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But hillary is hinting bernie should be ready to concede tomorrow. Tomorrow is 8 years from the day i withdrew and endorsed senator obama. I thought it was the right thing to do. No matter what differences we had in our campaign they paled in comparison than the differences with the republicans, and thats even more true today. Charles Hillary Clinton hoping to secure enough delegates tomorrow and gain some momentum going into the convention and the general election. Bernie sanders shows no signs of giving in. The race in california is a dead heat. Maybe make a case he should be the nominee. We have over 9 million votes. We have won in he state we have contested. This is also a point we make to the superdelegates and the whole convention when we talk about the future of america. In overwhelming numbers, we are winning the support of people 45 years of able or younger. Will sanders continue to rock the road to clintons path to the white house . Ford, i have got to tell you, Bernie Sanders is a little bit exhausted right there and a lot of people are saying behind the scenes there is enormous pressure for him to throw in the towel after california win or lose. I disagree. If he wins california he can make a conceivable argument to the superdelegates which there are 712 of that hes better against trump in the national polls. And she has an amendment indictment d an email indictment hang over her head. Charles what do they have to offer them to get him to back out, if you will. They need to give him some time. They have got to give him some time to absorb where he is. If he beats her in california tomorrow. Thats 450 delegates. He cant mathematically beat her as your former panelist said without winning the 712 superdelegates. We have a benghazi hearing and f. B. I. Issues coming out this month. I think hillary will be the nominee but we still have hurdles to jump over. You talk about some of these things. Hes not hammering hillary with the emails. But hes talking about it when people thought if he was going to concede, these are things he could go after her for. Its something donald trump should use to his advantage. But hes going hard after trump as well. Setting up to his supporters, look, the goal ultimately is to defeat donald trump. So that could be useful to clinton. Sanders, if he has to flip superdelegates, that runs count tore his whole strategy which has been railing against a rigged system. It would work if he werent behind in pledged delegates. If he were close to her in pledged delegates he could make that argument more soundly. Charles ted cruz wooing the establishment to get him over the finish line. This is another hail mary. He hated superdelegates, but he has to get them on board. Bernie is not tired in this election. He was at kanye west concert last night. Bernie was there. Thats why he sounds pretty bad. But hes going all the way in this election. He will go all the way to the convention. Hillary wants him to concede saying. The longer this drags on, lets understand who the biggest beneficiary is. Thats donald trump hillary is having a hard time pulling together Bernie Sanders supporters. Im not saying they are going to vote for trump. But if they do stay home, donald trump can win this cam spain between now and the democratic convention. Charles i just saw a poll earlier today suggesting 1 5 of bernie supporters would go with donald trump. That number could grow higher. Bernie sanders more and likely wont be the democratic nominee. Is he deliberately wrecking the party . In the end hes going to want to beat donald trump. You have got a process where you are as a candidate. The psychological brudens a candidate feels are gigantic. We have to give him a little time postcalifornia to process this. Trump has had a difficult last four or five days against Hillary Clinton. So this will be an interesting time for to both candidates to get up and play a more effective game at winning this election. Charles how come you dont sound as worried about potential indictments against Hillary Clinton . Why is the democratic establishment okay with this or is biden still somewhere just in case. Its hard to imagine how joe biden would get in the race. First he would have to jump over Bernie Sanders. I think thats hard to imagine. I think the Benghazi Committee report will be tough. The f. B. I. Investigation will be tough. But in some ways its prebaked into the marketplace. Some of this information janet yellen talks about is prebaked in. Hillary clinton is getting a lot of heat for not having a press conference. Charles the traveling express corps had access to her 9 times from march to may. The longest time she gave them was 10 minutes. In virginia she gave them 2 1 2 minutes. You start to get that out there it feels disingenuous. Today she finally had a gaggle with reporters that was 8 minutes. But she needs to be more engaged with the press, especially the press that follows her day in and day out. She needs to be or transparent. I think her speech last week where she went after trump, i think that had a rallying effect among democrats. I think that could be a game changer in terms of rallying democrats to her side, bridging that divide. Charles the press loves trump. Trump says i hate the press, but he plays the press like a fiddle. Any times at a 7eleven giving a speech, they are there. Charles donald trump gives the press access. He goes into the teeth of the lions den. Why isnt she more open. Trump loves the press and claims that he doesnt. Hillarys strategy works if you are running against romney. If she is so scripted and constantly reacting to him shell find herself on the shortened of the stick here. Charles handicap this for us. California, how do you see it shaking out . I think Hillary Clinton wins california in the end. It will be close but i see a lot of momentum slowly moving towards the clinton side. Well know after tomorrow. Charles there is a lot of scuttlebutt that if she does win, shell get the endorsement of president obama later this week. Dont miss our special election coverage tomorrow. Well give you minute to minute details as the polls close. K078g up. This just got interesting. So why pause to take a pill . And why stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. 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A lot of them from Silicon Valley where there is a lot of pressure to not be in love with donald trump if you already are. Ford, 3, almost 4 million twitter followers. Buzzfeed very influential. You start to wonder what obligations they do have to cover this stuff. And whether pulling out and voice their opposition to donald trump can make them impartial. This is an interesting statement by a leftleaning organization. It lead me to question whether they can cover him objectively and i dont think he can. And comparing him to cigarettes which is a forprofit companies. Charles a lot of this is coming out of california, Silicon Valley. An intel executive had to cancel a fundraiser for donald trump. Where do we find that happy medium. If these guys are going not business of transferring a conduit of information to people, the de facto new media, what role or responsibility do they have . I think its a private company like any other. It will affect the way a lot of consumers view the objectivity of their news. They have ended up slashing their projected revenue by about half. There are a lot of concerns about how this will financially impact them. Then with some of the inflammatory things trump has said, companies have good justification there will be blowback. Buzzfeed has press credentials. If you dont want to run trump ad, dont run hillary ad and the problem is solved. Politico is getting hassled having press credentials provoked. Hes trying to affect them pretty well, too. Charles kristen, you are a young and you are a trump supporter. Buzzfeed said this is a business decision, it will not affect coverage of the trump campaign. And this is a site frequented by millennials. Trump supporters dont go to buzzfeed. We all know buzzfeed is blatantly liberal. The most amazing thing was the rnc was going to spend advertising dollars on buzzfeed its a good thing they canceled this deal, it would have been a waste of money. Their reporters arent reporters, they are activists. Every day on buzzfeed i see articles trashing trump. Charles the rnc saying we want to do things to woo millennials, even if it means giving money to the enemy. I would have loved to see in past races more outreach to millennials. I think some of of their concerns about this being a toxic candidate are valid. Charles kristen said these guys arent journalists, they are political activists. They are activists, but they do have cat videos that go viral. So thats where our advertising dollars need to be. Charles economies around the world are on edge over the potential british exit from the e. U. Well be right back. With usaa is awesome. 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A new poll recently found that eu membership is powerful but hurts low income earners and small businesses. I happen to think the u. K. Should probably leave, but the caveat there could be serious issues if its not done the right way. Janet yellen indicated in her speech the socalled brexit is a big deal. Steve forbes, let me go to you first. I dont know where you stand on this. Do you any they should stay or leave . I think they should stay. Politically it would be a disaster for europe. The xenophobic forces would be strengthened. Economically it would hurt britain. Norway and switzerland have to pay for the privilege of trading with them, and the brits do, too. Scotland wants to stay in the eu. If britain pulls out there will be another independence referendum. Charles people are saying sovereignty, they like to control their borders and have more say. I remember a few years ago when i ran, it took a couple of British Naval ships to go to brussels to get marching orders. I went to college in london so im very familiar with the experience. I think what you will see play out on this, you will see much like the scottish voters. You will see people play footy with it and at the end of the day people will back off. Charles you wrote the book saving america, would this help save england . Its remarkable having this koftion on dday. We launched the invasion from there. The smart play is for england to stay. And its the smart play for europe and america for stabilization. Charles there are so many that mirror the frustrations of americans. Its the establishment that benefits. Poor people dont think they benefit. Pensioners dont think they benefit. None of the people struggling day to day seem to believe they are benefiting from this deal. I think they should leave. There are bigger forces at play. The eu is a failed business model. When a Company Business model fails people look for the lifeboats. You have to break the company up and revisit the basic core value propositions. What you are seeing happen is the shareholders werent citizens in europe rejecting the political, social and economic benefits of the eu. Charles isnt there a happy medium where they can use this vote to extract some concessions from the eu to find a happy medium . Europe is not a company. Breaking up europe well get back to where we were in the 1930s. When europe fractures, the hold world pays a price. Thats one reason why the United States supported the Common Market and the eu. The other thing to keep in mind in terms of britain and europe is that britain should be more active diplomatically. They want more free markets than the western europeans do. Britain should be putting together a coalition to make it more statist. Charles do you think it will be so detrimental that we could descend. We saw a farright candidate almost pulled off a major victory where two or three years ago it would have been unfathomable that this guy could have won. Bring that into America Today to show where these things can ultimately lead. When you have governments spend trillions more than they take in. Charles around donald trump backer, right . I support throwing touchdown passes. We need to start putting points on the scoreboard. Having a government that spend 30 more money than it takes in every year and has bridges falling down and cant educate the kids and. Charles you can see why the average person believes we have got to cut the cord. Donald trump facing a backlash over his comments over the ethnicity of a judge presiding over his case. You both have a perfect driving record. Perfect. No tickets. No accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. Yeah. Now you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . 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He is the potential leader of the United States. He has to move his game up to being level of potential leader. I was surprised at newt. I thought it was inappropriate what he said. I want to tipping out why im being treated so unfairly by a judge. A lot of people agree with it. Charles other notable critics of trump on issue, marco rubio, senator Susan Collins and john kasich, who is demanding apology. Joining me, kristin tate, carl higby. Youre a donald trump surrogate. Trillion trump getting upset that you guys, surrogates, maybe notes pressing these issues hard enough. Where do you stand . Where does the trump campaign. He didnt get mad any anybody. Donald trump is appreciative every single person. Charles not mad but angry about the facts not being put across correctly. Facts are not being put across directly. The thing is, he said look, the judge is mexican. He said that is okay. The thing we need to focus on here, this judge regardless of the fact he has mexican parents, born in chicago and trump said he may not get a fair trial because he might not have mexican heritage, this judge gave money to the Hillary Clinton foundation. He gave money to Hillary Clinton. This dude should not be presiding over this case. That is the fact of the matter. Charles that is much more legitimate beef but the problem though is, that eric, im sure you want to jump in here, is that the mexican heritage was part eric is going to hit me. I wouldnt hit you. Youre a former navy seal. Charles by the way have you seen him do his pushups . He might break me in two. Person running for president ial seat of the United States and he talks about a persons mexican heritage. That is racism. It is clear as day because what trump has been accused of is blatant racism. What he has done with this particular issue, saying this guy cant preside over my trial because he is mexican. Not because he gave money to hillary. Charles you dont think somebody who has expressed pride in their mexican heritage would not be offended by some of the things that donald trump has said . Maybe that will cloud his judgment . Youre saying that humanly that is not possible . He is federal judge who is presiding over his case, ruled in trumps favor on many issues. Trump is putting hopefully he will stop this foolishness and im actually shocked that Newt Gingrich came out and said something about it. Because people who are behind trump just let him go. This is trump. He will not apologize. That is the problem. What is the problem . Sorry what i did i will never apologize with anyone. Charles giana, i want to bring you into conversation, youre a donald trump supporter. Where do you stand on this particular issue . I am a republican. Unequivocally support the republican nominee. I do not believe that donald trump is racist. I do however believe that this comment is inappropriate. I dont think this is something he should have said. Heres why. A guy running for president , this is mon necessarily beneath the office of the presidency. Further it gives other folks who would say, oh, i believe this person is against me because of their race, freedom to continue to push that i think that is problematic on many levels. Charles chris, here is the thing, carl hit on it, there are a lot of things with this judge i think donald trump could legitimately go after. The mexican thing, makes everyone a little uneasy i think. Certainly Newt Gingrich coming out, someone supposedly at the top of the vp list, sort of underscores that. Absolutely i think Donald Trumps comment was a stupid comment but heres the thing, republicans need to stop attacking each other charles. We have liberal media doing that enough already. Newt gingrich said if liberals attacked Clarence Thomas for being black, we would all be going crazy. Guess what liberals do attack Clarence Thomas for being black. We had a representative, bennie thompson, call him an uncle tom and he faced no blow back for that comment at all. The bottom line is republicans have to come together. They have got to stop attacking each other. We have to move on from this issue. Charles got to go to break. I do want to ask you, carl, if donald trump does make these sort of comments and refuses to budge, doesnt it make it easier for democrats to paint a picture of him that he says he is not . Donald trump is not going to get painted any different picture already painted for himself. Donald trump driven race where he wants it to be. He is not a fool. He drives it where he wants it to go. I hope he drives in the ditch. Charles no matter who the republican candidate is, a lot of progressive would can called him or her a racist. People will get over it. Charles guys, stocks rallied today, much higher on heels of fed chairman, downplaying ugly jobs report. Now she did emphasize, they want to hike race. They will Pay Attention to incoming data. That was enough to send the market much higher. My panel of will discuss fed and markets and your money next. You can fly across welcome town in minutes16, or across the globe in under an hour. Whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. In less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. And if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in rochester, with worldclass botox. And in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov charles might be the biggest speech of the week. Janet yellen hinting all systems are go for summer rate hike. Wont be this month. Maybe july. Maybe september. Street is okay with it. Well be right back. Poor mouth breather. Allergies . Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Take that. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Its not easy. I was oncei carve working on a bust of Shaquille Oneill in swiss. I havent worked in swiss since. Everyone called me crazy. Things really took off when i got my domain name headsofcheese. Com from godaddy and now theyre selling like hot cakes. Made of cheese. Got a crazy idea you think you can turn into a success . We know you can and weve got a domain for you. Go you. Godaddy. Charles market finishes the day higher even though it is clear janet yellen is wedded to the idea of a rate hike sometime this year, summer perhaps, july, september. Apparently investors are taking the fed chair to word. They think she will rely, quote, incoming data. Angst reflected in todays session. Massive number of blue chip stocks hitting 52week highs as investors look for skin in the game but want to do it in cautious way with names they know. Nasdaq driven higher by tech names that appeared to run out of the goose earlier this were. I loaf the action what i call the dirty fingernail stocks, crude oil breaking through 50. You will see individual stocks, up 20 or more if crude breaks 20. Crude reacting to violence in nigeria. Many nations want to pump more, dont have the infrastructure to pump more. Go to my website for breakout parameters for the market. I have a oil idea on verge of a huge breakout, wstreet. Com. We have the steve moore to join us now. Steve, let me start with you. What are you saying with the fed, this communication process that seems to be a little bit disjointed . It has been disjointed, almost from the getgo. Even ben bernanke, yellens predecessor backing off in 2013. Remember the taper tantrum. As soon as they allow Interest Rates reflect market realities, stopping manipulate them like price controls on apartments, it will be better for economy. Charles what about the reality . The fed is hurting economy by directing credit to the bonds and federal government rather than letting it flow even a the a price to small and new businesses which are the job creators. Small and new businesses are being starved for credit. Charles al, the point is, when you print trillions and trillions of dollars, socalled virtuous cycle, the socalled, talking about on the textbook say, people will feel richer go out and spend it hasnt happened. That is exactly correct but we all know what the game is, right . There is no growth. Several years ago i think the relationship between the white house and the fed came down, weve got to do something so lets print this money, lets lower Interest Rates. I agree with steve, let them come back up, let the markets work. That will not happen until we get into the next president s cycle. Charles david, youre a democratic strategist, but youre also a successful businessman. The fed has more or less said what al just said. Hey, we can pump forever and ever and they have, but if you have fiscal policy that is antibusiness, antisuccess, the deliberately driving entire industries into the ground how can our economy ever recover . It cant. I think the other two panelists have the right point. Were addicted to this artificiality of pumping money into the supply artificially where you have artificially low Interest Rates. Well have to fix that although she cant raise Interest Rates in june unless brexit is defeated per the Previous Panel and unless she get as good june jobs report. We dont know what will happen in that regard. Charles steve, on that note, the idea that tail wagging the dog, wall street and these his sy fits, seems like they always work. Seems like wall street has a way to browbeating fed to keep pump primed and accommodation going forever. Even with quantitative easing they had the hissy fit, when quantitative easing was modified the market still went up. Ignore wall street and figure out what is best are to the economy. What is best are to the economy, the fed must realize it is hurting the economy. Let credit markets work so small and new businesses get a flow of credit to get this economy growing. The fed is the enemy of prosperity right now. Charles i agree. Al, last word to you, do you think economy is coming on . Could it with stand a couple rate hikes this year . I dont think so. I dont think the economy could with stand it. They will do it on the next president s watch. They need to create some room to make the move when economy pulls back. Charles few more arrows back in the quiver. Guys, thanks a lot. Irs finally releasing more names, put it that way. Almost 500 organizations that it targeted for extra scrutiny. Imagine if you filed for a Tax Exemption and used words constitution, liberty and a red flag was raised with the irs. Well talk about obamas irs and their attack on the tea party next. Many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. And even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. Thats why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. Approaching medicare eligibility . 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This list raises more questions, when the groups stopped being targeted of the many say they have havent and whether the irs did the same to liberal groups. You are the founder of Tea Party Patriots, i want to let the audience know when the word patriot was word in these filings, 33 times they were flagged as subversive organizations, by the Obama Administration targeted this way, eight times constitution, 2times liberty. By the way there was additional 40 names already opted out of the classaction lawsuit. Were talking close to 500 names. Whats your reaction . I, i, the list is bigger than what we were told originally from the irs. So makes me wonder why the list is so much larger right now than what we were told back in 2013 . But im not surprised by it looking through the list. I knew so many of these groups who were targeted and who were affected by this i talked to people all across this country. I know the effects this has had and it is absolutely wrong. And, it is really infuriating when i look at the list and gone through and searched i see that 70 groups with the word tea and 68 groups with tea party were targeted. Charles jenny beth, do you think there will be any form of justice . It took three years to get this information. Typical drag your feet, trickle it all out hopefully nobody recognizes or remembers . That is earn certainly what theyre trying to do. Part of the reason why we at Tea Party Patriots think it serves important to impeach the irs commissioner john koskinen. He he has stonewalled to congress and lied to congress and made it possible for evidence to be destroyed. He must be impeached. He has not done anything to build public trust. Charles that is very least, eric. Maybe there is no smoking gun yet or maybe they have done effective job hiding it, directive from president obama but it was certainly done to appease president obama or to help president obama because he made no, he made no sort of he made it no secret his disdain for the tea party movement. Youre making a big leap saying president obama made this directive, charles . And they are wrong for targeting specific groups because theyre associated with specific groups but often times the irs and other Government Agencies will target people who have a specific ideology because they dont want to pay taxes. So theyre part of a group who doesnt want to pay taxes but it is illegal for them to target someone charles that is weak and preposterous, right . That is what happened. Thats not what we were doing. That is so wrong. That is what they do. Charles jillian, youre one of the best investigative reporters out there. This kind of stuff taking this long to come out to jennys point. Initially 298 groups. Almost 500 groups, where do you see this going . Ultimately should there be impeachment . This is disturbing for two reasons. How much of a delay there was. Unfortunately this is not unique to the irs but characteristic in the Obama Administration which is the most transparent in history so were told. I think that is extremely disturbing because it hints at a coverup. Secondly one the thing that bothers me about this, the list was potentially extended to water it down to make it look like liberal groups were targeted but we know pretty certainly they werent. Shouldnt there be impeachment . Both things are worrisome and should be factors in as impeachment. Charles when irs is used as weapon, weaponized by president and his administration, everyone is victim. Donald trump taking on Hillary Clinton after she called out his Foreign Policy plans, gop presumptive nominee we still i guess call him that, his temperment by the way is totally under control and he will probably come out with additional comment on his Foreign Policy well talk about it next. At Cancer Treatment centers of america, every patient gets their own care manager. Its a long journey, and we try to help them through that. The care manager coordinates all of the patients appointments, scans, chemotherapy. One of the great things we do is help them manage their symptoms at home. We are available 24 7. We want to take as much stress off the patients as we can. My name is mena. Collette jodi stacy learn more at cancercenter. Com caremanager Appointments Available now. Si heres your invoice, ladies. A few stops later, and it looks like big ollie is on the mend. It might not seem that glamorous having an old pickup truck for an office. 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I have a temperament thats totally under control. She mentions that ill bring us into war. She is the one who wanted to us go into iraq. She didnt know what the hell she was doing. I said i dont want to go into iraq. That will destabilize the middle east and i was 100 right. Charles lets talk about miss u. S. A. The new miss u. S. A. Adamant that women could do well on the front lines in a combat role. She is a reserve who goes once a month on a weekend for training. She is missing the entire data. Women have 45 less muscle mass and 25 less lung capacity. Women are performing at the bottom 25 in their units. This isnt about equality, this is about combat readiness and the mission is first. That would have gone the just as much applause and people would have celebrated her for the women who have to go out there and perform with these men. Hands to hand combat, the women will be december mated by the men in hands to hand combat. She spoke in a fairly official capacity. She said she referenced her title and position. You cannot legally do that. I know this because i tried to do it in my book. And i separated myself with no involvement on an official level. The military is not a social experiment. Charles over the weekend disdonald trump change his position on libya or was this an old position . What do you think he will come back with. He did change his position on libya. Trump has been a politician for 11 months and he doesnt have the bureaucratic machine and military complex where everything is vetted 100 times before its said. But trump is learning and evolving and becoming a stronger candidate and we are seeing more and more of trump thinking things true. Charles the military prefer donald trump over Hillary Clinton. Hillary clinton lacks integrity and northerly character. We have had military men and women challenged in courtmartial for distributed classified information and she is not held accountable and she wont step up to the plate on it so we cant respect that ever. I want to say a special thank you to folks at home and on twitter. My mom passed away last tuesday. The outpouring of support was amazing and i appreciate. Ill leave you have with the man himself, lou dobbs. You want to keep it right here on fox business. Lou good evening. Im lou dobbs. The two big stories tonight. The presumptive nominees are in fire storms and controversies of their own making. Some of the Republican Party elites are criticizing donald trump for noting a judge overseeing the University Lawsuits is of mexican lawsuits. Trump calling into fox and friends to say he has legitimate concerns about that judge. But he says the liberal Mainstream Media is blowing everything out of proportion. All im trying to do is

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