John its not okay. What the candidates dont know, thats our show tonight. And now, john stossel. John those two dont. Trump is maybin. Books but both plan to be a Wonderful World if we would just do what they say. I doubt it. Frederick hayek in his book a fatal conceits is a curious task of economics is to teach men how little they know about what they imagined they can design. Hyatt was talking about communist central planners but democracies arent immune. President obama with the ideal Health Insurance system. Now even bill clinton says his plan hurts people. The premiums doubled in their coverage was cut in half. Its the craziest thing in the world. John the craziest thing in the world . I dont know. These two candidates are planning some crazy stuff. Wingtip can deploy half a billion more solar panels and have enough clean energy to power every home. John no we cant with todays technology. Thats a fantasy. I thought trump because hes a businessman would be more practical but despite obama cares failure he speaks up for singlepayer, governmentrun health care. As far as singlepayer, it works in canada, it works incredibly well in scotland. John it does . What does trump know about health care and economics . David mal fast says trump knows a lot and i usually believe what malpass says but he writes smart articles about economics and free markets but now now pass is a trump supporter and an economic adviser to trump so you are just selling yourself out for this guy who says ridiculous things . I think the election is going to come down to who knows more about growth so Hillary Clinton has shown for eight years with obama that theres not much knowledge of growth. We have had a slow growth environment and trump has shown growth wherever he goes so in new york city we have buildings all around us. They were created because you could get the job done so one of the big things in this campaign is who is more effective. John hes against free trade. How do you get Growth Without trade . Ease with more trade and jobs for america so you have to examine the trade deals that have been done. They are benefiting american workers. We have got to be for having better jobs for americans and thats what he stands for. John heres what Hillary Clinton says about your candidates ideas. The kind of plan that donald has put forward would be trickledown economics all over again. In fact he would be the most extreme version, the biggest tax cuts for the top of the people in this country than we have ever had. I call it trump up trickle down. John what do you say that . Will pass with the lead always a. They want all the money in the country to stay in washington d. C. So anytime theres an effort to let people keep their own money through a tax cut lets say, they are opposed to it. So that is what trump as saying. Its going to have to be in a people of the washington culture that keeps the money there. John i get the idea gets more growth if taxes are cut but we are going broke, america is and the dead is enormous and growing. He wants to spend more on the military. He wont touch entitlements he says. This is awful. Its actually pretty good. Youre not going to balance the budget by having slow growth. Thats just not going to work. We cant squeeze enough money out of the country to make that system work. Its really disappointing to me that the Obama Administration followed by Hillary Clinton really are accepting of this 1. 8 growth. That they are forecasting. John obama said we were going to have 3 and we never got it. The Federal Reserve has lowered their forecast to 1. 8 through 2019 under current policies of that seems to me a demand by the Economics Community that there be a sweeping up people change in washington. The Current System isnt working. Trump has a new system. John he wont cut anything. People said that about ronald reagan. It created so trump is going to create 25 million jobs and thats going to make the fiscal balance stronger. You can make the u. S. Stronger. Is it having more growth where we get a better fiscal balance, the dollar becomes a trustworthy currency again. We lost that as we have such slow growth. John george w. Bush said cut taxes. We will reduce the deficit and the deficit went up. Addict a while but we had more growth than obama has had and you had a war in between both in 2001 and the attack on the u. S. And in 2003 and a surge later on. I dont think you can really go back and compare things. I think what we have to do to make any sense to have the u. S. Corporate tax. The highest in the world so we are at 35 . The Companies Take their money out of the u. S. The jobs go with them and thats at the barrier of the system and obama has not proposed changes nor has Hillary Clinton. In fact she is proposing tax increases, 1. 5 trillion the types of taxes she and its increasing are going to hurt Small Businesses which is where we have to get job growth. John im never certain what trump knows or believes. He said something sensible about raising the minimum wage. We cannot do this if we are going to compete with the rest of the world, we just cant do it. I would not raise the minimum. John dont raise it. That kills opportunity but a few months later. I would like to raise it to at least 10. John how can you work for this guy . Because i really think he will be better for the country and we will see in november. Hes tapping into movement. People want sweeping change. They are tired of the way washington works. The special interests are eating up washington. John they are for a 10dollar minimum wage. Are you . I dont think the federal government should dictate to states and communities. John why does he say this . Would the does know and what is the more overriding theme of the campaign is regulatory reform. The countries being choked and Small Businesses are being choked in individuals feel the heavyhanded government all the time and trump has been Crystal Clear that theres going to be effective regulation. If the regulation doesnt cause us to be safer or faster growing than we dont want it and so there is a review of the regulations that will about the country to grow faster. Thats really important. John that would be good, grieve with you. He read a speech that said that and he said not strong enough. We are going to end the regulatory industry in washington. Well thats good. Thank you david malpass. Usually he says what this one attacking his opponent. You are going to provide the biggest tax increase in history. You are going to drive business out. John she will the clinton supporters say she wont drive business away. Frank lamented for mayor frank clemente. She will raise taxes and businesses willfully. Im not worried about that. Its a very rich economy. Corporations are making more money nowadays than they have made in years, record profits. They are doing very well at the tax system as it is my think they will continue to do well with higher taxes. John 1. 5 trillion more in taxes. Wont rich people work less . I see no reason why not. Tax increases are relatively modest compared to what people are paying right now and remember these tax increases are all on the wealthy people and all an major corporations. They are not on middle class americans. She has been very clear, no new taxes on people over 250,000. John dont rich people and corporations react to that by fleeing . I dont think so. What this is about is where the public is and the public says they want a fair tax system. John the public says sold for the rich. The public 21 believe wealthy corporations have to pay more in taxes and clintons plan reflects where the public is out. Extremely wealthy at this point in time. They have to . 5 trillion sitting offshore thats not in being taxed here in america. Thats a lot of money. John they are keeping an offshore because they are scared of you. They just dont want to pay with the law says they need to pay. John the result is the dont bring that money homeward well do good things. Congress should require them to pay what they owe. John just to clear themselves in Irish Corporation or something. Know, those who want to do that to a party done it. Theyre waiting for congress to change the law so they can bring it back. We have a choice. Trump wants to give them a 10 tax. Posts will only raise 150 billion of the money offshore. We believe they have to pay the full amount they owe which is 700 billion. A big difference. John heres another promise Hillary Clinton makes. She constantly talks about investments. The more we can invest in you, your education, your skills, your future the better we will be off. John theres no limit to how much they can spend . She has called for 1. 5 trillion in investments. In a lot of ways she is very fiscally responsive. John shes spending a trillion dollars more. She is spending 300 million to rebuild roads and bridges. Theres a bipartisan agreement on that. She is providing hundreds of millions of dollars to help people pay for college to become more educated, to become john and this will stimulate the economy and things will bloom . Absolutely. If you stimulate via come a lot more if you are putting money in the hands of folks who dont have much money then if you put a little extra money in the hands of millionaires. John this is what we heard from president obama also. Investments would reduce unemployment. When he pushed his stimulus he predicted if we pass the stimulus this is what would happen to the unemployment rate. It would go up a little and then draw. But if congress didnt pass the stimulus this would happen. Unemployment would keep going up before it finally dropped so they did pass the stimulus and what happened . Unemployment was worse than all the predictions. It has only come down recently. This email was a shovelready jobs that are not there in your regulations are killing those, we are art a indebted and going bankrupt. We cant spend more. We have a demand problem. Theres a lack of demand in this economy because people at the bottom dont have a lot of extra income. If you give them good paying jobs and if you give them higher wages they are going to buy things. Theyre going to purchase things and get the economy moving. John why not just give everyone a Million Dollars . Im not sure that we could afford 1 million to everybody. John that we could afford 1. 5 trillion over years years . Thats probably 20,000 per person. Know. John its a gift. John uber thinking about is is this is about us coming together as a country and doing what is in the best interest of the country. The Current System all the Income Growth is happening at the top. Huge profits are being accumulated by major corporations. Very little is trickling down to everybody else. Thats the problem so we need a perverse trickle. Ever first trickle is give more to folks at the bottom. John phone Companies Make a lot of money if they put in the bank . The Companies Invested and thats what makes economies grow. We have huge profits and companies right now. How much investing are companies doing right now in the current economy . Not very much, lets face it. John thank you frank. We are out of time. More and how Hillary Clinton might know so much about economics and unintended consequences. Make debtfree college available for everyone so future students wont have to borrow a dime to pay for tuition at a Public College or university. John sure, but next although clinton and donald trump dont know much about unintended consequences, they sure want to buy your love. There are plan offers a crucial safety net for working mothers whose employers do not provide paid Maternity Leave. Was created National System of paid family leave. John that when she love on the campaign trail so much love that donald trump sits next to his daughter in proposals too. Our plan offers a crucial safety net for working mothers whose employers do not provide paid Maternity Leave. John safetynet sounds good. Why isnt that a show about what they dont know . Pontes is working mothers and Sabrina Schaeffer of the independent womens forum. I come from this issue is the head of the independent womens forum where we have lots of women have children need to take time off in a working mom myself for the parents and the other side countries so this is something that all workers can relate to. John nobody wants it. Sometimes we are talking about this as if we all work in sweatshops and we are not allowed to take a lunch break and the reality is the overwhelming majority of fulltime workers are to have access. John 90 . Closer to 80 but still a lot of people and parttime workers, about one third need paid leave. We want to do more to help those that do. John require it for everyone. Probably not that approach. Im in more line with the idea that we can give people more of their own resources back your taxes. Some libertarians are a little bit uncomfortable and we dont want to gum up the system anymore but a flat tax as a way for us to get people more control over their resources. John right, but if the richer people get paid leave while not everybody . What the candidates leave out is these plans have unintended consequences. Thats exactly right in the American People realize this. John no they dont. More than we give them credit for. The reality is there are tradeoffs. One of the things to keep in mind is that certainly a mandate would impede womens growth in the workplace and would also interfere. John if im a company and i have to give some workers paid time off im less likely to hire women. We see this in other countries where they have had mandates and they have required childcare in the premises. It does impact women negatively. Very often they hold parttime jobs or they dont have managerial positions that we want to be careful not to interfere with the workplace structure. John politicians who support mandatory Maternity Leave with pay always say we are the only country in the world that doesnt offer it. We will Structure Plan that will be sensitive to Small Businesses with few employees but we have got to move with the rest of the world. John the rest of the world doesnt have the job creation that we have. Women are less likely to become managers in europe . E and the difference between the number of women in the number of men is quite high and in countries like spain and we are seeing at sixpoint different shell compared to the United States words on par with one another. We want to be careful that we dont encourage or government doesnt encourage women to take a step back. Many women really need to work and we dont want to discourage that. John its not like its encourage women but Encouraging Companies not to hire them. Thats a real thing here. Those that are the most vulnerable in our society want to help but laws that mandate are going to hurt the very people they are intended to protect. John lets put up the chart from Fortune Magazine magazine where they talk about paid Maternity Leave. Heres the clinton proposal, the trump proposal. Which countries are the best . Greece. Thats an employment success. Also i dont care what we call it most employees have access to some kind of paid leave whether paid sick leave or paid Vacation Time and employers will often give people time off. I say lets get rid of these different names and lets give people more of their own money back so they can take time off and lets stop acting as if no one is allowed to leave the workplace. John in the u. S. Were redone have freed and unemployment is 4. 7 increase for 25. 6 and 10. 6 in france. We are seeing at the same time as ive talked in the past on the show about winning and ensure all sandberg and these laws will absolutely impede womens progress in the workplace. A lot of companies will say im not sure i want to hire women and we have seen that in countries like chile. We have seen a lot of women will come back in European Countries parttime at lower levels and take a year out of the workforce at the taxpayers expense. Its harder to catch up with their male counterparts. John which may be why fewer women get jobs after they have a piece of the countries to do that. Thank you Sabrina Schaeffer. Coming up is trump as smart as he says he is . I will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created, i tell you that. My business was built with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Overwhelming and complicated. Thats why at Cancer Treatment centers of america every patient gets their own care manager to coordinate every aspect of their care. The care manager is making sure everything is flowing well so the patient can continue to get their treatment. We are the link between the patient and the doctor. 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