Look no further than loveable socialist Bernie Sanders for the truth. Are you going to introduce single payer . Of course. We are tweaking the final points of the bill and we are figuring out how we can mounts a National Campaign to bring people together. Kennedy not people in the democratic party. Single payer is gross, we want a free market solution. At least sanders is being honest about his intentions. Next thing you know single payer is passed out on her lawn in a shopping cart and you are stuck with her. All people know why single payer is bad, it starts with price fixing and ends up with rationing and death. In tech they make money and compete for your business. Can you imagine if we were at innovative with Cancer Treatment as we are with smartr smart phones . And materials is happy to further divide the dems and make them choose between pacifying idealistic millennials. Bernies sucker pool is drying up so has to indoctrinate younger and younger zombies into his cult. Hes releasing a new book called a guide to social revolution. The push for single payer have any legs and should we be worried a politician is writing a revolutionary guide aimed at the young . Lets go to my party panel. Chris ta chris tall bawl makr debut on the show, mike baker, and happy birthday to reason. Com editor robbie saoee. Ve. Something i respect about him. Like you said, he believes what hes saying. Hes not trying to sell you on some policy hes not committed to. I think young people like that about him. Kennedy it seems free. But further down the road when you have to pay for big programs like that, they will be the ones footing the bill. And we are so deeply in debt i fear for future generations if we pass medicare for all. God bless bernie, and i do respect him for his consistency. But at the same time, i am actually hoping with all my heart that he pushes this plan, he pushes the single payer plan, and ties the democrats to it as some sort of challenge. Saying how are you going to stand on this. Where are you on this measure. Kennedy a litmus test. Im a small government republican. Stay out of your kitchen and fiscal responsibility. There is limited Government Role in a lot of things. City was in the drug wars and i have seen a lot of weird things. But here is the point. If he does that, that is about the republicans only hope, given how this is this effective . No. Discombobulated they are. This would be a great gift to the republicans in 2018 if bernie makes the dems go one way or another on single payer. Kellyanne they are hoping this is a litmus test. They are hoping this is a wedge that splits apart the democratic party. But its not bernie forcing it down Nancy Pelosis throat. This is what the base demanding. I live in kentucky and i have a democratic congressman. His biggest applause line is when he says im for single payer healthcare. This is where the Democratic Base is. This is where the country is. I hate to break it to you all. Bernie has already won this debate. Yes, her fighting that healthcare is a right. Ken there are now people assume that they are owed healthcare. And Bernie Sanders may not be the one who is shouting for it. I think he does have a loud base who backs him on this. Those folks down in kentucky are applauding if the free of it all. They are not applauding the mechanics of single payer. Kennedy its not free. There are liberal publiccation that pin the price tag at 32 trillion over 10 years. Its all what your priorities are. My priorities are healthcare over the massive tax breaks we give to corporations. Its all interrogation. Either you like to save lives and you are in favor of babies or you want to give rich people tax breaks. It would not surprise me if this issue drives away young people at the same time bernie is trying to bring them . In. Young people are healthy. These are gifts towards an aging population, the kinds of person trump is kowrgt. Bernie could win with this. Kennedy medicare for all benefit people in their 40s and 50s. People in their 60s already get healthcare. There are several issues where younger people are now trending more conservative on a number of issues. They are for samesex marriage. They are lower legalization of drugs. But on social issues, the polling Shows Younger millennials are going in a much more conservative way. Regulate their uber and see what they have to say. Born in england. A u. K. Citizen. Spent almost all my thrive overseas. The single payer system is a mess. If americans are willing to move from the mindset, no mat wear my financial standing is i deserve the mayo clinic. If they say i am okay with substandard care across the board and long waiting lines, then maybe what single payer system is what is necessary for america. We have some of the best Healthcare Systems in the world and the worst south comes. The way to improve it is not to push it count crapper and go to socialism. Kennedy healthcare costs have increased under President Trump as have mortality rates because of obamacare. We need more doctors and more drugs. We need to cut regulations. Kennedy we need to get rid of the fda and introduce more pharmaceuticals into the market so doctors can experiment and give the kind of care people deserve. That means having a choice. Republicans have been thinking about how to do all of these things for years and they utterly failed. Thats giving them more credit than they deserve. Kennedy well discuss so much more with the panel a little bit later. Senators on both sides of the aisle have been breaking from their party recently. Joe manchin refused to sign a letter Chuck Schumer and his friends in the senate on tax reform. Manchin made it abun dontly clear with a bunch of swear words that his opposition had nothing do with getting reelected. He said i dont give an expletive. Dont care if i get elected, dont care if i get defeated. Because im up for election i can be wrangled into voting for expletives. Ill do as i have always done. Extremely independent. Senator jeff flake released a book that was extremely critical of the president. Pop thrism, you may be able to win an election with it, but its not a governing philosophy. The immigration package put forward last week i think is in the wrong direction. Cutting Legal Immigration in half is not right direction we need to go as a country. Kennedy what do we make of these rebellious senators. Let me bring in bret baier. Welcome back, bret. Are these two senators fighting for their political lives or are we seeing the beginning of a trend where people are going to start to buck the party line . Bret i think these two senators have been bucking the party line for quite some time. Joe manchin comes from a state thats overwhelmingly in favor of President Trump. So much so the democratic governor turned Republican Data trump rally last week. Hes fighting for his political life and he is being what he has always been, someone who works across the aisle, joe manchin has. But the reality of West Virginia is different. Jeff flake is standing up to his party and trump saying hes trying to fight for conservative values. Hes not having success in the polls at home. Hes at 18 back home in arizona. But hes standing up for what he says are conservative principles. Kennedy a costcutting conservative. Jeff flake is sort of cast from the same mold. Both of them said i dont care if i get reelected. Thats what i have been asking of politicians throughout the entire obamacare thing. Stop looking like you are looking for a political lifeline. Pass something thats rational its interesting seeing two parties two senators from two parties go in a different direction than the parties they are from. Bret there is so much frustration that washington good cant get things done and we are one election away from handling the big items because of elections. I dont know if our system is set up yet to empower the center. Its still as we run elections and get closer to election day, a stir up the base kind of operation. It has been that until something changes dramatically. We may be stuck with that. Kennedy i think you will see the end of the filibuster and whoever is in power, both parties are going to go to opposite extremes and you will have to accept the fact that when your party is in power, the hat trick, that you will get stuff done. But thats not reality in washington because of the infighting in washington. Its like they dont realize they have that much power. Brepower bret President Trump didnt run as the average republican. He didnt track with the republican party. Hes not into republican dogma. If democrats lose in 2018. Look for a major shift in that party as well. If they cant pick up major seats. They will have to think about going to the center with other candidates who can appeal across party lines. Kennedy nancy pelosi the way she is positioning herself. Its like they already lost the midterms. Thats how she is talking. They have to couple with solid economic idea if they are going to appeal to the disaffected part of the country that elected this country. Bret if you look at the map of state governments and legislatures and governor seats. There has been a major, major shift. Democrats are trying to find their way. So for all the talk about the split in the republican party. Guess what . There is a soul searching in the democratic party. Kennedy they are both trying to figure it out. You have two simultaneous civil wars. We have no idea how this thing is going to end, thats why we always turn to you, bret baier. North korea stand defiant in the face of sanctions from the u. N. North korea says they have a Nuclear Warhead that can be carried on the head of a potsch you each drive a ford pickup, right . in unison russ, leland, gary yes. Gary i have a ford f150. Michael ive always been a ford guy. Potsch then i have a real treat for you today. Michael awesome. Potsch im going to show you a next generation pickup. Michael lets do this. Potsch this new truck now has a cornerstep built right into the bumper. Gary super cool. Potsch the bed is made of highstrength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. Jim aluminum is great for a lot of things, but maybe not the bed of a truck. Potsch and best of all, this new truck is actually gary all laughing oh my. Potsch the current chevy silverado. Gary im speechless. Gary this puts my ford truck to shame. James ill tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. laughing is everything ok . Adt, i could hear crackling in the walls, and my mind went totally blank. 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The International Community is tired of it and we are going to start fighting back. Kennedy the foreign minister said they have no intention of ending their nuclear program. They are saying if the hermit kingdom is provoked further they will use their nukes against the United States. They have Nuclear Warheads that will fit on the missiles they already have. Joining us brian suits. Brian, let us discuss the miniaturization of these Nuclear Warheads. How much does it change the north korean threat. We knew this was coming. We were thinking in terms of 2018. You have to assume they have already done it. It literally do nothing was an option since 1953. And we have been using that outmoded option for 15 years. Do nothing should have been thrown out 15 years ago. Kennedy you have sanctions on export china and russia are on board with. I compare china with a codependent mom in an intervention who is sending the fat swiss cheese heifer to rehab. Whats next . China seems to equate our antiballistic Missile Development to south korea with north Koreas Nuclear development. But china likes korea so much they want two of them. We are at a point where china recognizes if there is a conflict on that peninsula, it ends with one korea. One way or another there will be a single place called korea. For the chinese to get on board here, i think they have an assurance from north korea that the nukes are not meant for them. But they get the crazy juice spread on them if there is a war. There are already north koreans leaving across the yalu to china. But they are still smuggling in north korean coal. Kennedy i wouldnt be surprised if there is a healthy black market in china for the iron ore and the afood and other and the seafood and other exports on the way that will find their way inthe china and money will make its way back to pyongyang. Is there any way and i hope to god you give me a yes are they pushing it to the point where the youth is out of options because of the reality their missile tests and because of their verbal threats . No. The north korean regime is not a government in any recognizable sense. Its not communism. Its the foundation of their government system is reunification. The legitimacy of the rule of the sun god named kim jongun is reunification will happen the easy way or the real easy way. I dont think there is a way to do this without getting kinetic. He has no legitimate rule if he negotiates with the United States unless he gets surrender of the United States, removal our troops from south korea and everywhere west of hawaii and give up hawaii. We allowed him to paint us into a corner. So my crapometer is in the red. Kennedy who is the most of capable diplomat in these talks right now . Representing us or even another super power in another country . I dont think we have a good player at bat in rex tillerson. I would put h. R. Mcmaster in a c17 and parachute him into pyongyang with a bag full of threats. I dont think diplomacy is doing anything. They are not listening. They are past the point of having to listen. There is no incentive for the north koreans to listen. Kennedy they say they are not giving up their nuclear program. What threats do they have . My worry is they have tens of millions of people in prison camps and they will kill them all. They literally cannot roll back on their entire philosophy. Kennedy you are right. They will starve and kill their people before they will give up any of their military might. Brianmight. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. I just want to find a used car start at the new carfax. Com show me used trucks with one owner. Pretty cool. [laughs] ah. Ahem. 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He says he believes the firing was politically motivated. What does this say about googles commitment to diversity . Joining me is brian kilmeade. This is interesting. He made to clumsy ham handled assumptions about women and why they are not successful in a for up that was suppose to be completely open so they could figure out how to get her women to work in tech. And he selfidentified as conservative. Brian i would add this. You have and question. Do you want to focus on the gender difference or the political difference, a rare conservative at a known to be somewhat liberal organization. Was that the reason . So men and women, the gender situation, in todays workplace, even if you begged me tell me the difference between men and women, i would say beats me, they seem the same. In todays environment the smallest thing can get you in trouble let alone the biggest thing in black and white. Its all about the backlash as well. If someone read this and said im a ceo and im going to make a change. Storm a response to a manifesto that should never have been put out to the public. Kennedy why have the forum. Brian a couple of things. Is getting conservatives to rally to his side because its seemingly a conservative. Number two, if you have tremendous backlash and a group of women who are going to walk out of work unless some action is done, if you are a major ceo and your job is on the line, do you say im willing to fall on the sword. Or say i am going to make a change. To knee this is when they teach you have those courses about sensitivity . This is what they say what not to do, even if begged. Kennedy Chelsea Handler is famous for being funny. Yesterday was not one of those times. It sounds like she is calling forethought police. She tweeted quote two chinese guys were arrested in berlin for making nazi sliewth. Wouldnt it be nice to have laws here for people who think r