Transcripts For FBC Lou Dobbs Tonight 20170526 : comparemela

Transcripts For FBC Lou Dobbs Tonight 20170526

thrcthis afternoon. but. u.s. intelligence agencies were accused of leaking information about terror attack in manchester to the u.s. media. >> i will be making clear to president trump today, that intelligence that is shared between law enforcement agencies must remain secure. reporter: british prime minister theresa may frustration was result of disclosure of "new york times" that not only named the terrorist in the manchester attack, but released entails only known to british officials. for his part president trump promised action, saying that alleged leaks are troubling, the leaks have been going on for a long time. and my administration will get to the bottom of this. intelligence dispute on a day when another brewing controversy threatened to dampen opening of nato new state of the art headquarters here, president trump using his first nato summit to insist this america's european partners pay up. >> the same reason that i have been very, very direct with secretary and members of the alliance in saying that nato members must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial b be obligation. reporter: they are supposed to contribute 2% of gdp but of 28 own keys only 5, u.s., uk, poland,est tonia and greece meet that criterthat yeah. >> this is not fair to people of united states, main owe massive aims of money from past years, not paying in those past years. reporter: france is close to nato's 2% goal, today, emmanuel macron had a working lunch with president trump on the sidelines here at the su summit. after which they agreed to work together. after 30 hours give or take here, president made his way back to italy, he is off to sicily for g-7 summit, there are a number of issues that president would like to get his hands on most notably economical co cooperation. and security coordination, and maybe even a little about climate change, we'll see in paris climate accord comes up. trish: thank you so much kevin corke. new reports say uk has resumed sharing intelligence with the u.s. after stopping. amid all those concerns about the leaks, a british intelligence official saying that sharing relationship is now pullin fulchinoinging -- fully operating. our first guest, to discuss damaging intel leaks, and. we have former u.n. ambassador to united nations, and fox news contributor mr. john bol bolton. ambassador welcome. >> glad to be with you. trish: let's talk about nato first not paying up. the rest cannot be bothered, how does this change? >> it has been going on for a long time. that is why i think when trump has brought to this, is to get determination of allies to agree too commitments they have made. i think maybe trump can shake them up, when you see germany spending 1.1% barely over half what they committed to, we're subsidizing german welfare state, how many americans feel good about that. trish: no, and germany can afford it. i thought it was interesting to watch, he said you have to do your part, pay what you agreed to pay. you have leaders there listening to him. do you think that really has put the pressure on in a way that ambassador, we have not seen before? >> i certainly hope so. i think in private meeting, president could have said rea we'll work with you, we understand you can't ramp your budget up, buttery has reversed good cop, bad cop so the bad cop in public that puts political pressure o otta allies. trish: all right, to this intel. uk back sharing intel with us, but they had to back off because american intelligence officials are leaking to the media. this is getting out of control here. and in many ways, could affect security. worldwide, what has happened in the intelligence community? >> absolutely, i am not sure it is from intelligence community, it could have been from the fbi. a law enforcement to law enforcement community, leaking out of somewhere. i have to say i think that theresa may is justified in her concern. you know, as this information was being respected in american press, brits raised threat level to highest possible with armed troops on the streets of british cities because, i think they fear another attack may be imminent. to disclose thisnismic to terrorist -- information to terrorists still preparing to strike could give them valuable information about what law enforcement knows aboufirst attack or modify second attack, i think that president responded well by saying he found it unacceptable. he needs to come back and have a serious discussion with law enforcement and intelligence about the flood of leaks that we've seen on a whole varieties of subjects. trish: it is not isolated to this particular instant. when you are trying to run a country, and you have people from within, that may be against you in are dib rattily trying to -- deliberately trying to sabotage you, how do you get to the bottom of that, how is he going to figure out who doing the leaking and change things? >> i think two things add broadest level we could should come in a bipartisan spirit, whether leaks harm barack obama or donald trump, they are bad for the country. but i specific case that trump faces now, he has to focus on some of these leaks that are damaging, when only a small number of people know at the beginning. therefore you can trace conversations, i think he needs to fire some people, this is something that if people don't feel any sense they have an obligation morally, to keep the cu country secrets, maybe fear of loss their job all sve as deterrent effect. trish: a very sad state when u see people putting pettiness of politics ahead of what is good for country, and for world security. does ambassador john bolton. >> room wire coming right back with -- we're coming right back with more. >> mick mulvaney bashing the cbolatest healthcare core. >> they have been wrong on so many things. trish: the dean, ed rollins is joining us next on president's repeals and replacing obamacare. >> a bombshell report reveals that obama's nsa illegally spy 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discuss today's court rulings and new hurdles that republicans place to repeal and replace obamacare, the dean, ed rollins. >> nice to be with you. trish: he is doing what he can, trying to to keep us safe, i think that is number one priority of any president. >> without question. i applaud fact it i is it is going to supreme court, the supreme court will rule he has the ability too tr to secure the borders, circuit court this is a heavily democrat circuit court, i think at the end of the day he will need this whole time he is president to have this ability to find, the one -- >> what kind of precedent are we setting saying that judges know more about national security. >> that is not their role, their role is to interpret the constitution, nothing says anything less than president has right to protective orders. >> right now in uk, this is a guy, that went to libya, we're not talking about you know, a lot of countries, we're talking a few, that have failed to tractorrists that are training in their -- track the terrorists that are training in those country. they don't know who is there. >> at end of day, great britain is a great ally of ours, they have two terrible incidents of late, we're the ultimate target. they will try something bigger and better, but at same time we have to always be diligent, i think that president and his people are very diligence at-this-point in time and need the tools to be able to do that. trish: turning to the cbo . a lot of people saying you cannot take them too seriously with a poor track record, but concern that republicans will have a harder time on repeal and replace because of that cbo report. >> that is true, and i am sorry for, that i would like to did away with filibusters. i think that majority should rule, not a minority, and right now the minority is ruling much my sense is that, let's take this thing and see how far we can get. when you have a margin of two votes, you can lose the big issues like this. problem is that whole thing. is that you take things away from people, normally you give stuff to people. so there will be a lot of objects, and changes taking place, battle is just beginning. trish: just beginning. >> beginning. trish: does this happen? >> i think it happens in the president gets found speed on the issue. and goes out and makes his case to the nation. he had a trip dous -- tremendous foreign policy trip, he needs to know substance of this bill, and need to go to district that matter and make the case for why this is good. trish: just like overseas, he made quite a case to members of nato. >> no question. trish: this is getting silly. >> this is something they volunteered, this is not something we empoi embassy posed, we're -- imposed, we're paying 22% of that budget. it is not us have that has to worry about russia it is europe. trish: they never stood up to putin, they have not been standing up to islamic extremist either. >>hey will have a lot of long-term problem, we have greatest military in the world we can protect ourselves, but we want to be a part of their environment, and make sure terrorism does in the take place. trish: do you think that it will start to change, they have not been paying their 2%. you get the likes of this one, i keep saying, idea that greece is somehow managing to come up with their 2%, and estonia, but germany can't. >> they have been called to task on it at-this-point. if they don't i follow his lead, if may take a year or two, then i think that president will keep beating on them, beating on them just fi abily. trish: turning to leaks that are happening continued to happen, and we just saw, a in the case of manchester. that people here were leaking to american media details about that case. so much so they uk said, we can't share intelligence any more, really putting our intelligence gathering into jeopardy. what -- how does he change this? this is ao. >> these needs too bring in leaders of various intelligence entities lay the law down, and say, i want you to -- fbi director whoever it may be or she may be, and cia all of rift, say ridiculous, we're destroying our ability communicate internally, and media now having a field day on us. we are under cutting our friends, in the world. and this is going to be long-term fight we have to stop, there is no need to know american public to know what happened behind the scenes in manchester, they my b may be clearius but ther curious but there is no need to know, this is a deadly situation. trish: in tonight a poll, are manchester intel leaks proof that president trump needs to drain the swamp. >> follow lou on twitter, at lou dobbs, like him on facebook, and follow him on instagram. we have a record breaking da for stocks. dow gained 71, s&p you of len, and nasdaq up 42. closing at all-time highs there why. volume on big board 3 1/2 billion share, best buy surging more than 20% after beating estimates and boosting outlook, crude oil falling 5%. reminder to listen to lou's financial reports 3 times a day, coming up next, less than 3 hours from polls closing in montana's high stake special congressional election. there is a lot of uncertainty after the republican frontrunner was charged with allegedly attacking a reporter, we have a full report from the "fox reporter" who witnessed the entire shocking incident herself, stay with ususususus if you often suffer from a dry mouth, over time it can lead to cavities and bad breath. that's why there is biotene, the # 1 dry mouth brand recommended by dentists. biotene. for people who suffer from a dry mouth. ♪ but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. trish: voters in montana heading to polls tonight, special elect to replace in the house but race taking an ugly turn just hours before polls open with republican candidate greg gianforte accused of body slamming a reporter, fox news correspondent alicia was there, and witnessed that confrontation, she has our report from bozeman, montana. >> i am sick and tired of you guys, get the hell out of here. reporter: greg gianforte looked like a safe bet until he threw to the ground a reporter, the night before the elections, police charge greg gianforte is misdemeanor assault that carries a poible 6 month jail sentence. 37% of absentee ballots had already been submitted. >> how you run your election. reporter: he is facing rob quiftz quist, a bernie sanders supporter. democrats capitalize on last minute campaign gift with a web ad saying that greg gianforte has no business being in congress. and 3 biggest newspapers quickly retracked their endorsement. and as they voted, greg gianforte stayed away from cameras, on capitol hill, republicans and democrats were quick to condemn the violence. >> there never a call for physical altercation. >> come on, behave. >> we need more people in dc to help my father. >> big nape se. >> quist brought in bernie sanders, both ran on outsider platforms, but even before political watchers here told fox greg gianforte's style could be an issue. >> i think that perception is that he is a little pricklier than maybe other candidates have been in the past. reporter: sheriff of the county said that case remains open, and is now in hands of county attorney. trish. trish: thank you so much. >> we'll be right back. with much more. stay with us. >> president trump calling for worldwide support in fight to defeat radical islamic terror. >> all people who cherish life must unite in finding exposing and removing these killers and extremists. they are losers. >> general jackson keen joining -- jackso jax jacke joi. ♪ you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor recommended gaviscon. it quickly neutralizes stomach acid and helps keep acid down 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[laughs] ah... ahem... show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new trish: the british air force sending a message to isis. a royal air force bomb that will be dropped on isis in the east in has a handwritten note that says love from manchester. a u.s. guided missile destroyer sailed near 12 miles of one of china's man made islands in the south china sea. the mischief reef is one of the islands build by china that includes a runway. our next guest says the u.s. has to get tough with china. joining me, retired four-star general and military analyst general jack keane. what do we need to do about china right now, especially when we need your help in north korea? >> they are tramping over our allies in the region. conducting presence patrol in the vicinity of the artificial islands they created every six months is not going to do much for us in terms of pushing back on china. we need a get tough policy with china that may be reverse logic for some, but i think the chinese would respond to that. we need a strategy to get tough on china that includes diplomacy, economic and military. the chinese have to know that we are serious about protect our allies in the region thant that has to get started soon. we cannot delay that because of our interest in china helping us with north korea. i believe they are gaming us anyway with north korea. trish: how so? >> they said they were not going to take nicole from north korea. but the fact is they have taken coal from north korea for the two months after they said they weren't take it anymore. they said they wouldn't kiss tribute any oil to north korea. we don't have a way of check on that because most of igo through a pipeline. i suspect it's still going through that pipeline. i believe in my judgment they are not going to be able to get us the results we need with north korea and we have to start getting tough with china. trish: president trump refrained from labeling them currency manipulator. we have the commerce secretary wilbur rolls working with them on trade. then this. are you surprised they effectively took a swipe at us there? >> what the chinese have done with their own people and what they do with us and our allies, because of the economic viability they have, and partnership they are willing to establish. they are willing to let capitalism sweep into their country. what they really want is political support for their regime. that's what they have been doing, game us for years. they will never walk away from that economic partnership because they can't afford to. but we should not be caving in geopolitically to them as we have for the last 8 years so they have their way in the western pacific and in asia. trish: in terms of standing up, it's not just china. we are dealing with nato. nato has not been carrying its weight. it hasn't been and active, shall we say as it could be or should have been. president trump saying, look, you have got to start paying up. we made an agreement, you guys agreed to it. you have to start carrying your weight. what do you want to see out of nato as we look forward here over the next 3 and a half years? >> they have complacent leaders in nato. they are at a point, it's so sad it's been going on for a couple of decades. they do not have the political and northerly coverage to stand up and defend their own people. here we have isis who declared war against nato and the international order. they attacked 8 countries in the nato a total of 32 times. in the "wall street journal" today, the secretary-general of nato says terrorism is threatening our values, pour freedom and our way of life. but in the same article he says but we'll not conduct ground operations against the terrorists. that's shameful they are not willing to risk their soldiers lives to protect their own citizens. we should drive that safe haven in syria away. it's been there since 2012. this killing is going upon because that's where the inspiration comes from, that's where the direction comes from, and the recruiting and training had been taking place. but they are not willing to do something about it. that's outrageous. trish: do you think any of that is going to change? has manchester influenced? they have been facing these attacks much like us, yet you don't think the will is there, general? >> these lead letters keep coming up just asker reelsa may did, talk about how horrific and awful this is. they have compassion and human hearts to be sure. but where is the action? where is the action to prevent this from happening again? they don't do anything about the multi-cultural neighborhoods of muslims completely isolated from the mainstream of their so sights where the unemployment is double or triple the rates of other so sights. those community continue to suffer and some of their young people are pulled along because they are seeking a sense of purpose and the radicals nipulate them and bring them into the fold. it's outrageous what goes on in these community throughout europe and they don't take action against isis where all this germ naits in the safe havens. i don't think much will change, frankly. trish: i wish it were different. be sure to vote in tonight's poll. are the manchester intel leaks proof that president trump needs to drain the swamp at our intelligence agencies? cast your vote on twitter @loudobbs. this is a good one. this surfer taking snacking to new extremes. he's getting a drone sushi delivery on his surfboard off the coast of portugal. he proceeds to catch a wave and enjoy his snack. even using chop sticks while riding through the barrel of a wave. it's an impressive thing to do, i would say. coming up next, growing questions about illegal surveillance. >> we are not going to reauthorize these surveillance program if the american people aren't certain their security will be safeguard. it's a privilege to request a u.s. person temperatures name be unmasked. next, how the obama spy scandal compares to fast presidential scandals. introducing new parodontax. the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ♪ won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. switch and you could save $509 on auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. trish: the left-wing national media is refusing to cover a stunning abuse of power by the obama administration. they spied on intentionally and routinely and violated the rights of thousands of americans. reporter: house minority leader nancy pelosi is a member of the gang of 8 briefed on intelligence issues. but she confessed ignorance of this week's disclosure that the national security agency violated americans' 4th amendment rights. >> i have not been briefed on the particular case they are referencing. reporter: in declassified documents the foreign intelligence surveillance court scold the nsa for a lack of candor. jason chaffetz fold fox news the documents appear to show the obama administration routinely abused the surveillance tools. reporter: do you think someone should go to prison for it. >> if they did it and they violated and ignored process and procedures to protect our privacy, yes, they should go to prison. reporter: civil liberties groups say the disclosure should factor into legislators decision to on whether to reauthorize the program. >> i don't think the problem will be solved by just an investigation by department of justice. we have authorities broadly drafted that allow surveillance that is concerning. reporter: the sheer scale of the 4th amendment violations is stunning as is the rebuke by the fisa court. so far the story has not been cored by "the washington post," the ne "new york times" r the three major news networks on the effect news. presidential historian doug wiek. fundal alley, this is spying. has any other president done anything like it? >> we never had anything quite like this, i'm sorry, trish. it's not only scary, it's sad. the sad thing is they expected hillary clinton to win the election and we would never know this. we would never be told this. hillary clinton when her husband won the election she appointed her best friend to head up the irs. margaret richardson, and they went after the clinton's enemies. just imagine what would have happened in america if donald trump had not won. you will hear people, trish, i see people on television arguing saying i don't care if the government listens to my phone calls and reads my emails, i don't care. that's a stupid statement. do they think thomas jefferson and john adams were members of a criminal class that needed to draft this bill of rights and the constitution to protect their nefarious deeds? the fact is, they after hundreds of years through history evolves these wonderful documents to protect us because once the government zeros in on someone and hears something and thinks something, they can get you. trish: i'm going to stop you there. i'm wondering, how do we deal with it in this type of environment where these terrorists are connectingon line? and they are on these social media sites. this is where they meet, this is where they connect. how do we prevent them from connecting if we also want to be protective of everybody's rights in this process? >> we go after the terrorists. donald trump said that. but we don't go after james rosen how just interviewed. and he was targeted. trish: he sure was. he was part of this. everyday americans are getting wrapped up in this and you you think for nefarious political purposes rather than intelligence gathering to keep our country safe. >> 100 years ago cardinal richelaeau. he said give me 9 lines written by anyone and i can have him hung as a criminal. what we need to protect ourselves is from a government that uses its intelligence for political purposes. i agree. let's go after the terrorists. don't hold anything back. let's not go after james rosen base happens to have a different political view than the person in power. trish: well said. coming up next. former president trump praising globalism in germany while taking a veiled swipe, throwing a swipe at president trump. >> if there are disruptions and conflict and bad governance and war and poverty, in this new ♪ here comes the fun with sea-doo. starting at just $5,299 and get 0 percent financing. visit today. brtry new flonase sensimists. allergy relief instead of allergy pills. it delivers a gentle mist experience to help block six key inflammatory substances. most allergy pills only block one. new flonase sensimist changes everything. when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ what we do every night is like something out of a strange dream. except that the next morning it all makes sense. to power global e-commerce fedex networks are massive, far-reaching and, yes... a little magical. slash dream trib * we candidate you, do you believe the national left-wing media is complicit in obama's shameful spy scandal? 9% said yes -- 96% said yes, it is. joining me is charlie hurt and katie freiten. good to have both you guys here. let me start with what's going on overseas and get your sense of how the path is faring there. he's phase with the challenges at home. but he's got former president of the united states over there basically, you saw the clip. throwing some shade at him talking about how the warm is not way to go. this seems to be pretty tasteless, pretty outrageous. i don't know how president obama thought it was a good idea to go and try to upstage the president on his first international trip. your thoughts? >> for a man who allegedly says he's so ground and so humbled, the former president likes to remind everyone how humble and grounded he is. that's the same thing that happened today. former presidents are the only people in the world who can truly relate to you. president obama is breaking down those bond by taking the time to sit with angela merkel and attack a sitting president. it's not good for america and doesn't look good to the rest of the world. trish: is this himself saying i'm going to do this because i feel this strongly about president trump? is this the democratic party saying you have got to push this a little bit? maybpresident trump is doing a little too well? charlie: his presidency was all about him. we look back over the past 8 years, democrats lost over 1,000 seats nationwide because of his policies. i was the only one who managed to get re-elected and have any success because he was sort of a singular personality that people liked. but his regard for himself is just staggering. it used to be foreign policy ended at our shores. and not on apparently that doesn't count anymore. but he will go over there and try to step on president trump's trip. but not only that. he's also like offering a diametrically opposed vision that was thwarted in the past election. trish: it's tasteless, a lack of class to go over there and do that right now at this particular time. but perhaps that's just him. let me turn to the montana election. greg gianforte is being charged with assault. you heard the tape, you heard what happened, basically he body slammed according to alicia our own reporter who was there. but what i find crazy about all this is you have members of the media saying that this is all because of donald trump, that this guy who did a bad thing, he did it because it's okay because of donald trump. explain to me that logic. charlie: it's another example where these guys will politicize anything and everything and blame donaldrump for everything. it's surprising we haven't blamed it on the russians and found a russian connection for why the guy did this. this is a one-off sort of thing. the guy doesn't like the press. he didn't handle it the best way. but the truth of the matter, considering what people think of the media, maybe if this guy had done this before so many people voted, it might have helped him in the election. trish: i don't know about that. but people are sort of fed up with the media. katie, i would say a lot of journalists come to work every day and they just want to do their job and get the story and get the answer right. there is another part of the journalist population that basically thinks they know all the answers, and they want evidence to support whatever answer is in their head. answer right now they have in their head is donald trump is bad for america. so are they not willing to go out and take any little thing they can and pin it on them? >> what does that have to do with trump? this man's reaction to a reporter was you a paulingly disgusting. if you want to be a politician you have to get used to people asking you things. trish: you have got to be able to handle it. >> it doesn't matter if you are republican or democrat. it was so far out of line -- trish: but it had at home thankr watching, now here is lou dobbs. trish: i am trish regan in for lou dobbs, president trump vowing to prosecute those responsibility for leaking intelligence about manchester terror attack to media, calling for a full investigation after british officials made it clear they were outraged that american media disclosed identity of the manchester suicide bomber before the uk police, president today condemning the leaks as a graif grave threat to our national security. kevin corke is traveling with the president in brussels. reporter: they may have been all smiles at family photo

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New York , United States , Montana , Germany , China , Portugal , Syria , Russia , Manchester , United Kingdom , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Tonia , Poland General , Poland , China Sea , Brunei General , Brunei , North Korea , Libya , France , Italy , Americans , America , Chinese , British , German , Russian , Russians , American , Angela Merkel , Trish Regan , Asia Trish , John Bolton , Jason Chaffetz , Trish , John Adams , Margaret Richardson , Jack Keane , Mick Mulvaney , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For FBC Lou Dobbs Tonight 20170526 :

Transcripts For FBC Lou Dobbs Tonight 20170526

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thrcthis afternoon. but. u.s. intelligence agencies were accused of leaking information about terror attack in manchester to the u.s. media. >> i will be making clear to president trump today, that intelligence that is shared between law enforcement agencies must remain secure. reporter: british prime minister theresa may frustration was result of disclosure of "new york times" that not only named the terrorist in the manchester attack, but released entails only known to british officials. for his part president trump promised action, saying that alleged leaks are troubling, the leaks have been going on for a long time. and my administration will get to the bottom of this. intelligence dispute on a day when another brewing controversy threatened to dampen opening of nato new state of the art headquarters here, president trump using his first nato summit to insist this america's european partners pay up. >> the same reason that i have been very, very direct with secretary and members of the alliance in saying that nato members must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial b be obligation. reporter: they are supposed to contribute 2% of gdp but of 28 own keys only 5, u.s., uk, poland,est tonia and greece meet that criterthat yeah. >> this is not fair to people of united states, main owe massive aims of money from past years, not paying in those past years. reporter: france is close to nato's 2% goal, today, emmanuel macron had a working lunch with president trump on the sidelines here at the su summit. after which they agreed to work together. after 30 hours give or take here, president made his way back to italy, he is off to sicily for g-7 summit, there are a number of issues that president would like to get his hands on most notably economical co cooperation. and security coordination, and maybe even a little about climate change, we'll see in paris climate accord comes up. trish: thank you so much kevin corke. new reports say uk has resumed sharing intelligence with the u.s. after stopping. amid all those concerns about the leaks, a british intelligence official saying that sharing relationship is now pullin fulchinoinging -- fully operating. our first guest, to discuss damaging intel leaks, and. we have former u.n. ambassador to united nations, and fox news contributor mr. john bol bolton. ambassador welcome. >> glad to be with you. trish: let's talk about nato first not paying up. the rest cannot be bothered, how does this change? >> it has been going on for a long time. that is why i think when trump has brought to this, is to get determination of allies to agree too commitments they have made. i think maybe trump can shake them up, when you see germany spending 1.1% barely over half what they committed to, we're subsidizing german welfare state, how many americans feel good about that. trish: no, and germany can afford it. i thought it was interesting to watch, he said you have to do your part, pay what you agreed to pay. you have leaders there listening to him. do you think that really has put the pressure on in a way that ambassador, we have not seen before? >> i certainly hope so. i think in private meeting, president could have said rea we'll work with you, we understand you can't ramp your budget up, buttery has reversed good cop, bad cop so the bad cop in public that puts political pressure o otta allies. trish: all right, to this intel. uk back sharing intel with us, but they had to back off because american intelligence officials are leaking to the media. this is getting out of control here. and in many ways, could affect security. worldwide, what has happened in the intelligence community? >> absolutely, i am not sure it is from intelligence community, it could have been from the fbi. a law enforcement to law enforcement community, leaking out of somewhere. i have to say i think that theresa may is justified in her concern. you know, as this information was being respected in american press, brits raised threat level to highest possible with armed troops on the streets of british cities because, i think they fear another attack may be imminent. to disclose thisnismic to terrorist -- information to terrorists still preparing to strike could give them valuable information about what law enforcement knows aboufirst attack or modify second attack, i think that president responded well by saying he found it unacceptable. he needs to come back and have a serious discussion with law enforcement and intelligence about the flood of leaks that we've seen on a whole varieties of subjects. trish: it is not isolated to this particular instant. when you are trying to run a country, and you have people from within, that may be against you in are dib rattily trying to -- deliberately trying to sabotage you, how do you get to the bottom of that, how is he going to figure out who doing the leaking and change things? >> i think two things add broadest level we could should come in a bipartisan spirit, whether leaks harm barack obama or donald trump, they are bad for the country. but i specific case that trump faces now, he has to focus on some of these leaks that are damaging, when only a small number of people know at the beginning. therefore you can trace conversations, i think he needs to fire some people, this is something that if people don't feel any sense they have an obligation morally, to keep the cu country secrets, maybe fear of loss their job all sve as deterrent effect. trish: a very sad state when u see people putting pettiness of politics ahead of what is good for country, and for world security. does ambassador john bolton. >> room wire coming right back with -- we're coming right back with more. >> mick mulvaney bashing the cbolatest healthcare core. >> they have been wrong on so many things. trish: the dean, ed rollins is joining us next on president's repeals and replacing obamacare. >> a bombshell report reveals that obama's nsa illegally spy 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discuss today's court rulings and new hurdles that republicans place to repeal and replace obamacare, the dean, ed rollins. >> nice to be with you. trish: he is doing what he can, trying to to keep us safe, i think that is number one priority of any president. >> without question. i applaud fact it i is it is going to supreme court, the supreme court will rule he has the ability too tr to secure the borders, circuit court this is a heavily democrat circuit court, i think at the end of the day he will need this whole time he is president to have this ability to find, the one -- >> what kind of precedent are we setting saying that judges know more about national security. >> that is not their role, their role is to interpret the constitution, nothing says anything less than president has right to protective orders. >> right now in uk, this is a guy, that went to libya, we're not talking about you know, a lot of countries, we're talking a few, that have failed to tractorrists that are training in their -- track the terrorists that are training in those country. they don't know who is there. >> at end of day, great britain is a great ally of ours, they have two terrible incidents of late, we're the ultimate target. they will try something bigger and better, but at same time we have to always be diligent, i think that president and his people are very diligence at-this-point in time and need the tools to be able to do that. trish: turning to the cbo . a lot of people saying you cannot take them too seriously with a poor track record, but concern that republicans will have a harder time on repeal and replace because of that cbo report. >> that is true, and i am sorry for, that i would like to did away with filibusters. i think that majority should rule, not a minority, and right now the minority is ruling much my sense is that, let's take this thing and see how far we can get. when you have a margin of two votes, you can lose the big issues like this. problem is that whole thing. is that you take things away from people, normally you give stuff to people. so there will be a lot of objects, and changes taking place, battle is just beginning. trish: just beginning. >> beginning. trish: does this happen? >> i think it happens in the president gets found speed on the issue. and goes out and makes his case to the nation. he had a trip dous -- tremendous foreign policy trip, he needs to know substance of this bill, and need to go to district that matter and make the case for why this is good. trish: just like overseas, he made quite a case to members of nato. >> no question. trish: this is getting silly. >> this is something they volunteered, this is not something we empoi embassy posed, we're -- imposed, we're paying 22% of that budget. it is not us have that has to worry about russia it is europe. trish: they never stood up to putin, they have not been standing up to islamic extremist either. >>hey will have a lot of long-term problem, we have greatest military in the world we can protect ourselves, but we want to be a part of their environment, and make sure terrorism does in the take place. trish: do you think that it will start to change, they have not been paying their 2%. you get the likes of this one, i keep saying, idea that greece is somehow managing to come up with their 2%, and estonia, but germany can't. >> they have been called to task on it at-this-point. if they don't i follow his lead, if may take a year or two, then i think that president will keep beating on them, beating on them just fi abily. trish: turning to leaks that are happening continued to happen, and we just saw, a in the case of manchester. that people here were leaking to american media details about that case. so much so they uk said, we can't share intelligence any more, really putting our intelligence gathering into jeopardy. what -- how does he change this? this is ao. >> these needs too bring in leaders of various intelligence entities lay the law down, and say, i want you to -- fbi director whoever it may be or she may be, and cia all of rift, say ridiculous, we're destroying our ability communicate internally, and media now having a field day on us. we are under cutting our friends, in the world. and this is going to be long-term fight we have to stop, there is no need to know american public to know what happened behind the scenes in manchester, they my b may be clearius but ther curious but there is no need to know, this is a deadly situation. trish: in tonight a poll, are manchester intel leaks proof that president trump needs to drain the swamp. >> follow lou on twitter, at lou dobbs, like him on facebook, and follow him on instagram. we have a record breaking da for stocks. dow gained 71, s&p you of len, and nasdaq up 42. closing at all-time highs there why. volume on big board 3 1/2 billion share, best buy surging more than 20% after beating estimates and boosting outlook, crude oil falling 5%. reminder to listen to lou's financial reports 3 times a day, coming up next, less than 3 hours from polls closing in montana's high stake special congressional election. there is a lot of uncertainty after the republican frontrunner was charged with allegedly attacking a reporter, we have a full report from the "fox reporter" who witnessed the entire shocking incident herself, stay with ususususus if you often suffer from a dry mouth, over time it can lead to cavities and bad breath. that's why there is biotene, the # 1 dry mouth brand recommended by dentists. biotene. for people who suffer from a dry mouth. ♪ but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. trish: voters in montana heading to polls tonight, special elect to replace in the house but race taking an ugly turn just hours before polls open with republican candidate greg gianforte accused of body slamming a reporter, fox news correspondent alicia was there, and witnessed that confrontation, she has our report from bozeman, montana. >> i am sick and tired of you guys, get the hell out of here. reporter: greg gianforte looked like a safe bet until he threw to the ground a reporter, the night before the elections, police charge greg gianforte is misdemeanor assault that carries a poible 6 month jail sentence. 37% of absentee ballots had already been submitted. >> how you run your election. reporter: he is facing rob quiftz quist, a bernie sanders supporter. democrats capitalize on last minute campaign gift with a web ad saying that greg gianforte has no business being in congress. and 3 biggest newspapers quickly retracked their endorsement. and as they voted, greg gianforte stayed away from cameras, on capitol hill, republicans and democrats were quick to condemn the violence. >> there never a call for physical altercation. >> come on, behave. >> we need more people in dc to help my father. >> big nape se. >> quist brought in bernie sanders, both ran on outsider platforms, but even before political watchers here told fox greg gianforte's style could be an issue. >> i think that perception is that he is a little pricklier than maybe other candidates have been in the past. reporter: sheriff of the county said that case remains open, and is now in hands of county attorney. trish. trish: thank you so much. >> we'll be right back. with much more. stay with us. >> president trump calling for worldwide support in fight to defeat radical islamic terror. >> all people who cherish life must unite in finding exposing and removing these killers and extremists. they are losers. >> general jackson keen joining -- jackso jax jacke joi. ♪ you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor recommended gaviscon. it quickly neutralizes stomach acid and helps keep acid down 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[laughs] ah... ahem... show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new trish: the british air force sending a message to isis. a royal air force bomb that will be dropped on isis in the east in has a handwritten note that says love from manchester. a u.s. guided missile destroyer sailed near 12 miles of one of china's man made islands in the south china sea. the mischief reef is one of the islands build by china that includes a runway. our next guest says the u.s. has to get tough with china. joining me, retired four-star general and military analyst general jack keane. what do we need to do about china right now, especially when we need your help in north korea? >> they are tramping over our allies in the region. conducting presence patrol in the vicinity of the artificial islands they created every six months is not going to do much for us in terms of pushing back on china. we need a get tough policy with china that may be reverse logic for some, but i think the chinese would respond to that. we need a strategy to get tough on china that includes diplomacy, economic and military. the chinese have to know that we are serious about protect our allies in the region thant that has to get started soon. we cannot delay that because of our interest in china helping us with north korea. i believe they are gaming us anyway with north korea. trish: how so? >> they said they were not going to take nicole from north korea. but the fact is they have taken coal from north korea for the two months after they said they weren't take it anymore. they said they wouldn't kiss tribute any oil to north korea. we don't have a way of check on that because most of igo through a pipeline. i suspect it's still going through that pipeline. i believe in my judgment they are not going to be able to get us the results we need with north korea and we have to start getting tough with china. trish: president trump refrained from labeling them currency manipulator. we have the commerce secretary wilbur rolls working with them on trade. then this. are you surprised they effectively took a swipe at us there? >> what the chinese have done with their own people and what they do with us and our allies, because of the economic viability they have, and partnership they are willing to establish. they are willing to let capitalism sweep into their country. what they really want is political support for their regime. that's what they have been doing, game us for years. they will never walk away from that economic partnership because they can't afford to. but we should not be caving in geopolitically to them as we have for the last 8 years so they have their way in the western pacific and in asia. trish: in terms of standing up, it's not just china. we are dealing with nato. nato has not been carrying its weight. it hasn't been and active, shall we say as it could be or should have been. president trump saying, look, you have got to start paying up. we made an agreement, you guys agreed to it. you have to start carrying your weight. what do you want to see out of nato as we look forward here over the next 3 and a half years? >> they have complacent leaders in nato. they are at a point, it's so sad it's been going on for a couple of decades. they do not have the political and northerly coverage to stand up and defend their own people. here we have isis who declared war against nato and the international order. they attacked 8 countries in the nato a total of 32 times. in the "wall street journal" today, the secretary-general of nato says terrorism is threatening our values, pour freedom and our way of life. but in the same article he says but we'll not conduct ground operations against the terrorists. that's shameful they are not willing to risk their soldiers lives to protect their own citizens. we should drive that safe haven in syria away. it's been there since 2012. this killing is going upon because that's where the inspiration comes from, that's where the direction comes from, and the recruiting and training had been taking place. but they are not willing to do something about it. that's outrageous. trish: do you think any of that is going to change? has manchester influenced? they have been facing these attacks much like us, yet you don't think the will is there, general? >> these lead letters keep coming up just asker reelsa may did, talk about how horrific and awful this is. they have compassion and human hearts to be sure. but where is the action? where is the action to prevent this from happening again? they don't do anything about the multi-cultural neighborhoods of muslims completely isolated from the mainstream of their so sights where the unemployment is double or triple the rates of other so sights. those community continue to suffer and some of their young people are pulled along because they are seeking a sense of purpose and the radicals nipulate them and bring them into the fold. it's outrageous what goes on in these community throughout europe and they don't take action against isis where all this germ naits in the safe havens. i don't think much will change, frankly. trish: i wish it were different. be sure to vote in tonight's poll. are the manchester intel leaks proof that president trump needs to drain the swamp at our intelligence agencies? cast your vote on twitter @loudobbs. this is a good one. this surfer taking snacking to new extremes. he's getting a drone sushi delivery on his surfboard off the coast of portugal. he proceeds to catch a wave and enjoy his snack. even using chop sticks while riding through the barrel of a wave. it's an impressive thing to do, i would say. coming up next, growing questions about illegal surveillance. >> we are not going to reauthorize these surveillance program if the american people aren't certain their security will be safeguard. it's a privilege to request a u.s. person temperatures name be unmasked. next, how the obama spy scandal compares to fast presidential scandals. introducing new parodontax. the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ♪ won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. switch and you could save $509 on auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. trish: the left-wing national media is refusing to cover a stunning abuse of power by the obama administration. they spied on intentionally and routinely and violated the rights of thousands of americans. reporter: house minority leader nancy pelosi is a member of the gang of 8 briefed on intelligence issues. but she confessed ignorance of this week's disclosure that the national security agency violated americans' 4th amendment rights. >> i have not been briefed on the particular case they are referencing. reporter: in declassified documents the foreign intelligence surveillance court scold the nsa for a lack of candor. jason chaffetz fold fox news the documents appear to show the obama administration routinely abused the surveillance tools. reporter: do you think someone should go to prison for it. >> if they did it and they violated and ignored process and procedures to protect our privacy, yes, they should go to prison. reporter: civil liberties groups say the disclosure should factor into legislators decision to on whether to reauthorize the program. >> i don't think the problem will be solved by just an investigation by department of justice. we have authorities broadly drafted that allow surveillance that is concerning. reporter: the sheer scale of the 4th amendment violations is stunning as is the rebuke by the fisa court. so far the story has not been cored by "the washington post," the ne "new york times" r the three major news networks on the effect news. presidential historian doug wiek. fundal alley, this is spying. has any other president done anything like it? >> we never had anything quite like this, i'm sorry, trish. it's not only scary, it's sad. the sad thing is they expected hillary clinton to win the election and we would never know this. we would never be told this. hillary clinton when her husband won the election she appointed her best friend to head up the irs. margaret richardson, and they went after the clinton's enemies. just imagine what would have happened in america if donald trump had not won. you will hear people, trish, i see people on television arguing saying i don't care if the government listens to my phone calls and reads my emails, i don't care. that's a stupid statement. do they think thomas jefferson and john adams were members of a criminal class that needed to draft this bill of rights and the constitution to protect their nefarious deeds? the fact is, they after hundreds of years through history evolves these wonderful documents to protect us because once the government zeros in on someone and hears something and thinks something, they can get you. trish: i'm going to stop you there. i'm wondering, how do we deal with it in this type of environment where these terrorists are connectingon line? and they are on these social media sites. this is where they meet, this is where they connect. how do we prevent them from connecting if we also want to be protective of everybody's rights in this process? >> we go after the terrorists. donald trump said that. but we don't go after james rosen how just interviewed. and he was targeted. trish: he sure was. he was part of this. everyday americans are getting wrapped up in this and you you think for nefarious political purposes rather than intelligence gathering to keep our country safe. >> 100 years ago cardinal richelaeau. he said give me 9 lines written by anyone and i can have him hung as a criminal. what we need to protect ourselves is from a government that uses its intelligence for political purposes. i agree. let's go after the terrorists. don't hold anything back. let's not go after james rosen base happens to have a different political view than the person in power. trish: well said. coming up next. former president trump praising globalism in germany while taking a veiled swipe, throwing a swipe at president trump. >> if there are disruptions and conflict and bad governance and war and poverty, in this new ♪ here comes the fun with sea-doo. starting at just $5,299 and get 0 percent financing. visit today. brtry new flonase sensimists. allergy relief instead of allergy pills. it delivers a gentle mist experience to help block six key inflammatory substances. most allergy pills only block one. new flonase sensimist changes everything. when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ what we do every night is like something out of a strange dream. except that the next morning it all makes sense. to power global e-commerce fedex networks are massive, far-reaching and, yes... a little magical. slash dream trib * we candidate you, do you believe the national left-wing media is complicit in obama's shameful spy scandal? 9% said yes -- 96% said yes, it is. joining me is charlie hurt and katie freiten. good to have both you guys here. let me start with what's going on overseas and get your sense of how the path is faring there. he's phase with the challenges at home. but he's got former president of the united states over there basically, you saw the clip. throwing some shade at him talking about how the warm is not way to go. this seems to be pretty tasteless, pretty outrageous. i don't know how president obama thought it was a good idea to go and try to upstage the president on his first international trip. your thoughts? >> for a man who allegedly says he's so ground and so humbled, the former president likes to remind everyone how humble and grounded he is. that's the same thing that happened today. former presidents are the only people in the world who can truly relate to you. president obama is breaking down those bond by taking the time to sit with angela merkel and attack a sitting president. it's not good for america and doesn't look good to the rest of the world. trish: is this himself saying i'm going to do this because i feel this strongly about president trump? is this the democratic party saying you have got to push this a little bit? maybpresident trump is doing a little too well? charlie: his presidency was all about him. we look back over the past 8 years, democrats lost over 1,000 seats nationwide because of his policies. i was the only one who managed to get re-elected and have any success because he was sort of a singular personality that people liked. but his regard for himself is just staggering. it used to be foreign policy ended at our shores. and not on apparently that doesn't count anymore. but he will go over there and try to step on president trump's trip. but not only that. he's also like offering a diametrically opposed vision that was thwarted in the past election. trish: it's tasteless, a lack of class to go over there and do that right now at this particular time. but perhaps that's just him. let me turn to the montana election. greg gianforte is being charged with assault. you heard the tape, you heard what happened, basically he body slammed according to alicia our own reporter who was there. but what i find crazy about all this is you have members of the media saying that this is all because of donald trump, that this guy who did a bad thing, he did it because it's okay because of donald trump. explain to me that logic. charlie: it's another example where these guys will politicize anything and everything and blame donaldrump for everything. it's surprising we haven't blamed it on the russians and found a russian connection for why the guy did this. this is a one-off sort of thing. the guy doesn't like the press. he didn't handle it the best way. but the truth of the matter, considering what people think of the media, maybe if this guy had done this before so many people voted, it might have helped him in the election. trish: i don't know about that. but people are sort of fed up with the media. katie, i would say a lot of journalists come to work every day and they just want to do their job and get the story and get the answer right. there is another part of the journalist population that basically thinks they know all the answers, and they want evidence to support whatever answer is in their head. answer right now they have in their head is donald trump is bad for america. so are they not willing to go out and take any little thing they can and pin it on them? >> what does that have to do with trump? this man's reaction to a reporter was you a paulingly disgusting. if you want to be a politician you have to get used to people asking you things. trish: you have got to be able to handle it. >> it doesn't matter if you are republican or democrat. it was so far out of line -- trish: but it had at home thankr watching, now here is lou dobbs. trish: i am trish regan in for lou dobbs, president trump vowing to prosecute those responsibility for leaking intelligence about manchester terror attack to media, calling for a full investigation after british officials made it clear they were outraged that american media disclosed identity of the manchester suicide bomber before the uk police, president today condemning the leaks as a graif grave threat to our national security. kevin corke is traveling with the president in brussels. reporter: they may have been all smiles at family photo

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