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Lawmakers gear up for the battle budget. Still tax cuts are nowhere in sight. David im screaming now. Melissa no annoying. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson sending a Crystal Clear message threatening north korea with an american at take saying all options are on the table to deter any unpredictable regime. This hour we are joined by retired fourstar general jack keane, steve forbes, of forbes media, bret baier, anchor of special report on fox news, and Country Music legend larry gatlin. David a allstar lineup. Melissa wow. David back to the markets. The dow closing in the reddening positive for the week. Phil flynn, Price Futures Group and Fox News Contributor watching oil and gold. And adam shapiro on the floor of the nyse. Adam, first of all, it being came so close to breaking a record but just missed the mark. Why is that . Reporter preserving capital might be one reason. A lot of people are talking about that today. The nasdaq did hit a alltime high during the merkel Trump Press Conference but cant hold it. Look what happened with some tech stocks this week. There are winners, dont forget that. Tesla up almost 9 . Adobe up 6. 6 . Nvidia up 5. 9 . Facebook and alphabet how many times can we say this . New alltime highs. Alphabet or googles parent company, they will employ 10,000 content monitoring contractors to flag what we call fake news. They will come across things upsetting or offensive. They are moving in that direction. Facebook on a tear of 140 bucks a share. Talk about snap a big pelt tore to facebook. Not so big, snap, crackle pop. That stock fell again below 20 a share. Ipoed 17. Shot up to 24. Get out pepto bismol if you bought snap the chat. Oy. Back to you. Melissa adam, thank you. Phil, oil and gold snapping a twoweek losing streak. Right. Both in the green on st. Patricks day. We saw for gold, it has biggest twoday up move since the brexit vote so that is a big deal. Interestingly enough we saw a record long position in gold by speculators that could be some warning signs next week, the other thing the rig count of the north Dakota Access pipeline is having impact on rigs. Instead of adding them in the Permian Basin closer to the pipeline that is where theyre adding the rigs. Even though we added rigs, it still went up why . Because theyre falling in canada. Why . Because were moving u. S. Oil, instead of canadian oil. Big day for oil. Back to you. Melissa phil, thank you. David interestingly stocks hit session highs during President Trump and Angela Merkels joint News Conference this afternoon. The president telling reporters there is a new negotiator in town. I would say that the negotiators for germany have done a far better job than the negotiators for the United States. Hopefully we can even it out. We dont want victory. We want fairness. All i want is fairness. David forbes media chairman steve forbes, barons Senior Editor jack hough, James Freeman wall street journal. Sounded like a reasonable from the president , didnt it . There has been tension between these two but germany has done very well on the trade front. Would be very interested to see how he pursues these negotiations with germany because germanys part of the eu that gets into whole another thicket of problems not to mention brexit. So he detect ad little tension there i detected a little tension there. David james, this administration focuses on trade deficit. Interestingly there was a time back in the 1980s when wn we were growing through the roof. We had very high trade deficits. We had highest trade deficit historically in 84. That was the same year we had a growth rate of 7. 3 . It is not just the 80s. You look through history we tend to have high trade deficits as we have a fastergrowing economy. It is not a bad thing. Lets hope we move away from that. What youre seeing in the Auto Industry is a nice model. He is not talking so much about tariffs anymore. Talking about making it easier to produce here in america. Im hoping that is how he looks at european trade as well in terms how we get more competitive in the u. S. David jack, what should an investor do based on whats happening with trade relations . We cut back on any of the foreign stocks we have or is this all noise that investors shouldnt deal with . Its a tough call but i dont think you cut back. U. S. Companies are in better shape, right . The problem is european stocks are much cheaper. And what i like in europe, what i see there, you have corporate Profit Margins that are much lower. That sound like a bad thing but it means theyre is room for improvement. Margins are riding here. Margins have room for improvement there. I dont think you run away from europe at all. David steve what about this . A lot of people in europe think that theyre just on the edge of a boom themselves. Do you think thats true . The. Not really. But you have to understand, david, that boom in europe means recession, walking recession here. Two they break out the champagne. [laughter]. It is amazing. Melissa that is true. Like baseball. We like. 300 hitters. They like. 220 hitters. They havent made big Structural Reforms they need to make. Germany hasnt done anything big in the last 10 years. No countries show signs of it like italy or france. They will get a pop up. Jack is right, about relative value, if the stock is low enough you buy it, but in terms of economies themselves well not lose any sleep over them. Melissa meanwhile Top Republicans on capitol hill juggling a laundry list of important legislation. First on the list continuing to push to sell their plan to repeal and replace obamacare. Fox businesss peter barnes is in d. C. With the latest. Peter . Reporter hey, melissa. There is a group on the hill, on house side, called the republicans study committee. It has 172 members which is basically the entire republican conference which has 240 members. But a dozen of these are rsc members met with the president and other this is morning on Health Care Reform and some changes they want, would like to make to it. Afterwards, the group said the president had agreed to some changes in the legislation to win members votes including allowing states to take federal medicaid funding in block grant rather than just reducing Program Funding in 2020 and capping its growth at the price of medical inflation. Including also a change requires work for ablebodied adult medicaid beneficiaries without depends cents. They wanted using tax credits to purchase insurance under this legislation, from he vent any use of that for abortion payments. We met with 12, pretty much nos in congress. You saw that a little while ago, and they went from all nos, to all yeses. And we have a lost yeses coming in. It is all coming together. Youre looking at some of the top conservatives in the house. We stand united today to move this forward for the American People and were very proud to do so. Reporter now the house is expected to vote on the republican plan next thursday. Melissa . Melissa peter, thank you for that. So lets bring our panel back in with us. Steve, you know, he went into a room. He did lets make a deal. He got them from no to yes. Does that give you hope . Bsolutely. What were seeing here is what bismarck said years ago, he said there are two things, nice people shouldnt see being made, one is sausages, the other is laws. Laws, there are a lost negotiating, a lot of back and forth. That is what you see unfolding here. Contrary to the doomsaying about the Republican Party i think certainly the house is going to pass a Health Care Bill. One way or the other they will get a Health Care Bill through the senate. The democrats will be confounded. They thought this would be the issue that is going to destroy the trump presidency. Its not. Melissa so, james, why dont they move on to tax cuts. Yes. Were all for that but you know there are already on tax cuts because this Obamacare Repeal and replace is a big tax cut. You have reported it, 900 billion, amazingly comes with a 1. 2, excuse me, 900 trillion, 900 billion comes with a 1. 2 trillion spending cut. So theyre already doing tax cuts is the answer. They will do more of them. I would say he is on schedule. He looks like the closer he promised he would be. Melissa jack, what do you think . There is no one really out there i hear from right or left who looks at this plan, yep, weve done it, that is the fix, it is over weve got it. Melissa no, right. Some people think its a move in the right direction. Ultimately we have to address health care costs. Just one example, patents used to mean something, when drugs go off patents they used to face generic competition. That doesnts inly happen anymore. There are a lot of examples with drugs off patent, with no competition still selling skyhigh prices. We need reforms in areas nothing to do with insurance and coverage. Melissa steve, do you feel like were getting closer to getting things done . Do you have that sense, when you hear stories of him going into a room turning a the nosnto yes, does it soundike bravado or something actually happening . Im afraid to get my hopes up . A week or two ago there was feeling this was unraveling. So the president put himself in it. That is very encouraging sign. If he doesnt get the Health Care Bill through he will be severely damaged. To jacks point on drugs, he made a superb appointment as dr. Scott leeb as head of food and drug administration. He knows the need for that kind of reform. He knows things are happening. If they get a bill, semidecent bill as james said, big tax cuts. I think people will be reassured this will be a successful year for the republicans and the country. Melissa james, can i ask you one more time how important it is that we get to the tax policy . Let me give you another crack at that. You mean the incomes tax cut . Melissa yes. Lets get this one done and move on to the next one. I think that can happen. Really the markets i think are telling us they still believe he is going to deliver because otherwise, really valuations dont make sense at these levels. Melissa okay, guys. Thank you. David it did Ronald Reagan take 18 months to across the board. 18 months. He didnt either. It does take time. It is an ugly process. By the way also dont forget catch steve forbes and me every weekend for forbes on fox, saturdays at 11 00 a. M. Eastern on fox news. Sundays at 7 00 a. M. Eastern on fox. Had to make you a little better. I hope i did. Melissa preparing for the week ahead, democrats are gearing up to grill the fbi director and President Trumps nominee for the Supreme Court as republicans remain divided over health care. Bret baier anchor of special report is here to break it all down. David the president as Budget Proposal receiving Harsh Criticism from democrats and even a few republicans. Gop congressman weighing in on the America First plan. Melissa plus, a facetoface meeting at the white house. President trump sitting down with german chancellor Angela Merkel. The president was critical of merkel during the campaign, accusing her of ruining germany by allowing an influx in refugees. Where the two stand today. Thats next. Deartheres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced. Our senses awake. Our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say. If you love something set it free. See you around, giulia why pause a spontaneous moment . Cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempasĀ® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis. Melissa President Donald Trump and german president Angela Merkel addressed the press earlier today as they discussed their shared interests and the places where the two nations differ. Blake burman is live from the white house with details. There were a few jokes in there as well, blake. It was a good one. Reporter about wiretapping the president joking that maybe too Angela Merkel, he has got some common there. You mentioned these two are allies. There is common interest but a lot of differences at surface level both got into on this day with the german chancellor at the white house. One of them dealing with nato. Here at the white house a source tells fox that donald trump before the press conference pressed the german chancellor hard on nato dues. There is a commitment from nato nations to spend 2 of gdp on spending by 2024. Germany has not met the deadline. The night has. Were told that was a point of interest during discussions up there during the press conference. The president talked about it, because he feels it is unfair some nations have yet to pay their part of the share. This has been a Campaign Pledge of his as well. Another point where the two differ on issues is immigration. The german chancellor has been extremely liberal as it relates to allowing Syrian Refugees and migrants into germany. The president , we know where his stance on that is. The President Trump saying today immigration security is national security. And he said that immigration is a privilege, not a right. Making those comments as he stood next to Angela Merkel. By the way here at the white house today more questions about the United States secret service and just how they are able to protect this facility. You know that there was an entruer here at the white house last week. Well now we are learning that intruder might have been on the grounds here for as long as 15 minutes. That intruder were told at one point potentially jiggled the door, the story were getting this person might have been on the ground a lot longer than first initially thought. On top of that the secret service is also confirming that a laptop had been stolen from an officer in new york. That is being investigated there. Melissa . Melissa all right, blake, thank you so much. David hoare to react on President Trump and chancellor merkels meeting, former ambassador to bahrain, adam areli. Thank you for being here. At least theyre talking to each other, not at each other. That is a plus, right . Correct. David what about the refugee issue . Lets go to the key point of disagreement that they have. Do you think that there was any progress made in bringing them alittle closer together . Frankly i hope so. The refugee issue is a dagger pointed at the heart of europes political and economic stability and something affects america very greatly. What were seeing actually is a perfect storm of russia exploiting the refugee crisis to undermine allies to sow discord in europe. A perfect example what is happening in albania a year or some albania is becoming leading producer of marijuana, one of the big avenues of drugs into europe and nexus between russian, russia and the leadership in albania has led to weeks of very violent street protests in that country. David right. Look for unrest to contue throughout the lkans and southern europe. Thats one of the things germany is worried about. It is one of the things the United States should Pay Attention to. David more to the point of the Syrian Refugees in particular, there are, again, the exact number is in dispute, but there is no question there have been problems in places like sweden and france and belgium with refugees they have wrought in who have been involved in at least terrorist suspicion, if not terrorist acts. So i mean there are specific examples that can be pointed to. And some of those examples in fact are creating a political upheaval in europe. Absolutely. I think youre going, youve seen it already in elections in england, in france, in france next month. In the netherlands last week. Youre going to see it in elections in germany where merkel perhaps will be voted out of office precisely because of refugee issue. Nothing could make russia happier to sow these seeds of division and unrest and corruption in europe and theyre using the refugee crisis to do that. Its a very deliberate policy that threatens the United States as well as europe. David ambassador, you used to work for the state department. And there are huge cuts pending in the Trump Administrations budget plan. They may or may not pass. One of those areas is the United Nations. A lot of americans think what do we get for all the money. We spendbillion dollars there much 8 billion much more than any country does as a total. They came out with report against us and allies. They came out that was withdrawn, but u. S. Money helped paid for the money chastising israel. U. N. , our ambassador to the u. N. , i was going to say hall lie berry, but nikki haley spoke to that point and get your reaction. The u. N. Has been israelbashing for decades. We try to understand that there is a new administration in town. Were not going to put up with it. David is it within our rights as taxpayers to blame the u. N. When they do Something Like this . Well of course it is. The problem with the United Nations it is unaccountable. It seems to have a free hand to do whatever it wants irrespective of whos footing the bill and the United States accounts for 25 of the u. N. s budget. I think the administration is demanding accountability and using the power of the purse to carry that out. David i this youre right. Ambassador, thank you very much for coming in, we appreciate it. Goodgood to see you. Melissa not backing down. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson issuing strong words to north korea. Why he is not ruling out any options to counter the countrys nuclear threat. Next general jack keane sound off. Plus President Trumps first 100 days. The president already delivering on Major Campaign promises coming up. Next well ask one of the president s biggest supporters, Country Music legend larry gatlin about the president s progress so far. Replaced it all without touching our savings. Yeah, our insurance wont do that. No. You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youā„¢. Liberty Mutual Insurance im raph. My name is anne. Im one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. Dont let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because were here, were here, and weve got your back. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Melissa the u. S. Sending a stern warning to north korea. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson outlining a tougher strategy to confront the threat from the asian country and telling fox news, exclusively that he is weighing every option. Reporter are yo discuing, are these optis the table, nuclearization of the peninsula as was discussed during the campaign . We are exchanging views as i did in japan with Prime Minister abe. This afternoon i will exchange views with the leadership of the republic of korea as well as to our views on various approaches that can be taken. Reporter not ruling out either of those options, sir . Nothing has been taken off the table. Melissa President Trump weighing in, quote, tweeting north korea is behaving very badly. They have been playing the United States for years. China has done little to help. Here now is general jack keane, former u. S. Army vice chief of staff and fox news military analyst. Whats your assessment of this situation and more specifically of what secretary it tillerson said today . Well, we clearly have much more dangerous situation than we had a number of years ago. North korea has developed a nuclear arsenal. Now theyre trying to weaponize Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles as well as medium range Ballistic Missiles which could reach the United States and most of our military bases in the region. So that is a dangerous consequence for the United States and our allies. And that is different than just where we were a number of years ago. The other thing is, that the North Koreans continuously with their rhetoric say they fully intend to use those weapons against the United States. So, melissa, what tillerson has done here, he has admitted for the last twenty years we had three president s who tried to do something about north Koreas Nuclear Weapons Development and we failed. Melissa yeah. We have used the chinese to try to help us in that and we have failed. They have not, they have not changed north koreas behavior. So he said, and i think this is the most important thing he said, our former policy of strategic patience is over. Its failed. Melissa yeah. So theyre going to take, as you suggest, i think theyre going to do two things. They will engage the allies and engage the chinese. Theyre going to will to be confront in a way at least the Previous Administration has never done. I believe theyre flat going to tell the chinese, that where were heading is, the political options are going away, the economic options are going away. The Diplomatic Options are going away, were coming down to one option and that is a military option to strike those launch vehicles before they use them. We dont want that. You do not want that. So youve got to do something about it. Melissa it does seem like were heading down that road. Youre not dealing with, when they talk about going back to the table and negotiating with north korea, does not seem like you are dealing with a rational person on the other side who can be trusted, who you can sit down to have a conversation with. Really the negotiation you were talking about right there is with china. Yeah. Absolutely. We tried negotiations with north korea before and what we got, was a nuclear weapon. That is what actually happened. Melissa what do you think it comes down to . We dont have a lot of time and i want to hear your assessment. Do you think well have to launch a preemptive strike . I think the Trump Administration is prepared to do that. And i believe that will be, that will strengthen our diplomatic hand in dealing with the chinese. Once they come to grips with the fact that were dead serious about this. We dont want war on the peninsula. The chinese dont want that at all. It would be an absolute disaster for them. As well obviously for south korea and people of north korea. Nobody wants that but the North Koreans are forcg our ha this ainisation, im convinced, will use it if they have to. Melissa yeah. General keane, thank you so much for your insight. We love having you on. Thank you. Good talking to you, melissa. David clear and strong. We like the general. Well is a budget battle brewing as the white house outlines its budget for next year . Many in d. C. Are not on board. Republican congressman, todd rokita, the Budget Committee vicar chairman is up next. Melissa who better to ask fox newss bret baier, russia, health care, Supreme Court, he joins us next. Its just. We were going to ask about it but we werent sure when. So thanks. Being upfront is how edward jones makes sense of investing. As after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. What about the people i care about . Including this little girl. And what if this happened again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . So i asked my doctor. And he recommended eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Yes, eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. Eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Both made me turn around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may crease ur bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about l planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made eliquis the right treatment for me. Ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. Melissa next week is going to be very busy. Starting monday fbi director james comey is testifying on russias alleged influence on the election. On the same day the confirmation hearing begins for Supreme Court nominee neil gorsuch. As early as thursday the house is expected to vote on the Health Care Replacement bill. Joining me is bret baier, host of special report. Wow, thats a lot it is hard to keep up with this administration, yes . No. It is like drinking from a fire hose. We will have a lot going on monday with the gorsuch hearing that is really the premier event in that weve been waiting a long time for these hearings to happen. The fact it takes on such import. He has been making his way around by senate offices. By all accounts had some success wooing senate democrats, whether theyre actually going to vote for him we dont know. That he had pretty good experience an neck anecdotally on the hill. Well get to the questions weve been focusing on so long, that is the president s tweets about wiretapping. Where is the Russia Trump Campaign investigation. Is there anything there there . And, what exactly does the fbi director want to tell the American People and congress . Melissa those are two very spicy events. Lets go back to the first one. If were talking about gorsuch hearings, he has been making the rounds and people seem to like him and very rhett puttable and very solid, all those kind of things. He would almost tempt people to go against their partys best interest. It doesnt feel like a time in washington though if youre on the other side you get any respect for doing anything but resisting. Is all of that gladhanding for nothing . What do you think really happens there . No, i dont think it was for nothing. I think there will be some fiery exchanges. I think that democrats will come armed to go with all his past rulings, to try to paint him a certain way as a justice, potential Supreme Court justice. I dont think that will have traction. Ill be surprised if democrats hold the line and force Mitch Mcconnells hand on a nuclear option. In other words, bring it down to just 51 votes instead of 60. And, i think that they will save their powder for the second Supreme Court justice opening which could be Anthony Kennedy and could come this summer. Melissa so then on to fbi director comey, who, i mean, at some point in time over the last year almost everybody in washington has wanted to kick in the shins as he walks by. This guy, this is going to be, is it going to be another one of those hearings . Well i think so. Thats a potentially fiery hearing with democrats obviously still smarting from his letters about the Hillary Clinton investigation and both of them actually, the one clearing her and in essence at the end of related to the anthony weiner. Mails, remember all that. Some democrats said that that was bigger problem. You look at the polls, and they are saying the Russian Investigation should be continued in congress. I think thats a focus right now obvisly because the white house has been dealing with everything they have been dealing wi melissa if it is not enough, as early as thursday we could see the house voting on the Health Care Bill. You will see the rules take up the rule which is the gateway to the floor. And you should have a vote on thursday which will be a big week in washington, if it gets through the house, i think the real challenge for the Health Care Bill is in the senate. Melissa i hope you a get a lot of rest this weekend. Aa lot to do next weekend. Thanks for stopping by, bret. David a lot for to us cover. Target rich. Melissa yeah. David President Trump facing resistance to the budget from the mainstream mood yaw but the while house still seas it is the best way for the country to save taxpayer money. This is the mostage the president wanted to send to the public, to the press, to capitol hill. He want more money for defense, more money for border enforcement. More money for Law Enforcement generally. More money for vets. More money for School Choice. To offset that money with savings elsewhere. David that is budget director mick mulvaney. Joining us with his take on the budget republican congressman from indiana, vicechair of the house Budget Committee, todd rokita. Mick mulvaney. You cant do better than he is. He is extraordinarily talented in ability in pretty short order. Remember democrats held up his appointment for so long. He really familiarized himself with every detail. Budget, has he not. Oh, i think so. Dave, good to be with you. I have not met very many people as clearminded as my friend mick mulvaney. We served four years, well six years on the Budget Committee and he is a dear friend at dinner, all that stuff. So the conversation is always to the point, very lively. Youre seeing that in the budget. David by the way i want to point out to our viewers on left hand of the screen, the live shot of the president an his family with his wife around son. Theyre going to florida for the weekend. I expect he will be back for a very busy week as were discussing with bret baier around melissa. Theyre getting into the plane there in virginia for the trip. Now the president clearly has put together an ambitious budget, full of cuts. Huge cuts. 31 in epa. What is it, about 28 in the state department. I understand he is not going to win everything but who is fighting this and why are they fighting this . I assume it is because they want to hold on to their interests . Well, of course, budgets are about priorities. Being on the Budget Committee for six years no one comes into my office happy. Were used to that. This is the beginning of the discussion. The president s budget is budget request. Under article i of constitution, it is congress, specifically the house of representatives that hold the purse strings. This is beginning of a debate will go. Im fully in support of the president s budget. We could trim around the edges here and there, but he campaigned on more military spending, School Choice spending, these kinds of things. David and draining the swamp. Getting rid of the bureaucracy that is not doing much at all to help average americans. Lets take one example, the state department. 28 out of the state department. That is an agency, yes they do some good around the world but, when you think of the position that the United States has around the world, and all of the stuff thats thrown at it, and all of the stuff that the state department does nothing to do wi diplomacy, i would think everybody would be for those cuts . There is so much fat in all the agencies, lets be honest. The real problem is, although the president came from a tv show slogan where youre fired, he cant really fire anybody. We really have to get to Civil Service reform in order to get budgets reformed. David that is very important. Youre saying even in that budget there are specific cuts, calls for cuts of thousands of employees they can not be fired under current rules . It is very difficult. When they leave you might not want to replace them. It is hard to get rid of badperforming employees. Well have to address that he set is priorities as long as theyre paid for the majority will follow his league. David good luck, congressman. It will be a very rocky ride, appreciate it. Todd rokita, appreciate you being here from indiana. Melissa keeping his word to the American People. Why one of President Trumps biggest supporters says his budget is doing just that. Larry gatlin, Country Music legend, joins us live. Thats next. David making good on his promises. Rush limbaugh touting President Trumps budget plan as just another promise kept. Take a listen. It is a fabulous budget. Its a budget that everyone of you who voted for trump expected him to deliver, and trump will be able to say he kept his promise. David so do American Voters feel the same . Here Country Music ledge enand trump supporter larry gatlin. A good friend of mine. Good to see you, larry. Good to see you, old friend, how are you doing . David im doing great and hope you too. Donald trump said he would drain the swamp. That is exactly what he is doing. His budget is about draining the swamp. Do the folks in nashville appreciate that. The folks in nashville love it. We did a big event night before last. David we saw it wednesday night. Well you know, first of all im going to have read the bill so i can, you know, find out whats in it. Famous words. But, if you like it, if my friend Rush Limbaugh likes it, i dont know all the arcane, all the minutia. Here is what i know. The rally two nights ago in nashville municipal auditorium, it was kind of a cross between Elvis Presley and billy graham. You know it was rock and roll concert and it was spiritual event. And i saw those people. I saw the people, saw him loving on them and them loving on him back. They dont know, and i dont either. You know me, im a policy wonk, i love to get down in that stuff. I cant say i know all the ins and outs of that budget. Its a huge problem. You know Rush Limbaugh read it. He likes it. I saw our mutual friend doc laugher, maybe yesterday david another resident of nashville, tennessee. Another nashvilleian and doc laugher seemed to think it was a good start that i recall. All the things President Trump has put into motion, pretty much of what doc laffer and david that rally was representative of tennessee. Tennessee went over 60 for donald trump for the election. You used that term almost religious. You mentioned billy graham. Is there something that is more than political going on here . Is there a kind of a, i dont know a Spiritual Connection to trump, and might those kind of connections very often when theyre in politicians are misplaced. Does that concern you . Well you know, im a christian. You and i talked about that before and christians are, were not called knowers. Were called believers. We believe. Those people the other night, they believed President Trump, what he was saying, and i believed, i believed they believed it because it came from his heart. Look, david, you know me. Im not antiimmigrant. Im no antianything but, well, i antty some stuff but surely not antiimmigrant. The part on the statue of liberty, give me your tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to be free. I dont believe we should take a hammer and chip that off. I think we need the American Flag drape over it a little while. Guess what, my old friend, we have got huddled masses. Weve got tired and poor. I saw them and theyre yearning to be free. I saw them in the municipal auditorium. Folks a lot of them not really welleducated, some are poor and downtrodden, they believe they have been screwdidley. This mans rings true. David larry, before we, we only have 30 seconds, i just want to mention because somebody told me youre doing a musical on a comanche chief. Tell me a little bit about that in 20 seconds we have left. Tell you the old searcher story. John wayne went out to get with the white girl who had been with the comanches. Her name is cynthia parker. The first line, what color is god anyway, do you think he looks like you . That sound for america, doing at letter rick stage theater. David phelps will be in. I will be in there. They wanted me to play part of old gray headed guy. How do you think i will do. David i think youre a natural. No offense. Thanks, pal. David larry gatlin, good luck with the musical. Thanks for coming in. Appreciate it. Tell david okay. Melissa berkeley, californias latesttand against businesses tied to President Trumps wall. Plus, challenging the Refugee Resettlement program. Why one state is calling it unconstitutional next. This is the silverado special edition. This is one gorgeous truck. Oh, did i say theres only one special edition . Because, actually theres five. Ooohh aaaahh uh hooooly mackerel. Wow. Nice. Strength and style. Its truck month. Get 0 financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get 5500 on select Chevy Silverado pickups when you finance with gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you 24 7. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youā„¢ liberty Mutual Insurance david the battle over refugees within our borders. The state of tennessee challenging the u. S. Governments Refugee Resettlement program with a lawsuit arguing that it goes against the constitution by forcing the state to spend its funds on a federal program. Fox newss Jonathan Serrie standing by with the very latest. Interesting story, jonathan. Reporter it is indeed, david. You know the federal Refugee Resettlement program is no stranger to legal challenges but this is apparently the first time that a state has alleged that the program violates the u. S. Constitution. Take a listen. We believe its a violation of the tenth amendment which declares states are sovereign, that the federal government cant use state money, can not use state employees, to run a federal program. That is what they have done. Reporter the conservative nonprofit thomas more law center failed the suit on the states behalf. Even though the feds pay Catholic Charities to resettle in tennessee. Once the refugees move out of the program many become dependent on stayedfunded services such as held care and education. If theyo to aublic school and dont speak english and need english language learning classes those are in paid for part by the state of tennessee. Reporter the aclu of tennessee criticized the lawsuit saying we believe that the actions of these politicians do not represent the majority of tennesseans who believe in helping those in need, especially those fleeing violence and terror to protect their families. Now immigrants rights advocates saying this lawsuit is going to hurt refugees but those backing the lawsuit say its simply about holding the federal government accountable for all those unfunded federal mandates they impose on states. David . David good stuff. Jonathan serrie, thank you very much. Melissa. Melissa so berkeley, california, is targeting businesses that work on President Trumps border wall. The city is becoming the first in america to divest from any company thats involved in the walls design, building or financing. At last count more than 600 businesses are bidding to be a part of that project. So berkeley will refuse to make money off them and help their retirees. David yeah. Exactly. One of those surprise, surprise, berkeley acting like berkeley again. Melissa there is that too. David major monopoly makeover. This is Important News you can use. Some of their popular board game pieces are never going to pass go again. Melissa the future of the game monopoly board pieces are being replaced with fan favorites, the trex and rubber ducky and penguin. David they will join old classics like scotty dog, top hat, and battleship, unveiled just in time for world monopoly on sunday. There was a concern that we would have to change monopoly into socialism, the elections changed that concern. But interesting that the pieces are changing. My kids love monopoly. David risk reward starts now. Liz first it was democrats and unions, then hollywood. Now entire cities in revolt againsdonald trump and his agenda. This is not a fight about sanctuary cities, a new fight. We have details. And welcome to risk reward. Liberal cities refee refuse to enforce the law and deport Illegal Immigrants who have committed rape and murder. Now a big city in trans ba bay San Francisco bay area could be first to boycott

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