Transcripts For FBC FBN AM 20160620 :

Transcripts For FBC FBN AM 20160620

4880. president obama's justice department a move to kill yet another multi-billion dollars merger. the same regulators made a big deal to buy segment. nicole: 52 year drought has ended. >> it's over. cleveland cavaliers their champion. lauren: and a thrilling game seven, lebron james delivered on his promise that when a title for the city of cleveland. lauren: think those are still partying. and golf at the u.s. open, will have all the highlights for you. nicole: 5:01 a.m. in new york and we welcome you to "fbn:am." your first circuit today's markets, the latest breaking news in what to expect the day ahead. lauren: lebron james and the cleveland cavaliers their nba champion. i think that his team to a 93 to 89 game seven victory over the golden state warriors. posting a triple double with 27 points, 11 assists and rebounds and is in a bit of shock after winning his third title. >> i'm home. this is what i came back for her. i'm at a loss of words. this is unbelievable. it doesn't feel real. lauren: the cavaliers are the first team to come back from a three to one final step if it and if it really adds a 52 year major sports championship drought in cleveland for the last time any team went back in 1964. train to stock index futures sharply higher on it: suggest support has swung back for the united kingdom to remain in the european union. features bored. let's take a look. 1.2%. across the board games. ashley webster campaigning ahead of thursday's referendum following a three-day suspension after the murder british lawmaker jo cox. ashley webster life in london with the very latest. reporter: good morning. two new polls even if most americans because the momentum has indeed swung back to the remaining side of this hotly debated issue. there is another poll that still hasn't a type. as you mentioned, all of this coming four days after the death of jo cox. the tone of the campaign more subdued in the wake of the shocking death. this issue is going to go down to the wire. we've got three days to go. the e.u. is the main trading partner in the u.k. if the u.k. gets out, we will see higher in employment, lower gdp, inflation on the rise in the weaker british pound. the cap no campaign maintains that britain wants no part of a year of political union. the european union is politically dysfunctional with unrelenting bureaucracy. also another major part of the cato campaign has been the issue of my room and the uncontrolled borders that they say threatens the life of u.k. residents. the simple question people will be answering on thursday as they spirit this is what will appear on the ballot. should united kingdom remain a member of the european union relief the european union? simple as that pair for less than the u.k. voted on the e.u. are well placed at one time the european cover market with document and 75. it's been 41 years since the u.k. has had a photo whether they like being a member of the e.u. and the regulations that come with it is certainly a big part of the positive side of things. i will be decided on thursday. it's going to come down to the wire. those that take money to note bass player sentiment lies in right now there's a 72% chance that the u.k. will indeed remain in the european union. back to you. lauren: ashley, good morning. there's some talk in the u.k. did in fact that the european union and that germany would have too much control. reporter: there's no doubt germany rules the roost in the e.u. the u.k. is second behind with france being third. part of the reason these people get out of the e.u. is because of germany's influence and certainly it's a kind of rules governing bodies in brussels. just ask greece. they believe germany has too much power. if the u.k. gets out, germany's position will remain as it is now in the driver's seat. train to ashley webster, a pair is across the board. the german dax at 3%. london ftse at 2%. we are seeing gains across the globe. we will have special coverage of the e.u. referendum this thursday throughout the day, throughout the night. our show "fbn:am" starts at 4:00 a.m. eastern time friday morning. a two-hour special on june june 24th. lauren: a new showdown of gun control could the senate takes up for measures to control the guns following the event of nightclub massacre. a rather large in #-number-sign sunday. >> first, the ability to stop a sale if someone is on the watch list. second and more importantly if there is litigation about that. people would have the right to challenge data. it does cover constitutional right. it gives us the ability to let us protect sensitive and classified information in the adjudication of an appeal. those two issues that very commits are important to rest. translated proposals in 60 votes to pass and it could make it tough to pass. lynch also say the fbi will release a partial transcript of 9-1-1 calls made by the killer sub one to police at most references to radical islamic groups removed from what we hear. nicole: presumptive gop nominee donald trump offering a counterterrorism strategy following the terrorist attack in orlando. >> i think it's something we'll have to start thinking about as a country. you look at israel and oers said they do it and they do it successfully. i hate the concept of profiling. we have to start using common sense. lauren: the shooter in the island of massacre was radicalized yet he pledged allegiance devices. this solves the subject to fbi investigations but possible connections to terrorism. lauren: republican lawmaker should follow their conscience in deciding whether to endorse donald trump. >> this is a very strange situation. a very unique nominee. i feel as a responsibility come, institution is the speaker of the house. that would definitely not without in the white house. >> the party is already divided. i will not tell someone to go against thr conscience. lauren: speaker brien has since criticized some of his comments and goodness calls to temporarily ban muslims from entering the country. true to several western states and firefighters holding the line of fire near santa barbara, california. they face the hottest day yet with a red flag warning in effect. another fires two square miles forcing evacuations from a time in the california desert into mexico border. the fire started yesterday in triple digit temperatures as people try to protect their property. >> this is my heart, my soul. everything i've ever cared about. i'm going to do what i need to do. trade to the fire in new mexico has destroyed two dozen homes south of albuquerque and is parsed into time. another fire has burned 19 square miles southwest of show low. lauren: morbid and venezuela is venezuela as the food crisis grows worse. pester people struggling grocery stores and pharmacies with delivery trucks under constant attack, the country's food is not transported under armed guard. more than 50 food riots protested in venezuela and the last two weeks alone. the government has slashed imports to say foreign currency to avoid it that the fault is seared and that has created serious food and medicine shortages. venezuela imports 70% of the food it consumes. trade to netscape caught up in the global market action overnight. a global rally underway. the shanghai composite index up one 10th of 1%. check out japan's nikkei. the nikkei up 2.3%. hong kong's hang seng up 1.7% of the cost be upon a 5%. trained to believe it or not, the great britain will stay in the european union under the bed to put 7% to the upside for the ftse implanted 3.5% gain in the cac in paris is a 3.3% this morning. trades are you all 10 sectors were higher in europe. here is how that translates. features up to 20 with a gain of more than a quarter%. s&p futures up 27%. >> up 74 cents to $48 of the 72-barrel. on friday we learned that they can win up for three weeks. but if the proposed acquisition. the insurers can offer concessions that would preserve composition after representative met with justice department staffers earlier this month. they reported they expect the department's decision by mid-july. if completed, the merger would create the largest u.s. health insurer pay number of members with more than 54 million. lauren: just days as scores another successful rocket launch. we will have the details of the blue origin success. big changes coming to cosco starting today. checking in on stock market futures, a nice monday for your portfolio. dow futures surging 216.296 teachers by 57. you are watching "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news. ♪ i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. family road trip! fun! check engine. not fun! but, you've got hum. that's like driving with this guy. all you do is press this, and in plain english, "coolant", you'll know what's wrong. if you do need a mechanic, just press this. "thank you for calling hum." and if you really need help, help can find you, automatically, 24/7. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car. trained to a list 15:00 a.m. in new york. let's get caught up. it is monday morning. polls suggest support so for the daily mail says 45% of britons wanted to stay in the e.u. while 42% want to leave. the survey for "the sunday times" said 44% want to remain while 43% went to these. resident upon this justice department may block and to help $48 billion deal to buy cigna. regulators are concerned the deal is anticompetitive. lebron james of the cleveland cavaliers ended a drought for cleveland. the city's first title since the browns won the night to 64 nfl championship. they lead a team to a victory over the golden state warriors. the cavaliers are the first team to ever come back from a three to one finals deficit. lebron james said he would bring up back in the day. u.s. stock market futures of both eras. s&p futures on 26. that's what's happening now. lauren: look at the headlines. uranium offers new clue on iran's past nuclear arms were. the obama administration says the discovery of uranium particles by the nuclear watchdog last year points to a secret nuclear weapons program. the finding contradicts tehran's denial that it is pursuing an atomic on. u.k. hedge funds are lovely divided on a british exit appears sometimes with ultralow profiles to make the case for and against leaving the european union world bank stay quiet. u.s. gasoline demand is likely to slide. according to a new report, electric vehicles could cut consumption by up to 20% in two decades. costco switching its credit card provider to city visa. that starts today and that means american express card will no longer work at costco or anywhere else. costas has altered meaning cash back reward will transfer to the new city visa card. cosco and american express have their exclusive partnership for 16 years. mirkin expresses losing the partnership impacts one in 10 of their cars. in sports to 52 year drought has ended. >> it's over. it's over. cleveland is the city of champions again. the cavaliers are nba champions. true to the grungy and stewed to the grungy and stewed liver and to the bug juice to deliver on its promise to the grungy and stewed liver and is promised could win a title for the city of cleveland. all the highlights for you. and g-golf, dustin johnson wins his first major title at the u.s. open. at the box office. >> are you crazy? it's too dangerous. "finding dory" the animated up in record of the water. we will have all the numbers for you. stay with us. you're watching "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news. the ♪ true to the actor best known for the reasons our trek movie has died. 27-year-old was killed in a freak accident outside of the los angeles home sunday morning. he was struck race car rolling backward down his drive way and this in between it were a pillar and the security fence, killing him. news of this database generally heartfelt responses from some of the biggest names in hollywood. "star trek" to write your jj abrams tweeted a hand written note calling the actor brilliant, kind and gifted. lauren: finding jury made a big splash at the box office this weekend with pixar's sequel to "finding nemo," making it the highest grossing animated debut of all time. shrek the third was the previous holder with 121.6 million. in second place is the kevin hart invades iraq johnson, d., central intelligence to $34.5 million to the contrary brought in 15.6 billion. the top five. now you see me with $9.7 million were crafted 6.5 million. nicole: of lebron james, the cleveland cavaliers at 2015 nba champions. james has him in his finals mvp as he led his squad to 93-89 big draped over the golden state warriors. james posted a triple-double with 27 points, 11 assists and 11 rebounds. cavaliers are the first teams to ever come back from a deficit and and b-52s this championship drought in cleveland. the uso. but the controversy approach to tell him that you might get a one shot penalty for moving on the fifth grade. they would not know until after the round. he would have to finish his round back fusion of pressure. it didn't matter as he went 5-thread open country club. the 2016th birthday. a bit of a wardrobe of functioning. a few of the switzerland jerseys for red including three jerseys. the game also features piggyback ride. but even after all the excitement ended in a trial 0-0 which means france tops the group moves on. lauren: today marks the official start of summer. maria molina is here with your monday forecast. good morning. i know it's hot out west. reporter: some people will feel it getting to go through some wardrobe changes out there. we are talking about temperatures that could exceed 110 degrees across parts of california, arizona, nevada and extending into utah. because it this. because of this we have heat warning and when you come by the sheep with dry conditions, low humidity and gusty winds, you also talk about alameda fire danger across the southwestern u.s. something else you have to keep a close watch on. across portions of the northeast and midwest, the threats or isolated by there today. the front pushing for bringing the risk for storms and temperatures across the eastern u.s. and into the planes will be feeling very someone like with many areas expecting highs into the 90s. over to you. trade to another successful flight for the rocket. the private space companies run by just besos said they had a successful launch. it happened yesterday morning at texas. besos says successful mission. the design to take people into space for a suborbital flight along with a booster. coming up in the global markets and rally mode is the newest polls show u.k. voters may vote to stay in the european union. the latest report live from london. president obama says. president obama says department in particular multibillion dollars merger. regulators say they blocked it somehow. 48 ilya dollars just to buy sigma. across the globe this morning. you are watching reporter, your first look -- you are watching "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets. ♪ if you need advice for your business, legalzoom has your back. our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. visit legalzoom today. the legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. nicole: breaking news this morning report suggests support for sun records britain remained in the european union is campaigning begins again. a live report from london. good monday morning. i'm nicole petallides. lauren: good morning. i'm transfer. a global rally in stock prices checking the stock market action ahead of the opening bell. data features 196 points. s&p futures at 25. nicole: she said global rally. on this news. let's check out the china shanghai composite index up one 10th of 1%. the ng seng in hong kong is looking than 37%. transit oil prices fell last week. up $48.75 a barrel. nicole: president on this antibusiness justice department was to kill yet another multibillion dollars merger. and somehow $48 billion deal to buy sigma. lauren: in sports from a 52 year drought has ended. >> it's over. cleveland is the city of champions again. the cavaliers are nba champion. lauren: and enough so that game seven of the nba finals from the lebron james delivered on his promise and won a title for the city of cleveland. the first is the brands when the nfl championship in 1964. lauren: my sensor be so happy when you wake up this morning. dustin johnson won his first major title. we will have the headaches for you. in new york it is monday, june 20th that the first day of summer. welcome to "fbn:am" from their first look at today's markets, the latest breaking news and what to expect if they had. the broad james and the cleveland cavaliers are nba champions. he and his finals mvp as he led his squad to 93-89 victory over golden state warriors. the king posted a triple-double with 27 points, 11 assists and 11 rebounds and was in a bit of shock after winning his third title. >> i'm home. this is what i came back for. i'm at a loss of words. this is unbelievable. it doesn't know about right now. the first team to ever come back from a three to one finals deficit. the victory with a 52 major sports team championship for cleveland made his promise and a friday. lauren: stock index futures sharply higher a new polling that suggests support his son back for the united kingdom to remain in the european union. check this out. u.s. futures for the dow up 192. nasdaq up 52. other markets around the globe higher as well. campaigning ahead of thursday's referendum resume yesterday following three-day suspension after the murder redish lawmaker jo cox. ashley webster joining us from london with the very latest. reporter: good morning to you, nicole. hello first day of summer. here we are to be much like the rest of spring in the u.k. you mention this to polls showing that perhaps they are starting to feel the momentum. notoriously inaccurate, probably a better indication is where were the bookies and now the art of the uk's stated in the e.u. is at 72%. perhaps that's a more accurate number. either way, all of this for days after the labour mp jo cox was shot. no campaigning the last two days but now receive grants up again. although i have to say that tone is certainly a bit subdued. the markets moving higher today. the british pound up 1.6 against the dollar at 3% just last thursday. a couple other endorsements for the campaign today. british car industry saying surprising that the english premier league, the huge soccer league in the u.k. come out in favor. a large number of businesses have come out for it the campaign. dan did a the european union. the question is what will those voters this thursday be voting on? the referendum says this is a question they'll be answering. should the united kingdom remain a member of the european union are these the european union? the last time that sounded on 1975, 41 years ago i can also tell you guys the lawmaker today to three main campaign. the whole wishes become too divisive and perhaps rely too much saying that it's an open and free society and my friend should not be late for those of the country. the momentum that there is a time and politics. we have until thursday to go. back to you. lauren: green sometimes means good luck. but for which side. trade name if that's the case that a conservative good luck. tried to a special coverage for the e.u. referendum starts thursday into friday and of course friday morning "fbn:am" will start at 4:00 a.m. eastern time. a two-hour special on the coverage begins friday morning as well. june 24th. a new showdown on gun control is set for today. the senate tak up measures to control the sale of guns following the orlando nightclub massacre. loretta lynch discussed two of the measures on fox news sunday. >> first-come and the ability to stop the sale if someone is on the watch list. of course people have the right challenge us to discover constitutional rights. he gives the ability to set procedures in place and let us protect sensitive and classified information in the adjudication of the appeal. those issues are very important to us. the proposal at each need 60 votes to pass the high bar which could make them tough to pass. lynch also saying the fbi will release a partial transcript of a 9-1-1 call made by the gunmen omar mateen with most of his allegiance to radical islamic groups. lauren: donald trump offering a potentially controversial counterterrorism strategy following the terror attack in orlando. >> i think profiling to send them will have to start taking them out of the country. they do ituccessfully. i hate the concept of profiling. we have to start using common sense. lauren: the shooter was a radicalized muslim. he pledged allegiance to a crisis unless the subject to fbi investigations into possible connections to terrorism. nicole: house speaker paul ran saying lawmakershould follow their conscience in deciding whether to endorse donald trump. >> this is a very strange situation. a very unique nominee. i feel is their responsibility, institutionally but i should not leaving some chasm in the middle of the party. that would knock us out of the white house. i'm not going to tell somebody to go against their conscience. he has since criticized the comment synchronous calls temporarily to bed muslims from entering the country. lauren: several western states battling wildfires. 120 degrees in phoenix. firefighters holding the line on expired near santa barbara, california. another fast-growing web fire is now two square miles, forcing evacuations from a town in the california desert at the mexico border. the fire started yesterday at triple digit temperatures with people trying to protect property. >> this is my heart, my soul, everything i've ever cared about. i will do what i need to do. transfer the fire in new mexico has destroyed two dozen homes south of albuquerque and is largely an conta another fire in eastern arizona has been made two square miles southwest of shallow. train to where they did in venezuela as the food crisis grows worse. people storming famous he is in trucks und constant aac e unyse n ar0 prests and mass looting been reported in venezuela the last two weeks alone. the government has slashed imports to say foreign currency to avoid a debt default the third and that has created serious food and medicine shortages. venezuela imports about 70% of the food it consumes. lauren: market check. what happened overnight in asia. the nikkei in japan at 2.3%. we did get word that exports fell by the fastest numbering format in may. hang seng up 1.7%. the costly and south korea up 1.4%. trade to financials optimism that the latest polls showing that rate will choose to stay in the eurozone, but of course we'll find out the real facts this week. the london ftse of 2.5%. german dax ncic at 3%. nicole: u.s. teachers look at those polls. stock futures indicate a one percentage race for the dow as they open 1.2% s&p and nasdaq up 1.2% this morning. transfer the money has been moving out of the safe haven. pull down about eight bucks. oil at 65 cents at 4862 a barrel. lauren: antitrust regulators have expressed is about proposed acquisition of cigna. the health insurers can offer concessions that would preserve competition in the indus tree. this comes after company representatives met with the justice department earlier this month. antonin cigna reported they expect the department. if they complete the largest health insurer with more than 54 million of them. set to run the semiannual testimony to congress this week. she will appear before the senate banking committee tomorrow in the house financial services committee and went day. but officials met last week analysts will be looking for any hints on whether or not risk of him at the next fed meeting in late july. amazon scores another successful rocket launch. we will have the details of blue origin. it changes coming to cosco starting today. we'll have the details. you are watching trained for, your first look at morning arcade and breaking news. -- morning market and breaking news. ♪ one thing on my mind. when i was 6, my days were spent playing basketball every chance i could. when i was 6, my dream was to make it to the nba. when i was 6... my mom had a stroke. i'm paul george, and i want you to learn the signs of a stroke, fast. f.a.s.t. f, face drooping. a, arm weakness. s, speech difficulty. t, time to call 911. because the sooner they get to the hospital, the sooner they'll get treatment, and that can make a remarkable difference in their recovery. protect the ones you love. spot a stroke, f.a.s.t. fast. lauren: 5:45 a.m. in new york. two new polls suggest support this one back towards britain remained in the european union. the call for the daily mass is 45% want to stay in the e.u. 42% want to leave. a survey for "the sunday times" has 44% want to remain, 43% want to leave. president about ms. justice department lock in some south $48 billion deal to buy sigma. regulators concerned that the deal is anticompetitive. lebron james and the cleveland cavaliers have ended a 52 year championship drought for cleveland. the city's first title since the browns won in 1964 nfl championship. james led his team to a 93-8197 victory over golden state words last night. the cavaliers are the first team to ever come back from a three to one final deficit. check in on u.s. stock market futures added the opening bell. dow futures up 190 points. s&p futures at 25. nasdaq futures gaining 50 this monday morning. train -- nicole: i may shed a tear. let's turn to the headlines in today's edition of "the wall street journal." uranium offers a nuclear arms were. the obama administration says discovery of uranium particles by the united nations nuclear watchdog last year points to a covert nuclear weapons program. the finding contradicts islam's denial that it was pursuing a bomb. u.k. hedge funds are large is divided on a british accent. sometimes abandoning ultralow profiles to make the case for and against leaving the european union. thanks a quiet. u.s. gasoline demand is likely to cite according to a new report, electric vehicles could displace gasoline consumption by up to 20% in two decades. cost is switching its credit card provider to city visas starting today. that is cosco's american express cards will no longer work anywhere else. cosco says the remaining cash back rewards from your american ex-discard to the new city sees the card to cosco and american express have the partnership for 16 years. american express has this in the partnership impacts one in 10 american express cards. lauren: another successful flight. private company run by ensign ceo jeff besos said they had a successful launch and maintain for the sheppard yesterday morning in texas. besos treating successful mission. a capsule designed to take people into space for suborbital flight along with the booster. nicole: and in sports committed 522 year drought has ended. >> it's over. it's over. cleveland is the city of champions once again. the cavaliers their nba champions. nicole: lebron james delivered on his promise and one that title for the city of cleveland. we will have all the highlights for you. in golf, dustin johnson was his first major title at the u.s. open. at the box office. >> are you crazy? >> olene neptune. lauren: "finding dory" animated record out of the water. we will have the numbers for you. chicken stock market futures from the global rally underway. at home from the dow futures are up 194 after earlier highs of 1.4%. s&p futures up 25. you are watching "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news. ♪ the mercedes-benz summer event. get to your dealer today for incredible once-a-season offers, and start firing up those grilles. lease the cla250 for $299 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> the actor who is best known in the recent "star trek" movies has died. the 27-year-old was killed in a freak accident outside of his los angeles home sunday morning. he was struck his own car rolling backward down his driveway and was pinned between a brick pillar and the security fence, killing him. news that his death is generating her covers rises from the biggest names in hollywood. start direct orj abrams called the actor brilliant, kind and gifted. missing you. signed, jj. trained to find a jury made a big splash this weekend that the pixar sequel to "finding nemo" brought in 136 went to mccain at the highest animated debut of all time. shrek the third was the previous record holder with the baby appeared in second place this weekend is kevin hart and duane barack john and comity central intelligence brought in $34.5 million bid and the horror move for you, contrary five and 15.6 billion, putting in third place run at the top five. do you see nietzsche with nine points of the million and more craft was explained $5 million. lauren: let's take a look at sports. the 2016 nba champions. james was the unanimous finals mvp as he led his team to a 93-8197 victory over the golden state warriors. james posted 27 points, 11 assists and 11 rebounds. cavaliers are the first team to ever come back for me. 11 final step is the end of 52 year major sports championship drought in cleveland. in golf, dustin johnson won his first major yesterday at the u.s. open but not without controversy. two u.s. g.i. officials approached him on the 12th tee to tell him he might get a one-shot penalty for his ball moving on the fifth-grade but they wouldn't know until after the round. johnson had to finish his round with that confusion. he was penalized one stroke, but it didn't matter as the one by three at the country club. the orioles claimed another series that tori as they pounded the blue jays 11-pics. baltimore finished with a season-high 19 hits against marcus stroman and five relievers for toronto. readers love the way with four hits and drove in four runs as the orioles moved to 40 and 28 on the season. today marks the official start of summer. fox meteorologist maria molina is here with your forecast. good morning. reporter: good morning. it feels like summer for days across the u.s. at temperatures well into triple digits across parts of california, arizona and nevada and also portions of utah. the heat is forecast to continue today. when you have heat warnings in effect in the problem is you have very low humidity out here in combination with gusty winds. they'll keep the fire danger elevated. otherwise, out here across portions of the midwest and into the northeast, is probably moving through and it's going to be happening is a moist and warm air that will be fired thunderstorms that could potentially see damaging wind and potentially even in isolated or nato. that is sending us to watch out for. temperatures across southeastern into the plains. some are like a slob reaching 90s across many areas. over the years. lauren: thanks, maria appeared global market action with a great monday for a portfolio of contrary hand things over to "mornings with maria." stay with us. ♪ i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. >> a global market underway on the latest polls finding that the voters in britain are more likely to vote to remain tuesday and the e.u. rather than late. it still remains very close in each day is very important to now and the end of the week. ftse f. 2.6% and we can see the dax up 3.3%. right here at home as soon as at home as a barrister at the moderates have futures up nearly 200 years who will turn it over to sandra smith. "mornings with maria" begins right now. >> fabulous show this morning. it is monday, june 20th, the first day of summer by the way. top stories that expand on the east coast. the fbi will release edited transcripts later today at the amanda shooters and 11 calls to police during the rampage with records to islamic terrorism is removed. the average coming up. in the wake of the terror attack, donald trump calling for a possible racial profiling. >> i hate the concept of profiling. we have to start using common sense and we have to use our heads. sandra: a deadly and dangerous heat wave continued to hit the u.s. the latest on the record-setting temperatures affect in 30 million americans. hollywood is mourning the death of a "star trek" to who died in a freak accident. we will tell you what happened just ahead. all hail the king. the broad. the brunch himself felt his promise to bring an nba championship title ii cleveland

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