Under any circumstance, and thats not all. 18 other emails between mrs. Clinton and president obama also being withheld, but the state department will not tell us why. Im not going to speak to the content of these documents. I understand there is great curiosity much im going to put that right out at the top. I am not going to speak to the content of this email traffic. Were aware there is intense interest and announcing this decision now because the process regarding the emails has been completed. Lou well have a full report on the state departments obviously grudging release of these Clinton Emails coming up here tonight. Also, three days till iowa and the republican president ial candidates are on the attack. Donald trump, who avoided last nights debate was in nashua, New Hampshire this morning where he slammed senator ted cruz for being born in canada. Ted cruz may not be a u. S. Citizen, right . But hes an anchor baby, no, hes an anchor baby. Ted cruz is an anchor baby in canada. This is a problem, i think thats one of the reasons hes crashing, hes figured what the hell happened . Lou and among the lingering questions on the campaign trail, will trumps decision to avoid last nights debate cause iowa voters to avoid him. Last nights trumpless debate delivered powerhouse ratings. The debate the second highest rated telecast in Fox News Channel history. The debate delivered 12. 5 million viewers. Beat not only everything on cable, it beat everything in broadcast television as well. Last nights republican president ial debate on the Fox News Channel was in short a monumental success, our congratulations to megyn, bret, chris and all of our fox news colleagues. And to the rncs Reince Priebus and fox news chairman roger ailes. Ill take it all up and more with the Weekly Standard steve hayes, trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson joins us as well and conservative commentator, cathy lin taylor. All of that coming up. Top story tonight, the state department, a few minutes after 7 00 p. M. Eastern on a friday evening, releasing at the order of a federal judge another batch of Clinton Emails but more than 20 withheld because theyre top secret, and represent such highly Sensitive Information that releasing those emails could result in a significant damage to our national security. Tonights dramatic developments further undercut claims by the Clinton Campaign that none of the intelligence on the emails was classified when it hit clintons personal computer. Fox news chief White House Correspondent ed henry with the report. Reporter before Hillary Clinton arrived for event at grand view university, it was a struggle for aides to get the crowd excited. Were going to do a little cheer. Woo reporter an official at the University Later told fox, clinton aides told them to expect about 1,000 people. But only a few hundred showed up. Almost as many reporters as voters to hear her final pitch. If you stand up for me monday night, i will stand up and fight for you. Reporter the once inevitable nominee is now anything but, as democratic socialist senator Bernie Sanders continues to get larger crowds. I believe that it is our campaign that is generating the excitement and the interest for a large voter turnout. Reporter and hes getting more confident about standing up to clinton, calling her out for ducking more debates last year when she was winning and didnt want to slip up and flipflopping in iowa. The Clinton Campaign does not run the world. And its not my job to do what the Clinton Campaign simply wants me to do. Reporter sanders is facing scrutiny from establishment institutions Like Washington post which drew fire from the senator for editorial charging hes selling fiction. So the Washington Post wants to say that our ideas are bull. I accept that. But right now, that is precisely what working families and the middle class want. Reporter the post fired back in second editorial, quote a major Late Breaking Development three days before the iowa caucuses, the Obama Administration is now saying that Hillary Clinton had on her personal server some of the nations most closely guarded secrets. The state department confirming that 22 emails had top secret material in them, and are now held back from public release. Interesting the Clinton Campaign is pushing back and insisting there was innocuous material in the emails and theyre calling it overclassification run amok by the intel community. Lou . Lou ed, thank you very much. Ed henry reporting. And running amok, 18 other emails between the president and this former secretary of state, also being withheld without divulging the content. Moving to the republican side of the race for the presidency, we are now just three days from the caucuses. Nearly all of the candidates are in iowa tonight with the exception of frontrunner donald trump who this morning was campaigning in New Hampshire. Trump was a noshow for last nights blowout debate on the Fox News Channel, something the competition were using to their advantage today. Fox news chief Political Correspondent carl cameron with our report. Reporter with four days to iowas leadoff caucuses, attacking rivals takes a back seat to energizing voters. That the point its all about turnout. Asking you to caucus for me monday night. Reporter not only did trump skip the only iowa debate, he skipped town for a rally in New Hampshire where he slammed ted cruz. Hes an anchor baby in canada. He got beaten up pretty badly last night. Reporter others have changed views and cant be trusted to keep their word. If were tired of getting burned with politicians who claim to be against amnesty, who campaign against amnesty and go to washington and join the democrats to support amnesty, we need to look to if they have a proven record. Reporter team rubio pointed to a tweet suggesting he supported what he calls amnesty at the first opportunity in the debate, cruz noted trumps past debate contributions. Let me say im a maniac, and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly, and ben, youre a terrible surgeon. [laughter] now that weve gotten the donald trump portion out of the way reporter rubio got strong reviews even though he got opposing views for banning a path to citizenship. Were not going to hand out citizenship cards either. There will be a process. He led the charge to finally fix the immigration problem that existed for 30 years. And then he cut and run because it wasnt popular amongst conservatives i guess. Marco made the choice to go the direction of the major donors because he thought it was politically advantageous. This is why you need to send someone from outside washington into washington. I need a washington english converter. Reporter the des moines headline was cruz had a rough night with a chance to shine in trumps absence, cruz got shunned. Rand please attack ted, marco please attack ted, jeb please attack ted. If you guys ask one more mean question, i may have to leave the stage. Reporter the entire republican field got new ammunition against Hillary Clinton today with word from the Obama Administration that some of the emails she stored on private server were classified as top secret and already cruz and marco rubio are going after her, lou . Lou carl, thank you very much. Carl cameron from des moines. An unexpected move by the fbi today. Fbi releasing video of Oregon State Police officers fatally shooting one of the men who are occupying and demonstrating at the Malheur National wildlife refuge. Fox news correspondent Claudia Cowan has more from burns, oregon. Reporter lou, the fbi is under pressure here, locals have had it with the roadblocks, many dont like how long the occupation of the wildlife refuge has been allowed to continue, and after tuesdays deadly confrontation, rumors were flying that police committed coldblooded murder. So the fbi took the unusual step of releasing that video even posting it to youtube, so people could see what happened. Video shows 55yearold Lavoy Finicum one of the fervent spokespeople trying to get away from police or provoking them. The investigation continues. When he appears to reach for a weapon, a state trooper fired back. On at least two occasions finicum reaches to left inside portion of his jacket. He did have a loaded 9 millimeter semiautomatic handgun in that pocket. Reporter he vowed he would die before going into jail. Several others were taken without incident. Four holdouts said they would surrender peacefully only if they are not arrested. They show a husband and wife dancing around cars. They clearly have enough bandwidth and power to charge electronics and according to a criminal complaint unsealed earlier this week, the group had explosives, night vision goggles and weapons. If they didnt get the fight they wanted out there. They would bring the fight to town. The groups leader ammon bundy repeatedly told followers to leave and go home. Earlier today he and several others had detention hearing in portland in federal court. 11 people have been arrested on conspiracy charges, and lou, a judge said that no one will be released so long as this occupation in burns continues. Back to you. Lou Claudia Cowan, thank you very much. Turning now to what has been a very tough month for the United States navy and rising provocations by iran. The iranian navy today showing off military might, test firing several surfacetosurface missiles. They are named noor which means light. The test comes days after exercises east off the strait of hormuz and releasing video what it itself is Surveillance Video from a drone over the u. S. S. Harry truman an, the u. S. Aircraft carrier and took precise photographs of it and accompanying ships. The Navy Confirms that unarmed iranian drone did fly directly over the Aircraft Carrier earlier this month but did not respond, and it was also just 2 1 2 weeks ago when iran captured ten of our sailors who strayed into territorial waters apparently, iran accused them of violating the international waters. Like i say, it has been a tough day for the u. S. Navy, which has had not one instance responding. Were coming right back with much more, stay with us. Last nights highly successful republican president ial debate featuring sharp exchanges like this. Marco made the choice to get on direction of the major donors. The truth is, ted, throughout the campaign you are willing to say or do anything to get votes. Lou who did above the substantive issues . Well talk with the Weekly Standards steven hayes and Cathy Lynn Taylor joins us as well, next. A surfer takes on a wave, a huge wave. Testing his balance, his luck, his fortune. Well show you how he did when lou dobbs tonight continues. That amazing video is next. Stay with us. You owned your car for four years, you named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then Liberty Mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement™, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Lots of vitamins a c, and, only 50 calories a serving. Good morning, indeed. V8. Veggies for all. Iand quit a lot,t but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. Thats why theres lubriderm® daily moisture. It contains the same nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. Skin absorbs it better and it lasts for 24 hours. Later gator. Lubriderm. Your moisture matched. Lou the reviews coming in following the final Republican Debate before the first in the nation caucuses monday. The Des Moines Register headline declaring rough night for cruz. The Washington Post headline so now we are going to dig deeper into the performances of all seven. Joining us for more on the debate, the iowa caucuses, three days away, if i havent said that enough this evening. Senior writer for the Weekly Standard and Fox News Contributor stephen hayes, gop strategist and former analyst, Cathy Lynn Taylor. Great to have you both with us. Youre in des moines, the sense of reaction to trumps withdrawal, full, from the debate . I think its mixed. The hardcore Trump Supporters dont care one way or another whether he showed up or not. And you saw a lot of the people lining up in the cold weather to attend his alternate event last night. On the other hand, did i talk to a few likely iowa caucusgoers including a couple who said to me, i was a trump supporter and im not anymore because this bothers me, we take this personally. I like donald trump. I like the things hes said. Its time for a ceo in the process but hes got to be here and take it seriously. I want to bring up a tweet that donald trump sent out, had tweeted, and yes, i am going to crow here tonight on behalf of our colleagues at the Fox News Channel. He said in that tweet, the debate tonight will be a total disaster, low ratings with advertisers and advertising rates dropping like a rock. I hate to see this. I think i saw some crocodile tear stains on the twitter page, there but the fact is a second highest audience ever for the Fox News Channel which is used to quite high audiences, 12. 5 million folks blowing away everything on television. Cathy, whats your reaction. Its an outandout repudiation, if you will, of his claim he would create disaster through his absence . Look, for his supporters theres no doubt that his predictable unpredictability, im owned by nobody is fine. There is Nothing Better than hearing veteran stories. Theres really not. That is compelling. No doubt the winner of the night, i would say was fox news. Lou the republican party, seven candidates who apparently one of them thought he was going to, you know, no one would be looking in. And a substantive debate, lot of policy conversation, and i dont think anybody missed except jeb bush and his teddy bear affection for donald trump. Lou good lord, that was quite a spectacle. Jeb bush must be going through separation anxiety with trump not being there, who do you think prevailed . Who amongst them had the best performances . Yeah, ill leave the psychoanalysis to you. Im not qualified to do, it but it was it was a funny moment. Lou, you do that on me all the time, and you get it right on you. Keep asking me, you keep asking me. [laughter] look, i thought jeb bush had a good night last night. I will say im judging jeb bush based on previous debates and thats not a high bar. I dont think hes been a particularly effective debater and one of the reasons hes had trouble picking up much support. He had a pretty good night last night. I think rubio was fine, he didnt have the outstanding performance so many other saw from marco rubio last night. Im judging marco rubio based on past performances and i think hes been pretty good in the past and is pretty good at this. The other person i thought had a very good night was rand paul, and i think he had a good night in part because he returned really to libertarian roots. I think throughout the campaign, youve seen rand paul, sometimes inch toward popular opinion, and away from libertarian roots. Last night he got the question about his dad, a full embrace. This is who i am. Take it or leave it. It was pretty effective. I disagree a little bit in that it goes to show you what a Different Campaign it would have been had donald trump not been in the race, particularly for jeb bush. He did shine quite a bit more than he had without donald trump there. And you know its interesting, i agree with steven, i thought marco rubio missed some opportunity to dismantle ted cruz but he showed a favorability that acted as a foil to cruz, that was really effective. Lou quickly, give us the name, whos going to win the monday caucuses, steve . Are you ready to make that judgment . Still think trump. Lou all right. Cathy lynn . If cruz doesnt win its going to be the story of the election, but im going to go with a highflier and say maybe rubio. Lou all right, weve got it. There you have it. Cathy lynn taylor, steve hays, thanks for being with us tonight. Be sure to vote in our poll, the question is follow me on twitter links to everything loudobbs. Com. Hawaii right now, they are having record waves because of el nino. Thats of course both a blessing and a bit of a problem if you are a surfer and trying to ride these swells. Look at that thing. Pro surfer tom trying to take on the 40 foot high wave. The monster proved to be far too much. Just a month into 2016, this incident is being called the wipeout of the year, and that, i think, was probably an unch