Transcripts For FBC Lou Dobbs Tonight 20140118 : comparemela

Transcripts For FBC Lou Dobbs Tonight 20140118

good evening, everybody. president obama today announced a few changes, minimal changes to some aspects of the nsa surveillance programs while he spoke at the justice department. programs that his aides claim he knew nothing about and tell edward snowden told the world. former senior obama adviser selling the new york times that president obama was surprised at what he revealed. things seemed to have grown at the nsa. i think it was disturbing to most people, and i think he found it disturbing. the president followed a similar scripts her upon being faced with significant an embarrassing failure previously. he knew nothing about any of it. you recall the pattern. hhs secretary plan the president had no knowledge until the side launched on october 1st and then immediately crashed and crashed badly. she plans no one told the president about the numerous failed test runs, including a failed test just two weeks before launch. president obama landreau last year that he did not know the irs was targeting conservative groups until he read about it in a newspaper. >> love me make sure i answer a specific question. i can assure you that i certainly did not know anything about the zero ig report before it had been leaked through press lou: white house press spokesman said four days later white house officials elected not to tell the president about the report. the white house said it had no idea that attorney general eric holder's department of justice seized phone records from a fox james rose and and the associated press. carney told print media we have no knowledge of any attempt by the justice department to seek phone records of the ap. a year earlier he denied that president obama under the department of justice was running guns in the mexico. the failed atf come running operation known as fast and furious that led to the murder of u.s. border patrol agents bryan terry. >> the idea behind that thinking suggests that there was some grand plan behind the fast and furious program when in fact everyone knows, the president did not know about this tactic until he heard about it through the media. lou: everyone knows that the president did not know. of course, the terrorist attack in benghazi, which relied this week at the central intelligence agency had warned of at least seven times this green june and august of 2012 that there were setting of sanctuary. they're ministrations stuck to its false story that the attack was a spontaneous flair of demonstration after protests to get an amateurish video that was characterized as anti muslim. now the president of the white house has ever explained why he told the same fall since two weeks later before the united nations general assembly will have even though they knew no such protests or demonstrations and ever occurred for such a reason. the president's claims of ignorance in the face of the biggest scandals of his five years in office may at times offer convenient excuse, even legal defense, but this administration is regard for the law is suspect in so many other instances as well, from selected prosecution and enforcement of the immigration law to executive actions on, at best, shaky constitutional grounds. joining us is a man who understands and millie the administration's views of the law and its occasional ambivalence toward enforcement's he served under both presidents bush and obama, author of the book and justice president continues to claim, as we have established to y ignorance on just about every failure of governance and administration. what is your reaction? >> president obama is getting his talking points from sergeant schulz on hovis heroes. it was beyond his purview. this is a bigger problem. not only did they say he doesn't know anything, but after the scandals simmers down, they don't do anything about it, fire anybody at the irs, the justice department. worse, this to defending what they're redoing. was this a guy who ran for president harping about the national security state and the rule of law? in hindsight it is almost tragic because this administration has abused the rule of law more than any other for decades. lou: president obama has asked attorney general holder and the intelligence community to devise a way to create stories for all of them at a data is being aggregated, collected and aggregated faugh. that understand quite how the government and they support -- important national-security agency can be effectively ordered to have her in the sorts of private corporations for storage of highly classified and personal and private information by the way, those companies and corporations are accused of greater intrusions and violations of privacy that has the nsa to this point. >> and that is just one of the many crazy things about his announcement. he was horizon to be this storekeeper of national security , but he comforted us by saying, well, don't worry about it. if any of this information gets out first of all, national security car will have to approve. guess what, over the last five years the special security court has approved almost every request to press confirmation. so that is cold comfort. the looking at how he perverted history which is really sinister he compared the nsa to paul revere. he said that it was just like paul revere monitoring information. he has it exactly backwards. the nsa was like general gage in the british. this is a very troubling circumstance or of americans text of your e-mails, phone conversations and being house and a government data base out in utah in a massive facility. this is not what america is about, and it's time for real reform, not this obama style temporary, phony reform. lou: it is also reform of an agency that as best i know has not violated any individual's rights, nor as a been accused of so doing. unlike microsoft, googol, number of 57 are going to go through a number of corporations that have violated the privacy of their customers to other clients who and others to view their own activities. this president since it think that corporate america is the correct repository for all of this very sensitive and important information fissiparous one. and there seems to be this acquiescence on the part of the media, think tanks in washington and a lot of elected officials in washington who are facing reelection this year he won maloof. >> of course with corporations people are always free believed and use e--ail elsewhere and. with the national security administration would, i want them collecting the texts from pakistan in somalia him about when it comes to collecting every day activities of american citizens, that's a different story in. obama's solution of funneling the soft as the rendition of the same team of terrrrists, is passing the buck in. lou: as always, good to have you with us. appreciate it. later he will take a look it who is really breeching the privacy of our citizens would amend the very same organizations his hands the president wants to place him the secrets of the nsa. two of the country's top technology and cyber security experts are with us one. the housing market, its best year since the start of the great recession will. his recovery here why and how long it will be so. sports illustrated senior writers with the new book and manhattan of a legendary basketball coach won him what it instructs us in the way of management bid. on wall street stocks closed out the week mixed-be. fidel and his and nasdaq posted gains and a a pimp and. morgan stanley and earnings beating estimates. the stock finished been. new home construction fell and didn't the remains strong enough to give builders their best year says. stay with us. more good news soon. for coming right back him. mr. obama is all excited and, but it is not government spying and oor removed n. it's america's biggest brands and technology hidden. we examine the real into the privacy hidden him is your tv powered by coal? 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[ female announcer ] ask your doctor about crestor. if you can't afford your medicion, astrazeneca y be able toel ♪ lou: well, let's talk about the mainstream liberal media. they love to focus on the intrusiveness of the nsa. a larger concern him and perhaps arguably the often unreported interest of the big technology companies from the commerce and social media spying on american citizens who. we unwillingly unwittingly has personal information to private companies whose only concerns is how to profit from the of affirmation. was mistakenly collected data about websites people were visiting over wireless networks. facebook keeps tabs on the status updates and then decide to delete read and post. and apple's funds that have that allows people to track their movements with amazing accuracy, for some alarming accuracy. oem not handing over the data about ourselves and our personal lives criminals are stealing a. as ever security firm announces as uncovered release 6i along attacks on american retailers. the credit card systems are infected with the same type of our demolishes software used to steal data from up to 110 million customers of target bin and there are reports that the breach at neiman-marcus went undetected for five months. people are focusing on the illness ahead once the deal? which of them is the biggest problem we're facing when it comes to privacy and security concerns? severed terrorism analyst, former adviser to the state department's anti-terrorism assistance program, ceo and cloud source investigations now one of the nation's top tech anaayst including ibm will microsoft and h-p, the president and principal analyst and we are delighted to have you with this. i want to start with you. i'm listening to these reforms and i can't even understand who makes the president think that this will in any way create greater security for the country or for those people with data on those files. >> neither can i, i recognize that it is mostly a p.r. stunt. realize that he was in the dark about much of what was going on, so anything he says but anything that was going on or anything that will go on his pro was something he should take with a very big grain of salt. as you pointed out, some of the private companies capture an inordinate amount of the information. they bought nest which will eventually job cameras and sensors in the home. an inordinate amount of affirmation that given there lack of security probably will go to your variety of people. every right to be concerned with where is going on with private business. lou: the same question to you. why in the world should the president be giving a speech at the justice department about the nsa and ignore everything that has happened with these companies, the relationship with china, russia, other markets. and we are supposed to be testing these companies with the most personal details of our lives the be our objective about the nsa weather has not been as far as we know a single violation. >> you're right to. i am a law-and-order gile. believe in this stuff, but i draw line between although i think it is a problem, there are certain things you can do with the private industry, but the private industry does not spine and the government's. citizens, if you don't like something they can choose not to do things, not use the iphone. they don't have to buy something. when you're in a data base for terrorism more of thh government decides to say you're a bad guy, there's not all lawyers can do. the constitution is designed to protect the people from the government, but private companies are subject to liability, lawsuits. target will face multiple billions in class-action lawsuits where the government has immunity, and they don't get the same scrutiny. lou: is a big difference. there is an individual claim in some instances buried data note of a single individual plan had can be asserted. the fact is there is an interrelationship between the technology companies upon which the nsa is incredibly dependent, where there are worse off for companies and other assets of the answer relationship that a significant and lasting and secured. >> unfortunately also without their knowledge. there was a round table. there really took the president to task. every much locked up the technology companies by circulating the rumor that there were putting nowhere on their hardware : but there was never any proof set that we have proof that american companies are being frozen out of large countries like china. the economic damage has been mammoth and complete out of the control of the technology companies that relies a taken by surprise. lou: are talking about 100. you guys are the savants' says andrews on technology and cyber security, and additional software hormel were fakes, about 100,000 computers, all overseas as far as we know. >> the thing is to mothers with the programs are implemented, they were implemented during the manufacturing process. there was no way they could assure that. so it's like if you put bombs in cars in the early manufacturing, there's no way would then know where where the car will go. lou: someone wanting to push this for there. but the truth of the matter is we have technology companies that have with great frequency if not rampantly but managed house to whether it is facebook or verdugo home, intrude on their private lives and without so much as an afterthought to. they will need to have a little discussion, both our government had, the town hall with the technology companies users within our government cannot or private companies will integrate there. there are a lot more elements in of the private sector and the government. like and said, there are different rules come civil verses criminal home says. as a healthy discussion in is to be an and limits bill and a lot of people whom you, it's outstripping the ability of people to keep up with understanding what is really happening with the data and. if i click on this button how many people actually read the terms and conditions first with a i would suggest broglie one-tenth of 1 percent of everyone in america and south. lou: wrigley it's a user universe and which i think people the one technology and but is true london in demonstrates you-that most people said launceston but to the representative have surrendered by prince -- rights to privacy when they appear inadequate technical knowledge and have with the intrusion and with that many have a horse a sophisticated. that's a conversation for another day. let's have it. up next i outlining whether republicans unveiled some, the consequences of losing again him in. which will spell that out for you here next. for coming right back. [ male announcer ] this is the story of the littleoom over the piz place on chestnut street the modest first floor bedroom in tallinn, tonia and the southbound bus barreli down i-95. ♪ this magic moment it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those who believed they had thpower to do more. dell is honored to be part of some of the world's great stories. that began much the same way ours did in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪ open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes or ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at this year have what they must do on this iisue in particular he. >> if republicans are told their majority will they will have fastball ran to forgo his obvious delight in being both the budget man his and the self-appointed arbiter of values as he is becoming increasingly republican like his, suddenly he year to appease and the comic democrats. his early embrace an did in well have led to disaster for the republican party. replicas led by congressman bob did latin -- good lot of discovered in the summer of call in pennsylvania wrote me on president obama's credibility saying and i have serious problems trying to understand what it takes to be impeached. please help us as americans understand why this man can lie about almost everything and then expect us to listen his ideas. good point. tom wrote, if harvey weinstein is so against guns and feel so passionately for the victims i think he should establish a nonprofit and donate 75 percent of the movies profits to them. a great idea. and barris also wrote who, it's amazing, the lack of intellect. i would you make a movie where you attack a huge portion of americans and then expected to be a big box office draw. well, i will be fun to watch. thank you for your comments. keep them coming. we're coming right back. so that two years ago president obama said. now secretary of state seconds the motion calling for him to agree to negotiations that have not taken place. the "a-team" [ male announcer ] meet mary. she loves to shop online with her debit cd. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accous, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lilock offer the most comprehensive identi theft protection available. if mary had felock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified before it was too late. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7 as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their netrk, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage is done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. 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[laughter] lou: he was something. the book is something. good to have you here. a coach's life. good night from new york. ♪ [ female annouer ] who are we? we are thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nhts. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can s, "i did it!" ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. returon investment isn't the only return i'm looking fofoard to. and my parachute definitely isn't golden. male announcer ] for some, every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage, which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. start investing with as little as $50. you are gonna need a wingman. d my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, 's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online. you beauty president obama region with little more than a slap of a secret decoder come a decode this. no way. he still has carte blanche to snoop on you and me. welcome, everyone, i am neil cavuto. president obama said he had no idea. so much of the metadata mining.

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