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An hour ago. Assad reportedly organized the barrel bombing of syrian towns and just this morning, north korea Supreme Leader vowing to quote wipe out south korea and the United States without a trace, if any war act is committed. Former u. S. Ambassador to russia is also the former deputy secretary general for nato. Alex is standing by on whether this war of words will turn into one of action. What did President Trump hear during his listening session with some of the countrys biggest and most powerful ceos . The topics of trade, infrastructure, and job creation also tackle. But will a congress continue to stand in the way of the president s agenda . House budget chairman diane black has been on the front lines of the biggest meeting this past month here in two minutes. And President Trump First Business tv interview since his inauguration just concluded moments ago Maria Bartiromo landed, shes getting into the chair to reveal a preview. Plus, that scream heard around the world. No. This is wrong. Oh, my god. Look at what youre doing to him. Liz United Continental ceo spanning the flames with a nonapology that has grounded ua shares, launched a government investigation, and even drawn criticism at todays White House Press conference. The lawyer who says that turbulence from this legal storm is only the beginning. Hey, united, a little tip here. When youre in a hole, stop digging. Were less than an hour to the closing bell. Lets start the countdown. Liz breaking news, the Credit Agency fitch has reaffirmed the United States triple a generating saying it believes tax cuts are eventually on the horizon and that will loosen up any kind of borrowing worry that banks have. That prediction coming even as the white house continues to provide no firm timetable for the legislation. But guess what, as soon as fitch announced that, markets bounced off their lows. And you can see the dow had been down 145 points, right now were down just 17, the nasdaq is lower by 19, off its lows, the s p 500 the same still down five. But we also have headlines that are moving the oil markets at this hour. Even though its in the aftermarket, we have oil jumping a third of a percent. After reported that opec members will cut the production and extend it even more than they had pledged to. The saudis are pushing this effort and saying you know what . We need to do six months more of these cuts, and you can see that crude had been down up about fiveweek highs, now climbing back up 53. 25 a barrel. We need to look at gopro, usually gopro is in battle. Right now shares up three and a third percent. The camera action camera has had a program to buy back your old gopro gear and then give you a credit toward a newer one. This is a page out of apples book. Theyve done this with old iphones. The company tapped into a whole new market when it first introduced wearable cameras but since then, that struggle convince consumers to regularly upgrade their go on pros, now they hope this will juice it and the stock is getting juiced if in the meantime. President trump laying out big plans this morning as he met with Business Leaders in the white house, speaking to reporters that the president promised quote some pleasant surprises on nafta. He also said we would see an end to doddfrank regulations for the big banks and a major tax cut. Although we still dont have this timetable for when he would reveal his tax proposal. Just moments ago White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer responded to a question from our own blake burman and said that the administrations feeling positive it can get health care done as well. Listen. Lets not get ahead of where that review goes. It was an unfortunate incident, clearly, when you watch the video, it is troubling to see how that was handled. But im not going to they have clearly stated the desire to review the situation, law enforcements reviewing it, and i think for us to start to get in front of what should be a very simple you know, a local matter, not necessarily needing a federal response. Liz sean spicer commenting on the United Airlines drama but of course as we wait and see what the president will do, can he get republicans in Congress Full throttle behind his ambitious agenda inspect diane black is the chairman of the house budget committee, she joins us in a fox business exclusive. Welcome, representative. Thank you for being here. Youre welcome. Thank you for having me. Liz of course. Weve heard reports from its on track to sean spicers yesterday comment i hope by this Time Next Year to back to the drawing board on tax reform. Which one of those three is correct . Were going to do tax reform. Were committed to it. In the house, weve been working on tax reform since i got there almost six and a half years ago. We are committed to making this go much more easy to understand, and also to make it flatter and simpler. So were committed to it. I know that the senate has been committed to it. Theyre working as well as the president. Complained on this, and were going to get this done this year. Liz okay. You say this year. Can i push you a little bit further. Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin has said to our neil cavuto not just next year but by august. And i ask a lot of representatives this. Would you all be willing or at least some of you to forego your august recess if youre close on tax reform . I think that were so committed that were going to work on this and get everything done that we possibly can by all. Im really very hopeful that that will be the case. But heres what i want. I want to be sure that we get this right. This is very important. Its a once in a generation opportunity, and we want to be sure that were listening to everyone from the Small Businesses to the large businesses. And, for me, most importantly, my constituencies. My individual constituencies. And so we want to be able to get it right. Timelines are one thing but getting it right it another, and thats what our intent is to do is to get it right. Liz well, we didnt seem to be able to get congress to get it right the first time on health care, although you voted for the renew bill to repeal and replace, and you tried to be part of the solution versus part of the problem. All we have to go on, though, is that your own party, members of the Republican Party stuck their heels in, dug their heels in and said we dont like it this way. Where does that stand and how do you get them onboard . Well, i can tell you were very close. And this is a matter of just sitting at the table with people that have differing opinion and making sure that we get to the best solution that will help the people of the United States look, we hear this every day in my state of tennessee, nick in my district that people are just suffering. The premiums continue to go up, the copays and the deductibles are what really are killing people. Liz let me jump in here. You knowhis industry and this business, and wre a business network, but youre a registered nurse, so youre on the republican doctors caucus as well. Dont you at some point look at the insurers whos stocks have gone up, and we can show these multiple, multiple Percentage Points before obamacare, after obamacare, and now with the prospect of the changed bill. At what point are the insurers really on the hook . I think the insurers also have a opportunity here to show that the they can help to solve this problem as well with these increased premiums and so on. And so it is it is a very complicated situation because as you have already indicated, there are a lot of players at the table. Theyre providers, theyre insurers, there are the patients who as you have already indicated as a nurse, thats who im really thinking of. Im thinking of the individual who wants to have health care and wants to get the best they can get. But it shouldnt be a government top down. And thats the reason why im out listening and making sure that i understand what the people that i represent really can afford and what they want and what they desire. It should be patient centered, and thats where we need to get. Liz well, bravo to you because i know weve had some tough town halls, but youre continuing to face them, i hope. One quick question. If we see what happened with the Health Care Plan and then were waiting on tax reform, and now people are wondering about infrastructure, Jeff Sessions was of course the attorney general on the scene in arizonaod by the wall saying were going to make this a very secure border, that takes money. Youre on the budget committee. Some say up to 20 billion. Do we have the money for that without blowing up the did he have sit . Well, all of that money is not going to be able to come from the federal government. Its going to have to come from other sources, such as the private sector. We still have not received a plan from the president , we did get his skinny budget, but we havent gotten anything more than that. Were waiting for his mandatory budget and also waiting on plans on infrastructure. Obviously, those dollars are going to have to come from other places, besides just the federal government, and wont be able to be done all at one time. Liz i fear that these things will go into 2018, but we shall see. Representative black, thank you for joining us. Youre very welcome. Thank you for having me. Liz of course. It is 10 00 p. M. Eastern in moscow. And so far, Vladimir Putin has yet to add secretary of state Rex Tillerson to his calendar. Tillerson is now in moscow. He landed a couple of hours ago but as russia declares relations between itself and the u. S. The worst since the wold war era, the two nations are squaring off over the atrocities committed by the assad regime in syria. Meanwhile according to human rights observers today assads army barrel bombed a different province. This is significant because the attack comes just one day after press Secretary Sean Spicer warned that the use of barrel bombs in syria would provoke additional u. S. Response. Are we now on the brink of a multination war . Lets go to alex, the former u. S. Ambassador to russia and former nato deputy secretary. Ambassador, look, do you anticipate that putin will refuse to shoe horn secretary tillerson in his apparently so busy schedule and what then do we infer from that . Well, right now it seems hes not planning to see secretary tillerson. Its possible at the very last minute based on what Prime Minister reports about their conversations perhaps hell relent at the last minute. But it just underscores that we have a very tense and difficult relationship with russia on a whole range of issues and syrias just the latest. Russians are covering up for their clients, for bashar, alassad. They claim that there is no evidence that he was responsible for the chemical weapons use. I know the weapons is quite convinced by the intelligence that it was the regime and now hes escalating his attack. So how to persuade putin that hes on the wrong horse is a real challenge for tillerson, but thats his mission. Of course he also has to talk about ukraine, russias violating the intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty, so theres a lot of problems in the relationship. Liz President Trump has said for sean spicer that hes opened to authorizing more strikes on syria if they use chemical weapons or barrel bombs. That was specifically referenced and theyre these unguided bombs that are barrel shaped and filled with explosives and oil to make fire spread, shrapnel, sometimes chemicals like tear gas. If proven true, is the u. S. Now on the hook to respond considering the president said im open to that . Well, im not entirely sure. What is the Administration Policy on barrel bombs . Ly i mean, theyre terrible weapons. One could almost argue that theyre almost as gassily in the way they do it as the chemical weapons. But i have the understanding that we were talking about chemical weapons as crossing a pretty significant red line, going back to world war i. So i think we need to be a little bit clearer what will justify military action and what will not. We have a fundamental mission in syria, which is to defeat isis and its big, strong hold of raca, so we have to face the consequence of escalating against the regime and the russians, which could interfere with our air campaign. Liz and this under the title of, you know, what else is there . We have north korea right now major verbal rattling, kim jongun, the leader there is now saying that he would wipe out america if provoked using nuclear weapons, and he would wipe us out without a trace. To what now do we lack at when it comes to leadership in dealing with that and will china be forced into involvement there . Well, the north koreans are pretty wild in their rhetoric. But at the same time what the president did in syria is a message to kim jongun to iran to other rogue states that this president is prepared to use force, so they have to be a little bit more nervous when they go to bed at night. But at the same time, the real solution to the north Korean Nuclear problem is china. Theyve consistently failed to put a lot of pressure, sufficient pressure on the north korean north koreas to force them to choose of having nuclear weapons. It helps them circumvent sanctions so north korea has a free ride. So that cant go on much longer because theyre developing missiles that could get more and more capable and they could reach American Cities in a couple of years. Liz well, something tells me that kim jongun doesnt win the prize for being a rational leader. Its good to see you, ambassador. Thank you. Liz alex is the former ambassador to russia and of course at nato. We are looking at a Dow Jones Industrials here theyre falling about 49 points. We had looked like we were coming closer to the flat line. Right now, though, down 46 points. And as we look at the dow heat map, we can see that its disney that is certainly one of the leaders there. Plus, while everyone else guesses what the president think so about tax reform, syria and more, Maria Bartiromo goes straight to hapn. Shelive with me next with a prevw of President Trumps First Business Network Interview. And theres breaking news from United Airlines, they are now saying they will quote fix this in response to an unbelievably ugly picture as the stock falls just about 2 . More than a billion dollars chopped off the market cap. Passenger gate getting worse. Why . Well, new cell phone pictures show different angles of the violent removal of a passenger randomly selected to be booted off a United Airlines flight. And the picture . Well, you can see, it does nothing to improve an already ugly outlook for united. Up next, the attorney that says its about to get even uglier. That passenger has a case for a massive lawsuit. Dear predictable, theres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say if you love something. Set it free. See you around, giulia please repeat the objective. Thrivent mutual funds. Managed by humans, not robots. Before investing, carefully read and consider fund objectives, risks, charges and expenses in the prospectus at thriventfunds. Com. No. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. No. Liz we have breaking news that is coming right now from United Airlines. The United Airlines ceo oscar is putting out a statement, and we can put it up on the screen because this is only gotten worse for them as a doctor named dr. David dow was hauled off that flight after he wouldnt voluntary volunteer to leave to make room for another employee. This is not the statement. Heres the statement. Its never too late to do the right thing. I have committed to our customers and our employees that we are going to fix whats broken so this never happens again. It was horrible. And then weve gotten these new pictures, tight shots of the victim, and im calling him a victim. Im sorry, you know . Its ridiculous that he was pulled off there. Aside from the video, which was the first that was released, now theyre saying im sorry, we will fix this. You want to see what they need to fix aside from the whole pr disaster . A bloodied face. There is now a picture thats been released even closer video, and you can see that he is relatively passive but other passengers are saying you know what . He was dragged out of there like a rag doll. Looked like he was limp and smacked down. Lets bring in Trial Attorney hunter, hes taken on many big corporations now says that new video and pictures are the least of uniteds problems. What would be the worst . Well, right now the biggest problem for them is the lawsuits that are going to follow. You dont drag a customer off of a airplane like a piece of luggage. You dont drag them and have their head bouncing off of the armrest. You dont drag them down the aisles and watch them bleeding. The next thing theyre going to see are the lawsuits that are coming from this event, no doubt about it. Liz okay. Heres what some people are worried about, and ive seen this on the twitter verse that there could be a lawsuit. But that theyll end up suing the Security Company versus the airline. But, you know, now that one of the security guards is on leave, im thinking to myself they only did what united directed them to do. Well,heres a question there. I think united is at fault. You dont drag the passenger off, and you dont tell someone to do that. But the Security Company also has responsibility here. You do it in a way where youre not going to hurt the passenger, which is what they did here. Liz you know, its interesting earlier oscar, the ceo and now theres a petition to fire him. But the chinese are getting involved too. Its trending and more than 100 Million People are viewing this thing at this point. Its just gotten out of control. He had said when he refused to volunteer, thats when we had to take action. Okay. You know, even merriam, the dictionary is patrolling united. Theres a tweet out right now from merriam, which is of course the dictionary, and it says volunteer. And they put out the definition. Someone who does something without being forced to do it. Well, he was being forced to do it. Theres no doubt about it. And here the airlines have very have 100 control over this with very little regulations. They told security take him off the plane. This man didnt volunteer. Liz is it enough that oscar is now saying were going to make this right . Its a little bit too little. A little bit too late. Liz trying to discredit this guy already. Theyre saying at one point he lost his license. Hes a doctor in kentucky. Whether or not he lost his license, whether or not he has any problems in his past has nothing to do what we saw on that video or on those videos. Him laying on the ground being dragged out passively. He wasnt kicking and screaming. He was dragged out bleeding. The fact that he had his license revoked or penalized or something has nothing to do with that. Liz and finally, if you were to take on this case, how much in i guess charges, lawsuit, how big could it get . Multimillion . Well, theres no question theres a multimilliondollar lawsuit here. If any lawyer who does this type of work represents the doctor, hes seeking millions of dollars of compensation. He has been abused. Hes also been psychologically damaged. Hes been physically damaged. Liz listen, its great to see you. But, by the way, this isnt this is not a funny situation but theres a blog called did yo duffle blog, which is the military version of the onion, and th were runninthis. Pentagon awards contract to United Airlines to forcibly remove assad. So i mean, really, its just gotten worse and worse and now suddenly theyre apologizing. Take a look at the dow 30 heat map here. Second at the top winner here Goldman Sachs adding the owner of the Magic Kingdom to its conviction list and saying buy it. Well, job of the hot beauty and the beast must be cheering over that. Goldman says Star Wars Franchise marked with blockbuster beauty and the beast will propel the business to record earnings for the next two years. No worry of espn. And speaking of massive success just as tesla smacked down gm as the worlds most automaker, now the japanese are beating ford to the police car punch. Jeff flock is behind the real for you next. At fidelity, trades are now just 4. 95. We cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. And at 4. 95, you can trade with a clear advantage. Fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. Liz clear the roads. Copzilla is on the loose. Nissan jumping fords gun by unveiling a new series of Police Vehicles ahead of for thes foundment tomorrow at th new york auto show. Jeff flock putting you in the front seat of a new nissan i guess live in manhattan track, right, jeff . Reporter i got lost. I dont know, im coming up on 8th avenue here somewhere. You probably know this better than i do. Liz need to get off 8th avenue. Youre heading, i dont know if youre near Madison Square garden. It gets very, very congested. Reporter im way north, 589th street. 58th and 8th and about to come to columbus circle. More importantly, this is copzilla. I ran a red light. Im in a police car. What is the difference. Copzilla. This is nissan gtr race car, which youve seen before. This thing goes 196 milesanhour. Look at the tires on this. 20inch wheels. Look, there are spikes down there. This is the future, nissan says of police cars. There is fancy lights on this thing which i cant put on right now because the new York Police Department says youre not a real policeman. You really cant do that. So were not doing that, take it from me, there are lights. There are sirens which were not allowed to use were in traffic. But it is incredible car. You know, if you catch the bad guys, who have very fast vehicles often, maybe you want a very fast vehicle. Now, just so you know, theyre not planning, by the way this thing is about one hundred thousand dollars if you want to buy one. Theyre not planning to mass market this. They recently sold a gtr to the dubai police force, which is not lacking apparently in money and the ability to afford a 100,000dollar gtr police car. Copzilla, by tay. Ford, as you report, ford tomorrow will introduce a hybrid police car. Gets 38 miles to the gallon. This i guarranty you does not get 38 miles to the gallon. It is sound a lot cooler, but goes a lot faster. Liz dont hit anybody. Reporter im a cop. Liz on your right, central park reporter exactly. I will go over to central park and walk through the sheet mat mat metal. Or drive through it. Liz i see bicyclists saying whoa . That is so cool. Reporter it get as few eyeballs. Liz unvilling these things at new york auto show, nissan said, fox business, well unveil it first. Good stuff, jeff. Reporter they said they want to put it here first. You have a first look at the copzilla. Wish i could put the lights on, darn it. Liz be like barney fife or smokey. Good to see you, jeff, thank you very much. Jeff flock. What is going on in President Trumps mind right now . Boy, there is a lot. Certainly on the geopolitical front, with the closing bell, 27 minutes away with a tentative market. Sitting down his First Business Television Interview since the inauguration. It happened just moments ago with fox business. Maria landed it. She is live in d. C. To reveal what the president had to say about health care, taxes, all of it. Maria is next. Predictable. The comfort in knowing where things are headed. Because as we live longer. And markets continue to rise and fall. Predictable is one thing you need in retirement to help protect what youve earned and ensure it lasts. Introducing brighthouse financial. New company established by metlife to specialize in annuities life insurance. Talk to your advisor about a brighter financial future. My frii say not if you this protect yourself. Ary. What is scary . Pneumococcal pneumonia. Its a serious disease. My doctor said the risk is greater now that im over 50 yeah. Yaha. Just one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from Pneumococcal Pneumonia an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. 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Com amlp liz boy, has it been quite a busy six days for President Trump and his team, between discussions about tax reform, meeting with the president of china, green lighting that tomahawk missile attack on a syrian airbase, and putting north korea on notice. Iteft the American People with lots of questions. Maria bartiromo sat down exclusively with President Trump at the white house in his First Business Network Interview since the inauguration to answer those questions directly. Maria, youre in d. C. No shortage of topics. Great get. What jumped out at but the tone and tenor . We talked about all of the above, liz. All the issues you just brought up from syria, north kea, china, and of course the economic priorities as well. Look, President Trump is coming off arguably his best week of his presidency with the success, around neil gorsuch getting confirmed yesterday, and the swearingin ceremony as well as really broad, deep support, for those missile strikes against syria. We talked about the economic priorities and what struck me was the idea that health care and tax reform are very much linked. A lot of people thought, well, health care failed, the house bill did not, you know, make it so maybe tax reform is in jeopardy, or maybe tax reform is going to be right front and center the incomes issue. The truth is, he is still trying to get health careone anhe thinks he will get health care done. As soon as he Getting Health Care done, that is when he will move on to tax reform. He made no bones about it. He expects all these things to get done in 2017. He expects tax reform to be later in the year but he has to do health first because it will save close to a trillion dollars. The obamacare taxes in just a couple of taxes raised a trillion dollars. That was going to help them goininto the tax plan. So theyre counting on making tweaks, changing the health care, obamacare replacement plan to insure that a bill does get to the floor and they can in fact pass it. But again he said tax reform is happening. He talked a bit about the border tax. You know what . I dont like the word border adjustment tax. That is not what it is. Call it import tax. Call it reciprocal tax. I got the feeling there would be a revenue raise within that tax form, tax cut plan. Yes he will cut taxes. Yes, he will he can focus on corporate rate and cutting taxes for most individuals but there is probably a piece in there that raises revenue. He talked about the fact that there are some countries that charge the u. S. 100 . Look at china, you look at india. If harleydavidson, for example, sells motorcycles in india or in china, they are faced with 100 tax. He wants u. S. To do the same thing. He is calling it a reciprocal tax. He said this is going to get done, but again he has to do health care first. Listen. Were going to have a phenomenal tax reform but i have to do health care first. I want to do it first to really do it right. But do you have to do health care before tax reform . Yes. When i say business managers, tax reform is impactful moving needle on Economic Growth . Theyre all right, but im saving tremendous amount, hundreds of hundreds of millions of dollars were saving on health care. So well have much better plan than obamacare which is failing, even now as i came in here, payments have to be made that werent scheduled to be made or obamacare. If you dontake them it fails. It is just a mess. Obamacare is total mess. Were saving tremendous amounts of money on health care when we get this done, number one. Most importantly, actually, well have great health care. And, all of that savings goes into the tax. If you dont do that, you cant put any of the savings into tax cuts and tax reform. Have you moved off the soft deadline your team put in place, august to get this done . Are you looking later in the year . I dont want to put deadlines. Health care will happen at some point. If it doesnt happen fast enough i will start taxes but the tax reform and tax cuts are better if i can do health care first. The other thing he mentioned is, the money overseas, liz. He talks about 5 trillion. We always say it is 2. 5 trillion. It was 2. 5 trillion five years ago. It is up to five trillion dollars. That money is incentivized to come back to the u. S. Liz, he gave me a great story, the backstory, how he told the president of china about the syria strikes. They were having dessert. Well tell you whole story on mornings with maria here on the fox business network. This is funny story, by the way, president xi. Liz more coffee, tea . Maria, great job, i think that is very telling, i dont want to put deadlines on tax reform. Where as he said nine weeks ago, in two to three weeks well have a beautiful tax plan. Listen, maria gets it. Marias full interview with President Trump exclusively on mornings with maria. Not from the other guys. Closing bell is just 17 minutes away. Theres nothing more important than your health. So if youre on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b heres why. Medicare only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. You might want to consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like any Medicare Supplement insurance plan, these help pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. And, these plans let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. You could stay with the doctor or specialist you trust. Or go with someone new. Youre not stuck in a network. Because there arent any. So dont wait. Call now to request your free decision guide and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan that works for you. Theres a range to choose from, depending on your needs and your budget. 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Before we get to that Maria Bartiromo, got this out of trump, President Trump, he said i dont want to put a deadline on tax reform. Right. Liz whereas nine weeks ago, as i said, two to three weeks well have it for you. We spoke with sean spicer today directly. This is what he told us, pointblank that trump himself, the president , and the administration is sort of on a listening tour, he used listening. Theyre going out getting ideas about tax reform. Here is the question you have to ask. I thought they already had a plan. He articulated during the campaign, something along the lines of steve moore and larry kudlow economists came up. 15 Corporate Tax rate, down from 35 . Taking seven brackets of personal income taxes squeezing them into three with lower rates. That is apparently that is not the plan or theyre looking at liz back to the drawing board. Theyre back to the drawing board. That is not good for the market. That means you take more time. If you dont get it through this year you will have a issue, dow 21,000 pricing in a very large Corporate Tax cut. Liz speaking of corporations, bank of america. This is fascinating. When i was covering the financial crisis there was no, there was no firm more in the soup than bank of america and its been a rough sort of, what have we got now, eight years since 2007 when they bought countrywide. Massive legal exposure. Tens of billions of doars they pa here is couple things we do know, getting from sources indef bank of amera. They believe they have gotten 99 of all the legal issues dealt with. There will not be many more, much more legal liability stemming back from those financial crisis era lawsuits and issues and because of that moynihan is going to launch, from what we understand a major Marketing Campaign. You really dont read much about bank of america. I see ads about every place. I dont see much about bank of america. Well start seeing that now to emphasize the positive. Liz it has come back. If we see a longerterm chart you see how well buffett has been an investor. Shows you how smart buffett was. Buffett bought them, became an investor, when i first got here, 2010. There was a run on the stock in 2010. Financial crisis was over in 2007. Liz he got idea in the bathtub. Extraordinary deals with Goldman Sachs. He said he made a 15 a minute. Liz it is not extortion airy, when nobody else will lend. You want to be like don corleone, here are the terms. Here are the terms. He made a lot of money with them, given his name helps with investor confidence. Listen all the banks stocks are down today. They have been a little wobbly lately. They have been off but since the election they have been off dinse doddfrank. President said they will further erode doddfrank. Maybe try to get rid of it almost entirely he said which i guess is good for banks. Put all of that together, bank of america see as lot of wind in its sails. From what i understand they will start the Marketing Campaign. I will ask people can they expand in any way, buy in any way . I dont think moynihan will go that way. Last thing they bought was countrywide. Liz that was a disaster. Thats with the last major purpose. Here is the other thing, moynihan will be there four years more. Liz charlie says it. One quick thing on united. I need your opinion. You know they are liz breaking news, in case you missed, oscar munoz the ceo, days after this incident and pileon and the backlash is apologizing. You know it is such bad pr, number one beat the hell out after passenger unless the guy. Liz he had a ticket. Was the guy fighting back . I mean i dont know . Liz quote, belligerent. That is verbal. Belligerent is something you can, people call me every day, theyre not beating me up, right . Liz well the stock is up a tiny bit. What would happen if those two guards came after me . Liz you took boxing lessons. Okay. Liz in the bronx. Actually Westchester County but i bite. Liz charlie gasparino, the charm offensive. Cantmiss event. Tonights april pink moon. For those of you on the eastern seaboard, you have to stay awake until 2 08 p. M. , a. M. , eastern, rather, for the first full moon of spring, named the pink moon after a early blooming flower called the moss pink. Set your alarm clock. The road can change in an instant. But with lightning fast shifts and dynamic tracktuned suspension, what the road demands, the gs delivers. Experience High Performance through high technology, in the lexus gs 350 and gs turbo. Experience amazing. Liz Toll Brothers stock getting a nice buildup, today, get, get it . Americas luxury builder expands. At nicecy, gerri willis tell us about it. Rbc giving a boost to Toll Brothers why . Because that builder is looking for additional homes to build. Increasing forecast for growth. Price target 43. Trading 3and change. That stock doing well today, back to you. Liz thank you very much, gerri willis. For those of you who are completely scared because of all this drama going on globally and youre putting your money under the mattress, barrons top analyst in texas says, stop it right now he doesnt have a dime in cash and says you shouldnt either. In 2016 barrons ranked richard as one of the top 50 financial vice in the nation. At the time you had 15 of your clients money in cash. A year later you bag the title again. You have nothing in cash. Liz, thats correct. Im glad we dont. Now adays no one guessed at performance of the s p after the election. Now everybody is very gratified they had no money in cash prior to the election. And therefore, they benefited from the great performance since the election. Liz on our screen is your allocation. 50 in fixed income, high yield corporates. You have 50 in riskier assets such as equities. Zero in cash. But, how do you decide which fixed income and which equities . Big decision today, bigger than ever before. Used to be a layup, 10 to 40 municipals. That could change with tax reform or even higher supply of municipals as a result of infrastructure spending. High yield bonds, corporate fixed income, taxable corporates and also lesser allocation to munis. On the equity side what were really doing now, reducing Equity Income type strategies, dividendpaying liz dividendpaying stocks. Dividendpaying stocks, mlps, going more to risky assets. If we reduce allocation to equities the equities have to perform to superior level relative to risk. Liz i see. I see. As you look at the entire landscape, we have big tensions with north korea, syria, iran, russia. This doesnt scare you making sure youre fully invested . Liz i can wake up every day and be scared. There will be something to be afraid of the rest of our life. Social media, the news happens so quick. What used to take weeks and months in the stock market now takes hours and days. So what you have to do is allocate to a Risk Strategy youre comfortable with, and live through it and change it over time, as these events happen, but not expect to happen. Liz everybody, are you listening to what he just said . Im not saying that youre like him, you dont have a dime in cash but to me, if youre in it for the long term, which you should be correct. Liz we had a whole day we talked about longterm investing, you keep your eye on high quality companies. The market seems to be fully valued. 100 . It is valued but well still have to have allocation that fits the longterm like you said. Liz one of barrons top 50 in the entire nation. Richard scelz, neuberger berman. [closing bell rings] the dow couldnt make it all the way. We had been down 145. David and melissa, pick it up here for after the bell. David stocks sinking in the final moments of trading. The dow ending well off its lows however, down 30 points right now. S p and nasdaq in the red right now. Im david asman. Melissa im melissa francis. This is after the bell. We have you covered on all the big market movers. Here what else we have for you coming up this hour. Dealing with aggression in syria and north korea, President Trump meeting right now with both his National Security advisor and the head of his National Economic council. This as secretary of state Rex Tillerson issues and ultimate testimony ultimatum, side with

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