Transcripts For FBC Making Money With Charles Payne 20160519

Transcripts For FBC Making Money With Charles Payne 20160519

paris it was at its cruising altitude of 20,000 feet. the greek aircraft controllers tried to pass it off to the egyptian air control. they made radio calls and couldn't hear anything. they watched the airplane. then 10-15 miles inside egyptian air space the aircraft made a hard left turn, then swung back around right, violently, evidently. given that aircraft at that altitude. it lost 22,000 feet in those maneuvers and they watched it disappear off radar as it passes through 10,000 feet. charles: a lot of speculation about what went on there. without -- give us a possible scenario in your mind what we should be focusing on or bracing for. >> if isis is involved in this, they got a two-for-one. they were able to target an egyptian aircraft. the al-sisi government in egypt has been ramping up the fight against isis. when the russian jet went down in the sinai, egyptian officials complained western intelligence agencies weren't sharing chatter information prior to the actual attack. turkey warned of the paris attacks. but we are not weighing intelligence adequately. we need to look at the reports and not disregard them because of where they come from. there was no real chatter per se. and none of the known terror groups claim responsibility. is this unusual? don't they normally come out quickly and say that was us? >> it's too soon to know. they don't want to claim responsibilities for something that end up being a mechanical failure. the intelligence community is looking at that. the intelligence sharing. you have the cia equivalent in france talking about isis stepping up its attacks, using explosives, using packages. there is a threat already there. the biggest concern. we always think it's a terrorist attack instead of mechanical failure because a majority of poem don't think their governments are doing enough about isis. charles: this mane has a good track record of not having mechanical failures. france a week or so ago put out this communique warning of these types of things. this aircraft made five stops. some in places where there is a lot of terror activity and very loose security, if you will. but it did depart from paris. how worried should people be that you may be getting on a plane in a western nation, but it wasn't necessarily checked from the last destination. >> that is a concern. and if it did get through paris, either way, whether it got through paris with something that was put on at an earlier stop or if a bomb or some other kind of device was put on the aircraft in paris, it's a significant blow to security, and it's going to shake people's confidence pretty badly. this is not something that can be looked at and say it's a one-off on everything. especially as you point out, the dgsi head came out and said, isis already told us they are coming after us, the french. they are coming after us. they did the charlie help dough, they did the attack that killed 130 people in paris. everybody is worried about egyptian tourism. you might want to look at french tourism as well. >> almost as soon as this information became public, the gop presumptive nominee donald trump put out a tweet and he more or less came to the conclusion this was terrorism. mercedes, some political experts are saying maybe he reacted too soon. what do you think with respect to this. the initial reaction from donald trump on this? >> i think sometimes donald trump tweets from his gut. but when you are dealing with delicate intelligence information, we still don't know if it is a terrorist attack. jumping the gun was not the smoortest move -- the smartest move by donald trump. i know he thinks he can dominate the news cycle by doing this. but he could have said it's a possibility of a terrorist attack. it looks like a terrorist attack. but we need to see what comes out of the next few days in this investigation. i think he probably should have not gone forthwith that. charles: carl, you are a donald trump supporter. how do you feel about it? >> donald trump made his way in the political arena because he read the american public very well. but. >> the important thing to look at, this is a marked change. when isis has done major attacks before, they claimed responsibility almost immediately. >> you are making the assumption this is isis. charles: all the officials have said it's more likely to be terror than mechanical. >> this is from the custody to the lone wolf attacks. so that's what we need to be worried about here. charles: the public feels overwhelmingly safer with donald trump than any other candidates in this race. his lead with hillary is a 52% to 42%. but her lead over him on foreign policy is mirror opposite. where do these thing clash? where do these two areas clash? and where does one supersede the other? >> it shows the difficulty of polling. the two term have grown to mean the same thing. you are talking about defending america, they are similar term. i think there i a strong -- a significant prepare for donald trump because he's willing to call radical islam radical islam. we don't know exactly what happened with this plane, but it's likely jihad is involved. it could be a scenario like 1999. and i just -- ability to have a candidate who finally speak bluntly and clearly about that as opposed to hillary clinton who still uses euphemisms and can't call radical islam radical islam, and i think the american people find that refreshing. >> it does appear that it was an act of terrorism, exactly how of course the investigation will have to determine. but once again shines a * bright light on the threat that we face from organized terror groups. isis of course, but there are other network terror that have to be hunted down and defeated. it reinforced the need for american leadership. charles: michael, as a terror expert, you see the donald trump response. immediate, quick and definitive with respect to we want to do. hillary clinton a little bit more measured. she took a little more time. which one do you think resonates with the american public and the tear rights themselves? >> trump is calling for something immediate, something to be done now. hillary keeps talking about what she'll do as president. egg she is sphraig intelligence sharing to partnering with partners on the ground could have been done when she was still part of the administration with other terrorist groups. so she is situation she's going to do when she wins the elect, but she is not talking about the immediate threat. and what trump did today, he know what resonates with certain audience. by coming out ahead and saying this is terrorism, it resonates and make people feel comfortable that he's at least looking at it and would be prepared to do something about it. charles: it look like another terror attack. the airplane departed from paris. great hate and sickness. >> we are cared, we are pissed off, we are annoyed and we want something done. president obama has done nothing for 8 years but withdraw from iraq which created the problem. hillary clinton has been in the foreign poll $i mix for decade and this is where we are. people and behind guys like donald trump with conviction. charles: what would be the tactic here. we get tough, we get angry as americans from type to time, then we get even ganged in military conflict. we lose 2,000, 3,000 of our brave young men and women. how do we deal with those two facts when we are trying to eradicate an enemy that may take more resolve than that. >> the united states and its people have never been about long wars. most of the young men that went over and fought the vietnam war were volunteers. it wasn't until they started the heavy draft and the war dragged on than the american people lost faith in it. because they saw their sons and doubters going over there and getting killed, and didn't see the end game. until you define the end game, as we did in world war i and world war ii. those are the last two wars with defined end games with the exception of the first gulf war with the objective to throw the iraqis out of kuwait. we have got to end thing, bring them to a definitive close, and to do that you have to defeat the enemy. step one is acknowledge fir who the enemy is. charles: radical islam. will hillary have to say it between now and november? >> she is not going to say it. hillary clinton is planning to carry the mantel of president obama and his foreign policy. when there is the brussels attack he's in a baseball game in cuba with castro. he says you have to go on with your life. but that's not what the american people want. the american people want us to destroy radical islam. that's why donald trump and his mess and on terrorism will resonate more so than the case of hillary clinton. charles: we have more with these new fox polls that show voters believe donald trump will follow through on his mens. we are talking about ban muslims temporarily. the percent and of some of these, not as high as you would think. what happens if there is no follow-through on some of the pillars of donald trump's campaign. you wouldn't take medicine without checking the side effects. hey honey. huh. the good news is my hypertension is gone. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. mountains, and conquered highways, and now much of that same advanced technology is found in the new audi a4. with one notable difference... the all-new audi a4, with available traffic jam assist. shoah, ha ha.ew artist. show me top male artist. my whole belieber fan group. it's not a competition, but if it was i won. xfinity x1 lets you access the greatest library of billboard music awards moments, simply by using your voice. the billboard music awards, live sunday may 22nd, 8/5 pacific, only on abc. charles: a fox news poll shows a majority of voters believe donald trump will follow through on his promises to ban muslims and build a wall. but the wall on the border may turn out to be a virtual wall. how would the public feel about that? salvador, i know you are a millennial donald trump supporter. we are hearing more and more some of these things thrown out there are bargaining chips. but when you went to those rallies early on, people say this is a man who says what he means and means what he says. >> that's right. i think he will follow through. he said over and over again, immigration and the wall is not gore yablable. the height of the wall and how we'll get it done is negotiable. >> this is a guy who made a business of getting it done. he says he will fix the ice skating rink in new york city, he gets it done under budget and early. charles: you need about 15,000 people to approve a hot dog stand. but look at the deportation of the illegals, would you be okay with that. >> i would be okay with either one. i don't care if it's some of it or all of it. our federal laws say if you are illegal you can't be here. why don't we just stick to the law. charles: 50% say they believe it will happen, 44% think it won't happen. pie feel sorry for the trump supporters who believe's a man of his word. i'm the believe the surprised person in the planet donald trump back off key campaign promises. he's trying to take out the trash ahead of the cleveland convention. he will try to back off every promise he made in the campaign. charles: i think the wall is low-hanging fruit. but some of these other things could be a little bit tougher. ryan has issues with the muslim situation. salvador and the deportation thing. conservative think tanks cast $600 billion. as a core supporter are you okay with this or do you want to see something done like carl? >> i want to see something done. the polls you just referenced, donald trump supporters believe he's a man of his word. something will be done and donald trump will follow through on his promised. we have crooked hillary and the trend where donald trump is beating her in almost every single poll we see. charles: there is no doubt donald trump has the momentum and no doubt this incident that happened with the egyptian airline will help no matter what the black box says. but that just puts more pressure on donald trump to deliver on this thing. >> this guy has been forged in the iron of pressure. he built stuff. all these other guys who are running, they didn't build anything, they voted on stuff. donald trump built stuff. he built buildings and ice skating rinks and golf course. charles: what if congress doesn't allow this to happen? you need cooperation it's not a one-man show. would the public be okay with that? >> these are virtual promises. i agree with you, there is no reason not to build a wall or fence. there is no evidence. everything is a suggestion. the muslim ban, just a suggestion. i never meant it. i think congress will let people nope. charles: i haven't heard him back off the muslim ban. he said he will only ban certain times of muslims. charles: illegal muslims. >> they are illegal anyway. >> it many the president's job to uphold the constitution. charles: senator bernie sanders claims has been shafted in this entire process. and the public anger in nevada ways just the beginning. what if bernie decides to run as an independent? he's doing some saber rattling. the democrats have a serious issue of. we'll discuss it. i know what i can expect from usaa because i have my checking with them, my savings with them, my credit card with them. and then i learned i have this usaa car buying service. the usaa car buying app was really helpful. all the information was laid out right there. i was able to see the savings that i qualified for. it makes your life so much easier when you have to purchase a car, so i've been telling everybody. usaa car buying service, powered by truecar. exclusively for usaa members. >> in every state we have run in we have had to take on democratic governors and senators and members of congress and mayors, literally almost the entire democratic establishment. and in state after state the people have stood up and helped defeat the establishment. charles: the tensions between the bernie sanders campaign and the democratic apparatus are boiling over and bernie is becoming when lidge rants. is it time to mend the democratic fence? baits many fracturing. just moments ago, guys, there was a communique out or interview with bernie sanders. he says it's clear millions of americans have growing doubts about the hillary campaign. richard, when those fox news polls came out jed and showed donald trump surging ahead of hillary clinton, some blamed this infighting as one of the main reasons. >> is there any question hillary clinton would prefer to target donald trump and nobody else? no. but bernie sanders has said over and over his goal is to make sure donald trump does not enter the white house. 8 years ago, charles -- charles: with all due respect. he's doing the exact opposite now. even bernie sanders supporters including his lone supporter in the senate saying, my man, i have got to stop, you have got to pull out. >> 8 years ago it was the buma. party unity my assets. hillary clinton supporters said no way i will get around barack obama until she put her arm around him and said if you supported me, support him. will bernie sanders's supporters do that? he still caucuses with the democrats in the senate and he has a lot at stake. charles: i'm thinking about the movie when the guy jumps out of the plane on the head of a nuke. i'm thinking dr. strange love. i think it's bernie sanders or bust. >> i think that's an understandable view. but that said, we tend to air on being a poppist. everybody said she was undermining obama and giving mccain the white house. there is no evidence that anything she did damaged barack obama's chances to win the white house. the odds of him being the nominee are basically zero. he realizes that. he will try to get as much as he can at convention. charles: you are the youngest on the panel but you are too logical. mercedes, i don't think bernie sanders realizes anything. i think it's having an impact with all the things coming out and the focus on hillary. her unfavorables have sky rocketed to higher levels. >> those clinton supporters were part of the democratic establishment. it was easier for them to transition into the obama place supporting the presidency. so sanders is a very different group of supporters. they are -- they believe in the bernie sanders movement and revolution. and they really dislike the democratic establishment. they dislike her ties to corporate america and squall street. and they don't trust her. i think to just assume they are going to rally around clinton even if bernie rallies around clinton, i think there will be a segment of the bernie supporters who say i'm out, i'm not going to support her. >> thanks a lot, guys. we are talking about the largest voting bloc out there, making a whole lot of noise behind sanders. who will get the millennial vote? 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that's interesting. there is one poll among millennials at harvard. and hillary beats trump by 20%. favorable 74 unfavorable among all millennials. they don't want to blow up dodd frank. their whole beef is -- their beef is wall street is too powerful. they don't want to blow up the paris climate agreement. they think lgbt rights are important. donald trump is talking about putting someone on the supreme court who pea quites homosexuality with bestiality. charles: my son is home from school. he goes to college in london and we thad had this discussion. maybe the issue of social issues and tone would be an issue with donald trump. >> you go back to the harvard poll. it's months old. it makes no difference right now. millennials don't pay attention during the primary season. if you look at the latest swing state polls. barack obama won very big margins in both this elections. then you look at the reuters online polling. he was losing the youth vote and he cut that in half to 15 points. young voters are gravitating toward trump because they want jobs. one statistic republicans need to repeat oh and over again, in 2010 the bls said 2020, the up in of college grad in this country will grow by 19 million. and there is a huge disparity under this obama economy. >> perhaps this is where hillary take a page from bernie sanders to start promising a whole bunch of free stuff. >> that's where she is going to be forced to go in that direct and hope she is going to be able to grab the millennial vote. bernie sanders is the one that had huge success with millennials and even young women who would support bernie over clinton. to just think hillary clinton could easily win over this vote, i don't think it would be that simple. i think we have to look at it from a swing state perspective. during the primaries trump won 22% of the millennials in that state. the other question will be, will the millennials cop out and vote. they don't have a record of going out and voting in presidential elects. >> they are now the largest voting bloc, but i'll bet they will have the smallest turnout of all the able brackets. the -- the s & p500 is negative for the year. they are spooking wall street. what are they looking at? i have got peter morici coming up. i don'or wonder whether i theshould seek treatment.c. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may 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at those kind of things. a quarter point in june and december should hartley be enough to take the stock market. what really martyrs is how much the economy recovers and how much corporate profits improve. charles: if you look at crude oil gasoline, that sharp rebound is reflected there. it's hard to find inflation. new cars are down, used cars are down. a huge chunk of this economy outside of healthcare, they are drifting. the best earnings came from the chief counter walmart. >> corporate earnings have been trailing down and it hasn't been favorable at all. inflation if you pull out energy, it has been better than 2% for several months. as energy prices go up, not on does the energy component go up, but it starts to filter through other aspects of the core. i think they are looking at that and i don't think they can be blamed for looking at that. charles: would it be justified in your mind to go as soon as next month or should they wait with the u.k. vote on perhaps leaving the eu. >> i don't think the u.k. vote on leaving the eu is all that relevant because i don't think they are going to leave. i would advocate a didn't track. a small rate increase at each meeting and tell wall street this is what's going to happen. these rates aren't so terribly high you can't live with them. if they are going to whine like babies, then you take out the baby spoon. charles: 25 basis points in june and the market tanks on that news. should investors start looking to buy some bargains? >> that would and wise thing to do. corporate profits will start improving. and when that's happens the market will recover. at the end of the day that's why we buy stocks. not because of what the federal reserve does, but because of what corporate profits do. raising the rate a quarter point will not affect housing or the market that much. charles: if it's proven the egyptian airplane crash was an act of terror, does that do anything to your corporate models? >> fit causes a rush to trump -- when ross perot dropped out of the race when clinton ran. all of a sudden he surged ahead. bush was shocked. that could be the jolt that jumps trump ahead of clinton. if that happens, watch for wall street to then assess what trump is about and they may find it to be more favorable than the establishment is telling them. he wants to cut taxes. it's going to be good. charles: at home you don't want to miss our new business show on fox business. jamie dinan. he's the ceo. >> you have information, you worked hard, you made read more documents and made more phone calls. now machines read the documents much faster than you do. lastly, i think as the bar goes higher, you need a higher skill set. 20 years ago you could be an average investor and do well. today you have to be a world class investor to do well. charles: today's egyptair contractors comes among terror fears in egypt and europe. we'll have an update for you in 3 minutes. recently, a 1954 mercedes-benz grand prix race car made history 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last contact came the over the mediterranean south of grease. sadly they don't expect any survivors. flight radar indicates the plane did a 360 degree turn before losing altitude quickly. it was so sudden and so erratic that the egyptian government says it could be a terror attack. there has been no claim of responsibility yet from any terror group. and an initial review shows no explosion on satellite. so the search goes on and the wait at the airport by their loves ones. on everyone's mind was the crash of an egyptian airliner. certainly that incident has heightened fears generally of fly towing egypt. french investigators have flown out to egypt to search for the black boxes. until they are found we won't know more about what happened to this aircraft. charles: speaker ryan calling done's supreme court list a quote step in the right direction. but some conservatives are calling it political pandering. donald trump said hillary clinton has bad judgment and is unfit to serve. i'm mary 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quit smoking. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. . charles: well, donald trump just now releasing a statement blasting hillary clinton's foreign policy saying, quote, she has bad judgment and is unfit to serve as president in this delicate and difficult time in our country's history. donald trump received praise from a lot of prominent conservatives over list of potential supreme court nominees. some say he is pandering or could be more conservative. joining me betsy woodruff, christian whiton, before we get to the supreme court thing, christian with, donald trump lashing out at hillary clinton, she had a long, many opportunities and a long time to effect foreign policy and i don't think anyone is satisfied where we are right now. there's got to be a ring of truth to what he said? >> sure, this is a great topic to hit trump on, one where hillary has no standing. the initiatives, reset with russia. took the phony misspelled button over there, that didn't work out. this is topical with the egyptair crash. as tension moves from isis in syria and iraq to isis in north africa, we're going to start arming rebels again in libya and next door in egypt things are not looking good politically. this is terrible for hillary, it reminds people of benghazi, incompetence of her pointing to the bleachers, like babe ruth, we came, we saw, we died referencing gadhafi and the cover-up in the lines of the families of the dead. all of this is bad for hillary. charles: of course, and shifting to the supreme court nomination, the nominee list, betsy, back to you, you wrote a pretty scathing article. why are you so skeptical? >> well, a big reason that a lot of the conservatives are skeptical about the list is they don't think trump will follow through on it. trump has given a ton of ammo to hillary and the progressives. the folks he named are shocking to anyone particularly when it involves gay rights. one of the men on the list compared same-sex relationships between men to necrophilia. it's going to help him particularly with pro-lifers because it is a very, very pro-life list of folks. it highlights how much drama we have to look forward to in the next few months. charles: danny, a strong list, you are pleased with the names on the list? >> this is a heavy hitter list, like a good businessman donald trump doubled down on the presidency, made it not about the presidency but also the supreme court. this list will make conservative lawyers and conservative americans very happy and feel secure about the potential supreme court nominees that donald trump could appoint. this is a strong list backed by the federal society, the heritage foundation, this is going to make conservatives jump for joy. i think it was a brilliant move. charles: most conservatives were jumping for joy. i'm jumping for joy because you were with me at home. now here's lou. lou: good evening, everybody, i'm lou dobbs. egyptian officials say terrorism, the likely cause of the crash of egyptair flight 804 which fell from the sky early today on its way from paris to cairo. the airbus a380 with 66 people aboard banked and spun sharply before plunging into the mediterranean sea between the greek island of crete and egypt's northern coastline. we'll have a full report for you taking it up with terrorism expert walid phares tonight, many in the liberal mainstream media attacking donald trump because said he the egyptair

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