Transcripts For FBC Cavuto 20130625 :

Transcripts For FBC Cavuto 20130625

debt at home is why we're getting the nose thumbed at us %->> if we had a strong preside, he should be ableo pickp the phone, peak to premier of china, and to putin. i remember when reagan was our president, while he was being sworn into office, 440 days of our people held hostage, they wereeleasing the hostages. why? they knewhere was a strong man in the white house, they did not hhve someone who was just playing psident, he was being president and leading, that is why i t think they are not payig attention to what mr. obama nts. liz: this is aboute storing u.s. economickikic strength. you know people would say some people say tha i what we shouldo but youan't without economic strength at home. >> it that is true, you have to go back a number of years to find when our relations i particular with china and russia there were bad. it speaks to the lack of leverage, and influence we have, and lack of respect we get. i don't think you can discount the politics of this, as well, i am not going out on a limb by saying that white house, screwed the poo on benghazi out of politicalear over what a problem on ground in bghazi could mean for looming presidential election, so it is not a big stretch to say that, is this white hse reall excited to actually, despite whathey are saying? get their hands on snowden, get him back here, the have spectacle of a trial. ahd of midtermlections, that cannot be discounted. i hate tohi that white house is so incompetent right now they were not able o pressure, strong arm andet china's cooperation. liz: y make a gre point, mike. right now. with the snowed kno snowden cass complaining of.s. surveillance of citizens. the point is that essentiallyly this is a storyine wre russia is saying that u.s. has been overzealous as a global cop, overreaching, we' been over playinggour hand, but to mr. ker's point, if we have an unstable u.s., that means instabilitiy in middle east, problems like benghazi and libya. >> you are right. mike hit it all, i is political, look at benazi, we'll get the bad guys, he does nothing about it. we don't know who told u sry and fib about you know, a video. youtube. mikes correct we h a deterioration of our retionship wit russia and china, and ielie part of it is due to the economy stress we've had bet the nations, think about it do we believe that vladimir putin does not want to have some dominant position in the world. if we have allowed relationships to get so bad, to where our free world cannot pick up athe telephone, i doubt, i don't think heicked up the telephone and called the premier or have vladimir putin, and said, i need you to work with me, look, mike d i wouldgree, he is a bad guy,e stole things from americae is a thief, who knows what heas given up, but we don't know, so why not workith chinand russia, t get him back and find out what happened? answer is, they are telling to us go fly a kite, liz, they verve right t do it quite frankly because of the way that have been treated. liz: iel you, still a striking, no small irony, that you know snowden is runninn to countries that are so against civil liberties, in china a russia? know, for decades u.s. has come -- there h been complaints about u.s. being the global cop, right now it seems that countries are being me vocal an more forward with their criticism publicly in the press. >> they can afford to do that, it is a lack of leadership. that you know putin les nothing more than to stick it in whe has the opportunity, chinese relationship hlways been fraught wh nnces and difficulties, but it clearly is stressed at this point. and snowden, he t in hong kong, provided about our tional security posture today chinese government. people have been contemplating, that saying, we are beating up n the chinese over their decade of military espionage. it is only fairplay. it is not, we're workingn a different world than chinese, chese were willing to steal everybody, i am worried, that they become so layered, you los trackf the matters. liz: you start to lose perspective, because china is not a country with a lot of economic liberties, final word mr. baker. >> well, again, i'm stunned, i made a mistake early on to say i thought we would get snowden back in short order, i could not imagine our relationship with china is so bad they would blow it up over letting him go, i was wrg. liz: c craig smith. >> mike in, he will get him. liz: next up chinaeeps getting away withhhacking us, no wonder its neighbor india is getting in n the act, cyber criminals there aed of hitting u.s. targs including chicago mercantile exchang. dean chang with china bad habits. >> we're seeg, to build off your previous gifts, we have a weak economy. a president who is unable to make commitmen that hean live up to. and most recently, he almost desperately invited chinese premier to rancho mirage, and the cnese slapped him in the face but not willing to spend the night at the resort, they stayed at a separate hotel, to send the message, we don't trust you, and we don't think you will do anythhng if we insult you. liz: take step back, it is getting easier for any player to get ion the act of cyber hackg or has this story always been out there not rorted on. >> ahead. >> somebody who smart with a laptop can operate fro a internet cafe anywhere in the world, they can create botnets and create all shorts of nastiness, the problem with mr. snowden, he knows t counter measures. liz: stay on india, who is cyber hacking there? what a they going aft? >> i think in case of india, you probably have act -- hackers in commercial opportunity, ctract who will make a play for an quisition or who would indians like to partner up work you can see people hold cards. liz: is there cyber hacking out of pakistan? >> at this point there is probably cyber hacking coming out of every country, but i think that india for its size but more advance i-t capacity is a light more concernhan pakistan. liz: dean are you conrnedhat rather than countries building a functioning economy they are turning to cyber hacking? >> i think for particularly countries whose economies are already rketty like pakistan, like venezuela, they are going to look at this, as the way out it is not. the thing is at the end of the day if you want to build an economy, you have to have a fully fudgal system, but for -- fully functional system, some are after political control, and cyr is a way to dohat. both econnd politics. liz: quickly, we have a limited aim of time when countries are you most worried abo in terms of cyber hacking the u.s. and companiesere. >> i think that china and russia lead the pack. believe it or not nth korea and probably see more things coming from south america. liz: so, final question, north korea is cyber hackiig u.s., what are they cyber hacking here? >> they are trying to break into our militarbut they are also trying to break into things like our power grids and any other parts of cmunications and information backbone aways to hurt the united state cheaply but devastatingly. liz: dean chang thank you so much f being with us, good to see you, next up, comin up uk how government could force bunees to hire ex-cons. it is true. >> next als thousands of pages, hundreds of surprises, costing billions of dollars. we're talki about immigration bill thatsiving businesses a with the spark cash card from capital one... boris earns unlimited rerds for his small business. can i get the smith contract, ease? thank you. that's three new paper shredders. 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[ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose 2% cash back or double miles every purchase every day. told you i'd get half. what in your walle told you i'd get half. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in wi premium service like one of the best what in your walle on-time deli records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. >> on a 1200 page, 200 pages more than bill we were looking at last week no one has read our senators have not had a chance to read the bill. >> senate immigtion bill is looking a lot like the healthcare law, too long to read, too complicated t understand. add in billions for stimulus for job training, ron meyer, is this health care part 2? >> it look like that for me it looks wor, a bl with seemingly good intentions, you are just loading it up with pork, it will notven help young people. if a program is good, it should be brought up on its own merits. this is not the right time, immigration refor should be focused on immigration reform, and border security. at has notng to do with the pork pieces. liz: to republican's point -- ron's point. after health care reform was said and done, here is what was in it, 300 million era medical for louisiana more money are in massachusets medicare could mone for tennessee hospitals, and look at this, 100 million to senator chris dodd medical center you are concerned after the fact all headlines and media goes away the boondoggles are shoe horned in. >> i undstand this has been happening throughout history, it may mass the senate -- pass the senate, it is not going to pass the house, yes, we can be concerned but the house will complain more. liz: per, image not worried about pork it is getting rejected. >> >> i think wt bil like these show us is folly of comprehensive reform of any type, whether health care or immigration. if you are worried about immigratio you wan more immigration, find a solution to the problem of 11 million peoe here illegally, what do we do with them? the are problem you should be solving, creating, sane paths t immigration here in u.s. rather than this screwing and complicated system we have right now. we'roing is focussing on trying to do everything at once, that is not immigration rorm, that is bad politic >> ron, to peter's point,e are kitchen sinking this. >> i tnk that is te. we should be looking at how to make a better legal immigration system, that desers a debate, and focus, nothese other provisions, why capacity we juut folk -- why can't congress just focus on one thing at a time so the american people can comprehend >> but what would that one thing be? >> well, i he a difrent view, i am a legal immigrant, i think you need to do something about the illegals, but they should be a path to residency, notitiz ship. those who come league lao are leaguely deserve to be here, but. liz: what do you mean? >> i have a green card, but i am not a u.s. citizeni think you have to behave honorably to be a u.s. citizen, if you dishonor the process in anyway, which dubai coming here illegally,ou should never have the honor of becoming a citizen. @%z: have a period of time, you are a residence then earn your way to citizenship. >> this bill does not let people who are her illegal li right now become citizens for more than a decade, they get a vision -- provisional status, then after a tak decade there is a waiting period. liz: we know that. this anthis is saying you have n in a good track recd first? >> if you came here, illegally, you should not be a citizen at wall, which is not in the bill. li that is the poi. >> if that is what we're going to do, we should fos on creating a clearer and saner path to get here legally, right now if you look at process, we have done in in magazine, look at process for most people it i insane. >> i want too bring it back. back to what we started out talking about. ro you make a valid point about whatappens wit the bills,hey bome derailed, and a way to get votes, you have to a big pork fest. >> instead of doing what other two guests areoing on air, compmising,his would pass house, compromise there is no citizenship but permanentegal status. but instead of figuring out ho work together, congress is, doing who can we payoff to pass the votes of this bill, that is what congress has become. liz:ure say if you simplify it, youust focus in. yo would not haveo have pork going on. >> that is what chairman golatte is trying to do. >> peter? >> i would like to see a series of bills that make it clear that the problem is immigration is really hard, and problem is we have a bun of people here who unauthorized and illegal that need to be legalized. that is what we nd to focus on. >> you get last word. >> cbo saying, immigration bill could save american taxpayers to a trillion dollars. liz: they have been off with their numbers. right? >> but, immration reform needing sorted out. 11 million people. liz: good points, you will be up later. >> how government is trying to make companies hire felons, ex-cons without knowing they are hiring econs up nex ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get f the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. hurry, before this opportunity cools off. it's delicious. so now we've turned her ffee into a business. my gl was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long ani formed my toffee company through legalzoom. never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert we eated legalzoom toelp people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today anmake your business dream a reity. at we put the law on your side. liz: welcome back, the obama administration is suing dollar general, and bmw over alleged unfare use of criminal background checks when they try to hire workers, claiming that reenin discriminate against minorities, now the lawyers, who says tt companies should have right to refuse hiring ex-cons. jennifer dagrees, nicole? >> yes, i mean, a company should be able to decide who they want to hire and their criteria, lookin for someone let's criminal history is a legal method of detmining whether or not you want to employee that person. liz: jennifer. >> yes they should have that right to look at a criminal background as a police officer has right to right a ticket to someone who is speeding, but it can be employeed in a discriminatory matter, that is the issue. they cannot use it as a tool to discriminate in s way that police officers cannot use pulling people over, and giving a speeding ticket to a minority group -- liz: but, hang on. we're talki about hirg ex-cons who could put your workers or customers at risk. what is fallout if you can't use this to screen workers. >> comnies they can use criminal back history to decide whether employee them, but if a company cannot access this information or told they can't use it, to hire someone o not hire them, if they hire someone who is dangerous or violent, and steals money, they could be held liable for making a choice about who to have around their customers and customer'ssmey, they could find theelves on the oth end of a lawssit,. liz: >> ahead. >> that is statinghe obvio, that is not the issue, issue for example with bmw, they did no process they called transitional period, they required all of these individuals to reapply for their jobs, andfter having to reapply, they found some information about ctain emoyees, and they let about 70 afrin-americans go, one woman, for example, who was on the job 14 years, had -- >> wait a minute. >> let me finiih. >> he had a misdemeanor convict from 20 yrs ago. liz: you are turning this into a racist issue. >> it is. liz: this is not a race issue, this is about hiring workers with clean backgrounds, you are turning it into a race issue. >> no, it can b coming a discriminatory practice, studies show that white people with criminal background get called back with a higher percentage than african-americans without criminal backgrounds. if this is used as tool it is unlawful. it violates thevillcivil rights. liz: okay i hear at you are saying, and, of course, that is wrong. they look for high profile company namesike bmw to smack them around to make theiroint, are we morphing this from a coany who should be able to hire w they want into a race issue. >> it sounds leak they are try like they arerying to make it a race issue. if they want to he someone with a criminal history background, that is not necessarily a bad idea but they need to be able to make that choice with the information that is something they should be free to do. >> they are no one is forcing companiess to hire people with criminal bacrounds. liz: why are they suing ? >> they are using the dis cripplthe -- thetool as a discry practice. liz: why should companies not be able to say, i want a econ in my workforce. >> they can. liz: so have you no problem with that. >> no, i'm saying. after the fact, you decide want to t get -- >> nobody disagrees with you. they are not doing litigation on cases that are really -- >> i read it, okay i hear. go ahead. >> you know one o these ironic situation, government wants to brand people, criminals by charging them with criminal history that give them criminal history, now when a company tries tose that information that government created, by prosecuting these people, giving them's criminal history, the govement getting mad, and s to to sue and s you cannot use these so they want to give them a label but they can't use it. liz: we could have gone another half hour on that, great stuff. >>ext up, just few days intoo summer, as the weather heating up, stocks go down, new worries we're headed for a summer sell-off, don't go away. you hurt my feelings, todd. i did? when visa signature asked everybo what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instd of "strength traing with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. 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[ male announc ] at visa signature, every upgradedxpernce comes from listening to our cardhoers. visa signature. your idea of what a card should be. liz: we had a down day on wall street, dow and s&p on track for their worst month in a year. we have scandals, theed and klein alchinaall weighing on stt going to be a long hot summer for the market. >> it will, volatility will be key wordor the summer. and we're going to continue to be moved by the central markets this central government, bankers throughout the world, have china, you can't lve out the e.u., and our own fee. tapering mark wet jawboning is -- market with jawboning. liz: jonathan. >> i don't disagree with ben, we'll see enhanced volatility. the risk of buying stocks today has lessened now that marts are off about 5%. z: you have federal reser saying, stop the market, we want to get off, does that mean invests should say, we want t get off this ride toor should they buy the downdraft, and sit tigh on good stocks? >> investors, normal 10ency to tendence to get off the roller coasting and say s stop, if you are in bond market right now, you want to get off the roller coaster without a doubt. that to me interest rate ris is the biggest scare in your portfolio. on equity side, in broad market, i thi that wi continue to trade lower in volatility,. liz: how much lower? >> i think another 5% to the down side, china is a new one. liz: your bottom for the dow this summer? >> summer probabl in to -- well below 14,000 range. >> then would youtart being then? >> i am buying som equity right now, i -- if -- i vist only buy standard & poors 500 or the find of trucks, no, i'm not a buyer. liz: jonathan your low on the dow? >> i have no idea. >> we both need to sip cocktails inermuda. give the viewers. >> i do know that there a really good companies out there. that can be had at gre companies and great companies that can be purchased at good prices. i am still a big bull on dividend paying stocks. that is great for all of these retiring americans. liz: the m

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