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Melissa brawl at the mall. Fights break out at malls across america. Well look into the role social media is playing in all of this. Historic visit, japanese Prime Minister touring a pearl harbor memorial with president obama this hour. Well take you there when they make remarks. This is first time a sitting japanese leader formally visited the site where japan surprise attack launched america into world war ii 75 years ago. David it is all happening in the colling hour. First back to the markets. The dow inching closer to 20,000 but losing some steam into the close. Were 52 points away. Could happen any day of course. Gold and oil moving higher. Phil flynn watching action from the cme in chicago and Nicole Petallides from the floor of the new york stock exchange. Nicole, you get a sense of a stall for the dow but the nasdaq notching another record high. Very convincing. No doubt. Were watching highs and close to highs across the board. Nasdaq is one that did it. It hit the 5500 mark. We remember in 2000 when we crossed 5000. It took so long to get back to these levels. Here we are today, crossed 5500. Were up half of 1 . Here are some names that helped move nasdaq to the upside today, including tesla motors, netflix and nvidia. Some of these names really had great, netflix in particular had a great 2015 and pulled back some. Some technology names, talking about facebook and also amazon and netflix and google. They havent had quite the 2016 that they did in 2015. But got to take what you can get from this group. They seriously are doing well. Nasdaq up close to 10 this year. The dow about 15 . Quickly as the dow leaders looking at apple, cisco and goldman sachs. Those are winners. Were about 20 points away from dow 20,000. It is toying and teasing with us until we actually move through. It took a month to get through dow 10,000. So those round numbers can be tough. Melissa there you go. Well keep an eye on it. Nicole, thank you so much. Phil, oil getting a boost, ending up 2 . Is it based on opec optimism . It definitely is, no doubt about it, going into the end. Year. In fact we heard from a major nonopec member over the weekend, vladmir putin, the president of russia, who says get ready the production cuts are coming so the market really believes it. We had a big runup in natural gas, a return of winter after the little warmup getting the market excited. Look at gold, back from the dead today this is a the market that had its worst run in 12 years. It is back up, partly going into the holiday but also because of the strong Housing Price number, the strongest weve seen since the beginning of the financial crisis. Maybe inflation is in our future and gold might look good. Back to you. Melissa all right, phil, thank you. Well see. David dow 20,000 certainly in sight. It has been for about a week but will we hit the mile stone before the new year . Lets bring in todays market panel. Veronica daguerre from the wall street journal and jim lowell from the advisors panel. Big bow tie. I like that. Nasdaq is full steam ahead but the dow seems stuck. Why . Well, i think this is a year where we have had very significant and surprise postelection rally. The dow not quite convinced maybe it needs to go all the way to 20,000 plus before we get some more facts on the ground but i bet we do it before this year does run its course. It is awfully tempting you about the temptation has to be matched in facts for it to be sustained once we break over 20,000. David veronica, next week we get the jobs numbers. That is some indication whether people believed enough in trump is doing so theyre hiring more people. Could that move the market . This week it is such volume. Well see volume even drop as the week goes on. So next weeks jobs numbers could be that catalyst. I think for the average investor this is exciting but not like it was dow 10,000. David yeah. While were all professional investors are waiting for this number, average investor at home were not excited as they were a couple years back when it does hit, dont freak out either way. There will be opportunities to get in. If youre in already, youre probably feeling good right now. David some people were thinking, jim, whatever happened to tax loss harvesting. When you sell your sled before the end. Year in order to balance out some of the winners during the year taxwise . I think well see a lot of that at the start of 2017. There has been a little bit of a pause this year because there are some unknowns about what trump and the new administrations tax policies are going to be like, i think people are waiting until they get a few more fact the on the ground. David yay. Otherwise we would have seen some significant swap loss selling. Look this market handed us a basket full of spectacular pains this year. Next year i would suspect while we still see the s p 500 maybe gain 10 by yearend you will have to be a lot more selective and a lot more focused on good active managers who know not how to buy the market but buying specific names in the marketplace in order to deliver those gains. Melissa donald trump the real hope and change . The president elect tweeting, quote, the world was gloomy before i won. There was no hope. Now the market is up nearly 10 , and spending over a trillion dollars for Christmas Spending exclamation point. Consumer confidence hit highest level in 15 years. What you do think, veronica, are you buying it . Is it the trump effect . There is a trump effect going on, i dont think we can doubt that but i think it is a bit of a stretch to count everything to his election. His election was exciting for a lot of people. His potential policies are very exciting for a lot of people. However if you look at earnings, earnings were accelerating into the second half of the year. Look at Holiday Retail sales projections those were 3 to 4 for end of the year. Certainly not a trillion dollars. Melissa but it is the outlook, jim. Consumer confidence, that is really a number, people think their taxes are going down next year realistically. Almost everybody will see a smaller tax bill when we look at the current incarnation what we think the tax code will look like. Youre sitting here, feeling better. Youre spending a little bit more, no . No question about it. This is an economy at full employment for many people. Their wages are rising. Their 401 k balances are back at record highs. Their home equity values are strong. There is a lot of reason for real optimism. Add to that the assumption well get tax breaks, more money in our pockets. For consumer driven economy, Consumer Confidence matters. What matters essentially what consumers do with the money. We always watch what they do, rather than how they say theyre feeling. But look, dow close to 20,000. A lot better than dow close to 5,000. Market at full employment. A lot better than eight years ago when the market looked like we may not have returned to employment ever again. David okay if there was ever a story waiting for donald trump tweet, this is it. Boeing may have no problem overcharging the u. S. For air force one but, the Company Might being offering a big discount to iran. Boeings deal to sell more than 16 billion worth of aircraft to iran will now cost just 8 billion according to irans deputy transport minister. Jim, i can see the tweet. Here were giving half off to our enemies and were charging the u. S. Double for air force one. Its a fair tweet. If you give me 150 billion and i buy 8 billion worth of your products i take that day under any sun. Took place to fly around the world but i would be very nervous if i were them youre buying handful of planes from boeing, u. S. Company, looks like we could put good Surveillance Software on the ground in iran quickly. David that is a nice idea. Im sure somebody saw that. Veronica, a lot of information is coming from iran. You have to suspect the source here. If true, this is tailormade for trump to say look, you guys can do whatever you want with iran but you will do at least the same if not better for us. Absolutely red meat for him and his followers. Not sure why they havent jumped on it yet. Well see. When you look at a stock like boeing, their executives are not too thrilled about this they desperately need orders. They have seen a decline for their big jets. They need sales from iran to help their sales. Well see how it hurts negotiating power, not just in iran and other parts of the world but in the United States. David i cant wait for that tweet. Veronica, jim, thank you very much. Good to see you both. Melissa so president elect donald trump announcing plans to close his foundation amid criticism over conflicts of interest. Why this may be easier said than done. David racing the clock to empty Guantanamo Bay. President obamas last ditch tempt a to free even more detainees as nearly a third of those who were released are returning to terrorism. Retired Navy Captain Chuck Nash weighing in on that. Melissa outspoken harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz says israel has been stabbed in the back by the president when the white house sat out a crucial u. N. Vote. He explains why peace in israel will be harder to achieve and well look how it will impact the future of the United Nations. It is an organization that exacerbates tensions, it does not assuage them. I think it is Good Real Estate in downtown new york city and trump ought to find away to put his name on it and turn it into condos. Melissa tensions remaining high between the United States and israel as we are hearing secretary kerry planning a major speech. Fox businesss blake burman has the latest info rrounding israelu. S. Relations. Blake, it is getting dicey. Reporter. It is in the final days, melissa of the Obama Administration, state Department Spokesman says secretary john kerry will give a major speech tomorrow about the middle east. This comes as the government of the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is accusing the u. S. Of interference. Israel is saying it was quote, ironclad information that the United States helped create last weeks u. N. Resolution which condemned israeli settlement building. Here was the ambassador, ron dermer, last night on fox news. Listen here. We have that evidence. As i said earlier well present it to the new administration. If they choose to share it with the American People that will be their choice. We have evidence. Reporter now the United States abstained from that u. N. Vote but Deputy Press Secretary eric schultz denies the israeli claim of coordination saying, and im quoting here, the egyptians in partnership with the palestinians are ones who began circulating a earlier resolution. The egyptians are the ones that moved it forward on friday. President elect donald trump has been a harsh critic of the u. N. Following the vote. He tweeted the following, quote, the United Nations has such Great Potential but right now it is a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad. Melissa, again that speech from the secretary of state john kerry were told coming at some point tomorrow. Melissa okay. Well keep an eye out for it. Blake, thank you. David mike next guest says president obama stabbed israel in the back. Alan dershowitz, harvard law professor emeritus, joins us right now. You had this personal meeting with president obama at which he pledged to have israels back. Well he did have israels back, as a target. There is no conflict between the United States and israel. Americans overwhelmingly oppose this resolution, support israel. 88 senators opposed it. Entire house virtually opposes it. Many within the Obama Administration opposed it. This is a personal thing. This is barack obama, the lame duck president , undemocratically with no checks and balances at a time when congress is out of session, just getting even, letting his passion prevail over policy. David but, would he do such a thing at the risk of israels future . He would. He would do it at the risk of americas future. David does he not care about israels future. Im not sure he cares about americas future. He cares about his own legacy. He burnishes it he doesnt get this is bad for america. Remember if he was opposed just to settlement building he could have had a resolution saying we opposed settlement bidding were critical of the settlement build building in the west bank. David there is more to the resolution than just settlements. It goes to the heart of jewish gushes. Says jews cant pray at holiest site of judaism andcant go to jerusalem university. David aimed ad demographic competition, character status of palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including ease jerusalem that would include the west wall, wailing wall. It is not palestinian territory. Palestine didnt exist, still doesnt exist. Jordanian territory captured from israel in aggressive military war in 1948 when all the arab countries attacked new nation of israel, declared war on it and said it would engage in genocide. Jordan captured it illegally. Why does that become palestinian territory . At most disputed territory. David we have a minute. Two things i want to get in. First of all how difficult will it be for donald trump to undo the resolution . He cant do it. That is the problem. That is why it is so undemocrattic. The democrat tieded hands of his successors. You cant undo failing to give a veto. What he can do, down the impact, declaring that it is american policy. The capital of israel is jerusalem and moving embassy there. David you heard the israeli ambassador, ron determiner, in fact they have information this resolution was pushed by the United States. They didnt just abstain themselves from the vote. They actually pushed this. Do you have information from that. Yes the idea america would allow resolution to go through without any i am being pack he is either axe noning when the president and his people say they had no influents on resolution, they are claiming i am poe tens, they could have threatened to veto, they could have said we will veto unless you take this language out, either they were incompetent tent and ineffective or they played a behind the scenes role. David you have scene information. I have heard information that demonstrates that america played a far more active role. And there will be congressional hearings and ben rhodes will be called to testify under oath and produce documents. I bet you anything you will see americas heavy thumb on that scale of injustice. David professor Alan Dershowitz. Good to see you, professor. Thank u. Melissa. Melissa Carrie Fisher sadly passed away. Many costars and friends paying tribute to their late friend. Well show their reaction next. Plus, president obama says he would have beat the president elect in the election. The president elect is not happy about those comments. This is offensive to Hillary Clinton. Can you imagine how she feels, that president obama says she is such a loser candidate that i would have won and she didnt. That has to be something not going well over in that house at chappaqua. What super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. Super poligrip is part of my life now. Melissa president ial showdown. President obama claiming that he would have beat the president elect and won a third term. Take a listen. I am confident in this vision because im confident that if i, if i had again and a ticker lated i think i could have mobilize ad majority of the American People to rally behind it. I know in conversations that i have had with people around the country, even some people who disagreed with me, they would say the vision, the direction, that you point towards is the right one. Melissa hmmm. Donald trump firing back in a tweet saying quote, president obama said he thinks he would have won against me. He should say that but i say no way jobs leaving, isis, health care, et cetera. Brad blakeman, former bush 43 staffer and danielle mcglothlin, liberal commentator. Brad, let me start with you. The person this really hits is Hillary Clinton. He is saying gosh, anybody could have beaten this guy with the right vision. He is really saying it was just her that didnt do it, no . Well, i wonder if they let the president now have access to newspapers and television because he makes such a statement. This was a stunning rebuke, this last election of barack obama. This is the year of the ultimate outsider. Donald trump was able to do that in the primary. He did it against the ultimate insider this november, Hillary Clinton has been around 40 years in various highprofile positions. L over the country, begging people, shaming people to vote for hillary, because they said, he said a vote for hillary is vote for barack obama continuing the next four years. Stunning rebuke of barack obama and obviously he is in denial. Melissa what is interesting about what he said, he said if he had gone out and articulated the message, that it wasnt about his popularity, he is saying you know the message should have won but in truth, i mean democrats lost 1042 state and federal posts. Under president obama. You have the front page of the New York Times saying was barack obama bad for democrats . I mean almost like the evidence is that he himself was popular but what he said about, you know, if he just articulated his vision, that vision would win, seems by numbers not correct. Well, we what happens often what you have an administration in for two terms we see the other side coming in and often times taking house and senate and often down ballot race, governorships and others. Since jfk, every single democratic president who has come in also taken the house and senate. To obamas point whether he would have won or not, in the further conversation with David Axelrod he says Hillary Clinton did wonderful job. That is important to acknowledge. Talks a little bit about things he suffered in terms of press bias. We can talk about the extent of that. This is what we see. Elections and politics are secular. Last things i would say, some things donald trump suggesting we do have a country, are feeling more democratic. His daughter is talking about paid child care. He is talking about an infrastructure bill, which is traditionally democratic position. Trump is republican in some senses. Brad, this is a common theme on the democratic side. You know the election is over. And it is not about the message. It is not about the direction. It is not about the policy. It is not about any of these things. It is just about Hillary Clinton. That this is an indictment of her. That is sort of the perspective that you hear coming from a lot of people on the left that feel like what they believe in is in fact the most popular point of view. It was just poorly articulated. Is there any chance that is the case . No. This was, this wasnt about vision. This was about a record. There was eight years of a record of failure, abysmal failure in foreign policy, economy and jobs and health care. The promises that were made by barack obama for the hope and change was not delivered to any of the American People, regardless of where u are geographically, of your income, of your race. This has been a failure of policy. Not of vision. And Hillary Clinton, basically has overstayed her public welcome. That was the rebuke of not only her but of obama. Melissa danielle, how appropriate is it for a president to come out and Say Something like this . On one hand is absolutely trying to defend his legacy and what he is hear about and road he is marching down with people following him at least he thought for the past eight years. On the other hand to come out and say this sound egos tis call and a little petty and mean to Hillary Clinton. He is supposed to be riding out on a high note. What do you think . I think its a little bit waste of time around and around who would have won. If you look at numbers he would have beaten trump. That doesnt do any good. We need to move forward. President obama should be quiet and reflective. If there are issues arise within the Trump Presidency that president obama thinks are problematic for the core American Values that we all share i think he will Say Something. Melissa i have a feeling trump will be tweeting and former president obama will be sniping and well go down the road for a while. Hey, it makes television. Brad, danielle, thank you. Thank you. David we have breaking news. President obama, japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe moments ago touring the uss arizona site at pearl harbor. It has been 75 years since japans surprise attack. Todays visit coming just as president obama nears the end of his term. Were expecting both leaders to make a statement in the next hour and we will cover that live. Melissa mounting criticism of the Trump Foundation but the president elect has the solution. Why donald trump nexts move may silence the critics for good. Next Dan Henninger of the wall street journal will weigh in. David david plus mall brawls. Violence breaking out in Shopping Centers all over the country. How social media could be to blame. Right when im getting in the store, everybody says get back. Theyre putting the door down and the gate. Youre just like, oh, my god, what is going on. L not letting anyone else go inside. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Melissa putting conflict of interest fears to bed, the president elect vowing to close his Trump Foundation to avoid any appearance of conflict as my role in president to continue my giving to philanthropy in other ways. Were raising money for pediatric cancer, now we have to shut it down for any other appearance, it is sounds kind of sad, there is no other way around it, is there . Probably not. This is turning into the legal morass of for donald trump. The Charities Bureau of the new York Attorney Generals Office is after him. He thinks it should shut it down but i dont think it will. This will go on for the length of the Trump Presidency. Whether it is Trump Foundation or trump university, or the fact he has a very complex financial life. And all of his assets. These things will be pursued one way or another as long as he is president. Melissa the Clinton Foundation, if she had won, and come in, we certainly expect, they would leave chelsea in charge for it, we were yelling that is not fair. You have to shut it down. Otherwise when you give something to the daughter of a president , certainly they think she will call her mother, that is the appearance. Not whether it is really there but about the appearance,. It is partly the appearance. We talked about that for many, many years. This is about an could i can in of interest and conflicts of interest are becoming a political weapon. Melissa yeah. If you have assets as complicated as donald trump and the trump family you will be able to find conflicts of interest or apparent conflicts of interest anywhere you look. Is this spoused to inhibit people that have trumps background or rex tillerson, the new secretary of state from entering politics . Are you allowed to have anyone like that coming into politics. Melissa democrats announcing on the Trump Foundation his announcement is a wilted figure leaf to coverp his remaining conflicts of interest and cover up pitiful record of charitable giving. Sound like theyre completely satisfied, no. There is not much more they can do with it. They will find other ways. Partisan attacks on trump finances. Aggressive journalism out there. Some will be a bloody mess. Trump knew this getting in. Im sure there would be all the questions raised and we will have this squads of lawyers having to deal with it for as long as he is president. Melissa i wonder how much penetrates the public consciousness . When you talk about somebody who comes into office and penniless, theyre always doing things on the come, that later on i will swap a favor here and later im on the board of lockheed or whatever it is. They come in with money, there is the opposite concern. Who gave them money ahead of time, who is giving them money for favors later . It is sort of the nature of the job. Yeah. And you know what . This raises a very good question. You mentioned the Clinton Foundation. Voters had information in front of them about the Clinton Foundation. Melissa yes. Hillary clintons visits when she was secretary of state. Over half of them gave money to the Clinton Foundation and they had a lot of information about donald trump and his finances and his complex financial life. Voters knew these things and they made a decision, all right . Whether they approve of it or not, they chose donald trump over Hillary Clinton. So it is not as though these things are inhibiting the political process. People absorb this information. Melissa one of the hardest problems Going Forward is the rest of the family, what do they do . Do they have to sit home the entire time . We talk about chelsea and the foundation. The trump kids. Its a difficult problem to solve because it is hard to do something without it looking like a conflict but at the same time do you want somebodys ever living relative to sit idle . It is sad that eric trump had to shut down the philanthropic activities about the conflicts. As long as theyre transparent about it, i dont think it is a problem. Melissa transparency is the key. Thank you very much. David turning now to the retail madness this past weekend as stores filled up with shoppers, not everyone was patient with the crowds. A lot of coordinated fight broke out in a dozen malls all over the country sparking a social media storm. Jeff flock is standing by in chicago. You might have known something would happen there. Jeff . Reporter it was outside of chicago in this case, david, aurora, the fox valley mall. There were across the country. Pretty much everywhere you look there was a problem in a mall. In terms of coordination, Authorities Say there was talk in social media in advance of what you want to call them, mall brawls. Beechwood, ohio, one near cleveland and as the aurora, colorado one, they apparently talked about it on social media in advance. The others spontaneously sprang up. Kids being cooped up in the house a couple days, im not quite sure what it was and neither are authorities at this point. They havent found any kind of a National Coordination even though a lot of these problems took place at the same time. Arrests, around the country, nobody seriously injured fortunately. But, david, poking around about this, if you search out mall brawls or mall fights on the internet, it is not just yesterday these take place. They take place with increasing, or lack of rarity, increasing numbers. It is kind of weird, but the mall has become a place where, you know people go and getting in trouble. I dont know. David looks like they will need their own police force there. Theyre not doing a good job of it. The mall cop is definitely david mall cop has a lot on his hands right now. It is a tough job. Melissa . Melissa hollywood has lost another light. Carrie fisher has died. The actress best known for her portrayal of star warss Princess Leia was being treated at a l. A. Hospital after suffering a massive heart attack on a flight from london. That was friday. Fisher will be remembered not only for her iconic role in star wars but also for a string of hollywood hits, including the blues brothers, hanna and her sisters, remember her in that one, when harry met sally. She was a talented writer, penning five novels and three nonfiction works. She was called on to rework screenplays for sister act, the last action hero, many more. She was a script doctor. Markham medical tweeting, no words, devastated. Billy d. Williams, says im deeply saddened at the news of Carrie Fishers passing. She was a dear friend who i greatly admired. The force is dark today. Steve martin is tweeting this, when i was a young man, Carrie Fisher was the most beautiful creature i had ever seen. She turned out to be witty and bright as well. Carrie fisher, dead at the age of 60. David president elect donald trump is vowing to go after obamacare first thing after taking office. Fox business senior washington correspondent peter barnes standing by in d. C. , with details how this legislative battle could unfold. Reporter wellobamacare has been one of president elect trumps top targets. We will repeal the disaster known as obamacare and create new health care, all sorts of reforms, that work for you, and your family, and we are going to be doing it properly. Reporter president obama declare obamacare a success especially this month as consumers enrolled for coverage in 2017, and as republicans threaten to scrap it. One new study shows that if Congress Repeals obamacare as they proposed, nearly 30 million americans would lose their coverage. 30 million. Reporter analysts are looking at a 2015 Obamacare Repeal plan for clues to how mr. Trump may proceed on replacing it. It came from republican congressman tom price of georgia, whom mr. Trump nominated to be his secretary of health and human services. The legislation would offer age adjusted tax credits for purchases of individual and Family Health insurance policies. It would encourage more people to contribute to Health Savings accounts. It would offer grants to states to subsidize insurance for sicker people. It would allow sales for Health Insurance policies across state lines to promote competition. It would allow Small Businesses to ban together in professional associations to purchase and provide coverage to members through Association Health plans. But making changes to obamacare could get complicated. For those who have been in place and are in effect, the only twoways to eliminate or modify them are through statutory change. So congress writing new legislation that overrides those, or, the president and the secretary of hhs going through the normal rulemaking process which, would take at least a year. Repeal and replace as it has been described seems to be repeal, a big pause and something, some kind of a replace that is very illdescribed. So it is sort of like telling people well push you out of a plane, hopefully well have a parachute before you land. Reporter at various points on the campaign trail mr. Trump expressed support for keeping some of the more popular provisions in obamacare, such as a ban on denying coverage for people with preexisting medical conditions. Back to you. David peter barnes, thank you very much. Apparently the u. S. Mint cant squeeze value out. Penny. It costs more to make than it is worth. The cost to produce the onecent coin rose to 1 1 2 cents during the 2016 fiscal year. As inflation and commodities increased. Spokesman for the mint says costs for its productions have gone up since 2011. A fight back to the battlefield. President obamas midnight push to close Guantanamo Bay for good but can we actually stop these prisoners from returning to terror . Next captain chuck nash is here to sound off. Your path to retirement may not always be clear. But at t. 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David with only weeks left of his final term, president obama looking to fulfill his promise of closing gitmo but nearly a third of the former detainees are apparently returning to terror. 208 of the 693 detainees released from gitmo are confirmed or at least suspected of returning to terrorism according to the office of director of national intelligence. Well, captain chuck nash, retired u. S. Navy captain, fox news military analyst is here to talk respond to all of this. 1 3 is a lot of terrorists that could be doing harm to americans. Its a pretty high recidivism rate, david but when you look back and do it by the numbers, there were 780 at the high point under the bush administration. He bequeathed 242 prisoners or detainees, i should say, to president obama. Now were down to 59. And on monday, the Obama Administration told congress under law, they have to, gave them 30 days notice, they want to release 11 to 18 more, which would leave us about 41, prisoners detainees left, of those 41 to 42, 27 are so hardcore nobody would think about letting those guys go so it is not going to close. David i remember hearing about that the last time. The last time with another prisoner release. Those ones there are hardcore. We could never release them. Were releasing some of those that were considered back then too hardcore to release. I dont know what happens over time, these guys are evaluated periodically, and they look at three criteria. One is, is there a risk if we get this guy out of here, that he will return to the battlefield, is he highrisk . Two, is there any intelligence value left in him that we can continue to mine . And three is he a pain in the neck or pretty much obeyed the rules . They go through that process f they believe they can transfer him, they transfer him to a facility but outside of guantanamo. David youre preaching to the converted on this, but you can obey all the rules and still in your heart be a terrorist. That is why these guys are different than normal criminals. The other thing who were releasing them to. Were releasing them to places like uruguay and bosnia, illequipped to handle potential terrorists, right . Some. Places were starting with this group anyway, we have in the past, are the u. A. E. , qatar, saudi arabia, places that have internal Security Operations where these guys can be watched. How closely are they watched . Not nearly as close as you or i would want them to be. It keeps them in the confines of those countries. That doesnt mean theyre incommunicado. David i guess. A couple have sort of been lost. They cant find them anymore. But there is actually one who they were thinking of giving 100,000 to. That is a whole another issue. I want to get your take on Something Else if we can. Were currently waiting remarks from president obama, and japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe after they held this really historic meeting in pearl harbor. Talk to the meeting itself. It was pearl harbor that attacked us ruthlessly in 1941. What are your thoughts abo this . Well, Prime Minister abe is the not first japanese Prime Minister to visit pearl harbor. Prime minister yashido, back in 1951, six years after the war, visited admiral radford, who at the time was commander of the pacific fleet. Since then have been visits in 56 and 57. That is before the opening of the arizona memorial. That is where this is taking place. This is most symbolic, because the arizona is the National Memorial to pearl harbor. David still a tomb for many of the men that went down with it. It is indeed. David a lot of concern on part of japanese what happened with china and north korea. Clearly this administration, Obama Administration has done nothing to quell the fears of japan that they could be in target sites of north korea or run into trouble with china. Is there going to have to be a whole new reassures campaign with the japanese after trump comes into the presidency . I think so. Actions speak louder than words. President elect trump has a way with words and conveying his thoughts. I believe what happens, you will see more exercises in the pacific. The emnity that exists between the countries you mentioned, japan, korea and china, this december, just on the 13th, marked the 79th anniversary of the rape of nanjing where 200,000 chinese civilians were killed. Same thing with korea. These countries still are poking at each other, still very much dislike each other, even though now that the world war ii is over and everything, japan is our ally, not our enemy. Each other with one bigoking at difference between them. Japan is the only one without Nuclear Weapons. Donald trump spoke to this point during the campaign. Wouldnt you rather in a certain sense have japan have Nuclear Weapons when north korea has Nuclear Weapons . What do you think of that remark . I think the chemistry in the region between those three countries were japan to announce that they were beginning a Nuclear Weapons program, i think that would be extremely destablizing. If they were to do Something Like that, they have to modify and they are modifying, i believe article iv or article 5 of their constitution which basically compels them to be defensive only. David right. If they open a program they ought to do it like indians and pakistanis did it. The way you find out about it, when they set off the first one. David sorry to interrupt. We have breaking news. There is suspicious package none other than than trump you tower. Were hearing nypd, the new York Police Department is investigating. That is all the information we have at the moment. The president elect currently is in florida. He is well out of danger but a very busy thorough fare along fifth avenue there. Could do a lot of damage but we are going to be investigating ourselves. Well collect some information. Be back with you in a moment with more on this breaking news. If you have medicare parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. No enrollment window. No waiting to apply. That means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Medicare doesnt cover everything. And like all standardized Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. So dont wait. Call now to request your free decision guide. It could help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan that works for you. 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