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Travel off we go take off. Whats going on here . What is he doing . Who do they think they are . Good questions. You can find the answers here. All the games, all the goals. The point is legal highlights. On d, w ah, this week only well stories dirty gold in congo, portuguese sea horses in danger. We begin in ukraine. Officially, canada rob is leaving many chechens to fight for russia. But there is also a battalion fighting for the other side. Storming and building. This is a Training Session for new recruits to ukraines. Joe had to die of battalion, a chechen volunteer Group Fighting for ukraine. They often the very 1st to go into newly one territory. Of us our job is to storm and to clear the place you know after that the other groups come in and do their job. And because the bonus plays on that, margo as he calls himself, was born in chechnya, but grew up in europe. He has his always dreamed of fighting against russia. After putting the next crimea and installed proxies in the don bus, margaret moved to ukraine. He joined the battalion which bears the colors of chechen independence, and the name of its hero. Jo had to die. Warn us that this has been going on for generations yesterday. My father fought against russia and the 1st and 2nd judging wars in the 1990 as well. And i must continue this fight for the relative to what was the last month. The battalion was among the 1st to enter the tone of you as the chechen volunteers fight for ukraine. Many consider it part of their greater battle against russia. Look like in the morning. We want to go home again. We want to liberate our country. After ukraine, we will go home them the group is away from the, from the mall, waiting for new instruction was preparing to liter, chechens and ukrainian. Fighting a common course. Ah. In recent weeks, thousands of russians have gone abroad to escape the draft and the war in ukraine. Some fled to berlin via finland. Maria is not here, well name. She also doesnt want us to show her face. She worked as a doctor in moscow hospital. She and her husband, i was eligible for military service. They cannot imagine taking part in the war against ukraine, where they have relatives. They decided not to wait. Woodruff notices to arrive yet at the hotel. By from the moment you get a draft notice of leading would mean desert ingram and you most likely will be even allowed to cross the border where on either at the airport nor by car by so we decided we couldnt wait for draft notices. We have children, and we had to rescue every one. I somehow both headed for germany, not least because of the promises of german politicians to protect deserters and draft dodgers from russia. Yes. Because Alice Darnell Bullard bringing might 5th german. He said it would accept those who are fleeing mobilization. Well anyway, we have some friends here. Now who know the language has have and can help us. Not only as the as the form back i put in one with maggie, been up on watch. But getting political asylum in germany for people fleeing they dropped in russia is not an easy task. Says elian, as you gave up for berlin based and g, all the risk of being rejected is high. She and her colleagues, i have sent an open letter to German Authorities asking to ease the conditions for those who dont want to serve in the russian army. All my boys, him all we asked for simplification of obligation rules documented charin visa. So because now its a very complicated process and one can apply only after having proved and political persecution. And of course, we asked for simplified asylum for those who waiters hope alls to put into regina, go, it is rumored. But before the rules are ease, philip and maria are trying to find other ways of staying in germany. Like a blank for work or student visa. They say, going back to russia, is not an option for them. The gold mines in eastern congo exploit the suffering of many for the wealth of a few. A brutal cycle of greed involving miners and revel groups. This gold may gleam brightly, but it is stained red with blood. People likely died for this precious metal destined for the rich worlds finest juries. The democratic republic of the congo has some of the purest gold in the world. But experts say almost all of it smuggled out of the country illegally. That often means links to armed groups and human rights abuses. It all starts here in suffocating the hot tunnels that head up to 40 degrees celsius. Young man scrape out the gold bearing rock. There earn barely enough to survive on for fear of reprisals. This man wants to remain anonymous. When you go to work, he just pray to god because were feeling like its a death sentence. And on top of that, this mine is controlled by an armed group. The my, my yet tomba. According to a recent un report, the rebels demand what they call texas from each worker. It beat me up with an iron rod because i couldnt pay that tax. They threw me into a mud hole for days with no food. I was imprison there with 6 other people. He lost 10 kilograms. He says other minors tell us similar stories. They say that my my and never, far, even now theyre hiding further up the mountain because they were informed we were coming. This is the 1st time journalists have access. This mine the both the my, my younger timber and local government officials declined our interview requests. Its widely known that the rebels often Work Together with local authorities and even shap profits with them. But with the money they also finance, brutal attacks on an ethnic group who they see as their main enemy. The my, my claim the bunny lender dont belong to the d r c. So they burned down the villages, rape, and kill scores of people. Rebel control of the minds means conflict go. But thats not deterring this business man. The purity of the precious metal has convinced him soon he plans to open the 1st Gold Refinery in the country and export from d r. C to europe and america. At the moment we discussing a lot with the government, they will take all our to them while coming to work here. We will, they will try and trace how is going on, and maybe it will help. I hope it will help, but ensuring authenticity will be difficult. Traitors tell us, they fake certificates to hide the real origin of the gold. If then and who are i can only appeal for an end to the trade and blood. I can see why my, my says go to white people to buy weapons. That is why i sell the gold i live, you know, is i want to tell the people to stop buying from them, but they dont, well leave. That is the, it is a simple equation. As long as our groups can re profit from gold mining, they will keep earning the cash to kill ah, the horses on some of the seas most fascinating creatures. But in portugal their population is declining at an alarming rate. Due to over fishing along the coast, see horses have captivated the human imagination for thousands of years. And many cultures see them as mythical creatures. One person enthralled by these small animals is biologist george palmer. For the past 15 years, he had studied them here at the faro Marine Research station in southern portugal. Ah, i get really thats missing for this animal because theyre so different. So interesting. So this saturday when they were present so well there, i thought that become like a my role model for research. The station is located in ria formosa, a lagoon with designated protected zones for short and long snout at sea horses. This is an oasis. Scientists have discovered more specimens here than anywhere else. But the sea horses are currently under severe threat. As far as i know, the 1st, the researchers, they estimate the us, im more than 1200000 see or something going on. A few, c, 4 years ago there were estimating around 150000 quite a bit please. One problem is the fishing community, although its far from being the intention of Francisco Molina and his colleagues see horses keep getting caught in their nets. We bay and i at oh, they live in the sea. We on the and when the net gets close to the bottom and they get a tangled in, itll sit vega, another fisherman brew. We can say sal lives on an island in the lagoon. He loves the sea horses having grown up around them. He knows the areas where fishing is prohibited, but he also knows that there are those who dont respect the restrictions odd, it will be the method again on my protect its own, starts close to where we are now, and stretches all the way back. Farrah humphries, professional fishermen are not a problem. Ill go is just the ones were fishing illegally, or well use dragnet to sort of marsh the same horses with her last good a year by your google, the, through the mud. George, the biologist is looking for small shrimps for his see horse farm. To him, the issue is more nuanced. See horses becoming cart is understandable. A much graver problem is the destruction of the sensitive animals habitat by the fishing nets themselves. This has led him to search for alternatives and experiment with artificial seaweed. Together with his colleagues, he has already covered large patches in the lagoon and by the looks of it, the sea horses are warming up to the new material. Theories of go there, love it in an artificial thing. Its good for the story and then becomes natural because all other animals are colonized this artificial fructose and made and thats why we thought out of 100 official, one. If the animals by some means live old folk that does happen, the use appeared from here that can be a major blow for the general conservation of the species. But now we are seeing some increase. So there is hope for the future. Its a glimmer of hope for a species that keeps captivating the imagination of humans, but its now threatened by their very actions almost everywhere in the world. Not only in their oasis and the ria formosa lagoon. Ah, did you know that 77 percent of buffy kind a younger than 13 high. Thats me and me and you know what . Its time all voices. What high people on the 77 percent we talk about the issues with this is with the 70 percent next on d. W eco, africa. They are real specialists in soil care. But you should avoid using insecticides. An initiative in uganda is teaching farmers about sustainable agriculture. Mm. Fertilizer is fine, but make sure its organic. Being environmentally friendly. Can be business friendly. Speaker africa in 60 minutes on dw, ah, what people have to say matters to us, but i am. Thats why we listened to their stories. Reporter every weekend upon d w. Its great to be back for a another edition of your favorite magazine show. This is the 77 percent the platform for africas hugh i. Im eddie mike, a junior hello and welcome to the program. Today show us quite special to me. Its all a

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