Transcripts For FBC Cavuto Coast To Coast 20161105 : compare

Transcripts For FBC Cavuto Coast To Coast 20161105

reporter: you almost expect him to say we don't need no stinkin' polls. listen crowd is charged. people of the trump movement is resonating. look at voting numbers in florida. i will do this very quick generic. total votes, almost 50% of all registered voters in florida, that is non-affiliated as well as those who register ad republicans and democrats have cast their ballot, 5.8 million roughly. those who voted by mail. republicans 1,119,000. democrats 947,000. republicans 1.2 million gone to an early voting polling station. democrats 1.3 million have gone. democrats have slight lead in turnout those registered with political party, 7280. that is the first time since october 24th when they started counting votes, neil. the republicans in florida are confident they are going to win the sunshine state. it gets down to a couple of issues. one, vote are turnout among african-americans they will tell you is what it was in 2012 and 2008. but also, this term, dixiecrat, these are lifelong democrats. people whose families for generations voting republican. that is what they are counting on to win florida. neil: by party ballots you can't always tell what that means. thanks, adam shapiro. to ohio, republicans are rejoicing seeing bigger early voting than they certainly saw in 2012. this state also very tight but donald trump has, what seems to be one of wider leads we've seen of late. jeff flock from cleveland with latest there. hey, jeff. reporter: that's right, neil, he is going to five states, none of them are ohio. a lot of people in republican think they have go this one. you don't know because more republican votes come in democrats are voting, doesn't mean what they will vote for but take a look at latest numbers we've got on early vote. this is both absentee as well as people who came to vote early.w, gop up 35,000 in terms of people registered as republicans. democrats, registered democrats down 72,000 from last time. this despite the governor of ohio, famously, not only not supporting donald trump, not even voting for him. he wrote in the john mccain as his presidential choice. a lot of people think john kasich will be candidate again himself in four years, particularly if donald trump goes south here. but, it hasn't hurt enthusiasm in ohio, rob frost, cuyahoga county gop chairman told us yesterday. >> there send enthusiasm behind this nominee. many voters voting for donald trump non-traditional republicans. they came to the party, working class voters, blue-collar, union households. they are enthusiastic to vote for donald trump. they don't need me or anyone telling them it is time to vote. they want to get out and vote early. reporter: on other side, neil, hillary clinton doing her best to rouse up particularly african-american community. beyonce yesterday, a pant suit clad beyonce. you were probably thrilled to see that picture. everybody is wearing pantsuits today, apparently. lebron james tomorrow with hillary clinton. she is trying. neil? neil: thank you, my friend. bob cusack, the hill editor-in-chief and what he makes of all the cross currents. thank you, jeff flock. bob, i don't know whether we could have appreciated the magnitude of what happened in the course of a week but state has are suddenly in play. states that look dead-even, democratic ticket goes out to pennsylvania repeatedly to nail that one down, if they can nail it down. what the heck is going on? >> two weeks ago, basically this race looked over, then trump, even before the fbi announcement started to pick up momentum. the fbi announcement obviously helped him tremendously and hurt hillary clinton. this is a very close race, neil. i think he has got to win ohio and he is clear favorite in ohio. and he will probably win florida. it could come down to north carolina. we'll know early, i think because we'll get the early new hampshire, north carolina, florida, eastern seaboard but, this could be a long night, neil. neil: bob, much debated the fact this started with the news of the fbi was extending a probe into emails but i was taking this stuff, i remember distinctly, you were picking up affordable care act, surprising premium news, so many people getting socked with double-digit increases. nearly 30% up tick in premiums. you i think it started there. obviously the fbi stuff for donald trump greased the skids but what do you think? >> no, i think so. democrats are wondering privately why do we release the information right now because it did hurt democrats up and down the ballot. it has been as you know, we've been talking about obamacare fight over it. it helped republicans win the house and senate in 2010 and 2014 and as far as policy, we haven't talked a lot about policy but obamacare is one of the biggest issues and net positive for republican this is year. neil: bob do you have any -- when you are sitting back and looking at election results pouring in, guide me through the early part of the evening, how a guy like you is crunching those numbers and playing out, extrapolating what the rest of the evening could tell you. >> in 2012, we knew that mitt romney was in trouble because they didn't call north carolina early. now they don't have to call north carolina early. they just have to, it has to be close and trump has got to win. the states you have to look at are new hampshire, north carolina, florida. if donald trump is doing well in virginia, neil, then he could have a big night. if he is doing okay in pennsylvania, then you're looking at president trump. however if hillary wins pennsylvania early, and wins north carolina early, she has got this thing. neil: now real quickly, then, are you in that group that says even with tightening polls they still undercount the trump vote? that there are a lot of people who will not admit to supporting donald trump and they put several percentage points to that? what do you think of that. >> i am, i think there is that trump bump he is going to get on tuesday. i don't think it is 3 or 4 points. i think one or two points. that is what the big question is going into tuesday. does it exist and how many point is it worth. i do think that trump will benefit because some people, obviously very proud they're for donald trump and other people i think privately will push the button for him. neil: there are other people who will not admit to supporting hillary clinton either. >> that's right. neil: more problematic i think on trump's side. bob, thank you very much. good seeing you. >> thanks, neil. neil: yesterday we did something we have not done or seen since back in 1980. nine losing days in a row for the s&p 500. that was the year we saw this guy named ronald reagan up stage the front-runner of that presidential race, jimmy carter. are the markets telling us something now 36 years later? >> many of the millenials, dreamers, undocumented citizens and i call them sit sense because they contribute to this country are fearful of voting. if i vote where immigration will know where i live? will they come for my family and deport us? >> not true. >> okay. >> the reason is, first of all, when you vote you are a citizen yourself and there is not a situation where the voting rolls are somehow transferred over and people start investigating et cetera. the same to the vote is strictly confidential. neil: i can't believe i heard what i heard. the president is even questioning whether the person who is in an illegally is voting outside of reminding people, if you're a citizen do you vote but very clear the question being asked was illegals voting and afraid they might be reported to border security. you're illegal. you can not vote. and the president of the united states is saying don't worry, no one will be spying on you or catching you, when maybe, whether you're for the president, against the president, whether you're pro-immigration, anti-immigration reform you are ignoring the fact that youhave been questioned about illegal voting which you can't do? why? because you're not a citizen of this country! former arizona governor jan brewer. i know you were at the border yesterday but i can't believe how blythely the president of the united states, the ultimate keeper of our constitution, and all the rights that come with it, including the right to vote, legal citizens having right to vote, blythely dismissing that. what do you think? >> shocking, absolutely shocking. his comments in response to her was just above the believability line. neil, he should have absolutely set her straight if you're not a citizen you don't get to vote. just because you're in our country undocumented you're not a citizen. they want to blur the lines. they want to make it okay. they want to, include them in being privileged and being a citizen of the united states. neil: in other words he is advocating for an illegal act here, that you are not a citizen of the united states, whatever your sympathies or preferences, you are not yet a citizen of the united states. sosome how got away getting your derriere into a voting booth when you shouldn't have. now you have the man to protects the constitution, higher figure than anyone else in this country, don't worry, we're not going to chase your down as you're doing this illegal act? >> absolutely. and sounded to me like he was encouraging it. neil: go ahead. vote, vote. don't worry not going to have anyone from -- >> no problem. neil: wow. i don't think i ever heard anything like that. and i have heard a lot. so this is an issue donald trump has been worried about governor. you had to deal with that head-on. who forget the major airport scene with you and the president at that time, when you let him know this was out of control. it is still out of control. but, what is your sense of where we go from here? >> well i hope that on tuesday we find a solution in electing mr. trump to the presidency of the united states, and problem will get resolved in our borders with all the illegal immigration coming into our country. neil: you know how it is being spun though? you can always look like a cruel ogre here. you know these are contributing citizens. they want to be contributing and recognize people who are supporting the great american way but they aren't yet. they aren't citizens yet. and yet our most sacred right, the right to vote, is sort of like a loosey-goosey rule. it is disturbing. >> and they, you know they requested the fact that you have in voter i.d., when you go to vote and when you register to vote, that that is voter such suppression. no, that is not voter suppression. you have to be citizen, have to show i.d. when you get a library card. so wrong way they spin all of this. they don't support the constitution. they don't support our rights as citizens. we are concerned that when you go and vote that you are a citizen and your vote will count. for those undocumented people they need to come in the right way, the legal way. if they want to become a citizen, then stand in line and do it properly. neil: yeah, but going to be framed, governor, as you have touched on before, that you're heartless, even racist, to in this case, advocate for the u.s. constitution. but, i digress. amazing. >> we were at the border, senator sessions and i yesterday, the border patrol told us in 2015 there was 400,000 people arrested and held. and 80% of them were released back into the united states. neil: governor, thank you, very, very much. i tend not to go flying off the handle but don't mean to offend those who might interpret that way, you had the president of the united states saying right there, go ahead and go into voting booth. don't worry about getting caught. we got you back. you're not a citizen but we have your back. rick santorum on that after this. [accountant] my job is to manage and grow businesses. and i've never seen a rocket ship take off like this. [owner] i'm lindsey. i'm the founder of ezpz. my accountant... ...he's almost like my dad in this weird way. yeah, i'm proud of you. you actually did some of the things i asked you to do the other day (laughs). [owner] ha, ha, ha. [accountant] i've been able to say, okay...'s the challenges you're going to have. and we can get it confirmed through our quickbooks. and what steps are we going to use to beat these obstacles before they really become a problem. [announcer] get 30 days free at >> if i watched fox news i wouldn't vote for me either, right? [laughter]. you have got this screen, fun house mirror through which people receive information. how to break you through that is a big challenge. neil: all right, if it's a fun house mirror, then it is interesting reflection on a president that has very different view of, i don't know, our u.s. constitution when he was also telling a young woman asking him a question about illegal millenials voting in this country, and shouldn't, they need isn't be worried about being caught or that isis will discover them, they can feel safe with their votes, when in fact they shouldn't be voting period. that is fun house mirror of the world you but it does come back to remind a lot of folks, especially the same president who bashes donald trump for being thin-skinned and not being able to handle criticism, i don't know. former opinions vain senator, presidential candidate rick santorum. senator, that one blows me away, it blows me away. what are your thoughts? >> to paraphrase one of my favorite movie lines, the law rules? we don't need no stinkin' rules. they can do whatever they want. it is lawlessness. this is the president advocating. he did it on other immigration issues. he simply broke the law. no, we'll let people in. courts held him up doing it. but on variety of different fronts and the president and hillary clinton also believe they're above the law. that their cause is so just that they are so good for america, that what they want to do is so important, that they can't be ng thaty the constitution or our getting in their way of doing what is right in their own mind. this is the danger. this is why trump's call for law and order. this is why trump's call for draining the swamp and cleaning out these people who believe they are so entitled to their way of governing america, that neither the constitution nor laws in this country can get in their way. neil: of course, senator, we at fox are used to not being favorites at pennsylvania avenue, that is okay. we deal with that they seem to know a lot of our programing what we're up to and looking at. will no doubt focus on fact what he was saying committing illegal act in voting booth by an illegal. leaving that aside, he is really gone after trump for being thin-skinned and not open to criticism. the president famously said at number of appearances, just this. i want you to look at this because quite the opposite of what he says when he talks about himself and fox. want you to react to this. >> whenever things are going badly for you, you lose you start blaming somebody else? then you don't have what it takes to be in this job. you have to be able to handle criticism without taking it personally. just brush it off. this is guy who like tweets, they -- [inaudible]. i don't like how alec baldwin's imitating me. really? i mean, that's the thing that bothers you when you want to be president of the united states? [cheering] come on, man. come on. [applause] neil: yet every time someone criticizes him, every time criticizes him fox the fun house. standards don't apply. >> this is man for the first six years of his presidency, every other press conference would lay out a case why george bush is the one to blame, not him. i mean you want to talk about someone who had, who always blames someone else for the problems that he was dealing with, he did it for over half of his presidency, it was all george bush's fault. he has never been able to take responsibility for the mismanagement of government. for his inability to get things done here. for the lies he told the american public, everything from obamacare which he continues to go out and misrepresent what it does. this is a president who, you're right is very thin-skinned and doesn't take responsibility, and when you look at the way he treats fox, this is the way you see autocrats, this is almost, like hugo chavez. anytime the media would go after him he would try to shut doesn't media. this is what you see from obama. anytime the media goes after him, he tries to shut them out. and hillary clinton did the same thing. when the media was hard on her, she cut the media off. for the longest period of time in campaign. this is how bullies, how people believe they're above the law. this is how they act. if you volt for hillary clinton, understand what you're getting. you're getting someone who believes she can get away with anything, because she will have gotten away with everything. you want to talk about someone who will abuse the power of the presidency, someone who will rule elitist for elite. hillary clinton is your candidate. neil: rick santorum. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. neil: my final message, he is the president by the way, i won't tell you to eat a salad, all right? who would i be to do that? mr. president, you don't lecture anyone on being thin-skinned. a little more after this. neil: two competing events right now. right of the screen getting ready for hillary clinton event in pembroke pines, florida. wilmington, north carolina, waiting for donald trump. he is busy bee today. in florida earlier this morning. he will cross cross all these very important battleground states. among them, by the way, later on of course is colorado where it's close. bernie sanders is trying to win over a lot of the independents there who are not quite convinced that hillary clinton is their cup of tea. robert gray is in colorado where later on the senator will be appearing. robert? reporter: hey, neil. thanks so much. clearly big independent streak here in the centennial state. independents make up biggest block of voters, more than democrats and republicans. they will be basically tipping the balance here in colorado, possibly with nine electoral votes tipping whole thing here, neil. we'll have to wait and see how everything stacks out later on tuesday. look at "fox news poll" about independents just out this week showing that independents now, 21% less likely to vote for hillary clinton after the recent reopening of the case by the fbi. now take a look at the poll further, this is national keep in mind, not just colorado. nationwide trump leading this poll 41% to clinton's 33%. donald trump is also scheduled to be here in colorado, actually at denver, at a rally tonight as part of his fly-bys today, making pit stops in a number of states. take a look, i mentioned big number of independents here. 34% of voters in colorado are independents. slightly more democrats than republicans. those independents are going to be the ones who basically decide this thing. look at some recent polls here, magellan strategies based in colorado show clinton with 6-point lead. university of denver showing a dead heat. it will be a close race. independents not votesyet. for first time colorado danes were mailed ballots home. can bring them or on election day to cast ballots. democrats and republicans more than half. only 33% of the unaffiliated have voted. bernie sanders here in colorado springs where i'm standing at colorado college up the street where he will sway independents to cast votes for hillary. he will stump for first state-run health care, colorado care. after the wikileaks dump and former bill clinton advisor talking about how to bury bernie sanders. it will be interesting to see how that plays out. we'll be there later. back to you. neil: thank you very much, robert gray. you are probably aware by now, we tried to share this with you, oddity of it, s&p 500 in the nine-day losing streak on top of global markets, volatile to put it mildly. charlie gasparino has been crunching a lot of those numbers. a lot of this market angst. it has to do with donald trump, explain. >> clearly pricing in a potential trump victory. listen, markets are predictive. they try to price in what could happen in the future. it is not. it is not totally clear the markets believe he is going to win. you see increasing probability. neil: they don't like the uncertainty. >> what is problem with donald trump and markets? uncertainty is a big thing. trade policy up at top. some of his more outlandish statements. neil: 35% tariffs and all the rest. >> i think it is the sort of the notion of whether he's a stable person for the economy versus whether hillary clinton is stable person for the economy. neil: they find her more stable than he? >> yes. neil: really? >> i think that's wrong. this is my personal opinion. i think his tax plan and his regulation plan, when you take out the crazy you stuff about getting rid of nafta, that you stuff is so pro-growth, even if it goes down now, and it, listen say he gets elected. markets correct. go down. ed if rate increase. those pro-growth elements to his plan, particularly the regulations ditching obamacare and dodd-frank which hurts bank stocks, that is a buy. neil: they know her. they know what they're getting. >> they know her and think he is unstable. my only point to you as average investor out there, don't freak out with your portfolio. if donald got elected do not sell all your stocks. my guess with republican congress, number one they won't do all the crazy trade stuff. nafta will not be repealed. with republican congress, you will get tax reform and corporate tax reform. neil: he would be a wildcard, right? >> personally he would be a wildcard. neil: let me ask you this, let's go to not concensus view and donald trump wins incomes week. >> right. neil: play that out for me. >> economicswise? neil: no, marketwise? >> marketswise, number one the market will sell off, it may sell off, this is conventional wisdom, this may be a like a "brexit" selloff where long-term it corrects itself. then you have immediate selloff. markets turn after that to the economy and fed policy which may sell off some more. because the economy isn't so great. guess what, the fed will raise rates. then markets at some point, i can't tell you when, if i could, i wouldn't be sitting here will turn to the point that donald trump wants to reduce taxes on corporations massively, on individuals modestly and get rid of regulations in a big way. and that is net-net good for stocks and i think that's when markets long term pick up. reagan had a few rough years with the markets. neil: looked like certain one-termer. >> a lot of that was fed policy. paul volcker was ramping up rates to get rid of inflation. neil: full point at a time. >> could put your money in money market and make 20%. neil: can't get away. >> that is good for the markets, that is what will happen would be my gameplan. the economy, i'll tell you there a lot of built-in, a lot of stuff being held back in the economy because of obamanomics because of heavy regulation and constant taxes on businesses. you do get feeling from businesses they want to expand but are afraid the federal government will take it from them. i'll tell you there may be relief rally when hillary clinton gets in there but watch out because in the end, she wants to take what obama wants to do with tax policy and regulations and, you know, be the more like, more like bernie sanders than even barack obama. she has incredibly leftist economic theories that at least she put it down on paper. who knows, she may compromise with a republican congress, i don't know. she is to the left of barack obama on economics. and that will be long-term. neil: she hates rich guys like you. >> she likes them especially when they give her speaking fees. i heard that. when wall street firm gives them speaking fees she loves them. why does she love them so much? neil: i don't know, it is a love hate. thank you, charlie gasparino. we're waiting for hillary clinton and donald trump events. donald trump had one of his best stem winder speeches earlier today. i'm going to show you when we come back. it's a little surprise but we were pursuing this on fox news. he had a "lion king" moment with a baby. >> oh, god. it is that good after this. clea he said sure, but don't just get any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head! go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b crossaction delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. neil: all right, continuing our live fbn coverage i do want to say you have three more minutes if looking at our competition to get two, count them, two teflon pottle. a great informercial. two minutes, boom, boom. this is will mining ton, north carolina. this is where donald trump will speak next. he will have to do something phenomenal out of the park what he did in florida today, take a look at this. saw a cute little baby in the audience. the kid wasn't crying. nothing ever happens. kids are never crying. he loves babies. this baby was very happy with him, but i immediately saw. >> construction worker. neil: i immediately thought of this, yeah. "the lion king." so you win over the disney voter. you win over kids who remember that movie fondly. and you think, donald trump just could be "the lion king" or the crowd tamer, see where i'm going here? you can't make this stuff up. actually i just did. "bar rescue" host jon taffer is here. you and i were joking about this last time we were in vegas, this kind of stuff counts more than you know for making impressions. and it gets replayed and replayed and replayed. what do you think? >> well that repetition is powerful. we do live in a world of sound bites, and that image was powerful. but i also thought of the michael jackson moment when he picked up his baby too. i was a little scared for a minute. neil: you're right. it can cut both ways. the kid could be screaming and crying or shouting hillary in that case. that didn't happen. i make light of it. but to make the point. his speeches. i guess they call them stump speeches because they both do them. bring in news and humor, baby now and then. joking with the crowd, you but they're attention-getting affairs. how important is that to you? you turned around operations. does that turn around a guy who is down in the polls? what do you think? >> there is substance-based issues, but then there are moments of emotional connection where humanity comes out. those moments of warmth. we all have to connect with him personally and emotionally or hillary to be able to vote with them some kind of confidence. you have to feel you know them. talking about building a wall doesn't necessarily do that. the moment he hugged the baby, ah -- neil: we just lost that. i know what you're thinking. who is controlling our audio and who is controlling. it is something called obama productions i think. joke. all right. something to see today. that is one of my favorite moments. maybe there will be other babies in the crowds. for young moms and dads everywhere, move up to the front of the line. this could be your moment. this could be your child becoming sim ba "the lion king." we'll have more after this. .. >> show when you two competing events about to start. there are so many battleground states builders choice. he heard carrie paired --dash mike katy perry is and we have a hillary clinton event. obviously hillary clinton gets a star power there is a donald trump in virtual isolation. a ns afraid to admit who she was going to vote for. >> she looked at me and hesitated for about two months that she started saying we are also voting for trump. there is a transit strike in philadelphia. we will see it's getting close. you know any do you know any friends or anyone who would say kitty. is there i'm in a boat for hillary clinton. it has been a problem for the clinton campaign. there is no enthusiasm problem on donald trump's side. there is on the hillary clinton side. able to turn people out. we talked but with president obama. he is able to world run up the score. if you can win big in philadelphia. you can win the state. the circus is literally in town. it could explain the lion that's right there. all right. that is all basic cable. tried looking for it on cnbc right now. your call america. donald trump is insane i could drop much bigger crowd without any of these celebrities. >> she can campaign for herself. nobody shows up to her meetings. otherwise you get 500 or 400 people. and by the way the cameras never show that. can is out on the plaza right now talking to the same voters. he is sean doing. you me ask you this. hillary clinton has very people things -- very few people that attend her rally. what do you think. to having superstars like this influence the voters? >> i would never vote for someone just because of that. do you think it does anything for millennial voters who are by and large unwashed and lazy. it does something for them. they are very lazy. good luck tomorrow on the race. just get a ham cement in the middle. thanks so much. this is arlene. welcome aboard. arlene is from new jersey. it's not that far away. hillary clinton hoping it to nab a big swap of voters. do they do anything in the boat. they turn the turn of the other way. you don't want to hear what celebrities have to say about politics. i don't think they have any more inside information than the rest of us do. maybe they are genetically superior on with with their looks and talents we also have the massive brains that allow them to cringe data and facts. and they know how to pick candidates. >> you are so great. and that's where my husband watches you every day. i cannot even move the dial. it's very exciting. i appreciate you spending some time. it's a beautiful day in new york city. back to you. just same. neil: i'm getting ready for the marathon like you. all right well clear politics with us right now. we talk about who the candidates bring out to get out the vote. i'm looking at these polls where they are leaving -- leading. and he's done it without katie. he's done it without beyoncé. the real headline grabbing individuals. how is he doing that. >> they have already insisted that their biggest feature as their candidate. and they had prided themselves on being able to draw a crowd of that size with this candidate. i would also note however i remember going to mitch romney rallies and he was still attracted tens of thousands of people. he was still getting big crowds at this point. >> i remember covering the closing days. he went on to do that. it is just the nature of the beast. you get large passionate crowds in the closing days. there is no way to measure that verses now. we oftentimes gleamed too much from that. i think it's important in the closing days to have a crowd enthusiastic about your candidacy especially in places that don't have an early voting. look at places like new hampshire, were donald trump will be on monday. they are both a spending a lot of time in the final weekend or sending top surrogates there. hillary clinton's and eat her campaign in pennsylvania and philadelphia on monday night. so looking at the states that haven't voted yet that actually vote on election day really getting up that enthusiasm for both candidates is really important to remind people to actually get to the polls. >> the fact that pennsylvania and the polls that is usually almost a double digit gamete for democrats not all the time but it is a fun. and hillary clinton has to devote more time than she thought there. and the big obama family event. they must be worried. >> it is a tightening race. she has led consistently in pennsylvania throughout the cycle. it is only a three-point race at this point. they're always kind of the full's gold. at least for the past couple of decades. they had thought that they can compete there. pennsylvania is two states in one. they are really attractive for democratic candidates. the rest of the state. especially for this republican candidate. they favor him in other parts of the state. i think where both are competing in pennsylvania is in the philadelphia suburbs. suburban women particularly they are huge battlegrounds the cycle. more so than others. so spending a lot of time in pennsylvania most candidates do that in the final stretch because they don't vote early there. he will have to make sure that they actually go to the polls where as in florida, north carolina even iowa and ohio people have been voting in the states for a couple of weeks now. neil: thank you very much. i want to take you to wisconsin right now. i do want to dip into this a little bit right now. he has not been seen on the campaign trail with donald trump. the first big one. let's listen into this before we go to peter barnes. >> this is what life it with the with the clintons look like. his scandal after scandal. then there is an investigation. they live by different set of rules. they work to clinton incorporated. the point i'm trying to make as do we want four years of that stuff. good lord no. let me take tell you what we do need. we need courage. i got a better idea. the united states in the first place. how does that sound. a couple of things. you deserved from our governor. is not scott walker the best governor in the united states. >> you have to vote for vaught donald trump. i always get a kick out of it. he's not taking the leap even with cues from the crowd. to make it donald trump. peter barnes in new hampshire. on what that might or might not be. what you think. he does have a lot of difficulty to save his name. he did announce this week that he voted for the nominee he has angered some of the members of his party particularly in the republican conference in the house where trump has a good deal on support for distancing. that has created some chatter about his future prospects. whether not he might be opposed by a number of trumpet supporters in the house. whether or not they might block him. however yesterday he was asked about the specifically and here is what he said. >> we have an agenda that we have to put into law in 2017. early voting here in wisconsin. we as republicans are unifying. if to get this country back on track. >> there you go. the chatter about the interest in running for pre himself in 2020 would mean that he might have to be up here in new hampshire quite a bit. let's just take a look at what is happening today according to the real clear politics average of the most recent polls. we seem hillary clinton's lead slip away over the last week or two. trump and that heat. back to you. >> thank you very much. chris christie skipped an opportunity to campaign on the ticket on behalf in that state. they did not involve him. the controversy was such we don't know if it was the governor of any of that trump forces the better part might be to stay home. he is not campaigning on this behalf at least in the state. at least today. i just tells you that the trump jet is arriving here in north carolina. they usually get that going on the left side of the screen. we can zoom in on the north carolina crowd. but anybody with kids might want to move to the front. a guy who have a three or 4-year-old on his shoulder. if you have a baby you could have a lion king moment. if word can sprinkle to that crowd. if you see a baby just pick up and see what happens. i've spent my life planting a size-six, non-slip shoe into that door. on this side, i want my customers to relax and enjoy themselves. but these days it's phones before forks. they want wifi out here. but behind that door, i need a private connection for my business. wifi pro from comcast business. public wifi for your customers. private wifi for your business. strong and secure. good for a door. and a network. comcast business. built for security. built for business. >> many of the dreamers i call them citizens because they contribute to this country are fearful of voting so if i vote will immigration know where i live. not true. and the reason is first of all when you vote you are a citizen yourself and there is not a situation where the voting rules somehow is transferred over and people start investigating. the sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential. isn't that the president advocating an advocated an illegal act. if you're voting your illegal. i could have missed something but that seems to be more of a worry that someone is gonna catch up to them. check them down and ship them out. they are doing something they should not be doing. that caught my attention because the president of the united states. >> if you're not a citizen you should not be voting. citizenship is a requirement to vote. it struck me as obvious also. he is advocating for not shipping anyone out. even doing something illegal like that. i can't even go into it. i do want to talk to you about what to the president was also seen about the fbi. he kinda put the fbi on notice i think you're doing something wrong i want you to react to this. >> both under a democratic and our goal has been and should be that our investigators in her prosecutors are independent of politics. they're not politicized that they're not used as a weapon. >> have quite the opposite to say about director comey and then he was practically winston churchill. now it's just weird. >> you either believe in the fbi or you don't. when they chose not to recommend indicting hillary clinton. to reopen the investigation. that's what she wants from the fbi. i think they're getting a lot of internal pressure saying that we've got to do the right thing. >> i can understand the confusion i know politics does. i just told my president with a different standard. i think that is an even more worried some signal. she's having to resort to letting surrogates like katy perry or the president stand in for her. i have daughters. i've got my dose of katy perry. >> good to know. congressman, thank you very much. depending on how you are looking at this he has a lock on independent voters. let's just say from the last fox poll not as much of a lock. >> we are raiding on a trumpet rally in hillary clinton rally. he is the running mate gary johnson but he has been sounding less so for that ticket and more for preventing donald trump to get president. they said he has sunk to a depth in which the statement is not a lost cause. they are claiming that you governor whiles have a walls have abandoned the third-party cause to help hillary clinton what is the case? >> quite the contrary. i endorsed gary johnson i wanted to do as well as it possibly can. we've been in this up to our armpits and we will continue to be. there is a little-known fact that if they get even over 5% in the balloting on november 8 then we acquire official party status and we qualify for matching funds we don't have to worry about ballot access. we are campaigning for every last vote to get us over that threshold and it's not like we are a way out of left field or right field. that's why i followed your remarks. why would you not fear first date of the country. why would they take it that. i will tell you exactly why. we are the outsiders who are excluded from the debate. by the commission which is paid for by the republican and democratic party. there is a structural antipathy opposition between the libertarian libertarian party and the r and d together. i think is a good reason to vote libertarian. i've made more secret of the fact. i said that and stay one of the campaign. you couldn't go for johnson or myself. at least go for hillary because they picked up on that. they went on the rachel show to make a solid case against donald trump and for hillary clinton. that is how it was interpreted. what i said on the show was like a letter of recommendation. i think he is unfit by temperament but you don't think hillary clinton is. i said that since day one. but you see how people would quickly seize on that. every time i say anything about mrs. clinton other than she should go directly to jail and drives some of them nuts. i'm back in a say something that's not true. the one promise that terry johnson and i made to each other and they won in this campaign is that we are always gonna tell the truth. sometimes we don't see things exactly the same way. i've known mrs. clinton for 40 years. gets driven crazy by capitalism. i just want to see that. you still see him as the more dangerous bat in hillary clinton it seemed like you guys were giving up on each other insane the least of all the possibilities is hillary clinton that was my rate. nobody in the libertarian party is giving up on nothing. they had sweated blood sweat and tears. i know what you're saying. you can't please all the people all the time. i'm not an essay the opposite of what i think obviously. thank you very much. we will have more. neil: donald trump's plane arriving now. is surprisingly close. and apparently he has a big his big old two-minute ad that's can be running on all major stations throughout the weekend and into election day. he has generated a great deal of funds and money what you make of what's been going on for your candidate. >> i just saw an ad that he put up. it's probably one of the most inspiring ads i have seen. i got people all stirred up. and also hence it did pens did a surprising one that is good to be delivered to church groups he talked about the importance of restoring the values that made our country great. i'm encouraged and excited. i am so gung ho about this. i believe this could be equivalent to that coming down of the berlin wall. >> if he won. now it doesn't look so crazy. so when you talk to those of the party that are still reluctant and many more have come back into the fold. what is that closing argument that you make. i think the closing argument is that people have to put aside the trivia and the distractions and think about one thing alone i was just in london and the national healthcare system there just reported last year they had 10,000 people who had to wait six weeks for a diagnostic test. they had 29,000 people who showed up in the emergency room and sat on the gurney for more than four hours. this is what we want for our federal government when they take over the healthcare system. it is the number one issue of way donald trump is a layup. and then secondly you have the issue of confronting the global jihad movement. hillary clinton said i'm for arming the kurds in the no-fly zone. why hasn't not happened. it was to not arm the kurds aggressively. i am very excited if people can focus on the issues rather than on the side show. >> we've turn this into a very sophisticated jerry springer show. >> i was referring to our next guest and don't go anywhere. it's very close to the clinton family. it's good to have you. these polls are very tight no matter what you look at. i'm just curious as a longtime clinton family friend are you worried with what's going on. >> honestly i feel better every day. i'm in cleveland now. out canvassing on the streets of cleveland you see a lot of signs of both parties i see hundreds if not thousands of clinton supporters out walking the streets and knocking on doors. it gives you some idea of the relationship of how may people are out on one side or the other. and everything i hear whether it's from nevada, arizona even north carolina and definitely florida is very encouraging. ohio is a tossup. that's why i think there is an enormous effort being put into the state here. i have my own experience from canvassing. nothing is over until it's over. i saw hillary yesterday she was hit -- here for a big concert last night. >> do you think this concert donald trump's brags about not having any of those kind of things. >> he tries to use tracy use it to his advantage. >> people lose sight of it. there are a lot of prominent people who are supporting hillary. but what was done in order to get a ticket for the free concert that they gave last night they were given away across from the voting area. so it was all a bout encouraging people to vote. so it was all a bout encouraging people to vote. i think hillary's campaign thinks the more people that votes is the better it can be for her. i think they're close to 20,000 people there. >> donald trump gets those kind of crowds on his own. his wife is and introduce. i think some of the trump folks get more republican superstars him and for him. there's nothing too shabby there. it is still kind of kicking and screaming does that were you. >> it encourages me because that is what plays into trump's hands. but the fact that these big shots and republicans are opposed to trump it's a magnet that gerard's all those people to them. i don't know if trump paid them to do that or not. i think that's probably not the case. >> when you step back and look at what's going on the next few days could you have envisioned a race this type they're trying to nail down even at this late stage. >> there is another example i know for a fact that there are thousands of people who are headed out from new york on buses today and tomorrow to campaign. >> i think that is a citizen three who are motivated and getting out there and getting involved. pennsylvania is an important state. the surprising thing is arizona will go to hillary. and i think north carolina is in a very strong position. in florida. as you know if donald trump does not win a florida his in florida his neck and become president of the united states. hillary lou out of here last night. >> she's in florida right now. the race is really tight. she scored in the latest fox poll a few more independence and than she had last week. do you think is advancement stall now? >> i think the momentum is there. it is really a close race. it surprises me after all of the things that have come out. just for the f mbc flare. according to observers called donna brazil a brain dead buffalo. donna brazil a brain dead buffalo. i'm not meeting to take light of that. she is speaking in florida. hillary clinton. >> on a very personal note one of the privileges of this campaign over the last year to half has been getting to know sabrina and all the mothers of the movement. they are some of the bravest people we will ever meet. they have taken the heart break in and give us -- english to gun violence or encounters with the police and they turned into action. the trade on martin foundation that sabrina founded to honor her son as part of the agenda. part of her mission i'm very grateful to her for her commitment to make america a better place. we've been bunch of great folks here with me. i want to have stand up. i hope that you will send them to work with me in the senate. also with us congressman ted deutch. the mayor of canberra pines. broward county school board member patty good. all the way from miami beach. and i especially want to thank my friend of so many years. i should think about this as we were driving. i don't know when we first met but we were both really young brandywine garden. and along with thinking brandy the president of the aft let me think all of the educators and all of the teachers. hennig it's about time we start scapegoating teachers and start supporting teachers. now every day in this campaign is exciting. and being here with all of you the last saturday before election day really gets me geared up. we are seeing tremendous momentum large numbers of people . >> we are monitoring this. this is an unusual development. mrs. trump has been well limited. now in the unprecedented role of introducing her husband at an event. much more now in these closing days of the campaign. >> the fantastic president of this united states of america. the country we love with all of our hearts. i had known donald trump for 18 years. donald is a wonderful husband, father and grandfather. he is strong and he is determined in bold and decisive. his ultra come passionate. giving and loving. donald cares so deeply about this country he could no longer stand by and allow american jobs to be lost. and americans to become less and less safe. once given the opportunity donald will make america great again. my husband is not a lifelong politician. he is a successful businessman. he is running for president for himself but for you the american people. donald and i came from very different backgrounds. i was born in a small beautiful town pennsylvania. donald was born in new york city surrounded by big buildings. he immersed himself early in the real estate business. as soon as we met however it became clear that we have something very important in common. we both treasure the freedom and democracy that america stands for. it has been over 500 days since donald announced that he was resident -- running for president. he has loved going all over the beautiful country talking with the american people hearing your concern and sharing his solution this is so much more than a political campaign. it is a movement. this movement has inspired millions and millions of people and has made us so grateful for your support. it is a movement for all of those who are left behind by broken it was a movement of those yearning for more a movement of those working hard for a better tomorrow for themselves, their families and their countries. this is a movement which is inspiring and inclusive. there are only three days left in this election. while we hope that donald will become the president and he works hard every day for your support we need you and the voters to go out and vote and make that a reality. we also ask that you bring your families, friends, neighbors to vote for president donald trump. why should you vote for donald because we need a president who will keep us safe we need a president who well secure the border we need a president who well break up of the corruption in our government. we need a president who will bring jobs back to america we need a president who well lower taxes it will drive at the economy. it will not leave any americans behind. >> we need a president who will put america first domestically and abroad. we need a president who will deliver the change you all have been waiting for. this is your last chance your last chance to make a real difference. ladies and gentlemen please say hello to my husband and the future president of the united states of america donald trump. [applause]. folks coming to see you guys in a little while emily. goodbye everybody. what a great job and that has five languages not easy to do. that's really amazing. and i have my boy eric and his great wife laura who comes from this area right alongside. we have a very powerful man who i hear is doing very well is it working out well. come your governor. he has been loyal to trump from day one. we need an outsider to clean up washington dc just like we need a senator to clean up raleigh, north carolina. thank you very much. >> he is a fantastic tie. so i just want to thank everybody for being here it is an amazing situation that we are going through. but i can tell you we are gonna win over to win big. hillary clinton is all of these celebrities and failed politicians out campaigning for her and she has grabbed -- she has much larger -- she has much smaller crowds than us. every one of them now barren someday. he is a little young. i will tell you i've have my family and they had been all over. and mike pence has been incredible also by the way. he has been incredible. in three days we are going to win the great state of north carolina we cannot win back the white house real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing obama care. has just been it has just been announced that the residents of north carolina organ experience massive double digit premium hikes. so high and i say this to all the groups because it's also depressing. right now you're happy. you would probably turn your head down and start leaving but it's bad. in the great state of arizona as an example lamps are going up more than 116 percent. ninety-five of 100 north carolina counties well only had one insurer in the obama care exchange next year. companies our leaving insurers are freezing. doctors are quitting and deductibles are going through the roof. yet hillary clinton wants to double down on obama care and make it even more expensive in fact much more expensive i'm asking you for your vote to so you can repeal and replace obama care and safe healthcare not only for north carolina but for the country. real change also means restoring honesty to government. they had reopened the criminal investigation of hillary clinton. [applause]. there also conducted a second criminal investigation into hillary's paper plate corruption at the state department. it is just been confirmed that the 650,000 e-mails that they discovered that wirt turned in were turned in by the way they discover them thank you to mr. mr. anthony weiner. include brand-new e-mails not officially turned over to authorities likely including even more classified information and maybe classified at the highest level. how sad. however the reports also show that the political leadership that the department of justice is trying very hard as hard as they can to protect hillary clinton. think of it. you have a great four-star general that right now a current four-star general that right now james cartwright is possibly going to be serving as much as five years in jail general betray us a great general his life was destroyed the young man took some pictures of a submarine. hillary clinton is running for president and she has done 25 times worse than any of them or all of them put together. john podesta her boss said that she has been in since. when i top person says you bad instincts. by the way she received the questions. nobody ever says anything about that. can you imagine if i received the questions to the debates. they would call for my immediate with the draw. you don't even hear about it from her. but bernie sanders said she is bad judgment. just take a look at what she's done. how about if she's running the country. she can't even run her e-mail. to shield the criminal activity and then she illegally destroyed 33,000 e-mails after receiving a congressional she made 13 phones disappeared some with a hammer she is the most corrupt person ever to seek the office. >> we will continue to monitor this. they're doing it without the big name surrogates. they're surging in the polls without katy perry. it is amazing. what you think. he is the one and i think you could make the case that it is is a more unified message if it's just him out there. without distraction. certainly him sprinkling in the e-mail story. as long as that story goes. they tend to tighten in his favor. the new cycle of course is so short now. we will see if it remains to be a story in the next four days. according to the fox news poll. they trust donald trump on the economy. we will see if he continues to touch on the ways of the his economic plan can eclipse hers and if that has some last-minute resignation with the voters out there. they haven't cast early or absentee ballots. now given the tightness and some of the polls and if you make that argument. they say they have adjusted for this. a lot of people who won't admit it or set for whatever reason. were now within the margin of error where that could be a meaningful difference even if it's only 2%. when it was five to 7% you still have the term campaign. his support is really underrepresented. now with the race so tight when you're at 1.5 or 1.7 percent on the pole average even if they say they had accounted for those people it's so true that as these national polls lead. they tend to follow. and everything can happen. particularly in iowa, north carolina. nevada. even michigan. >> at the very the very fact that hillary clinton is gonna be with family and then the alabama -- obama family that is unprecedented. it is a safe democratic primary state certainly a safe state. that says volumes about the race. it shows that she has having to refocus some of her energy. we heard a lot about the clinton campaign been able to fan out in places like georgia arizona and even texas. thank you very much. that will continue. for this network. we thought it was important enough to you. it's the most consequential election of our lives. another network that comes to mind has said. this is that important. that is to show you just how important. we will see you again tomorrow. . . trish: we have a whole lot going on right now. we're in the final weaken, three days to go. can you believe it until election day? right now, brand new fox poll has candidates in a dead-heat, separated by just two points. i'm trish regan. welcome, everyone, to the intelligence report. you're looking at live picture of donald trump speaking at a rally in north carolina. let's listen in. >> the father dies. they have to sell their farm to pay the taxes. that is going to end. we will cancel billions of dollars in global warming payments to the united nations. nobody knows where that money goes. [cheering]

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