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Okay in i cant make him secretary of agriculture. But we just named sonny perdue, i want to congratulate you, secretary of agriculture. [applause] when i was leaving, i just saw general kelly, when i was leaving. To put it in most basic terms, he is in charge of our borders. And they had on all stations that a lot of things are happening along the borders, like tremendous security all of a sudden. Even before he gets there, they are saying, wow what a difference. What a difference. I was honored to get Border Security all of the Border Patrol agents, they endorsed trump. We had 16500, i. C. E. En dorre endorsed trump, they know, what is happening, or they have already started, general kelly is going to do an unbelievable job in keeping us all safe. [applause] speaking of safety, we have general mattis. Now i dont know if he likes being recalled mad dog mattis, i will not call him mad dog mattis, i am just call him general mattis, he is going to keep us safe. It was shortest senatorial interview i have ever seen, i think they are afraid of him, actually. But just in case you have any question, he will pass. But, the cabinet members are doing really fantastic. I have watched most of it i have heard most of it. They have really, really done a good job. And i was very proud of them, i am very, very proud of my picks. There is not a pick that i dont love. And if there was i would tell you right now. Probably would, actually. [applause] i want to thank the cabinet for being here, i want to thank all of the senators that i see re. I want to thank our donors, big donor, small donors. Donors that got really generous a day after the election was won. I have a couple they got so generous. Hi, don, i just want to tell you, i just september sent a big check. We love you too. They are now officially a member of our party. You know we picked up hundreds of thousands, and millions of republicans. Not only did we do great in the election, you remember we cannot get to 270. They were right 3 go th we got to 306. I know cnn i was watching, i was watching all of them in all fairness, main networks. Cable networks. Although fox has treated us very well, i have to say, very well. Very well. Very well. I say well, by well, i mean fairly. But they were saying you cannot get to 270. I went to maine, for 4 times, one vote, i got it, but i didnt need it, but this was a victory for all of us. A victory for all of us. And in the audience, by the way, i see migrate brother great brother, and ann marie, thank you, my sister marianne. And david. Where is there right there who happens to be a courts of appealing jshe is tough. Appeals judge, she is tough, highly respected. My sister elizabeth, which great, so happy you are here. We have a very good family, we have a family that gets along, my sons, look at them standing there, did i say where werent you campaigning today, eric. And don. And tiffany was who incredible. And barron is home. But we had a great group of people, right, we worked hard. In the audience we have somebody that is under no pressure, what so ever because, he has a great quarte quarterback name tom braidbrady, a great coach named lichick, bob craft, good luck bob, your friend tom called he feels good. He called to congratulate us, good luck you will do great. I just want t thank everyone. Well have 4 incredible years, it will be we have in audience a special person, who has worked very hard, who married very well, it is my daughter ivanka. Where is she . I sort of stole her husband, he is so great, if you cant produce peaces in the middle east, nobody, can okay . All my life i heard that is the toughest deal in the world to make. And i have seen it but, i have a feeling that jared will do a great job. I have a feeling he is going to do a great job. [applause] so and one other person i have to thank, so. We had actually 18 people, said, 17 people running, it is 18 including gilmore. Now i like gilmore he endorsed me right away, but hwa governor of virginia in all nairness, she here in all fairness, he had 18 people running and Reince Priebus, i said before, nobody knew how to pronounce his name, a crazy name, they call him rans. Steve nguyen wynn still not pronouncing it right, steve, Reince Priebus, now everyone is pronouncing it right, he is a star, i knew that, he had a problem, because he start of liked me. He thought i could win. He thought i could win, phyllis, great phyllis, you know who that is . So, she is a great woman, was a great woman, passed away 6 months ago. I went to her funeral in st. Louis. And she came out against all of her fellow conservatives. And she said, i am not endorsing anybody else but donald trump. I dont care what exactly he is. He is like an unknown quantity but he will win, Reince Priebus thought the same thing, he was taking tremendous abuse, i want to thank by the way, phyllis, because she went fle through hell, i am telling you, phyllis went through hell, she turned out to be right, reince had the same thing. I fell like he favored my, but he is figure fantastic. He had to win because if he didnt win it was over. He would have been fired fire we would have said Reince Priebus you are fired get the hell out of here, but he is an unbelievable leader. He is an unbelievable talents. And he has been my preb friend and with me in the beginning, i want to thank Reince Priebus. [applause] and in finishing up, tom called me, tom. He is a very, very successful guy. Colony capital. Hey can became my party planner. Every time i had have a party, are you available, im having one in two months, he and all of his friends they said we would like to run it, i said what do you know about running it . Between stephanie, there she is, stephanie, what a job. What a job you did, thank you. Did he finally come through for you . Tom, thank you, stefer ni thanstephanie thank you, your group, thank you. So far, it has been perfect. The big one is tomorrow at about 12. Okay . Because we had a thing today, a couple things. Arlington National Cemetery it was so beautiful. So many people. So many people. It was incredible. We went there. And we laid the wreath with mike it was beautiful, then we went to the Lincoln Memorial, and had a concert. We thoht it would be small, and, tens of thousands of people were there. It was all the way to the back. They never had so many people. And very few people had a concert at Lincoln Memorial, but what they pulled off was incredible. It was unbelievable period of time. But tomorrow, seems to be the big one, and i made a peac speech tonight at Lincoln Memorial in front of those people and Live Television cameras, i cant stand them. But actually a couple of them are starting to get honest. But, i thought it was a very good speech. So instead of saying it was a good speech they are saying, it doesnt matter tonight, how will he do tomorrow, they never give you credit. Tomorrows speech around 12 00, it may rain, it may not rain, i dont care. I heene th mean truth is, if it really pours that is okay, people will realize it is my real hair. That is okay. It might be a mess. But they will see its my real hair. But. We have a speech that i wrote, and work with steven miller, who is here, and steven is great, he has been with us from the beginning, and steven and hope, and corey. And so many people have been so great. And i see my kellyanne. Okelly an [applause] come here. Come here kellyanne. Get up here. [applause] come here kellyanne. She is has been so great. Wow. So. There is no den she will not go into. When my menne are pet fid are to go on a certain network, i say kellyanne would you do it, absolutely no problem she just destroys them, so, so thank you, be careful. Youre welcome. This is celebration of victory. You are my friends, we needed this victory. Three weeks before we won as you know, it was going to be the single greatest defeat in history of politics. They predicted this would be the greatest loss in political history, not even modern political history. They said history. And ill tell you one thing, i out worked everybody, i think i out worked anyone who ran for offers, i learned that from belichick, right . But we out worked them. And three, five speeches a day, all over the place. And that last two weeks, last week, there was nothing smaf something that was happening, they canceled their fireworks, two weeks out. And there was a little story they spend 7 million on fireworks, they canceled it that is because, history has proven that if you lose, you dont want fireworks, right . That was a good sign. And there were other good signs. But, what we did on n those last two weeks that last week it was fun, we saw what was going to happen. We were pretty sure we were going to win. But again, thank you all very much. Well see you, we have an elect coming up in two years, were getting a lot of senators and a lot of congressmen elected a lot. Well get a lot of them elected. Merrill lynch Mcconnell Mitch mcconnell is here, he is smiling so big. We are going to make America Great again. Greater than ever before. Thank you very much. Everybody. Thank you. [applause] lou president elect trump, you know, to be a short, brief speech to his to kno donors, friends and family, he just takes the moment and soars with it. Back with me now, don jeer giordano, tom su sullivan, this president elect will do in mines as most people, he will do as president as he did as candidat candidate. And get this country moving again. And living up to its potential, and positive possibilities your thoughts about his remarks tonight. This is you said before we cut to the speech, he said it, he is an unknown. A lot of people dont know. But i think what he is going to do he is so different from any other president that weve seen, and i know that there is a lot of excitement in dc. But there is also i think a lot of hope that he and that cabinet he has put together. Lou im sorry, tom, there is a special moment, paul ryan, challenging president elect, now, it looks like, paul ryan was trying to be as nice as he could be, i would not doubt he was telling donald trump, tom, what a great, wonderful set of remarks you mate, back t made, back to you. He is going to be a unique president , and do things differently, but i think that there is a lot of hope he is a guy who is a doer not a talker. Politicians are talkers, he will do and accomplish. Lou your thoughts on his remarks. A special moment, join campaign, and i believe it was august. Who did so much, but has been as he said, for donald trump for his vision, his agenda, a tweet moment, dont you think . Well, i think that kellyanne, i have interviewed her once was a model for other republicans goes into places you dont have home court advantage, she makes the case for donald trump, i found in his remarks beyond interesting, who else can make sunny sonny perdue, and department of agriculture entertaining. Lou i would assume, that you are as revved up as well, about 98 of the country. I think there is a lot of negative tie in media, and nasty, you know, left wing of this country. Which practice practice bennality, i think this is going to be a special moment, a special presidency, and i will tell you, i am i cant believe that there would be anything other than success, that would follow this leader, tom about 30 seconds if you and don could split that. Media is all of a sudden wake up to try to be an adversary, but like people who review a movie they have not seen, they are negative. But when the movie, and Donald Trumps presidency will surprise a lot of people on the left. As very quickly in his administration. Lou i think you are right, i think that some most surprised will be the very people who are arguing most of with you know dom, another thing that i think has been, were going to take a more time here if we may. I think that a number of people who have been revealed in these confirmation hearings are adding themselves to if you will the pile of those who have been just defeated over the course of the past year on the left, i mean, as i watch, ron wyden, senator from oregon, and you know, brown, as you sit there and listen to thins that chuck schumer, a man who should know better, who is better educated and should have more class. They are absolutely, disspirits not the republicans not to the conservatives, not to Trump Supporters but their own party, they just further diminish and further diminish what is left of the Democratic Party. I dont know where they go from here, do you . When i see Elizabeth Warren talk about no palac class, devos offers her hand to shake, and it is all over the plac warren waving her off, talk about classless. You do shake hands in america, the last time i looked. Lou you would think, and also would think that when you put forward a cabinet as has donald trump, with support of american people, who has won the election, and have tom, this nastiness, that the left i mean. I watched left wing media. Lou they try to rational news there little feelings are hurt, they are surprised. Why did hillary lose . She did not have a message other than vote for here, im not him. Well i think a lot of the democrat leaders are, expecting the same vote they dont have a message they are scared they know they have really lost a lot, not only in washington, but the governorship, and legislatures. Lou a thousand seats, a thousand seats. Have been lost under these 8 years under president obama. It is also a i think a telling, telling thing. You said that Hillary Clinton ran not as brought of fact she was not donald trump, and nearly everyone all of the republican opponents as donald trump wish like the dickens they were smart enough to be donald trump, had a sense ofs american people. And that he had. And been able to articulate a agenda, dom, that just amazing. In that he dominated them the entire president ial campaign with his ideas his agenda. And his issues. Well, lou, i am here in pennsylvania, we said, why cant republicans win pennsylvania . Other than philadelphia . The rest of state is set up, i was floored on Election Night when trump of able to do, in parts of pennsylvania, that turn out. That people that were on paper, moderate democrats, voted for democrats every year, unwillingly, just, a new day here, i can tell new philadelphia. And the people in philadelphia, are scared to date of what trump will do, because he is going to focus on innercities, and my a very positive on manner, i think if that happens well see a generational change here for republicans, who will be brought dragging with this, to give up their status quo. Lou i think that you are right. Speaking generally, in major cities most nearly all of them, controlled by Democratic Party for 40 to 50 years, in which weve seen massive violence for example chicago, they are failed education policy, failed housing policies failed fiscal policy in case of chicago state and city. That democrats have been willing to just provide provide ovepreside over. If donald trump can move the intercities and power structure, that has failed young people there would be a change in the direction that no one would have imagined. Right. For a long time. And doms point, they are afraid he will succeed, and if he does, they are toast. Reporter dom. I think that a quick word. Yeah. Republicans have given us floor with innercities and hard thin, donald trump is a guy who does not give up. Thank you both. Good to have you with us. Tomorrow, well have a new president. Thank you for being with us, with with us tomorrow for special coverage of the inauguration of our 45th president , donald trump, 5 00 p. M. Eastern, good night from washington, d. C. So thanks. Being upfront is how edward jones makes sense of investing. Why pause a spontaneous moment . Cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis. Washington bureaucrats are sweating buckets in an paying of Trump Administration that reportedly plans to cut funding to a variety of programs. Now adding to privatizing corporation for public broadcasting and acting National Endow am for the art there are more changes coming. Jonathan hoenig said that donald trump is ignoring the el font ielephant in the room, and he should just shoot it, joining us now jonathan hoenig. Milady, great to be with you, i am not a hanger, i am hanging on to hope, do it. Talking about making drastic huge cuts in government, and eliminating departments, commerce, would be enough. Kennedy if you are talking drastic changes, and making a dent in the deficit, what does he really have to cut . Well, he has to you know touch that third rail. Touch that entitlement state that is what makes me nervous here. Donald trump has promised to continue the entitlement state, medicare, medicaid, social security. That is the bulk of deficit. And he has talked about healthcare for all, and you know not to mention cost of building a wall, if donald trump could cut the size of government even a bad president can do great things. Donald trump could eliminate one department, the g. O. P. Is in charm, do it kennedy i agree. I look at cuts people will be outraged that he is proposing cutting National Endowment for arts, for humanities, function of government is not to fun these things, not to fund u. N. Iptc, that is is not what government is here for, it is too broad, too intrusive, i want to know what you think about privatizing social security. This is sa is is an issue i spoke about a loo a lot in 2000, but no one wants to cut so they are addicted to spending. That is frustrating. For as much as of the the guff that people give george p. Bush at least he is gumption to float a policy. I fear w we have gone the other direction. I fear a lot of dont believe, that were moving in right direction, toward more freedom mr. More individual rights, taking care of us, negotiating deals on our behalf, president is not the ceo, his job is to protect the constitution. Kennedy well, speaking of being on the dawn of a new administration. There is a new fox poll, shows 25 percent of respond ant want economy and jobs to be top priority. Health care and uniting the nation, only by half. Can an incoming president do what people want him to do. The economy, people are confusing cause and effect, means and end. The effect is a great economy. Is a prosperous society, and cause is freedom. President s job is not to create jobs, save the environment, it is to protect and defend the constitution, if President Trump can do that, this country will soar. S. Kennedy jonathan that youy i thanthank you so much. Coming up party panel returns, donald trump adviser, planning to smooth things out with the lgbt community, that involves Caitlyn Jenner. Well discuss, that is next. [burke] at farmers, weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a rodent ridealong. [dad] alright, buddy, dont forget anything [kid] i wont, dad. [captain rod] happy Tuesday Morning captain rod here. Its pretty hairy out on the interstate. Traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. Getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. December 14th, 2015. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum kennedy not trying to name drop awesome. Hollywoods worse kept secret, celebrities dont like donald trump. One seat will be filled by life long republican, Caitlyn Jenner. Transgender reality tv star will attend, defending lgbt communit community. His advise advisers suggest that donald trump saves da dance for Caitlyn Jenner. Dave, i will start with you. This is just a fantastic idea. I love, love that this whole story continues to get stranger. And thought of Caitlyn Jenner dressed in a beautiful gown, and donald trump in a crisp suit, in each others arms dancing in perfect unison. As a comedian is would be malpractice not wanting that to happen it shouldnt, donald trump shouldnt. He just won a culture war. He does not need to you know suck up to the 94 ar the other side. Kennedy trying to defend the left is a losing battle, he could leave melania, have a baby with ki Caitlyn Jenner it would not be enough. It would feel gimmicky to me, it would take away from this giant win, Caitlyn Jenner came to the republican convention, she is ann advocate on some level. Kennedy a hell of a shot putter too. I would stay away from this. It is too easy it distraction from your win. Kennedy she supported ted cruz. See thi she did, it would be lov lovely, it should remind rele religious right that trump is not one of them. They came out, they voted for him. Neoconservatives had a huge problem with trumps, rel rela right did not. Well see if he caring about her feelings, one group participating tomorrow will be girl scouts of the United States of america. They have gotten backlash from social media, outrage is fueled by trumps reported disrespect and poor treatment of women throughout the years, group defending itself saying that its involvement in inauguration dates back to 1917. This makes me so bad, the fact that people cannot abstract donald trump from transition of power makes me insane, these little girls have a chance to go on washington, d. C. For once in lifetime opportunity. Even bigger than dancing in a super bowl. As someone who was a girl scout growing up, it is history, i dont care what politics girl scouts o america are, i think you a robbing these girls of experiencing the wonderful parade, and the nations capitol, i don i dont understand why things have to be so political all of the time. Kennedy try to convince my children that limited government is only way to live. Good, they are not getting that from anywhere else, just you. Girl scouts make great cookies. Kennedy glutenfree now as well. Whatever. It does you know whole argument that democrats made about fear that trump would not accept result of the election, it has nothing to do with transfer of power,. It was what are implications of undermining president. It is hilarious to see them go out of their way to do that every turn. Kennedy doing that with elected officials. And i think me and you should be happy to undermine do it all day long. Were about to suffer backlash backlash. I think that everyone will be sick of having to be outraged. It is why he wins. Kennedy a great term, i will going to my cairo prac ter with it. Donald trump about to assume title of commander in chief of armed forces that comes with a briefing. Joining me on military responsibility the new president will inherit that is next. [vo] quickbooks introduces rodney. He has a new business teaching lessons. Rodney wanted to know how his business was doing. So he got quickbooks. It organizes all his accounts, so he knows where he stands. Ahhh. Thats a profit. Way to grow, rodney visit quickbooks. Com. Kennedy welcome back. It time tomorrow, donald trump will be president. He will have socalled nuclear football. Were told it can be a pretty sobering moment for an incoming president. Hes to show off the hardware, saying, that military may come march down pennsylvania avenue so is man who advocated expanding and reducing our Nuclear Arsenal ready for the launch codes . Pete is here. Thank you for joining me. Thank you. Kennedy great to have you. Ill see you tomorrow. Yes. So lets talk a little bit about donald trump. As with many issues he has given a variety of opinions. But this may be the most serious opinion that a commander in chief can hold, what to do with our koneru con countrys nuclear capacity. He will come out very soberly, you cannot come out of a briefing like that with full weight of the world. Comments he made on campaign trail ara reflection, i dont want the enemy to know what i will or will not do. It also means, you know we have them for a reason. His rhetoric, media over hypes it and takes it literally without looking at what he means. Kennedy andy wa layy way to do a lazy way to do journal implement i understand he wants to be persevered as an untrtre unpredictic mad man, what is it like . Take u through. I read a good deal about it, it happens usually morning of the inauguration. Very clinical. Military briefing, details of how you decode, you prove you are president , you send those orders to send nuclear weapons, in any form. A call to pentagon decoded through what is in this nuclear football. That is what hits you, i now have that responsibility. George stephanopolous wrote in his book about somber look he saw on then incoming president bill clinton a face he obtained that same briefing, he said he never saw him more serious, and somber, well see if president elect trump has same reaction. As far as parade with nuclear parade down pennsylvania avenue. I love it. Not going to be north korea you know i was going to say what is this. That is not what is going to happen, this is he is proud of military, we have 8 years of apologizing and downsizing. He wants to show the world were proud, this is what people love about him, he bomb pastic. I say fix v. A. , enough show boating. I feel same with as i do about womens march, and pot march, if you were v. A. Secretary. Which i am not. Kennedy i know, it would have been a greater america. I am still hopeful. Kennedy see you tomorrow. Thank you. Kennedy coming up should local government install shower heads on subway and train cars so passengerring is bathe on the go . A great idea. Topical storm is next. For partners in health, time is life. We have 18,000 people around the world. The microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and Work Together in real time to help those that need it. The ability to collaborate changes how we work. What we do together changes how we live. And im just a guy who wantsants to sell him that truck. Ck. So i used truecar. It told me what other people in the area paid for the truck i want. And because were a truecar certified dealership, i already know the truck he wants. So were on the same page before he even gets here. Its fair. And its fast. Look good . Looks great. This is how car buying was always meant to be. This is truecar. Kennedy when your yacht is sinking and the sharks are humping the hull, come to me. This is topical storm. Tomorrow thousands will gather in our Nations Capital for the inauguration of our next president , Donald Trumps twitter account. There are a variety of ways people are celebrating from fireworks to suicide attempts, but best tribute comes from charlie cook. [ sound of gunfire ] [ sound of gunfire ] you should hear what they play for the Incoming Supreme Court justices, the orchestra used a kazoo, an accordion. And military grade charges. Topic two. Cat haters have a lot of profound questions like, can cats ruin everything . Even star wars . The answer sadly is yes. Watch two felines try to recreate iconic scene from Empire Strikes back when luke learns that Frank Sinatra is not his real dad. Ill never join you. If you only knew the power of the dark side. Never told you what happened to your father. He told me enough. He told me you killed him. No, i am your father. No kennedy cats, the originate or of the dark side. Has it ever been bad luck for a black lab to cross your path . No. They might lick you to death. Topic three. Riding subway is a time honored tradition in new york city. People ride in a hole in the ground, and multitask like crazy, they listen to music, read news, this time pressed gal touched up her roots on the train. You got a spot on your cheek and face. Never mind. Can you imagine the smell of cheap ammonia. That would be al awful, freak. Topic 4. Everybody has an off day. Even dogs, watch this canine, whiff it in his attempt to snatch a tennis ball. The ball is stopped, the dog leaps in the opposite direction, but he rights himself, comes careening back there he goes just to fall over and miss the bail, again. This video is not shot in slow motion. That is just a very slow dog. Cute. If your dog has problem playing fetch, give him more tuntoucheopportunities like this. [ laughter ] topic 5, 24 hours from now our country will have a new leader. He will have a long list of responsibilities, one thing he never has to deal with is hatred from social media, this is viewer mail. Kennedy is such a dodowaste of time, you know what shelby, i read that as kennedy is a dodo, a doer, i am a doer, your face is made of doggy manure. You actually have a personality, great, but you need to cam down just a little, you calm down jerk face. Whatever. Diane writes, girlfriend do something with those eyebrows, i am never going to win my soviet dictator championship if i trim them. Are you making fun of yourself, did you write this crap . No. I didnt get why your crap lunge and put it in my sharpy and write this crap. You a crap sandwich. Keep it simply, you suck. Joe that is what everyone says to your mom, a lot. Thank you for watching the show. I loved every minute of it. You can follow me on twitter. And instagram. And on facebook. Guess what party people, show is back monday, tomorrow watch fbnlive all day coverage of donald trump inauguration. I will be there with neil cavuto and the team, bringing it all to you, see you later, bye. For their services and god bless america, now here is lou. Announcer this is lou dobbs tonight, live from the Nations Capital. Lou we are coming to you live from a very top of the chamber of Commerce Building in the nations capitol on this eve of Donald Trumps inauguration, as our 45th president. It is a festive and extraordinary a atmosphere in this town. Mr. Trump just moments ago addressing supporters, at a welcome concert outside of the Lincoln Memorial. Were going to make america

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