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Lou as you saw and heard, the crowd loved it. They repeatedly interrupted President Trumps remarks with chants of usa and donald trump. The crowds much less civilized in hamburg, germany, the site of the g20 summit. World leaders descending on the city to find 8,000 anarchists, anticapitalist protesters setting fires and hurling rocks at officers and buildings as they do whenever the g20 meets or the g7 or anything that is gwiz. John roberts is traveling with the president , hes in hamburg and has our report. Reporter late into the night, we hear the sounds of sporadic flashbang grenades as police are dealing with troublemakers out on the streets of this city during the g20 summit. Economic summits have long drawn the attention of protesters and some people simply bent on causing trouble, but it has been a number of years since we have seen what ripped the streets of hamburg today. Police in riot gear fought running skirmishes with violent groups in hamburg firing tear gas and Water Cannons to disperse the crowd. Part of a building appeared to be set on fire. Clouds of thick smoke billowing into the sky. Police expect a core group of 5,000 to 8,000 people to cause trouble during the summit. Those who came to legitimately demonstrate and a number close to 100,000 have been noisy but peaceful. Far from the protests which will likely have no impact on the g20 leaders, President Trump met with german chancellor angela merkel. Merkel appeared critical of the president s intention to pull out of the paris climate accord. We cannot and will not wait to act. In one word, the paris climate agreement is irreversible and cannot be renegotiated. Reporter earlier today, in poland, President Trump was on friendly territory, a speech in warsaws Krasinski Square where he answered critics to mutual doctrine of defense article 5. We stand firmly behind article 5. Words are easy, action matters. Reporter the president had stern words for russian president Vladimir Putin with whom hell meet tomorrow. We urge russia to cease destabilizing activities in ukraine and elsewhere and support for hostile regimes including syria and iran and join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and in defense of civilization itself. Reporter earlier in a press conference with polish president andre duda, President Trump appeared to soft pedal assessments that russia was meddling in the u. S. Election. I think it was russia and could have been other people and other countries. Other have been a lot of people interfering. Reporter the statement brought a sharp response from congressman adam schiff who accused the president of capitulating to putin. In a sharply worded statement saying the president also addressed in person for the first time north koreas 4th of july test of Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. The president warning he has been considering some severe things to respond to the norths provocations. Its a shame that theyre behaving this way, but they are behaving in a very, very dangerous manner and something will have to be done about it. Reporter north koreas missile test will put an extra emphasis on another meeting that the president is having with chinas president xi jinping. In a tweet he set out before leaving the United States. The president gave up on the idea that china would help rein in the north korean regime. When asked if he had given up on president xi, President Trump said never give up. Lou . Lou john, thank you very much. John roberts reporting. Here to discuss the president taking on north korea, russia and china, and the latest on president s legislative agenda on capitol hill, joining us congressman ron desantis, member of several key committees including foreign affairs, judiciary, oversight and member of the freedom caucus. Good to have you with us. First of all, i would imagine you are excited about the quality of the speech that the president gave today, and his focus on issues that are the most important of our time. Without question. I think his strong endorsement of western civilization, particularly against threats such as radical islam was churchillean. He coupled that with the warning about the threat of western civilization from forces at home and identified creeping statism and growing bureaucracy, i thought he was harkening back to alexis de tocqueville who warned about observing america in the 19th century and i think the strong support for nato. The strong warning to russia serving to confound media critics in the United States, and i think the telling sign that it was a successful speech was the media reaction. They didnt really know what to make of it. That tells you he hit it out of the park. I think youre going to see dour faces on national leftwing media types broadcasting from warsaw for the next couple of days because hes put in motion a considerable amount of momentum behind what promises to be a very productive meeting whether it be with xi jinping. President Vladimir Putin or the g20 itself. Lets turn to north korea. The Trump Administration did not come out so strong, nor so well at the emergency meeting of the Security Council at the United Nations. No specific recommendations. No call to action. A total lack of specificity and even as the United States called to that meeting and in the face of an absolutely belligerent, determined kim jongun and indifferent xi jinping, to u. S. Interests, we are now at crossroads. What happens now . I think thats why this g20 meeting is so important. Hes going to be meeting with all thedy key players and i think the president is going to have the opportunity to really force this issue, in oneonone meetings and publicly, in Public Comments he makes. I appreciated the meeting called at the Security Council but im not sure that was the actual forum where were going to make headway. Its a tough issue, lou, theres no easy solution to it, but i think the one thing that the president s been clear, it will be dealt with. I think they were right to hope that china would recalculate in terms of what chinas interest. Lou it was right, congressman, to try, and as he himself said, you know, he had to try, but now we are at real politic with the real issues, and the last 20 years, it is a trail of rhetorical debris, fits and starts and Utter Nonsense articulated by either emissaries at the United Nations or the state department, our president s looking hesitant, undecided and ambivalent when it comes to korea. Are we going to see, do you believe, real action and a real confrontation with the threat that is north korea . I think the president , i take him at his word. I think he will act. The shape of that, i think is to be determined. I think there are things that be can done covertly. We can martial more military force in the region to send a signal and send a message to kim jongun that there is a credible threat of force on the table. You hope you dont have to use it but in the absence of that if kim jongun thinks this is the same thing as you identified for 20 years, he knows how the game is played and hell play it like a fiddle. I think the calculations need to be changed for china and north korea, and i think this president understands that. So i think he will act. Lou and a great deal he has to act upon. Could have been ally in china, that is making trillions of dollars off trade with the United States and our allies. A russia who tried to intervene in an election, got as best i can tell as far as the Democratic National committee. Well have to see how this all unwinds. Congressman, good to have you with us. Ron desantis, appreciate it. Thank you. Lou were coming right back. Much more to cover, a lot more to cover. Stay with us. President trump warning north korea of severe consequences, after its test of an icbm. We must also confront the threat from north korea, and we will confront it very strongly. Lou well take up what that response could entail with general jack keane. And thousands of anticapitalist protesters today stormed the german city of hamburg as the g20 summit gets under way. Well have the full update next. Were coming right back. Stay with us. burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a swing set standoff. And we covered it, july first, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum. Lou President Trump keeping kim jongun guessing about how the president might respond to north koreas provocations. President trump speaking in poland said if missile tests and bad behavior continues, hes considering all options. As far as north korea is concerned, i dont know, well see what happens. I dont like to talk about what i have planned, but i have pretty severe things that were thinking about. That doesnt mean were going to do them. I dont draw red lines. Lou for more now on the possible strategies of the United States might use to counter north Koreas Nuclear ambitions, were joined by fox news military analyst retired fourstar general, jack keane. General, great to have you here. The president talking about severe options hes contemplating. Are we at a point where almost anything said on the part of the president about how he might respond is just basically worsening the problem . No, i dont think so. Clearly there is an escalation by north korea and developing Intercontinental Ballistic Missile capable of reaching the United States, this is something they advertised their intent to do. They did a portion of that test successfully. That is escalation. The president is about right. In telling them that look, im serious about what im doing, i dont intend for you to put the American People at risk, but im going to keep my options to myselfment i think where we actually are, lou, is number one, while preemptive strikes are certainly on the table, some limited, some considerably large, for eventual potential execution, i dont think thats where the trump team is right now. Though those options are on the table. Where they truly are is a policy of maximum pressure on north korea and china. They know full well that sanctions have not worked in the past and china has not come through to a system in the way that china indicated that they would. So what theyre going to do is number one anybody thats doing business with north korea, any country that we have any relationship with whatsoever, going to ask them to stop. And then wrench up the sanctions on china. We started a couple weeks ago, First Time Ever by the United States. The sanctions are going to get much more serious in terms of Financial Institutions being cut off from u. S. Financial systems and also get our allies to do the very same things. This maximum pressure will escalate and increase over time. The trump team i think feels obligated to try this even though they have genuine skepticism about it because its failed in the past but they know full well that no wop applied this maximum pressure that they intend to do and want to give it a try. Lou and certainly, anything short of war would be preferable to war, but at the same time, there is a certain familiarity to all of this, irrespective of the labels we apply whether it be the clinton administration, the Bush Administration or the obama administration, pressure brought, negotiations attempted, deals efforted, and the result has always been the same, a continual march toward the icbm. They demonstrated kim jongun has and will now the real responsibility that they have more than ten Nuclear Warheads available to them to put atop an icbm. It just has the feel of weve tried it before and were doing our best but no good options available. Yeah, i think the administration is clear eyed about the past and what has not worked, but they also feel obligated to go one more time but to put considerable more pressure. We have never gone after china over this, and they are, and thats serious and see if that can squeeze north korea. I mean, i think where kim is and the road hes on, hes made up his mind having Nuclear Weapons is not sufficient deterrence from regime change by the United States. Ive got to have a weapons system that threatens the American People. He thinks he can get the weapons system because he doesnt believe this administration or certainly previous ones for sure were ever conduct a preemptive strike that leads to allout war. Thats the calculation. Lou the calculation of the chinese if they can continue to run hundreds of billions of dollars of trade surpluses with the United States amass vast treasure in trade with us and treating us like the fools weve been in trade as the president has pointed out over these many years. At which point will severe responses be applied to china . Because ultimately the president said it himself other in first quarter, a 40 increase in trade with china and north korea, thats outrageous . We got to reset the table with china. They clearly made up their mind to dominate the far east, the pacific, asia itself, they want to challenge the United States, they see themselves as eventually holding that status themselves. We are on a collision course with them. We got to start to get tough with them once and for all. This is as good an issue certainly where the American People may be at risk to start pushing back on china in a comprehensive way. Lou general jack keane as always, good to have you with us. Good talking to you, lou. Lou breaking news now, illinois democratically controlled house voted to override the governors veto and will enact the first budget in illinois in more than two years. Republican Governor Bruce Rauner fought to stop the 36 billion spending plan and the 5 billion in tax increases, but democrats control 67 of the 118 house seats. 37 of the 58 senate seats, and the deal is done. The dems have responded to the crisis they have created. Be sure to vote in our poll tonight cast your vote on twitter, wed like to hear from you, follow me on twitter, like me on facebook, follow me on instagram at lou dobbs tonight. Twitter followers are fired up about the new thriller with jim born, putins gambut. Sherry wrote on facebook and thank you for buying the book. Keep writing, keep tweeting, viewers whose comments are read receive an autographed copy of putins gambut. The dow fell 158 points. The s p also down sharply losing 23. The nasdaq down 61. Not a good day. Volume continued, light trading, 3. 3 billion shares. Markets dragged lower by technology. Analysts are warning that investors could rotate out of tech into cheaper stocks which would benefit from higher rates. We want to caution you, if i maker the feds declaration of higher Interest Rates are very much likely to be mitigated by the unwinding of massive Balance Sheet and the prospect of low inflation, inflation below its target of 2 . Two factors that could influence the direction of race in the months ahead and a direction that the fed itself hasnt chosen. The trade deficit narrowed in may dropping more than 2 , exports hit a twoyear high. A reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coasttocoast, yes, on the salem radio network. Up next, five months ago, outgoing president obama pledged to remain silent and let his successor govern as president of the United States. Mr. Obama has broken his promise repeatedly since then. I take up that in my commentary tonight and much more. Stay with us. Well be right back. Liberty mutual stood with us when a fire destroyed the living room. We were able to replace everything in it. Liberty did what . Liberty mutual paid to replace all of our property that was damaged. And we didnt have to touch our savings. Yeah, our insurance wont do that. Well, there goes my boat. You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. 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On january 30th, obama denounced President Trumps travel ban. Since then, hes hit the republican efforts to rescue his failed health care program, and President Trumps decision to exit the paris climate deal. Mr. Obama has even embarked on a world tour that appears to be clearly organized to mirror, to shadow President Trumps meetings with foreign leaders. Obama met with the former Prime Ministers of italy and britain. He talked with Germanys Angela Merkel in may before the president just hours before her meeting with President Trump. Mr. Obama had dinner with Canadas Justin Trudeau last month, and obama met with south koreas new president moon jaein in this past monday. Only three days after President Trump met with the Korean Leader at the white house. Three days. The former president s shadowing of President Trump is appalling and so is the silence of the national leftwing media who have supported obama in his egregiously awful behavior since he left office and, of course, throughout his eight years as president. Theres nothing surprising in it at all of course, the former president who spent the eight years undermining core values, traditions and National Interests to boot. And who now does his very best to undercut President Trump and the will of the American People, and ive noticed, have you, that theres been not one demwith sufficient integrity to protest the offensive and aggressive acts of a former president who is now only extending his president ial record of failure through these disgusting efforts to subvert President Trump and his administration, and i admit ive been reluctant to add up the leaders of the gop who have come to President Trumps defense. Maybe one day soon. Our quotation of the evening, this from thomas payne who said were coming right back. Stay with us. President trump explaining to the world just how unfair the national leftwing media has been to him. They have been fake news for a long time. Theyve been covering me in a very, very dishonest way. Lou well take up the disgrateful leftwing medias attack with the dean, ed rollins is next. Gliding across the waters of the San Francisco bay, has a surprise waiting for him. You dont want to miss, it well be back with the video and much more. Stay with us. For your heart. Your joints. Or your digestion. So why wouldnt you take something for the most important part of you. Your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. Deartheres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced. Our senses awake. Our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say. If you love something set it free. See you around, giulia eyet some cards limit where yout earn bonus cash back to a few places. And then, change those places every few months. Enough with that with quicksilver from capital one youve always earned unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Welcome to unlimited whats in your wallet . Lou this just in, congressman Steve Scalise is recovering from surgery this evening for an infection related to his gunshot wound. Doctors at the Medstar Washington Hospital Center say the louisiana congressman, quote, tolerated the procedure well. The House Majority whip returned to intensive care yesterday when his condition was downgraded to serious from fair after the infection was discovered. Hes been hospitalized since being shot on a virginia ball field back on the 14th june. Joining me now to discuss the congressional efforts to pass a health care bill, the president s european trip and a lot more. Ed rollins who served in three president ial administrations, chief political adviser to the House Republican leadership, the dean himself. Thank you. Lou lets start with first of all, the president in warsaw. Now in hamburg, germany. He is, for want of a better expression, hes a rock star. He is, a fabulous speech today. I traveled with ronald reagan, heard every speech he gave. This was a reaganesque speech. We forget how important the polish people were in the change of the democracies, leck walesa became a union leader, Pope John Paul one of the leaders, to go poland which is symbolic because the russians arent behaving well and the chinese obviously arent supporting us and the north koreans are very dangerous, i thought it was a very important speech today. Lou and the president also said talking about russia and efforts at destabilizing, whether the United States or anywhere else in the world, and to curtail that. Being attacked in this country, you could listen to the chipmunks in the national leftwing media gnawing on it all day long as if he had not said and confronted russia precisely on the issue of destabilizing in intervening in everyones affairs. The first words out of his mouth was russia. The other words were may, he didnt stand up to russia. Excuse me, he was front and center with that. Tomorrow, hell be tough, hell rise to that occasion. Lou and what is very clear is that we need a different kind of leadership right now in washington. We need people who understand that russia has an immense Nuclear Arsenal and icbm arsenal and Delivery Systems whether at sea or within russia itself. People are acting like, i think, very shallow, very foolish, beating their chests about more sanctions on russia. That will do absolutely first of all, its done no good and secondly will do nothing to build a different kind of approach strategically. The only thing the russians understand, this is a president , who was a Prime Minister who could be there for life. Hes jiggered that system to where hes been there forever and continue to be there forever. The only thing they understand is strength. Reagan understood that when he rebuilt the defenses of the country. Trump is going to stand tough all the way through and we will match them in any field and the behavior has to be called out constantly. Lou and this business with the president , the former president barack obama, attacking trump, subvert, making every effort to subvert the president. There has never been in history a president who behaved so ugly and so awfully as he has toward his successor. He started with the apology tour before he got in the office, he was running around the world saying im sorry for what americans have done as opposed to every place is thankful for what americans have done. He was a pussycat for eight years, thats why we have the situation in korea as jack keane and others said earlier tonight. My sense is this is a tough guy in the oval office, not always going to have smooth edges, not always going to be loved by the mainstream media, who cares, at the end of the day, hes going to be loved on the job and the American People appreciative of it. Lou ed rollins, thank you. Take care. Lou unsuspecting kiteboarder gliding effortlessly over the water, and then, and then, there it is almost colliding with a giant humpback whale going right over his back. Skill enthusiast skimming right over the top of that large mammal before spreading his arms in sheer amazement what had happened. By the way, no harm at all to the 40 ton mammal. Up next, President Trump hitting obama for not acting on alleged russian interference in the election. He did nothing about it. The reason is he thought hillary was going to win, and if he thought i was going to win, he would have done plenty about it. Thats the real request, why did he do nothing from august all the way to november 8th . Why did he do nothing . Lou i take that up with Lieutenant Colonel tony shaffer who joins me next. The fella on the left having a good time. Why not . How if guests book direct ater, choicehotels. Com and stay twice theyll get a 50 gift card . Summertime. Badda book. Badda boom. Got you a shirt . I kept the receipt. Book now at choicehotels. Com youre searching for something. Like the perfect deal. On the perfect hotel. So wouldnt it be perfect if there was a single site where you could find the right hotel for you at the best price . There is. Because tripadvisor now compares prices from over 200 booking sites. To save you up to 30 . On the hotel you want. Trust this birds words. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. Lou President Trump today addressing russias meddling in will 2016 election and he slammed former president obama for doing absolutely nothing about it. So it was russia and i think it was probably others also and thats been going on for a long period of time. But my big question is why did obama do nothing about it from august all the way to november 8th . He did nothing about it, and it wasnt because he choked. Lou it wasnt because he choked . Well, the president has his opinion. Well see what our next guest says. Mr. Trumps speech today a direct poke in the eye to putin. Joining us Lieutenant Colonel tony shaffer, senior fellow with the London Center for policy research and it is great to have you with us. Thank you, lou, good to be on, thank you, sir. The president giving a great speech. He is in command of the g20 no matter whos there now. It is really interesting how he is performing and addressing these issues, he doesnt even blink. Hes dealing with media. The national leftwing media are a bunch of snakes and lets keep moving on. Your reaction to the performance so far . Today i listened to his speech and i believed it was emblematic of the brandenberg june 1987 speech of tear that wall down. A huge issue, a Russian Company has him over a barrel on that and restated with unequivocal clarity the article 5 stipulation of nato. So i think its very clear that whatever president obama did or did not do, the stern talking to, lou, he gave to president putin in september of last year apparently didnt take, and very clear that President Trump is very clear in his stance on this, and i do believe hell probably bring very serious issues up when he meets with Vladimir Putin later this week. I get a kick out of the leftwing commentators who are not even theyre oblivious to the economic realities of europe. Completely. Lou and the europeans utter dependency on russia for energy. The fact that the Trump Administration is already moving to be able to transport lng gas to europe to offset that dependency. Right. Lou this is an administration already making critically important economic and trade moves to change the algorithm that is the russia, european, american relationship. Right, and thats the key. And several said last year the best thing president obama could do if he wanted to push russia back is export europe to help the europeans become independent. And the other thing ive heard folks on the network say this speech is uncharacteristic of donald trump. I dont think people on our side are studying donald trump either. Again, lou, hes been very clear, you know who it is, probably, and look, its very clear that President Trump has been very consistent in message about trying to learn what we can do to leverage our resources, all resources. Again, the economics of the situation can and will and should be used for national security. Thats exactly what hes doing here, i think its a brilliant move. Lou and as we look at what is happening in particular with president , the former president obama who is subverting and obvious in every, seems like all of his energy success spent trying subvert this presidency and the administration is not responding to it, i think, sufficiently. But for that matter, the left, the dems arent do anything to curtail this president who is a narcissistic campaign of some sort that defies both history and current explanation. What should happen here . What should we do about a president who insists upon imposing himself on the world stage . Its sauled sedition, we need to look at that from the perspective of President Trump and his staff and team continuing to push out the obama holdovers who are really trying to do damage, and then i read an article three days ago, president obama volunteered to rebuild the democrat party. Like typhoid mary trying to help new york city with sanitation. This is that bad. It doesnt stop them from enforcing the bad behavior of the past. President Obamas Administration failed miserably across the board and mr. Trump has a long way to go to readdress all those failures and try to put us back on the road. He needs to get the obama folks tout do that properly. Lou you make a very good point in that President Trump has to repair so much of the damage. Precisely. Lou that President Trump created are in country. And wants to continue, and wants to continue. Lou yeah, and meanwhile, hes leading a nation and trying to build a future and doing, my opinion, quite a good job of it. Lieutenant colonel tony shaffer, good to have you here. Thank you, sir up. Next, what President Trump wants from his upcoming meeting with Vladimir Putin. Kimberly guilfoyle joins me, well talk about the g20 developments and tomorrows meeting with Vladimir Putin. I said it. Thats right. Trump meets putin. In a quick programming note, ill be on hannity talking with Laura Ingraham how President Trump left the dems sputtering. Join us at 10 00 on the fox news channel. A lot more straight ahead. Stay with us. People would ask me in Different Countries that we traveled, what is your nationality and i would always answer hispanic. So when i got my ancestry dna results it was a shocker. Im from all nations. It puts a hunger in your heart to want to know more. When a fire destroyedwith us everything in our living room. We replaced it all without touching our savings. Yeah, our insurance wont do that. No. You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Lou in ouron line poll we asked, do you believe the United States will have to go do war against north korea and possibly china . 55 of you say yes. Joining us is kip werely guilfoyle. Lets start with the speech today by our president , compared favorably to reagan, 1987. Kimberly i would say compared accurately. Even some of the president s biggest detractors were loathe to criticize him on today. It was very well received. Hes coming into his own and hitting his stride. Hes proud that hes our president in the way he spoke and the way he addressed this country and the International Audience that was listening. Lou i tend to be a little less than impartial on these things. But this leftwing media gaggle of critics trying to find something to say, almost begging the president to at every stop in every day say i dont like Vladimir Putin, i hate russia. Who knows. They just keep going on as if its a campaign instead of today vern nance. They dont instead of governance. Kimberly well probably have to get used to it. They cannot overcome themselves and their petty emotions. They lost the election and they would like to relitigate this over and over again. Anything they can do to d delegitimize the president and the office. They wouldnt even give him credit for that. Lou we look back on 8 years obama it wasnt 8 years supporting American Values and traditions. It was usually the inverse. We shouldnt be surprised. Kimberly the problem is he missed the memo. He still thinks hes president of the United States. He happens to be in the right place at the right time wherever trump is going to be to undermine his presidency and policies. Its unbelievable. He had his 8 years and its over now. Lou this is a president being followed by his predecessor who is shadowing him with his appearance with World Leaders. Its sick what hes doing. Kimberly there is a deep state working to undermine donald trump and his authority and administration. We have a former president going on tour being an obstructionist. The bushes didnt behave that way. Lou we havent seen any president even close to this. President obama began his presidency with an an apology tour. Now hes following President Trump in his wake wherever he goes. Its silly beyond comprehension. Kimberly look at all the time President Trump and his administration have to spend undoing the 8 years of overreaching by president obama and his team. He was elected strongly by the working men and women across this country to get it done. Lou tomorrow mornings meeting with putin. What do you expect . He said that putin has to stop destabilizing countries around the world. What do you expect tomorrow . Kimberly i think President Trump doesnt suffer fools. He will go in there and be strong. Thats what pu thats what Vladimir Putin expects. And well be better off for it. Im glad they will go over these things face to face. We see every time President Trump had the opportunity, hes good at these interpersonal relationships, sitting down with whether it was the president of china or all the World Leaders he has been able to come across, its been favorable. Its not like cowering hiding in the shadows worrying about climate change. Lou kimberly guilfoyle. Thank you very much. The five. Thats you, right . Kimberly exactly. Me and my friends. Lou we have a great new book to recommend written by my buddy jim born and i, putins gambit. Joanne wrote in and said, looking forward to reading a book by a tell it like it is journalist. Your show is one i never miss. Every viewer whose comment is read on the show receives an autographs copy of putins gambit. Good night. Dagen President Trump making waves in europe ahead of his big meeting with russian president Vladimir Putin. Ambassador john bolton has some insights. Senator ted cruz says he has the remedy for the gop healthcare plan. How will it work . And will fellow republicans get on board . Billionaire facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is pushing universal income. One state is trying to get on board. Is it doomed . Well have that and more

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