Transcripts For FBC Kennedy 20151203 :

FBC Kennedy December 3, 2015

Im not quite sure what that noise was, but i apologize for it. But this is a departure. Three people working together to kill innocents. You are right, lou. We hear about this time after time, not just in our country. But other country. You look at saintdenis, and the point is we approach, we dont sit around on a per relationshipper and wait for the shooting to subside. Now they walk into the shooting. We have come to expect that, and thats a horrible way to have to live in this country in this free democracy. But because its a free democracy, thing like that will continue to happen. God bless the police for the training they have to address a situation like this the way it was addressed today. Lou i want to go back to the San Bernardino Police Department and the equipment they used. San Bernardino County has been among agencies receiving surplus military equipment, rifles, silencers, mineresistant vehicles. Two of those gear cats. I cant two of those bearcats. Its part of the department of defense 1033 program. There has been a lot of talk by the administration of pulling that back. I think as you said, properly used that does not mean in riots and demonstrations, but it does my god, it could have been a real life safer today a lifesaver today. It was a lifesaver. You have officers pinned down by fire. It could pull an officers body out of a car to get hip or her to a medical facility. Its a very necessary thing Police Departments need and they cant afford to buy it. We have the surplus under the 1033 program and there is no reason not to give it out. Lou thats a lot of flashing lights on the right your screen. What you see on the left are reporters and camera crews getting ready for a highly anticipated News Conference by the police chief. Of San Bernardino county. Its i mean, there is a huge, huge number of vehicles and manpower still out there, so it suggests that that function tough may well still be at large. He appears to be in the say area. We are look at the same thing the night the tsarnaev brothers took off and you had amassing of the Law Enforcement agencies from the surrounding areas basically take one of them down and capture the other one after a gun battle later that evening. Thats our seeing here. They are cordoning off the area and they will do a perimeter search by search by search. They will halt that citizens called them and say i saw a suspicious activity. My dog is barking like crazy, there is something going on out there. Lou we have just gone the video of some of that house to house search going on. And its over i cant say with any precision how lang an area, but many blocks surrounding this one mile area around the Inland Regional Center. We understand the Inland Regional Center itself one by as i understand it the county of San Bernardino. A lot of state Department Agencies there as well. They will be having a News Conference bringing us up to date and telling us what they can. Amongst the outstanding many outstanding questions is who was the Healthcare Provider that hat rented the room for the holiday luncheon in which all of this took place and was the scene of the wounding of 17 people and the murder of 14. We still do not know the answer to that question. We still dont know whether there is one function tough still at large. The Law Enforcement obviously is not taking any chances on that, trying to clear area, or take that suspect into custody. And we dont know whether any of these suspects, the number we think is 3, there may be four. Any of them we were originally told, one was taken into custody, but we dont know the truth of that. And we cant confirm it and hopefully that can occur here. Bill gavin, tom made the point that the San Bernardino police have played this very close to the vest. Not sharing information that usually Law Enforcement agencies do share, at least within a couple of hours. It appears they did not. You are thinking on the way they handled the situation tonight . I think they had a protocol and they handled it close to the vest because they know if they give out a lot of information, it could top like stop them from getting the job done they need to get done. In this particular case, it obviously is true that what they did was most successful to bring this to a long cal conclusion except for the one last perpetrate tore and that perp will be caught sooner or later. Dr. Keith ablow, great to have you join us. Give us a sense of what you think of this departure of what has become an american norm, that is, a shooting, with a number of victims, but this time with three perpetrators. It is a departure because of the number which would make you wonder, they are they part of any group, do they have any ideology that they share. So you do think of terrorism or gangrelated activity. It wont remain a mystery long. I think well learn which category of shooting this falls into, then it wont seem so strange. Well understand it was motivated by a drugrelated episode or by terrorism or what. That is sort of the forensic analysis that will take place here. And of course you will have people saying its all about the guns. But i can tell you having worked with dangerous people for a long time in my subspecialty of forensic psychiatry, the availability of a weapon may determine whats used. And if one isnt available they move on to another. They can cause just much havoc and death using weapons other than guns. Lou its become an american norm, a number of victims, a shooter, typically mentally ill. Thats been the case since columbine. I dont know an exception to it. Lone shooter, mentally ill killing unfortunately so many people, innocent people. This is so different in so many ways. Its hard of course to speculate given the possiblit given thf detail. There is something going on that would suggest this is going to have some significance beyond just the tragedy itself. Its hard to speculate but upon some thing we can meditate or think. We have seemed to cross the rubicon in some ways. What is considered unthinkable has become tragically almost routine. I think sometimes populations and around the world, not just our country. But populations mimic the episode that have transpired in pages earlier in the story of a nation or around the world or whatever you might have. So unfortunately the ceiling has been breached. When people get in mind that something is conceivable, then i think what we have to do is run ahead of the process now and say how do we identify proactively people at risk for the episode that are not terroristrelated. Terrorist related is about the f. B. I. And the cia looking at communications. From my standpoint psychologically we have to identify who are the people most at risk to commit these kind of acts because they may be identifiable. We have to find them below actively. Clearly people are willing to do things that in the past they would have thought of as beyond the pale. Beyond the pale as these acts are, its so heinous. So unamerican. And it is somehow as you say conceivable, but on the other hand so repugnant and incon receivable that it continues to occur. Whether whatever the motivation turns out to be, these three perpetrators to kill and wound so many people, for what, we cant imagine, and to me, to me, dr. Ablow, we are really it may be routine by the remains inconceivable that this is happening in our country. Absolutely. But when you look a few levels down, the mysteries all evaporate. In every one of these episode, its either found to be terrorist related or found to be politically related or found to be a disgruntled person or found to be somebody show is mentally ill which is most common, but it would be hard to imagine three people engaged in a describingally motivated event. But there is something at the root here. There is always a story unfolding. Unfortunately part of the music playing in the background of these events is that people mimic each other, and these mass shooting have a lot in common, the garb, the weapons used. The fact that people arrive and are much more brazen than they were before and seem to indiscriminately target many victims. And we have to figure out from a psychological standpoint where is happening here and how do we try to turn this back . How do we use Communications Tools . How do we use case finding . How do we early on identify those at risk for this kind of pathological address. And address it proactively. The thing that d that ails us is not the hardware, its the software. Lou the loss of life and the pain inflicted on these individual, their families and friend, and the nation. And the nation. Lou thank you so much, dr. Keith ablow. Im told at the Loma Linda Medical Center, five patient have been taken. And this is a hospital spokeswoman bringing us up to date. The code yellow was lifted off 3 30 this afternoon. The hospital remains on heightened alert and Law Enforcement remains on the scene to continue to support operations. The hospital is fully operational and business as usual. I will take a few questions. How Many Police Officers were transported that . I cant confirm that. We have five Adult Patients brought to the hospital. We had five Adult Patients brought to the hospital. I cannot confirm fit was a Police Officer. You are not talking about beyond the original incident. All day. I dont know about that particular moment you are thinking of. What was the nature of the bomb threat that triggered code yellow . I dont know how that bomb threat came in. I know there was a bomb threat that was credible. We looked into it. We went through our established protocols. We werent through security and Law Enforcement to determine the threat was not credible, and our campus was safe. The parents of a victim confirmed their daughter received a lot of gunshot wound and she is in surgery at the hospital. Can you confirm there is a young woman here attending a luncheon. There were five Adult Patients brought to the hospital from the incident of the day. I cannot comment on any times of injuries. Have families been able we had a station set up for the families of those victims where they could Stay Together and, you know, be strong for one another. I cannot confirm if there is a Police Officer here. As of right now we do not have we are not on alert for any other patients. During the course of the bomb threat there was heightened security. Armed security. There was Law Enforcement all around campus. So, yes, they were armed. And we remain on heightened alert just as a precaution into sure the safety of our patients and staff. Somewhat about the protocol, what was going on . The families of the vick timents have been notified and they have been directed where to go. Why cant you confirm a Police Officer was brought here . I cant determine where any of the patients came from whether they were Law Enforcement or not. Are some of your patients [inaudible] two of the victims are let me refer to my notes. We have two critical but stable. Two are in fair and one is still being assessed. I am not aof whether they have im not aware of whether they have spoke within Law Enforcement. Five Adult Patients. As far as hospitals . I would imagine that there are a couple other hospitals in the area. I cant comment on what other hospitals were involved. When the call came in, what was the mood inside the hospital . How were you prepared to handle this mass casualty . As the number one level Trauma Centerrer. Always staffed and equipped with ample staff, surgeons and nurse to than mass casualty incidents of this nature. We are always prepared to handle the worst of the worst injuries today just like any other day. I cant recall completely. I want to say the was over the course of a couple hours. But i cant say i cant give a definitive answer. I do know additional staff was brought in. I dont know the number or what position. I dont know, im sorry. Any comments from doctors about how things were handled today . I have not communicated with any of the medical staff. Obviously they have been very busy doing their job taking care of these patients and thats what they are dedicated to do to make sure these patients are able to leave here to return home with their families very soon. Lou a bright assessment than im sure many of the families could have hoped for a couple hours ago. A spokeswoman for the Loma Linda Medical Center where five patients were taken, five victims of the shooting today. Two of those victims are in critical condition, critical but stable. One has not been assessed. Suggesting that that patient came in later in what has been a very busy evening for this hospital. And two are in fair condition. So again the latest from the principle Trauma Center for the inland area which is San Bernardino, San Bernardino county there, and thats good news for the family certainly. I want to now give you a sense what happened today at the Inland Regional Center, the Government Center there in San Bernardino. This is marcos aguilera. His wife was among those working in the center when the gunmen came in and she was an eyewitness and this is his account of what she saw and heard. She said the guys came in next to her office and started shooting. They locked themselves in her office. They seen bodies on the floor, and she said ambulance are taking people out in stretchers. She was able to get out of the building already. But there are still people inside. Lou those people inside of course ultimately were brought out safely. And evacuated from the medical center. Tom ruskin, your thoughts at this point in the evening . I think everyone did what they trained and trained to do. Loma linda medical center. She stuck up for herself when the reporters started picking on her a little bit. You couldnt help for a better spokesperson. This is what the medical centers do. Chances are the Police Officer who was also injured was taken to the number one Trauma Center. When the president of the United States goes through that area that Trauma Center is ready to take in the president god forbid something should happen to our president. So everyone did what they are basically paid and trained to do from the Police Officers to the emergency responders, being the fire department, ems, the ambulance people to the hospitals taking in the injured people. And maybe saving lives. We have two critical people hopefully within a couple days they will be released. When i hear stable after the word critical mire heart does a flip to the positive side. I hope that is the case tonight in loma linda. Cities like new york are going building by building to have these types of training sessions in case they have an sack tough shooter. They are using the Critical Response team to do that. Thats what the Police Commissioner bill bratton is doing in the city. And thats going to be very important. If these shootings are going to be as frequent as they have bennett will be important in saving lives down the road. Lou one of the elements here, not every incidents can be prevented if this turns out to be an organized terrorist attack rather than Something Else i cant 10 find a label to describe something so lane sauce without motivation, its going to be a very difficult time indeed for us to tea just to this new reality. Wouldnt you say . Yes, absolutely. I dont know if we can adjust to the new reality. We can get to know that thats whats occurring. But adjusting somehow to me means accepting and i dont think well ever be able to do that. Its trying to figure out as dr. Ablow said, trying to be proactive figuring out who is going do these. When you see a group of people like a group of terrorists doing something thats one thing. But a random individual takes it upon himself to do something insane by killing people, its difficult to figure out. So we can never really accept it. We just have to understand it does happen and we have to do everything in our power to prevents sit from happening again. Has off to the spokesperson from the loma linda center. Sometimes you have to notoriety person to put before the camera. Usually not the doctor or the medical technician. Lou its nice to see so much pride expressed by the spokeswoman for loma linda, representing as she does, all of those terrific surgeons, doctors, nurses caring for the victims, this tragic day, its uplifting. I want to turn if i may very quickly to dr. Daniel volger. Hes a forensic psychiatrist as well. Good to have you with us. I would like to get your sense of based on what we know, im going to ask you straight out. What in the hell is going none this country . Well, lou, we have reset our societal thermostat. This has become the new normal. But this particular incident unlike some softers that have been more recent. I think this one is different since we have multiple shooters and we dont have a clear motive, i said this on your show before. This is the price of living in a presociety. If we want to have the things that make up being americans, i think well have to accept the fact and i dont think acc

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