Thanks, everyone. Welcome, everyone. They say timing is everything. What better time than for the white house to descrop the news that it is putting off a major deadline on the Health Care Law penalties and what better time to push the deadline until after the midterm elections next year. Monica, you say timing, there is secret about the timing. No, it is not a coincidence. This is dropping faster than the titanic. They understand, the white house understands that you have tough democrats who wrote this monstrosity. They are saying this is a train wreck and it is so complex as to be incomprehensible. They know this thing is unworkable and now they are hearing from businesses. This is what we have been talking about for four plus years now. Businesses are cutting hours. They are laying off workers. There are higher taxes coming and higher premiums in place. None of this is ready to go. The state exchanges arent ready to go. All of this is collapsing underneath its own weight and absurd tee. And so they realize they will put off the real horrors and they will decide to put it on when . Until after the midterm election. We will get to the politics in a minute. Jonathon, stay on the business end of i it bad for people and businesses with more than 50 employees . Maybe it is bad for businesses with under 50. Maybe it is bad for regular americans as well. Eric, it is bad for businesses and it is terrible for workers. It is warning about the affectsand thats her workers. Regal entertainment and tons of companies who have already cut hours or cut employees and the recent survey showed1 of Small Businesses said they are having a hiring freeze altogether. This has helped no one, but power hungry hole tigses in dc and it is failing by design. It is centralized planning and it is wonder that it is a train wreck. Right. And you dont seem surprise no, i dont. I dont know why everybody is saying that all of a sudden all of this we knew this. This is old news, guys. We knew ts s a dumb idea. We knew it from the start. You have 2,200 pages of garbage. It stacks up to being over eight feet high. There are 20,000 pages of regulations. You know this was a dumb law to start with. It never should have been passed. For it go past the Supreme Court which is shear idiocy, that john roberts had to write an opinion that called it attacks because he couldnt figure out any other way to get it through, the whole thing is a bad idea. They should start allover. Wayne ot wayne, but christian, they say we need time, businesses need timeto kind of get their bookin ready on. Books in order. Are you kidding me . They have it mandated and they pushed it through the Supreme Court. Now they have more time . First of all a little perspective here. This socalled employer mandate applies to fewer than 1 of the firirms collectively employ about a million people. This is not about the impact on all of the businesses. This is abt a small sliver who have been complaining since day one about the Regulatory Burden of compliance and the administration has said, you know what, we will make it simpler. We will yield to you yet again because you complain yet again. This doesnt speak to the broader issue of Health Carrie form or business care reform or businesses general. It actually speaks a tremendous unfairness. The president always talks about fairness. Once again you have obamas animal farm where certain favorite constituencies get one treatment and in this case, individuals see it rise 300 as a result of sew bough ma care and get the shaft. Minorities have rights too, you know. You want to jump in on this . I want to add to jonathons point that congress tried to exempt itself and when word got out all hell broke loose. Now they are subjected to obamacare too. They pushed it through on an id logical agenda. Part of the reason was we need to do this fast because it will save lives. They had three years to implement this thing since the passage of the bill. None is ready. The ultimate objective is to get everybody off private Health Insurance and individual Health Insurance and into a single payer system. Thats why we are seeing the collapse of all of this. It is all by design. The timing of this sounds so political to me. We are going to wait until 2015. What happens in 2014 . Midterm elections. What are the democrats afraid of . Running against republicans. The reblicans remind everybody that this sinking titanic obamacare was their idea. I agree with you about the motives. I dont agree with you about the overall assessment. I think you are absolutely right, eric. Obama doesnt want this to be a referendum on Health Care Reform in the midterm elections. He doesnt want to see ads talking about the 2 onepages of regulatory questionnaires that businesses have to fill out. He wants to take that off the table. This is purely about politics. It has nothing do with economics. I agree with you on that. If it is so bad to run in a midterm election, maybe it is ju not a good idea in general. It is not a good idea, eric. Thats what i said. We know that. It has been picked over. We have had throw years of this. We have had three years of this. It was picked over in the first place. We know that. We know there are all of these gulations that cannot be complied with and counter to each other and it costs money. We know even the most bronzed plan they talkbout, the cheapest plan will cost a person 5,000. Then y go and ultimately the platinum plans that are even more outrageous in costs, there is no way that this law makes any sense on any level. They have to erase it and start over. And to christians point, it is not just the administration running from its own Signature Health care bill. It is doctors running from the practice of medicine. 83 of doctors saythey are considering leaving the practice of medicine. You can keep your health care, but there will be far fewer people to administer it under obamacare. Jonathon, you are right. There are some who already left. If you read some of the people , they said im leaving. Monica, i want to ask you this. Last week we talked about young people. Young people may opt to take the penalty because the penalty is cheaper than going on obamacare. If the dont get young people signed up it will go down faster than the titanic. And the irs is the agency enforcing the individual mandate which as far as we know still stands. You are absolutely right about the economics of this. You need masses of young people participating in obamacare in order to make the whole thing work. They are saying, number one, i will go without Health Insurance or number two i will take the hit on the fine and forget it. Then the whole thing implodes. I might have a couple of seconds hold on. I thi i have the solution to all of this. Go ahead. I think you would agree with me. To make it less complex, less difficult for people to understand why dont we have a single payer system that is efficient, fair and universal. There you go. Thats the objective, right . Thats the ultimate goal. At least we know what they want. They want government to administer all of your health care and make all of your decisions. Well have to leave you there. Coming up, the french are crying over this nsa spy scandal. Should we care and is there more fallout to come . There are vast programs of both domestic and both domestic and i0x;nt any last requests mr. Baldwin . Do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser . I ed to redeem some venture miles before my demise. Okay. Its easy to erase any recent travel expense i want. Just pick that flight right there. Mmm hmmm. Give it a few taps, and. Its taken care of. This is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. You bet. Now if you like that, press the red button on top. W did he not see that coming . Whats in your wallet . The president of france demanding the u. S. Stop spying on allies in the eu and he even said he could delay trade talks with america costing hundreds of millions of dollars. The person who broke this sthooping storytelling me we havent heard anything yet. Listen. There are vast programs of both domestic and international spying that the world would be shocked to learn about. Monica, are trade partners shocked that there is more to come . Do you believe the eu has leverage to say we will stop the trade talks. Lets be clear. Nobody is shocked that anybody is spying on anybody and certainly not the united states. Friends spy on friends. Allies spy on allies. We are certainly spying on our enemies. This is the way the world has worked since spying technology you said since get smart. None of this is a surprise. All of this huffing and puffing from the eu and the socialists in france, this is all nonsense. This is because their pride is hurt because after the snowden revelations it became public. They figure they have to huff and puff and attempt to try to do something to penalize the u. S. In the shortterm it might actually hurt us a little bit, but not over the longterm. They need us more than we need them. The eu has problems of their own. I am guessing they want to do trade with us and they want more trade with you becha. They want it. They need it. They have to have it. Look at the pigs. Look at portugal, spain, italy, greece, they have disasterous economies. They need this much more than anything else. I agree. This is all nonsense and puffery. It would be more exciting if we learned that Andrea Merkle was having an affair with john carey. Oh my god, what . Thats the same level of this kind of thing. This will go away fast. It will not interrupt any of the discussions. Any of the discussions going forward. The eu wants it. We want it. It will work. Why would they try and rattle the cage here . What is the end game . If they boycott us it is to their own detriment. Trade helps eryone involved and to the extent the eu cuts it off, i think they are shooting themselves in the foot. The uned states is still the most prosperous, the most individualistic and the most capitalistic country on earth. It does hurt us in terms of our reputation on the world stage. O we have lost the bailouts and our reputations as the worldsefender. We dont need trade talks. We need to practice what we preach, protection ofree trade and protection of individual rights. Do you agree . Protection of free trade. The way this International Game works is all of your spying needs to be kept in secret. Once it becomes public, then it becomes an issue and it forces the people who are spied upon to thump their chest and say this is an outrage. But really, this is going to have no impact on the trade negotiations. There may be some nominal delay of a few weeks but ultimately the u. S. And europe, our economies are inteally linked and there is no way there will be any diminishing of cooperation between the two areas. We only have a minute. Lets bring it around the circle. Ts start with wayne in the upper left corner. Do we think other people arent spying on us, wayne . No, no. We know other people are spying on us. Know that. Everybody knows that. Thats just under the surface. You can tay talks are going on and it will work. Any surprise that they are spying on us too . If they are i wish we were more forthright on what we support. If the u. S. Was more transparent in its advocacy for the principals we supposedly stand up for, i think it is to no avail. Christian . You know, everybody spies. It is what everybody does. No one is shock or outraged. Least of all the president of france who has his own intelligence operation. This is purely posturing. 99 i mean martha. I will take 99. She was cute. She was fierce. No, i mean, come on. This is feaux outrage and being indignant on the part of the europeans. Come oeverybody is spying on everybody. Well leave it there. You probably wont like this. The government is trying to buy your love on facebook with 600,000 of your money. Is that a slap in well, wait until you hear about this. The state Department Spending our tax dollars and trying to get moreeople to like its facebook page. Im guessing there are 630,000 reasons why wayne does not like that being a buck for each one of them. Youre right. It is outrageous. Another budget blunder. They have too much money and too many people. You have to take the whole thing away from them. It is awful. They spent 630,000 on facebook stuff to promote it. It is crazy. Lets keep in mind whose state department this was when this was happen expght money was being burned. Hillary clinton. Somehow hillary gets a pass on all of this . I dont think so. I think they had to do this. Who voluntarily was going to say i am liking now on Facebook Justin bieber and oh i like the state department too. They are super awesome. Nobody would do that. I have to admit, i am on facebook all the time. I didnt even know i could buy likes. To wat affect . It will make me feel good if i get more likes. It is just trying to apiece the muslim streak for the last 10 years hasnt done anything to make america safer. I dont think getting likes on facebook with the online world will do anything to increase americas prestige. We dont want to be liked. We want to be respected. What is needed is a better Marketing Campaign with some leadership and demonstration of american principals throughout the world. Kristen, is there anyway in the world you can justify spending 630,000 to get people to lik the state Department Facebook page. Is there anything . There is a way to justify it. Thats ifhat creates a community of people who are engaged and following the information that comes out from the state department. Now the point of the report is it didnt work. In that case it wasntmoney well spent. If had created then gaged community it would have been a huge bargain. So the issue was nothe money. The issue was it didnt work. Thats what i want to focus on. Let me push back. What in the world does the state department want them to like people on first of all they have a web page. They can put out all of the information. Help me out here. These are websites that are in native languages of countries that we have problems with people who actually so they are not even american facebook, English Speaking facebook users who are spending 600,000 to watch,o like us . Thats right. You want to create movement in other countries where we have esh yous with people we have issues with peopleho may respect and like america. But thats the whole ing. You cant buy respect. You cant buy it in the real world. You cant buy it on facebook. Just because somebody clicks like, it doesnt mean that Hillary Clinton would have you believe they advocate and understand the principals they are projecting. We may talk a good game on facebook, but i dont think we pracce the principals in our advocacy around the world. And you are so right abou the respect part. We dont want to be liked in the world. We want to be respected. But i would add one other thing, we need to feared and yes i said feared. And under president obama we are neither respected nor feared. The tours are closed to kids who what president to go and learn about what goes on in dc. They want to see thwhite house. They are closed because of sequestration. Now we will spend 630,000 on sequestration. Would you rather have white house tours open or more people liking the state department . Obviously white house tours open. But the whole sequestration thing was a myth. The president said everything is shutting down and we will have sequestration and evything will be cut back and nothing and going to work and nothing. Nothg. We havent experienced anything. Is just crazy. And this idea of spending 630,000 is out the door. They might as well be giving it away. It is so ridiculous the whole thing. You have to stop it. It so ridiculous that it has to be true. Thats how crazy it is. I like all of you guys. We will say thank you to monica and christian for joining us this week. Pleasure. Coming up, what is happening in egypt over there could impact us here. Time for what do i need to know forext week. People are flocking to the show and i think it is johns picks and waynes common sense. Lets go with wayne fst. Go ahead. I like ford motor company. I talked about it about a year ago and it is up 40 since then. I think that is a terrific return and i still lining it. I think i still like it. It is great for the automobile industry. Go ahead. In the last five years egypts stock market is down. How much worse can the news t. I own it on my fund and now is a good time for an initial position. Thanks for joining us on the cost of freedom block. Before we go, one of my blog sites asks the twitter followers to sum up the delay in three words. Here are a few of my favorites, rushed, mandated delayed, not so fast, big freaking delay, not thought through, this is embarrassing and my own submission, another obama bail. Goodbye, everybody. [. ] announcer the following ogram is brought to you by nopalea, the antiinflammatory wellness drink by trivita. Stay tuned to learn how you can receive a 32ounce bottle of nopalea free. A few months ago, i had a hard time walking this hill. But today, im doing it painfree. Do i have a secret . You bet. And thats why im here todato share that secret with you. 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