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It. The latest count is up 45,000 attacks in 74 countries the Computer Systems have been hit. One of the largest telecommunication firms driven offline. Users with any device could be vulnerable to these attacks. In england like you mentioned 36 hospitals and doctors offices force in the cyber lifetime. Here is a screenshot of what they sought. Your files have been encrypted many of your documents are no longer accessible because they had been encrypted maybe you were looking for a way to recover your files but do not waste your time and we we can recover your files without the disc decryption service. They are warning people to stay away from the hospital unless its an absolute emergency. No Computers Means no records and no prescriptions. Important operations like heart surgeries port postponed because of the hack. They dont get paid they threatened to destroy all hospital data. The intel at the British Intelligence service said hes not surprised by this attack. Patient medical data has become the most valuable commodity on the internet. We dont know who is responsible but we do have an idea of where they got the tools to hijack hundreds of thousands of computers across the globe. These hackers are using a stolen u. S. Cyber weapons to attack their targets. They think they got their hands on these tools from online data dump that leaked still in an essay tools online a few months ago and now they are using them to tear terrorize the cyber steer. It targets devices running outdated version of microsoft windows. Microsoft is assuring users of your running the latest Windows Update and has an anti virus software. Now lets get to the cyber guide. Welcome to you both. Who would do Something Like this. There is a whole a variety of private malicious hacking groups out there. Many of which participate in the socalled conferences. In they also the groups that go on online message board. The private actors in the private and as of this is what makes it most interesting. We are used to dealing with russia and chinese hacking of the u. S. System. And these are just oldfashioned russians. You look at this. These guys are just simple bad guys 45,000 attacks. It was a brilliantly masterminded. Its a enormous deed indeed. Wikileaks is where we can point the finger this afternoon. The global spread of this kind of ransom where is strictly from the tools. Heather touched on this just for a second. We have not yet seen the huge spread thats going on with this in the uk. The 25 hospitals are the latest number. We have it at 16. Thats can go up. And here in the u. S. We havent quite thought this is rapidly spreading. It started in russia as a matter of fact and thats where youre seeing a lot of the spread. That was my first thought that it have to be russians. Is just confounding how this happens. Enter to you. They are holy people up for 300 worth of big points thats what it comes down to. And the number can escalate overtime. Do you worry and do you fear that maybe people dont Pay Attention to this kind of story anymore and we dont get the kind of results we need to protect companies and hospitals and institutions. Particularly in the United States there is a real policy question that they wrestle with every other year. How much can you force private industry and private companies to defend against cyber. Usually we deal with us this on our critical infrastructure. But when you start looking at the vast range of data that can be harmful to our society strategically harmful in what congress can do to force them to defend themselves you quickly find out its always good to be a losing battle. Its a very sad story and we will keep an eye on that story over the weekend. Thank you for coming on tonight. We appreciate it. And also breaking today the ousted fbi director declining an invitation from the Senate Intelligence committee to testify next week. This is President Trump sends a warning in a series of Early Morning tweets. He said this. James comey better hope that there are no tapes of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press. And the fear over them. The timing of the gop agenda. Just how much well replace the fbi director. All of the things that Americans Care about. The washington ten examine it. In the political editor. Jillian, i will start with you. I cant help but notice the most recent gdp report. 0. 7 percent. Not even making a percentage point of growth here. How long will this hold up. We have a president who is threatening to cancel his conferences at a time when weve a Real Communications problem. He is not done an effective job is on what the plan is on healthcare and tax reform. You have a very fractured party at this point. This Dramatic Development handled the way its been handled is very discouraging. They are calling for a special prosecutor. I cant imagine anything that would hold up congress on the important landmark legislation that can come out on taxes and healthcare in a prosecutor water great style hearing. What will it take to get back on track and can we. We should be able to investigate fully what happened in this last election and still proceed on a legislative agenda. I know its hard thing to ask of congress these days but one thing i think it really really concerns me is you have a lot of democrats have said things like they may not vote to confirm someone new. I think of the question here is do they feel very emboldened by this moment. Do they feel like this has been a step too far for the Trump Administration. I cant help but remember i look back at what the democrats respond. Just a few short months ago. Right after the election. Lets see what they have to say. I found it hard to believe that he have some degree of integrity and he would do this. I think he made a mistake on this. And he clearly has the double standard. Im so disappointed in him. He has let the country down. Yes. And Jillian Harry reid said he violated the hatch act. Hack. Hes got to go. And now the kind of rhetoric you hear from him away james comey is the hero of the republic. Trump wouldve been smart to fire him on day one. I think once again they are playing against the communication. Threatening to release tapes of conversations that they have. The as that isnt going to help. Has broader agenda. They cannot make people far less candid and comfortable. Is a it just a communication problem where the republicans as a party just use to leading. To leading. Gop struggling and grown into this moment. Whether been expected to govern. You can have the greatest Communications Plan in the world but if you dont have a substance in ideas behind it the people think are to make their lives better. Thats a huge problem. On the fbi. People are very sensitive to the cues that they get from their partisan leaders. It showed the democrats by a threeone margin republicans were split. I bet you that President Trump expected. He would get plotted. From both sides of the aisle for firing this guy have come under such and i assume he is pretty surprised by that bash lack backlash that hes receiving. I want to say thank you for coming on tonight. I think you so much for your time. In the a special programming alert for you. Dont miss justice with jean nene this weekend. Here is a sneak peek. They suggest that that question that the New York Times is selling that you ask him whether or not you have his loyalty was possibly inappropriate. And i think its inappropriate. No i didnt. I dont think it would be a bad question to ask. I think loyalty to the country in the unites states is important it depends on how you define loyalty. I dont know how they got there. Because i didnt ask that question. What about the idea that in it tweet you said that there might be tape recordings. I wont talk about that. I want is for him to be honest. I hope you will be. That is tomorrow night at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on fox news. Coming up healthcare have a harmony. He is well on his way to making it great again. Instead of allergy pills. It delivers a gentle mist experience to help block six key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only block one. New Flonase Sensimist changes everything. After becoming one of the largest Broadband Companies in the country. After expanding our Fiber Network coast to coast. These are the places we call home. We are centurylink. We believe in the power of the digital world. The power to connect. And thats what drives us everyday. Whatever it takes, wherever i have to go. Im beating this. 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I wonder if theres any way to bring republicans together on this. You also had fewer votes to give up. Between susan combs of maine what is the middle ground. Club for growth. You trashed the first plan. Can you stay on board and how do you bring the whole Republican Party together as it and take every single vote. I think we did a lot of hard work to make it finally keep their promise this bill will be a test of Mitch Mcconnells leadership. He is shown in the past that he could pass a complete repeal of obama care in the senate. Two years ago he campaigned on it. Give us a republican president. We know how to repeal obama care. I think he is the one leader in washington who can get it done. Paul ryan must be licking his chops now. He doesnt have to worry. Its on to mitch mcconnell. We have done to have every senator coming together on this. Why this is all going on. These institutions into these exchanges that we are selling to obama care. What is can happen next with those. They pulled out of the exchange this week. They will have to look for new there were about 30 of u. S. Counties only had a single insurer. Even before the senate gets its act together and i dont think we are talking until the end of the summer there could be states that dont have any options where the administrations can have to jump in there and try to find some quick fixes. Paul has done brilliant to work work on this. Hes absolutely right. It is totally disingenuous. They want to move to a single pair. They get to be demonstrated. To get to my point here. I think we before we get this point. He met with a good point. Before we even get a senate bill its very possible that many of the exchanges will fail that as a crisis a true crisis of healthcare in this country. They thats the point to my friends on the democratic aisle. And say you are causing this you are the roadblock to fixing it. Lets allowed to take the subsidy. The argument take them and go and buy something. They will allow the shortterm plans. Those dont have to meet regulations. Only one option be one option in the interim. David and paul think he was you so much for being with us tonight. I really appreciate both of you. The u. S. And china reaching a trade deal. Is the devil in the details. That is coming up next. [vo] when it comes to investing, looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. It can provide what we call an unlock a realization that often reveals a better path forward. At wells fargo, its our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and Wealth Management firms in the country. Discover how we can help find your unlock. To the u. S. And china had a reach a trade deal that opened the chinese market. With the credit agencies. China also lifting its ban on u. S. Beef imports. President trump tweeting this this morning. China just agreed that the u. S. Will be allowed to sell beef and other Major Products into china. This is real and is. Wilbor ross said the deal should reduce the trade surplus by the end of 2017. He spoke earlier today. And as of july 16 the u. S. It will be free to export livestock to china is a huge breakthrough because this is a two and half billion dollar market out of which we had been totally kept. Here to me now. Jordan chang, good to see. Is this a huge breakthrough. Not willie. The chinese agreed to do things that they were already up he needed to do like by u. S. Beef. Theyve been using mad cow as an excuse not to do so. The credit cards that everybodys talking about there is a 2012 wto ruling that said they have to do this anyway. This is not a good deal for us and this may not actually reduce the trade deficit had actually increase it. The chinese had granted us access in an area. They have no hope of competing against the monopoly we grant access to Chinese Companies with a competitive advantage. Poultry for instance we will import chinese poultry. China is the home of the avian pool. What are these guys thinking. I cant imagine anything worse than having chinese chicken come into this country. Its not will marked. Consumers dont know. And i dont really had any other regulations and the requirements for cleanliness and quality that we do here in this country. We can send them over to the chinese plants and weve done in the past they do exactly the playbook they go back to the old way of doing things. They do it through their own inspectors. We can be sort of assured but not really. That is the problem here. I sit in on the standards we do but when you pull the coverage that, its really disgusting. The way they live the way theyre treated. In china its far worse. Its what we really risk. That is can be the issue which is so much more important than trade when you have the chinese food coming into the u. S. This is a problem. They buy foreign food precisely because theyre so concerned about their own. Now work and opened the doors to the chinese processing of chicken thats gotta be something good about it. This is just an interim step wilbur ross at the end of the meeting between trump in the chinese really we will have a 100 day plan and see where we go. Theyre not talking about when your plan. This is not really great news as the president tweeted. Thank you for coming on. Great to see. In the Trump Administration cracking down on all things crime. We will discuss the details right after this. Times up, insufficient were on prenatal care. Es. And administrative paperwork. Your days of drowning people are numbered. Same goes for you, budget overruns. And rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. Were coming for you, too. For those who wont rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. Optum. How well gets done. Our prosecutors to charge and pursue the most serious offense as i believe the law requires. Most seriously readily proveable offense. It means were going to meet our responsibility to enforce the law with judgment and fairness. It is simply the right and moral thing to do. Gerri that was attorney general Jeff Sessions dropping the hammer on sentencing reform, instructing prosecutors to charge criminals with quote the most serious and readily proveable offense, and that is a reversal of the lenience policy of the obama administration. This on the heels as immigration authorities announce the biggest crack down to date, arresting 1,300 gang members just yesterday. Joining me now, kristen, former dc homicide detective rod wheeler and political analyst gina. Welcome to you all. Im going to start with rod here. How big of change of policy is this for sessions . To me, it just sounds like absolute logic that you would charge criminals with the biggest charge. Why wouldnt you do that . Well, good afternoon to you, gerri. You know, this is huge, actually. And i dont know if the viewers actually realize and recognize how huge this is. Look, over almost 1400 individuals were taken off the streets of the United States yesterday and over the past couple of days by our hero Law Enforcement officers. Now, why is this sohuge . Because what its going to do, and i actually already see the effects, gerri. Its going to put a debt into the drug trade. Its going to put a major debt into the crime trade and the murders in this country, so ill tell you. I for one applaud the actions of the attorney general because let me tell you. Hes not playing games. Gerri hes not playing games and, gina, from that presser, the thing that i heard that i didnt know is that murders are at a tenyear high. Now, if youll remember, there was a time period where we were talking about crime being down, down, down. And it has turned around so quickly. What do you make of the attorney generals comments. What do you make of this policy . You know, ill tend to lacks libertarian on some things. But in this thing in particular, though, i think weve seen already through this administration when the president said he was going to enforce our border laws, we see a massive 76 drop in illegal border crossing. So i think if you were going to try to argue that enforcement doesnt equal deterrence, it doesnt really work, and this is the law and order administration. And so im glad to see them saying, hey, this is the law. If you dont like it, change the law. But meanwhile, were going to enforce the law. We dont get to pick and choose. Gerri so drug traffickers, sex trafficking, murders, these were the folks that were taken off the streets this week. And just an unbelievable effort, rod, as you explained. But, kristen, to you. Liberals will say that its just not fair to do this, to go after illegals, to go after people in these gangs, they dont like it. What do you say to them . Well, i think there is an area of this whole sentencing reform issue where you actually find some overlap between progressives and some in the libertarian movement. Not necessarily pertaining to things like illegal immigration, murder, gang violence, things like that. But when you talk about things like mandatory minimums for smaller crimes, possessions of small amounts of things like marijuana, et cetera. This is where there are has been a lot of talk recently about sentencing reform because there is a belief that in america, the Justice System doesnt always apply those penalties fairly. So i think one of the big gerri whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Rod, i want you to jump in here because this is exactly what sessions is turning over. This is exactly what he said is a bad thing. This idea that were not going to go over the go after the low level stuff and my personal views is that thats a mistake. You have to hit the low level stuff. What do you say . I mean, youve been out there. Youve been on the street. Does it make sense to go after people . Maybe theyre not carrying a gun, but theyre breaking the law. What do you do . Right. These are all quality of life issues. And let me tell you, it starts somewhere. And let me also be clear about this. I know we dont have a lot of time but Jeff Sessions and donald trump has made it clear that they want to be sure that no ones rights are violated. They want to make sure that when the Law Enforcement officers go out there and bring these thugs off the street, theyre doing it within the confines of the law, and weve got to give them a chance to do it. And like i said, i think were seeing the results already. Gerri well, you guys are very patient with me. Thank you so much for being on today. Its a contentious topic. Appreciate your time. Thank you, gerri. Gerri and the dow standing losses for a fourth straight day as Retail Stocks weigh heavily on the investors. We have a recap coming up next. Gerri breaking news, wells fargo may have created 3. 5 unauthorized accounts over the past 15 years. Thats 1. 4 million more than previously estimated. Attorneys say in a court. Gerri all right. Lets get the latest on the cyber hack thats andrea way targeting companies, governments, and Health Care Facilities from fedex to moscow. Hillary joins us with an update. Hillary. Gerri, we now know that some people are paying off the hackers responsible for the largest ransomware outbreak in history. The hackers left payment demands for each user requesting they make a payment in bitcoin to their Bitcoin Wallet. If users wanted access to their data. You can view the transaction history for the hackers Bitcoin Wallet online, and it shows incoming transactions ranging from 200 to 500 posted today. These hackers promise to delete data if the users didnt pay up and now it looks like it could be working. We also are getting new information about why the u. S. Has not been hit as hard as europe. Cyber security analysts say that the hackers began the Hack Campaign by targeting organizations in europe. By the time the hackers moved onto u. S. Organizations, spam filters had identified the new threat and flagged the emails asthma luscious. Security experts say situations like this are exactly what keeps them up at night. We also have more information on how the hackers manipulated the ransomware to spread so quickly. Cyber security researchers say the hackers likely made the stolen nsa tool into a selfspreading malware. Like a worm, once the infected ransomware moves in, it moves around the network, and its impossible to stop. Experts say this new breed of ransomware is concerning. Typically ransomware hits small to midsized businesses. But, gerri, today, weve seen it hit some of the Largest Companies across the globe. Gerri. Gerri hillary, amazing story. And global. Thank you so much for bringing it. Thank you. Gerri Retail Stocks were up in may. Will this help turn the sector around . Joining me to discuss reckon achieve investor. Is there any hope for retail . Yeah. There is a lot of hope because if you go back to 2000 now, look at the sales for retail. Theyre up 35 billion. Department stores are down 7 billion in sales. So right now, were in a dynamic where Consumers Want an experience. So if we start to look at companies that are skegged, theyre offering those types of experiences, whether you can go out and get a yoga class or gerri that sounds so head casey. But now when i think about it, i know exactly what youre talking about. They have programming inside the store, so you might go and take a yoga class and buy their clothes while youre there. They have to do so much to get you in the front door. But tell me what you make of what was really a decline in retail sales, the sector down 1. 8 . Is it only the online thats going to come forward here . Yeah. It is when you typically look at what happens in the first quarter. We had one of the worst Consumer Spending but then we saw it pick up and thats actually encouraging. But consumers are hampered in a couple of regards if you start to think about they are overextended on consumer debt. So we trace the levels, we start to see cracks in the automobile sector and especially on the subprime loans in that regard, so there are some cracks that are happening, so we do need some policies to come through to spruce the consumer because the consumers facing a giant headwind and that is Rising Health care costs. 17 of the gdp. Gerri if youre looking for help from the federal government, you can just forget about it because youre not going to get tax reform or health care any time soon. Lets talk, though, for a second about what retailers do you think might actually go belly up . Because we have seen some of them have absolute tough times and go into bankruptcy are more to come. Yeah. Youre starting to see the smaller retailers, even seeing kind of fashion forward companies, theyre a penny stock now. Some people look at True Religion genes and things like that. You wont see the Department Stores go because theyve already made the investment in the omnichannel in the ecommerce, even target. Gerri the omnichannel. Yeah. The omnichannel; right . They had so long to do it, and theyre still falling behind. Look at defensible companies. Gerri lets talk about lewandowski lemon and home depot. I know theyre favorites of yours. Lemon is a favorite of mine because theyre making inroads in china. You had shaken on talking about that. But their middle class is bigger than our entire population there, and theyre only growing over there. And if you scrub beneath the surface, you can see theyre one of the most successful sports sportswear companies during singles day for alibaba last november 11, so theyre gaining headway. They only have. Gerri what about home depot . You cant buy paint and ship it across the country. This is a company that will never be when we come back by amazon. You need the wherewithal, you need the Technology Prowess of the people that are, like, hey, if youre going to be doing this or that in your house, you want that. Gerri ill tell you, you need to be able to drive to the home depot to get what you need in the middle of the project that you forgot to get the nail or piece of wood for. Yeah. Or you got the wrong one or you thought something was right, and you want to upgrade. You cant ship paint, theres regulation, so its such a great store, and theyve done it on the and one of the reasons theyre doing better than lowes is they have the real estate for the areas theyve done a great job in that. So theyre the leader in the space. And theyre paying a 2. 25 direct evidence. Gerri everyone loves that. And theyre growing faster than the u. S. Government. Gerri everyone is growing faster than the u. S. Government. Kevin, thank you. So great to see you. Thank you. Gerri coming up, the chaos in venezuela is spiring out of control as the socialist country inches closer to collapsing in all out civil war break through your allergies. Try new Flonase Sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy pills. It delivers a gentle mist experience to help block six key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only block one. New Flonase Sensimist changes everything. On a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Whoa,i just had to push onent. Button to join. Its like im in the office with you, even though im here. Its almost like the Virtual Reality of business communications. No, its reality. Intuitive one touch Video Conferencing is a reality. And now its included at no additional cost with vonage business. Call now and see why 3,000 companies a month are switching to vonage. Business grade. People friendly. Gerri the crisis in venezuela reaching a new boiling point. Thousands of protesters rioting in the streets after hundreds of protesters were arrested and secretly tried in the military court for rebellion and insulting authorities. Things that the press core does every single day. This being the latest development leading the country to a civil war. Joining me now former Intelligence Analyst morgan and political analyst gina. Morgan, ill start with you. So the actual charges for these people, the actual charges were rebellion and insulting authority. These regimes are repressive. Socialism isnt about giving things away to people. Its about taking away rights. Am i right . Youre absolutely right, gerri. And whats also important to note is that people being arrested in venezuela for protesting are not going to civilian courts. Many of them are actually being taken to military courts, such as of course not in compliance with the constitution. Of course, this is not in compliance of human rights to take people who are protesting because theyre starving to death in venezuela and then being taken to military court. Something else, gerri, that i think is really important to note as well that the venezuelans are getting assistance from guess who . The russians and the cubans. We have to remember that venezuelas part of this as a communist party is part of evil nexus with russia, with iran, with cuba, with people who have fundamentally different ideals than what we have as americans. Its been reported that russians are sending sophisticated fighters over to venezuela and the cubans are of course working hand and glove with the majority regime to continue to oppress these people. Its a really sad state of affairs and something the world needs to look to. Gerri you know, that society is simply falling apart, and were showing pictures right now. You can see whats been going on there. Its frightening and, gina, you know, i think its so interesting that socialist countries, they turn into autocrat i caic and repressive regimes. You look at what happened in venezuela, what happened in cuba, it happens over and over again. What is it about the hard left that makes it so tough to be open, fair to people . Because power is addictive, and they sell this false idea of a utopia to people. People have fallen for it for centuries, of course. We know that. The state of california is still falling for it and, gerri, i submit to you that if california were left from the seed of the union that they would talk about, they would be like venezuela within a couple of years because this idea dont forget too, venezuela voted for this. They voted for this. Imagine the buyers remorse when now the average venezuelan has lost 19 pounds in the last year when infant and Maternal Mortality rates are through the roof. Gerri some of these numbers right now, gina. You know, we talk about Society Coming part, and you mention. Well, guess what . Another venezuelan crisis, president maduro firing the Health Minister as showing maternal and infant deaths skyrocketing 66 and 30 respectively. Gina, go ahead. Give me your reaction to this. This is astonishing. Well, this should be a huge wakeup call to the socialists in america right now that these are the byproducts of what theyre fighting for. Take note, bernie sanders. Take note, governor brown. Take note, democrats who have gone so far left and are so sold onuniversalized everything that this is a really bad idea and heres more proof of it. Gerri more proof of it. Absolutely. Thanks so much, guys, for coming on tonight. Great job. A tough story. You did a great job explaining it. Thank you. And coming up, tension skyrocket as news unfolds that russia is amping up its aggression against the United States. You wont want to miss this. Theres nothing traditional about my Small Business so when it comes to technology, i need someone that understands my unique needs. My dell Small Business advisor has gotten to know our business so well that is feels like hes a part of our team. With one phone call, he sets me up with tailored products and services. And when my advisor is focused on my tech, i can focus on my Small Business. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Gerri breaking news for you now. Sources telling fox news that attorney general Jeff Sessions and his deputy Rod Rosenstein will be interviewing the following candidates to be fbi director alice fisher, andrew mccabe, senator cornyn of texas, and judge michael j garcia. Thats the short list as we have it right now. Well continue to follow that story. Also breaking tonight, fox news learning of two new acts of Russian Military aggression. On tuesday, a russian fighter jet armed with six airtoair missiles flew as close as 20 feet to a u. S. Navy aircraft flying over the black sea. Just one day before President Trump welcomed Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov to the white house. And just yesterday, another russian jet flew into south koreas air defense zone and within 70 miles of the uss carl vincent strike group. Here to talk former u. S. Army green beret captain ben collins. Ill start with you. What is it going to take to get these russians to stand down . What do we have to do . Well, gerri, i think first we have to recognize exactly what it is that they are doing. You know, the russians are famous for using whats known as a gray zone attack, which means, you know, if you can sum up their motto, its to do everything they can to disrupt the current order. So theyll use military, political, psychological, and economic attacks. We saw it in the way that they tried to influence the elections in the u. S. , the way they tried to influence the elections in france. You know, the military aspect is part of it and the psychological part of it as well, as in the, you know, how they just claim that theyre going to now for the expulsion of those 35 diplomats. Its all part of postering on behalf of putin to give some sort of leverage that he would like to be able to use in the near future like the g20 summit. Gerri andrew, to you. Is it posturing, or are you more concerned about Something Else going on here . A possible attack across the globe. Whats the endgame here . No. I think bens absolutely right. The endgame sorry in the near term at least is to do two things. One is to judge how our forces react to confrontation and use that to inform their own battle strategy. And i think second,i, genuinely, they have a higher risk target. Our fighters will veer off to avoid a collision sooner than theirs will. And inch by inch, their sphere of influence grows as they push us away from borders. Gerri fascinating. How concerning are these actions at this point . To me, they sound very concerning. But maybe to people in the military, we see this all the time, and its a slight ratcheting up, dont be concerned here. What do you say . Well, i would say, you know, andrews exactly right. It is a game of inches that they have been winning, you know, year on year. The problem with this kind of game is when you Start Playing chicken, you know, take Something Like syria airspace with syria. You have american planes that are targeting isis, and youve got russian planes that have been telling that theyre targeting isis, but theyre targeting other rebel groups. You know, there is a very slim margin for error here, and i think that there is a possibility out of just, you know, an accident or just poor planning and the consequences of what you come out of that are great. Gerri something could go wrong. Absolutely. Absolutely. Gerri andrew, i wonder under which of this you could rest on the shoulders of the previous administration. Because our policy was get along, go along, dont lead. Lead from behind. Is that play into this . Well, i think genuinely the past administration had a an aversion to confronting great powers, particularly russia. Thats why one of their first acts in office was to strip the missile in europe and as obama did, russias president that after his election he would have more flexibility to negotiate. So i think there is a lot of slack to make up. Gerri were going to have to leave it there, guys. My poolings. Lou dobbs is coming up next. And good evening, everybody, im tom sullivan in for lou dobbs tonight and President Trump today hitting back at the left Wing National media, which has been printing all kinds of falsehoods about him since before he was elected. The latest is the New York Times claiming that the president asked ousted fbi director james comey to pledge his loyalty to happen. Something that mr. Trump says is simply not true. And all the animosity likely to end with the media after the president warned comey against leaking to the press and floated the idea of, hey, how about

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