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To the fbi . We have no basis to conclude she lied to the fbi. Did she lie to the public . Thats the question im not qualified to answer. I can speak about what she said to the fbi. Did Hillary Clinton lie under oath . Not to the fbi, the case were working. Did the fbi investigate her statements under oath on this topic . Not to my knowledge. I dont think theres been a referral from congress. Do you need a referral from congress to investigate her statementings under oath. Sure do. Youll have one. Youll have one in the next few hours. Interesting moment there. On the hill to defend representations not to prosecute Hillary Clinton for improperly handling cssified information. Throughout five hours of testimony, comb he said theres no charges against clinton, but admitted many claims about the email scandal were false. Hillary clinton said she used just one device, was that true . She used multiple devices in the four years of her term as secretary of state. Secretary clinton said all workrelated emails were returned to the state department, is that true in. No. We found thousands not returned. Well, were going to have the full report on the hearing, and ill take you to the political fallout with congressman, and also radio talk show host, laura ingram, a lot to discuss including a big day for trump patching things up with former rivals. The Presumptive Republican nominee met with house and senate republicans, and, apparently, made progress uniting the party. Former rival ted cruz told reporters it was a positive and productive meeting with donald trump. He said cruz offered him a speaking slot, and he accepted. Paul ryan was uncharacteristically praising trump today. I think we had a great meeting. I think our members really enjoyed it. This was the first time, just every one of the members had a chance to meet and engage with donald trump. So i thought it was great that he came. Im glad he accepted our invitation, and we had a very Good Exchange on lots of ideas and policy issues. I thought it was a very good meeting and clear hes working on putting together a strong general election campaign. Some of the favorite politicals are here, radio talk show host Ebony Williams and mike gallagher. Breaking news, an internal investigation of possible miss handling of classified information by Hillary Clinton and top aids. The spokesman said email probe is restarting now that the Justice Department is not pursuing a criminal prosecution. State department suspended reviews in april to avoid interfering with the fbis inquiry. As for the fbi director, he was on the hill defending his decision not to prosecute clinton as republicans built the case that clinton repeatedly lied to the public. Joining me now, editorinchief and host of the nations most popular radio stations, a fox news contributor. Laura, thank you for joining us. What was your assessment of james comeys testimony today . Not all that surprised about what he said. The statement of the nonindictment the other day saying Hillary Clinton lied and he repeated that today, and he repeated his same, you know, claptrap about how you need a specific intent to violate statutes, which is untrue. You do not need the type of intent hes reaching for to pursue reasonable prosecution against Hillary Clinton. There is a false statement act. She violated that, going before congress and lying, as we heard today, on multiple occasions, about the number of deviolences she had or whether she turned over all the workrelated documents, classified information. On multiple occasions, after she testified before congress, during her testimony, she told untruths. She had to know she used more than one device. Why e she concealed it, we may never know the full story, but we know now that Hillary Clinton cannot be trusted with sensitive government information, and she says trump doesnt have judgment to be commander in chief . What Foreign Government or low level Intelligence Officer would ever trust any communication to Hillary Clinton after this. I mean, why would anyone trust any personal communication . I wouldnt trust her as far as i could throw her. I dont know how to use the irresponsible comment against donald trump because, again, this is the Silver Lining around the cloud, though, laura . On the one hand, if indicted, the democrats say its a republican witch hunt, all political, everything else. She was not indicted, but james comey said what a bad character she is. I dont know how it plays out. Its summer time, people hear bits and pieces, not putting it together, but we know this. For a woman whos been in washington in public life for decades, for her to claim in any way, shame, or form that she didnt know that this was not kosher to do, that in itself disqualifies her for presidency. If youre that stay tuned, which we know shes not, and if you did it knowingly, i cant imagine any reasonable person would know e what shes saying and doing was not right, which is why a staffer told another staffer dont talk to her about the private server. That came out months ago. Either option is bad. Either option is disqualifying for presidency in my view. What do you make of the questions, the Clinton Foundation, i cant talk about that. What do you think of the nonanswer in. They tend, the fbi, not to talk a lot about ongoing investigations. I dont know how much to read into that. They may or may not be looking into the Clinton Foundation. I thought it was at the center of therigue anyway, but we dont know. We do know that a lot of big donors of the Clinton Foundation ended up, you know, having Close Relationships or business deals for the u. S. Government. No question. We no that with the iranian deal. We know that for a fact already. Was there any emails regarding any Clinton Foundation matter among those 33,000 that were destroyed . We wont know. We wont know. Exactly. Always good to see you. Thank you so much. Thanks. Were coming right back with more. Stay with us. Donald trump meets with 200 republicans in congress, a big show of unity ahead of the Republican National convention. The trump trains moving forward, but the donald says theres still one pest to get rid of. I dont like those mosquitos. I never did. Okay. Speaking of squitos, hello, hiary, how are you doing . Will unity squash obamas hope for a third term with clinton at the helm . Thats next. This champion hang gliders acrobatic flight is about to take a turn for the worse and fast. [announcer] is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. But we mean so much more. We mean how can we help . We mean what can we do . We mean its our turn. To do our part. To serve you, for all youve done to serve us. You made with your Airline Credit card. These purchases hold on. You only got double miles on stuff you bought from that airline . Let me show you something better. The capital one venture card. With venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase. Not just. dismissively airline purchases. Every purchase. Everywhere. Every day. No really double miles on all of them whats in your wallet . You guys be good[ bark ] ill [ bark ]later bye. See ya pal. Ever wonder what your pets do when you leave home . [ laughing ] aw you cutie pie. Aw. Aw. Aw. Aw. [ barking ] [ washing machine running ] partys on know what your pets are up to with xfinity home. Xfinity. The future of awesome. See the secret life of pets, in theaters july 8th. Donald trump today meeting with republicans on capitol hill including more than 200 House Republicans who say the presumptive nominee called for party unity. What you saw today was donald trump, the next president of the united states, supercharge the republican conference. I can tell you this is a breath of fresh air that i saw here today. This is a business meeting to bring the outside to the inner beltway, and this is exactly what we need. I think there was real sense of unity, a positive meeting, and coming out of this today, going to the convention, we have a way moving forward. Something wrong with my hearing . Did i hear that right . Whats going on here. Joining me now, talk show host, Ebony Williams, and mike gallagher, both fox news contributor. Ebony, did you hear what i heard . I think i heard what you heard. Look, theres nothing like the stuff from the other side, bonding agent. Love is in the air because my hate for you is so much stronger than my, you know, policy disagreements if you will. This was a love fest today. Were close to the convention. I guess its not a surprise, though, that they without come home. Tom, fragmentism is finally, perhaps settling in. I had the chance to interview the republican chairman minutes after the meeting this morning, and he was fired up, not only ecstatic, but he was also very on g angry and edgy both those saying we are going to block him, stop him. Theres still some. Win with or without him, and it was a pretty spirited exchange on the part of the rnc chairman who said, you know what, vote or get out of the way. One says she and donald trump came up with new York Real Estate together, and shes really smart and good, and she said she never met a better salesman than donald trump, and thats what he sounds like he was doing today, selling himself. Seriously. She could be helpful with him in winning. He says hes the king of the deal making progress, part of the deal. This is an opportunity. This is very akin to what he has to do if, indeed, he makes it to the white house, the policy and all this type of thing. You hear this a lot, but theres a public persona and private side thats engaged and smart and funny and really well put together, so i mean we heard that for years. They said that about Hillary Clinton too. Oneonone, she has a sense of humor, all the stuff from the outside looking in, i know i dont say. Ive met her, and shes one of those, like her husband oh, really . Youre the only one in the room. Amazing. They used to talk about after bob dole got killed by bill clinton in 96, they said, dole, cracking jokes and funny, where was that guy in the candidate . They said that about al gorement if this was the guy who ran, they could have won fair and square. Its amazing how candidates have dual personas. But theres an authenticity that they appreciate, and people say this is a guy who basically is a little bit boisterous, but our guy. We have to support him. Theres nothing more dramatically different than not authentic versus really sensitive sometimes authentic to a fault. What hillary has to see, if she can make ground here she did not in 2008. That like ability thing is not to be taken lightly. James comey, republicans say, this is good stuff, which base is fired up by this . I argued all week its a political home run for donald trump. Frankly, if she got charge and maybe had to step down and joe biden coming in with none of the baggage she has, thats a tougher mountain to climb. Trump capitalizes on this until november. I agree. Republicans shouldnt look at the fact she was not criminally indicted, but look at all the gifts james gave. Absolutely. A basket full all the way until november. Going, hey, Pay Attention to what i said. Like, hello, shes really careless and awful. For all the ages, the fbi director declaring a president ial candidate was extremely careless with classified material. Thats better than indictment. Shes not acting as a reasonable person let alone a republican person who was secretary of state. Thats gold. That really is. Eboni and mike, two golds right there. Oh, thank you. Good to see you. Follow lou on twitte twitter loudobbs, heres everywhere, facebook, instagram. Theres links for everything. Go to loudobbs. Com. A daredevils worst fear, nearly suffering a fatal accident. The hang glider buckles uhoh. He immediately begins a terrifying free fall through the air. Thanks to the parachute, he suffered only minor injuries. Thank goodness. Up next, the fbi director confirming Hillary Clinton lied to the American People about her email. Hillary clinton said there was nothing classified on the emails sent or received, was that true . Thats not true. There were a small number of portion markings on, i think, three of the documents. Washington times picks up that up, next. Fbi director, james comey, facing criticism today over the decision to the to prosecute Hillary Clinton. Texas congressman, will herd, former undercover officer with the cia, focused on the top secret emails. So the former secretary of state, one of the president s most important advisers on foreign policy, National Security, had a server in her basement that had information that was collected from the most sensitive asset, and it was not protected by anyone, and thats not a crime . Thats outrageous. Well, joining us now, Washington Times columnist, fox news cricket ontributor, charli where do you weigh in on this . People go, maybe its better she was not indicted because james comey had a filet job on that. How do you weigh in . Politically speaking, this could not have played out better for donald trump and republicans, and i think this director comey probably makes the best argument he made today is, look, essentially, this is were going to put it up to the voters. Were in the middle of the election. This is the nominee of a major party. Were going to put it up to voters, kicking it out to them, and then says, yes, reckless with email, no regards for classification, clearly lied under oath to congress. Through all of that, the reason he decided they should not press charges is basically because she was so incompetent, so clueless about how to handle secret handle the nations secrets and how to deal with emails, that you couldnt prove she even knew that she knew what she was doing. Thats damming. For him to air it out like this and will many times between now and the election, i think is very, very good for republicans. I get the strategy of getting this out there and a make hay from it while you can, but at the same time, can the republicans over play this . You got next tuesday, Loretta Lynch testifies before one of the judiciaries, senate or house, one of them, and another says were going to have an investigation then, too, file a complaint about the testimony before the committee. Can they overplay this . I think, tom, i think its always a problem, especially with these particular republicans. They have a good record of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, but that said, it looks like, you know, state department opened up a new investigation. What is that . How so thats basically the other option that director comey laid out for republicans or the Oversight Committee saying, look, we dont were not pressing charges, but if somebody was this reckless and this sloppy in the fbi, for example, we would launch an internal investigation and go after them, and thats basically at the state department is doing now. They are doing an internal investigation and Hillary Clinton and a top aid about how they handled or mishandled all the classified information, so what we can be looking at, tom, is a situation where Hillary Clinton could be elected president , at the very least, now running for the presidency, and the highest position ever held in the government, that department could strip her of her cleearance. I think that could be incredibly damming. Im not holding out hope the state department moves fast on this or does anything like that at this point, but my goodness, what a precedent to set for someone running for president. Were pretty close, four months until election day. I know its summer time, but, yeah, were getting close enough where people remember. This is going to be fresh in their mind. Charlie, i have to run, but always good to see you. Thank you so much. Thanks, tom. You bet. Were right back with much more. Stay with us. Fbi director james comey avoids tough questions today before the house Oversight Committee. Youre saying this former secretary of state is not sophisticated enough to understand a classified marking . I think its possible, possible that she did not understand what a c met. The congressman drilling the fbi boss today. Hell join us next. This speedwriter is taking his next big adventure high above the slopes. Well show you his remarkable well show you his remarkable high speed ride. If you suffer from a dry mouth, then youll know how uncomfortable it can be. Well show you his remarkable high speed ride. 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You asked, did i assume someone would know . Before the investigation, i would have, but im not sure of the answer any longer. Congressman mark meadows and Foreign Affairs committee, and i got to commend you, congressman, you almost looked like ed to la you didnt look like you appreciated the fact that somebody with that many years in washington, d. C. Did not know about it. Its not a laughing matter as the American People will tell you, and really, what we saw today is that the evidence that is out there is hard for even those who want to believe to believe she told the truth and suggest shes not sophisticated enough to understand what even the freshman members of congress understand is really troubling. Its a bridge too far. I think a lot of people are right there with you, Kindred Spirit on that, but im curious about the state Department Opening up this investigation again because i dont know how much further you can run this. I know the chairman said he was going to put a request in for the fbi to look whether she lied before congress. Thats one option. The state Department Reopening the investigation, whats happening from that . Well, it really gets to part of the issue with the state department. I applaud them for doing it. It shows they need to get their house in order as it really relates to complying with federal law. Theres a federal law that says you must preserve those records. We know that she didnt. In fact, the testimony later this afternoon, we heard from the ig who said they have not been printing out the copies of the emails as she should, and for them to not invest gait and really make good procedural changes would be to ignore this whole debacle we had and allow it to happen again. Thats what most of us wanted to make sure National Security wasnt there, but that it does not happen again. Does the ig have peace and get things done . You have secretary john kerry who probably is not enthused about doing anything that hurts hillary . Well, obviously not, and, certainly, sometimes politics plays a role there, but the igs with the power of the oversight and subpeana power bien them, bedo the independent review, and i talked to them, talking with the igs that testified today, and i believe they get full cooperation with the state department, and if not, well make sure we illuminate the situation more. That brings up the referral that was talk about today, the fact, did she lie before congress. Is that the wheels of washington move so slow, is that something that could actually go somewhere, do something prior to november in. Well, i think it can, and whether its prior to november or after november i think the American People deserve honest answers. Theyve been waiting almost a year, and one of the interesting things in testimony today showed that she gave sworn testimony, and that is not in its not consistent with what we heard from director comey today so theres some gap there that must be explored, and thats why the chairman is going to issue that referral. We see hopefully in the coming weeks a renewed interest in making sure that sworn testimony, that she d not mislead congress. Real quickly, you represent North Carolina and the president and hillary were there tuesday. Tuesday night, donald trump was there. Obviously, North Carolina is an important state. Whats the read from what you hear on the ground in North Carolina . Well, in North Carolina, you kn know, 200 miles away there, tom, what you saw there was one thing government is the problem, and the other, hillary is the solution. All agree washington, d. C. Is broken. Only one candidate willing to do that, donald trump is the person for the state of North Carolina. I believe hell carry the state. All right. Lets hurry up. Itll be here before we know. Congressman, thank you so much for joining us this evening. Thank you. You bet. Adrenaline junkies dream. Watch as the speed rider flies nearly 12,000 feet in the air above the rocky cliffs and snow drenched mountains of the french alps. This is a relatively new sport combining skiing and paragliding which comes in handy trying to avoid an avalanche taking you down the hill at more than 80 miles per hour. Right in front of that. Right there. Roll the video. Watch as one man crashes into a stop sign only to have the sign promptly exempt revenge. Had snaps up, hits him between the leg, ouch they put credibility into question, and now both testify before congress as the American People demand accountability. We take up the highly politicized department with christian adams. Less than two weeks to go now before the start of the Republican National convention, but were getting a clearer picture of what donald trump has planned for the big event. Bruce lowry and many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. And even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. Thats why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. Your Car Insurance policy is 22 pages long. Did you read every word . No, only lawyers do that. So when you got rearended and needed a tow, your Insurance Company told you to look at page five on your policy. Did it say great news. Youre covered on page five . No. It said, blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah. The Liberty Mutual app with coverage compassâ„¢ makes it easy to know what youre covered for and what youre not. Liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. Donald ump today winning new support from members of congress, in particular, his chief rival in the primaries, senator ted cruz. We had a positive, productive meeting this morning with donald trump. Donald asked me to speak at the republican convention, and i told him, i would be happy to do so. What else was discussed in the meeting . No discussion of endorsement. He asked me to speak at convention, and i said i would be glad to do so. Saying the speech focuses on importance of getting back to the constitution and president obamas failed economic policies. Among those to speak, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and tennessee congresswoman marsha blackburn. Joining us now, editor of the National Review and fox news contributor, and from boston, Boston Herald columnist, rich, starting with you. Are the republicans coming home . Well, its a little bit like an awkward marriage where Everyone Wants to keep it together for the sake of the kids at least until november, so you have cruz, who is happy to speak at convention. He loves that high profile platform, but going out of the way at the same time saying hes not endorsing the republican nominee, so that just goes to that awkwardness. Yeah. I mean, if you look back in conventions, we were going over trying to do history off the top of our heads, theres a lot of Convention Speakers that use that as the platform to launch future campaigns down the road. I can think of bill clinton, barak obama ronald reagan. Right. So is this ted cruz, make sense for him to be a major speaker . I think its fantastic. It shows that donald trump is succeeding inup mying the party. I mean, if he makes peace with ted cruz, theres hope for the entire gop. I e say to ted, welcome aboard. Its wonderful hes going to be speaking. Theres still a possibility out there. I know its a long shot, for some people who tell me maybe trump will surprise the gop at the convention and announce maybe a ted cruz vp slot. People think thats off the table because hes not endorsed him, but what if he did that night and theres big surprises. Theres also scott walker. How do we know hes not a vp . I think a lot of people, including myself, cant wait to watch the convention and see what unfolds. He met with the lawmakers, it went well, and the party is really coming together, which is very hopeful for the future. Rich, you know a lot of people here in new york, maybe you dont know personally, but say hes like bill clinton, a charmer, a good salesman. Is that showing up, the private donald trump not seen on the podium . I dont think so. I think its more the party, the elected officials of the party are in a really awkward position, and they realize they need to support the nominee or make a show of supporting the nominee or risk being a debacle in november. I thought the folks scurry on to the ship, and it seems as though hes thinking in october, then well be talking about all scurrying back off. Are you saying the talk of rebellion, a revolt, the never trump crowd will behave in the convention, only two weeks away. I think theres some attempt by the trump of the convention, but unlikely to succeed. For that scenario to work out, trump has to be in complete free fall in the poll. Instead, hes got closer. You have to have officials denouncing and running away, but instead, they are making a kind of peace, so hes the republican nominee, no doubt about it. The question about the hearing on the email, is this whose base is fired up more . The republicans are fired up, i know that, but the democrats going to get fired up over this . Well, you know, i think this actually, you know, clearly hurts Hillary Clinton. The fbi director confirmed shes lied. Hillary clinton told us last march at the press conference at the u. N. She did not send or receive any classified information on her rogue thats proved to be a total lie and lied about she only had one server, but there was multiple. The lies are long and deep. However, you know, i was watching the hearing today, and theres one very big question that the committee missed, which they should have asked the director. I wrote about it today, which is did Hillary Clinton text classified information while secretary of state . Theres. A singular focus on her emails, which we know she emailed classified information, but what about her text . We know she was glued to the blackberry. Ask the state department, did she text classified information and did she delete the texts . There could be a major treasuretrove of information there material to the investigation, and its worth looking into, so i hope that congressmen ask mr. Comey that question in the near future. Send them a text. I got to run, but both thank you very much. Joining me now, christian adams, former u. S. Department attorney serving under both president bush and obama and author of injustice exposing the racial agenda of the obama department, glad youre on the program tonight, because you explain the law in english, which i like about you. This intent that james comey says we couldnt prove intent, yet im told by judge napolitano and others, intent doesnt matter. If you mishandle a secret document, doesnt matter if you knew or not. What is it . Its gross negligence. Thats another ball game proving negligence. Its harder in some ways and easier in others. You can be sure they put up evidence, they were not grossly negligent, and theres a battle, and whether or not its proved beyond a reasonable doubt. I think it could, obviously, certain people disagree with me. Well, yeah, no reasonable prosecutor, but theres a lot of reasonable prosecutors who go, yes, i would, but if you think about it, theres also you deal with the court of law, but were talking about the court of Public Opinion now, and were you surprised by director comey coming out and saying, im not charging her, but let me tell you all the terrible stuff she did, and a lot of the attorneys that are prohillary lawyers say that was out of line. Do you agree . Well, they may have a point in a perverse way. Its not normally how things work between the fbi and Justice Department. Normally recommendations are private. Normally they dont take place a couple days after a questionable tarmac summit between president clinton and the attorney generals, but this is really becoming a political Justice Department. They bring flimsy cases against people like bob mcdonald. They dont care if it might not ultimately succeed, and then they dont prosecute lois lerner or hillary which seems like an easy case. I know thats what the rule is supposed to be, attorney general is supposed to be separate, but appointed by the president , serves on the cabinet. How do you separate politics from the department of justice . Well, ultimately, you cant, but there are standards to abide by. This attorney general, this Justice Department has been p punished repeated by federal judges in new orleans, in texas, and ordered to undergo conduct training because of misconduct by lawyers up and down at the doj in the last couple years, and you have an attorney for doj interfering in the hillary investigati investigation. They stopped questioning from being asked by the fbi during the interviews. They were in league with hillarys lawyers to prevent certain lines of questioning. Clearly, the doj process cannot be trusted, and perhaps the fbi raised the white flag saying, were not going to fight this fight. Back to the Public Opinion, the public has that feeling they dont trust the doj. They dont trust government. Thats the problem. Its ruining trust in the government. Christian adams, great to get your take on things. Thank you so much. Thanks. Up next, matt damon made a fortune playing jason bourne, and now he demands american gun owners have guns taken. Yes, by the government. You guys did it here in one fell swoop, and i wish that could happen in my country. We cannot talk about it sensibly. We just cant. People get so emotional and so that even when you make a suggestion about you i mean, not selling ak47s on terror watch lists, you know what i mean, thats, like, a nonstarter. Can you imagine being yeah, emotional about taking guns . We take up hollywoods hypocrisy next. [announcer] is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. But we mean so much more. We mean how can we help . We mean what can we do . We mean its our turn. To do our part. To serve you, for all youve done to serve us. Well, in our online poll last night, 92 of you say the Obama Administration is the most corrupt administration in american history. How about that . Meantime, joining me now, cohost of red eye, and correspondent and former ms. New york usa, and this matt damon piece against guns, he was in australia and talked about the fact they had a gun law back in the 90s, and the way i read it, it did not change the number of deaths or murders. He wants give ups taken, what do you think . Its a little strange to me, also, because he was there in australia promoting the latest of the jason bourne films. Now, in all the past movie posters for the films, except this one, a gun is there in every poster. It is being advertised as a film with guns in it. Look at the clip. Shooting all kinds. There they go. It doesnt seem very, i dont know, in line with his thinking. Those are highly trained government operatives, so its okay for them to have guns m i think thats whats going on here. Okay. My feeling is this, no, theres hollywood hypocrisy for this, but for me, its not because hollywood makes movies with guns in them, but movies where they feddish guns and make them look sexy. Glorification. Yes. Once you do that, you dont have any business going out there and telling people guns are bad because you make them look cool. Why doesnt he do disney movies where he doesnt have to hold a gun . If you want to be principled about the thing, matt damon, im not using guns, hes at the point he can call what movies he wants. Could be movies with guns pay a lot of money. I could be wrong about that, but maybe thats part of it. Maybe so. Dolly is not news, saying she thought a woman would do a great job as president , but i liked her statement, i try not to get political, but if i am, imight as just run myself because i have the hair for it, its huge, and they could always use more boobs in the race. What do you think . God bless dolly. Love her. Love it. Shes known for when people bring up political points shell make a joke out of it, so, and good for her for not, im not endorsing hillary, that was not an endorsement for her to see a woman in the white house, which is great, because celebrities have been, but it immediately alienates fans of yours who disagree. She doesnt want to do that. Isnt that why she clarified she was not endorsing hillary . Im guessing a Country Music singer has a substantial fan base thats not a fan of Hillary Clinton. What . Yes. Or we could talk about the dixie chicks, but thats another yeah. Youre right. Nashville, i think, is probably more conservative. Yeah. The cub scouts, i dont know, were you a cub scout . I was not. I wish when i was a cub scout the hooters club was around. Theres one in denver that sponsored a cub scout event, and parents are upset. Its a restaurant. Its a very nice place to dine. Have you had their quesadilla . I swear its the most dirkselic i had in a restaurant. Ive never been to hooters, no, really. Come on. No ones listening. No, really. My favorite part of the story is the parents are outraged. Parents were not outraged. Moms might have been. Dads were not. Dads thought it was cool. The problem with childrens event, whether its Little League baseball, whatever, its great. The kids always have a good time if not for the parents. Leave the parents at home and turn the kids over. Let them have fun. The kids have seen a lot worse, a lot on social media. Oh, yes. Worse or better . Depends on your point of view, andy. All right, andy, thank you. Good night from new york. Good night from new york. Thanks for joining us. Ment for time lifes video collection. soft piano music well, hello. Im Carol Burnett and im here at cbs in los angeles at studio 33. Come on in. tv show announcer from Television City in hollywood. jaunty theme music . Its the Carol Burnett show Carol Burnett this is the stage where it all began. We shot all 11 seasons of my variety show here. You know, we made so many great memories. But no one has seen the first five seasons of the Carol Burnett show since they were first aired. No reruns, no web streaming, no dvd, nothin, nowhere, zip

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