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Authorizeed it, it is not right because the construction says when the government wants life, liberty or property, it has to prove its case to a jury before it can get that property, congress is culprit they have done two things wrong enacted legislation that allows federal agents particular irs and federal agents, now with this uproar because shows like this are covering it and congress is investigateing it. Congress has done nothing to change it. He apologizes, the irs chief that does not mean he will stop it. Even if he says he will stop, does not mean he has to stop. With permission on books for them to seize your assets before you have been charged and convict of a crime they frustrated the construction, put innocent Small Business people out of, it is business, it is wrong and unamerican and worse than it appears. Guess what happens to 25 of what they seize if it goes to the agency they work for they get to spend that cash on the bells and whistles that agent would like. And might not be able to afford under its budget. So they have a personal incentive to continue this seize aourb of property. Neil seizesure of property. Neil what do they do . They have check in funds they suspected something was not right, rather than address it out right with the business they seize money then ask questions . Congress requires banks to report all transaction of 10,000 or more. Some people have struckureed, a person word here. Their transactions so they are under the raid or they are less than 10,000 dollars. If the irs sees a lot of socalled structuring they assume it being done for a criminal purpose. It could be being done for a benign purpose, but they will seize the assets anyway because statute allows them to do so, and congress, many are in bed with Law Enforcement refuse to recent that statute rescind that statute. Other message that entity to whom the apology of given members of congress who did grill head of irs they did put his feet to the fire, they have the power to change it. Neil if anyone at irs was watching the judge saidnese horrible things i just read who is in the prompter. They are waiting thank you, judge. In yemen the cia out rebeled rising security concerns, former cia officer stayed that this pull out is a major setback it all happens so fast, what happen stphd. Happened . Well, this security situation got to the point where they did not peal they could maintain people on the ground, so, in a big hurry everyone including Marine Security guards left country. Neil now we go get a heads up when we heard that al qaeda had taken and was raising its familiar black flag over what had been a military base, then a yemeny base. But this is with u. S. Person knoll not personnel not far away with what we were told a stable in control Yemeni Government occurs weeks after president of yemen was kidnapped and released, and the hostage takers got away. Right yemen has come apart at the seams a failed state now. Broke wont chunks. What does that mean . If that is the case, have you been dead on accurate about this stuff, what does that mean . It means as of right now our ability to really do much of anything on the ground there is gone. We are deaf, and blind as of right now. Neil we have always worried about yemen this goes back to uss cole when it was fired on off of the coast of yemen. It has been a language history of sort of long history of iffy relations with this country not knowing who is in, what that even bad guys might have been coddleed what do you . Look. Yemen is sort of the home turf of al qaeda in the the arabian peninsula, this is say huge issue. They are going to grow, and gain strength and strike out from there, we dont have an answer, we have been caught, flat footed pretending that things are going to get better. Do you think had we not had Libyan Embassy disaster we would not have done this. Well, i think you have a combination of that and a combination of refusing to take necessary actions ahead of time, as i understand it, they left so precipitously that marines had to destroy their weapons to aboard a civilian airliner to get out of country. That tells us this was done in lastlast minute with almost no preparation. Amazing charles thank you. No drama obama showing some drama with a request for war powers on isis. Is this strategy right . Democrats are not fans. I think that it is fuzzy we dont know what is happening we dont know why he is doing it, he has been fuzzy all along. There is ream in language for expansion, i think it is unclear what they are saying they want to do. Neil what dont you like about it . That were no there is nothing concrete in this. Nothing concrete out of this offers. President is all swagger. We started fighting isis 6 months ago now he delivers a resolution this purely political reasons. We did not have a rug before resolution before because there was a in between. Neil others regret that then president bush too much power too much leeway. You know, i think that issue is with this, is it too late atthispoint . Are we doing enough . Not to mention a lot of folks in washington say leave this up to the generals, let the generals s weigh in. Neil they have been saying they could use 10,000,000 troops not all. General keen here, and Lindsey Graham is there an appetite for that. Is president giving himself cover, buys him time. I think that he has yes, there is an appetite for this, people are done with isis, were done being tortured. Neil are we didnt with 10,000 troops. I dont know. Micro manager. We want to be done. In an election season. I dont know war he is the worst war strategist weve ever seen. He is signaling this is only three years what happens in 3 years in a day he can send special forces in already this is pure politics that way he could get away with still claiming he took troops out of afghanistan. Neil they counters there. Tell me that you know all these one that criticize our war strategy, Osama Bin Laden is dead we won. And al qaeda is on the run right . Neil who is wining this argument. That is a tough argument there are so many dead journalists, americans getting killed this week. Neil president said, were making a big deal out of this, media is just assigning isis stuff that we did to germ afternoons in worldgermanings in world war ii. Isis is a big deal, they threaten america and our security not just over in iraq but also on a cyber level as well. He is having it both ways, he didnt have to bring his resolution up for 6 months, he doesnt want the stain of war on his presidency. Neil you say that even with this you know resolution or whatever you dont think he would commit troops. This is about limits, he talked about what it doesnt do yesterday. We have talked time again that governments real major role only role is to protect us. They are not doing that. So it does not meter if two journalists were laughter on hundreds of were lost, or if hundreds of germans were killed, this is what they are supposed to do, they are is up supposed to protect us. A lot of questions with the hostages that were held a year ago, we had intelligence, we waited, white house waited. Neil we dont know a lot of that, but a lot of questions are being raised. Thank you. Here we snow again an arctic blast set to slam northeast news outlet putting a freeze on Climate Change reporting not to interview climate denyers. There is no denying that Mainstream Media is pushing its agenda even in name of weather patterns that night dispute it. This brings up a issue of media bias. And reporters have a job to do, it is their job to make sure that they are bringing their audience information they need to know. But in this it seems like sometimes now that reporters are keeping information from their audience in certain instances because of a potential political bias. They say Climate Change denyers dont need to be in their stories but facts show that manmade Climate Change is real, that is say problem. Neil even in the face of weather like this, i was watching the Weather Channel the other day a fine channel. But, they had out of nowhere a discussion with two climateologists who argue that is Climate Change going on here. Warming waters issue meets cold arctic air boom you got snow and that stuff, but i think a year ago atthispoint, New York Times said, and bemoaning i think in page one story that end of snow. So i think thinking, self, this is not adding up. Well, you know, there are scientists on both sides of this issue, some say shime at change Climate Change is happening it is manmade, others say it is not true. Neil i agree with you, i am not as smart as you on this subject, i want to hear all points of vie then i look at that Weather Channel thing, i am think you are talking to two people with same point of view with the guy interviewing them, a fine weather caster, echoing that, i thought sure she someone out there sure 3 there surely there is someone out there who would say well, its not what you think. There are plenty of people out there. Neil i am talking experts you know what they say about the republicans, and worse than prompter readers right. But, you are right. Those in Scientific Community who, you know we talk with joe a fantastic meteorologist. Founder of Weather Channel disagrees with that point of view as well. So that is someone i would consider an expert not political. He has no political dog in the fight. Neil now religateed to a cookie mr. Magoo, he is being treated in media he lost his mind. His own former company, have aing he does not spook speak for them, were on the same page. I say that as a your journalist. Ist is our role to give the viewers information then let them be the judge. Neil i think it was weirdly placed and timed. In case have you any concerns this is not Climate Change, they went out of their way to say yes, it is, here is why. I thought tell me about the snow and 8 degrees and about how i will fries freeze my off and leave it at, that but all of a sudden to get at a high horse and preach azmi, i did not need that, thank you very much. Thank you. Well, i want to think quick. Andy pascal, and barack obama what do they have in common . They are spiking their find, and now i come say they are losing their senses. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. Congratulations. Youre down with crestor. Yes when diet and exercise arent enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55 . Crestor is not for people with Liver Disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor all medicines you take. Call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of serious side effects. Im down with crestor make your move. Ask your doctor about crestor. Im almost done. [ male announcer ] now you can pay your bill. Manage your appointments. [ dog barks ]. And check your connection status. Anytime, anywhere. [ dog growls ] oh. So youre protesting . Okay. [ male announcer ] introducing xfinity my account. Available on any device. Neil time for neil spiel, i dont know if this is true, i hope i never have to find out. I am told that getting fired can be quite liberateing. You are free to speak your mind, get a lot off your chest. But what is weird about amy pascals catharsis. Is how phony it sounds, and how phony she sounds, this woman was pushed out of sony for writing nasty emails about hollywood stars even as he was ingratiateing herself with and sucking up to those hollywood stars, she apologized said those emails did not reflect who she was or what she thought now that she is south much sony, she is back to speaking her mind, and calls those celebs what she first emailed they were. I guess jerks which brings amy back full circle, which means we have all been circle jerked. Here is what she saying, that stuff i said, about everything i wrote i was lying. Look at what she just told tina brown. Everyone understood we all live in this world thinging it called hollywood if we all were actually nice it would not work, there are bottom los los list pits of need. I am dizzy so, those emails you wrote were right and mea culpa afterwards to those offended stars were wrong . Back while you were sucking up to them, you are sorry you did it now a free woman you are letting them have it . Is this the gist of it. Amy, you are saying you are not to be troughed or believed yourself trust or believed yourself do i have that right . Amy, which is the real you . The one vetting now or one that apologizeed, if you are saying those hollywood prima donnas are phony, dont these comments make you a bigger phony . There is a certain freedom to speaking your mind, all have you done is prove you lost your mind and whatever hollywood friends you had or have left. Here is the thing about trashing ing where you useed to work. After a while it doesnt work, the folks with whom you now work think about how you are trashing the folks with whom you used to work they are wondering gee what does she think about us . What is she emailing about us . What is she stating and recanting about us . You see amy you are confusing folks, and you are confusing us. They say karma is a bitct, but that does not mean you have to be. More after this. The real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. Neil afternoon the vote, will after the bolt, will this electric car be a will do dolt. This car is men to compete with tesla, but tesla stock getting slammed after posting a 108 million quarterly loss. Let us know what you think. Then there is this, eat up america, all of those dietary guidelines that government has been forcing on businesses, they are not making a dent in the obesity rate, we read them, and ignore them. Which makes our next guest wonder why the government is enforcing rules that dint the businesses instead. With nutrition twins are they walk the walk. And follow what they say. I am talking about tammy and you to first a few goodies from bushs private stash. You have to list it. It is supposed to make people think twice. Keep them away from unhealthy snacks these are what you are supposed to sell, basically rice contributepycrispy treaty brought this one for you. Fine, thank you, i am sorry just keep talking. What do you think this does no good with a label. You know, we like the guidelines but no one is listening to them, most people dont know what they are we have a problem there are 66 of population or moreover weight or obese, we paying 190 billion . The menu kahn or ingreed count is not work stkwhrgworking. You know it is ridiculous to blame scientists for changing guidelines. And causing obesity. Neil i thought this was supposed to put a dent in it. It is ridiculous to expect product maker to keep reaching different agreements that every year they come to for nutrition guidelines. Every week. I am store hear that. Neil all your machines have to be retrofited to do this. Change my Business Model almost every month Something Else comes up, a electronic screen nutritional value of a product, post on the bag. This is same thing in restaurants, right. Right. Bottom line we cant hold him accountable for our actions. Neil i know what you are saying. We have to do it. This is outrageous. It is outrageous. The [ laughter ] we have to yeah. Make our own common sense judgment. We have to take responsibility for sure. Our own action. And we dont. We know you are having this now, you areing going going to go home and eat vegetables for the day. Day. Neil that is what sickens me, were all talk no action. Right mmhmm. Maybe. Take responsibility and exercise. Take chocolate. Hire we have a food, we heard good for us, we heard at the end of the day that responsible person will say maybe ill have a piece or two from this box. Neil that is what i say a little bit wont harm you. If you are that person, that happens to say you know, i heard chocolate is good for me, i think ill make the irresponsible stig and justite the whole decision and just eat the whole box of chocolate. Neil i had a little bit of every bag here. You are blaming me . Are worryed with this clear sign this not working they will keep pushing it. I dont know. And you are worried they will drop it and well get fatter . We want we haveic to take responsibility. Are right. For your own actions. Neil we have to get to serious about this. All right. Ance. Just like with your investments. That sets you apart. It does . It does. Youre type e. And seeking another perspective is what type e s do. Oh, and your next handhold. Is there. You dont have to go it alone. E trade gives you the support and guidance to make informed decisions. Are you type e . No pictures of trucks pulling boats. No photos of men working on ranches. Just a ram 1500 ecodiesel that gets 156 more miles per tank than the ford f150 ecoboost. Get more facts at ramtrucks. Com. Neil apple stock still soaring today in just anything things are going north of 700 billion market cap no less than carl icahn says you have not seen nothing yet. To sail easily go north of 260 million to end its 16 of 01 . 3 trillion market cap. That is his opinion. But he is pretty good. But the budget the budget blowout over the veterans administration. The hospital my district hundreds of millions of dollars over budget and years behind schedule. If there is a problem in denver you owed more than i do. You can answer the calls to see if i make a difference. I run a large company. Neil what do they say about a good defense . Colonel alan west over the anger. Is an overblown . No. What you saw play out is the arrogance and a petulant response from secretary mcdonnell. If you do recognize leadership in the situation from the Veterans Hospital he should have broken down the United States in two regions and prioritize of those regions of one, two, three, a hospital billions of dollars over budget and service is not improving as something he should have been prepared to be answered. Neil beattie said he just got word of that but if it is so important to you you could have gotten this to me. No. That is not an excuse. He should have known before the chairman from colorado should have looked to see the status in his district. Furthermore he has been there six months and once you set as an excuse . Is the six months he has cut the budget for the choice act and that was signed into law by president obama to give veterans an opportunity to make choices with their health care in places that our further away from v. A. Hospitals not to go on a waiting list. Now if he cut the budget to that program that he is able to answer about the over budgeting of the hospital in denver. Neil retried to have someone talk about this but their point of view with a Choice Program that you were taking advantage of it and that was the issue and they wanted to reallocate resources. No. If you got to talk to veterans one fox contributor seal of concern veterans for america when you go through the bureaucracy or put on hold into are discouraged from using the Choice Program and then you have someone else make the decision if you can use it or not. Neil the wait list is longer you have the option to go to a private hospital or another that is closer to you . Correct but they have to call in and basically go through another bureaucratic red tape system. Neil good to see you. If you or anything like me coming you are in for it for valentines day. Good thing the relationship experts are here to make sure we all dont drop the ball. 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Experts say it is not how much you spend but how you spend it. Joining us experts of all things women. [laughter] how do guise of boys growing up . [laughter] take care enough to do something in that is the only thing they have to do. They dont care about it for themselves but we have been conditioned if we want to or not and we want something so something is better than nothing. Neil one persons wife said i would rather you not i dont want a gift i immediately told jack to not believe it. [laughter] i agree means dont waste your money on something frivolous. But. Neil that for fled to bear . No. Why not . [laughter] valentines day is not about practical gifts or spoiling. End if he surprises her with Something Like that . [laughter] but then you better acknowledged it. Dont just wake up in the morning to make it just like any other day without any mention because she said dont buy me a gift. What about it is a victory for hallmark or a Candy Company . I love you every day. It is still significant with you make it a day to buy a gift or not but spend time together. Make it a special day because every yesterdays about your family is. The one day you put down your smart phone and blackberry. I hope so. Neil not too many years after i was married we had our daughter and now it is you have to get something for the daughter. She is an infant. What about kids then they have to get something . I have kids. No. I put a lot of emotional burden on them. [laughter] that was weird . It is supposed to be about a romantic love. Not kids. Kids have gone into in one year my father was very upset with me. I she said i didnt get water from my daughter and i never thought of that. I never got one working at msnbc. [laughter] we will go make you one right now. [laughter] but guys feel they are under pressure. But something just from the heart or a homemade. People call that the hallmark holiday but just something thoughtful. Neil snackfood . [laughter] you dont want to be lazy. Guys really need to stop looking at the day. You were talking down to me now. [laughter] i promise i thank you are teasing and i bet you have something really romantic plant. [laughter] so you said the worst thing a guy could do other than for getting it . Been met still something that shows absolutely no thought. If it is a flower that she likes but it did you just pick it up at the gas station on the way home . No. Neil what did it is with a gift card for the car wash . Been excesses i was too lazy to pick something out. Neil this is where you are devious. I said this before. Could then use the it and said how faultless . It is to show your love to the person you are with. If that is not significant and it is that easy then i agree. So if i give up dictatorships that are not opened . Vindication not be a chore. You know, i am right. I have a sneaking suspicion i have good intuition. Doesnt work both ways . It does. You need to get feminize valentine absolutely. Neil now you make more sense than these two. [laughter] when we come back this is i you know, scott walker is the threat. There digging into his College Records for any church they confined. Enter they can find. Its not muted. Was that you jason . It was geoffrey it was jason. It couldve been brenda. When the moments spontaneous, why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. Neil in case you are watching. [laughter] you know you are a front runner when the media runs after you to dig up dirt on scott Walker College years. Keep in mind he did not finish he was 34 credits shy. Is this the proof that the left is scared . They could see him as the threat he is an interesting potential candidates and he appeals to Business People and the teapartier and evangelicals with the National Donor base with middle america. Potentially. Scott walker is public enemy number one for the Public Sector union. A key part of the base of the Washington Post will eviscerate him they do to republicans and conservatives. I agree there. But this is a sign he must be resonating. And theyre giving can press because that could work here in your favor to get your name out there. Neil i think it could boomerang. A lot of people did not have a College Degree including chairman and elected his successor think good is he didnt. He defeated the publicsector unions and fix their economy. Neil eric schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg says note to the cybersummit that starts tomorrow. Maybe for the first time i agree with them for doing something. These companies are abandoning this a president. He is all lame duck the nsa has been snooping after a lawabiding citizens. Data when anything to do with the Solutions Coming from the white house. They want to protect their Customer Base and the data and the young bird customers are very wary of the government getting further access. So they say we will not take part in any way. Gone are the days when they ingratiate themselves to him. The bloom is off the rose. They will do if it serves their purpose but with the cyberattacks against home depot and sony now we need more solutions but they will distance themselves. Neil that they feel they had his back but he does not have there. And trying to regulate their business to give the back door to the data as. By phone six already has the best encryption and in the world. Neil theyre all made in china. [laughter] someone just let me know why i get so much hate mail. Because they really hate me. Then what is the deal . The real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. Congratulations. Youre down with crestor. Yes when diet and exercise arent enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55 . Crestor is not for people with Liver Disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor all medicines you take. Call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of serious side effects. Im down with crestor make your move. Ask your doctor about crestor. Ok, if youre up there, i could use some help. Smart sarah. Seeking guidance. Just like with your investments. That sets you apart. It does . It does. Youre type e. And seeking another perspective is what type e s do. Oh, and your next handhold. Is there. You dont have to go it alone. E trade gives you the support and guidance to make informed decisions. Are you type e . Neil what is the dee with president sticking it to staples now, saying company is cutting worker hours so they dont have to give them health care, and says it is wrong. It is the president s facts that are wrong. The same workers do get healthcare just not the president s health care. This notion that staples makes billions in profits so not close. Staples is in rough shape. Such rough shape it is closing more than 200 stores this year, and merging with office depot. So i ask this question, what is the president s problem with staples . Then i raise this . Could it have something to do with one of bain capital earlier successful Investments One that ran bain at the time was a fellow named mitt romney . Or maybe because staples cofounder was a big romney backer. And said he generated more job at bain capital than the president ever could or did. The Mainstream Media was not bringing this to our media it maybe has more to do with politics that hit a nerve. Obama knows one of romney claim to fame is staples he is attempts to destroy romney and republicans. Darn too theing it is politics. Tooting it is 308 politics, i have no problem with apple making those phones anywhere it wants, but dont play favorites s s mr. President. If you go after one company on these type of issues apply the same standardss on all companies. And get your facts right. I have an urge to stick post its all over the white house okay jimmy. I guess. Howard i can always count on you to cover for your rich corporate buddies have you no shame. Dont you see what staples is doing . Howard have you no brain . Dont you see what the president is doing . I have given you the facts. You are the one shamelessly ignores them. And random thought today from viewers. Doug in arizona he has been thinking about gitmo it appears to me best solution, for releasing gitmo detainees would to be grossly over feed them until they are too obese and out of shape to their former terrorist ways, thank you. Robert in michigan on our entitlement crisis did you ever think that government solution to social second going broke might be saying that healthy food is now okay. A genius plan to reduce life stands for pay out. Rodger. Hmm. Judey judy in california, dont Pay Attention to those knuckle heads, they blast you unfairly, i think you are adore able and your show is the best, they are jealous, that is likely indeed. Maybe you get ale of this hate mail because people really hate you. Do you ever think of that meat head . No. Never occurred to me. Maybe you get so few replys from hopes because they hate you do you think of that in chowder head . You can head right to facebook. Com what you think of facebook. If you go there throw in a like, i guess that means you like me. But if you do the tacky stuff dont bother, down have time for you. Im not sharing it. I am not giving you any inher 10. There isa hit show right now. A world famous musician dies, and leaves his daughters his preuzed instrument. Prizeed instrument. More than 300 years old could be worth millions. But this strange inheritance is about more than money a european countes a fathers legacy. He did not want it to be hidden away. Jamie i am jamie c

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