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Highflying Momentum Technology and biotech stocks that propel much of the markets for much of the past year, or highvalueing as or, profit taking or you get the idea, among biggest losers, google, apple, and yahoo , down 3. 5 , and investors bracing for what is expected to be an ugly earnings season. First quarter earnings for s p 500 companys to fall by 1. 2 , first year over year decline since First Quarter of 2012. All of this, and after a lackluster march jobs report friday, proved president obamas economic policies are not quite delivering the results needed to lower unemployment to acceptable levels. Obama ken economy sluggish. Some sign that it is effective. A major new Gallup Survey suggestions obamacare enrollment numbers are not as high as Obama Administration now claims, survey shows 15. 6 of adults are uninsured, down from 17. 1 at end of last year. Which translates to 3. 5 Million People who have now taken on healthcare coverage. Far from 7. 1 Million White House said signed up for private pla plans. Jeb bush setting himself apart from other republicans on the issue of immigration, former governor claims many who illegally come to u. S. Do so, out of an act of love. Yes, they broke the law, but, it is not a felony. It is a act of love. And an act of commitment to your family, i think that is a different kind of crime, that should be there should be a price paid, but it should not real people up they are coming to this country to provide for their families. Joining us now. First lets reacting if you will, to governor bush, an act of love, in crosses our bodyers illegal well our borders illegaly well i have to agree with him, i am canadian, i a i it was an acf love. However i think it goes tprar. I donfar, idont know what he d my own definitions through my youth if not last couple of weeks, i would not define that as an immigrant in crossing a border, i understand, he is saying people are attracted to this country, that is true. But that is not the way our system works, you have to do it legally. Lou a peculiar choice of words and expression, and close it seems to be pandering. Or irrationalizing what is going on, you have my own feels feeling there a lot of canadians would have come here too, a lot dwu we cannot have open borders without consequence, we have ruled and regulations, they are appropriate. Lou. We know if we accept the governors outlook, there is a lot of love. Half of mexicoest iest in most t poll shows 46 percent of all mexicans would love to come to the united states, that love. Im feeling beter with the thought. I dont know how to tell you this, but will brick into your house tonight, it will be a act of love. Lou if anyone breaks in my house, you are the right person. I want to turn to other story of this hour. That is gop up survey gallup and you havsurvey showing 3. 5 mn people, have now gotten insurance for first time, months 50 million whom period said needed it, this is a disasterous statostoc. It is. And were not at end of them, what is also not yet, coming to surface is how many doctors do not wish to participate in obamacare, they did a survey in new york state, 45 of doctors were opposed of 40 , who said they would participate, 75 said only reason is because they are legally bound by previous come commitment to insurance policies it is very unpopular within the entire medica medical professiot will be seen as the turning points for Obama Administration. Ap announced his Approval Rating drop disApproval Rating is now 59 , when is the last time you saw that. Were not in a war, people have lost confidence in this administration and this leader. Lou you have supported this president at various points been critical of him too. Why is it this president does not seem to be able to connect on issues and actually carry out successfully public policies, programs, of really any kind . You know, the fact is he won two elections, he connectioned on some level. Lou politically, im talking about terms of government. Governor confidence is different, that requires leadership, he has demonstrateed to too many people he is not a natural leader, he does not know how to deal with congress, or build alliances with the congress, i read a editor profile of him, he is only community organizeeer that i evr met who does not like people. It is amazing. I have been up close in the beginning when i was a strong supporter, the first couple years, there something about him, he does not connection with people, i cant tell you why, he does in speechs but retail basis when you have to develop relations with congress or small groups, i there was with one of 5 ceos, it was amazing how badly he handled it. Lou what does this auger for the economy, a man most of us did not expect in 2008 would be a loud, and positive voice, optimistic, bring people together. Give us a way forward with a vision it has not been our tick lateed let articulateed let alone imf employed. That is what we talk about with leadership, this country had a very weakestic ik kim recovery last 5 weakest economic recovery, the latest 5 or 6 years, that is a recovery that still files like a recession, that is what yellen said, we despite the fact we had a huge stimulus program, in my judgment it was inadequately focused, we are still growing 2 1 2 rate that is way below where it should be, Congressional Budget Office now predicts for next 5 years we will only glow at a 2. 1 rate, that is very bad for this economy in particular the job market. Sobering words we appreciate you being here than soon. Thank you, lou. Lou stocks finishing lower for a third consecutive trading session, crude oil down 70 cents. Gold fell 5 dollars to close above 1298 an ounce. Yield on 10 year drops to. 2 70s were coming right back. Stay with us. New unrest in eastern ukraine, it seems they want to be more like crimea. Ralph peters will join us, correctly predicted first invasion. What does he think about a second . Next. So ally bank has a raise your rate cd that wothats correct. A rate. Cause im really nervous about getting trapped. Whys that . Uh, mark . Go get help i have my reasons. Look, you dont have to feel trapped with our raise your te cd. If our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. Oh that sounds nice. Dont feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. But they have to use special care in keeping the denture clean. Dentures are very different to real teeth. Theyre about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. Polident is designed to clean dentures daily. Its unique microclean formula kills 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. Thats why i recommend using polident. [ male announcer ] polident. Cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. Iprise asked people ] polident. A simple question in retirement, will you outlive your money . Hh. No, that cant happen. Thats the thing, you dont know how long it has to last. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive. Confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. Well, knowing gives you confidence. Start building your confident retirement today. Lou secretary of state kerry agreeing to meet with top diplomats from russia, ukraine and the European Union as new violent builds in ukraine. Demonstrate or declare the city independent and call for a referendum on suss session from ukraine. By may 11. President obama, to attend a Memorial Service this wednesday for three People Killed in last weeks fort hood shootings. Investigator say ivan lopezs rampage followed a altercation after his request for leave was denied. He had been treated foro going Mental Health issues. Some lawmakers now call for servicemembers to be allowed to carry guns on bases among other responses, joining us is fox news strategyic analyst. Colon ralpcolcolonel ralph pete. In he o each instance of these tragedies it has been a Mental Health issue motivateing what transpowered, i would like your react to why military does not seem to be detecting early enough, soon enough the issue that lead to such action . Lou, first of all, on army posts things ar safe, far lower crime and violence than even well to do neighborhoods outside of the gates of the post. The military does the best it can. But it is not a Perfect World, how many major shooting military attacks have we had other than hasan, that was a terrorist attack, this is a oneoff in fort hood, should ask question, how can a soldier who is mentally disturbed, walk in a gunshot and walk out with a semiautomatic pistol. I dont think that is what the Founding Fathers had in mind. Lou i would urge there is a consensus on this issue but to the fashion he was being e fact, he was being eval waitededeconomyvaluateed evaluateed. It turned out he was not directly in combat, but he suffered from various issues including depression. Its strikeing to me there should not be a higher standard of alertness oness tos soldierr sailor or whom of ter may be in combat because we know the ter terrific burden they srurpb taken have turntaken, this is tough sm not blaming the military, im talking about all of us, insisting on better support for the people were asking to do far too much, in my view. At least, colonel . Our vets dont want a pity party, some come flew things just find some, have genuine problems, from multiple tours. Have you this murderer at fort hood who was not a combat veteran, he had no signs of ptsb but it basic mental problem, lou, people have mental problems in a huge organization like the army, some people will slip through the crack, they were evacuating the guys, it is not the armys fault. I have to say, were losing 22 veterans a day to suicide here. Im not throwing a pito party. I am saying time for a lot of people to grow up. And understand that we have asked too much of too few, and that by god we have to change your outlook, and the way in which we trade, fund and man our military. Our Mental Health system, our military, look it is say volunteer military, people are not forceed to sign up, they are not forceed to stay in, if you want to change our military, sign up. But, i am certainly not belittleing the sacrifices of our veterans, i am saying is that military, is doing its best, can to did better . , it can to treat vets with mental illness, to prevent suicides, we can always do better. But give he a solution. Lou you want a solution. Why not get straight with the reality of what were asking these young men and women to do, we put them through 3 or 4 tours, in whether it be iraq or afghanistan, were asking to damn much were doing so damn little for them. Were talking about still, to get benefits we talk about at least 15 i did delay 175 day delays for veteran arpbgs pairs tsvet van apairs tofind approvas this is not criticizeing a military, this is not a military as you said. This is not a Perfect World but we can sure as hell improve what were doing, and doing for these real heroes, for this country. Were in screaming agreement on this,. Lou i think so. But va is not the same as active duty forces either, there are so many issues there points im trying to make is veterans, are not they are not all the same, they are not all going off the deep epblgd, mos end. Most of doing i know, lou. I am talking about 22 committing suicide. Yes, we have to obviously we have to do better, we have to contract on that. And by the way, you have to deal with real solutions. Well do it. Lou next time you are here lets take up this issue of volunteer army, because i talked with some of folks i respect the greatest, you, and others, in command, and tell me that it is a greatest thing in the world, i believe that to a. , but i believe in shared sacrifice, so i want to get will d colorado wl ralph peter views on draft. Lou, i would support a draft of ivy league graduates. You got it. You know, just, as a side, most ferocious killer. Lou you always take a crack at those ivy leagueers. I do, i see them here in washington all of the time, they thinthink they got the meal tict for life, they dont do something. Lou they have the world by the tail with a down hill drag. The more more. Lou i have to the more expensive the degree, the less the grat ads yeahgraduatesees. They know all of the theory ons but they never had a bloody blood nose they dont know what reality is like. Lou i had a bloody nose, my former army Office Executive producer about to kick my tail, stroeu say thanto say, thank yoe that up next time, co colonel rh peters. Fridays online poll result we asked do you think that the economy is headed in the right direction, 96 of you said no. And tonights poll, do you think that relatives of former president s should find occupation thundershowe other tl candidates . Were just curious. And later well have veal quotation of the day, and word of the day, i hope governor bush is listening. Worlds largest democratic elections kicking off in india, more than 800 million voters going to the polls, expected to cast their ballots over next 6 weeks, that is more voters than united states, brazil, and indonesia combined. Worlds biggest democracy. At the polls. And for First Time Ever voters will have b option of rejecting all of the candidates and checking one simple box, think about this one, none of the above. Never happen here. Well be right back. Stay with us. Stock market turb length, the economys sluggish and president focusing on income inequalty, former reagan economic advisor, alteart dad well, weve been thinking about it and were just not sure. agent i understand. dad weve never sold a house before. agent ill walk you guys through every step. dad so if we sell, do you think we can swing it . agent i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that ive found, the timing is perfect. Theres a lot of buyers for a house like yours. dad thats good to know. mom im so excited. Thits not the limit yoursh hard earned cash back card. Its not the confused by rotating categories card. Its the nocategorygaming, nolookpassing, clearthelaneim goingupstrong, backboardbreaking, cash back card. This is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. Unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, every single day. Ill ask again. Whats in your wallet . Gunderman group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. Growth . Growth. I just talked to ups. Theyve got a lot of great ideas. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. Lou a new study ranking americas best airlines when it comes on line flight, mishandled baggage, customer complaints, best at all that virgin america, jetblue, hawaiian airlines, delta and alaska. I do the back from chicago with my wife, we likeed united and american as well, today of, market down triple digits what is going on. Joining us now arthur laffer. You notice i almost said the president. It is nice being with one ivy league grad, i feel sorry that you went to harvard, we had a good education at yale. Lou fine, i know. A great thing, the education they offer those of you at yale. My executive produceer who went to cornell was sputtering as col colonel ralph peters. He was there before and after. Anyway, great to see you. Good to see you lou. Lou talk about this jobs report, obama recovery most personally, Lawrence Summers calling for more infrastructure spending, your reaction . The jobs there is no recovery. You had a huge fall in employment as a population hit bottom in two thousand 9, been there in 2009 it has been there 5 straight years flat. There has been no recovery, every person off unemployment roll as dropped out of the employment force. These numbers are not encourageing. Were not fall anything more, that is true, but there is no recovery. We should have 9 percent growth rates per quarter annualizeed. And Larry Summers said that government should do more. My god, ho how much damage can u do . You know, dumbest thing you can do is to repress the uk mine immune system when a patient is sick. This is the time we need free markets not more government, for gods sakes get it out of there. Lou will they work under this president . They will, they will work under anyone. Lou how is that going o going o happen . I dont know how. Lou if it works under this one, why doesnt somebody start it. He has to start it. Oh, he has wait, you cant have that two ways, you cant say a fry market then free market. I did not say it was a free market, i said a free market would work. Im just asking a question. It would work if he would do it. If we would let the market be free, we would have a really big boom, there is so much lowhanging fruit, we could get phenomenal take off, oh, well. Lou well ask you back in next day or two and see if we can impose you on to go after that low hanging fruit. I am always here for you, even though you are a harvard grad, i will speak slower for you next time, and not use polly sill abic words. Coast on coast on sale umradio network sal salem rao network. And we want to turn to some entertainment news. If you call it entertainment, grammy winner rapper entrepreneur jayz sparking controversy over medalian he wore at a budge basketball gamet week. Symbol he was wearing on that medallion represents the 5 nation, as it is called. It is an off chute of nation of islam that reportedly believes quote, white people are the devil. How about that . Well, how about this . Weekend box office captain america, winter soldier, just wiping out the competition, disney super hero sequel earned a stagerring 96 million in its first weekend out. Setting record for biggest april release in history, noah dropping to second place, and divergent in third. We are coming right back. Stray with us. Stay with us. Another bush who would be president. Is america ready . Jeb bush said illegal immigratiois the way Illegal Immigrants show their love. John fond and matt slap, next. Up. A short word thats a tall order. Up your game. Up the ante. And if you stumble, you get back up. Up isnt easy, and we oug to know. Were in the business of up. Everyday delta flies a quarter of Million People while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. Were raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. Lou well here now just in case you missed it is th saturday nit live, having fun at expense of General Motors ceo mary berra and the new gm. I represent the new gm, and the new gm is all about honesty. I would like to ask, wasnt gm aware of a problem with cobollcobalt ignition switch in. Were looking into that. What was gms response . Were looking into that as well. So you dont know what the response was . With all cu due respect, thas the old gm i i cant speak to how the old gm would handle a issue like this, only to how a new gm could handle it. Miss berra when did you first find out about the ignition problem. That is part of our investigation. You dont know what you knew . I am looking into knowing when i first knew about it. But i wont know the results of that knowing until i know for sure. Joining us now, the ateam, matt slack, and john fund, great to have you here, matt, lets start with jeb bush, related i believe to your former boss. Talk about illegal immigration as an act of love is that deep heavy symbolism . Or what is it . He has a long record on immigration, he was a very popular governor of florida, which has a diverse population, maybe most po population, he was telling us what he thinks to the issue, he is not going to be able to change his opinion on immigration, he is out there, he is public, and he is talking about it pupically publicly, and thinking about the race, seeing what reaction is. Lou what do you think the reaction is to his act of love comment in. I dont know im waiting to hear what john says. Lou lets send the suspense. John fund, act of love said jeb bush. Jeb bush is a valuable edition to our Public Policy debate but this is not how you play president ial politics, he is enjoying getting out there and being talked about as a president ial candidate, harboring some belief maybe the skies will part and he can run, but you dont say things like this and rur ive in survive in Republican Partys. What does happen here. Latest survey does not register. At middle of pack. People leading here, senator rand paul, governor mike huckabee. About that time that establishment types, i will not include ne you in that, thank y. No thank you. They seem to be had to get jeb bush on a stage quickly. Well you know, lou this race for republican nomination, has never been as open like this since 1950s, we dont have the next second finishes candidate ready to go, people are looking at the fields, they are nervous, they are matching against hillary clinton, a bit of a Democratic Power house, fact that people turn to jeb bush as a potential candidate makes sense, i hope he runs but i think john is right if he runs he has to have a serious plan, and have to you know, make sure that what he says, needs to be done for future of country. You know, as i hear matt talking im thinking they need a white knight in the Republican Party, they have two candidates doing well. Who are not typical establishment sort of canonizeed candidates the wont of the Republican Party. Those who watch this closely know were not going to know the contours of republicanal feel until last of midterm elections that is what dictates who runs, and the issues they run in, this is all way premature, i will tell you, well have a healthy competition, i agree with matt, Republican Party does not have healthy competition in its president ial primaries it always goes to next person in line, well see how they perform, and the voters will be able to decide. To. Lou will jeb bush be the next person in line . No, law because the last thia country of, shall we say individualists want issue two families, bush and clintons running again each other for a whole generation, that is bushs problem here, is the white sheep of the family, i think highly of him as he governed florida. I think one thing is well see candidates emerge after the midterm as john said, who are not talking about now, i think it is good that good that this race is wide open, well have a great conversation about i. D. S, i think that idea, jeb bush will be a part of that conversation whether a candidate or not. Helpful, matt. Thank you so much. Come back soon, and john thank you. Time for our world of the day, you might think because of the positions here that this word came to us because of governor bush, note necessarily the case not necessarily the case, we do not want unfair interpretations, a word almost everyone in politics might top keep in mind, today, worth of the day, pander. The word of the day is pander, vote i in tonights online poll, do you think that relatives of former president s, this has nothing to do with governor bush. We just asking. Vote at loudobbs. Com. Parents and students coming to defense of a California High School Science Teacher who was placed on leave after getting into a fight with a student, in a cell phone video that went viral. Witnesses say that teacher was defending himself after the boy punched him, wer for confrontim about selling marijuana in his class, that was not very nice was it. It . A bench clearing brawl during an annual Charity Hockey game between new york city police, and firefighters, game delay for 25 minutes with referees trying to get the fight under control, is that a fight you would like to control . New yorks bravest and new yorks finest, i would not get in middle of that deal, 90 won ththe nypd won the game, 85. Up next, critical look at American Manufacturing sector outsources of job, Highway Patrol for the future hope for future, we talk with the producer of americanmade movie, next. Why relocating manufacturingpany to upstate new york . I tell people its for the climate. The conditions in new york state are great for business. New york is ranked 2 in the nation for new private sect job creation. And now its even better because theyve introduced startup new york dozens of taxfree zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. Youll get a warm welcome in the new new york. See if your business qualifies at startupny. Com lou quote of the day, coming from Martin Luther king, said, nothing is the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and consciousous stupid tie, we saw a disturbing example of that last week when liberal activists decideed to take down mozellea ceo because in 2008 he supported proposition 8. Ill have a few more things to say about that in my commentary. A new documentry to tell you about, my guest looking at decline of manufacturing in america and positive impact on the economy. How often do we think about different element that go into making a baseball game . How american is americas pastime these days . Truth is, in a global economy, it takes manufacturers from all over the world to take things necessary to have a baseball game. Are you kidding me . Joining me now, writer and producer of americanmade movie, vincent pretoria. Thank you. Lou i love idea we could not play baseball here without folks from world. We live in a different world, so many parts come from so many different places not just one product from b where wont coun. Lou i mean were talking about offshoreing, outsourcing, rather than comparative advantage, which is idealistically, what should be going on, a country that is produce best. At cheapest price prevailed. Is that what is really happening . We used to be known as country that made superior products, we were in looking at world war ii there was no competition, but now Playing Field as changed we have to compete with other country, and labor costs, and you know the strength of our dollar, the wayy in which we have these competeing forces. Lou we went through this thing with gm, just about 70 of parts are made somewhere else. Im not sure i understand how that works. Help me out, why are we producing so much overseas, i understand that china is a big market, build a plan there and sell into the market, i get that but, what about our middle class, our working men and women here, who need to make a living wage. Supporting their families and building a future . You know, movie americanmade movie takes a look how we as consumers can take an invested interest. Weve seen democrats and republicans talk about bringing back manufacturing it sounds good but at the end of the day there is no action, we show consumers how they can take an invested interest in their local economy stateic oh, this country to bring it back. Lou create jobs for a middle class that is getting its butt kicked. Were watching this middle class here. Just get slapped around. They dont have an advocate, in in the democratic or republican parties. Do you technology will kphaeurpblg . You, do you think it will change . I am hopeful, i think it will. It goes back to the consumer were all part of this not just our votes. Lou cheapest price whether made in romania, china or russia. Whenever. And not mor focuss on quality, t willing to pay that extra 10 cents or a dollar. Also the brand that made in american brand is sexy, lebron james gets paid million milliono support a shoe company, people can just employees to make that product. Lou this movie, about made in america, and about jobs, as you say, it makes a compelling view are for all of us, how do people see it . What is best way to watch the American Made movie . April 1 it opened on demand. So people can go to their on demand button. Lou cable, dish. Cable, dish. Lou and directv. Or web site, has more information about other ways. We have onure scree the scret there events ent than, thank yo. Thank you. Come back. Lou on demand. Up next, my commentary on the liberal war against free speech. Phoe zila zo zo forced out of his job, your thoughts nex dad well, weve been thinking about it and were just not sure. agent i understand. dad weve never sold a house before. agent ill walk you guys through every step. dad so if we sell, do you think we can swing it . agent i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that ive found, the timing is perfect. Theres a lot of buyers for a house like yours. dad thats good to know. mom im so excited. [ chainsaw buzzing ] humans. Sometimes, life trips us up. Sometimes, we trip ourselves up. And although the mistakes may seem to just keep coming at you, so do the solutions. Like multipolicy discounts from Liberty Mutual insurance. Save up to 10 just for combining your auto and home insurance. Call Liberty Mutual insurance at. To speak with an Insurance Expert and ask about all the personalized savings available for when you get married, move into a new house, or add a car to your policy. Personalized coverage and savings all the things humans need to make our world a little less imperfect. Call. And ask about all the ways you could save. Liberty Mutual Insurance responsibility. Whats your policy . Lou id like to play catch up on the gay take down of the new ceo of mozilla. 3 members of the board resigned over appointment of ike. He invented java script and cofounded the mozilla project, ike donateed money to californias proposition 8 that defines marriage as between a man and a woman. The mindlessly reflective reaction to ike a selection to run mo jilla, which h zila ma whenly helped found was ignorant and intolerant, okay cube edtry to boycott his fire fox browsers because of ike a opposition to equal marriage, remember, ike did not despairage gays or make gays feel unwelcome at mo jill mozilla, he as a career in Silicon Valley there is no suggestion at any time of discrimination of any kind. He was pushed out because he contributeeed 1,000 to californias prop 8, 6 years ago. In fact, ikes views on gay marriage, are the same as president obamas until mr. Obama anand his position two years ago, same as Hillary Clintons views. Until a year ago. Ike has now resigned. The departed Board Members have proved themselves to be intolerant in ikes case. They should say they are sorry. Okay cupid has relented and called for a boycott against fire fox, and proved against that sincere ignore ran is ignorance is dangerous when combineed with stupiditty. Equal rights in america, means equal rights for all, it is really that simple. I hope you agree. Time for a few of your comments, sam in las vegas, email sad toy many people are starting to believe that obamacare is successful. Thanks to liberal media. And republicans havave not offed a viable option, repeal is a result of both of these issues. I am afraid that republicans are going to squander their opportunity to keep their majority in house, and retake the senate, you are not alone in those fears in response to our poll question, do you think that economy is headed in the right direct, sheryl, tweeted, are you kidding me i barely have enough lift over for gas, and groceries, these days. Everything is going up except my paycheck. And george tweeted about the poll question, if we followed obama curve, it has no place to go but down. I like to hear you from email he loudobbs. Com, follow us on twit or facebook. Links to everything, and were giving away copys ofny mew book upheaval to a 94s of email, and tweets and as you others of emails and tweets and posts, tomorrow, dr. Keith ablow, and jacjack keane, see you torrow jacjack keane, see you torrow night, good night from new Gunderman Group is a go. Yes not just a start up. An upstart. Gotta get going. Gotta be good. Good . Good. Growth is the goal. How do we do that . I talked to ups. Theyll help us out. New technology. Smart advice. We focus on the business and they take care of the logistics. Ups . Good going. We get good. Thats great. Great. Great. Great. Great. Great. Great. Great. Great. all great i love logistics. Neil welcome, everybody, im neil cavuto. You wonder why republicans are in trouble, this might prove it. No matter what john boehner says he is about it. He is not caving. Just the stupid critics whining. Health care thing they were all about killing theyre all about fixing. It is true. After prodding by business groups, republicans indeed quietly gone along with a Health Care Law change that expands coverage choices for small businesses. Thinking behind the unusual voice voight without debate it make best of a bad situation. One republican likened squeezing le

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