Stuart making people pay estate tax. He wants higher Capital Gains taxes to match rate of tack on income. I totally disagree with that, but that is the mans point of view. Neil bridging a gap, billionaire and on his Investment Income he is paying stuart varneyare, does that throwing it out there . Stuart no. Are we done . Neil lets see. Embarass him. Is he still a u. S. Citizen . Is he, i think we got everything covered. Youre joining me tomorrow. Stuart am i working with you tomorrow . Neil you are indeed. Very happy to hear that. Stuart im glad your happy. Neil irs provided all your documents so we should be ready to go, my friend. Stuart thank you. Neil as he paves way now to me, economy appears to be fading in First Quarter. You probably heard from stuart we grew all of. 7 of a percent here. Well flip this around, it could actually help the president s case for dramatic tax cuts across the board here. If were growing this anemically, i know the First Quarter is its own weak anomaly, tends at that to be weakest year, but it is even lower than thought t could pave the way for taxes down the road, even the president s taxes even though the house broad blew print differs. Vince, begin with you, end with you, a report like that, anemic as it was, not blaming the president now or president before him will help the case for tax cuts, what do you think . I think so. Its a call to action. Any boost to the notion they need to grow their way out of anemia, will rally republicans behind a plan to cut taxes. Republicans long believed tax cuts are away to stimulate growth in the private economy. I think youre right, this ends up in column for giving trump energy to get his tax plan pushed through congress. Neil michael what do you think . I dont think republicans need motivation. They were on board with general ideas of tax reformer i love having you on, michael, they were on board with need to revamp and replace obamacare. That is where it ended. Exactly. That is the bigger problem for the republicans and white house, how do you get this through . What are specifics and details . The white house will have listening tour. That could muddy things a lot and make it more difficult to get it through congress. The big problem here, the big issue, can they do this and remain sort of deficit neutral . Because that is the best way to get any sort of significant tax reform through. You have to get it through on reconciliation, through the senate. And those are the rules. So that is i think the biggest hurdle. The white house is going to have to, do some leadership here and sort of lead on finding a way to get this done. Instead it looks like theyre crowdsourcing this. And that is i think will be problematic. Neil things can change, you reminded me in the past. Vince, were getting word, it is official, there wont be a Government Shutdown at least in the next week. So they have sort of staid that potential crisis off and found a way to keep government lights on at least another week and beyond that how do you think that is ultimately settled here . Im always amazed this is even an issue when republicans are running the show . Yes. But i think there is no bravery in washington to get an actual budget passed. They are constantly suspending the debt ceiling, passing it down the road, continuing resolutions. Democrats and republicans have become satisfied operating with government without too concerned passing a meaningful budget. Neil that is idiotic. Happened under prior president as well. We dont do budgets. Rob peter to pay paul. Limp to the next debt extension. Averting the next government shut down. If businesses were run that way, they would be out of business. Yeah, i think it is foolishness. Weve gotten to the point neil were used to it. Lawmakers generally dont want to deal with this question. They want to push it down the road, they can continue to fight not pass other things. Neil youre right. This tax plan will run into a lot of props. It will really test the swamp here, neil. All of these lawmakers want to keep various deductions in place because they have special interests pushing them to make sure those things stay. It will be a real test of trumps ability to really drain the swamp here. Neil final question, michael on the tax thing, separating the conservatives from the budget no restrainers who are saying we love tax cuts but we dont want to bust the deficit even in the near term. Were not big fans of doing that it will win out on this argument . Well, i think if the white house can forge some kind of an agreement to get rid of a number of these deductions socalled loopholes, thats probably the best political way to find a tax reform plan that can get the approval of those conservatives and budget hawks, really sort of necessarily need this to be deficit neutral. But again, as vince says, there is a lot of people in washington who are lobbying for this particular loophole or that particular loophole. This is where i think leadership from the white house, a real sort of heavy push, from even the president himself can sort of weigh in and tip the scales in one direction. Sort of leave the he deductions, only deductions that really are the most difficult to take away, the mortgage interest, and charitable des, leave those intact and really clear out the rest. Neil youre right to say the president plays a crucial role here. I was rereading luke cannons biography, first one of Ronald Reagan, intricate role and detailed role he played in the tax cuts, especially in eight he at this one, he was on the 81, he was on the phone to multiple southern democrats and women, bow weevils. You see skits on saturday satut live, ah, shucks, there you go again, behind the scenes he is entry cattley involved. That is what you need. You need that out of the president. Guys, thank you very much. Thanks, neil. Neil i got Charlie Gasparino my buddy, best Business Reporter on the planet bar none. We have couple developments, one thing here speaker ryan had to push off health care revote on this attempt it rallying a lot of Freedom Caucus conservatives, right, but apparently ticked off a number of moderates . There are troubled waters ahead for speaker ryan. I think neil theyre blaming him for this. How about blaming themselves for their overall enentness . At some point, someone in the executive sort of position which he is as speaker, needs to lead. I think that is what is coming down here. Im not, im not saying i agree with this line of thinking neil you throw it out there to alienate people. I admire that. I have a good producer, brian schwartz, helps me with that. Neil he does all the work, doesnt he . No. No. Neil im kidding. Only 90 of it, but he does do his channel checks every day and the, there is a again, i mean this runs in spurts. It came out when the Health Care Vote failed the last time, ryan was getting a lot of heat. Neil just like boehner used to get. Im telling you were hearing it again, brians reporting, my reporting, if taxes dont go through, even though the president , got his name on it, the man at the top, there will be a lot of heat on speaker ryan. This is very fractious republican majority. Neil more so than they ever seen. Democrats get in line. Nancy pelosi cracks the whip. Neil but didnt used to be that way. It was opposite. She is like a drill sargent. She says do it, everybody does it. Neil theyre trying to reconcile the notion, satisfy conservatives who want to cut down the size and scope of obamacare. Right. Neil whatever concessions made to them, win their 30, 40 votes house Freedom Caucus being one of them. Neil moderates freak out, right . They shelved it because the votes werent there, bottom line . Theyre not there. Heres the problem, your last guest was right it has to be deficit neutral, i dont know how it should be deficit neutral. Neil it shouldnt be. It shouldnt be. Were here in some we are world. Neil you dont have to pay for all up top. If you want to pay, even ardent liberal will argue they create revenue. You dont have to get all the revenue right away. What ryan has to do get something on health care passed, because there are savings there, that you can offset. Neil that is what youre hearing . Hell or high water they will settle health care thing first. They have to. If he cant do that, he cant do this, probably, and satisfy, you know, the fractious republican party, in the congress, he is, im telling you im not saying he is out definitely, im telling you there will be a scalp to be had here and it will not be president neil but can any speaker handle this . Or do they just bang heads . Reagan was famous, rereading this luke cannon book, you realize he was putting onus on himself, not the republican leader in the house. He was putting it on himself. But remember, he utilized tip oneill. Neil brilliantly. By the way, again a lot of democratic votes. What im saying tip oneill did the job, i hate to say it better than what ryan is doing right now, because tip oneill religion endairy democrat from massachusetts. Ryan will have to fill that position. If he doesnt, he will be considered a failure. Im telling usually not Donald Trumps red hair on the scalp. It will be paul ryan. Neil blondish. Like fluorescent. Neil stop it. Are you joining us tomorrow . Yes, i will be there. Neil okay. Were live. Charlie, the party can start like now. Special live edition of cost of freedom. Were taking stock of 100 days of donald trump on fox news, begins at 10 00 a. M. Goes right through noon. We have big, big surprises. Charlie gasparino. You already know stuart varney. I am not legally able to share some of the other names that i have. Just not. We have lawyers who are finetuning things right now. Saying saying joe piscopo . Neil i can not say. Maybe that big. Richard simmons . Neil maybe. Stick around. Youre watching fox. Why pause a spontaneous moment . Cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempasĀ® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. 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Let me say i think the administration, secretary of state and others are confident that the chinese will do the responsible thing. It is not in their interests at all to have a Nuclear Capable north korea. It is cerinly isnt in their interests to hostilities break out. Probably their greatest fear that you would have a mass migration out of the peninsula, out of north korea. Neil all right. Following up on those remarks, secretary of state Rex Tillerson has been saying that were looking into further sanctions, much stricter as he speakses in the United Nations. We have a former cia analyst specializing in north korea. Only difference she says right now, is the fact that it is a different president handling same provocations. Youre assuming that we are upping the ante here . Is that right and is that a mistake . It is not a mistake that we want to put maximum pressure on north korea and china. What the Trump Administration is trying to do is, raise the cost for china helping giving a blank check to the north korean regime. Not really coming through in sense of reining in north korea, what were looking at probably secondary sanctioning against chinese entities and banks down the road. Neil would that work . We have to try, but while i share secretary kellys hope, i, im not that optimistic because chinas priorities, they dont want regime collapse or regime instability in the north korea. They want the buffer. Neil yeah. I hope so, but im not that confident honestly. Neil as a former cia analyst you know the region very well. The argument has been, they have been this way, North Koreans, with republican president s, democratic president s, they have broken agreements or we have been part of largescale agreements that they violated, theyre very fair and balanced when it comes to offending administrations so what is the difference that you fear here . That the Trump Administration could be sabrerattling too much and pushed in the corner to act militarily, that could blow up the whole peninsula, what . That problem goes back to the early 1990s, clinton era, this is not a democrat problem or republican party. Neil thats right. The North Koreans are to blame, they are closer than ever befo having a essful icb test. Icbm with nukes that could reach new york or washington. So i cant can understand the Trumps Administration urgency issue. Neil the fear is that one ever these days they will mean it and it is too late. Once we get to that point where north korea successfully tests an icbm, the administration would be under enormous pressure to then, even consider a military strike or intercept of a missile. Neil what if we were to strike down a missile over the korean peninsula, but in the water, not over land . Some distinguish that is not an act of war. It wouldnt be deemed an act of war, provocative to put it mildly, what do you make of that . I think the kim jongun regime will respond. We dont know for sure how he will respond. Intercept is safer option from the Trump Administration perspective than a missile strike. Neil im sorry, but knocking down one of those missiles, over water, is still as bad as knocking over land . You have provoked the North Koreans, even if we gave the chinese a heads up what were going to do if they do it again . Still true. But different from striking something in their country. Neil right. I love to have you back. Absolutely. Neil interesting read. Meantime the president is vowing right now to deal with this situation but also the countries looking after south korea, he is vowing to go after them economically if they keep violating what he says is trade pact that theyre taking advantage of. Connell mcshane with the latest on that. Reporter interesting what you guys were talking about with north korea. This is big week for trade anyway. Comment made by President Trump south korea, similar what he said about nafta. We have to renegotiate the deal we have. If that works we have to get rid of it completely. The president was interviewed by reuters in the oval office. A lot of news came out in the interview. One of the things he came out blasting chorus, freetrade agreement with south korea. Even blamed secretary of state who in office that was signed, quoting the president , it is unacceptable. Its a horrible deal made by hillary. Its a horrible deal and well renegotiate that deal, or, terminate it. Now Vice President pence is just back from his trip to asia which included talks in south korea, much that we would think, and weve been told was about north korea. By the numbers, trade, north korea, is one our larger trading partners. Look at list. Last year from the figures. China at the top. Nafta countries, canada, mexico, two huge allies in japan and germany. That is it, south korea at number six. So what is next . Well, south, some government officials weighed in on this. The official stance is wait and see. That is what they said after hearing the president s comments about chorus. That great agreement, and other freetrade agreements were supported by republicans in the past but there have been critics, looking up past criticism of this particular deal. This deal doesnt say much about Service Industries which is a strength by the United States. An imbalance auto trade, steel, u. S. Steelheading into south korea. There have been some complaints. Well see if those things can be worked out in renegotiation like nafta, or if the president looks to scrap it all together. Neil the timing whether justified or not, is this the time to do Something Like that with a potential war that could he erupt on that peninsula . Seems like the president is trying to separate the two. Trade is consistent what he talked about for so long and went after nafta. Funny when he went after nafta more made he didnt want to get rid of it completely, he wanted to renegotiate, it was seen as soft but now tough talk with a volatile asia nation. Neil canadians to make the call, checked what could be renegotiated. Thank you very much, connell mcshane. Look at corner wall and broad. The dow is down a little bit. Will finish a good month. Nasdaq looking at one of its stronger performances. This is climb for nasdaq and Technology Shares thinking about the ride. Nasdaq crossed 5000 for the first time in early 2,000, this week, 17 years later, 6,000. After this. Break through your allergies. Try new Flonase Sensimist instead of allergy pills. It delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only block one. New Flonase Sensimist. Neil whatever you may think of the president s politics or what have you, technology grouping including amazon, big beneficiary since donald trump became president , to be fair to amazon, this has been long term upward trend. Jeff bezos himself has become 10 billion richer as part of the latest wave since the pre