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Talk points and mustard gas. Depending on where you stand, this is its okay to think something is amiss with this weird team chain. If don were the smart one he would have Jared Kushners job. If this were Chelsea Clinton meeting with someone named as a representative of the russian government who was supportive of hillary, people would be marching with pitchforks. Just because this whole story doesnt sit quite right, doesnt mean you have to toss your red hat in the incinerator. I brings when i hear someone in close approximate i a d close pr say this. I know everyone does Opposition Research and politics is filthy and hillary is evil and the Clinton Foundation was a scummy onestop collusion shop. There is no doubt in my mind everything she would have done as president would be wrong. But that did not make this right. Lets get on with the show. Good to have you. Im kennedy. Kennedy the president reiterated the leak on the russia thing is the biggest witch hunt in american history. Joining me is jason chaffetz. We talked about this on the outnumbered couch earlier in the week. The thing about this story is it wont go away. There are a series of missteps that keep perpetuating it and part of it comes from don, jr. If you dont get the story right the first time then you have to update and update again. They have just got i do give them credit for putting out the email top to bottom and saying here it is. Kennedy i understand that. Butf it what have been more comforting if he had said i went to a meeting about hillary and i shouldnt have done it. Then he said he was getting Opposition Research and it doesnt sounds like adoptions came at all. I dont lump the president in with this one. I believe i dont think that done, jr. Has don, jr. Has enough smarts to alert the right people. It shouldnt have happened and he said as much. For a democratic member of congress as they did today to file articles of impeachment against the president of the if United States is such an overreach. Thats ridiculous. Kennedy here is whats problematic about the assertion the president didnt know. Thats part of the attraction and part of reason people voted for him. If i were president , it would be what are you guys doing . Doesnt anyone see this would be problematic . If you cant tell your dad and you feel you have to shield him from something, that something might be wrong in the first place. Could you name who you met with a year ago in a 20minute meeting . I couldnt do that and tell you all their background and tell you is this important or not important. I buy the idea this turned out to be a nothing bigger and it came and went. Kennedy i dont like the phrase nothing burger. When does this become a something sandwich. When does it rise to the point where you have a harder time defending the administration. I can relate to sandwiches. Before it was a nothing burger. If they had actually done something with it and this meeting led to another meeting fan those revelations come out, you have the four top Intelligence Officers testify before the senate, they seoscopyr zero, no they see zero, no evidence of collusion. Kennedy this is something different. My understanding is there may be more to this story. We dont know that yet. But as the House Oversight committee chairman, what would you have done with this story if this were Hillary Clinton . There is so much more on Hillary Clinton where you have the Inspector General saying there is classified information in a nonclassified setting. There is real evidence, there is not only smoke, but an actual smoking gun. Then you you pursue it. When i was the chairman and Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state, i didnt do anything with her for months even years before there was evidence. Then you do it. Kennedy wouldnt you want some sort of clarity on this issue if for no other reason so the country can move on to healthcare and tax reform . I wish it were handled better. Im guessing by the time we get to next week well hear a bunch of democrats trying to stir the pot. Kennedy unfortunately don, jr. Has given them a ladle and they are stirring like crazy. But it doesnt mean there is actual evidence. Kennedy by the also doesnt mean there is nothing. Its not the same thing as a guy came up to me at the Republican Convention who may or may not have been russian. We are into july. Name a solid piece of evidence that there has been collusion. Kennedy there is a difference between something is not right, something is communicated poorly, conclusion. Thats what im saying it was mishandle and ill informed. He said he would have dealt with it differently. Thats a huge leap than having evidence of collusion. Kennedy what is collusion. A twoway communication and they are doing something with it. Then it starts to rise to the level where you have to look at it hard. There is a special prosecutor in place. Well see what they couple with. They have all the investigative tools. There is a lot more out there on comey and Hillary Clinton a lot more where there is actual evidence. Kennedy politic is filthy and scummy and thats why you got out of it. Its a full contact sport. I love the fight, but i dont miss the fundraising. Kennedy don, jr. Was on hannity and he says in re retrospect he would have done things differently. This was before the russian mania and they were building it up in the press. This was Opposition Research. So i think i wanted to hear it out. But it went nowhere and it was apparent that wasnt what the meeting was actually about. Kennedy but donalds reasoning hasnt stopped the president s opponents from calling his acts treasonous. Katie pavlich, comedian jimmy failla, and New York Times science columnist john cuney. Katie pavlich, it seems like this is more fuel for special counsel muellers campfire. Katie i think last night don, jr. Tried to say that in saying he would have done differently. To say its nothing is absurd. Of course its something. Its the story has changed. The story about what the meeting was about, whether it took place, who was giving the information, that tory change repeatedly over the course of the last four days. We always talk about this in d. C. Its not the crime thats the problem, its the coverup. Here we are now. They thought this was going away. The white house was fighting the russian narrative. Now we have another two years of investigations going on. Kennedy its another unforced error. Administration need a legislative victory. If this meeting were so wero innocuous, just cap it off right there at the knees instead of having to change your story. Thats what you are supposed to say. I have had a few runins with Law Enforcement in my day. If you came home with your parent and your story changed two times, then you are drawing them closer in. Im mildly amused by this because the media has spent so much time attacking them on russia on nothing, that now they have discredited themselves. No one is going to Pay Attention until someone is in handcuffs. Kennedy i think you are right. But that doesnt mean he did nothing. There is something going on. And i think we need to see this through as opposed to legislating every revelation that comes our way until we have seen it through. Kennedy you will wear people down to the point where they dont Pay Attention. And nothing is worthy of being held accountable any more. Hi, john tierney. Im afraid i think its a na a burger. He may have mis8ed what his one email said. But Nothing Happened in that meeting. Even if he had met with someone from the russian government and gone the dirt on Hillary Clinton, i dont think that will resonate with the president. Kennedy how do we know Nothing Happened . Even if they did, there is some evidence the democrats paid for a dossier on trump that was give to the f. B. I. , leaked to the press, thats real collusion. Kennedy the thing about that, it didnt have any impact. People are now rational and they dont just follow the media narrative they are given, and for that i applaud people. I just want people to do that on both side. Dont just pick a team and assume that team can never do anything wrong. Your guy is always going to be right and the other person is the devil. When something is wrong, the argument is automatically the other side did it so its fine. Just because other side is doing it, and if you are going to complain about the other side doing it, you shouldnt justify your actions based on the other side being wrong. Even if there is nothing in terms of the collusion and whether the Trump Campaign did anything illegal. Lying to a federal agent, meaning the f. B. I. , and the f. B. I. Is investigating this is a federal crime and will land you in prison. The trump team needs to get a story together. They have to tell the truth, there is a difference between not remembering an email and not lining up the facts when it comes to a federal criminal investigation. Kennedy presenting a totally different set of facts. We know there are judges and prosecutors in this country who are so politically misaligned with this administration they will use any word they can. They will keep it clean and tell the truth. I think he could pardon don, jr. And the public wouldnt care. Bill clinton committed earning are you and the country didnt really care. Kennedy because the economy was going in the right direction. Can it do that with this congress . We dont know. Senate republicans say they will reveal their newest proposal on healthcare tomorrow as Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell cut into their recess. Potsch you each drive a ford pickup, right . in unison russ, leland, gary yes. Gary i have a ford f150. Michael ive always been a ford guy. Potsch then i have a real treat for you today. Michael awesome. Potsch im going to show you a next generation pickup. Michael lets do this. Potsch this new truck now has a cornerstep built right into the bumper. Gary super cool. Potsch the bed is made of highstrength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. Jim aluminum is great for a lot of things, but maybe not the bed of a truck. Potsch and best of all, this new truck is actually gary all laughing oh my. Potsch the current chevy silverado. Gary im speechless. Gary this puts my ford truck to shame. James ill tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. laughing so we need tablets installed. With the menu app ready to roll. In 12 weeks. Yeah. The world of fast food is being changed by faster networks. Data, applications, customer experience. Which is why comcast business delivers Consistent Network Performance and speed across all your locations. Fast connections everywhere. Thats how you outmaneuver. So new touch screens. And biometrics. In 574 branches. All done by. Yesterday. Banks arent just undergoing a face lift. Theyre undergoing a transformation. A data fueled, security driven shift in applications and customer experience. Which is why comcast business delivers Consistent Network Performance and speed across all your locations. Hello, mr. Deets. Every Branch Running like headquarters. Thats how you outmaneuver. Kennedy im no weatherman but im pretty sure hell is going to freeze over tonight. I say that because senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell has delayed the start of the Senate Recess so the senators can put the need of the people first. He claims they will release their revised bill sometime tomorrow. Mcconnell citing the mounting pressure on republicans to fix our healthcare system. He vowed to fight through obstructionist tactics by the democrats its good news for voters but bad news for people going to the Lindsey Graham slipinslide party. Joining me is a man who never slides, brian kilmeade. Brian you know why i dont slide . I wear cleats to work. Kennedy and it gives you an extra inch and a half of height. John mccain said the bill is dead. Lindsey graham says hes got a new version hes going to polish off and work with democrats on. Brian we are going to get the details of the revised plan. And there will be another revised plan. Kennedy the cruz amendment. Brian opioid treatment will be part of that. There will be an extra plan offered to people who might not need everything offered in the other plan. I believe its going to pass. And this remind me so similar to the house. Kennedy before the august recess. Brian yes. I believe well have a vote next week. I dont think the longer we wade into august it will get better. Kennedy the mounting political pressure is compounded by time. Rand paul says this is not repealing obamacare. How do you feel about this statement . Brian rand paul really seems as though hes out. Even though he will be on fox and friends tomorrow, which usually means he has something to say. He said everything i offered, no one took me up on it. I do think, no offense to him, even though hes a doctor. Repeal and replace is a disaster. Every day that goes by that we dont have healthcare, is a disaster. But i wish rand paul would do the ted cruz thing. Dive back in and understand hes not going to get everything he wants. I dont think there is glory in standing back. Kennedy they are both relatively young politicians with their eyes on the presidency. And rand pace an eye doctor. Hes hopefully got better vision than ted cruz. Hopefully he can influence him with constitution. Ism here and there. I think it cruz amendment could save this thing. But nothing goes far enough. This is way too socialist of a bill. Brian i say this. I was shocked by this. Kiers 90 of americans said they want to see a hybrid. Then they want to see tax reform. I think its perfect to come up next. If you leave that 3. 8 tax for those horrible people who make over 250,000, which is most of the crew. And they are still underpaid whatever they are getting. I dont think its all about money and they will tell you that. Kennedy as they are spending it. Brian but they can fix it in tax reform. So you dont get labeled as a tax break for the rich which its not. I think they can fix that. In tax reform. Kennedy brian kilmeade, thanks so much for being here tonight. Now the marker collection is complete. Coming up, President Trump wants to help the american the Steel Industry by imposing a tariff on imported steel. Ill explain and get reaction from dr. Ron paul. Kennedy 8. 5 billion for the industry that could soon take a huge financial hit. Kentucky producers give you have 95 of the worlds bourbon and employ 17,000 people of. Not you Trump Administration considering an import tariff on foreign steel. Europe is threatening to retaliate by a tariff on the bourbon industry. Is there a way to protect our steel and our whiskey . Joining us is dr. Ron paul. Lets discuss tariffs a little bit. What are some of the ramifications if the president does in fact impose a big steel tariff on imports . Ron first off, its a tax, it raises tax on the American People. If you buy steel, you have to pass that tax along. Second, it should be immoral to prohibit people from buying stuff where they want to. In a free society you are supposed to protect it not interfere with it. You should be able to buy the best products ever. But the big one that is the more practical thing people look at and why even nonlibertarian economists generally oppose tariffs is there is a retaliation and downside. They retaliate and put prohibitions on our tearives. We see it with the imposed 15 minimum wage mandates in seattle that actually hurt the poor. It will cost more to build their businesses and buy homes and run factories. How can we shine rationale in an age of populism . Its so appealing when both sides spout it. Ron its not an easy problem to solve it reflects probably 60 to 70 years of keynesian Economic Education in our universities. Thats why its endorsed by both sides. I met a lot of individuals in washington and on both sides they endorse intervention. So its the interventionism they endorse, but then they argue by the. I think there will be enough public pressure that maybe the steel tariffs wont be put on. If you look at history, its amazing looking at this. But its always not on principle. Its welk we do something thats less harmful. Can we retaliate . I dont like the managed trade agreements. Of course, trump doesnt either. We have thousands of penalties and tariffs and imports today. But if somebody doesnt like it they go to the wto and european union. Kennedy george w. Bush imposed tariffs. Other countries western to the wto and it was found to be illegal. Ron the Bilateral Agreements make more sense. If we would have an agreement on lumber with canada and nobody else is interfering it should be worked out and maybe there would be a time when you would have free trade across the borders that touch tour country. Not by the nafta. Some people have advantages over others. Managed trade is bad. It usually endorsed tariffs. They pretend it temperatures free trade. But its the same individuals who are wanting to use sanctions and not ever trade with cuba. They are have much protectionists themselves. But they will frequently call themselves free traders because they believe in nafta and the wto. Kennedy we lost our vision a little bit, and thank you for your clarity always, dr. Paul. Now more on our top story, russia and donald trump, jr. The Senate Judiciary committee began the hearing for Donald Trumps nominee to be the f. B. I. Director. The president controversially fired james comey. The new nominee Christopher Wray said he would never let the politics of washington cloud his judgment. Anybody who thinks i would be pulling punches as f. B. I. Directornt know me very well. Kennedy john tierney, i listen to what hes saying, maybe its because im so jade. They all say the same thing, but essentially they are all bureaucrats. And they are all buddies. He was cozy with mueller and comey. The f. B. I. As has a swamp its a feudal system where they have all this info on everybody else. They are leaking all this stuff about trump, its the deep state. The bureaucrats there love him. He needs somebody to come in there and shake it up instead of the same old thing. Kennedy my issue with the f. B. I. And the cia is they are always fighting with one another. They are just there to protect their jobs long term. Jimmy, you say he will be a Welcome Change in the f. B. I. Because when you follow in the footsteps of james comey. Everyone hated him on both sides. This is like getting the new years eve gig after kathy griffin. Live from times square. The best part of this whole hearing. Senator yawn kennedy from louisiana told wray likened to dirty harry. I want you to punch a fewer. S in the face and shoot some drug dealers for the hell of it. What could go wrong . Kennedy i think what you have to do at these hearings is follow the gorsuch model. Talk about the constitution and not really say anything. Katie people in the senate could get on tv and have their moment. The thing is we blame james comey for being a political actor. But you know who put them in that position . Democrats and republicans who demanded he give us information about Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Im going to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. He said multiple times hes independent and he said donald trump, jr. Probably should have reported the email to the f. B. I. He said hes not interested in politic. That might change. Im sure he will get criticized from both side of the aisle. But that isnt necessarily a bad thing if you are getting criticized by both sides. Kennedy a new House Republican bill includes funding for the border wall. Democrats say they will fight it tooth and nail. That could lead to a shutdown in the fall. Dougugugugug safe drivers who switch to esurance could save money on car insurance. You know, the kind of driver who always buckles up. Comes to a complete stop. And looks both ways, no matter what. Because esurance believes thats the kind of driver who deserves to save money on car insurance. 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Kennedy a budget battle is brewing over the president s spending for the wall. Its worth noting the department of Homeland Security claims the money will only cover about 74 miles of it. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was nontoo pleads. She wrote once again the republicans are trying to stick the American People with the bill when President Trump swore mexico would pay for it. My next guests are the authors of the brandnew book, america and the age of trump. Jessica tarlov and doug schoen. Jessica and i have the pleasure of relating he once in a while on outnumbered. I want to talk about the political discord. That was the hallmark of the elect. Do you think that was here before President Trump got on to the scene and what do you feel he did to exacerbate it dou. I blame the democrat and republicans for the political discord. It doesnt really make sense to blame people, but to seek conciliation. What donald trump did wrong is he didnt seek to bring the country together or come up with policies that would unite. Kennedy he talked about it. I know in wash its all talk. You and i discussed this a number of times. If he were very serious about bipartisan coalitions he would have started with Something Like infrastructure. And then moved on to tax reform and finished with healthcare. Absolutely. He had own opportunity no other president in recent memory had. He obviously belongs to the Republican Party now. But hes a man out a typical ideology. He would be happy to deal with Chuck Schumer on infrastructure. He got caught up too much in the excitement and rhetoric of the campaign. And fulfilling promises. The segment about the border wall. Americans need healthcare more than they need a border call. Hes going back to this promise that his core base is in to. When your popularity is dropping at this level and you are losing moderates and independent and democrats. I dont know why you would stake a Government Shutdown on this walken what do you think the outcome is of the Government Shutdown. The president said maybe its a good idea. There is too much political risk. Given how weak the president is now. 40 approval or lower, i dont think he will want to stake his popularity on it. Sadly, hes governing in a way that isolates him to that 2030 . I agree with you. I would have done infrastructure and tax reform first. Kennedy its much smarter for hip to go in that order. He cant. That now. But democrats suffer from the say thing. You guys have a thesis of how two parties can come together and make the country better up this president specifically. But the democrats are still talking about resistance and it rings hollow with voters. Its not going to get us anywhere. This is a particularly important issue to talk about. If we on focus on that we are still not going to have a deliverable in 2018 or 2020. You cant only campaign on we are not donald trump. Which is why we wrote america in the age of trump. Kennedy there is that tie. Doug schoen. Thank you very much. Coming up. Dogs have always made great pets, but a colorado woman pets, but a colorado woman thinks they make even better car im so frustrated. Pets, but a colorado woman thinks they make even better car i just want to find a used car without getting ripped off. You could start your search at the allnew carfax. Com that might help. Show me the carfax. Now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. Show me used trucks with one owner. Pretty cool. [laughs] ah. Ahem. Show me the carfax. Start your used car search and get free carfax reports at the allnew carfax. Com. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Whoa thats amazing. Hey, im the internet i know a bunch of people who would love that. 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Former First Lady Michelle Obama has a new photo book coming out called chasing life. Michelles book is a collection of photographs taken of her while she was in the white house. And we have an advanced copy of the book. Here she is smacking candley out of little kids hands. And here is a shot p of her writing milan yeah trumps inauguration speech. Topic number 3. Kermit the frog lost his voice. Unlike our cameraman clark, he didnt have to drink a gallon of wine coolers to do it. But back to kermit. Voice actor steve whi wihmeier announced hes retiring. They are having a hard time find replacement. Most adult men who do kermit the frog impressions probably arent aloud within 500 feet of the school. He was also the voice of big bird who. Topic number 4. Yesterday we talked about viking yoga where you alleviate stress by drinking like a viking and cursing at strangers. Its like hang out with our cameraman clark. Today we go to the great state of arizona where a if you necessity mom none called bungee yoga is taking off. First there was downward dog, now there is dog tied to a fence post. Have you ever seen a dog one to the ends of its leash, then it snaps back . Thats what this looks like. You have got to be a parent to get that joke. But enough about clark for one day. Topic number 5. If you cant stand the fact that we currently have a president who fought in wrestle mania, i have great news. We are one step closer to having a president who fought in 8 of them. A Campaign Committee has filed to draft drain the wok johnson. He says hes an independents, but he would most likely have to run as a democrat to scare up financing. Hey, joe, do you smell what the rock is cooking . It gives me gas. Kennedy bind would be the rock isnt cooking anything. The burning smell is hillarys email server. But as many shots as i take of hillary on this show, i should say deleting 50e78s probably doesnt seem like such a bad idea to donald trump, jr. Anymore. Former president bill clintons daughter chelsea reportedly being sued over a back to idea. At fidelity, trades are now just 4. 95. We cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. And at 4. 95, you can trade with a clear advantage. Fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. And at 4. 95, you can trade with a clear advantage. Potsc in unison drive russ, leland, gary yes. Gary i have a ford f150. Michael ive always been a ford guy. Potsch then i have a real treat for you today. Michael awesome. Potsch im going to show you a next generation pickup. Michael lets do this. Potsch this new truck now has a cornerstep built right into the bumper. Gary super cool. Potsch the bed is made of highstrength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. Jim aluminum is great for a lot of things, but maybe not the bed of a truck. Potsch and best of all, this new truck is actually gary all laughing oh my. Potsch the current chevy silverado. Gary im speechless. Gary this puts my ford truck to shame. James ill tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. laughing with some big news about type 2 diabetes. You have type 2 diabetes, right . Yes. So let me ask you this. How does diabetes affect your heart . It doesnt, does it . Actually, it does. Type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. And with Heart Disease, your risk is even higher. You didnt know that. No. Yeah. But, wait, theres good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease. Jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. Jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease and lower your a1c. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. This may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. Do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. Other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So now that you know all that, what do you think . That its time to think about jardiance. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. Kennedy its my pleasure to book errands the show with more tales of naughty political children. Done jr. Isnt the only one with questionable smarts. Chelsea clinton is being accused of plagiarism in a lawsuit based on her childrens book. An upstate author wrote a book heart is the part that makes boys and girls smart. He claims penguin forwarded the submission to Chelsea Clinton. She has stolen her idify i from her parents while having zero achievements of her own. So fingering a few phrases doesnt seem out of her realm. Should she be a word thief . Email kennedyfbn foxbusiness. Com. Tomorrow on the show, rachel camposduffy and kmele foster. An interesting night. Goodbye. 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