Transcripts For FBC Countdown To The Closing Bell With Liz C

Transcripts For FBC Countdown To The Closing Bell With Liz Claman 20170908

mainland confirmed just over an hour ago. police in daisy west of ft. lauderdale reporting a man died falling off the ladder preparing for the storm. battling cuba and central bahamas with high winds and major surf. the storm is 380 miles southeast of florida with winds whipping at 155 miles per hour. roads, look at that aerial. they are jammed. gas supplies running low as those following evacuation orders head north. we've got our reporters on the ground following every single move. congressman francis rooney of florida represents the 19th congressional district which includes the highly populated west coast of the state with big tourism. could they dodge the bullet or get unexpectedly punched? orange juice futures skyrocketing as citrus growers prepare for the worst. how he's desperately trying to protect 20,000 acres of oranges, grapefruits and hundreds of jobs. wall street keeping a cautious eye on irma after 110-point swing. you can see the dow jones industrials hovering higher by 30 points but the nasdaq is down 33, the s&p flat. all waiting on the holiday shortened week, less than an hour to the closing bell. let's start the "countdown." . the number is stunning, devastating hurricane irma has now trapped about 6 million people in the crosshairs desperately trying to get out. at this moment, families across florida are bracing for what even state mayors have said is a nuclear storm that's already left 23 people dead. and folks, there is more. another extremely dangerous hurricane, you can believe this? category 2 now is following in irma's footsteps, called hurricane jose. it has indeed strengthened. the winds are sustained at 120 miles per hour. actually now it's a category 4, category 4, it is just approaching the leeward islands which just got through hurricane irma. on wall street, not a surprise that traders are closely watching both storms, not making dramatic buy or sell moves just yet. the dow up about 31 points and interestingly enough the two storm related stocks boosting the blue chip index higher, travelers and home depot. travelers property and casual insurer and home improvement retailer home depot biggest leaders on the dow with home depot up 1%, travelers up 4%. we're watching these names because they are very much in the eye if people are looking to buy, know whos? why they think that travelers is a buy right now, perhaps they believe there will not be such massive losses. i don't know how that can be believed. we can see it is an extremely difficult storm right now. these stocks that we're watching overall have an creator how worrisome all of this really is. flip over to one of the biggest losers, walmart, interestingly enough, the largest retailer in the u.s. says it will definitely have to close or at least shut down certain hours of their storms that are there the florida area from hurricane irma. you would think that would be it. today, as it turns out, kroger bringing walmart down. kroger down about 9% after it said sales forecast was weaker than expected. price cuts hurting bottom line. it's trying to fend off walmart trying to fend off amazon. we have this about florida's walmart and sam's club stores. some of them will close or just hours of operation, that gins today. it will go through the weekend. we'll let you know if they reopen. keep your eye on we're going to be flowing you a lot of information on the website. "the miami herald" is reporting at this hour that some people unable to buy gasoline and hence withstand that bumper-to-bumper traffic out of south florida are giving up on the idea of evacuating because they simply cannot. they're going to try and outride irma. why? they can't waste the gas. it the burn off all the gas, it didn't go well for others in the path. officials on st. maarten reporting 95% of that island has been destroyed. remember that cuba, where it's starting to feel the effects. 90 miles away from key west's most southern point in florida, key west officials saying, quote, leave or you're on your own. many started leaving 72 hours ago. that's a good move. gas buddy telling fox business on cavuto, 46% of the gas stations have any gasoline left to sell in the southern florida region. the rest have run dry. that leads to the worry burning off what little gas people have idling out of i-95, the major route out of south florida in full-on gridlock mode. jeff flock along with griff jenkins in key largo florida and the florida congressman who represents much of the west coast of the sunshine state. congressman francis rooney. we're going to take to you daytona beach and jeff flock. what are you seeing on the ground there? reporter: sandbagging furiously in the hot sun, look at this. these are the folks the city has made available and people are bagging, as journalists we want to stand by and observe. you can't help but jump in and help people. maybe you can tell. i've been helping a little bit but the folks need all the help they can get. you try to bag by yourself, this young lady is trying to bag by herself, she needs somebody to hold it. are you staking it out? >> yes, i am. reporter: why? >> too many properties and too much stuff here. right now there's too much traffic going north. we stick it out. reporter: we were just reporting that. liz take a look at all of this as i continue to help this young lady. this is a community effort, there are volunteers but people by themselves like this woman bagging on her own, and you know, if you're going to stick it out, you better have sandbags, you better be ready to guard against the storm surge. are you close to the water? >> yes, i am. reporter: this is why you need the bags. >> yes. reporter: there you go, liz, what can i tell you, you're welcome. >> jeff flock, i remember covering hurricane andrew in new iberia, louisiana, they took prisoners. reporter: i was there, too. >> i didn't see you. no surprise it was a category 5. major. there were prisoners out of the local prisons to help fill these sandbags. are you seeing or hearing about any of that? reporter: no, haven't seen any of that. but the police actually came. a bunch of police came, just with guns and badges and everything, and just started filling sandbags because there were older folks, this poor woman here, try to sandbag that yourself, hold your bag open and get it in there. look at this woman. same deal. that's why we're helping, you can't stand by and look at the people and say hey, i can help you? >> that's what we do, try and help and give information. the florida keys, the urgent evacuation order came out about 48 hours ago, and people began to leave because the storm surge and devastating winds are truly worrying officials there. griff jenkins is the brave one, and griff, i'm looking at key largo and the boats behind you. these boats, what are the chances they will get lifted up. we have seen this in past hurricanes where they end up on roadways where they are blocks away? reporter: that's right, liz, a major concern. the dog master at key largo arena is in his office look at the models, hoping the storm is going to trek west. puts the large hurricane the boats on the side of indicate gore 4 storm. just look, the storm surge here is predicted to be 10-12 feet or more, we are at low tide now. you're talking about putting the boats up into the hotels, into the streets and it's unbelievable. in fact, if you come over here with me, this is the mooreings that they have when they're just tying down. for a windy day or storm. this little boat right, there nothing but that holding it and looking at an unprecedented cat 4 storm, that is why the officials here, the monroe county administrator saying get out. because if the storm surge comes and puts most of key largo and other parts of the keys underwater and the devastation it's bringing, nobody is coming for you, don't dial 911, expect to be trapped without power, without water and other essentials for days. a big, big problem. you mentioned hurricane andrew talking to jeff. we talked to one woman who said she nearly died in hurricane andrew in 1992 in homestead and made the decision to finally get out today. when she heard about the storm surge, she knew she had nowhere to go. >> griff, we got to go. where are you and the crew going to be as the eye hits, basically? reporter: as this eye approaches, we're going to get out of key largo. the officials that said to get out. they'relisque because we don't want to get stranded. headed to miami. >> stay safe. thank you very much. griff jenkins in key largo as the state of florida braces for irma to make landfall. much of the president administration and the white house in the news conference, president trump heading to camp david in maryland. the president shouted in response to questions regarding the hurricane to which he said, quote, we are prepared at the highest level. meanwhile on capitol hill, congress passing harvey relief bill, and a debt ceiling lift earlier today. in fact, they fast tracked that vote, supposed to happen early afternoon, happened after 10:00 a.m. this morning eastern time. the catastrophic impact of hurricane harvey is panicking a lot of people because it's still, as we can see has texas residents on the heels. next guest voted in favor of the deal. he currently represents florida's 19th congressional district, a district directly as i understand it could possibly be in the path of hurricane irma. congressman francis rooney joins us now. unless you left tuesday, residents are facing very serious danger, are they not? what are they hearing from your district? >> this storm has the capacity to wreak unprecedented havoc and bring unprecedented danger to the people of southeast florida. the governor's office, a close friend of mine, fema and the other first responders in the emergency operations centers that we have in district 19, all of whom are very confident, working together to have clear lines of communication to be ready to make sure people know every resource and backup plan that's available to them. trish: okay, what about what we're hearing, and i was looking on the miami herald website. people are giving up on evacuation in some cases because they have a quarter of a tank of gasoline left, they can't find a place to buy gasoline and gridlock on i-95. what do you do in that case? >> find the highest ground you can. the most recent national weather service hurricane prediction foretells 6 to 12 inches of storm surge that saturday morning, it's going cross flamingo and it will be up between naples and miami couple hours after that. that's going to be approaching high tide. you can add another foot to that. >> i want to, if we can, look at radar in part of the screen, and maybe a map too, because your congressional district is more on the west side, the gulf side. so not the orlando, miami, palm beach. in fact, you represent naples, santa bell, marco island, cape coral. right now, are they thinking it's not going to be as horrible for us because once it hits land it will downgrade to a category 3? is that a danger to be thinking that way? >> a very grave danger to think. that there's not that much land between us and where the hurricane is going to cross. it's mostly wet swamp called the cypress swamp. so the hurricane won't bleed out like it would going over a wheat field and only 50 miles east of naples and lee and collier county. we have to be prepared and hope we don't get the winds in excess of what they're predicting which are quite high, 120 miles an hour. >> i need to shift gears away from the hurricane, that is one huge issue people are watching over the weekend. tomorrow is the anniversary in north korea of its founding and white suspicion that will test another missile. you're on the house armed services committee. how serious do you feel this is anything to get if that does indeed happen? >> i think north korea situation is very see, and we all know that kim is a very dangerous character. but i don't subscribe to the theory he's a mad man. i think he's a calculating, autocratic despotwho has hegemonic ambitions and played into his hand for the past 30 years, some of the things secretary tillerson said are helpful in setting up architecture where china can do its part and we do our part to let him know what he needs to not do. >> congressman, good luck, heading to ft. myers or that area? >> oh, yeah, as soon as i can get in i'm going to go. i don't think i can get in this afternoon because we just finished voting, might be after the storm passes. >> good luck to you and your constituents. >> thank you very much. >> congressman francis rooney. closing bell 45 minutes away. we already told you walmart was the second biggest laggard there. apple the biggest laggard, down $2.42 today. ge continued to show weakness. one of the top five worst here, dragging down for a second day in a row after selling stake in penske truck leasing yesterday. chevron, intel and j&j round out the lower five. major threats, north korea, and now the hurricane. markets are on tenterhooks ahead of this weekend. missile launches, all kinds of uncertainties. our expert traders on whether you should be long or short before the closing bell rings? it may seem obvious but you have to hear their arguments here. 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>> the problem is it's moving parallel and up florida, florida is not that wide, it's moving in the same directionsa the orientation of florida, say 90, 100 miles wide here and the fluctuations, 20, 30 miles in one direction or the other have really big impacts but we cannot still say with any definitive precision whether that's going to happen, other than we know it's going to make a landfall in south florida somewhere. also so strong, a lot of people are going to feel, in fact, everybody, especially in the southern half of florida is going to feel major hurricane-force winds, the worst of the storm surge up into biscayne bay, the radar picture picking up the rain, 100 miles off. midnight tonight. 12 hours from now. you were talking about the u.s. virgin islands what that did to the bond market, it went over the virgin islands at strongest, 185-mile-an-hour winds. now at 155-mile-an-hour winds, it's down, we think it's not as bad. 156 miles an hour puts it at cat 5, right on the cat 4-cat 5 range it. might interact with cuba. bad news for cuba, maybe weaken a little bit. we are for sure going to have a major hurricane on our doorstep sometime sunday morning. liz: how wide is this storm? i was reading something like 400 miles wide? my son said mom, it's wider than the state of ohio. is that true? >> so the hurricane-force winds extend 70 miles on either side. roughly 140 miles of hurricane. that would make the entire peninsula of floored around hurricane force, and tropical storm-force winds at 185 on either side. so almost 400 miles where the winds are. there is wind and rain on the outside of that as well. you are right. it's a large storm. >> the man who will not sleep for the next 72 hours at least. >> all right. liz: rick, thank you very much for the expertise, as we brace for irma, particularly florida. racing towards the closing bell. wall street trying, not succeeding to break through the dark clouds. the dow up 14 points losing nearly all gains. had been up more than 60 points odly. had been down more than 53. all major indices are kind of straddling the flat line, slightly up, slightly down, this will be the first down week in three for two of the indices as investors deal with the trifecta of really frightening prospects from the biggest storm ever gearing up to hit florida to fears that north korea may fire another intercontinental ballistic missle this weekend, to massive worries that the ten-year yield, look at ten-year yield falling to a ten-month low. i guess it brushed, it had unbelievably low handle of 2.02. 2.02. wow. with all of that in mind, long or short into the weekend? this seems like an obvious question to floor show traders. give us a sense, matt, what are you doing with your clients' money? >> you know what? i think you're long the vix. there is so much unclarity out there, and that's not what we want. that's the simple trade. the other thing is you want to short d.c. that's not a knock on d.c. and what they're doing down there. they're going to be stretched way too thin with harvey and irmanorth korea, the debt ceiling, there's no way tax reform gets off the matt on this one. that's going to be pushed out further and not talk about the fed for even longer. we have too much to deal with, that's why you got to buy the vix. liz: flynn, long or short? >> the gamblers are trying to fade everything, going long stops, shorting the commodities you think would go up, like lumber, that is a very dangerous gamble because i don't think that we're going to know for some period of time how bad this damage is. my biggest concern, or i have a lot of concerns, one is for the orange juice farmers in florida. the way this is going, it could wipe out crops, and i don't think a lot of the growers are going to come back. liz: we're going to be talking about that in just a minute. you read our mind. good luck over the weekend. when we come back, yes your orange juice and the price, it will spike to. what about all the jobs that may be lost. stay tuned. where to get in... where to get out. if only the signs were as obvious when you trade. fidelity's active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. fidelity -- where smarter investors will always be. you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor recommended gaviscon. it quickly neutralizes stomach acid and helps keep acid down for hours. relieve heartburn with fast- acting, long-lasting gaviscon. . . . . today, we're out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? 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consumer technology association ceo gary shapiro is here with us. gary, you are the guru of all things technical for many, many years, running the consumer electronic show. first to this hack, how serious is it? >> it is serious but i don't think it is as bad as some with yahoo! and others before. this is information, disturbing, not information you voluntary gave or credit card or lease ad car, they check your credit out. there are different agencies. it is not a deep attack. they go to the website explains it well, vital information about your social security, your address, not that much more. i went on, even though they have information, i wasn't part of it. think relatively few people information was hacked. no deep information. none of actual loans you have taken out or car leasing information or things like that. liz: gary, i would love to believe but if they can hack and get the information, they can change your credit rating, can't they? at some point we saw war games where matthew broderick went in and changed his grades. fit that a possibility? that would ruin people's lives if they wanted to buy a house. >> certainly if they use your credit card information and get a credit card it will affect your credit. going deeper into the system, only equifax will figure that out. they have every reason to disclose it. but some other breaches, the worst one, every federal government employee had all of their information taken from everything they ever had in life. that was pretty disturbing to a couple million people that were affected and they're going along with their lives and it has been several years. you have to be a smart consumer. you have to check your credit. you have to be monitoring. don't open emails that come in if you don't know what they are. don't click on attachments. you have to protect yourself. technology is also the answer. you should do two-factor authorization. that is why you have, when you have your bank card you also put in your number or you have your fingerprint and your eye. if you have two-factor authorization for a lot of these things you do you're much, much safer. liz: i watch forensic files, your fingerprints only you have this kind of fingerprint. gary, this broadens the discussion are we extraordinarily vulnerable when we wear wearables, apple watch, if we alexa, ai, artificial fell against? elon musk gets a lot of attention worrying that will be world war 3 that machines take over, a la hal. we asked year-and-a-half ago davos, bill gates about artificial intelligence. he is not panicking but listen what he had to say. >> i don't think there is a need to panic, but dialogue, people that say, let's not worry at all, i don't agree with that. liz: if bill gates is worried, should everybody worry about opening all of ourselves to technology? >> well i think every new technologies there are concerns that come along and usually they're overstated or public policy deals with them. when the credit card came along, everyone said, oh my, you can lose everything. congress put in a limit on $50 liability. we become healthier, safer, better citizens, we could give information up, aggregated used in a way, find out what medicines work what exercises work what diets work. you know if you are likely to get sick, you know because of same type of information. there will be future with no more car accidents and no more car deaths. we have a incredible future. bill and i read the same science fiction books. we have to have discussions, we have to have debates, there will be risks but let's face it the technology has gotten us here like car accidents and we have to deal with it and we want a safer, healthier world and that is where i think technology will take us. liz: gary shapiro. i will not get alexa, i heard they might be hacked. >> they're wonderful. liz: gary, see you at ces. >> great, liz, thank you. liz: closing bell 26 minutes away. millions of acres of florida's farmland now sitting ducks. a huge red target on their back. up next, one of the sunshine state's top citrus growers, look is what is in his path? he has 20,000-acres of crops directly in the line of fire of irma's wrath. what he is doing to protect your morning juice. "countdown" coming right back. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls... and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. >> i'm nicole petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange with this fox business brief. mylan taking another hit over the epipen product, not for price gauging. the company that make's epipens failing not to address malfunctions that led to multiple deaths across the country. looking at mylan's stock, the stock is up half of one percent. fitbit is announcing a partnership that will allow watchers to check glucose levels. just in time for football season the biggest players in fantasy sports agreeing to pay 1.3 in dollars, resolving accusations of unfair deceptive practices in a massachusetts probe dating back to 2015. up next, florida's orange industry about to get crushed. liz goes one-on-one with a big citrus grower. minutes. that guests would compliment our wifi. that we could video conference... and do it like that. 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the second largest producer is florida. any of these names where the citrus comes from florida the price is skyrocketing because the state is about to get walloped from hurricane irma's power winds and could rip up fruit and up root citrus trees. irma is guaranteed to bring the citrus industry to its knees. it was already faltering. joining us from vero beach, florida, tom durkin, president of premier citrus. 20,000-acres of citrus groves under his umbrella. what kind of preparations have you taken? >> most of these groves have drainage systems. we have fueled and employees evacuated and gone home to return monday or tuesday when the storm passes. liz: what are you expecting here at best? i was doing research, university of florida did a whole study on all kinds of trees, how they with stand winds and at best orange trees, can only sustain category 1 or 2 types of storms. this is a category 4. what do you expect to find monday when the storm hopefully passes? >> best guide we have is those of us went through 2004 which was a horrific year back then, was we lost 40, 45% of the fruit. we didn't lose such a high percentage of tree. i think it was less than 10% but it wasn't category 4. it wasn't in category 3. so my best guess coming up through the interior of the state, hitting really the central part of the, probably 80% of the industry will be impacted by a category 3 storm at least. i would say you're going to lose 50% of this year's crop. maybe, this is the tougher one, 20% of the trees. the trees are tougher than you think, it just depend how long the storm stays as it gets up into the polk county area. liz: trees with denser canopies are more haverrable to higher -- vulnerable to higher winds. orange juice futures are up this week. prices will go higher at the grocery store. my question, may be a dumb one, tell me if it is, does the increase in prices we will see help growers offset losses from the storms. >> it does. some of the price gets back but we've been so horrifically weakened by the greening disease, our heels are down, costs are so far up, it is not helping financially at all. what it does do, it shuts the market down. consumers will only pay so much for orange juice. liz: people think they're not affected if you don't drink orange juice, if you own pepsi or coca-cola stock. remember, coca-cola owns minutemaid and pepsi owns tropicana tomorrow. these are big corporations. a lot of people have the names in their portfolios but you have thousands of workers in the industry. it is an $8.6 billion industry, thousands of jobs. could some lose their jobs? >> tough to say but it is really possible. again, not so much. this could be a one-off event on a strong industry you can recover. this isn't that. it is off a horrific cycle of declining tree counts and fruit counts due to greening disease. we've been losing 15% a year for five years. if this storm hits us we're already hurts on earnings. liz: we wish you the best, tom. we hope things do not go as bad as everyone anticipates. tom, thank you for your time. we have 15 1/2 minutes before the closing bell rings. the dow is up 17 points. disney put out its disney world schedule. you need to hear it next. we'll see how the stock is reacting to this. with a gentle mist. most allergy pills only block one. and 6 is greater than one. flonase sensimist. ♪ ♪i'm living that yacht life, life, life top speed fifty knots life on the caribbean seas it's a champagne and models potpourri on my yacht made of cuban mahogany, gany, gany, gany♪ ♪watch this don't get mad (bell mnemonic) get e*trade and get invested so we need tablets installed... with the menu app ready to roll. in 12 weeks. yeah. ♪ ♪ the world of fast food is being changed by faster networks. ♪ ♪ data, applications, customer experience. ♪ ♪ which is why comcast business delivers consistent network performance and speed across all your locations. fast connections everywhere. that's how you outmaneuver. ♪ liz: we're about to break the hearts of a lot of kids. theme parks turning off the lights ahead of irma. disney announcing it will close disney world for at least two days thanks to irma. it says it will open september 12th. the orlando theme park will shut down early tomorrow. universal, resort, parent company, comcast, it is closing sunday and monday. customers should anticipate normal operates hours, same as disney on september 12th. seaworld entertainment, also closing the doors at the orlando park. that begins tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. eastern. as we check shares of the three companies, comcast and seaworld down a percent. we have disney just clinging to a tiny bit higher here. we received news that next week's three-game series between the new york yankees and tampa bay rays has been moved. the yankees have been moved to citi field where the mets play in new york, instead of tampa. because there may be real impact from hurricane irma. this as the question of who the franchise's next owners will be is creating a whole other storm for a different team, the marlins and major league baseball. >> and derek jeter. this is what fox business, we've found based on some of our reporting with major league baseball, that everybody says this deal is a done deal, jeter has it, he won it. 1.2 about dollars bid for the miami marlins, right in the eye of the hurricane down there. the hurricane though for derek jeter in new york where right now major league baseball is doing what is described to me as a proctor & gamble technology exam on the bid. procotology exam on the bid. they will put a lot of eyeballs on, the notion, bruce sherman, money manager, used to work at legg mason, a money manager will put several hundred million dollars into this. they want to make sure he will come up with the money. i'm not saying he won't come up with the money. they will look into this is money cash. liz: he wants to operate it? bruce doesn't want to operate it? >> that is funny you say it, he told major league baseball will be the control person because he has the most money in it. the control person is the guy who is the defacto operator. jeter will play a role. liz: want to watch it. >> cobbled together with a lot of different pieces. jeter only put in 25 million. he will have some management role. this is where it gets interesting. a lot of deals are cobbled together with one major amount of money. jorge row jazz could have put five or 600 million of his own in. this cobbled together from 15, 16 different sources including mr. sherman. that is why baseball gives it a thorough review. liz: everybody claims they own a piece like the dodgers. >> gets problematic if you can't come up with the cash. they won't any debt with this team. they want as little debt as possible. they want -- one thing about the marlins, not one thinkings many things about the marlins, bad performance, lousy attendance, losing money. they don't need more debt on this team. it already has a lot of debt with the stadium it built. that is where we are. proctology exam on this bid. major league baseball will be safe, not sorry. if something else happens, theoretical possibility this doesn't happen, i would tell you yes. liz: give the bid a rectile? >> urologists isn't rectums. urologist is the other thing. liz: the other thing. >> do they bo both? liz: of course you have to check the prostate gland if you do urology. >> i've been there. liz: charlie gasparino, thank you. he will expound on that on twitter i'm sure. irma bearing down on cuba right now. florida with a huge question mark, specifically where it will make landfall. historic recovery effort, potentially on tap for the sunshine state. on tap next, $6.5 billion guru hank smith has top wreck and recovery picks ahead of the upcoming storm. more "countdown" on the way. ♪ it's a highly contagious disease that can be really serious... especially for my precious new grandchild. it's whooping cough. every family member, including those around new babies, should talk to their doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. liz: 3 1/2 minutes before the closing bell rings. we're looking at same market picture through much of the hour, nasdaq light sri higher, and s&p lower. no one wants a position ahead of the markets because of hurricane irma. one place is getting a hit. property and casualty insurers with heavy exposure to florida. today they're seeing heavy selling. if you look week to date performance, this is terrible for the names. federated down 22%. universal insurance, 17%. hci, down 20%. uihc is getting hit down 11%. my next guest says because they're getting hit now doesn't mean they won't recover later. hank smith joins us. i always feel compelled to say we've been following this from a humanitarian standpoint. >> right. liz: we're absolutely concerned about people but as a business network we owe it to our viewers to give them ideas on this. many of them tune in for this type of thing. look at these florida exposed names. why do you feel they might react sort of, revive and how long after the hurricane hits? >> well the negative react is because primarily they are florida-based insurers so they have much greater exposure to one area but typically this will lead to better pricing and it probably will prove to be a buying opportunity. with the big, global firms and national firms such as travelers and chubb, allstate, progressive, they're already rallying but they're much more diverse than the names you just mentioned. the versety of this, when you look at harvey, there probably wasn't enough damage for the p&c industry, because that was primarily a flooding event and they don't insure for floods. the u.s. government takes care of that. but unfortunately, irma and maybe jose, the third hurricane, after that, katia, that will provide the type of damage needed for pricing relief. so looking forward this could be a good event for these companies. liz: thank you, i was wondering, travelers is one of the leaders on the dow right now as we head into the closing bell. quickly we're looking at gasoline prices, they have spiked. how in the macro sense of might higher gasoline prices affect consumer spending for this current quarter? >> marginally. hurricanes and natural disasters tend to not have a big impact on the national economy. they obviously have a huge impact on the regional economies that they affect, whether it is houston, whether it's florida. but we are blessed to have a large country, a large and diverse economy, so, they don't have that. of an effect on the national economy. then you get a very quick rebound effect. [closing bell rings] liz: hank smith, haverford trust chief investment officer. we have final flights leaving miami international airport. irma on the way. david and melissa get you caught up from here. melissa: all right. threat of hurricane irma not deterring the dow today, closing up 15 points, more than a third of where it was at today's highs. the s&p and the nasdaq ending the day and the week in the red. i'm melissa francis. david: it is really a testament to the enthusiasm people have about this market and our economic future. i'm david asman. our best to the folks in florida. this is "after the bell." more on the big market movers. first, what else we are covering in a very busy hour. time is running out. florida's governor with this warning for residents under mandatory evacuation, half a

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