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Behind closeddoors. Who is right . Well take that up with senator james launching ford and nfl handing down tom brady and patriots punishment for deflategate. The three Television Network carrying nfl are those that will suffer the most. Suffer the greatest financial penalty to degreat gate fiasco. Deflate gate fiasco. We talk with Sports Marketing director tony pontaro. Today they briefed lawmakers on a secret Nuclear Negotiation president obama seeking an agreement with china that would allow klein to buy u. S. Design allow china to buy u. S. Designed Nuclear Reactors and advanced Nuclear Technology that could be used to make chinese submarines quieter and far more difficult to detect. As china ramps up its territory alex pantion in the south expansion in the south china sea. Becoming confrontational with our ally japan. China forging closer ties with russia launching joint naval exercises in the med terrianian sea today. What is president obama doing and why . Joining us, general jack keane. Also fox news military analyst general, good to have you here, is there anything in your judgment that this president wont do that appears turn cut u. S. National security interests . It is stunning. China is the most important bilateral relationship that well have in the century. And we have to make this relationship work. All that said, we have got to be clear eyed about what the chinese are doing, that is seeking regional dome national the expense of u. S. And our allies, this is the same context we dont apply to iran, fast ford fast forward were doing the same thing with china. If you took all other nations in world who were attempting to do that in u. S. , it falls short of what china has been able to achieve in the last 15 years. So we should go into any relationship like this, with full context of who were dealing with, with a sense of firmness and no way that chinese could get the hands on technology that would improve their military capabilities or give it to other rogue nations as well. Lou president making it clear that that is what he wants to do. It seems to me it is clear that what he is tracking about is a transfer of u. S. Intellectual property Technical Knowledge and Knowledge Base that otherwise would require decades for chinese to acquire this is on its face, a bizarre choice for this president any president to make. Yeah. The deal for some reason has a tendacey to trump all other factors and variables. Good news that Senate Foreign Affairs Committee is reading up on this and they are concerned. They will have classified hearings on it to get to details on the deet, and what the damage is in this that could assist their military capabilities that you suggest ma to make submarines more quiet. Lets not exclude radical islamists who are operating everyone ins neighborhood who could also get their hands on this technology. I am comforted that senator box corker is into this, and senate will put their minds on this. Hopefully get to the bottom of what is the level of risk forever u. S. The implications seem broad chinese have a strong relationship with the iranians. A strong relationship with north korea. They have geographical expansionist goals they make clear to everyone. And south china sea. As you suggestion seek hegemonic domination of the region. And at the same time they are in joint military exercises that started today inned mediterranean with the russians who are exerts themselves in eastern europe. What do you make of this relationship between the two countries. Chinese and the russians have an uneven history, a lot of that they have been estranged. But for the last few years that relationship is warming to say the least. Chinese leadership of at the may day parade, standing right next to Vladimir Putin last saturday. They are doing exercise together they are doing trade dealinging it as well i am convinced that some of what is happening, in a see as weve seen others, take advantage of what they believe to be weak American Leadership and a lack of american credibility. As a result of that, they can fashion relationships this are mutually beneficial to both of them at the expense of the United States and our allies. Lou thank you general jack keane. Thank you lou. Lou most of mainstream will not cover the secretive dealings, but they will give a platform to those who claim there is a nationwide epidemic of police bias and browality brew beautality. Brutali. A new sta stiftic more than 50 of our Law Enforcement officers were killed in the line of daughter last year, double these killed in 2013. Fox news correspondent with our report. 51 Law Enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in 2014 is higher than the year before a increase of almost 89 from 2013. But longterm, it is safer. The 27 officers killed was the lowest in a 35 year period. As Washington Post blogger wrote this month the job of policing has been getting progressively safer since the mid 1990s and is today as safe as it has ever been. About half of the cops on the job are killed than in 1968, despite the fact that there are significantly more cops on the street. A perception fed from increased Media Attention and pro lipping a of videotape proliferation of videotape encounters, since the rioting in baltimore ended gun crime is skyrockets, the city has seen 14 shootings since april 28 according to baltimore son. Saying, i am hearing it from guys who are go getters they are hand ofs off 4, i have never seen so many dejected faces. History shows there is an ebb and flow to aggressive policing. Citizens could force change in the opposite direct if the wave of gun crime continues its upward trend. Thank you. Official government statistic for 2015 will not be available until next year, but web site, officer down memorial page keeps current statistics on officers killed in the line of duty. This year 11 have been killed. Lou to nfl the League Suspended tom brady for first 4 regular season games of 2016. For his role in so call degreat gate controversy. Deflategate controversy. And the patriots were fined 1 million. And lost first round draft pick for 2016. Brady will miss the opener on september 10 against the steelers. Also the bills and jaguars and cowboys. Well have much more on this story with sports markets legend tony pontuor later in the broadcast, were coming right back stay with us. Coming up new stash. Baltimore to be a more violent place after the riots. Were joined on the new problem that baltimore leaders socalled have created. More violent tornadoes scening across sweeping across texas and central u. S. , well have latest next. The world is filled with air. But for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. If you have copd, ask your doctor about oncedaily anoro ellipta. It helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. Anoro ellipta is the first fdaapproved product containing two longacting bronchodilators in one inhaler. Anoro is not for asthma. Anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. It is not known if this risk is increased in copd. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, or high blood pressure. Tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, prostate or bladder problems, or problems passing urine as anoro may make these problems worse. 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Lou joining me now former department of justice official, do you agree . Oh, i do. And the evidence was clear, not only just the attorney general but his entire department, had a war on police, he was just the head of a broad effort in civil right division with a waro police. Lou as we see two more officers killed in hated this is creates an atmosphere of further mistrust. A greater division. From top to bottom at doj you had people acting as if the police were the problem in places like baltimore while cities are burning in ferguson. Have you lawyers and political appoint seeeys and appointees and the attorney general himself, blaming cops for this. There is an idea ideological hatred it starts in the universities. They came fromming organizations that fought police, now they or a government salary, 160 k a year going after Police Departments. Lou what is it going to take to reverse this approach on the part of this administration. It is going to take an understanding it not just the attorney general a commitment by the next attorney general and a Republican Administration stop with the idealogical warfare, stop using the Justice Deputy to satisfy your base that hates cops. We have seen this before where cities were burned down, it affected the National Election in 1968. Lou new attorney general Loretta Lynch investigating Baltimore Police department at request of mayor who has been in charge of that Police Deputy for 5 years. What are we to make of it . What is like result . It shows that you Loretta Lynch will not be different from eric holder, most likely, continuing with this Institutional Policy that is skeptical of the police, she is not doing anything about the bad behavior in her own Justice Deputy in police investigations. Then there is Baltimore Mayor what can you say good about this person . She encouragers violent during the riots and zones could and rooms to destroy then invites the Justice Deputy in . That is not how to works Justice Department comes in when facts might show a pattern or practice of civil right violation, one incident is not a pattern or a practice,s some 2er are not but these days that does not matter. Thank you. Lou vote in our poll, do you agree with the decision of nfls Rodger Goodell and troy benson to suspend tom brady for 4 recession land season games without for 4 regular season games without pay and take away draft choices from patriots, and a Million Dollar fine . Cast your vote. Emergency crews searching threw wreckage in parts of texas and arkansas after a line of powerful tornadoes battered several small communities overnight, 5 people were killed, still missing in reur ale east texas town of van. Raising possibility that number of dead could climb. Lou up next, first lady suggestions to many this president obama is not only self involved individual in the white house. Thank you. My commentary next, yellowstone tourists getting too close to nature for nature a liking. And that is not a good idea. All of that and more, still ahead. Stay with us. The real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. When the moments spontaneous, why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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She has lived a life of seemingly boundless opportunity and privilege graduating from princeton and harvard but as potentially first africanamerican first lady, i was also the focus of another set of questions and speculations conversations sometimes rooted in fears and misperceptions of others, we felt the sting of those daily slice throughout our lives. The folks who cross the street in fear of their safety. The clerks who kept a close eye on us in allt stores the people at formal, vines who events who assumed were were the help. Lou she also complained about being in the public eye. You might remember on cycle fist pump. That was referred to as a terrorist fist jab. People have used words to describe he, one said i was upetty, and one said i of my husbands crony of color and obamas baby mama. No mention of the perks of being percent first laid of lady of this greg great nation taking on controversial issues including obesity, she did not mention the designer gowns or white house a top work Washington Society and the tax funded vacations that go along with the job of first lady, she was standing shamefuly atop shoulders of true civil right leader who sacrifice so much that she and her husband could sit atop our government, instead thoses thank yous thank youi wish those students, those graduates vehicle heart a far different commencement address one that was delivered by Denzel Washington 350 miles away at Dillard University in new orleans. They heard these heart fell words. Every thing you do. Everything that i have is by the grace of god. Understand that. I have been directed, i have been corrected, i have kept god in high life, he kept he hum bill i did not always stick with him but he always stuck with me, so stick with him. Lou i wishive graduate in the country heard his words. They are stuff of which good great lives are made. To that point we put washington powerful speech on the web site. For all to see and hear. Go to loudobbs. Com. To listen to Dillard University commencement address you will be glad you did. Dont hesitate to pass it on. The quote of the evening. We learned about gradtude, and humidity that so many people had a hand in our success from teachers who inspired to us janitors who kept our school clean, we were taught to value weres contribution, and treat everyone with respect. The words of first Lady Michelle obama. Talking at 2012 Democratic National convention, about what she and the president have learned from their families. Sometimes lessons need relearning. Were coming right back, stay with us. Lou coming up next, jeb stands with w when it comes to iraq, and hillary gets 4 pinnochios. More on the frontrunners. A fearless free runner taking flight on a dubai hotel. The video street ahead stay with us. I hate cleaning the gutters. Have you touched the stuff . Its evil. And ladders. Awwwwwww they have all those warnings on them. Might as well say, youre going to die, jeff. You hired someone to clean the gutters . Not just someone. Someone from angies list. But were not members. We dont have to be to use their new snapfix feature. Angies list helped me find a highly rated Service Provider to do the work at a fair price. Come see what the new angies list can do for you. music plays throughout the pursuit of healthier. It begins from the second were born. After all, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned. Every day. From the smallest detail to the boldest leap. Healthier means using wellness to keep away illness. Knowing a prescription is way more than the pills. And believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. Healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care. By connecting every single part of it. Realizing cold hard data can inspire warmth and compassion. And that when Technology Meets expertise. Everything is possible. For as long as the world keeps on searching for healthier. Were here to make healthier happen. Optum. Healthier is here. Lou jeb bush has a tough sell to g. O. P. Voters with his views on ilLegal Immigration here is governor bush talking with foxs megan kelly. There has got to be a point where we fix this system so Legal Immigration is easier than ilLegal Immigration and show respect for people, a kid that might have been here 10 years that might be a val dec a of their high school, and say no you are not allow to go to college. People say i like jeb bush but how can he get through g. O. P. Primary with this. I dont know that. I have been traveling over last 3 months, i get a sense a lot of people can be persuaded. Lou tune in tonight 9 00 eastern for megans exclusive interview with governor bush. Joining us now fox annuity contributor rich lowery. And joanne mel chart good to have you we start with 4 pinnochios for Hillary Clinton. She is making this comparison sounds bothous face of it. Washington post looked into it, it made less sense the more they analyze it. People like to talk about taxes that Illegal Immigrantses pay they do pay some property taxes and withholding sales taxes but they never talk about the cost or healthcare, they never talk about education or means tested welfare program. Lou the way of the debate. It has been there for 10 years one side does not top does not want to talk about the positives, and other side only wants to talk about the negative you think is there anyone that is sincere about talking about what is best for the nation. I looked at statistics today in new york, they paid 1. 1 billion in taxes they have found they willing well immigrant in particular make more from state and local governments than they get back, if you expand it 20 Illegal Immigrants. That is interesting. I would like to see, i believe in free market, i would like a free labor market, i would like to lets do this, lets have a free labor market investigative journalist editors lets no one can compete with jill. Lou on price that is important. What i have found in my career, that everyone thinks it is wonderful to have a free market in labor until it is your job on the line outsourced given to an illegal immigrant or offshore. There is a really fascinating report last week in the times that goes to a points, nail salon in new york city, they are a great boone to women who is get manture manicures at lowcosts, why is that low . Wages are low these workers are illegal, they dont have many skills they dont speak the language they cant go to any authorities if anyone is abusing them, that is what the illegal labor market really like. In this country. People 10 not to want to tend not to want to focus on that. Lou it is odd that is one of the most fundamental labor markets, a tremendous demand for Illegal Immigrants and legal, in terms of migraine labor migrant labor their solution is more Illegal Immigrants in this case rather than raise the prices of produce to support a living wage, say 15 dollars an hour, no one talks about them. It leaves them very vulnerable in the underground economy. I would legalize them i think that what what republicans and domecrats have not done a good job of is covering welfare reform. Lou that is an element. But talk about comprehensive Immigration Reform they are talking about narrow focus targets legislation, it is for amesty and open amest ino amnesty and open borders. Lets turn to Hillary Clinton and her foundation on watch dog list. What is she doing . With a mess called Clinton Foundation. Initiative, she has a husband saying things like i just work here, i dont know and seems happy with that. And she has a brother now who the subject of scrutiny can it get worse . I have to give a shout out to Charity Navigator to put Clinton Foundation on the watch list. I found interesting is they were claiming it was their transfer seen that landed them there as someone that has reported on this first hand, i guarantee it is not their transparency, but their lack of ethics. Lou jeb bush. Is it significant at this early stage, or is he defining race right now. It is weird he is in a lot in the republican field use lou overtime you win he if he is going to win it will be on mitt romney plan you bump along in national poll, 20 or so, and then you grind it out overtime. Lou that sounds exhilarating. Is that getting you going,. Lou i cant wait. Rich lowery, and jail jan, thank you. Thank you. Lou vote in tonights poll, do you agree in the decision of nfl Rodger Goodell. To us spend tom brady for 4 regular season games. Cast your vote. A fearless dare devil captured video of a det defying stipt. Russian stunt mana. Death defying stuns taking play hundreds foof feet in the air, i am getting nervous watching this this. Up next, president obama in a war with the left wing, blasting senator warren. Is he right . Is he wrong . Senator James Langford joining us. You will see what happens when a commercial airliner loses its landing gear and lands nonetheless, stay with us. You, my friend, recognize when a trend has reached critical mass. Yes, when others focus on one thing you see whats coming next. You see opportunity. Thats what a type e does. And so it begins. With e trades investing insights center, you can spot trends before they become trendy. E trade. Opportunity is everywhere. Congratulations. Youre down with crestor. 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We taught law school, you know one of the one of the things you do as a law professor you span out hypotheticals elizabeth with a politician like everyone else. Lou who knew. Warren saying if the president is so confident it is a good deal, he should declassify the text and let people see it. Now that is an interesting idea. And senate at the time set to take up the trade agenda tomorrow. Joining us now senator James Langford. This is striking. Precede ent to vote on merits, and content this free trade agreement, is giving president power for bringing legislation to you straight upanddown vote is that a good idea . You know, it a good idea. Every president since fdr had a trade proportion authority this gives President Authority to negotiate a trade agreement then when they are done they bring it to congress, then congress looks at if, and says yes or no. This gives congress the same billty they ability they had. This could be years in the process. What Elizabeth Warren is not concerned about is that this is a 6 Year Agreement the next president will have the bulk of this trade agreement authority it is really the next president she is worried a republican, would be alleged as president and would negotiate a great trade agreement bring it before congress and it would be passed. Lou dont you think she is really dealing in artifice here. She does not to say out right that own has another view screw ball in idea on the table . It could be, you would have to ask her i believe the american worker, when we compete with People Manufacturing we bin over and over again. This concept back and forth it just wages, it is not it is transportation cost of energy, and leg layings if we do it well win time after time, one of our playing disagreement about king george. He did not let us trade in the world like we wanted to trade were still there. Since before we were a nation we were a people that liked to trade, well continue that. Lou also in our constitution article 1 second 8 that gives that authority sold tote congress. Solely to the congress, not exexpediting. There something screwy to me, president of United States exceeds his executive Authority Abuse of power. That is were not giving him greater power, this is telling president to go finish negotiation when you done bring it to congress well vote on it, this is because of the belief, only team this collapsed is while they are negotiating it when 11 country negotiate details of this, that is not public, but witness they are finished it is all public. It will be fully public before this is voted on. Lou putting congressman in a difficult position suddenly congress and senate dont have the ability to amen, i am curious how many many of those votes have ever been down. If president keeps on this same path were voting this one down, i dont have a lot of trust with this president and the way he handled foreign policy. If he nis yates a deal, and brings back a bad deal well vote it deputy. He has to have a lot of republican votes to pass this with iran, i can tell you that deal is coming to us, it looks like were voting that one down. We will have a vote on this. Lou senator continue tor james lang ford. Thank you. Lou in Los Angeles A Skywest pilot made an merges landing the twinengine come mirror shall jet liner carrying 43 passengers flies to lack without a problem. Despite a malplunging landing gear. One partner called landing softer than many he had. When they have both wheel down, up next, verdict is in nfl announcing price that patriots and tom brady day pay for deflategate, is it fair in is it balanced . Well take it up here, next. The pursuit of healthier. It begins from the second were born. After all, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned. Every day. Using wellness to keep away illness. And believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. Healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care. By connecting every single part of it. For as the world keeps on searching for healthier. Were here to make healthier happen. Optum. Healthier is here. Here at td ameritrade, they love innovating. And apparently, they also love stickers. Whats up with these things, victor . We decided to give ourselves stickers for each feature we release. We read about 10,000 suggestions a week to create features that as traders wed want to use, like social signals, a tool that uses social media to help with research. 10,000 suggestions. Who reads all those . He does. For all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. Lou a little too close to the wildlife over the weekend. A black bear, mother, sending curious onlookers running after they got a little too close to her cubs. A tour scout warned if the cubs had been younger mother would have reacted much more aggressively, as you see there it was aggressive enough for the tourists. Somebody looking at this said this bear was charging. Hes running along. Its not even close to charging. There isnt a person there that cant outrun the bear. She was charging. Anyway alls happy that ends happy. The nfl has nothing to do with this story happy. The nfl punishing tom brady and the patriots for the socalled deflategate controversy. Joining us now, former Vice President of global media Sports Marketing for anheuserbusch its great to have you here. Thanks lou. Lou this is aggravating, this is aggravating to see probability result in milliondollar fine, a loss of four games for tom brady and the impact it will have. Come on what is the nfl thinking . Well i think they wanted to send a really strong signal about the integrity of the game and didnt want to look like they were pandering to robert kraft or tom brady and superstar status. Lou well, they did, that now it looks like theyre pandering to whomever, the fans in dallas, indianapolis, wherever they may be. Four games, think about what the networks are losing in the way of money. The real losers are the people who are fans. This is ridiculous. Its not proportional in anyway to the offense, is it . Well i think it is. Lou do you . Yeah. Lou you and i have never gotten along. I think that brady was not as standup as he should have been in the beginning. I would hope he doesnt appeal it. I really do. Lou really . I think it would be better to say listen, it wasnt my intent, i believe in the integrity of the game and move forward. Tall does is continue the conversation. Lets move forward, the advertisers and the broadcasters will survive believe it or not, and start to get back to the game we all love. Lou i get a kick out of listening to the sportscasters and the sportswriters, they are some of they are avenging angels. I cant believe the blood lust among the bunch of them. We always like to take down winners. Lou absolutely taking down the patriots a peg, and tom brady, and i would imagine if hes listening to you tonight, he will take you up on it take the family, the kids gisele and head off for morocco or somewhere wouldnt be a bad outcome at all. I dont think his agent lou except for the fans and the networks. Theyre coming off a super bowl win. They get to see how garofalo or lou thats true. They are already building the story line the narrative. Lou and the fact is i can hear belichick right now speaking very, very directly and softly to himself saying this is great. Im going to show them what the hell i can do without brady without all of these people on my back spit in their eye kick their teeth in and win four games. Yeah, thats the competitive guy he is. Its about a team. Its all 45 players not just one person. Lou i feel better about it. And you say hi to troy benson and roger. [ laughter ] thanks a lot, tony great to have you here. Time for a looked at online poll results thats another scientific poll. Wait until tomorrow. Thanks for being with us. Good night from new york. Have a great evening. Neil all right, this sounds like my party when. Four of six invited guests decline coming, lets say its probably not the food. Welcome, everybody im neil cavuto. And for the white house, a serious case of etiquette egg on its face. Scrambling to explain an rsvp summit plummet leaders from four of the six persian gulf nations invited sent regrets and coming up with the most creative of reasons. Saudi arabias foreign minister says his boss cant make it because thursday is bowling night kidding thursdays white house meeting coincides with humanitarian ceasefire in yemen. Never mind president obama planned to carve out a special

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