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Changes that need to be made. I recognize nothing is perfect and we have had enormous fundraising. But that requires that you be efficient in a way that you utilize the funds. We are look at all those things. Charles that was ben carson announcing a major shakeup in his campaign is coming in a few days. He said i have 100 confidence in my Campaign Team and together we look forward to winning in iowa and beyond. Year streamlining some staff assignments to more aptly match the task ahead. We know that the campaign has been struggling of late. This shakeup will have worked. In my mind it probably is going to be a hail mary. With me now bo dietl. And roger sloan former trump advisor. And peter morisi, an economist. Let me tell you, there was a quote by arm strong williams, a famous radio guy, he said dr. Carson is back in charge. You feel like he lost control of his campaign. This is it. He must make a move now. I think hes rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. As the debate shifted to Foreign Policy issues and terrorism, this is not in his wheel house, he suffered, his answers were weak in the debate. There are some real pros, but the problem with their campaign is the candidate, not the campaign. Charles something leaked out that he couldnt grasp. Then people said, by the way go on the sunday talk shows. He looked like lost. It felt like they set hip up. Maybe he feels this way. I have to agree it is the candidate and not the campaign and im not sure this is going to help that much. He has run an effective campaign. He brought in small donations. He has been extremely effective on social media and has been likeable and consistently conservative guy. Even on things he should know well like medicare, im not sure at the end of the day it may be too little too late. Charles donald trump doesnt know what the triad is and he wants to be commanderinchief and people say no big deal. But ben carson dont know foreignt Foreign Policy and it sinks his shift. Now that things get dirty with hillary and you have senator cruz and my friend going at it and donald going at it. Hes too nice of a person to be caught in the mud with them. He doesnt raise his voice. It seems like hes not fitting in there. I think hes going to come on and try to get that manliness. Its the only way i can say it. The fact that hes so nice. He would make a great surgeon general. Trump is running a multi Million Dollar business. Charles dr. Carson in recent days said im tougher than you guys think i am and playing catchup, if you will. He has to get himself some decent economists and Foreign Policy experts and internalize it. Whats disappointing about dr. Carson, he doesnt understand the necessity to be knowledgeable. That would be his trump card that hes more knowledgeable than donald but its not there. I dont think you can turn a Campaign Around in 30 days, and thats all hes got. As you said in the beginning this is a hail mary and its not likely to succeed. Charles well talk about where his 10 on average would go. Big news today. Franklin graham made it official, hes out of the gop. This twoparty establishment thing is beginning to crumble. I think voters are sick of the twoparty dueling open think. They play the cards are the democrats. Thats very, very important. All of a sudden you dont conform to that little guy running testifying, whats his name . The head of the Republican Party. Republicans are too upper echelon. Donald trump like he said, is a ceo. Hes a candidate for the democrats and for the republicans. Charles on the democratic side a lot of people are looking at bernie sanders. An outsider if you will hole probably listen to the grassroots, the american public. I see cracks on both sides of the aisle. On the democratic side you are receiving the normal primary process man this case the frontrunner prevailing. I expect him to solidify behind clinton. If trump is the nominee it will be a goldwater election the Establishment Party basically deserted the candidate. You see the Republican Party getting its tails whipped by an amateur. But hes showing how hollow the Republican Party has become with adherence to ideological issues. And nominating losers to go through south carolina. I know no man that permits a republican to win the presidency without ohio, virginia and colorado. Charles can you take the core, the heart of the Republican Party . Is donald trump going to read the fine core values that until a couple years ago werent necessarily his values . Will he redefine those for the grassroots gop voter . What hes doing is redefining select early to politics. Instead of being an election about policy webs make it an election about values. Hes running against democrats and republicans and running on values. Hes running on values around personal accountability and strong defense. Hes not consistently conservative thats why we are seeing Hillary Clinton speak so much about him. He actually play to the middle more even than the very right side of the Republican Party. Wouldnt he appeal to the independent vote termss not so conservative . He does. The folks polling towards him are more moderate. This scene uprising. I dont think trump has any problem with the grass roots in the Republican Party. There always broad gap between the Party Leadership and the people raising money for them. Charles what is the gap . The gap is bush cant do it. Republican voters werent real reform. Charles when boehner was leaving he talked about false prophets. As paul ryan said, that cake was baked. Hes been here 7 weeks. He can remix and make a souffle and the whole thing would collapse. I know for 30 years donald trump. This guy gets things done and he will be a great president. He will get the best people behind him. He will get everyone behind him. So whats wrong with that, having a president who will get something done. You have still have a party that needs to figure itself out. Charles i had senators who said they didnt vote for the funding bill but they defended ryan. How can one man break that up . The answer is one man cant break it up. The presidency has changed. Increasingly we are operating in the bush model where the Vice President is a prime minister. To me the ideal team would be trump and ryan. Why . Ryan knows how to work the system. Hes one of the most respected men in washington. Trump would go around the country, make speeches to the crowd and ryan would run the country. Im sceptical trump could run the country. Charles donald trump is crushing it in the latest polls. Forget what the experts say. We want to figure out how the path goes from here to the nomination. Well be right back. The only way to get better is to challenge yourself, and thats what were doing at xfinity. We are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. And this includes our commitment to being on time. Every time. Thats why if were ever late for an appointment, well credit your account 20. Its our promise to you. Were doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. Because we should fit into your life. Not the other way around. Charles donald trump absolutely dominating in the latest cnn orc poll. Most of the experts i know, bipartisan ones, are saying there is no way trump can or will win this thing so its time to connect the dots. Joining me now is the executive you tore of daily caller and Fox News Contributor tammy bruce. We see a trends. Ben cash stop collapsed and it feels like cruz got a little bit more than any of that. Trump gets his fair share. Can we extrapolate that and apply it to the rest of the candidates . All of them are bank on the rest of the field to drop out, including and besides trump. Before it doesnt seem at this point trump is doing anything but gaining momentum. Ted cruz is probably the biggest pen fishery of the latest bout of momentum. Charles walk us through the potential way for the nominee. Who will drop out and who wins from that. The question comes down to New Hampshire. Iowa we have a battle. We have ted cruz potentially winning. In New Hampshire you will see the establishment candidates desired whether they are going to continue. Chris christie is going hard in New Hampshire. If he loses there its probably unlikely he will have much success. Jeb bushes sessionally, i think the race is over for him. Well be look at this trump, cruz, rubio,carson fourway race going into early next year after New Hampshire. Charles do the nonestablishment candidates pick those potential voters up . Bush has 3 in this latest poll. Carly fiorina is 1 . A complete collapse. Kasich has 1 1 2 voters. What the key is going to be and what trump seems to be doing is Winning People over on his own volition. What we have to see the establishment do, they will still have a Campaign Strategy likely with rubio and hes not moving up forward. Hes still far behind cruz at this point. Even though the numbers are different you see the trump and cruz dynamic. What mr. Trump is going to have to do is unveil an actual technical Traditional Campaign because in places like florida and the larger states its about television ads. You cant walk door to door. You can have a few big rallies but thats going to run out. Hes got wind in his sales. He will probably do whatever it takes. But i want to ask you with this latest poll. Trump at 39 unfavor and at 57 . Does the 57 mean 39 is almost at the ceiling . There is plenty of time for that to switch. 58 of voters could switch their vote. For the democrats 19 are extremely enthusiastic. For the republicans, i think its 36 its an extraordinary gap. This is after months of fear mongering on trump. Months of hillary going after him. But its not working for the democrats. Enthusiasm is huge. Likability numbers are weird for donald trump. A lot of people self report hes not likeable but think hes competent. Hes a very mysterious candidate. Charles you do not want to miss fox business next president ial debate. January 14. The candidates will take center stage in south carolina. Have you seen this Washington Post cartoon . It depicted ted cruzs daughters as trained monkeys. Cruz got a little jab at these guys today. Jeb bush donald, you know, is great at the oneliners. But hes a chaos candidate. And hed be a chaos president. Two months ago, donald trump said that isis was not our fight. Donald trump let syria and isis fight. Why are we. Why do we care . Let isis and syria fight. Jeb bush he said that Hillary Clinton would be a great negotiator with iran. Donald trump hillarys always surrounded herself with very good people. I think hillary would do a good job. Jeb bush and he gets his Foreign Policy experience from the shows. Chuck todd who do you talk to for military advice right now . Donald trump well, i watch the shows. I mean, i really see a lot of great, you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows. Jeb bush i dont know if thats saturday morning, or sunday morning. Donald, youre not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency. Thats not going to happen. If im president , ill be a commanderinchief, not an agitatorinchief or a dividerinchief. That i will lead this country in a way that will create greater security and greater safety. Announcer right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. Charles the illinois attorney general said fanduel and draftking violates state law. A cartoon in the Washington Post that shows ted cruzs children as monkeys. Ted cruz fired back on twitter. Earlier today he had this to say. I have to admit yesterday when i saw that cartoon, not much ticks me off. But making fun of my girls, that will do it. All of us learned in kinder gearten, dont hit little girls. Hes not complicated. Dont make fun of a 5yearold and 7yearold girl. Every one expects Mainstream Media to be liberally biased. Folks want to attack me, thats part of the process, i signed up for that. But my girls didnt sign up for that. Charles i think the Washington Post went too far. Tammy bruce joining me. Jessica, Washington Post fees like they crossed the line here. They did and they took it back. The editor said he had not seen the cartoon before it went out. They have a no Children Policy and they took it down. Ted cruz is fundraising off of that. We know the obama girls were made fun of. Do you remember the nra ad. No. Charles i remember george bush being depicted as a chimpanzee and a but noon. I doubt any newspaper in the world would draw a picture of president obamas daughters as monkeys. It would be outrageous because that draws on racial lines and causing all types of problems. As far as ted cruz cartoons, that was i appropriate, they needed to retract and they need to make sure those types of things dont go forward. This is not the type of behavior we need in political season. These are kid and could be hurt. Charles i remember a key image after one of the fir debate is ted cruz hugging his daughters. People say if you want to have your kid involved in a campaign they become fair game. The phrase fair game when it comes to children. These are little kids. 5 and 7 years old. We have universal rejection of this. There is no one defending it. The cartoonist is saying its fair game. The genie is out of the bottle. This is i think helpful. I find no problem with ted cruz fundraising on it because this is the fight decency versus obscenity. What this nation is going to become, an has every right to point it out. If this continues its possible it will come. And i think it a good thing it happened so early in the campaign season. Charles it point to some deepseeded vitriolic hatred toward conservatives . I dont think so. This wasnt just him out in the yard with his kids. They were making fun of obama policies. Charles this was a saturday night live ad they are look at. People saying if you are going to put your children on tv, they become part of the political process. Its a First Amendment issue and its protected speech. She is standing up saying especially the way ted cruz used his children. To say hes using his children as political pawns im he can blaingt cartoonist herself articulated. There is a expert responsibility that comes with the media. Particularly an organization like the Washington Post. Well be back. Well come back and talk about a different donnybrook. Trump and hillary. It will be a knockdown dragout battle. Wait until you hear what hillary is accusing trump of. Well tell you next. 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His bigot are you, his bullying and blustering have become his campaign. Charles this trumphillary feud continues. Hillary also saying its not the first time he has demonstrated a pen complainant for sexism. Donald trump said the Hillary Clinton statement yesterday was pathetic. Be careful, hillary, he tweeted, as you play the war on women or women being degrade card. Charles is she going to the womens victim card too soon too often . I dont think so. We know he has attacked one of our own in the building. Hes loose with his words. Sometimes they come back to haunt him and she is also losing women voters. I would like her to transition into a policy discussion and talk about that Donald Trumps policies are not good for women. Everybody knows donald trump is rude. He doesnt believe in raising the minimum wage. Charles so the economic war on women . Women are part of it, but i dont think that will be the longterm winner. The democrats can beat the republicans on policy and thats where they should go. The demographic friends this country at some point means we do need to be nice tore blacks, hispanics, women and others if we want to get back to the white house. The politicians in general need to be nice tore americans and policies need to be nice tore americans overall. What we see with hillary is americans dont go out to vote against something, they vote for something. So hillary is not going to win by talking about how bad donald trump is. We have a woman who thinks she is going to be a commanderinchief and she is a whiney victim. They want to know what she stand for. Not what she thinks of donald trump. Jeb bush is failing and hes going after trump. They are not explaining what they themselves stand for. So as a woman and as a feminist, this isnt about being a victim. We want a commanderinchief and leader. Hillary has called republicans terrorists. So this is a little bit of the case of the pot calling the kettle black with her and i think tammy is right. We dont want a womb in the white house because she is a woman. We want a woman in the white house because she is a good leader. Hillary clintons policies have not demonstrated she is a leader. Trumps polling with women is pretty on par. With what . He has 33 . Women are not decidedly against him. When you look at his Favorability Ratings he has gone up more than anyone. Hes at 45 now. Its not fair to say that women are not going to vote for trump. Charles she didnt look too strong there, roger. If you are going for the stop job in the world and if he hurts your feelings in some kinds of way you may not be the right person for the job. She is playing the victim card because it worked for the clintons before. But her record of terrorizing the women for his alleged Sexual Assault victims. These women will be active in october, they will be outspoken. Charles for the young millennial woman voting for the first time, i dont think that will be effective. I think the narrative will be you have someone decidedly against you. I think at this point Donald Trumps issue is how women will be responding to ted cruz versus him. So that becomes the issue. Charles i think ted cruz has the slight edge. Hillary has her own issues with women. Charles i have got some information for you. This is very, very important information. I want to you grab a pen if you can. Its a new York City Police detective joseph lemm, he was in the national gairnds one of the six soldiers killed earlier this week in the suicide bombing. The Silver Shield foundation, they are raising money to help him and his family. Well have the address for you on our screen and later on on the facebook page. Cheap gas, is it finally helping . They say this Holiday Season they will have 6 billion extra to spend. Well be right back. Erman dance group. I wore lederhosen. 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Charles its look like christmas 2008. Thats the last time we have seen gas at these prices. Home sales up 4 last month. Consumer sent i am and there are so many signs that wages will finally start to creep higher. Is the economy on the cusp of a breakout . David, does it feel like all the pieces are coming together . I certainly do. The fundamentals are getting stronger. We have the good employment figures. We have low Interest Rates and low gas prices. Consumer sentiment is pick up as well. How come it hasnt kicked in to this point i think people would ask. The kneejerk reaction is the low gas price is like a tax cut. Where is that money going . We are not seeing that in the traditional areas. Where is it asking its going into healthcare, its going into rent, its going into our homes. Look at the sales as the home depot. Charles people see the premium increases and it will blow your minds. Peter you talked about this. You sort of predicted this, is this the moment you have been looking for . I think we are at the cusp. Consumers have not been spending their money. But sooner or later those stocks will spend the money. Gas prices, oil prices have fallen much more than we thought they would. Come the spring well be in good shape. Fourth quarter growth wont be spectacular. But i think by spring and this summer well be feeling better about the economy than we are now. Is it back to the reagan days . No. We have obama in the white house and the prospect of Hillary Clinton coming president is having a negative effect. We dont have a lot of Small Business forenation and the continuation of these antibusiness policies is not helping. There is no doubt in my minds big businesses are not going to put money as risk as long as president obama is in office. Caterpillar on light volume days. Are we seeing a major rotation starting early . Too early to tell. Large swaths of the market are down 1020 . They are offering good dividends. This may be the early signs of rotations. Charles 90 of the volume on the New York Stock Exchange was positive. We have a calm heartwarming sports stories to share with you. A walkoff player on the university of florida, take a look at this. His first ever ncaa points last night. He has only one arm. He has been on this team for two years. The new york jets, gained National Attention when he stood outside the houston, texas facility saying not homeless but starving for success. The black lives Matter Movement shut down the mall of america two days before christmas. And what do they want . Well be right back. You. Charles the black lives Matter Movement protesting at the maul of america and the minneapolis airport causing traffic delays. They are hoping to draw attention to the shooting of an unarmed blackman during an assault complaint. I talked about this with neil earlier today, and the tweet i got is what is the cause . What does black lives matter want in and why are they going by the in this way . Its a movement and not one specific group of people. They want awareness of black violence. This is a multi faceted effort. They want to talk about Police Violence and the underrepresentation of minorities on police forces. They are trying to bring awareness to this case where it has been totally ignored. Until people bring awareness to these cases some of them will get down the road where the last shooting case, rahm emanuel hid the shooting for a year and it wasnt exposed. Black lives matter. All those kid we talk about that get gunned down in chicago, their lives matter, too. What they are doing here in minneapolis is disgusting. These people, im sure africanamerican people go shopping. Why should they be stopped from doing their shopping for christmas. All you are doing is hurting those people. Thats a demonstration. You demonstrate the people in those stores. No, they have the right. When people were demonstrating black people stopped taking the bus, they didnt stop white people from taking the bus. If you look at other demonstrations like the woolworth counter demonstration where people would sit at the counter because they didnt have the right. This is something thats very disruptive. Thats the point. I think its dumb p. R. So many people who potentially see your side will be and 8. This is the time of year when hundreds of thousands of people have a job for months. These jobs sustain them. They could buy christmas gifts. If you had to shut your store down right before christmas, thats not right. Its bringing awareness to the movement. Thats the purpose of a protest, to bring awareness. They are not going protest at their own house. You are wrong on this, eric. They first started. Remember when they used to go in the restaurants and and over people when they were eating . I did not like that. Thats an invasion of personal space. What they are doing here is not an invasion of personal space. His goal is anticapitalism, and they need to be sure. I saw the kids. They were black and white and they were young. Charles guys, 39 days until iowa caucus and anything can happen. Trump is crushing it. But his rivals are getting desperate. In fact ben carson may do something wild soon. We have the power panel coming right back. Charles welcome back, 39 days until the iowa caucus, what is next for the candidates . The power panel is back, rodger, you have been through this process, you have seen it up close, the candidates who are lagging, what do they do from here . Someone is telling them within their circle, you still got a shot. It is very hard to poll in caucus or primary, they are volatile, santorum won 3 years ago but was never led or in second place. Charles is that cautionary for company is up Trump Supporters . That is his task. Clearly, you have a more competitive contest with ted cruz moving up, i think that trump will prevail because he does have a large enough lead, no, all eyes will be on marco rubio, can he live up to the hype. He vanishes after the debates. He gets postdebate press they like him, most debates they think he won, then he fades away. Just like carly fiorina, the same problem. This year is different, you would have evangelicals, and then they disappear by february. This is different. Whoever wins iowa may actually have longer legs than people who won it before, trumps issue is, he comes in second, that tells people, his people will come out, the people who come in first or second in iowa have a boost in New Hampshire. Grees. Charles the snow ball. Now i guess, they play spoiler because jeb bush with the ads going strictly after donald trump, it does not feel that jeb is trying to win as much as derail the trump train. A lot of people still rooting for jeb bush. I agree with everyone, i think right now it would be unlikely for anyone to breakthrough. Having said that in 2004, to thousand 8 22 2000 sit, and 2012 there were frontrunners atthispoint that were not candidates. Charles reminded over and over on democratic side, standards have a shot. No, i dont think show. Charles really. A lot of people like bernie. Enthusiasm for bernie you are into him but he is not drawing 10,000 people any more, the democrats are co, lessing. Charles we hand it over to tom sullivan take it away. Tom good evening, i am tom sullivan in for lou dobbs we start with donald trump closing out year with a sizable lead over the rest of the republican president ial field, a new cnn poll shows trump with 39 support, 21 points ahead of his next closest rival senator ted cruz, more than half of Republican Voters say trump is candidate best suited to handle, immigration, the economy, islamic state. Also, senator cruz handed a political gift for christmas by Washington Post, paper forced to retrack a cartn

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