opinion on whether its a travel ban or muslim ban . Has that been adjudicated . Or do we have a hint on what well see in october. I dont think they would have lifted the initial stay that was so broad if they didnt think they were likely to rule in favor of the president. I didnt see anything in the comments about the president s tweets. They took seriously the president s prerogatives on Immigration Law and protecting and making judgment to stop the aliens he believes will be a risk coming into the country and the president s preeminence in terms of National Security in protecting the United States. Charles one quote we had today its a clear victory for our National Security and allows the travel suspension for the 6 terrorprone countries. My number one responsibility as commanderinchief is to keep the American People safe. Todays ruling allows me to use an important tool for protect our nations homeland. 90day moratorium. To hear this in october, it would be effectively expired by then. So how does that play into the ultimate decision here . It could be the facts are very different when the court hears this case. Sow it could be even later than october. So the president could have done the analysis, they could have done the security screening and analyze the need for more vetting and made additional decisions to keep people out for rely allow them in urnltd strict scrutiny and extreme vetting. Frankly if i were the president in the administration i would take the ruling as a ringing endorsement and think of other things they werent willing to do to protect the nations security for terrorists coming in from abroad. Char almost i want to bring in the panel. Ford, i know you are an attorney. This seems like a clearcut victory for the Trump Administration. I think it is a victory for President Trump, and National Security. Something Justice Thomas got to is what constitutes a bona fide relationship with a person entering the United States. I think that will be key. As this opinion is written, i find it extremely unworkable. It seems like john roberts is practicing Crisis Management on the Supreme Court until we get to october. But i want to know what will justify that bona fide relationship. If they lean in the president s direction, this will be broadening the scope in terms of National Security. Charles it feels like i didnt hear any legal handicappers thinking this would be so onesided for President Trump. You can koinlt as a victory. Bona fide relationship is going to count as a a nil yeah relationship. Something like that. And what the 90 days that will be in effect. Donald trump basically wins today. If you are looking to have Donald Trumps order overturned, the court said you have to explain why the point wont be moot by the time they figure it out. Donald trump gets this win and the Supreme Court said we are going to consider the law before we consider Donald Trumps tweets which the lower courts hadnt done. Thats a victory. Now they will have 90 days or more to get in line and figure out something they are going to codify more soundly to protect this country with extreme vetting. Charles the lower courts took into account candidate trumps tweets. I have not been a big fan of the travel ban. But i think this is still the right decision for democracy. We want branches of government checking each others power, but we dont want them usurping power which is what we saw the other courts doing. For the bigger democratic principle, this is the right call. Charles you talk about additional steps to keep terrorists out. What do you have in mind here . Maybe they need more time. Maybe they need to add to the list of countries. Maybe they need to take more significant action to the to the refugee flows. Charles does it always have to be a temporary travel ban as the administration redetermines its policies on a mission or can it be like Government Program that are reinstated forever. Maybe its made permanent absent new developments. And that could be the analysis a 30 days. Is the sudan going to be any better in 90 days . I think with the 90 what we learned is when it comes to National Security, foreign nationals do not have a right to travel in the United States. I think this is a huge ruling terms of the scope of president ial power. I have argued over and over that the idea maybe this isnt the greatest way to combat terrorism, you have to try to do things and keep us safe because thats the main job of the president to protect our country and her citizens. But this is a good step. Charles if its expanded beyond the six countries do you get activists starting to say we told you, this was a a setup, now we get the ultimate goal of this. I think you will get a massive activist reaction. Its not going to be people who would have otherwise voted for donald trump. So i dont know what the political costs will be for donald trump. You are probably not going to change your mind based on the travel ban. But how will it keep us safe . The people who are terrorists often have the correct cards. Its the farmers who dont have the implication. This is a first step until they evaluate ways to keep americans safer. Charles the cbo score is out. Now the question is did it move either side of the republican divide or did it make things worse . Well be right back. Charles House Minority leader nancy pelosi dropping the hammer on the cbo score. He said people will die if trumpcare becomes law. To my panel, gabby, of course nancy has really been railing against this. She railed against it over the weekend before the cbo score. Not surprised to see her talking about it there. Understanding where everybody is coming from, do you think this will make a major difference. Pelosi coming out against this . The cbo score, charles, no, i think republicans were anticipating this for a long time. They didnt expect it to be much different of a score than we saw for the house bill. Its a little bit better. There is far more savings contained in this bill. And i think thats going to give him a lot of wiggle room this week to make sure the bill does appeal to moderates and conservatives. It will be interesting to see how he does that without alienating either side. But to make this legislation more appealing. Charles he says premiums will come down sharply in the next 10 years. But there are subsidies involved and major payments to insurance companies. Anthem coming out saying they love this bill. How did you see it playing out . The four senators who almost instantly announced they couldnt support the bill, they said they need one thing to happen. They needed premiums to go down. This bill does project a premium increase, but thats after two years. Republicans are going into the 2018 election with the premiums increasing if the cbo is correct. The cbo was wrong on obamacare in many areas. I dont think this affects whether legislation will pass. Charles the cbo is notoriously wrong in so many things. Many people will say daniel used dynamic scoring. You have got collins, could, anr senators who may reject this. There are at least a dozen senators. What we hear nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer and democrats coming out to speak against the bill. But where are the republicans speaking for the bill . It seems they are silent at a time when it might be useful to rally republicans toward the bill. But you are not hearing much. Many senators and house members are helping push republicans toward the bill, and i think thats even more damaging than this cbo report which does not really help republicans make the case. Maybe it doesnt hurt them that much. Charles fullthroated support from republicans on anything trump tried to do, its a head scratcher. This so complicated some of them are afraid to go out on a limb. Former President Trump had people fall on their sword. They lost governorships and the senate. They lost everything because they followed behind his dream and they made it come to fruition, but you dont see that same enthusiasm with the gop. Its conspicuous. With the democrats you have nancy pelosi and al franken saying people are going to die. Why arent republicans telling the stories of people struggling under obamacare. Those are the stories they should be pushing because real people are offering under this law. That should help them pitch their own solutions, and thats not happening as much as it could be. Charles we lost our doctors and our medical plans. Our people the premiums went up. Is this do or die for the Republican Party . Next. [vo] when it comes to investing, looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. It can provide what we call an unlock a realization that often reveals a better path forward. At wells fargo, its our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and Wealth Management firms in the country. Discover how we can help find your unlock. Welcome to holiday inn thank you wait, i have something for you making every stay a special stay. Holiday inn, smiles ahead. Whether for big meetings or little getaways, member always save more at holidayinn. Com charles the Senate Healthcare bill phase an uncertain future. Several outspoken republicans oppose it. Now while the long knives are starting to come out as one Republican Group is ready to campaign against republicans. Amy dean, let me start with you. There are all kind of groups circling around this thing want to go intimidate fellow republicans into voting against their conscience or will. I dont think the republicans are being very smart in general. I think their messaging should be much stronger. They should be talking about what this bill was going to do for the American People. There was some good news in the cbo report. Single people the next 10 years, their premiums will decrease 30 . This is about giving 0 Million People the opportunity to decide how they want to spend their money. There are a least of benefits to not havingle tax they have now. They would be able to buy it if the understand was less expensive. Charles amy, there was an oped in the Washington Post saying this is it. If the republicans dont get this done, all the political momentum they had for the last self years van the last several years vanishes. You have five senators saying they cannot support the senate bill. Republicans have the goldilocks problem. And its very hard to get it just right. I would advise republicans to go after Health Reform in a piecebypiece basis. 75 of voters support being able to buy insurance across state lines. Charles what im talking about ill play a sound biterrer today. Neil cavuto and katrina pierson. They had this discussion. She is involved in a group that will go after dean heller and others. Neil how can you do that under the threat of we are going to primary you if you dont go along with what we said. It sounds like a tony soprano issue. Its an accountability issue. Neil its accountability for him because hes the most vulnerable. Thats not fair, thats not right and you know it. Charles i remember they didnt get along during the campaign. But the same organization said they are going after mike lee and ted cruz as well. Is that the right thing to do, to have negative ads against these folks when they are trying to cobble this together . The four senators who originally had concerns, they do have a different opinion from senator hellers reason. His is more toward the expansion of medicaid and the expansion of it. Now, as far as the firing squad, that is pretty tough. What i do like thats happening is they asked all members read the bill, discuss it and negotiate. Charles and be ready by the end of the week. Amy, you just mentioned nevada. Your state before obamacare you had 332,000 people either medicaid or the chip program. Now its 630,000. A 90 increase. Several dates were seduced by the federal government. How do you convince lawmakers from these states that you have got to got it a different way and curb the rate of increases from medicaid spending. Its unsustainable and unfair to the rest of the nation. Its a tough situation because we are one of three states with a republican governor who did opt into the Health Exchange and it will bankrupt us. It will take a majority of the states budget. And if people dont see that now, we are in a big, big load of trouble. 19 state said no because they could see this buzz saw coming at them. I really fear that republicans are making the same mistake Hillary Clinton made during her campaign, to run against something instead of for something. Lets talk about making America Great again, and healthcare great again. We dont need to attack whats wrong, because when you are reacting, when you are in that mode, you are not motivating people. We are seeing in the polling, obamacare is gaining approval as republicans are doing this. Charles its hard to take entitlements away from people. The biggest mistake they made was getting Big Government involved in this in the first place. They should have repealed the whole thing and let the free market take the rest. In nevada with medicaid, we have people airing others saying we are cutting medicaid and we are not. Medicaid is just going to slow the growth of inflation rate. Charles the Supreme Court bringing church and state a little closer to together. We have major victories for religious freedom next. 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The internet is waiting start for free today at godaddy. baby crying slow jazz music fly me to the moon and let me play bell ringing audience cheering charles a big victory for religious freedom. Supreme court ruled in favor of Trinity Lutheran church in missouri, that state cannot refuse financial backing to all churns. 7 to 2 ruling. The daycare, Church Daycare was denied funding because of the sort of notion it was a separation of church and state. That is right, charles, i believe todays decision, hopefully will mark the beginning of the end of judiciary 70 year war against religion, which has been based on a per version of the First Amendment by mib liberals. It has nothing to say about pro hel prohibiting graduation prayers, nativity scenes. And government from assisting a Church Preschool in making its playground safer, justices decided to interpret the law by which the constitution actually says, not what liberals wish it said. Charles talking about that Johnson Amendment with respect to ministers speaking out, having a voice and opinion. We know they will take action. It seems this should give religious community more confidence there will be less of a legal challenge to that once it happens. It does, i have been privileges to serve on president s faith advisory council. He believes in rights of all americans and people of all faiths. He also believes if we appoint conservative justices and judges it the take care of itself. The infring infringe am on religion out liberty. The First Amendment is free exercise of religion. Charles talking about a drawing 29 status and between religious status and use. He seemed concern that the is issue may not be resolved. I dont want to be misunderstood that a church can only use taxpayer money to do something related to Public Health and welfare of children. That churches should be able to use money in ways that may have a religion religious component, as long as other people in the community are able to use the same money as they see fit as well. Charles also, i think that many would think this is a victory in respect to the gay wedding cake controversy, Supreme Court going hear that case as well. Do you see this as a religious victory . Or perhaps a potentially victory for religious freedom . I think it depends on who gets added to Supreme Court between now and october. And how it will turn out. I have said many times, other religious leaders have we do not oppose the decision by the Supreme Court, we may have been against it this legalized gay marriage. Now that it is the law of the land, no one is trying to reverse it. We want to protect the right of people to exercise their faith not just one hour of church on sunday morning but freely exercise their religion in every aspect of their life, including their work. There needs to be an accommodation to peoples religious liberty and plans that. Charles i have breaking news. White house now releasing a statement on cbo score. In part reads that the cpo has proven it cannot accurately predict how healthcare legislation will impact well be right back. Charles search for survivors of a landslide that wiped out a village in southwest china has been called off. Officials fear more landslides, at least 100 people are still missing. Charles stocks bolted out of the gate this morning, Technology Leading the way. That Supreme Court decision came out, they decided not only to take trun Trump Administration travel ban but a 90 agreement. That means that there was a clear winner for National Security, that winner is President Trump. And a clear loser or several, for those who have opposed ban, including silicon valley. You remember those big names . Over 160 companies, their stocks finished lower. The worst performing sector in the market today. After the bell Western Digital posted earnings, right now the stock is down, if you are in it hold on, it was a great earnings report. I expect that this will be a oneoff, i will say investors will become more weary as sudden downward reversal in tech seemingly come out of left field. Remember these stocks have made huge moves. No matter what you base them on. In a are up. I continue to love the action in material and industrial names. Martin marietta, and vulcan material, and united rental and snap on tools, overall, stay cool, stay balanced, keep your head on a swivel for fresh opportunity. Tomorrow, janet yellen speaks in the middle of the session. The notion they keep putting out this weakness is transitory does not jive with reality. The fed cannot talk about deflationary data. Out of one side of their mouths and rate hikes out the other side. The lazy days of summer have set in, do not let a dull market or a consolidation lull you into making mistakes. Sanctuary cities, that is ramping up, federal judges prepare to rule on a antiimmigration bill. The Texas Attorney general is joining me next. Excusively. Charles breaking news, President Trump and indias Prime Minister after joint press conference still right now gathered. They will have dinner in a moment. A quick listen to President Trump right now. Any time you like we would like to have you back as soon as possible. Thank you very much for being here [speaking in native tongue] mr. President let me express my gratitude. It is true i have spend short time here, but i have felt so much as home during this stay in the United States i am indeed grateful to the first lady, she has organized this reception in my honor. This honors not just me but 1. 25 billion people of india, once again i express my gratitude. Thank you very much. Going to come here at a different time, we worked out this time, because they had elections in a section of india. A small second, but he said it is the 7th largest country in the world that small section. I said this is a better thing. It is great to have you, thank you very much. Thank you very much. Charles President Trump and indias Prime Minister modi, a great relationship, they have hit it off well. Well continue to update progress there. In the meantime, Justice Department supporting and defending texas legislation that punished sanctuary cities and local officials that refuse to comply with federal Immigration Law. Joining me now, ken paxton. I know this is a busy time for you, 5 texas cities and other counties and sheriffs have begun a legal process, saying that your law, sb4 there are a lot of things wrong with it. It is going to create immigration police. Also create something akin to show me your papers, which su is unfair to all immigrants in your state. As you might not be surprised, i dont agree with that assessment. This has been tested in a Supreme Court case where arizona required that Law Enforcement ask about immigration status. In in case our ledgetion did not retire it it said require it, they cannot prevent them from doing their job. This is about safety, and protecting our citizens, thes issues deal with people who are in prison, been arrested or lawfully detained because they are being investigated. It is hard for me to understand why these cities would care about stopping up from removing people who have committed crimes are in trouble with the law. Charles they will not start to ask people that maybe something is wrong based on a hunch, they have to be in custody already. Correct, it has to be a lawful decen decenttion, which mean detention, which means they have to be of a crime. Charles what about argument that some of these folks say, that it is expensive. We dont have the force to do that. Were dealing with our own local issues in crime. We dont want to be a part of i. C. E. Part about asking about immigration status is discretionary. The rest, they are already in custody, all were saying just cooperate in transferring the people, instead of releasing them you transfer them to i. C. E. It is challenging for me to see how this would cost any more money or very much, all were doing is asking them to transfer instead of release. Charles your opinion on decision from Supreme Court on President Trumps temporary travel moratorium. Certainly a victory for you . Absolutely. We knew from the beginning, we followed in 9th circuit, then fourth circuit, then the Supreme Court, we knew that president was right on this he was following a law duly passed by congress, we knew if we got the correct law looked at we would win. Were pleased they continued to fight and we were successful. Charles speaking of travel ban, california has one. Your state has been added. A lot of money involved here. Their react to states they say are antilgbtq does that include your state . Do you think this is something that your state should be sort of labeled that way . And will this have a real tel affect on the state of texas. This related on an adoption bill passed protect firstmm right amendment rights of adop adoption agencies. I am not surpris surprised that california did this my guess is they dont want people to see your state because the best and brightests move here. Charles you have taken a lot of people from california. Maybe this meeting the real reason. Kim paxton thank you for taking time out, hope to hear from you soon. Great week, thank you. Charles nancy pelosi said that Republican Health care bill will kill hundreds of thousands of people. We have details for you next. Welcome to holiday inn thank you wait, i have something for you making every stay a special stay. Holiday inn, smiles ahead. Whether for big meetings or little getaways, member always save more at holidayinn. Com music you fill up my senses like a night in a forest like the mountains in springtime like a walk in the rain like a storm in the desert like a sleepy blue ocean you fill up my senses come fill me again come let me love you let me give my life to you let me drown in your laughter let me die in your arms let me lay down beside you let me always be with you come let me love you come love me again charles House Minority leader nancy pelosi warning that hundreds of thousands of people will die if this Republican Healthcare bill passes. So much for cooler heads prevailing on capitol hill. We discuss it now. Amy, on friday Hillary Clinton put out a tweet about maybe 20,000 dying, is that number exploded over week to hundreds of thousands of people. This sort of hyperbolic stuff that weve become accustom to but not helping. Hyperbolic and apocalyptic. Warren saying they are paying for the cuts with blood money, because so many people are going to die, they are trafficking this language they used before donald trump was elected. It is the end of the world if donald trump is elected. It is still turning and he is president. It is ridiculous, they are not purposely kills thousands of americans. Charles people dont understand that obamacare is in trouble. Premiums have gone through the roof, it so hard to find good insurance for employees. But they broke out the granny over the cliff commercial. You know, pelosi lost a lot of credibility on this. This was is uppe supposed to be Affordable Care act. In 39 states premium have risen 39,000 dollars on average. That is 4 years. But if you look at their record, they have not been good at predicting it. They have overshot how many people would sign up, under shot impact of market reform. We have a lot of alarmism driven by a political agenda. Charles a quagmire within a Republican Party with so many different ideologies there. And because of those new cbo numbers, have you senators who have constituents to say, does this apply to me, if i am in state that expanded medicaid under obamacare . What happened to that kumbaya moment, that is one of the shortest songs in the song book. We were supposed to have a higher level of political discourse. And all of this alarmism and apol apocalyptic talk. We have not heard that from the republicans with th failure of obamacare. Charles does it help that Mitch Mcconnell is assisting on a vote before is insisting on a vote before july 4. I think Everyone Wants to do the right thing, what that is, remains to be seen. That does not help, i understand the pressure. Why drag it out if it is not going to work. I understand why they are doing what they are doing, but they are sort of conforming to a lot of narratives that republicans use against democrats, this is a tough sell, but democrats are not being productive with their alarmism. More about the message. Is this going to lead to best policy outcome, i have argued for a long time i believe that g. O. P. Republicans should have approached reform on a piece by piece basis. Charles that horse as left the barn, thank you very much. At home thank you. Here is lou. Lou good evening. President trump today not only won a critically important decision by the Supreme Court upholding his Constitutional Court to act on National Security threats with considerable sweep. The High Court Also delivered a utha unanimous decision, upholding all of his travel ban, he has constitutional power to ban visitors from 6, mostly muslim countries, with a narrow exception that visitors with long established ties to someone in United States, may still enter the country

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