82 of uninsured americans have yet to vis the site and 78 of them say that they have no plans to get insurance through those exchanges. All of that edit the text search leader told reporters that the website is long way from where it needs to be. And millions that are losing their Insurance Coverage because of obamacare, and a half apology, back on the campaign trail. Blaming the webse designers will absolvinghimself in a dhs secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Trying to shift the focus to new orleans, president obama could not note that he has been frustrated with healtcare. Gov. I want to go into and fix it myself. He was not quite as lighthearted and nbc news when he made it sound like itwas a political crisis before catching himself. Given tha i have be burned already with a website, more importantly, the people he been burned by website. Is Embattled Health chiefs have was in atlata is apologizing for a flood website. And she made a new pledge that the administration wl find a way to deawith cancellation notices. Though she was vague about how they will be that. We are looking at a number of options whe there may be an opportunity for that numberof people to look at planshat they have right now. But there isnt any specific proposal at the table mmediately. She was also hit with questis about her own future. She said she believes the president does have her back. One day after he did not directly answer a question about whether he still has confidence in her. I think that Kathleen Sebelius come under tremendously difficult circumstances over t last 4. 5 years has done a great job in setting up the insurance markets. Reporter as he tried to apologize for telling people they can keep their plansif they like them, the president made a startling admission. Obviously we didnt do a good enough job in terms how he crafted the law not something that i would like to talk about and not something we will do everything we can to get fixed. White house suggested the opposite. Defending the president by saying that he had carefully crafted the law with a grandfather provision to let consumers keep their plan. Included a provision of the law. Which is the grandther clause. In all of this has created angst for an individuals who flew flew down to new orleans, yet did not appear at the president s event, lving him distress that she had a busy schedule of. Tveling on the state today and doing unbelievable work on behalf of the people of louisiana. Reporter late today, i the man in charge of fixing health care. Gov, he told reporters that there were some newoadblocks that they had this week that basically it was sw r a lot of individuals ands volume increases, iis exposing new flies to the Storage Capacity and Software Application issues. The bottom line is that the site is Getting Better each week. But this this is rsing questions about whetr they can et the deadline by the end of november. Lou what theadministration did not need, new questions. The president is set with a half a world aay, holding talks with irans foreign minter about the nuclear program. Within the ho, john kerry wrap up intensive talks in reports of a deal toase sanctis in exchange for the enrichment of nuclear material. And hoping to put a dea in place and the agreement on the nuclear program. Amy kellogg have the latest for us. John kry made a lastminute arrivaln geneva and gave us the impression that a deal with iran was imminent. But john kerry was also joined by hs fellow european ministers put brakes on the buzz. We hope to try to know and narrow those differences. But i donthink that anyone shoud mistake that there are some mportant gaps that have to be close. Inhe meantime, Benjamin Netanyahu wasnt hiding his disdain for the as yet to be concluded deal of. This is a bad deal. A very, very bad deal. It is a very dangerous and bad deal the details which remain secret boil down to how much iran will make its program were transparent and how much the world powers and windows must loosen the sanctions. Irans foreign minister has ben saying he has his own tea party to go at home in the Obama Administration faces sanctions either to add rrther than subtractanctions on iran. Meanwhile, in iran, president ronnie was elected to improve relations with the world and they are very few people authorized to discuss the sensitive nuclear issue. But one academic at this late today. And the country h made a decision that having a nuclear bomb is going to cause more problems than good. Reporter irans leader have always denied that they want a bond nd a further step to try to make sure this never happens, the director general of the ew u. N. Nuclear watchdog will travel on sunday. Wh we had been waiting betwn waiting for his choices. And in london, i am repoting from fox news in lodon. He won the national curity correspondent who said the Obama Administration and he as te details laer. A record bay on wall street and stoc moving higher on betterthanexpected jobs. The dow jones soaring 168 points. Quite a year. And thedow posting gains for the fiftstraight week. And employers added 204,000 jobs last month. Exceedg expectations. We will have much more on the jobs report and the obama economy and the chalk talk coming right back. Onight, an explosive new report that the administration has already secretly begun the ocess of reducing sanctions. Ocess of reducing sanctions. Eli so ally bank has a raise your rate cd that wothats correct. A rate. Cause im really nervous about getting trapped. Whys that . Uh, mark . Go get hel i have my reasons. Look, you dont have to feel trapped if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. 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You add the toppings you want, leave off the ones you dont. [kevin] now business is in really great shape. [announcerstart using Intuit Quickbooks for free at quickbooksdotcom save on wh is likely most the powerful typhoon to hit land anywhere is the south cna sea and expected to hit vietnam and laos by sunday. Nds of 195 Miles Per Hour when it hit the philippines. The storm could return to super typhoon status by tomorrow. The number is expected to rise because some of the hardest hit ars remain in isolation. Take look at theompason here. It is mubigger than the medal of honor has found that David Petraeus has been awarded downgraded. Providing backup during his seven our data with the taliban in 2009. He received the medal of honor last month. Twenty to 25 coworkers are believed to have done so. In our firt gues as long ong before nuclear the wizard and reach within the united states, it had already begun quietly lifting some of the financial pressure. Eli lake, it is bit heavy with us. The idea that this administration had secretly been easing sanctions. This includes permitting tivities in violation of the sanctions and i wasnt matched by the Treasury Department and ses rouhani as electe only six individuals in poor Front Companies that have been designated as violators of the fiction. The experts say m colague and i talked to a deliberate effort to try to begin toreate the atmosphere for a the docs right now and tht is a fairly important thing. So when you stop, designating new violats, it allows iran to build a network by which they can, y know, try to negate sanctions by the best that they can. Lou whenhey have become experts, and that is the sanctions, we are told, the actual work and that been affected and have uch of the iranian economy. And now we are watching Iranian Crude Oil make it to market. A black market. And this is not able to happen without the acquiescence of the Obama Administration. As far as uropean powers come and they have their own process. When they designate a front company, designating a st of shipping vessel and Something Like that and there is a huge reputational type of situation that goes with anything doing business in the last to do business with them. Whatou havis a rt of effort. So the iranian people will constantly be looking for inthe Treasury Department tries to back with them. And that has a real effect with by the nature of how the sanctions work. When a lowdown that process to a rickle, whih is what the Obama Administration has don it means that there is a part in the frantic effort to find new companies and new cuts in order to dyour business. Lou i dont hink that it appropriate to use his real name, but now they are withdrawing this story because the fbi has told them that they found discrepancies between an initial debrief and he has told us on 60 minutes. Why do we not know what the i has told someone to back off your . I think thathere are a couple things going on. To startin the case of morgan jones, he told us as well as 60 minutes at we interviewed him earlier thi week that the fbi accounts list and would match what he told 60 minutes and what he says in his new bok. And senior officialsho are familiar to the New York Times and later it said that the report actually did not mess up that account, it does call into questionhe credibility of jones ovrawe. Lou saying instead in the debrief that, accordingly, that he had gone to his own residence rath than back t the u. S. Onsulate. But this is a particular murky water approach to knock down a report that is the fbi making the fbi get int benghazi to carry out a very important investigation. There are in abanding the facility, both the u. S. Diplomatic mission, but it is interesting that no one hs seen the fbi transcripts. And this is a similar kind of document tha i publish, earlier this week it was an incident reporttwhich was also part of the investigation and joins joes told us that in noticing this report. There was no signature . Thats right. They have no signature. And it has been called into question. I have been trying to get in contact with them since a New York Times story broke and we found a statement om cbs news. Stay on we also understand that he is also recuperating from cancer surgery and has been in the hospital. She wanted to be trying to shut this down, it is one thing to offer up a corruption, if you ll, from the voices authority. And government. It was quite another to drive at the very heart of the expression and a man who says that he has tnessed that tragedy. And it was n getting to the bottom that is, i think its very important. I an tell you that i think that 60 minutes and i think that hey did take efforts to try to verify who he was. Lou money anorexia. I think this includes the account of a man who sayhe is a witness to a tragedy that has been stonewalled by this adminiration for just about 14 months. In a given spot something tt a major News Organization has stepped back. Step back on that basis when we think back to the fact that they had he for 30 days justabout 30 days. On this variation. So you see my concern . I tink at this point it would be nice if anyone wants to give it to me, i would like to say exclusively that the fbi transcript at the interview with morgan jones and i woud be different is the enemy would also be good to see an fbi spokesman on the record say that this was the kind of thing that the senior officials from the New York Times has sa anonymously. But that being said, when yoo have t cbs basically network basically apologizing, i think that tha does speak volumes in a lot of ways. Again, i say that lou speaking speaking volumes that they went on the air and reported hat the sergeant said . Okay. Lou this is onef the situations where current balance means that we are looking atan individual. Whether he lied or wheher he is a man whois up against the broad mass of ower and political power of administration on th government and i think that we need to be i think we needto be somewhat careful. Es. Lou thank you for reporting as always. Next, the Obama Administration celebrating the october jobs rert. In that chalk talk. We will show you why the bad outweighs the ood. Why youre hearing that in the obama this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. s not the fumbling around with rotating categories card. Its not the etting blindsided by limits card. Its the nogameplaying, noarninglimithaving, deepbombthrowing, givemetheballandilltake ittothehouse, cash back card. This is the quicksilver cash card from capital one. Unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every single day. So let me ask you. Ats in yourallet . Just by talking to a helmet. 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The economy created 204,000 jobs and uuemployment dropping to moving up to 7. 2 . We had been expecting only 125,000 jobs. So its quite an impressive performance. Ththe labor fce keeps shrinkig. The participation last month dropping to e lowest level since 1978 62. 8 . That is because this is an incredle number. 932,000 people 932,000 people dropping out of he workforce fovarious reasons attribut to the government shutdowns in the Obama Administration will tell you oneeason is the government shutdown. There are also the new numbers cooe in the number is not the 12 or the 24 36 billione may have heard. It is all the way down to that. 2 billion for the shutdown. This is 16 trilliondollar economy. To what they say is the most important policy facing us . Rainghe minimum wage. Harry reid says that he wants pass an increase in the next two weeks to raise a high on wage, 7 and a quarter a an hour. Exceeding on what americans will talk about will be much higher than they might have otherwise expected. Its still very helpful. Maury harris is the chief economist. S p global equity. I thank you, gentlemen, thank you for having us here. Im trying to figure out this number right here. 93200 people dropping out of the workforce. That is a stunning number. What does it mean . I very interesting when you have studied the statistics. Is that we are sng a drop in the Labor Force Participation rat. If you look atthe statistics on how many people re not in the labor force someone a job, that is going down. The remarkab thing here is that more people are dropping out and they are not discouraged. They are not working for various reasons were looking for work. Lou not looking for work and we are looking for at is estimate of work. That is pretty impressive. In the market today shows a new record high. Happy days arehere. Things have been worse for a long time. Lou things have beennworse . Its not happy days, is tht . Let me elaborate. Given the concerns about when the fed was back in when they dont, ho really couldnt connect markets. Yesterday we saw little bit with a betterthanexpected gdp. Investor are coming around to the idea that the economy may be Strong Enough to handle this and that good news can be go news again. Ou we have ben hearing for five days that we could expect a turbo number f 25,000 jobs created, 2,004,000 working on a record on thdow jones. T me ask you, this seems to be very important to put t price of the shutdown at 2 billion in this economy. Are you kidding me. Is anyone going to get serious about these numbers. What are we to make of that kind of estimate . Isthere any reality in a . When you think about it, t was supposed to be a bad month for the economy and there was a month where we had thehutdown and is so important. Having the shutow is 2000 new jobs and maybe we should have it shut down every month. Blackjack. Lou ax, where he think we are heade we have wages that are stagnant. This administration doing nothing for the men and women of this contry. Inspiring a change of irection and the a return of prosperity because weave the market, but wages and job creation, 932,000 people walking on the labor force. What are to expect. Theres a there is a disconnect between stocks and the real economy. A lot of on benefiting stocks is at the expense of workers and i think that ultimately the two need to converge of the stock market is going to make records and economy needs to be better do better if we need to ok at economic indicators, i think there is along the last fiscal drag, we will pick up a little bit. Lou whatyou think, mark . I think we areheaded to this but i will be better than this one. Lou much more on the obama economy coming up. Lou the Health Care Health care dog of defense debacle. He says he doesnt write code and neither does secretary