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Growth incentives as mediocre First Quarter growth number gives a little more credence to the president s call for a major tax cut now. President trump warning a quote, major conflict is possible with north korea. The white house says all options are on the table. America is weighing in. The results of a new fox poll. The president is speaking to the nra this afternoon, the first president to do so since Ronald Reagan in 1983, telling the crowd the eightyear assault on the Second Amendment is over. Nras dana loesch among our guests this hour lauren lets go to the lori rothman at new york stock exchange. We have no audio from lori. In april all three stock market averages up at least 1 . Tech putting in amazing performance. Very strong corporate earnings. David that was helping dilute what we saw from the First Quarter gdp. David that was brilliant adlib, considering her mic went down. Terrific work. First quarter gdp number he released today shows exactly how much this economy needs a major boot of a tax cut like one proposed this week by the trump team. Does the increase, does all of this, including those bad numbers increase the chance of the plan passing . We have barrons Senior Editor jack how, james freeman, wall street journal, senior fellow at cato institute, dan mitchell. Dan, let me start with you. To reach the 3 growth the president s team wanted for 2017, when you consider bad First Quarter figures, we have to grow that 4 every quarter. Only way to do that with a Tax Deduction outlined this week, right . Clearly something has to happen if we want to get growth back up to historical levels. Im not overly fixated on one bad quarter. Who knows, it could be a statistical blip, but look at entire 21st century. Were not getting to average of 2 . That means American Families are falling behind. We need more than lower tax rates. Deregulation, smaller burden of government spending. We need to turn policy in the right direction. David james, we need growth. We know from history that one way to get it is by significant tax cuts. What we saw today outlined or this week, was really revolutionary. But the headlines for all the papers saying oh, it will add to the deficit and have all these democrats, where were these people when we were doubling our National Debt from 10 to 20 trillion . They didnt worry about it back then. We had tax increases and a doubling of the debt. Yeah, i think it is such a positive signal that the president is basically ignoring the flawed washington budget conventions saying we got to have growth. I think this report, granted it is only one quarter but it is consistent with lots and lots of quarters weve seen before as dan was saying, really disappointing. The only thing maybe you can look at as a sill have lining that increased Business Investment but i think that is premised on belief that the trump deregulation and tax reform project will go through. David yeah. Consumers obviously, theyre hoping for the best but theyre not willing to spend yet. David no. Deregulation is great. It is terrific for certain businesses but it is not enough. You need tax cuts. Jack, im wondering if the gdp number shows the market got way ahead of itself, way ahead of economy. What do you this. Not at all. First quarter gdp is historically weak. A lot of positive signs, corporate investment, corporate earnings are very strong. Im not worried about one weak First Quarter of gdp, is specially talking about the First Quarter. David jack, do you think well get a 3 growth rate for 2017 without a tax cut . Unlikely. A tax cut will certainly help. The lowhanging fruit is the Corporate Tax cut. Bringing down rates will be easy part. I am not as excited as you guys call a plan, it is a onepage, looked more like half finished homework assignment. David there were specifics. Bringing corporate rate down to 15 . Going seven rates to three. A lot of detail. You cant show rates talking about what the income cutoffs are. David james, quickly. The key is this is corporate reform this, is a huge gamechanger. Were talking about really getting rid of inversion trend and were going to see reversion. Companies coming back to the u. S. It puts us at a tax rate below our major competitors, below the average in europe and around the world. So, what this is really going to do, keep driving that investment. That is what has been missing in this era. Lauren dont go anywhere guys. Well move on in second. Busy day on capitol hill with the government avoiding a shutdown. Questions remain how it will finance a Major Health Care overhaul and jampacked agenda moving forward. Lets go to fox businesss Connell Mcshane in washington, d. C. , with the very latest. Hey, connell. Reporter it is one step at a time and avoiding the Government Shutdown is certainly step one. It is done, only one week, earlier today the house approved legislation keeping government running for a week, essentially buying themselves time. Vote was 38230. In the senate it passed unanimously. Now question is being asked what is next. Certainly health care is a possibility. Weve been talking about it all week. We thought we would see a vote today or tomorrow out of the Republican Health care plan. But about this time yesterday, it started to become clear that was just not going to be the case. They didnt have the votes. Now republican moderates and conservatives will keep on talking. What we still do not know even on friday afternoon, when they will be acting on this muchtalked about macarthur amendment. Listen. Members have seen a new amendment to add to the bill. They have been looking at it this week and i anticipate as soon as memmembers have looked to that, we will bring that bill to the floor. I dont have anything scheduled for next week. Reporter nothing scheduled yet. At least we hope to bring a broader spending package getting passed to the congress which keeps the light on until september. As you heard from leader mccarthy, the healthcare picture is less clear. It is still tricky. The republicans can only lose 22 votes in the house. 15 are solid i against, 20 up in the air. Speaker ryan saying all week long will only move it to the floor if he has votes. If it is next week, maybe. It is only friday afternoon. Maybe well see it monday. Lauren it is only the weekend. Listen to a sound bite. Martha maccallum sat down with President Donald Trump to mark the first 100 days. Listen to the interview. Im disappointed. Paul ryan is trying very, very hard. I think everybody is trying very hard. Its a very tough civil. Lauren so governing, jack, is a lot harder than donald trump anticipated. If you asked me, i feel like he is reaching out to the democrats. He is trying to negotiate but no one is playing ball. I guess perhaps but you know, you cant blame it on the other party. Hard job, right. He raised his hand for it. He used to say about obama. Congress wont go along with anything he wants to do. That is the point. It is hard. You have to get them to do that. He is supposed to be the great negotiator. Lets see him do that. I give credit with president talking with company chiefs, people talking about a lot of renewed confidence. Customers asking for big quotes on purchases like that. Excited about possibility of tax reform. We need to see some actual progress now. Lauren in terms of spending bill he pushed back funding for the border wall. He took health care out of the immediate negotiations. James, so what can we expect moving forward . Will they come to an agreement on a longterm bill after working through the weekend . Yeah. The key on health care is before the president decides he has to negotiate with the democrats how do you keep obamacare, he has to first lean on moderate members of the Republican Party in the house. It was kind of lost in the haze over that last Health Care Failure but, it is really basically a few republicans in swing districts who really dont want the government to be smaller. Really dont want obamacare to go away. This is where mr. Trump can do some good to get the deal he want by focusing on bringing them into the fold here. Lauren but, dan, he has reached out, speaking nearly every day, whether donald trump or someone in the administration to conservatives, freedom caucus, get them on board but what about the moderates . I think that is the problem and james said it right. There is not a majority of republicans in either the house or senate who believe in restraining the growth of government. If you dont restrain the growth of government, not openly does that make it much harder to get tax cuts, it moons obamacare is here to stay, like a millstone around the neck of the economy. It means that were probably heading toward a greek type future of economic stagnation. Were really at a critical time. Obama i mean trump needs to knock heads together, basically put everything on the table, look, we need to turn america around. We cant do that if we let this Big Government be a festering sore on our economy. Lauren thank you so much for joining us. David dan put that so well. That was perfect. Go back to lori rothman. I think we got your mic fixed, checking, one, two, three, what do you think . Im guilty. Forgot to change the battery. Really all about technology this week and hope for tax reform. Look at these record closes today. Amazon. Com, shares up more than six 1 2 bucks, pushing 1000 a share. Similar story for alphabet, shares up nearly 4 . If you have one thousand shares of amazon or alphabet, near 1000 per share, that means you got a million bucks in paper. That is pretty staggering. Despite fact market was down, pretty awesome week for bulls especially for nasdaq, tech names, record highs, amazon, alphabet, microsoft. Facebook reports next week. For the week nasdaq up 2. 3 . Entire month of april the nasdaq was up that amount. The you dow not too shabby about, 1. 9 on the week. For the month of april, 1. 3 gain. Winners on dow, caterpillar, unitedhealth, home depot. These are american companies. Americanmade rally for the week and the month. Back to you. David lori, thank you very much. Have a good weekend. Laurie. Lauren americanmade rally, love it. President trumps handful of new rules, totaling just 28 million. Compared to former president barack obama who proposed 4 billion during his first three months in office. Difference of 3. 9 billion, 141 times more, study from American Action forum. David that is kind of not fair, net, think of all the regulations President Trump gotten rid of, the net is to the negative. He has saved taxpayers, were spending much less than we would have been had there not be deregulation programs. Lauren cutting red tape is accomplishment for first 100 days. David some people say it adds up to 100 billion. Well go through all the numbers. Mean while Mainstream Media slamming president s tax plan, focusing on idea it helps mowly the wealthy. Why they have that wrong. Well separate fact from fix. Lauren struggling industry saying theyre seeing signs of life. Well take you live to a indiana steel plant. David President Trump in atlanta speaking to the nra, making big promises in support of the Second Amendment. But will his policies go far enough . Nras dana loesch is coming next. Let me make a simple promise to everyone of the freedomloving americans in the audience today. As your president , i will never, ever, infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Why pause a spontaneous moment . Cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempasĀ® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis. Im also proud to be the first sitting president to address the nra Leadership Forum since our wonderful Ronald Reagan in 1983. [applause] does my spirit good to be with people who never lose faith in america, who never stop believing in her future and who never back down one inch from defending the constitutional freedoms that are every americans birthright. Lauren President Trump making history by addressing the National Rifle Association Forum this afternoon. Joining me now, dana loesch, nra spokesperson. Good to see you. Happy friday, dana. Happy friday, lauren. Thank you for having me too and its a great day here in atlanta at the nra meetings. I know you played a little bit from President Trumps sound bite. I spoke to wayne laperriere at lunch, he express ad sentiment i heard all day from members. We are so excited that the white house is prioritizing our Second Amendment freedoms again. That the white house is once again prioritizing liberty because it hasnt previously been so the previous eight years. Great feeling to see that. Lauren to embrace the Second Amendment. Ii want to pull up a graph. Nra spent 30 million in the 2016 campaign. 20 million against hillary clinton. That was twice as much as 2012 election. Now that you have your man in office what do you want to see next . Obviously a lot of stuff we would like to see. Would love to see national reciprocity. The president delivered on promises already in his address to nra membership, look your Second Amendment, i will protect your Second Amendment. He has done that we saw pushback on obama era regulation people who were Social Security beneficiaries without any due process at all, threw some bureaucrat, they were having their Second Amendment rights stripped away from them. Those bureaucrats were ignoring the Legal Process already in place. Weve seen a couple other regulations that this president also rolled back. I cant wait to see national reciprocity. Other people are talking about concealed carry going state to state. Five million members. President trump was put into the white house by five million members of the nra. These individuals showed up in wisconsin, showed up in pennsylvania, showed up in michigan, democrat states this president took. When this membership shows up, they show up and vote. Put their sneakers to the ground and getoutthevote. Lauren today was very much a thank you tour as well. Look at political backdrop right now in georgia. Republican governor nathan deal is expected to sign a bill allowing registered gun owners to carry firearms on college campus. What is the expectation there . Yes. Campus carry which is hugely popular with a lot of College Students. I know that it is sort of played out maybe opposite in the press but i think a lot of College Student are looking forward to that i know from my experience as College Student, when i would have night classes, lauren, it was really scary to walk out to the parking lot, 9 00 at night. Campus security was few and far between. It is easier for people to carry a firearm and their own defense in their hand than a cop. A lot of College Students. There are a ton of different campus carry groups. Lauren is there a i hope the governor signs this without too much delay. I look forward to seeing this implemented. Lauren dana loesch, thank you very much. David President Trumps historic first 100 days. A look back at the president s first few months in office and the Campaign Promises he delivered on. Plus rising tensions with north korea. President trump is warning of a quote, major, major conflict. Lt. General Thomas Mcinerney is here to it sound off. Policy of strategic patience is over. Additional patience will only mean acceptance of a nuclear north korea. The more we bide our time, the sooner we will run out of it. So what else is new . Hows your mother . Umm. Shes doing good. She needs more care though. She wants to stay in her house. I dont know even where to start with that. First, lets take a look at your Financial Plan and see what we can do. Ok, so weve got. Well listen. Well talk. Well plan. Baird. Try new flonase sensimistgies. Instead of allergy pills. It delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only block one. New flonase sensimist. David big news escalating threat of north korea. President trump warning of a major dispute with the country, telling reuters we could end up having a major, major conflict with north korea. We would love to solve things diplomatically but it is very difficult. We have lt. General Thomas Mcinerney fox news military analyst. What would a major conflict with north look like . It would be brutal. The fact we would destroy north korea. We can disarm that artillery north, but wont tell you how. We have capabilities, artillery north of the dmz 35 miles will not have nearly impact on any for south korea. David forgive me focusing in here. What would be the cost in terms of human life, not only korean lives but our own . It would be a fairly high cost on north korean side. Not nearly as after on the south korean side. But option is, do we accept a north korea that can put Nuclear Weapons in the United States . David no, absolutely not. That is unacceptable. David yet were talking thousands compared to millions of lives lost. Of course they would be american lives lost if we were hit with a north korean missile. You now a lot of questions how you deal with the current leader. Whether you can separate him from the generals who are always surrounding him in those pictures. That would lead to a question by bret baier of secretary tillerson, whether he thought the north Korean Leader was crazy. Here is how tillerson answered that question. Indications are that he is not crazy. He may be ruthless, he may be a murderer. He may be someone who in many respects by our standards is irrational but he is not insane. And indications are in the past that when certain events have happened, he has taken, he made rational choices. David general, the implication there you can make him an offer that he would rationally accept to avoid a military conflict. You do you believe that . I believe it, but im not sure it is us. I think the chinese are ones that have more leverage, but our strength in this particular issue, that he knows that artillery he has north of seoul will not survive, will not give him the capabilities he wants. We will take out all his nuclear bunkers. Well destroy his air force. Well destroy his city and we will kill him. The fact is, there will be nothing left of north korea. It is not mutual assured, destruction, david. It is assureds destruction of north korea. We have the forces. We have the capabilities to do that. So we must marshall them and they know we mean business. David you know, this is the first president in my lifetime anyway, who looked at north korea said it is unacceptable. Partly as you said, now they missiles which they put Nuclear Weapons and hit a target in the u. S. But this president is doing what reagan did with the soviet union, i think we can win this we dont have to settle for any kind of detente. We can go further and demand the end of the soviet union, in this case the end of that north korean regime. That is exactly right, the fact we can. China does not want that. So they will have to play a key role. They may not be able to. I dont believe he is crazy. I believe he is ruthless. When you have ruthless people like that, you have to put the full weight of not only the United States, south korea and japan and our other allies, globally, on him. David general Thomas Mcinerney, we leave it there, thank you, general, appreciate it. Thanks, david. Lauren opinionated and sometimes just plain wrong. The Mainstream Media hitting a new low when reporting on the president s tax plan. David youre right. They just get it wrong. They get details absolutely wrong. Plus the road from pennsylvania avenue to wall street. Why even democrats are piling on former president obamas sixfigure pay day. Lauren big. If we could just join our voices together, to challenge the special interests and the fat cats and lobbyists writing all the laws in washington that schwab billboard. Oh, not so fast, carl. Oh no. Schwab, again . Index investing for that low . Thats three times less than fidelity. And four times less than vanguard. Whats next, no minimums . No minimums. Schwab has lowered the cost of investing again. Introducing the lowest cost index funds in the industry with no minimums. I bet theyre calling about the schwab news. Schwab. A modern approach to wealth management. 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It is not limited to the opinion pages. Right there in the front page, fox businesss gerri willis in the newsroom with details. Gerri, amazing, front page pieces more opinionated than they used to be . Thats right, david, Media Coverage of the tax reform plan run gamut from biased to just plain wrong. This story from the New York Times got a lot of attention today. The headline reads, trump tax plan would shift trillions from u. S. Covers to the richest, implying 1 gaining at the expense of the poor. That is not true. One of the big beneficiaries of the tax plan, will see the lower Tax Deduction double. They will lose a prized die ducks shun, ability to write off state and local taxes, including real estate taxes. 80 of the people that use the deduction earn more than 100,000. But it gets worse, according to the times, the outline mr. Trump offered wednesday, tax overhaul plan and list of costly cuts, im quoting, with no price tags attached, rushed out by a president staring down his 100day mark in office, calls for tax reductions of individuals from every level businesses large and small. That makes it sound like the plan was made up on the fly, but that is hardly true. Republicans and the president have been pushing for tax reform for decades. But media is stuck on the idea that the trumps tax plan is quote, ridiculously good for rich people as the huffpo put it. They are critical of ending the amt and death tax, saying its a boon for wealthy. Middle income get stuck with the taxes. What trump plan is major, major tax reform, cutting brackets from seven to three, eliminating special loopholes. We havent seen anything this thorough going since 1986, 31 years ago when reagan put through his tax plan. David . David maybe the New York Times doesnt like it, they would lose one of their loopholes, not being able to deduct state and local taxes which are very high in new york, New York Times. They dont want to lose their special privileges that might be a part of it. Could be. David thank you very much, gerri, appreciate it. Youre welcome. Lauren new jersey around california too. Former president Barack Obamas huge pay day, receiving 400,000 in speaking fees from a wall street bank. You heard it here first from fox businesss charlie gasparino. Even now senator Elizabeth Warren is weighing in. I was, troubled by that. The influence of money, i describe it as, as snakes that slither through washington. Lauren snakes that slithers through washington. Joe borelli, former Trump Campaign cochair for new york state and Blake Rutherford democratic strategist. You heard from Elizabeth Warren, blake. Bernie sanders called this unfor the that president barack obama is accepting a 400f pay day. Are you stunned, break . Im not stunned. We need to take a step back remember in 2008, barack obama received more wall street contributions than any other candidate. Then what followed was doddfrank and financial regulatory reform. Lauren true. He has been pretty tough, pretty tough on wall street, remember, this money bows for speech at health care conference, certainly an issue were talking about today, as we continue to see the republicans struggle on fulfilling their sixyear promise to repeal the Affordable Care act. So i am certainly not stunned. He is not the first expresident to accept speaking fees and he wont be the last, i suspect when the trump time is over at 1600 pennsylvania avenue he will give a paid speech or two. Lauren joe, i thought barack obama was the champion of the 99 . He gave a speech about community organizing, and then he is hob nobodying and kite surfing with richard branson. He vilified the 1 , and 1 as they come, people coming talking about multimillion dollars. The funny thing about the clip from Elizabeth Warren, describing a chapter in her own book. While she criticizes barack obama making money off speeches she is plugging her own speech which he is making money off of. The obama era Democratic Party ran against banks, fat cats, wall street people. They are too eager right now, despite all the sanctimonious and selfrighteous rhetoric all too happy to take their money now. Lauren that is excellent point, blake. I want to bring you something barack obama said in 2010 speech pushing tougher regulations on wall street, he certainly did do that. Were not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success. I think at a certain point you made enough money. I bring this up, book deal, 60 million. When does he make enough money . Well i think its very easy for republicans to talk out of both sides of their mouth considering the candidate they just put up for president and lack of transparency in his entire financial enterprise. Failing to release his tax returns. Certainly a post presidency will bring about some economic opportunity. It did, has for many president s. So i dont think you can criticize barack obama for lucrative book deal anymore so than you can criticize other past president s for that kind of, that kind of interests. I think, i think really think at the end of the day this is much ado about nothing. Our eyes and attention need to be focused on the current president , his lack of financial transparency. The wrath of criticism that he is received. His inability to get anything done. It has been 100 days and there is nothing to show for it. Lets talk about that. Lauren there is 1208 point gain for Dow Jones Industrial average. Joe, leave you. Slowest First Quarter Economic Growth weve seen in years. Lauren just getting started. Tax cuts have not come in i want to ask you this, we do not expect president s to take a vow of poverty when they leave office. But, 400,000 speaking fee is double what bill clinton got. And if you havent remembered the speaking fees of clintons got were a thing during 2016. I dont want to be hypocrite. I will be clear. Any publisher paying me a lot of money with a book i will accept it. If i started my presidency in 2009 im begins all fat cats in wall street, his quote, not mine, i would have a hard time accepting money from those same people. Lauren joe he, blake, have a beautiful weekend. You too. David he could give it all away. He doesnt have to keep the money. He could do it. Harry truman didnt take a lot of money. Putting America First and making a comeback. Many people in the Steel Industry are thanking President Trump. A big yale fail. A student hunger protest involving students getting paid and who arent hungry at all. The fallout is next. Lauren want a cookie . Predictable. The comfort in knowing where things are headed. Because as we live longer. And markets continue to rise and fall. Predictable is one thing you need in retirement to help protect what youve earned and ensure it lasts. Introducing brighthouse financial. A new company established by metlife to specialize in annuities life insurance. Talk to your advisor about a brighter financial future. Does your mouthg prescripoften feel dry . S, a dry mouth can cause cavities and bad breath. Over 400 medications can cause a dry mouth. Thats why theres biotene. Biotene can provide soothing dry mouth relief. And it keeps your mouth refreshed too. Remember while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isnt. Biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms. David u. S. Steel making a comeback after struggling for years against competition overseas. The industry boon comes as President Trump continues to push aggressive trade policies to protect american manufacturers. Fox newss mike tobin standing by at a steel plant in craw fordsville, indiana, with detail how much industry production is surging. Good to see you you, mike. Reporter good to see you, david, good to talk to you. Asian groups like china iron and Steel Association crying protectionism. Because the american president made very public moves to show he is in the corner of americanmade steel. Business is booming in the Steel Industry. As soon as businessfriendly president was elected, Companies Like nucor steel saw the price of the stock jump and theyre rolling and moving more steel out the door. The focus this administration put on manufacturing, an industry creates a bump for us. Reporter President Trump sent the commerce second to investigate complaints that foreign competitors were dumping steel into the u. S. Market and manipulating the price. He promised to prioritize American Steel for u. S. Projects. Promised to develop a robust domestic steel would not depend on foreign suppliers for national defense. Nucor has pay Incentive Program that works all the way down to the production line. Actions from the white house increase purchasing of American Steel have direct impact on lives of workers. The more we produce, greater the bonus. So it is, it makes a huge deal to me. Reporter we should clarify, david, the company, u. S. Steel took a big hit after posting a bad quarter but these mini mills that nucor is, they are showing consistent profits. They got a big ump around election time. So far they are hanging on to it. David. David our commerce secretary wilbur ross knows about revamping steel mills. He knows some of that himself. He knows whereof he speaks. Mike tobin, thank you very much. Reporter you got it. Lauren business experience in the white house. President trump trying to give a boost to the energy sector, signing an executive order that could lead expansion of drilling in the arctic and Atlantic Ocean and reverse president obamas arctic leasing ban and create great jobs and our health. He set a record for executive orders since world war ii. David he has, a lot of them. We have to get the economy moving again. Slow growth, tax cuts is the way to do it. President trump reaching a historic milestone. Looking back at the commanderinchiefs first 100 days. And what lies ahead for the next 1387. Lauren that is a lot of time. Theres nothing more important than your health. So if youre on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b heres why. Medicare only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. You might want to consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like any Medicare Supplement insurance plan, these help pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. And, these plans let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. You could stay with the doctor or specialist you trust. Or go with someone new. Youre not stuck in a network. Because there arent any. So dont wait. Call now to request your free decision guide and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan that works for you. Theres a range to choose from, depending on your needs and your budget. Rates are competitive. And theyre the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. Like any of these types of plans, they let you apply whenever you want. Theres no enrollment window. No waiting to apply. So call now. Remember, Medicare Supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. Youll be able to choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Whether youre on medicare now or turning 65 soon, its a good time to get your ducks in a row. Duck quack call to request your free decision guide now. Because the time to think about tomorrow is today. Lauren the president is one day away from his 100th day in office. Here is look what happened in washington since inauguration day. Congratulations, mr. President. Our allies will find that america is once again ready to lead. Thank you for inviting me so soon after your inauguration. Israel has no better ally than the United States. My sincere thanks to President Trump for inviting me down to washington. Everything will be based on bringing jobs back, good jobs, real jobs, they have left and theyre coming back, they have to come back. Our goal as a nation, must be to rely less on imports and more on products made here in the usa. Protection of the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States. No ban. No more. The house is voting to repeal and replace the disaster known as obamacare. Well see what happens. Going to be very close vote. We came really close today. But we came up short. Were going to get to truly one of my favorite things. It is called reducing taxes. So this is going to be the biggest tax cut and largest tax reform in the history of our country. David President Trump turning up heat on allegations of wiretapping at trump you tower during the election. We dont have any evidence that took place. How does an american citizen who should be protected by law from having their identity unmasked, how us did that happen . I briefed the president on the concerns that i had, who ordered the unofmasking of additional names . Multiple sources telling Fox News National security advisor susan rice, requested that trump team members names be unmasked in intelligence reports. Right now the world is a mess. The current state of u. S. Russia relation is low point. North korea answered our overtures with willful deception, broken promises and nuclear and missile tests. The era of strategic patience is over. Syrian dictator Bashar Alassad launched a horrible chemical weapons attack on anyone civilians. Tonight i ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in syria from where the chemical attack was launched. Im keeping another promise to the American People by nominating judge neil gorsuch to be an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States is confirmed. I think you will continue to see a lot of action and a lot of results going into the second 100 days, 3100 days, all the way through. Believe in yourselves, believe in your future, and believe once more in america. David think what you will, there was a lot of stuff going on. Christina deserves a lot of praise for that, our producer, put that package together. President trump leaving no doubt how he thinks his first 100 days in office have gone. Take a listen. I dont think anybody has done what weve been able to do in 100 days. So were very happy. David is he right, jane hampton cook, historian, the burning of the white house author. Jane, is the president right. Has there ever been a president done as much as this one . Well, he certainly been very active. You know, there have been a lot of president s who have been active. I think it is almost as if President Trump thought, sort of looked at this as the apprentice and he would give himself the challenge. He has been very much a rollup his sleeves kind of guy. David right. I think on the economy, which is the Biggest Issue to the American People and voters last. You see a lot of optimism and in a lot of disparate sectors of the economy. That he much bodes well. David youre absolutely right. The optimism goes a long way. So of course does the stock market. We all have 401 k s. Were affected what happens in the stock market. We saw the today First Quarter growth rate was minuscule,. 07 . We need a tax cut and for the tax cut plan outlined this week to go through, he needs to get congress involved. So far congress hasnt been showing up for the game . Well that is true. That is where his skills as deal maker needs to be, you know, that is what he needs, dealmaking skills. I remember reading about Ronald Reagan. He got his tax cut plan passed in 1981 but it wasnt really until 1983 that the growth just took off. David you know why that is, jane . That is because working with democrats he had to string it along. The growth was 7 after that. You give people a tax cut, give corporation as tax cut, they can bring more jobs back to the United States and really boost the economy. 7 , you just said 7 , can you imagine 7 . That would be amazing. David unbelievable. Weve been under 2 which is terrible. David frustrating enough to think of that. More frustrating the fact that both houses of congress controlled by republicans that is what is skills as a deal maker, maybe more than a deal maker, skills as president , using the bully pulpit against his own people in the congress, the way lbj did by the way, Lyndon Baines johnson was a president who had a bunch democrats, many from the south, were racist, he leaned on them and got them to go along with the civil rights packages. Maybe that kind of leaning needs to be done by this president against reluctant republicans in congress. Maybe some i remember peggy noonan in one of her books about reagan, she talked about the most moving part of the speech was the logic and practicality of a policy. I think that we had president obama was very principled in his ideology and we have a very different president who is pragmatic. David sure. I think those kinds of logical, pragmatic, arguments are really in President Trumps favor. David you know, that is why i made the allusion to Lyndon Baines johnson, i think unlike reagan, trump is more after doer. He is a more active guy, like Lyndon Baines johnson, he would corner reluctant congressman and forcing him to do what he wont do himself. Youre right. He has a little bit of lbj in him. That makes him a very unique president. We havent had that kind of a president in a long time. I was thinking back, senator warren, no surprise, President Trump a f, big fat f for his first 100 days. The bay of pigs happened during kennedys first 100 days. William Henry Harrison died on day 31. David thats a good point. We have to put things into perspective here. David jane cook, glad to have you do. Thank you very much for being here. Have a good weekend. You too. Lauren coming up activism without sacrifice leaving to the snowflake generation to come up with the lays iest protest ever. Congrats students at Yale University on a quote hunger strike. Its unbelievable. The students are protesting for better student benefits. Yale students earn a stipen of 30 grand a year, and they receive free health care, and they have their 40,000 tuition paid for in full, but theyre still going on strike. Go figure. How is it a fast when you can eat when youre hungry . Dont ask. Risk and reward starts now. We must accept this result and then look to the future. Donald trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Liz the country has been racked by protest, over i dozen since President Trump was elected. Inauguration protest. The womens march. Refugee airport protests. Day without immigrants protest. A day without a woman protest are any trump tuesdays, not my president s day protest, united voices protest, the tax march, and march for science. And now this coming monday, its being called the mother of all protests

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