Transcripts For FBC FBN AM 20170614 :

Transcripts For FBC FBN AM 20170614

testify as well. reaction to those developments. cheryl: the federal announce thr latest interest rate hikes later this afternoon. the white house has launched an effort to find the next federal reserve chairman. lauren: headed the central bank announcements announcements. stocks bouncing back and i was up 12 points and the nasdaq up five. train to the bad news keeps coming for uber. a board member of the right feeling company forced to resign over inappropriate companies that may have offended women. lauren: and sports committee committing a game for the yankees and angels. a two run homer for the los angeles dodgers right fielder may be overshadowed by what he did after the home run. we will have highlights. cheryl: good morning, lauren. good morning, all of you. wednesday, june 14th. welcome to "fbn:am." following on the latest breaking news this morning. lauren: officials in london have confirmed a number that's in a massive fire that engulfed a high-rise overnight. officials say 50 people have been taken to the hospital. the fighting broke out in a 24 story tower in leominster at kensington area before 1:00 a.m. local time quickly spread to the whole building. cheryl: details of witnesses as well and people pleading for help from the upper floors of the building. >> there is a flat right at the top that you can see people out there trying to make noise and showing us some sort of flag, telling us we are here, we need help. we could see that help wasn't going to get there in time and everything went black with smoke. cheryl: firefighters river to rescue many from flames. watching live pictures of the building. this is the london power. as dawn broke in london, 200 rescue and fire crews still searching for the building, which as you can see a still smoking. we will keep you updated. at least for now, crews are inside looking for more of it and spirit a tragic situation overnight. lauren: here at home, attorney general jeff sessions facing off against the intelligence committee. cheryl: for more, let's bring in out of shapiro. reporter: attorney general jeff sessions answered questions on the senate intelligence committee and at times he was aggressive defending the actions he's taken. a lot of the questions had to do with the fbi russia investigation and the firing of jim comey. the attorney general made it clear he says there is no collusion whatsoever. >> in to suggest i participated in any collusion, that i was aware of any collusion with the russian government to hurt this country which i have served with honor for 35 years or to undermine the integrity of our democratic process is an appalling and detestable lie. >> senators want him to answer questions about his discussions with president trump about firing jim comey. and this exchange with senator wyden got heated. >> their respects to the recusal that were problematic and he couldn't talk about them. what are they? >> why don't you tell me. there are none, senator wyden. there are none. >> and the questions attorney general jeff sessions would not answer. president trump did not invoke executive privilege. the attorney general wouldn't answer questions which is frustrating to martin heinrich. >> there is no appropriateness bucket. can you tell me whether these long-standing doj rules that protect conversations made in the executive without invoking executive privilege. >> senator, i protect team the constitutional right by not giving it away before he has a chance to view it. >> there is praise from republicans on the committee and richard burr says all of this is very important because of the gravity of the investigation. back to you. cheryl: out of shapiro from attending the bid efforts to repeal and replace upon the care. trump told lawmakers the health care bill passed in the house as mean and called on senators to make their version trained there. >> the senate is working very, very hard and specifically the folks in this room i appreciate what you're doing to come out with a bill that is going to be a phenomenal bill to the people of our country. generous, kind with hard. cheryl: trumps criticism coming as a surprise after he praised that and lobbied for its approval. lauren: an american student held in a north korean prison for more than a year back home in the u.s. now but in a coma. a plain landed in cincinnati last night where he was rushed to a hospital for medical treatment. more was serving a prison sentence for trying to deal a poster value is in what the group. >> let me say how pleased we are to have him back in the united states. what an incredible day. we have difficult as you are aware and reaching him. we have to go through the government of sweden to get any kind of information and even then it was extremely rare. lauren: three other americans are held in north korea but we are glad he's back home. cheryl: the state department is not happy about how the north koreans treated him when he was in prison. another big story we followed this morning, a board meeting to discuss workplace and cultural issues that uber took in the next i could turn yesterday. lauren: yesterday. herewith the latest resignation not over. >> good morning. a lot of new developments yesterday. most surprising board member -- uber port number area on the huffington saying quote there's a lot of data that shows others that shows when there is one woman on the court is much more likely that there'll be a secular woman woman on the board. in response, don goodman says actually but it shows is it's much more likely there will be more talking. the founder of the private equity firm tpg capital in an uber investor wrote a letter to staff to apologize calling his remarks came a inappropriate and inexcusable at a time when the company is trying hard to change that image. discrimination and bullying. opera ceo announced he would be taking a leave of absence to create his mother who was killed in a boating accident. in a letter he sent to employees, for over 2.0 to 60 there there is nothing more important than dedicating my time to building up the leadership team. i also need to work on travis to point out to become the leader this company needs than you deserve. kalanick has been at the center of many company scandals. former u.s. attorney general eric holder made while conducting an investigation into opera. cheryl: many reports saying he was fighting taking that if a guy says to the bitter end. thank you for the lead reporter. lauren: the federal reserve widely expected to take short-term interest rates for the third time since december. mark bittner covers senior economist at wells fargo joining us now. good morning, sir. where are you at expectations for rate hikes today? let's talk longer term. >> they are probably going to do when the rate hike. that is all they'll do. there's some debate as to whether that will be september or december. one of the problems is we've got the debt ceiling. we've got to come up with a budget or a continuing resolution. that showdown right around august, september and maybe too much for the americas to handle if it gets rough like it has previously said they might avoid raising interest rates and pushed the hike to december. the other thing the federal disclosed today its plans for reducing their balance sheet, which was the quantitative easing they undertook once a token interest rates down to zero. they are going to start allowing securities holdings to roll off probably beginning late this year. lauren: weekly reports on inflation can the cpi and retail sales today. what will the feds say in a statement with respect to inflation as they monitor it and the health of the over our economy? >> the numbers of the most closely watched have been coming into love for their liking. they would like inflation somewhere around 2%. it's been running consistently around 1.7% using the pc deflator. it has been stronger and it's right at 2% by that measure it works best to two points of a percentage increase. that's pretty much in line with where they would like it to be. retail sales have also been disappointing so far this year. we think it was a bit of a pickup fare. lauren: fox business will bring you complete coverage of the fed announcement that it 2:00 p.m. eastern time will be followed by fed chair jane e. allen. her news conferences at 2:30. cheryl, not become a lot more top stories. jeff sessions defending himself over accusations of collusion with russia. >> i recuse myself from an investigation into the campaign for president but i did not recuse myself from defending the honor against false accusations. cheryl: where does the investigation go from here? forward aj loretta lynch and trying to cover up the hillary clinton for her. tesla has something to crow about. perfection. we'll explain. you are watching "fbn:am". ♪ ♪ whoa that's amazing... hey, i'm the internet! i know a bunch of people who would love that. the internet loves what you're doing... build a better website in under an hour with... ...gocentral from godaddy. type in your idea. select from designs tailored just for you and publish your site with just a few clicks-even from your... phone. the internet is waiting start for free today at godaddy. lauren: good morning to you. by 15 in the new york. president trump reportedly has given the pentagon the authority to send thousands of no american troops to afghanistan that clears the way for the military to intensify its fight against the taliban. defense secretary james mattis told the armed services committee yesterday the u.s. is not winning the war in afghanistan. while american airlines makes the plant that could squeeze more passengers sitting in coach reversing a decision to install more economy seats on the boating 730 sevens cuts by cutting 32 inches of legroom. the plan has sparked an outcry from travelers who saw it as another put a customer sitting in coach. tesla's model x suv getting perfect scores from safety regulators. the administration awarded the suv of five-star crash safety rating in every single category. tesla says it's the first suv to get top scores across the board. congratulations. and the markets recovered for the nasdaq up seven points. dow futures up 25. that's what's happening now. market participants watching what's happening in washington. a new level of intensity when it became the highest-ranking official to testify. criminal defense attorney and prosecutor david or no, former adviser to george w. bush. gentlemen, good morning. appalling and detestable lies that jeff sessions said about collusion with russia. was it a good day for the attorney general? >> he was factual and combative. he pummeled by senators sitting on their day trying to score political points. there was no evidence suggested by the senators that there was factual collusion. there was only innuendo and the attorney general pushed back on that very effectively. cheryl: is the democrats narrative oppression of collusion finally shut down yesterday? >> absolutely not unfortunately. the special investigation for his crimes. the two committees, house and senate will continue to issue subpoenas and call witnesses and unfortunately this is not over. i do agree this is a good day for sessions. he had her say there's no collusion which he did. he had to explain the recusal all three things were done and they were done well yesterday. cheryl: you think this is going to continue. how much further can make out with a rather lynch in your opinion? >> every time we hear witness like comey and sessions, they identified the witnesses subpoenaed. what is critical even after the february 14th meeting that he went and spoke to the leadership, they will be subpoenaed and the rather lynch and on and on. i to not see an end to this anytime soon. lauren: do think sessions testimony was strong as we just pointed out? can you come out of this unscathed and donald trump move forward or we are not there yet? >> there's nothing there to be had but one thing is for sure and that is diane feinstein said she is a democrat fromia that ls behavior interfering with the investigation and telling comey to report to the press this is a matter as opposed to investigation. that leaves her up into some jeopardy because when it leaked documents as private citizen, official documents in the course of his employment, he's got trouble administratively. further, the leak was to influence an investigation. sci-fi's leak was to start just as to get it away from the justice department and the pious friend as special counsel. cheryl: real quick, one of the more fiery moments was between sessions. do you agree with his explanation and you think you convince the american people of this explanation? >> yes, i do. it is extremely factual and sincere. he laid his cards on the table and basically said that in a lot of situations where ambassadors are there. i never had a church conversation to collusion in a manner. by the way there's no evidence to suggest that. all this is his innuendo. cheryl: thank you for joining us this morning. lauren: coming up, late night game for the new york yankees and the l.a. angels. stay with us. a two-run home run run for the l.a. dodgers may be overshadowed by what he did after the homer. we'll have those highlights. cheryl: guess that today as. lauren: flag day. cheryl: it marks the adoption of the stars and stripes. in hoboken, new jersey, janis ian is honoring flag day with a lot of other folks. and that is coming out. "fbn:am" ♪ wild thing you make my heart sing ♪ you make everything groovy ♪ cheryl: welcome back. time now for sports. yankees and angels paying a few extra innings. eric young junior replacing the injured mike trout and making the most of his opportunity with the angels. they then he goes to you. a solo homer and angels tied up by two. if the ball up the middle. young gets the walkoff rbi and angels for an extra inning 3-2. dodgers plan in cleveland for the first time since 2003. gassing up week makes it a memorable one. a shack deep center for the two run homerun. back to the dugout, flips off from the cleveland fans. later apologizes for his impersonation. cody ballenger continues his amazing work top of the night. crushes his second homer of the game the 17th of the season. dodgers when it can-5. anthony was so batting leadoff for the first time in his career. he sent there for a solo home run 14th of the season. that set the tone of the cubs. second and then hits a grand slam. cups crushed the mets. sorry, new york fans. that of pittsburgh. sidney crosby and the penguins bring the stanley cup. crosby throwing out the first pitch and it's a strike. the eighth inning from andrew mccutchen connects for a second connects for his second home run of the game. pirates win 5-2. anyone to make sure to tune into "mornings with maria" tomorrow. maria s. u.s. open golf tournament starting at 6:00 a.m. eastern time. dagen mcdowell down there with her as well. lauren: excellent. we will have the latest after a devastating fire broke added 20 for a sour and mundane. you looking at live pictures of the fire still burning. a structural engineer monitoring the situation on the scene. they've got to make sure that building doesn't collapse. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ so new touch screens... and biometrics. in 574 branches. all done by... yesterday. ♪ ♪ banks aren't just undergoing a face lift. they're undergoing a transformation. a data fueled, security driven shift in applications and customer experience. which is why comcast business delivers consistent network performance and speed across all your locations. hello, mr. deets. every branch running like headquarters. that's how you outmaneuver. treated three breaking news this morning. the latest on a massive and devastating fire at 23 story london tower. residents there to be trapped inside can remain in the hospital. live pictures from the building still smoking 10 hours later. good morning, everybody. i'm lauren simonetti. cheryl: good morning. cheryl casone. washington, attorney general jeff sessions fighting back at collusion in the russian investigation. a former attorney general rather lynch be forced to testify? expert reaction on what broke. lauren: following stocks, the federal reserve to announce its latest and contract interest rate hike for launching an effort to find the next chairman of the federal reserve. cheryl: ahead of the big announcement, stocks bounced back into the close yesterday. dow, s&p when the nasdaq came back features point to a flatly high euro bin. lauren: bad news. for cooper. a board member forced to resign over inappropriate comments. cheryl: today is flag day. this marks the 240th anniversary of the adoption of the stars, stripes. we will go to hoboken new jersey where they are honoring this day with a gigantic balloon. lauren: thank you for joining us. it is wednesday, hump day. tomorrow i'll cause. welcome to "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news. train to some serious breaking news. we've been watching throughout the night. officials have confirmed a number of deaths in the massive fire that engulfed a high-rise happening overnight. the fire breaking out after midnight local time in london 7:00 p.m. eastern time. the fire commissioner same 50 people have been taken to hospital and there are fatalities. we are looking for updates. things break and not in the 24 story tower, london's north kensington area happening before 1:00 a.m. local time. the fire spreading quickly through the building. lauren: witnesses say many people are pleading for help from the upper floors of the tower. >> thursday/friday at the top that you could see people trying to make noise and showing us some sort of flag, telling us we are here, we need help. we can see how pleasant going to get there on time and everything went black with smoke. lauren: still smoking now. firefighters were able to rescue many members. as dawn broke, 200 firefighters continued to search the building. we will keep you updated them i do hope they can rescue and save as many people as possible. cheryl: also following a shakeout of yesterday's big testimony from attorney general jeff sessions against members of the senate intelligence committee answering questions from the committee and at times he was aggressive. he's defended the actions he's taken so far. crushes from his former colleagues had to do with the russian investigation and the firing of james comey. he made clear there was no collusion whatsoever. >> to suggest i participated in any collusion, that i was aware of any collusion with the russian government to hurt this country which i have served with honor for 35 years or to undermine the integrity of our democratic process is an appalling and detestable lie. cheryl: sessions have been inadequate as many with the russian ambassador to the united states rejected any misconduct in the ouster of fbi director james comey. lauren: an american student held in a prison for over a year is back in the u.s. but is in a coma. a plane carrying auto sublimated last night. he was serving a prison term of hard labor for trying to steal a poster that late dictator kim jong il when he was part of a tour group. securing his release at the direction of the president. >> let me say how pleased we are to have auto warmbier back in the united states. we had difficulty as you all are aware of reaching him. we had to go to the government of sweden, protective power to get any information and even then it is extremely rare. lauren: rare, but they did it. three other americans are being held in north korea. cheryl: north koreans have a lot to answer for on that story. the manhunt underway for two prison escapees who killed two prison guards with a thousand dollars worth posted for donnie russell wrote and wiki devos. officials said that they overpowered two cards in a transport us, shot and killed the guards and then carjacked a driver who pulled up behind the bus. describing that same period >> i sought to verbally murdered. that is what i saw. i have their blood on my shoes. cheryl: emotional moments for him. the inmates were inside of a caged area of the bus. it's not known how they manage to get to the guards and overpower them. lauren: board meeting to discuss for face issues that dupree took a surprising turn yesterday. cheryl: it sure did. tracee carrasco is here at the latest resignation of the company. try morning, lauren and cheryl. a lot of developments meeting yesterday. david pondered resigning from the company's board of director followed a remark he made during the meeting is seen as offensive to women. uber board member area has contained emphasized the importance of having been in say there's a lot of data that shows when there is one woman on the board is much more likely that there would be a second woman on the board. in response, bob goodman says actually what it shows is there is much by likely to be more talking. the founder of private equity firm tpg capital and a remastered e-mail to staff to apologize calling his remarks careless, inappropriate and inexcusable. the company is trying hard to change its image and fight allegations of sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying. hoover's ceo kalanick said he would be taking a leave of absence to create his mother who was hurt in a boating accident. there is nothing more important than dedicating my time to building up the leadership team. if we are going to work on over to point out, i need to work on travis to point out to become the leader this company needs a new deserve. kalanick flick of absence, one of the suggestions eric holder made for conducting an internal investigation into over. lauren: this report was highly dissipated. what other recommendations did it make? >> this was a 13 page document. there were four main topics including trust and the tone of the top transformation and accountability. some of the things they discuss they would be changing required senior leaders to receive mandatory leadership coaching. that was very surprising to me because that is something they should already be getting. cheryl: a cultural problem at the top of the company, potential ipo for the endgame. >> hold senior leaders accountable is something that they need to focus on. lauren: they are starting to do that and have mentors immediately report says. we hope they clean it up. trade to another story we followed this morning. "the wall street journal" reported that kerry, president trump's top economic advisors leaking the search for the next federal reserve chair. does that mean janet galan is going to be out? lauren: i thought it was smooth sailing between president trump and janet galan and the fed. let's bring in mark bittner, senior economist at wells fargo. would you make of this report from the journal? >> that sounds about right. janet galan's term ends in january. when you get a new president can do that to a point there in person to the federal reserve. it wouldn't surprise me. president trump has said he's not necessarily opposed. he hasn't made any decision whether you agree or point janet galan. that is who they think they should appoint for that position. also a lot of talk that he himself may be the person the president selects for the position. the president has shown away from evidence that he likes to bring in people that have business experience and his administration. cheryl: i want to ask about the decision yesterday. yes or no, good choice. >> i think it would be an excellent choice. there's some others mentioned as well. john taylor with the one that's a good choice although he's an academic. that may be one of the concerns they have and they really have a preference for business people because they feel there's more immediacy and decision-making. cheryl: bloodstock later today mark. how are you feeling about the decision today. are you a hundred% positive look at the rate hike? >> close to 100%. the fed has made their intentions clear. it is a little bit below 1%. with this move a little bit above 1%. they would like to get it closer to two, maybe a little above two in the next year or so. they still have some work to do and they will raise rates one raise rates one more time this year. probably will be one more time this year and continue raising rates and 2018. lauren: is the fed out of step with market performance? >> now, the markets have become accustomed to the cautiousness. there's a number of trained time when they were ready to raise interest rates and something happened outside of the u.s. and we got some sort of quirky employment report. not going to do it right now. they haven't done that this year. this year we've shown real resolve even though we've got softer employment rates down to 4.3%. inflation heading towards a percent. i think it is all clear. let's go ahead and raise them. trade to the game starts today. thank you for your time. fox business will bring you complete coverage and analysis of the announcement at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. the announcement will be followed by fed chair janet galan ran at 2:30 p.m. eastern time. lauren: and of course could stay on as federal reserve chair. should the rest of unchecked to testify about her role in pushing james koenig to push the e-mail investigation a matter rather than an investigation. the company that inspired the "seinfeld" soup character is in hot water. we'll tell you about that one. dow futures pointing up 26 points. s&p up to coming nasdaq 10. oil prices trading at $46 down a full percent from yesterday. stay with us. you're watching "fbn:am" i am . i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit when a fire destroyedd with us the living room. we were able to replace everything in it. liberty did what? liberty mutual paid to replace all of our property that was damaged. and we didn't have to touch our savings. yeah, our insurance won't do that. well, there goes my boat. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. cheryl: it is 5:45 a.m. in new york or that they too caught up on what's happening now. "rolling stone" has settled another lawsuit about a gang at the university of virginia. reports said the magazine has agreed to pay 1.65 million to the fraternity and put it to rest the defamation claim. "rolling stone" forced to retract a story published in 2014 after investigation found no evidence it had occurred. neiman marcus no longer for sale. it is an adult talks about a fuller partials they'll have the business. shoppers are going online for the wealthier deals. this soup nazi famous from "seinfeld" filed for bankruptcy. suit man for the character in "seinfeld" has lined up about 2 million bankruptcy laws to keep his business running during the chapter 11 case. finally this wednesday, we should say happy birth day, mr. president. today's donald trump 71st part they and flag day. lauren: two wonderful things on the same day. in the wake of the attorney general jeff sessions testimony, should former agent of avalanche now have to testify about her role in pushing james comey to call the hook laden e-mail investigation a matter instead of an investigation. joining us now, david pernod and brought blake madam president to george w. bush. i will start with you. you know whether lynch be charged with obstruction of justice for asking james comey in the fbi to downplay the investigation? >> or a premature. right now i don't think so. certainly could be an investigation and she could testify or there could be an fbi investigation into what she did. let's not forget the oversight and only investigative purposes. they do not have the ability to charge. the fbi investigation did open up, we would know that at this point. >> we may see former attorney general lynch soon. have we heard anything about that? >> has become politicized under the apartment and assertion. no doubt about it. i don't think that's the case under the trump administration. if anything, they are trying to clean it up and restore the decor and you expect from the justice department to be free from political oversight or intimidation. one thing is for sure, lynch has opened herself up to a congressional investigation. the fbi is watching testimonies, too. they can open an investigation and we would know that if it happened. if in fact she told comey which testified under oath that she was told to tone down the language so couldn't appear hillary quit was under investigation. the really interesting part issues also open to questioning on the tarmac with bill clinton. >> those are excellent points. let's go back to sessions yesterday, david. he refused to answer questions about personal conversations with donald trump and a lot of democratic senators want to know why he was doing that. senator ron wyden accused him of stonewalling. would you make of that? is there anything there? is a constitutionally correct? can he be charged or held in contempt? >> he said i am not though dwelling. he was asked multiple times to come up with a directive are writing he did. but was after the hearing that a memo was released. the ronald reagan administration and i read from it, reagan wrote the department shall expressly indicate the purpose of this request is to protect the privilege pending a decision in the request itself does not constitute a claim of privilege. he privilege. he does have some precedence to do what he did yesterday. lauren: david, brad, thank you for joining us. cheryl: coming up in his flag day today. the 240th anniversary of the adoption that the stars and stripes. we are going live to janice dean live in hoboken, new jersey. but you have this morning? >> ladies, what about the biggest american flag that's going to light up the sky this morning. i am here at this balloon firing it at. stay with us at fox business. we will be right back. cheryl: well, today's flag day, time to honors are stars and stripes. lauren: janice dean live in hoboken, new jersey at the side of the world's largest free fine american flag and none of this special day. are you ready to fire it up? reporter: oh yeah, here's a cute. fire it up. oh yeah, be afraid, very afraid. this will happen this one in hoboken, new jersey to commemorate the 200 or did the anniversary of the beautiful stars and stripe old glory. we are excited that in hoboken. the sky has cleared. we saw some pretty big thunderstorms earlier today. we are going to see potential for showers and thunderstorms on and off. temperatures cooler than over the last couple days in the northeast and mid-atlantic. temperatures in the mid-70s. hoping i can press that weather button and keep the skies clear for the rest of the morning for a world's biggest american flying flag. let's look at the radar. the western great lakes western great lakes down to the central plains, the area with hail, damaging winds and tornadoes. over a dozen reporters last night as well as hundreds of reports of hail and damaging winds. the bot or a cold front is going to move in and bring us refreshing temperatures had they been stuck in a heat wave the last couple days. still very warm over the south and central plains and the southwest dealing with high heat advisories extreme heat for parts of arizona as a list of mexico and california not only the next couple of days but into the weekend. the heat is going to be dangerous. for now, in hoboken, new jersey, the biggest american flag. you want to tune in, ladies. >> i'm curious, jms, are you going to fly today? is that coming later in the morning? >> that might be a tease, my friend.i might be fine in the ws biggest american flag. lauren: how big is it? >> it is five stories, five stories high. i hope that is right. areas are pilot. he's going to be with us. i am not flying this thing. i will be in the bay so exciting for flag day. don't you wish you were here with me? cheryl: i actually do appear that such a beautiful day in hoboken. you will be out there all morning long. happy flag day, janice. reporter: have a flag day, ladies. lauren: coming up, high famous designers defending the first lady at the united states. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ realize the smartest investing idea, isn't just what you invest in, but who you invest with. ♪ lauren:@designer dolce and dupont has come to defend the first lady malanga tribe. many have vowed not to dress her because of her husband's political views. in the first lady were a black waistcoat dress as you can see here by dolce and gabbana on a pope francis in may, protesters launched a boycott dolce and gabbana movement. now poking fun at by using their own plug-in. here they are. they feature the company's name along with a large hash tag boycott. guess that they retail for? $245. we can say take that protesters and happy birthday to president trump on this flag day. he was 71 years old. it is 5:59 a.m. here in the ears. thank you so much for watching us on the "fbn:am." presented over and say good morning to maria bartiromo. >> hi there, good morning, everyone. thanks for being with us. and maria bartiromo. your top stories right now 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. a massive fire engulfing a high-rise building. desperate search underway right now for survivors inside the 21st or rebuilding. authorities expect multiple fatalities here. more than 200 firefighters on the scene right now with rescuers calling it an unprecedented situation. >> i feel very helpless watching the fire burning.

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Transcripts For FBC FBN AM 20170614

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testify as well. reaction to those developments. cheryl: the federal announce thr latest interest rate hikes later this afternoon. the white house has launched an effort to find the next federal reserve chairman. lauren: headed the central bank announcements announcements. stocks bouncing back and i was up 12 points and the nasdaq up five. train to the bad news keeps coming for uber. a board member of the right feeling company forced to resign over inappropriate companies that may have offended women. lauren: and sports committee committing a game for the yankees and angels. a two run homer for the los angeles dodgers right fielder may be overshadowed by what he did after the home run. we will have highlights. cheryl: good morning, lauren. good morning, all of you. wednesday, june 14th. welcome to "fbn:am." following on the latest breaking news this morning. lauren: officials in london have confirmed a number that's in a massive fire that engulfed a high-rise overnight. officials say 50 people have been taken to the hospital. the fighting broke out in a 24 story tower in leominster at kensington area before 1:00 a.m. local time quickly spread to the whole building. cheryl: details of witnesses as well and people pleading for help from the upper floors of the building. >> there is a flat right at the top that you can see people out there trying to make noise and showing us some sort of flag, telling us we are here, we need help. we could see that help wasn't going to get there in time and everything went black with smoke. cheryl: firefighters river to rescue many from flames. watching live pictures of the building. this is the london power. as dawn broke in london, 200 rescue and fire crews still searching for the building, which as you can see a still smoking. we will keep you updated. at least for now, crews are inside looking for more of it and spirit a tragic situation overnight. lauren: here at home, attorney general jeff sessions facing off against the intelligence committee. cheryl: for more, let's bring in out of shapiro. reporter: attorney general jeff sessions answered questions on the senate intelligence committee and at times he was aggressive defending the actions he's taken. a lot of the questions had to do with the fbi russia investigation and the firing of jim comey. the attorney general made it clear he says there is no collusion whatsoever. >> in to suggest i participated in any collusion, that i was aware of any collusion with the russian government to hurt this country which i have served with honor for 35 years or to undermine the integrity of our democratic process is an appalling and detestable lie. >> senators want him to answer questions about his discussions with president trump about firing jim comey. and this exchange with senator wyden got heated. >> their respects to the recusal that were problematic and he couldn't talk about them. what are they? >> why don't you tell me. there are none, senator wyden. there are none. >> and the questions attorney general jeff sessions would not answer. president trump did not invoke executive privilege. the attorney general wouldn't answer questions which is frustrating to martin heinrich. >> there is no appropriateness bucket. can you tell me whether these long-standing doj rules that protect conversations made in the executive without invoking executive privilege. >> senator, i protect team the constitutional right by not giving it away before he has a chance to view it. >> there is praise from republicans on the committee and richard burr says all of this is very important because of the gravity of the investigation. back to you. cheryl: out of shapiro from attending the bid efforts to repeal and replace upon the care. trump told lawmakers the health care bill passed in the house as mean and called on senators to make their version trained there. >> the senate is working very, very hard and specifically the folks in this room i appreciate what you're doing to come out with a bill that is going to be a phenomenal bill to the people of our country. generous, kind with hard. cheryl: trumps criticism coming as a surprise after he praised that and lobbied for its approval. lauren: an american student held in a north korean prison for more than a year back home in the u.s. now but in a coma. a plain landed in cincinnati last night where he was rushed to a hospital for medical treatment. more was serving a prison sentence for trying to deal a poster value is in what the group. >> let me say how pleased we are to have him back in the united states. what an incredible day. we have difficult as you are aware and reaching him. we have to go through the government of sweden to get any kind of information and even then it was extremely rare. lauren: three other americans are held in north korea but we are glad he's back home. cheryl: the state department is not happy about how the north koreans treated him when he was in prison. another big story we followed this morning, a board meeting to discuss workplace and cultural issues that uber took in the next i could turn yesterday. lauren: yesterday. herewith the latest resignation not over. >> good morning. a lot of new developments yesterday. most surprising board member -- uber port number area on the huffington saying quote there's a lot of data that shows others that shows when there is one woman on the court is much more likely that there'll be a secular woman woman on the board. in response, don goodman says actually but it shows is it's much more likely there will be more talking. the founder of the private equity firm tpg capital in an uber investor wrote a letter to staff to apologize calling his remarks came a inappropriate and inexcusable at a time when the company is trying hard to change that image. discrimination and bullying. opera ceo announced he would be taking a leave of absence to create his mother who was killed in a boating accident. in a letter he sent to employees, for over 2.0 to 60 there there is nothing more important than dedicating my time to building up the leadership team. i also need to work on travis to point out to become the leader this company needs than you deserve. kalanick has been at the center of many company scandals. former u.s. attorney general eric holder made while conducting an investigation into opera. cheryl: many reports saying he was fighting taking that if a guy says to the bitter end. thank you for the lead reporter. lauren: the federal reserve widely expected to take short-term interest rates for the third time since december. mark bittner covers senior economist at wells fargo joining us now. good morning, sir. where are you at expectations for rate hikes today? let's talk longer term. >> they are probably going to do when the rate hike. that is all they'll do. there's some debate as to whether that will be september or december. one of the problems is we've got the debt ceiling. we've got to come up with a budget or a continuing resolution. that showdown right around august, september and maybe too much for the americas to handle if it gets rough like it has previously said they might avoid raising interest rates and pushed the hike to december. the other thing the federal disclosed today its plans for reducing their balance sheet, which was the quantitative easing they undertook once a token interest rates down to zero. they are going to start allowing securities holdings to roll off probably beginning late this year. lauren: weekly reports on inflation can the cpi and retail sales today. what will the feds say in a statement with respect to inflation as they monitor it and the health of the over our economy? >> the numbers of the most closely watched have been coming into love for their liking. they would like inflation somewhere around 2%. it's been running consistently around 1.7% using the pc deflator. it has been stronger and it's right at 2% by that measure it works best to two points of a percentage increase. that's pretty much in line with where they would like it to be. retail sales have also been disappointing so far this year. we think it was a bit of a pickup fare. lauren: fox business will bring you complete coverage of the fed announcement that it 2:00 p.m. eastern time will be followed by fed chair jane e. allen. her news conferences at 2:30. cheryl, not become a lot more top stories. jeff sessions defending himself over accusations of collusion with russia. >> i recuse myself from an investigation into the campaign for president but i did not recuse myself from defending the honor against false accusations. cheryl: where does the investigation go from here? forward aj loretta lynch and trying to cover up the hillary clinton for her. tesla has something to crow about. perfection. we'll explain. you are watching "fbn:am". ♪ ♪ whoa that's amazing... hey, i'm the internet! i know a bunch of people who would love that. the internet loves what you're doing... build a better website in under an hour with... ...gocentral from godaddy. type in your idea. select from designs tailored just for you and publish your site with just a few clicks-even from your... phone. the internet is waiting start for free today at godaddy. lauren: good morning to you. by 15 in the new york. president trump reportedly has given the pentagon the authority to send thousands of no american troops to afghanistan that clears the way for the military to intensify its fight against the taliban. defense secretary james mattis told the armed services committee yesterday the u.s. is not winning the war in afghanistan. while american airlines makes the plant that could squeeze more passengers sitting in coach reversing a decision to install more economy seats on the boating 730 sevens cuts by cutting 32 inches of legroom. the plan has sparked an outcry from travelers who saw it as another put a customer sitting in coach. tesla's model x suv getting perfect scores from safety regulators. the administration awarded the suv of five-star crash safety rating in every single category. tesla says it's the first suv to get top scores across the board. congratulations. and the markets recovered for the nasdaq up seven points. dow futures up 25. that's what's happening now. market participants watching what's happening in washington. a new level of intensity when it became the highest-ranking official to testify. criminal defense attorney and prosecutor david or no, former adviser to george w. bush. gentlemen, good morning. appalling and detestable lies that jeff sessions said about collusion with russia. was it a good day for the attorney general? >> he was factual and combative. he pummeled by senators sitting on their day trying to score political points. there was no evidence suggested by the senators that there was factual collusion. there was only innuendo and the attorney general pushed back on that very effectively. cheryl: is the democrats narrative oppression of collusion finally shut down yesterday? >> absolutely not unfortunately. the special investigation for his crimes. the two committees, house and senate will continue to issue subpoenas and call witnesses and unfortunately this is not over. i do agree this is a good day for sessions. he had her say there's no collusion which he did. he had to explain the recusal all three things were done and they were done well yesterday. cheryl: you think this is going to continue. how much further can make out with a rather lynch in your opinion? >> every time we hear witness like comey and sessions, they identified the witnesses subpoenaed. what is critical even after the february 14th meeting that he went and spoke to the leadership, they will be subpoenaed and the rather lynch and on and on. i to not see an end to this anytime soon. lauren: do think sessions testimony was strong as we just pointed out? can you come out of this unscathed and donald trump move forward or we are not there yet? >> there's nothing there to be had but one thing is for sure and that is diane feinstein said she is a democrat fromia that ls behavior interfering with the investigation and telling comey to report to the press this is a matter as opposed to investigation. that leaves her up into some jeopardy because when it leaked documents as private citizen, official documents in the course of his employment, he's got trouble administratively. further, the leak was to influence an investigation. sci-fi's leak was to start just as to get it away from the justice department and the pious friend as special counsel. cheryl: real quick, one of the more fiery moments was between sessions. do you agree with his explanation and you think you convince the american people of this explanation? >> yes, i do. it is extremely factual and sincere. he laid his cards on the table and basically said that in a lot of situations where ambassadors are there. i never had a church conversation to collusion in a manner. by the way there's no evidence to suggest that. all this is his innuendo. cheryl: thank you for joining us this morning. lauren: coming up, late night game for the new york yankees and the l.a. angels. stay with us. a two-run home run run for the l.a. dodgers may be overshadowed by what he did after the homer. we'll have those highlights. cheryl: guess that today as. lauren: flag day. cheryl: it marks the adoption of the stars and stripes. in hoboken, new jersey, janis ian is honoring flag day with a lot of other folks. and that is coming out. "fbn:am" ♪ wild thing you make my heart sing ♪ you make everything groovy ♪ cheryl: welcome back. time now for sports. yankees and angels paying a few extra innings. eric young junior replacing the injured mike trout and making the most of his opportunity with the angels. they then he goes to you. a solo homer and angels tied up by two. if the ball up the middle. young gets the walkoff rbi and angels for an extra inning 3-2. dodgers plan in cleveland for the first time since 2003. gassing up week makes it a memorable one. a shack deep center for the two run homerun. back to the dugout, flips off from the cleveland fans. later apologizes for his impersonation. cody ballenger continues his amazing work top of the night. crushes his second homer of the game the 17th of the season. dodgers when it can-5. anthony was so batting leadoff for the first time in his career. he sent there for a solo home run 14th of the season. that set the tone of the cubs. second and then hits a grand slam. cups crushed the mets. sorry, new york fans. that of pittsburgh. sidney crosby and the penguins bring the stanley cup. crosby throwing out the first pitch and it's a strike. the eighth inning from andrew mccutchen connects for a second connects for his second home run of the game. pirates win 5-2. anyone to make sure to tune into "mornings with maria" tomorrow. maria s. u.s. open golf tournament starting at 6:00 a.m. eastern time. dagen mcdowell down there with her as well. lauren: excellent. we will have the latest after a devastating fire broke added 20 for a sour and mundane. you looking at live pictures of the fire still burning. a structural engineer monitoring the situation on the scene. they've got to make sure that building doesn't collapse. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ so new touch screens... and biometrics. in 574 branches. all done by... yesterday. ♪ ♪ banks aren't just undergoing a face lift. they're undergoing a transformation. a data fueled, security driven shift in applications and customer experience. which is why comcast business delivers consistent network performance and speed across all your locations. hello, mr. deets. every branch running like headquarters. that's how you outmaneuver. treated three breaking news this morning. the latest on a massive and devastating fire at 23 story london tower. residents there to be trapped inside can remain in the hospital. live pictures from the building still smoking 10 hours later. good morning, everybody. i'm lauren simonetti. cheryl: good morning. cheryl casone. washington, attorney general jeff sessions fighting back at collusion in the russian investigation. a former attorney general rather lynch be forced to testify? expert reaction on what broke. lauren: following stocks, the federal reserve to announce its latest and contract interest rate hike for launching an effort to find the next chairman of the federal reserve. cheryl: ahead of the big announcement, stocks bounced back into the close yesterday. dow, s&p when the nasdaq came back features point to a flatly high euro bin. lauren: bad news. for cooper. a board member forced to resign over inappropriate comments. cheryl: today is flag day. this marks the 240th anniversary of the adoption of the stars, stripes. we will go to hoboken new jersey where they are honoring this day with a gigantic balloon. lauren: thank you for joining us. it is wednesday, hump day. tomorrow i'll cause. welcome to "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news. train to some serious breaking news. we've been watching throughout the night. officials have confirmed a number of deaths in the massive fire that engulfed a high-rise happening overnight. the fire breaking out after midnight local time in london 7:00 p.m. eastern time. the fire commissioner same 50 people have been taken to hospital and there are fatalities. we are looking for updates. things break and not in the 24 story tower, london's north kensington area happening before 1:00 a.m. local time. the fire spreading quickly through the building. lauren: witnesses say many people are pleading for help from the upper floors of the tower. >> thursday/friday at the top that you could see people trying to make noise and showing us some sort of flag, telling us we are here, we need help. we can see how pleasant going to get there on time and everything went black with smoke. lauren: still smoking now. firefighters were able to rescue many members. as dawn broke, 200 firefighters continued to search the building. we will keep you updated them i do hope they can rescue and save as many people as possible. cheryl: also following a shakeout of yesterday's big testimony from attorney general jeff sessions against members of the senate intelligence committee answering questions from the committee and at times he was aggressive. he's defended the actions he's taken so far. crushes from his former colleagues had to do with the russian investigation and the firing of james comey. he made clear there was no collusion whatsoever. >> to suggest i participated in any collusion, that i was aware of any collusion with the russian government to hurt this country which i have served with honor for 35 years or to undermine the integrity of our democratic process is an appalling and detestable lie. cheryl: sessions have been inadequate as many with the russian ambassador to the united states rejected any misconduct in the ouster of fbi director james comey. lauren: an american student held in a prison for over a year is back in the u.s. but is in a coma. a plane carrying auto sublimated last night. he was serving a prison term of hard labor for trying to steal a poster that late dictator kim jong il when he was part of a tour group. securing his release at the direction of the president. >> let me say how pleased we are to have auto warmbier back in the united states. we had difficulty as you all are aware of reaching him. we had to go to the government of sweden, protective power to get any information and even then it is extremely rare. lauren: rare, but they did it. three other americans are being held in north korea. cheryl: north koreans have a lot to answer for on that story. the manhunt underway for two prison escapees who killed two prison guards with a thousand dollars worth posted for donnie russell wrote and wiki devos. officials said that they overpowered two cards in a transport us, shot and killed the guards and then carjacked a driver who pulled up behind the bus. describing that same period >> i sought to verbally murdered. that is what i saw. i have their blood on my shoes. cheryl: emotional moments for him. the inmates were inside of a caged area of the bus. it's not known how they manage to get to the guards and overpower them. lauren: board meeting to discuss for face issues that dupree took a surprising turn yesterday. cheryl: it sure did. tracee carrasco is here at the latest resignation of the company. try morning, lauren and cheryl. a lot of developments meeting yesterday. david pondered resigning from the company's board of director followed a remark he made during the meeting is seen as offensive to women. uber board member area has contained emphasized the importance of having been in say there's a lot of data that shows when there is one woman on the board is much more likely that there would be a second woman on the board. in response, bob goodman says actually what it shows is there is much by likely to be more talking. the founder of private equity firm tpg capital and a remastered e-mail to staff to apologize calling his remarks careless, inappropriate and inexcusable. the company is trying hard to change its image and fight allegations of sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying. hoover's ceo kalanick said he would be taking a leave of absence to create his mother who was hurt in a boating accident. there is nothing more important than dedicating my time to building up the leadership team. if we are going to work on over to point out, i need to work on travis to point out to become the leader this company needs a new deserve. kalanick flick of absence, one of the suggestions eric holder made for conducting an internal investigation into over. lauren: this report was highly dissipated. what other recommendations did it make? >> this was a 13 page document. there were four main topics including trust and the tone of the top transformation and accountability. some of the things they discuss they would be changing required senior leaders to receive mandatory leadership coaching. that was very surprising to me because that is something they should already be getting. cheryl: a cultural problem at the top of the company, potential ipo for the endgame. >> hold senior leaders accountable is something that they need to focus on. lauren: they are starting to do that and have mentors immediately report says. we hope they clean it up. trade to another story we followed this morning. "the wall street journal" reported that kerry, president trump's top economic advisors leaking the search for the next federal reserve chair. does that mean janet galan is going to be out? lauren: i thought it was smooth sailing between president trump and janet galan and the fed. let's bring in mark bittner, senior economist at wells fargo. would you make of this report from the journal? >> that sounds about right. janet galan's term ends in january. when you get a new president can do that to a point there in person to the federal reserve. it wouldn't surprise me. president trump has said he's not necessarily opposed. he hasn't made any decision whether you agree or point janet galan. that is who they think they should appoint for that position. also a lot of talk that he himself may be the person the president selects for the position. the president has shown away from evidence that he likes to bring in people that have business experience and his administration. cheryl: i want to ask about the decision yesterday. yes or no, good choice. >> i think it would be an excellent choice. there's some others mentioned as well. john taylor with the one that's a good choice although he's an academic. that may be one of the concerns they have and they really have a preference for business people because they feel there's more immediacy and decision-making. cheryl: bloodstock later today mark. how are you feeling about the decision today. are you a hundred% positive look at the rate hike? >> close to 100%. the fed has made their intentions clear. it is a little bit below 1%. with this move a little bit above 1%. they would like to get it closer to two, maybe a little above two in the next year or so. they still have some work to do and they will raise rates one raise rates one more time this year. probably will be one more time this year and continue raising rates and 2018. lauren: is the fed out of step with market performance? >> now, the markets have become accustomed to the cautiousness. there's a number of trained time when they were ready to raise interest rates and something happened outside of the u.s. and we got some sort of quirky employment report. not going to do it right now. they haven't done that this year. this year we've shown real resolve even though we've got softer employment rates down to 4.3%. inflation heading towards a percent. i think it is all clear. let's go ahead and raise them. trade to the game starts today. thank you for your time. fox business will bring you complete coverage and analysis of the announcement at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. the announcement will be followed by fed chair janet galan ran at 2:30 p.m. eastern time. lauren: and of course could stay on as federal reserve chair. should the rest of unchecked to testify about her role in pushing james koenig to push the e-mail investigation a matter rather than an investigation. the company that inspired the "seinfeld" soup character is in hot water. we'll tell you about that one. dow futures pointing up 26 points. s&p up to coming nasdaq 10. oil prices trading at $46 down a full percent from yesterday. stay with us. you're watching "fbn:am" i am . i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit when a fire destroyedd with us the living room. we were able to replace everything in it. liberty did what? liberty mutual paid to replace all of our property that was damaged. and we didn't have to touch our savings. yeah, our insurance won't do that. well, there goes my boat. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. cheryl: it is 5:45 a.m. in new york or that they too caught up on what's happening now. "rolling stone" has settled another lawsuit about a gang at the university of virginia. reports said the magazine has agreed to pay 1.65 million to the fraternity and put it to rest the defamation claim. "rolling stone" forced to retract a story published in 2014 after investigation found no evidence it had occurred. neiman marcus no longer for sale. it is an adult talks about a fuller partials they'll have the business. shoppers are going online for the wealthier deals. this soup nazi famous from "seinfeld" filed for bankruptcy. suit man for the character in "seinfeld" has lined up about 2 million bankruptcy laws to keep his business running during the chapter 11 case. finally this wednesday, we should say happy birth day, mr. president. today's donald trump 71st part they and flag day. lauren: two wonderful things on the same day. in the wake of the attorney general jeff sessions testimony, should former agent of avalanche now have to testify about her role in pushing james comey to call the hook laden e-mail investigation a matter instead of an investigation. joining us now, david pernod and brought blake madam president to george w. bush. i will start with you. you know whether lynch be charged with obstruction of justice for asking james comey in the fbi to downplay the investigation? >> or a premature. right now i don't think so. certainly could be an investigation and she could testify or there could be an fbi investigation into what she did. let's not forget the oversight and only investigative purposes. they do not have the ability to charge. the fbi investigation did open up, we would know that at this point. >> we may see former attorney general lynch soon. have we heard anything about that? >> has become politicized under the apartment and assertion. no doubt about it. i don't think that's the case under the trump administration. if anything, they are trying to clean it up and restore the decor and you expect from the justice department to be free from political oversight or intimidation. one thing is for sure, lynch has opened herself up to a congressional investigation. the fbi is watching testimonies, too. they can open an investigation and we would know that if it happened. if in fact she told comey which testified under oath that she was told to tone down the language so couldn't appear hillary quit was under investigation. the really interesting part issues also open to questioning on the tarmac with bill clinton. >> those are excellent points. let's go back to sessions yesterday, david. he refused to answer questions about personal conversations with donald trump and a lot of democratic senators want to know why he was doing that. senator ron wyden accused him of stonewalling. would you make of that? is there anything there? is a constitutionally correct? can he be charged or held in contempt? >> he said i am not though dwelling. he was asked multiple times to come up with a directive are writing he did. but was after the hearing that a memo was released. the ronald reagan administration and i read from it, reagan wrote the department shall expressly indicate the purpose of this request is to protect the privilege pending a decision in the request itself does not constitute a claim of privilege. he privilege. he does have some precedence to do what he did yesterday. lauren: david, brad, thank you for joining us. cheryl: coming up in his flag day today. the 240th anniversary of the adoption that the stars and stripes. we are going live to janice dean live in hoboken, new jersey. but you have this morning? >> ladies, what about the biggest american flag that's going to light up the sky this morning. i am here at this balloon firing it at. stay with us at fox business. we will be right back. cheryl: well, today's flag day, time to honors are stars and stripes. lauren: janice dean live in hoboken, new jersey at the side of the world's largest free fine american flag and none of this special day. are you ready to fire it up? reporter: oh yeah, here's a cute. fire it up. oh yeah, be afraid, very afraid. this will happen this one in hoboken, new jersey to commemorate the 200 or did the anniversary of the beautiful stars and stripe old glory. we are excited that in hoboken. the sky has cleared. we saw some pretty big thunderstorms earlier today. we are going to see potential for showers and thunderstorms on and off. temperatures cooler than over the last couple days in the northeast and mid-atlantic. temperatures in the mid-70s. hoping i can press that weather button and keep the skies clear for the rest of the morning for a world's biggest american flying flag. let's look at the radar. the western great lakes western great lakes down to the central plains, the area with hail, damaging winds and tornadoes. over a dozen reporters last night as well as hundreds of reports of hail and damaging winds. the bot or a cold front is going to move in and bring us refreshing temperatures had they been stuck in a heat wave the last couple days. still very warm over the south and central plains and the southwest dealing with high heat advisories extreme heat for parts of arizona as a list of mexico and california not only the next couple of days but into the weekend. the heat is going to be dangerous. for now, in hoboken, new jersey, the biggest american flag. you want to tune in, ladies. >> i'm curious, jms, are you going to fly today? is that coming later in the morning? >> that might be a tease, my friend.i might be fine in the ws biggest american flag. lauren: how big is it? >> it is five stories, five stories high. i hope that is right. areas are pilot. he's going to be with us. i am not flying this thing. i will be in the bay so exciting for flag day. don't you wish you were here with me? cheryl: i actually do appear that such a beautiful day in hoboken. you will be out there all morning long. happy flag day, janice. reporter: have a flag day, ladies. lauren: coming up, high famous designers defending the first lady at the united states. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ realize the smartest investing idea, isn't just what you invest in, but who you invest with. ♪ lauren:@designer dolce and dupont has come to defend the first lady malanga tribe. many have vowed not to dress her because of her husband's political views. in the first lady were a black waistcoat dress as you can see here by dolce and gabbana on a pope francis in may, protesters launched a boycott dolce and gabbana movement. now poking fun at by using their own plug-in. here they are. they feature the company's name along with a large hash tag boycott. guess that they retail for? $245. we can say take that protesters and happy birthday to president trump on this flag day. he was 71 years old. it is 5:59 a.m. here in the ears. thank you so much for watching us on the "fbn:am." presented over and say good morning to maria bartiromo. >> hi there, good morning, everyone. thanks for being with us. and maria bartiromo. your top stories right now 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. a massive fire engulfing a high-rise building. desperate search underway right now for survivors inside the 21st or rebuilding. authorities expect multiple fatalities here. more than 200 firefighters on the scene right now with rescuers calling it an unprecedented situation. >> i feel very helpless watching the fire burning.

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