Transcripts For FBC Lou Dobbs Tonight 20131120 : comparemela

Transcripts For FBC Lou Dobbs Tonight 20131120

than a week ago that he knew nothing about those problems. >> i was not informed correctly that the web site would not be working. as the way it was supposed to, had i been informed i would not go out saying this is going to be great. lou: press secretary jay carney today confirming this our own ed henry that president obama was briefed on the mackenzie respect findings in march of this year. carney's admission contradicts the president. and mr. own statement last week is latest example of the administration's seeming pro pencety to mislead and deceive the public. the president met with insurance industry executives and hhs secretary kathleen sebelius on april 12 of this year, just days after both became aware of the mackenzie findings, that unfortunately is one incident. there are many more. president obama told americans they could keep their doctors and their insurance if they liked them, at least 37 times, during the presidential campaign. we know those statements are untrue. and raise questions as to whether obamacare could have passed without those presidential untruths and whether we would have been re-elected. president invoked economed exece privilege. president obama said he did not know about irs targets of conservative and tea party groups. nsa spying on world leaders or department of justice snooping on reporters. the obama administration lied to the american people, whether they claimed that a juvenile spt lady to the death of 4 americans in benghazi, but the president implied untruths to u.n. general assembly 14 days after he claimed he knew that benghazi was a terrorist attack. there is no. there is no speech that justifies mindless violence. there are no words that excuse the killing of innocence. there no video that justifies the attack on an embassy. >> today the president tried to shift focus from obamacare roll out and his own record untruth and a damning new poll that shows his unfavrahability at an all-time record high, fox news chief white house correspondent ed henry has our report. >> president obama as midded today -- admitting his health care role out has been tough, but he solicit shifts some of the blame to the republicans. >> we had one side of capitol hill is invested in failure that makes i think the kind of process of fixing glitches as they come up and find tuning the law more challenging, but i'm optimistic. >> reporter: president acknowledged that problem shaken america's faith in government. >> we are going to have to fix the web site so everyone feels confident about that we'll have to remarket and rebrand. and that will be challenging in this political environment. >> reporter: the new gallup poll shows that attitude forward government role in health care has turned against the president with 55% offed ins says that the government should not be involved. and news poll shows this mr. obama's approval ratings have dropped to the lowest point of his presidency, 52% with an unfavorable impression of the president. >> the president broke a major promise to the american people. now it is shard for them to trust any assurances under that law. >> reporter: president suggested at a news conference last week, he did not know that the web site would be a mess. >> i don't think i'm stupid enough to say this is going to be like shopping on amazon a travelocity a week before the web site opens if i thought it wasn't going to work. >> reporter: today spokesman carney acknowledged that the president was briefed in march on the mackenzie report warning of the potential problem. >> made observations based on the interviews that needed to be fixed, and made recommendation that hhs and camerica cms adopto improve the site. ed. >> he did follow-up? >> the president, got regular briefings and was told there were problems that were being addressed. >> reporter: the president's credibilityo the line over a letter he read from october 21 on a single mom that he used it claim the new law is working. >> now finally, we get to have coverage because of the aca for $169 a month. i was crying the other day when i signed up, so much stress lifted. >> reporter: but that mom says that tax credit was reduced so coverage is too expensive and woman told cnn she is embarrassed and disappointed. >> i don't know the numbers about herrin come or her -- income. >> reporter: those facts should have been established before the president hailed it as a success story. jay carney now says that officials are reaching out to figure it out. lou. lou: ed thank you. >> on capitol hill today, stunning new information about the obamacare web site, at a hearing of the house, energy and commerce committee, today's revelations, not good news for the obama administration. still is not built. 30 to 40% remains to be built including a critical system for making payments to insurance companies. and it is now not expected to be built until the beginning of the year. so says camericas deputy chief information officer henry chow, it claims they did not know or refuse to reveal the number of details about the roll out, that are now only now being discovered by congressional inquiry. and wel elements of national lil media that have begun to awaken to their responsibilities as watchdogs over a powerful central government, fox news chief congressional correspondent, mike emmanuelle with our report. >> reporter: white house and health and human services officials had a 6 month worning that was in trouble. still could not fix it. >> administration was on track for disaster, but stubbornly they stayed the course, repeats claims this was well and on track. >> reporter: last spring administration officials were warned by outside consulting firm mckenzie and company there were concerned about web site such as no single decision maker with power. he'll and human services secretary sebelius, and marilyn tatavenner were briefed. >> reporter:briefed. >> sert sebelius was at a april 4 meeting wreck pert identify threats in risks launching the site ono 1. >> reporter: upton said that sebelius' upbeat testimony to committee on april 18 did not match what was happening behind the scenes. >> our energy and resources are focused on getting it up and running we're on track, contracts have been led, we're monitoring it. >> reporter: today in miami sebelius said shy thought it would work. >> we were hopeful that testing that we did, and we did some end-to-end testing would be sufficient. it was not. and on balance, made a decision to move ahead, you know i i have known then what i know now we probably would have made a different call. >> reporter: some lawmakers say it is time for heads to roll. >> this report said that white house knews whatever going on, they done tell the president, he ought to be firing these people today. people. gerri: there would be glitches and problem but certainly, we never expected, he was not told. >> reporter: one of obama administration's top information technology officials henry chow said he was out of the loop. >> i was not given the final report. >> reporter: he did write an e-mail to colleagues in july expressing doubt about the web site. >> he was asked about those concerns today? >> you made a come about you didn't want this to be a plane crash. >> well, you refer to e-mail. >> yes. >> that i had. >> yes, that e-mail did not say everyone is going fine. conial laces team, you must have had awareness of problems. >> reporter: chow said up to 40% of i-t sim supporting the echange still need to be built that suggested that will not be fully funfunk function alibi the next deadline. >> thank you. lou: a committee hearing on about flaws that put user personal information at risk. white house is claimed that private information of consumers is protected, the security experts disagree. >> citizen to use this web site, yes or no? >> no, sir, not this time. >> same answer. >> same answer. >> i wouldn't. >> would any of you had launched recommended the launch, given the factual, known status of the web site, ono 1? >> no. >> no. >> no. >> no. lou: more on today's damning obamacare revelation later with house energy and commerce member congressman steve schall ease. >> today, dow jones fell 9 points. s&p lost 4. nazdaq down 17 1/2. we're coming right back, stay with us. >> on obamacare train wreck gets worse. health still is not fully built, and all your personal information is open to hackers. congressman steve on the latest revelations. @?? 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>> well, lou, i think that the rovelation that white house officials, and secretary sebelius were informed, in meetings, in april of this year, where they were notified the whole web site debacle would happen, it was going to crash. there were problem. they were testifying around that same time, in our committee that sufferers all fine. we saw that white house knew, and secretary sebelius knew that this was going on. all at same time they tell us, and president is telling the american people, it is just like buying a tv on amazon, there was cents edible misrepresentation and -- incredible mes misrepresentation and misleading. lou: and chow said he was aware of the mackenzie report, and he participated in it. he suggested high should be not health account able? >> we know, it was in washington post today, this morning, he said he had not seen it. he testified, you know you wonder, what the people are doing. they spend hundreds of millions over 500 million of taxpayer money to develop a site that does not work, and millions are getting canceled. president out there on campaign trail, time and again saying, if you like what you have, you can keep it, there are reports that we've uncovered going back to 2010 where president knew that people were not be able to keep their healthcare they liked. so you know this is sad when the american people can no longer trust the president. lou: well, the bureaucracy whether it is at fault or political appointees of this president. mackenzie points ought there was not enough ern personal comp -- internal competency to take on this. >> in the mckend mackenzie repo, which i reviewed it basically described chaos within the obama administration, nobody is in charge, multiple people giving conflicting orders to the contractors, and nobody testing it. as you mentioned, i program computers, i wrote test plans, the programs i wrote, worked, we tested them. but look at what is going on here, president out there, today actually trying to blame republicans for this he said you know those republicans because they didn't like the bill, they don't like my law, that is why this is failing. the president owns this. reminds me of that tom petty song, freefalling, he is trying to blame somebody else. but it is all falling on him. the president has misled them, for he known this would fail, and he looked people in the eye, and said they are going to keep their plan, that quote his i guess roll model. reverent right, the president's chickens are coming home on roost 9. lou: congressman steve scalise. thank you. i regret you associated a terrific song, tom petty's freefalling with this train wreck. >> no disrespect to tom petty. lou: up next, approaching $5 trillion, we talk with wall street legend jim rodgers here next. my mantra? 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>> of course, do you go out? your butler does your shopping. but for those of us who buy our own stuff, or go to restaurants or entertainment, we know that prices are up. go to the doctor. send your kid to school, prices are up, no matter what they say in washington. lou: is that necessarily a bad thing? we have assets rising in price. we have $4.5 trillion around that we didn't. >> that wonderful for people who get it. but unemployment is still higher than 6 years ago. but why is that. lou: we're talking fiscal policy, monetary policy, why is that? >> going into the wrong place, they are printing the money, that is wonderful for everyone that gets it, it goes to government bureaucrats, you look at where employment has gone up that is government bureaucrats, what does that do for the american economy or make america competitive? lou: okay, as an visitor -- investor what should this president be doing to create jobs? >> he should do first is -- >> i have to establish that knowledge base. >> he has not. he is not going to, i understand. what they need to did is, stop printing the money, and having these artificial things going on. first they need to let interest rates go back to a normal issue natural level. hold on, yes, 4.5 trillion on wall street but, in the meantime, the people who saved and invested, all the retirees who did not get deep into debt they are getting wiped out. we're wiping them out. >> do you note wise don't hear anybody talking about these folks, they are not talking about how important it is to save. is sounds like the fed and this president and his administration, want very simply, to reinflate our economy. >> they are wiping out the people who save and invest for the people who did it wrong. those who got 6 houses, and mortgages up to their ears and no income, deep into debt, they are bailing them out, at the expense of those who save and invest. lou: a retail, individual investor to do right now? >> most exciting thing in world economy is what came out of china last week, they should learn about chinese shares, you can buy them, now. will be -- 1978, dunk cow ping said we change anything, you know what chapped, they did it in 1993, last week. very exciting things coming out of china, you can start buying right areas of chinese -- you know what they said, in the future, when there is a situation, the market is going to decide. right pursuit. in washington, when they say, there is something wrong, we let the government decide. obamacare. government. and and in china they say, market will decide. health care. not the government. >> and i don't believe either government? >> i don't either. >> always great to see you. >> mine mine. >> thank you. up next, mike blumberg's time as new york city mayor is almost over, but he has one more nanny state issue to resolve. we'll tell you about that coming up, stay with us. >> the voting public has buyers remorse, governor romney tops president obama in the latest polls. a little late. the a-team next. paid to do someg you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. 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[laughter] >> a little late. go to lou for links do twitter but the white house says the war in afghanistan is almost over but without a security deal it says clearly otherwise. john bolton and k.t. john bolton and k.t. mcfarland our next. your retirement. ♪ ameriprise advisors can help you like they've helped millions of others. listening, planning, working one on one. to help you retire your way... with confidence. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. ameriprise financial. more within reach. yep. got all the cozies. [ grandma ] with n fedex one rate, i could ll a box and ship it r one flat rate. so i kn untilt was full. you'd be crazy not to. is tt nana? [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. my dna...s me. it helps make me who i am every piece is important... it's like a self-portrait this part.. makes my eyes blue... so that's why the sun makes me sneeze... i might have an increased risk of heart disease... arthritis gallstones hemochromatosis i'll look into that stuff we might pass onto to our kids... foods i might want to avoid... hundreds of things about my health... getting my 23andme results it really opened my eyes... the more you know about your dna the more you know about yourself... i do things a little differently now... eat better... ask more questions change what you can, manage what you can't i always wondered what my dna said about me... me... me. now i know. know more about your health. go to and order your dna kit for only $99 today. learn hundreds of things about your health at lou: reports united states and afghanistan have agreed on a final version outlining how and where what troops will remain in afghanistan the exact details are not clear but described as the open-ended military commitment in afghanistan. with billions of taxpayer dollars. testimony by five cia employees were on the ground in benghazi to show the initial narrative of the protest gone wrong was'' indefensible''. peter king says witnesses described how five mortars rained down on the california index over 90 seconds during that attack. three of five for a direct hit. to a deadly explosions today near the embassy in beirut 23 killed including the cultural attache. at least 147 wounded. a suny groups with links to al qaeda claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack in the group demanded has pilaf financed by iran remove its troops from syria. obama said today to hold off on every and sanctions as negotiations continue. the white house request comes one day before world leaders resume their talks on their program in geneva expressing concern over the deal to say we feel strongly any easing of the sanctions of what is considered should require iran to rollback the program that is now envisioned. national security analyst k.t. mcfarland and fox news contributor john bolton. does this indicate congress will go along with the president? it is a muted response. >> some people want to impose foreign sanctions but the obamacare administration will have a choice is it whereby iran gets to keep the nuclear weapons or on the other hand, of iran can affect the nuclear program. lou: making it clear in uncertain terms this is a very very bad deal i don't see another detail being discussed. >> for the israelis united states is actively negotiating a firebrand is attacked by israel iran walks out then obama will blame the israelis. we do have an ability to use the leverage but we just don't use it. >> that seems like a foolish approach ministers said today and those to the video onto tueber with the unalienable right to nuclear power. the prime minister netanyahu will have to respond to that in the form of this negotiation. what will it be? >> the administration is desperate for a deal because fundamentally it fears the is really what dash israeli military strike more than the iranian nuclear weapon but the fact is the programmer has always been a military, never been peaceful and the deep -- the deal is the interim step to the resolution of the iranian nuclear program is delusional it will not give up the quest for nuclear weapons they do what relief and why not? them all up into rod is not a consumer with we get threatened with the reduction of lifestyle that is not how the ayatollah thinks. lou: secretary kerry it meets with secretary hegel and susan rice a divided has been obvious. secretary kerry listens to his own voice whether or not to commend your support morsi with the muslim brotherhood in egypt. >> i think the administration is divided when secretary kerry went to egypt i think he was surprised because he found they move to democracy they have a plan and a road map and are on schedule and elections and to the united states walked away after 40 years of a relationship the fundamental basis of peace now we toss it aside? i think secretary kerry saw that then give a very different press conference but comes at odds with the whitehouse and still supports the muslim brotherhood and morsi at the expense of democracy transformation. lou: it is clear the egyptian government and the military in particular will not put up with the muslim brotherhood and removing it as best they can the president may want one thing but the secretary of state to know with the president is it really that straightforward? >> i don't know what the president wants in egypt since he can seem to make up his mind what kerry is reflecting while he has an ice airplanes to travel around he doesn't have much of a day job. hillary clinton articulated policy but this has centralized national security affairs. lou: but he is to stand up to make it clear what he will not do which is embrace the muslim brotherhood and morsi that i find this it commendable. >> i don't think that is what he intended it is like john kerry working as a senator. in his time in office kerry has already traveled more miles internationally than clinton did in the comparable time and i think that shows he has figured out he does not have much clout inside the of ministrations so why not see the world? [laughter] lou: i wish we had more time that the secretary of state committed to his value but we have to leave it there. up next the president's favorite answer is i did not know. leading psychotherapist will join me to tell us how this man can miss lead to deceive the american people in the ongoing manner. what is he thinking? if. lou: joining us to assess the psyche psychotherapist led wake thank you. how could anyone stand before the american people time after time documented 37 time with one mysteries -- misrepresentation to keep your insurance plan to continue to deceive the american people? >> license is obama feels he knows better than the of people and he tells them what they want to hear. can't he doesn't have a respect for the american people going we want to know the truth and also we want somebody who is confident we can trust and rely on. this is a big mess when you believe in your own self importance either you not choose the right advisers are not listening to the right people. lou: does this mean his advisers those closest to him has been enablers a horrible character defect have empowered him to lie? that should be indifferent to his pride or integrity. >> he goes to bet at night and does not say i am a liar or i stretched the truth i told something prematurely i had their best interest apart but they don't know what is in their best interest. it is justified and rationalized. lou: to talk about grandiosity or self deception in you talk and i don't know psychologically but a delusional personality >> it is not uncommon for people or those who are powerful to perceive themselves differently than other people experience themselves. lou: you describe amanda to rationalizes his behavior but at the same time as we observe him, are we not rationalizing his behavior for him? is this dangerous for us all? >> he had a lot of people backing him so it has contributed to his tendency to say anything but what has he done? >> he has been so completely unable the across-the-board in his life within the bubble yvette a historic figure. >> it got to a point where it was so bad so reseed the exaggeration of what he has done all along it got to the point where the prices said something is not right to say i made a mistake. lou: extraordinary. figure for being here. tomorrows scott walker joins us to talk about his new book on intimidated. we will see you tomorrow. good night from new york. customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online but they didn't fit. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns ey. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. 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[woman]don't touch my side! neil: now we know. they knew, and now we gone something else, that i did their darnest to make sure we never knew, now we know as well, they might still be playing games to make sure we don't know what is to cooe. millions more young people who just are not signing up. we can do the math. but don't think for a minute the administration or those who love the law have not, they have, it has, and it is worried. a health care law spiralling out of control into an

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Transcripts For FBC Lou Dobbs Tonight 20131120

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than a week ago that he knew nothing about those problems. >> i was not informed correctly that the web site would not be working. as the way it was supposed to, had i been informed i would not go out saying this is going to be great. lou: press secretary jay carney today confirming this our own ed henry that president obama was briefed on the mackenzie respect findings in march of this year. carney's admission contradicts the president. and mr. own statement last week is latest example of the administration's seeming pro pencety to mislead and deceive the public. the president met with insurance industry executives and hhs secretary kathleen sebelius on april 12 of this year, just days after both became aware of the mackenzie findings, that unfortunately is one incident. there are many more. president obama told americans they could keep their doctors and their insurance if they liked them, at least 37 times, during the presidential campaign. we know those statements are untrue. and raise questions as to whether obamacare could have passed without those presidential untruths and whether we would have been re-elected. president invoked economed exece privilege. president obama said he did not know about irs targets of conservative and tea party groups. nsa spying on world leaders or department of justice snooping on reporters. the obama administration lied to the american people, whether they claimed that a juvenile spt lady to the death of 4 americans in benghazi, but the president implied untruths to u.n. general assembly 14 days after he claimed he knew that benghazi was a terrorist attack. there is no. there is no speech that justifies mindless violence. there are no words that excuse the killing of innocence. there no video that justifies the attack on an embassy. >> today the president tried to shift focus from obamacare roll out and his own record untruth and a damning new poll that shows his unfavrahability at an all-time record high, fox news chief white house correspondent ed henry has our report. >> president obama as midded today -- admitting his health care role out has been tough, but he solicit shifts some of the blame to the republicans. >> we had one side of capitol hill is invested in failure that makes i think the kind of process of fixing glitches as they come up and find tuning the law more challenging, but i'm optimistic. >> reporter: president acknowledged that problem shaken america's faith in government. >> we are going to have to fix the web site so everyone feels confident about that we'll have to remarket and rebrand. and that will be challenging in this political environment. >> reporter: the new gallup poll shows that attitude forward government role in health care has turned against the president with 55% offed ins says that the government should not be involved. and news poll shows this mr. obama's approval ratings have dropped to the lowest point of his presidency, 52% with an unfavorable impression of the president. >> the president broke a major promise to the american people. now it is shard for them to trust any assurances under that law. >> reporter: president suggested at a news conference last week, he did not know that the web site would be a mess. >> i don't think i'm stupid enough to say this is going to be like shopping on amazon a travelocity a week before the web site opens if i thought it wasn't going to work. >> reporter: today spokesman carney acknowledged that the president was briefed in march on the mackenzie report warning of the potential problem. >> made observations based on the interviews that needed to be fixed, and made recommendation that hhs and camerica cms adopto improve the site. ed. >> he did follow-up? >> the president, got regular briefings and was told there were problems that were being addressed. >> reporter: the president's credibilityo the line over a letter he read from october 21 on a single mom that he used it claim the new law is working. >> now finally, we get to have coverage because of the aca for $169 a month. i was crying the other day when i signed up, so much stress lifted. >> reporter: but that mom says that tax credit was reduced so coverage is too expensive and woman told cnn she is embarrassed and disappointed. >> i don't know the numbers about herrin come or her -- income. >> reporter: those facts should have been established before the president hailed it as a success story. jay carney now says that officials are reaching out to figure it out. lou. lou: ed thank you. >> on capitol hill today, stunning new information about the obamacare web site, at a hearing of the house, energy and commerce committee, today's revelations, not good news for the obama administration. still is not built. 30 to 40% remains to be built including a critical system for making payments to insurance companies. and it is now not expected to be built until the beginning of the year. so says camericas deputy chief information officer henry chow, it claims they did not know or refuse to reveal the number of details about the roll out, that are now only now being discovered by congressional inquiry. and wel elements of national lil media that have begun to awaken to their responsibilities as watchdogs over a powerful central government, fox news chief congressional correspondent, mike emmanuelle with our report. >> reporter: white house and health and human services officials had a 6 month worning that was in trouble. still could not fix it. >> administration was on track for disaster, but stubbornly they stayed the course, repeats claims this was well and on track. >> reporter: last spring administration officials were warned by outside consulting firm mckenzie and company there were concerned about web site such as no single decision maker with power. he'll and human services secretary sebelius, and marilyn tatavenner were briefed. >> reporter:briefed. >> sert sebelius was at a april 4 meeting wreck pert identify threats in risks launching the site ono 1. >> reporter: upton said that sebelius' upbeat testimony to committee on april 18 did not match what was happening behind the scenes. >> our energy and resources are focused on getting it up and running we're on track, contracts have been led, we're monitoring it. >> reporter: today in miami sebelius said shy thought it would work. >> we were hopeful that testing that we did, and we did some end-to-end testing would be sufficient. it was not. and on balance, made a decision to move ahead, you know i i have known then what i know now we probably would have made a different call. >> reporter: some lawmakers say it is time for heads to roll. >> this report said that white house knews whatever going on, they done tell the president, he ought to be firing these people today. people. gerri: there would be glitches and problem but certainly, we never expected, he was not told. >> reporter: one of obama administration's top information technology officials henry chow said he was out of the loop. >> i was not given the final report. >> reporter: he did write an e-mail to colleagues in july expressing doubt about the web site. >> he was asked about those concerns today? >> you made a come about you didn't want this to be a plane crash. >> well, you refer to e-mail. >> yes. >> that i had. >> yes, that e-mail did not say everyone is going fine. conial laces team, you must have had awareness of problems. >> reporter: chow said up to 40% of i-t sim supporting the echange still need to be built that suggested that will not be fully funfunk function alibi the next deadline. >> thank you. lou: a committee hearing on about flaws that put user personal information at risk. white house is claimed that private information of consumers is protected, the security experts disagree. >> citizen to use this web site, yes or no? >> no, sir, not this time. >> same answer. >> same answer. >> i wouldn't. >> would any of you had launched recommended the launch, given the factual, known status of the web site, ono 1? >> no. >> no. >> no. >> no. lou: more on today's damning obamacare revelation later with house energy and commerce member congressman steve schall ease. >> today, dow jones fell 9 points. s&p lost 4. nazdaq down 17 1/2. we're coming right back, stay with us. >> on obamacare train wreck gets worse. health still is not fully built, and all your personal information is open to hackers. congressman steve on the latest revelations. @?? 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>> well, lou, i think that the rovelation that white house officials, and secretary sebelius were informed, in meetings, in april of this year, where they were notified the whole web site debacle would happen, it was going to crash. there were problem. they were testifying around that same time, in our committee that sufferers all fine. we saw that white house knew, and secretary sebelius knew that this was going on. all at same time they tell us, and president is telling the american people, it is just like buying a tv on amazon, there was cents edible misrepresentation and -- incredible mes misrepresentation and misleading. lou: and chow said he was aware of the mackenzie report, and he participated in it. he suggested high should be not health account able? >> we know, it was in washington post today, this morning, he said he had not seen it. he testified, you know you wonder, what the people are doing. they spend hundreds of millions over 500 million of taxpayer money to develop a site that does not work, and millions are getting canceled. president out there on campaign trail, time and again saying, if you like what you have, you can keep it, there are reports that we've uncovered going back to 2010 where president knew that people were not be able to keep their healthcare they liked. so you know this is sad when the american people can no longer trust the president. lou: well, the bureaucracy whether it is at fault or political appointees of this president. mackenzie points ought there was not enough ern personal comp -- internal competency to take on this. >> in the mckend mackenzie repo, which i reviewed it basically described chaos within the obama administration, nobody is in charge, multiple people giving conflicting orders to the contractors, and nobody testing it. as you mentioned, i program computers, i wrote test plans, the programs i wrote, worked, we tested them. but look at what is going on here, president out there, today actually trying to blame republicans for this he said you know those republicans because they didn't like the bill, they don't like my law, that is why this is failing. the president owns this. reminds me of that tom petty song, freefalling, he is trying to blame somebody else. but it is all falling on him. the president has misled them, for he known this would fail, and he looked people in the eye, and said they are going to keep their plan, that quote his i guess roll model. reverent right, the president's chickens are coming home on roost 9. lou: congressman steve scalise. thank you. i regret you associated a terrific song, tom petty's freefalling with this train wreck. >> no disrespect to tom petty. lou: up next, approaching $5 trillion, we talk with wall street legend jim rodgers here next. my mantra? 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>> of course, do you go out? your butler does your shopping. but for those of us who buy our own stuff, or go to restaurants or entertainment, we know that prices are up. go to the doctor. send your kid to school, prices are up, no matter what they say in washington. lou: is that necessarily a bad thing? we have assets rising in price. we have $4.5 trillion around that we didn't. >> that wonderful for people who get it. but unemployment is still higher than 6 years ago. but why is that. lou: we're talking fiscal policy, monetary policy, why is that? >> going into the wrong place, they are printing the money, that is wonderful for everyone that gets it, it goes to government bureaucrats, you look at where employment has gone up that is government bureaucrats, what does that do for the american economy or make america competitive? lou: okay, as an visitor -- investor what should this president be doing to create jobs? >> he should do first is -- >> i have to establish that knowledge base. >> he has not. he is not going to, i understand. what they need to did is, stop printing the money, and having these artificial things going on. first they need to let interest rates go back to a normal issue natural level. hold on, yes, 4.5 trillion on wall street but, in the meantime, the people who saved and invested, all the retirees who did not get deep into debt they are getting wiped out. we're wiping them out. >> do you note wise don't hear anybody talking about these folks, they are not talking about how important it is to save. is sounds like the fed and this president and his administration, want very simply, to reinflate our economy. >> they are wiping out the people who save and invest for the people who did it wrong. those who got 6 houses, and mortgages up to their ears and no income, deep into debt, they are bailing them out, at the expense of those who save and invest. lou: a retail, individual investor to do right now? >> most exciting thing in world economy is what came out of china last week, they should learn about chinese shares, you can buy them, now. will be -- 1978, dunk cow ping said we change anything, you know what chapped, they did it in 1993, last week. very exciting things coming out of china, you can start buying right areas of chinese -- you know what they said, in the future, when there is a situation, the market is going to decide. right pursuit. in washington, when they say, there is something wrong, we let the government decide. obamacare. government. and and in china they say, market will decide. health care. not the government. >> and i don't believe either government? >> i don't either. >> always great to see you. >> mine mine. >> thank you. up next, mike blumberg's time as new york city mayor is almost over, but he has one more nanny state issue to resolve. we'll tell you about that coming up, stay with us. >> the voting public has buyers remorse, governor romney tops president obama in the latest polls. a little late. the a-team next. paid to do someg you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. 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[laughter] >> a little late. go to lou for links do twitter but the white house says the war in afghanistan is almost over but without a security deal it says clearly otherwise. john bolton and k.t. john bolton and k.t. mcfarland our next. your retirement. ♪ ameriprise advisors can help you like they've helped millions of others. listening, planning, working one on one. to help you retire your way... with confidence. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. ameriprise financial. more within reach. yep. got all the cozies. [ grandma ] with n fedex one rate, i could ll a box and ship it r one flat rate. so i kn untilt was full. you'd be crazy not to. is tt nana? [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. 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it is a muted response. >> some people want to impose foreign sanctions but the obamacare administration will have a choice is it whereby iran gets to keep the nuclear weapons or on the other hand, of iran can affect the nuclear program. lou: making it clear in uncertain terms this is a very very bad deal i don't see another detail being discussed. >> for the israelis united states is actively negotiating a firebrand is attacked by israel iran walks out then obama will blame the israelis. we do have an ability to use the leverage but we just don't use it. >> that seems like a foolish approach ministers said today and those to the video onto tueber with the unalienable right to nuclear power. the prime minister netanyahu will have to respond to that in the form of this negotiation. what will it be? >> the administration is desperate for a deal because fundamentally it fears the is really what dash israeli military strike more than the iranian nuclear weapon but the fact is the programmer has always been a military, never been peaceful and the deep -- the deal is the interim step to the resolution of the iranian nuclear program is delusional it will not give up the quest for nuclear weapons they do what relief and why not? them all up into rod is not a consumer with we get threatened with the reduction of lifestyle that is not how the ayatollah thinks. lou: secretary kerry it meets with secretary hegel and susan rice a divided has been obvious. secretary kerry listens to his own voice whether or not to commend your support morsi with the muslim brotherhood in egypt. >> i think the administration is divided when secretary kerry went to egypt i think he was surprised because he found they move to democracy they have a plan and a road map and are on schedule and elections and to the united states walked away after 40 years of a relationship the fundamental basis of peace now we toss it aside? i think secretary kerry saw that then give a very different press conference but comes at odds with the whitehouse and still supports the muslim brotherhood and morsi at the expense of democracy transformation. lou: it is clear the egyptian government and the military in particular will not put up with the muslim brotherhood and removing it as best they can the president may want one thing but the secretary of state to know with the president is it really that straightforward? >> i don't know what the president wants in egypt since he can seem to make up his mind what kerry is reflecting while he has an ice airplanes to travel around he doesn't have much of a day job. hillary clinton articulated policy but this has centralized national security affairs. lou: but he is to stand up to make it clear what he will not do which is embrace the muslim brotherhood and morsi that i find this it commendable. >> i don't think that is what he intended it is like john kerry working as a senator. in his time in office kerry has already traveled more miles internationally than clinton did in the comparable time and i think that shows he has figured out he does not have much clout inside the of ministrations so why not see the world? [laughter] lou: i wish we had more time that the secretary of state committed to his value but we have to leave it there. up next the president's favorite answer is i did not know. leading psychotherapist will join me to tell us how this man can miss lead to deceive the american people in the ongoing manner. what is he thinking? if. lou: joining us to assess the psyche psychotherapist led wake thank you. how could anyone stand before the american people time after time documented 37 time with one mysteries -- misrepresentation to keep your insurance plan to continue to deceive the american people? >> license is obama feels he knows better than the of people and he tells them what they want to hear. can't he doesn't have a respect for the american people going we want to know the truth and also we want somebody who is confident we can trust and rely on. this is a big mess when you believe in your own self importance either you not choose the right advisers are not listening to the right people. lou: does this mean his advisers those closest to him has been enablers a horrible character defect have empowered him to lie? that should be indifferent to his pride or integrity. >> he goes to bet at night and does not say i am a liar or i stretched the truth i told something prematurely i had their best interest apart but they don't know what is in their best interest. it is justified and rationalized. lou: to talk about grandiosity or self deception in you talk and i don't know psychologically but a delusional personality >> it is not uncommon for people or those who are powerful to perceive themselves differently than other people experience themselves. lou: you describe amanda to rationalizes his behavior but at the same time as we observe him, are we not rationalizing his behavior for him? is this dangerous for us all? >> he had a lot of people backing him so it has contributed to his tendency to say anything but what has he done? >> he has been so completely unable the across-the-board in his life within the bubble yvette a historic figure. >> it got to a point where it was so bad so reseed the exaggeration of what he has done all along it got to the point where the prices said something is not right to say i made a mistake. lou: extraordinary. figure for being here. tomorrows scott walker joins us to talk about his new book on intimidated. we will see you tomorrow. good night from new york. customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online but they didn't fit. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns ey. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. 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[woman]don't touch my side! neil: now we know. they knew, and now we gone something else, that i did their darnest to make sure we never knew, now we know as well, they might still be playing games to make sure we don't know what is to cooe. millions more young people who just are not signing up. we can do the math. but don't think for a minute the administration or those who love the law have not, they have, it has, and it is worried. a health care law spiralling out of control into an

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