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Incredibly, four of those five prisoners are sent to oman which is next door to yemen. A hotbed of terrorism. Fox news chief White House Correspondent ed henry with our report. Reporter exactly one week after the first of a series of terror attacks in paris, president obama released five more Guantanamo Bay detainees, all yemeni nationals. Despite the fact the masterminds of the terrorist attack in paris were fromiemen. You got to be out of your mind. What is going on in the white house . This could be the craziest thing the president of the United States did. Reporter White House Press secretary josh earnest noted one detainee sent to estonia, four to oman. That borders yemen. Recommendation from the National Security team that steps could be you in the place to ensure when these individuals are transferred that we can significantly mitigate any threat. Reporter notice ernest said the administration can mitigate that threat, three republican senators are warning of a disaster in the making. One of the terrorists used a trip to oman to sneak into yemen for training in july 2011. The senators declaring if that report is accurate we sent four guantanamo detainees with potential ties to al qaeda to oman, the same country that served as jumpoff point for said kouachi to travel to yemen for terrorist training. A new fox poll as the president heads into next weeks state of the union. Asked whether the Administration Made the country safer, 49 said mostly failed. 43 said mostly succeeded. Asked for the president s image around the world. 60 said mostly failed. 32 said mostly succeeded. A clear majority wants to keep gitmo open over the president s wishes, and when asked about transferring detainees, 54 say yes, 37 say no. Earnest said 30 of detainees return to the battlefield saying the number is far lower. Isnt that a problem. 6 of the detainees wind up in terrorism could kill people in paris or washington . It is certainly why this administration continues to pursue a very aggressive counterterrorism strategy. At the same time, ed it would also be unwise to neglect the fact that our, the prison at Guantanamo Bay continues to inspire violent acts around the globe. Its not as if we can avoid violence by just keeping the prison open and keeping them locked up. Reporter the president has a working dinner with the british Prime Minister david cameron, where gitmo and all of these tough terror issues will be front and center. The two leaders have a News Conference at the white house tomorrow. Lou . Lou ed, thank you from the white house. The Obama Administration making moves to not only close down Guantanamo Bay but open up cuba. New rules significantly easing travel and trade sanctions with the communist island said to take effect tomorrow. Commerce secretary will visit the country later this year. Steve harrigan with our report. Reporter as of midnight tonight, americans will visit cuba without a government license, book their own travel, use credit cards spend as much in cuba as they want, and send four times as much money as had been permitted each year to relatives in cuba. Increase contact and economic ties will empower the cuban people. The administration views we should normalize our relationship with cuba. The effect would be by that increased contact with the cuban people and with the cuban government would only serve to put more pressure on the castro regime to abide by, protect and advance the basic human rights we hold dear in this country. Reporter critics of the new cuba policy say increased travel and trade is an Economic Life line for a castro regime that made mow concessions to democracy. Its this naive notion that somehow if you extend your hand to the brutal dictator that would somehow change them and theyll no longer be a brutal dictator. Reporter the changes days after cuba released 53 Political Prisoners that the u. S. Wanted free, while the Overall Economic embargo remains in place, it will be easier for certain u. S. Industries to export goods to cuba. There is the opportunity to particularly in the telecommunications and agriculture sectors for more trade to occur, and there will also be more travel that will occur in the short run. Reporter the cuban Tourism Industry is hoping for a windfall. We think more americans will come well have more customers. Regardless of the country, it is always good for the economy for our own business. Reporter next week, a highlevel delegation from the u. S. State Department Heads to havana. On the agenda talks on migration and possibly reopening the u. S. Embassy. Lou . Lou steve, thank you Steve Harrigan reporting. The Mexican Government began issuing birth certificates to consulates in the United States. The policy change allows legal immigrants the process of obtaining work permits, drivers licenses and protection from deportation. Until now, mexico required citizens to return to mexico to get their birth certificates at government offices there. Essentially obamas amnesty fiat stream lined the process for Illegal Immigrants and made the Mexican Government a significant, significant presence in domestic politics. Canada is another story. And that story, when we come back. Yes, were coming right back. Stay with us. Republicans meeting, strategizing scheming toward victory to figure out how to win the presidency in 2016. The field is taking shape. A potential candidate. The former governor of arkansas. Mike huckabee joins us next. How can power consumption in china impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production in spain, and the use of medical technology in the u. S. . At t. 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Lou pope francis asserting there are limits to freedom of expression. There are limits to free speech throughout europe and the pope hails from argentina where free speech is limited as well. The pope made his comments flying from sri lanka to the philippines. Earlier this week, the pope said it was, quote deviant forms of religion that led to the paris atrocities. Mitt romney set to speak friday at the Republican National Committee Meetings in san diego, it will be the governors first public statements since he let it be known hes strongly considering a third run for president. Also in california, jeb bush, the governor attending a series of fundraisers, some hosted by former mitt romney donors. And Hillary Clinton hiring campaign veterans from the 2008 obama president ial campaign. Joining us now to talk about the 2016 president ial race former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee who recently announced his departure from fox news as the host of his popular show huckabee to think about a race for the white house. Mike is also the author of the soontobe released book god, guns, grits and gravy. All good stuff. Great to have you with us. Thank you lou great to be back. Lou youve had a week or so to think about it whats the answer, are you going to run . Well, lets put it this way, lou, i didnt leave fox because i wasnt enjoying it. It was the most remarkable 6 1 2 years of my life. Not ready to make an announcement. Dont plan to until later in the spring. My timetable hasnt changed. But clearly its something im very open to pursuing and taking all the steps to make that decision. Lou takes a lot of money are you worried about the amount of money you have to raise . If you decide to do it. I think every candidate had better be worried about the amount of money that it takes. Thats one of the things that will be a major factor in the ultimate decision. Im encouraged by what people are telling me what kind of commitments are being made but im a long way from having enough money pledged to say that i can beat everybody else. It is the toughest part of it and unfortunate that it has become so much a money game rather than an idea and an innovation game, and a Good Government game. Thats what people ought to elect the president for, not because hes a great fundraiser, but because he could be a good leader. Lou lets turn to the last republican president ial nominee, and that, of course mitt romney. The governor is making it clear, hes thinking hard about it. What will be his impact if he decides to enter the race . Well, he comes into it with a formidable organization. Obviously, the name recognition. Great ground game support. A lot of people with him for a long time so hes a credible candidate. But mitts in a wonderful position talking about money he can write himself a check and get whole thing jump started. You have to take it seriously. I think it was a surprise to a lot of people when he indicated he was going to be running, because he had been so very clear all through the months prior, he was absolutely not going to do it. Lou let me ask you, turn to a few other issues if i may, at the gop hershey retreat. Jeff denham the congressman from california saying the democrats have a secret comprehensive immigration plan. What happened to congressman goodlattes four step plan . What is going on with the republicans . Sounds like a republican version of the president s amnesty plan. You know, sometimes i scratch my head and i wonder do the republicans get it were not elected to go and give obama a great big bear hug. They were elected to change the policies and congressman goodlattes plan is to take it a piece at a time. Ive come to the conclusion that the immigration issue needs to be looked at from a broader perspective. Not how many people can come in and when they can come in. The bigger question is why are they coming . I think we need to know are you coming to make america a better country . Are you coming because you want to join with us in making this the greatest country on earth . Then we can welcome you. If you want to change america rather than join america, then maybe you should rethink coming, and maybe were not the best fit for you. Thats what the focus of immigration ought to be from the getgo. Lou and pope francis saying there are limits to freedom of expression, and that you shouldnt, that you cant make fun of religion. I know he didnt intend to but that sounds supportive of the violence in paris and radical islamist terrorism around the world, when you make such a statement. Cant make fun of it. To say that the cartoons of mohammed i dont know your thoughts. Well, free speech is just that, its free speech. People say things that are offensive. People say things that offend me every day. I dont go killing anybody over it. You know when the pope made that comment i had to ask myself what he maybe should have amplified to say is free speech has limits but the limitations ought to be by the character and the courtesy and good decency and just manners of the people who are speaking. But heres one thing i dont think any of us want. I hope not. That is the government telling us what the limitations of speech can be. If the pope is intimating you cant say that because the government will crack down on you as they say in france. Brigitte bardot was fined five times because she made comments unflattering toward muslims and treatment of animals. You cant be a free people without freedom of speech. Its fundamental to the essence of liberty. Lou people talk about universal rights and hold up american rights as the exemplar of that. The truth is the rights we think of as most precious are certainly american rights, not universal rights. Theyre the rights that our forebearers fought for secured and it is ours to hold and to sustain. Mike, great to see you, you got a new book coming out, god, guns, grits and gravy. We cant wait. Mike huckabee good to have you with us. Thanks lou. Lou time now for a look at our online poll results and the results unequivocal. 97 of you said republicans should not violate the constitutions, article 1 section 8 and cede fastrak trade authority to president obama or any other president. Vote in tonights poll, please cast your vote at loudobbs. Com. Up next why president obama needs to look into his circle of counsel. Thats next. You drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then. Wham a minivan tbones you. Guess what your Insurance Company will only give you 37thousand to replace it. 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Call now, and try lifelock riskfree for 60 days. Act now, and get this document shredder free. Thats a 29 value. Or go to lifelock. Com go. Try lifelock riskfree for 60 days and get this document shredder free a 29 value when you use promo code go. Call now. Lou newly released video from a Police Officers body camera capturing the images of his murder. A rookie officer in flagstaff, arizona talking with a Domestic Violence suspect who had his hands in his pockets, he said because he was cold. After hearing the suspects side of the story the Police Officer asked whether he can pat the man down. At that point, the man whips out a. 22caliber revolver shooting the officer five times before take his own life. 25yearold Police Officer Tyler Stewart had been on the force less than a year. A few comments now on the intriguing force shaping policy in the obama white house. The force is not often identified as formulator of policy decisionmaking or arbiter of decision direction and administrative but that force is one to be reckoned with, president obama says hes not an emperor or king but should he change his mind about all that. That force that is part svengali part rasputin and chief consiglier is Valerie Jarrett who went to spin away the overwhelming criticism of the administrations failure to march in solidarity with 44 other National Leaders protesting radical islamist terrorism. Jarrett declared that the Public Relation might have been one thing but that president obama certainly got it right on the paris terrorist attacks. I think as we said certainly we would have liked to participated in the parade id remind that you attorney general holder was in paris for a very important meeting together with his colleagues from around europe around and the world to take a look at what we can do to make sure were cooperating fully. We certainly got the substance right but would have been great to participate in the parade. And delighted secretary kerry is there now. Lou jarrett now assumes the role of the selfless arbiter who got the substance of any issue right . Six years of seldom getting the substance of any issue right, in my opinion disqualifies jarrett of the pretense of arbiter standing. And jarrett called the march of 44 leaders and a Million People demonstrating against radical islamist terrorism a parade which she would have liked to have participated. Not once but twice, she referred to that march, that march as a parade. Dismissing and trying to trivialize unprecedented show of solidarity and opposition to radical islamists. Why would the very careful, always careful jarrett be so reckless with her denigration of such an historic event . It requires some examination, but i believe her missteps may be misunderstood by most in the media. What was her intent as she reportedly mitigated the sharptonobama alliance and the iranian born jarrett reportedly led secret talks with irans Supreme Leader in 2012 talks that may result in the lifting of sanctions but not, not an end to nuclear advancement in iran. A svengali whose missteps lead in only one direction. Now our quotation of the evening. This from greek playwright sophocles who said were coming right back. President reagan won the cold war. President obama may have a different legacy altogether. Starting a new cold war. Former Reagan White House political director ed rollins on what president obama could learn from the 40th president. Its a fact. Kind of like mute buttons equal danger. That sound good . Not being on this phone call sounds good. Its not muted. Was that you jason . It was geoffrey it was jason. It couldve been brenda. The world is filled with air. But for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. 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Its a fact. Kind of like mute buttons equal danger. That sound good . Not being on this phone call sounds good. Its not muted. Was that you jason . It was geoffrey it was jason. It couldve been brenda. Lou canada has postponed the annual meeting of north american leaders until sometime later this year. Sources tell us the canadians are very unhappy with the Obama Administrations refusal to approve the Keystone Pipeline project and uncertain fate played a role in the canadian decision scheduled to host the event in that postponement. Our next guest offered the president advice on a legacy suggesting that working with congress that the American People chose might be one way to get something done. Joining us the former Reagan White House political director ed rollins former senior fellow and fox news political analyst and we are delighted to see you. My pleasure. Lou lets start with simply the legacy of this president does. He really have one thats even a prospect . Not a good one today. Two major pieces of legislation he passed with obamacare and the doddfrank bill both need to be fixed. Whether you want to repeal them or not which republicans want to or fix them to make them work, it takes the congress to help with that. And my sense is that congress is now in control of the Republican Party both the house and the senate, and hes got two years left. He needs to work with them. That doesnt mean he has to give up everything he needs to give them something. Lou that would be counter to everything hes done over the past six years, he has been steadfast in obstinancey, is there any likelihood he can think about being reasonable looking at middle ground trying to Reach Agreement . He has to get up and say whats in the best interest of the country . If his agenda is the best interest of the country, hes a fool. At the end of the day, the American Public twice in two midterm elections elected a republican congress, and now a senate. I need to work with the people move the economy forward. Lots of things to be done. Either that or totally lame duck or do most of it by executive order which will be repealed by the courts. Where do you stand on illegal immigration and amnesty and executive fiat. I laughed yesterday because the white house is trying to spin one thing that was absolutely untrue, that the house passed legislation that supports amnesty. John boehner saying another thing that is untrue he could have said it was more about the constitution than immigration, but chose to say it was all about the constitution and not immigration. What kind of nonsense. It is nonsense as you know i was very involved in the white house. We have 11 million plus illegals in the country. Four million are not going to be deported but theyre not citizens. We need to solve the problem. We need a path to citizenship. Not let them at the front of the line but the back of the line equally important take the young people who have come here, born here goodlatte has done that, the border is wide open. The border is the thing we keep arguing. As republicans we have to seal the border before we do anything else. Particularly as we look at the worlds and the illegals, not the illegals but people sneaking in the country and creating terrorism. My sense is seal the border, the count repeats. That the other issues come. You dont need a 3,000 page bill or 2,000 page bill. Do it properly. At the end of the day do something that works. Lou the advocates of amnesty and open borders who say theyre representing the interest of Illegal Immigrants have wasted absolutely squandered opportunity after opportunity and ten years, ten years in which there could have been substantive reform in the matter of i think three months in doing something intelligent, and which would have been a middle ground. But theyve chosen other words. Let me turn to Valerie Jarrett with the amazing affront to millions of people in france marching and demonstrating for the first time against radical islamists in europe, and terrorism, and she dismisses it as a parade even as she is ostensibly trying to do damage control. The president has a tent here. Maybe with axelrod they got things right in the administration. Valerie jarrett is the principal adviser and is not a politician does, not understand. Its a very insensitive word. Using parade. It is fun and cheerful. This was not cheerful. A serious demonstration. Lou obviously trying to trivialize it. The president made a mistake and didnt go there. He should have been front and center and made the admission that they did not send the proper people and that eric holder was doing other stuff and what have you. Someone of that statute, the president or the Vice President should have been at the front of that line. Lou ed rollins, always good to see you. Thank you, sir. On wall street, too much for the market to overcome a day of heavy trading the dow down 106 points the s p down 19. The nasdaq fell 68. Volume on the big board more than 4 billion shares, 4. 2 billion. Crude oil settling above 46 a barrel 40 cents above recent lose. The yield on the 10year note falling, thats the lowest yield since may of 2013. Switzerland cutting Interest Rates and scrapping a cap policy that limited how much the euro could fall against the swiss franc. Bank shares tumbled after several major institutions missed fourthquarter earnings targets. Citigroup down 3. 5 . Bank of america down 5 . And a reminder listen to my Financial Reports three times a day coasttocoast on the salem radio network. Up next, president obama putting political agenda ahead of the national interest. Thats next. Startupny. Its working for new york state. Already 55 companies are investing over 98 Million Dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. 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Bill oreilly asked ryan marro of the clarion project to pinpoint the most dangerous of the islamist facilities in operation in this country. So you have many, many more than this. But we picked the top five they think will be of interest. The first one is in hancock, new york, about 145 miles northwest of manhattan. Whats going on in hancock . Actually a place called islamberg, they have a sign, 60, 70 acre large compound and the headquarters for a group called muslims for americas that follows muslim cleric in pakistan. Showing engaging in guerrilla Warfare Training at the islamberg compound. Islamberg upstate new york, they have weapons, private property. Theyre training on the property. Can the authorities do anything about it . Beyond monitoring them, no. Theyre not listed as Foreign Terrorist Organization fbi documents show them considered a threat. They dont have the designation, theyre able to operate in the u. S. Dont know how many people are up at this compound . That specific one no, the estimates of the number across the country that i have 22 places across the country, somewhere around 3,000. Training grounds. Wow. Lou he went onto tell bill about four other examples of radical islamist extremists operating here in this country in the nations capital, Falls Church Virginia two more in new york city. Another 17 facilities, and tomorrow well be taking a look at those. The clarion project is dedicated to exposing the dangers of radical islamist extremism in this country. And ryan moro will be joining us on the broadcast tomorrow night. You dont want to miss it. Obama administration ignoring claims of the paris terrorist attack instead choosing to release five yemeni Guantanamo Bay detainees, four of which were released to neighboring oman. Joining me to discuss what the president is doing and the threat from the radical islamists, fox news strategic analyst Lieutenant Colonel ralph peters. Great to have you here. Hi lou. Lou i watched Rudy Giuliani today, obviously so perplexed and so frustrated. He described this as the craziest thing this president has done in six years. What are your thoughts and what in the world why would he can you detect discern, his motivation . No, past a certain point, obamas actions make no sense whatsoever certainly not for a president of the United States. Lou, its so stunning that a week, less than a week after the paris massacre he released five more gitmo detainees, and its always the same old story. He asked general dempsey to pop up and say its all right. And its not all right. Its not all right. These people want to kill us were seeing plots right and left. You saw another shootout in belgium foiling apparently a very large terrorist plot. And our president , at a time when we should be fighting with all our resources against islamist terror in anyway, any shape, anywhere, our president s priority is emptying guantanamo. That is absolutely stunning. Lou i want you if you will, and audience as well, to hear the president back in june of last year talking about his great pleasure at yemen, and how they were a committed partner with the United States and the war on terror, despite the fact they have been producing most most of the terrorists who have been hitting the west over the last six months. Heres the president from june 19 2014. You look at a country like yemen, a very impoverished country, and one that has its own sectarian or ethnic divisions, we do have a committed partner in president haddi and his government and have been able to help to develop their capacities without putting large numbers of u. S. Troops on the ground. At the same time weve got enough c. T. Counterterrorism. Lou take it back now, ralph, your reaction to the president. He talks about, hes referring to spain, to france, to britain. Well, thats what happens when you dont when a president doesnt take his daily intelligence briefs. This guy has no curiosity about the world. One thing that people miss is obama does fit the classic hard left ideologue. In the 30s in the 40s, in the 50s while famines lou you finally moved into my decades there. You had the gulag killing millions in the camps in siberia, and the western left insisted stalin was a good guy. It was a utopia. Nikita khrushchev revealed stalinism, the europeans signed up for stalinism, insisted the soviet union was perfect, and obama is the same kind of guy in our american left now, instead of stalin instead of stalinism and the soviet union, the new utopia appears to be islam, and you dare not think anything wrong about it you must not say anything wrong about it you must cover up all its pagrams and massacres and camps. In that sense hes classic. Lou you must at all costs protect the obama narrative that al qaeda is on the run. And all of this, of course, are pieces of a part that is a false narrative. Lets be fair. Al qaeda is on the run, theyre running toward us not away from us. It used to be said via the bourbon kings of the new sicilys, they never learned anything or forgot anything. That encapsulates king barack. It is amazing. Lou i would only quibble hes obviously forgotten much for example, much of American History. He never knew it. He never knew American History. It was taken out of our schools. You can give him an American History quiz we give to ninth graders and hed flunk it. Lou colonel ralph peters thank you for being with us. And im still working on the bourbon kings im going bring them into a conversation in honor of you. A little bourbon, lou. Lou that part i got covered. Up next attorney general eric holder playing racial politics ramping up on assault that goes on against local Law Enforcement. And take it up with the ateam angela and santeta jackson join us here next. [ male announcer ] you wouldnt leave your car unprotected. But a lot of us leave our identities unprotected. 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Lou demonstrators taking to the streets in boston this morning, protesting Police Violence in the name of black lives matter. Nearly 30 demonstrators were arrested shutting down traffic during the morning rush hour. Attorney general eric holder slamming the lack of information about the use of force by and against police. His comments coming in an event honoring Martin Luther king, jr. , where he also defended the Obama Administrations position on Law Enforcement in this country. Over the past six years, our record of support for Law Enforcement has been both strong and unambiguous. Let us reject the empty rhetoric of anyone who would engage in cynical attempts to divide and to cast blame choosing to affirm once more that americans from all backgrounds and perspectives must come together to be part of positive change. Lou what is he talking about were going to find out. Were going to get two views. Radio talk show host santita jackson, republican strategist Fox News Contributor angela mcglown. He said cynical efforts to cast blame, all i would think about is him selling out the entire police force of ferguson, missouri before they had investigation. Stop, stop, stop. We need to have an honest discussion in this country about how we manage power. Look, i am for the police but im also for the proper use of power. And i think thats what the real discussion ought to be about. 44 of the killings by police are against white citizens. I think we have to talk about that. While africanamerican men are 21 times more likely to be shot by police. Its not just black and white its about wrong and right, and i want us to get to that point. Lou those are good slogans and most of us agree with them. What we dont agree with is the fact that the top Law Enforcement officer of the country prejudges a case goes into a community of 21,000 people and tries to intimidate them and play big shot, and then denies he did there what he was trying to do in ferguson, missouri. I dont think thats what he was trying to do. Lou sure he was. Hes playing politics and the administrations done it from jump street. I am the sister of three black men. And when they were teenagers, they were all pulled over by the police. This is an experience africanamerican men take constantly. This is shared by many americans, deal with abuse. Do we have a level Playing Field in america . No. Is racism still alive . Yes. What makes me upset, when have you poverty pimps and black men of pow who utilize race to divide because they fail. Are you calling him a poverty pimp . Yes. Why . What has he done for ferguson . Wait a minute. Poverty is part of it. Lets no no wait a minute. Stop. Lou you cant stop both of us you cant stop me and angela. Im for freedom and speech now, come on now. The reason why im so upset i dont think it is. The reason im so upset is he had the opportunity to make a stand and make a difference. Has president obama made a difference in our community . Whats eric holder done in our community. What has he done. There are only two people. The leader of the free world. There are a lot of people that can make a difference. Stop the name calling and come to who is that calling eric holder a poverty pimp. Exam. Lou supporting the folks who put together demonstrations that many people were believing were spontaneous response in ferguson when it turns out it was orchestrated, bought and paid for by a billionaire. What do you call that . I dont agree with that. Im from a history of demonstrations. I am, too. A lot of this is organic. Lou tell me why Valerie Jarrett dismiss over a Million People, more people were marching in france this weekend than have ever marched in the United States to oppose and to demonstrate against radical islamists in europe, and this president ial adviser, his senior adviser, dismisses them and the leaders of 44 nations as being in a parade. She said it not once twice i cant speak to that. Look, they already said they felt they made a mistake by not going. And i am for, lets not talk about the french situation. While im for freedom of speech, i agree with the pope. I dont think he should slander other peoples religions. Should they have been there . They say we should have been there. Lou what youre saying is different than what the pope said. The pope said quite simply there should be a limit to free speech. Thats a european idea, not american. On Martin Luther kings birthday i dont think you can compare the marches today to the marches back then for freedom, for civil rights for voting. People that have marched in the marches, some of them were paid. Back in the day that was the charge that was the charge dr. King was called outside agitator and all of that. Im not talking about dr. King today. Let us agree on his birthday the americans dream the ideal to be real. The next time lou has us on pitching, for us to come up with Real Solutions from the right and from the left. Wont be dividing the country and the race of politics and using race to divide. The county is already divided, the question is how do we come together . Lou and how do we keep from electing leaders like this president who have cynically, cynically, for six years used racial politics to exploit and to seek advantage in the electoral process. I disagree with that. Lou i know you do. I got to tell you what i believe, too. Im going to say what you said to me. You stop. [ laughter ] youre right. Im sorry. [ laughter ]. The only reason i said that, weve got to stop. We have 30 secondss. Thank you for having me. Happy king day to you. Lou and happy king day to you. God bless you. Lou and you get one, too. And happy new year. Thank you very much. Go to our facebook page. Take a second to like the Fox Business Network facebook page. Like like, like. Thats it for us tonight. Stay tuned for cavuto. Good night from new york. See you tomorrow night. Neil welcome, everybody. Im neil cavuto. Tonight, the president might be focused on veto threats and not on terror threats. President obama is meeting privately with democrats in pennsylvania to discuss political strategy, but not military officials in the war room to discuss war strategy. Bob says the administrations priorities are whats dangerous. General, good to have you back. Now is not the time to do the optic thing hes doing is what im saying. What do you think . Youre absolutely right. The thing that amazes most of my military colleagues is the fact that the president and the administration are so disconnected from whats going on in the

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