Transcripts For DW World Stories - The Week In Reports 20181

Transcripts For DW World Stories - The Week In Reports 20181208 14:15:00

streets of paris is the fourth weekend of yellow fence protests its problems major landmarks like the eiffel tower and the looper means e.m.i. keeping that was shot on hundreds of protesters have already been arrested and ninety thousand police offices a standing god. you're watching daily news live from berlin well coming at the top of the hour and don't forget you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our web site at g.w. dot com thanks for joining. us. natural riches of precious resources. and a rewarding investment. farmland has been called ethiopia's green gold the country has an abundant supply of leases it to an international group china and
. the government is after high export revenues and the corporations profit margins. but not everyone benefits from the booming business. plaintiffs contribution the environmental destruction starvation law but the sewing out of a country they don't use. those sorts december twenty ninth on t w. this week on world stories. back in the driver's seat one man's story from nigeria confronting prejudice and aids activist in russia we begin in lebanon currently home to one and a half million syrian refugees many of them living in poverty it's often the
children who end up working just to get by. it is six in the morning and lebanon's bekaa valley. year old some i just woke up a splash of cold water in the face and she is ready for work is tiny makeshift bed with three of her six siblings. she doesn't go to school there are no schools in the camp where would she go to school so may as mother is sick and cannot go to work her older siblings also work but so my is still needs to pitch in to help the family make ends meet so instead of getting on a school bus so my eye gets under strike every morning where she is the only child among many adults. for two dollars a day collects whatever crop is ready for harvest in the bekaa valley.
today it is onions and her hands are too little for the gloves the adults around her where. i came here from home today can collect the onions but i would rather have toys to play with. three quarters of syrian refugees in lebanon live under the poverty line according to unicef an estimated one hundred eighty thousand syrian refugee children. have been forced into child labor in the country so a lot more to do i don't know when she goes to work and i stay at home of course i'm not happy with that she's just a small child and has to carry so much weight it could break her back that's hard for her. she should be at least thirteen or fourteen to do work like that. many refugee families in lebanon rely on their children to pay the bills and the resources of aid agencies are overstretched it's unlikely that some i will be able
to stop working and time soon. to mexico now where thousands of migrants from central america are stuck in the city of tijuana on the border with the u.s. conditions there are quickly deteriorating. after getting soaked the day before another night of heavy rain finally sealed the fate of the benito who want to shelter in downtown to one of. the six thousand plus migrants housed in the former sports complex did not stand a chance against the downpour. only the children still manage a gentle smile the adults are mourning their tense floating in ankle deep muddy water their clothes and other belongings trenched ruined for many a total loss. and the middle palling cemetery conditions to the city and mexican
federal officials finally decided to shut down the shelter. buses arrive and open their doors their promise to bring these people to a better safer place while interiors are not hard to find within hours nearly a thousand migrants are willing to make yet another journey i. taking with them the little they deemed worth of saving they arrive fia. a form of bus parking facility and concert venue about twenty kilometers from downtown and far away from the water. here the ground is concrete not smog that's better but the most important thing is to have a roof over our heads that protects us from the cold but it's the real reason the police have brought us here is that they don't want to close to the border now we need to spend one hundred pesos to get to the border for asylum type work we don't
have the money and it's going to take us all day to get there. meanwhile back at the shelter in downtown to the line for the buses even longer now more migrants seem to be willing to leave for the new shelter sooner rather than later a look inside the old place may reveal the reason you don't get more you know not. yet when i was a little girl she sings i knew only the beauty of funder us time passed by and i grew older i understood i should not love this land. the said strikes a nerve with many on this day as they continue to harbor their dreams of a future in a better place. home to some twenty million people life in nigeria. bustling commercial capital letters can be stressful especially if you're handicapped we need bus driver tires of your
doing this is his story. another typical day in the mind blowing chaos of traffic in lagos. for over fifteen years. has been driving one of the countless mini buses in the nigerian metropolis six years ago he was involved in an accident and lost his legs but that hasn't stopped him from driving. i think it is great that he walks despite his disability i am happy for him a lot of people in his position which is back down the board. he drives quite well better than some with two legs. driving without legs is possible thanks to a special apparatus brakes and gas are controlled by the hand but his driving eight does have a hefty price about six hundred euros abiodun managed to raise the money with
a lot of help from family and friends. is the man behind the driving route he contracted polio as a child and did not want to be dependent on his siblings so he invented the driving aid and then founded the company abiodun heard about the invention by pure coincidence. because it was everything. was a was. the flaws in a lot of sentence when he came here he was a bus driver drive a gain and i said no you can't drive again it's an issue i say yes and it wasn't me didn't believe me auntie we did the work on the day drove here he was like he just woke up from the day you know. that's a kind of. we encourage you. to date his company has
sold over four hundred driver assist routes plus wheelchairs and prostheses as well at one point zero company employed forty people but the economic crisis in nigeria forced him to lay off most of them many of the potential customers are not able to afford his products without support from the government. for us. to do. is no good. to know. what is good. reads. after ten hours on the job. calling it a day there are no looks of pity from his neighbors of approval his next goal is to save enough money and buy himself a new bus. in
russia life for people who have contracted hiv aids is far from easy prejudice is common and those suffering from the disease often face being stigmatized it's a long road to acceptance. among near one hundred one o'clock i don't like it when people point at me and say that i'm contagious on here the worst kinds of insults on the streets will restore pools last stop of the prisoners from grabbing vitale has been h.l.v. positif oil and yes. i want to let everyone know that hiv is not a death sentence where people just like everyone else. and have a child but above the only thing that makes me different are the four pills that i take every day to keep me from dying that was the relief. but these pills that
keep him from dying as a tonic also them are not a cure for a different problem but the stigmatization of people with h r v's. to fight the stigma vitale has come up with an unusual idea. he wants to confront people with his illness by publicly outing himself as h. he posted. a used. up post this huge stigma surrounding a hiv positive people in russia accounts from fear and now it's hard many still think that we can be transmitted by breathing the same air that h.l.v. people should just be rounded up denounced and sense away. to the mood to mars for us to just disappear out of view it's very hurtful when it. became. vitale wants to start his campaign in his home town your criterion boruc he knows
it could be dangerous his aim is to break down the barrier as it has existed between him and the build around him since he got his diagnosis. he's black artery it's i'm pose it if. me if you're not afraid. you're really not scared you know i'm a doctor with all the best to love me what shall we hark differently if you're not scared. why should i be thank you so much god simply give me your postings of course for north and see if a few more people hug me and i'm just going to cry i'm overwhelmed this makes me stronger and i'm beginning to realize that i didn't out myself for nothing you know you're not affiliated. even on a cold november evening is the reaction still vitaly milonov skinned his openness about his age of the status have been surprisingly warm however vitale knows it
will take many more activists like him before people with a child feel russia. and be sure that they will be treated with respect to the big play. eight million tonnes of flowers jumped into the jews in india to meet. to test the sunscreen time and. now a start of converts use flowers into charcoal and chemical free incense sticks and been able to smear some in p.k.g.s. of gold price designs from getting into the look. of the club. in england next to deal with the. european stars
deliver a rousing performance of. plain intoxicating mix of rockabilly jam. the us. from the irish thing out imelda may. look. double. play if you ever have to cover up a murder the best way is to make it look like an accident raring to. never read a book like this or. does the church missed. the streets. what's coming up for the book go to sleep so much movement to the police to get these. men

Related Keywords

Streets , Resources , Country , China , Investment , Supply , Eleases , Farmland , Ethiopia , Everyone , Government , Revenues , Profit Margins , Business , Plaintiffs Contribution The Environmental Destruction Starvation , Sewing , Use , Law , Ninth , Tw This Week On World Stories , Twenty , Refugees , Lebanon , Back , Russia , Many , Home , Story , Prejudice , Aid , Poverty , Activists , Drivers Seat , One Man , Nigeria , One , Morning , Bekaa Valley , Six , Work , Schools , Cold Water , Siblings , Face , Splash , Bed , Mother , Camp , Three , Child , Family , Ends , School Bus , Eye , Can Not , Adults , Crop , Harvest , Two , Two Dollars , Onions , Hands , Gloves , Refugee , Poverty Line , Toys , Quarters , Child Labor , Unicef , One Hundred Eighty Thousand , Lot , Course , Weight , Fourteen , Thirteen , Children , Some , Families , Bills , Aid Agencies , Migrants , Us , Border , City , Mexico , Thousands , Central America , Tijuana , Conditions , Heavy Rain , Downtown , Sports Complex , Downpour , Benito , Fate , Chance , Six Thousand , Clothes , Water , Palling Cemetery Conditions , Belongings , Total Loss , Smile , Tense , Ankle , People , Buses , Shelter , Place , Doors , Officials , Promise , Safer , Interiors , Saving , Form , Fia , Journeyi , A Thousand , Concrete , Thing , Ground , Smog , Concert Venue , Bus Parking Facility , Police , Reason , Heads , Asylum Type , Cold , Roof , One Hundred Pesos , One Hundred , Mo Ney , Line , Look , Land , Beauty , Funder , Nerve , Dreams , Little Girl , Bus Driver , Capital Letters , Tires , Bustling , Twenty Million , Traffic , Chaos , Mind , Lagos , Fifteen , Driving , Legs , Accidents , Metropolis , Hasn T , Position , Disability , Board , Price , Thanks , Hand , Brakes , Apparatus , Gas , Six Hundred , Six Hundred Euros , Eight , Man , Polio , Route , Friends , Help , Company , Driving Aid , Everything , Invention , Coincidence , Pure , Abiodun , Wasnt Me Didn T , Sentence , Flaws , Issue , Gain , Kind , Driver Assist Routes , Wheelchairs , Prostheses , Crisis , One Point Zero , Four Hundred , Forty , Zero , Most , Support , Customers , Products , Good , Job , Reads , Ten , Bus , Goal , Looks , Neighbors , Approval , Pity , Hiv Aids , Life , Suffering , Disease , Road , Acceptance , Hlv Positif , Hiv , Grabbing Vitale , Kinds , Prisoners , Insults , Pools , Death Sentence , Pills , Relief , Everyone Else , Four , Stigma Vitale , Cure , Stigmatization , Problem , Tonic , Idea , Hrv S , Stigma , Illness , Outing , Used , Fear , Air , Sense , Mood , Hiv Positive People , Mars , Campaign , View , Town , Criterion Boruc , Artery , Barrier , Aim , It , Build , Diagnosis , Al L , Best , Doctor , God , Postings , Vitaly Milonov , Openness , Nothing , Status , Age , Respect , Play , Flowers , Jews In India , Incense Sticks , Converts , Start , Eight Million , Stars , Designs , The Club , England , European , Performance , Rockabilly Jam , Mix , Irish , Imelda May , Double , Go To Sleep , Way , Or , Church , Accident Raring To , Murder , Movement , Amen To ,

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